path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/media9/players/SlideShow.mxml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/media9/players/SlideShow.mxml')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/media9/players/SlideShow.mxml b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/media9/players/SlideShow.mxml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d7087bbc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/media9/players/SlideShow.mxml
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- -->
+<!-- Apache Flex 4 source file of SlideShow.swf, -->
+<!-- a FlashPlayer-10 compatible component for -->
+<!-- JPEG/PNG/GIF slideshows. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- version 20150511 -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- The free Apache Flex 4 SDK is required to compile -->
+<!-- this file. Get it from -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- and run -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries SlideShow.mxml -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- on the command line. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2015-today Alexander Grahn -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the -->
+<!-- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either -->
+<!-- version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later -->
+<!-- version. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- The latest version of this license is in -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of -->
+<!-- LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- The current maintainer of this work is A. Grahn. -->
+<!-- -->
+<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
+ xmlns:s="library://"
+ xmlns:mx="library://"
+ preinitialize="initialise(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters);"
+ applicationComplete="initApp();"
+ backgroundAlpha="0"
+ <fx:Script>
+ <![CDATA[
+ import mx.managers.CursorManager;
+ private var slideshowXML:XML;
+ private var setXMLDone:Boolean;
+ private var isEnabled:Boolean=true;
+ private function setXML(s:String):void {
+ var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
+ loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onURLLoaderComplete);
+ loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onAnyError);
+ loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onAnyError);
+ isEnabled=false;
+ slideshowXML=null;
+ setXMLDone=false;
+ isIOError=true;
+ CursorManager.setBusyCursor();
+ timeoutTimer.start();
+ loader.load(new URLRequest(s));
+ }
+ private function onURLLoaderComplete(event:Event):void
+ {
+ CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
+ isEnabled=true;
+ var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
+ if (loader != null)
+ {
+ slideshowXML = new XML(;
+ setXMLDone=true;
+ seek(0);
+ if(autoPlay) play();
+ }
+ }
+ import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
+ [Bindable] private var delay:Number=5;
+ [Bindable] private var autoPlay:Boolean=false;
+ private var xmlfile:String;
+ private function initialise(flashVars:Object):void {
+ xmlfile=flashVars.xml;
+ if(flashVars.delay){delay=flashVars.delay}
+ if(flashVars.autoPlay=='true'){autoPlay=true}
+ }
+ private var reloadTimer:Timer = null;
+ private var playTimer:Timer = null;
+ private var timeoutTimer:Timer;
+ private var curFile:String;
+ private var idx:Number=0;
+ [Bindable] private var src1:String;
+ [Bindable] private var src2:String;
+ private var rotations:Object;
+ private function rotate(n:Number=1):void {
+ if(Img1.visible){
+ n==0 ? Img1.rotation=0 : Img1.rotation+=90*Math.floor(n);
+ Img1.rotation%=360;
+ rotations[slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString()]=Img1.rotation/90;
+ } else {
+ n==0 ? Img2.rotation=0 : Img2.rotation+=90*Math.floor(n);
+ Img2.rotation%=360;
+ rotations[slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString()]=Img2.rotation/90;
+ }
+ }
+ private var forcedByUsr:Boolean;
+ private function setImgSrc():void {
+ if(reloadTimer && reloadTimer.hasEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER)){
+ reloadTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadImg);
+ reloadTimer=null;
+ }
+ if(setXMLDone && slideshowXML && (isEnabled||forcedByUsr)){
+ isEnabled=false;
+ forcedByUsr=false;
+ CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
+ CursorManager.setBusyCursor();
+ timeoutTimer.start();
+ isIOError=true;
+ curFile=slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString();
+ if(Img1.visible) {
+ src2=null; src2=curFile;
+ } else {
+ src1=null; src1=curFile;
+ }
+ }
+ if(slideshowXML.Img[idx].attribute('live')>0){
+ reloadTimer=new Timer(slideshowXML.Img[idx].attribute('live')*1000,1);
+ reloadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadImg);
+ reloadTimer.start();
+ }
+ }
+ private var isReload:Boolean;
+ private function reloadImg(e:TimerEvent):void {
+ isReload=true; setImgSrc();
+ }
+ private var isPlaying:Boolean=false;
+ private function playPause():void {
+ if(isPlaying) pause(); else play();
+ }
+ private function play():void {
+ if(!isPlaying && slideshowXML.Img.length()>1) {
+ if(!playTimer){
+ playTimer=new Timer(delay*1000, 0);
+ playTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextSlide);
+ }
+ isPlaying=true;
+ playTimer.start();
+ }
+ }
+ private function pause():void {
+ if(isPlaying) {
+ isPlaying=false;
+ playTimer.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ private function nextSlide(e:Event=null):void {
+ if(!isEnabled && !forcedByUsr) return;
+ if(isPlaying) playTimer.stop();
+ var evnt:MouseEvent = e as MouseEvent;
+ if(evnt && evnt.type=="mouseUp" && evnt.shiftKey) {
+ prevSlide();
+ } else {
+ idx++;
+ if(idx==slideshowXML.Img.length()) idx=0;
+ isReload=false;
+ setImgSrc();
+ }
+ }
+ private function prevSlide(e:MouseEvent=null):void {
+ if(!isEnabled && !forcedByUsr) return;
+ if(isPlaying) playTimer.stop();
+ idx--;
+ if(idx<0) idx=slideshowXML.Img.length()-1;
+ isReload=false;
+ setImgSrc();
+ }
+ private function seek(i:Number):void {
+ if(!isEnabled && !forcedByUsr) return;
+ if(isPlaying) playTimer.stop();
+ if(i<0 || i>=slideshowXML.Img.length())
+ idx=slideshowXML.Img.length()-1;
+ else
+ idx=Math.floor(i);
+ isReload=false;
+ setImgSrc();
+ }
+ private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
+ forcedByUsr=true;
+ switch(e.keyCode) {
+ case 32: //space bar
+ playPause();
+ break;
+ case 36: //home
+ if(isPlaying) pause();
+ seek(0);
+ break;
+ case 35: //end
+ if(isPlaying) pause();
+ seek(-1);
+ break;
+ case 37: //<--
+ prevSlide();
+ break;
+ case 39: //-->
+ nextSlide();
+ break;
+ case 82: //`r'
+ e.shiftKey ? rotate(-1) : rotate();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private function slideNum():Number {return idx;}
+ private function numSlides():Number {return slideshowXML.Img.length();}
+ private function playing():Boolean {return isPlaying;}
+ private function initApp():void {
+ this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("setXML", setXML);
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("play",
+ function():void{forcedByUsr=true;play();});
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("pause",
+ function():void{forcedByUsr=true;pause();});
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("playPause",
+ function():void{forcedByUsr=true;playPause();});
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("seek",
+ function(i:Number):void{forcedByUsr=true;seek(i);});
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("slideNum", slideNum);
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("numSlides", numSlides);
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("playing", playing);
+ ExternalInterface.addCallback("rotate", rotate);
+ var itemNextSlide:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("Next Slide, [\u2192]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemNextSlide);
+ itemNextSlide.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{forcedByUsr=true;nextSlide();});
+ var itemPrevSlide:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("Previous Slide, [\u2190]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemPrevSlide);
+ itemPrevSlide.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{forcedByUsr=true;prevSlide();});
+ var itemPlayPause:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("N.N.");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemPlayPause);
+ itemPlayPause.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{forcedByUsr=true;playPause();});
+ var itemFirstSlide:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("First Slide, [Home]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemFirstSlide);
+ itemFirstSlide.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{
+ forcedByUsr=true;if(isPlaying) pause();seek(0);});
+ var itemLastSlide:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("Last Slide, [End]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemLastSlide);
+ itemLastSlide.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{
+ forcedByUsr=true;if(isPlaying) pause();seek(-1);});
+ var itemRotRight:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("Rotate Right, [r]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemRotRight);
+ itemRotRight.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{forcedByUsr=true;rotate();});
+ var itemRotLeft:ContextMenuItem =
+ new ContextMenuItem("Rotate Left, [\u21e7]+[r]");
+ this.contextMenu.customItems.push(itemRotLeft);
+ itemRotLeft.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{forcedByUsr=true;rotate(-1);});
+ this.contextMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT,
+ function(e:ContextMenuEvent):void{
+ itemPlayPause.caption=(isPlaying ? "Pause" : "Play")+", [Space]";
+ itemPlayPause.visible=itemNextSlide.visible=itemPrevSlide.visible=
+ itemFirstSlide.visible=itemLastSlide.visible=false;
+ if(slideshowXML.Img.length()>1){
+ itemPlayPause.visible=itemNextSlide.visible=itemPrevSlide.visible=
+ itemFirstSlide.visible=itemLastSlide.visible=true;
+ }
+ });
+ rotations=new Object();
+ timeoutTimer=new Timer(30000, 1);
+ timeoutTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onAnyError);
+ curFile=xmlfile; setXML(xmlfile);
+ }
+ private var isIOError:Boolean;
+ private function onAnyError(e:Event):void {
+ if(e.type!=IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR || setXMLDone==false){
+ isIOError=false;
+ setXMLDone=true;
+ if(Img1.visible){
+ src2=null; src2="/dev/null"
+ }else{
+ src1=null; src1="/dev/null"
+ }
+ caption.text=e.type+': '+curFile;
+ if(caption.text==TimerEvent.TIMER)
+ caption.text="timeout after 30 s: "+curFile;
+ CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
+ }else{
+ if(isIOError) caption.text=e.type+': '+curFile;
+ onImgDone(e);
+ }
+ caption.visible=true;
+ if(reloadTimer && reloadTimer.hasEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER)){
+ reloadTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadImg);
+ reloadTimer=null; isReload=false;
+ }
+ }
+ private function onImgDone(e:Event):void {
+ timeoutTimer.reset();
+ if({
+ Img1.visible=true;Img2.visible=false;
+ } else {
+ Img2.visible=true;Img1.visible=false;
+ }
+ if(slideshowXML.Img.length()>1){
+ slideNo.text=String(idx+1)+"/"+slideshowXML.Img.length().toString();
+ slideNo.visible=slideNo.includeInLayout=true;
+ } else {
+ slideNo.visible=slideNo.includeInLayout=false;
+ }
+ var curRot:Number=0;
+ if (rotations.hasOwnProperty(slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString()))
+ curRot=rotations[slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString()];
+ else
+ curRot=Number(slideshowXML.Img[idx].attribute('rot90'));
+ rotate(0);
+ if(e.type==FlexEvent.READY) {
+ rotate(curRot);
+ if(slideshowXML.Img[idx].caption.toString()!=""){
+ caption.text=slideshowXML.Img[idx].caption.toString();
+ caption.visible=true;
+ } else {
+ caption.text="";
+ caption.visible=false;
+ }
+ if(!isReload);
+ if(slideshowXML.Img[idx].attribute('live')>0)
+ cache.removeCacheEntry(slideshowXML.Img[idx].URL.toString());
+ }
+ CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
+ isEnabled=true;
+ if(isPlaying && !playTimer.running) playTimer.start();
+ }
+ ]]>
+ </fx:Script>
+ <fx:Declarations>
+ <s:Animate id="anim" target="{grpCaption}">
+ <s:motionPaths>
+ <s:SimpleMotionPath property="bottom"
+ valueFrom="{-grpCaption.height}" valueTo="0"/>
+ </s:motionPaths>
+ </s:Animate>
+ <s:ContentCache id="cache"/>
+ </fx:Declarations>
+ <s:Image id="Img1" source="{src1}" visible="false"
+ width="100%" height="100%"
+ horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
+ contentLoader="{cache}"
+ ready="onImgDone(event)"
+ ioError="onAnyError(event)"
+ securityError="onAnyError(event)"
+ smooth="true"
+ />
+ <s:Image id="Img2" source="{src2}" visible="true"
+ width="100%" height="100%"
+ horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
+ contentLoader="{cache}"
+ ready="onImgDone(event)"
+ ioError="onAnyError(event)"
+ securityError="onAnyError(event)"
+ smooth="true"
+ />
+ <s:Group id="grpCaption" width="100%" bottom="{-grpCaption.height}">
+ <s:Label id="caption" left="0" bottom="0" visible="false"
+ paddingLeft="2" paddingBottom="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="4"
+ backgroundColor="0xdddddd" backgroundAlpha="0.7"
+ maxWidth="{grpCaption.width-slideNo.width}"
+ maxDisplayedLines="{-1}" lineBreak="toFit"
+ />
+ <s:Label id="slideNo" right="0" bottom="0" visible="false"
+ paddingLeft="2" paddingBottom="2" paddingRight="2" paddingTop="4"
+ backgroundColor="0xdddddd" backgroundAlpha="0.7"
+ />
+ </s:Group>
+ <s:Button alpha="0" width="100%" height="100%"
+ mouseUp="forcedByUsr=true;nextSlide(event);"
+ mouseOver=";"
+ mouseOut="if(anim.isPlaying) anim.reverse(); else,true);"
+ />