path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/lineno/fnlineno.tex
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+\ProvidesFile{fnlineno.tex}[2011/02/14 documenting fnlineno.sty (UL)]
+\title{\textsf{fnlineno.sty}\\---\\Numbering Footnote Lines\thanks{This
+ document %%% manual %% 2010/12/28
+ describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{fnlineno.sty}}
+ of \textsf{fnlineno.sty} as of \UseDateOf{fnlineno.sty}.}}
+% \listfiles %% 2010/12/22
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}[2010/12/20] \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ \MakeJobDoc{19}{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput} %% 2010/12/16
+\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+\newcommand*{\lt}{<} \newcommand*{\gt}{>} %% 2010/12/22
+\providecommand*{\strong}{\textbf} %% 2010/12/15
+% \hypersetup{bookmarksopen} %% rm. 2010/12/21, cf. .cfg
+%% 2010/12/21: %% 2010/12/26 not sure, splits code
+% \makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@highpenalty \makeatother
+%% 2010/12/27:
+\makeatletter \@beginparpenalty\@lowpenalty \makeatother
+'fnlineno.sty' extends
+% Stephan~I. B\"ottcher's
+(created by Stephan~I. B\"ottcher)
+such that even
+`\footnote' %% `\' 2010/12/09
+lines are numbered and can be referred to
+using `\linelabel', `\ref', etc.
+%% rm. 2011/02/09:
+% Version v0.5 aims at working as a user expects
+% (just cf.~``Limitations"), otherwise please complain!
+Making the package was motivated as support for
+\emph{critical editions}
+% of scientific work from an age when footnotes
+% were a standard in publishing in print,
+%% <- 2011/02/09 ->
+of \emph{printed works with footnotes}
+as opposed to scholarly critical editions of \emph{manuscripts.}
+For this purpose, an extension 'edfnotes' of the \ctanpkgref{ednotes}
+package for critical editions, building on 'fnlineno', is provided
+by the \textit{ednotes} bundle.\urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{ednotes}
+'lineno.sty' has also been used for the revision process
+of \emph{submissions.}
+With 'fnlineno.sty', reference to footnotes
+in the submitted work may become possible.
+%% rm. 2011/02/09:
+% Another standalone package 'finstrut' is described.
+As to \emph{implementation:} %% 2011/02/14
+1.~Some included tools for
+\emph{storing and restoring global settings}
+may be ``exported" as standalone packages later.
+2.~The method of typesetting footnotes on the main vertical list
+may later lead to applying the line numbering method to
+several \emph{parallel} texts (with footnotes) and to
+`inner' material such as table cells.
+%% <- 2011/02/14 ->
+% \dots
+%% new 2011/02/09:
+ \smallskip\noindent
+\strong{Keywords:}\quad line numbers; footnotes, pagewise,
+critical editions, revision
+% \newpage %% rm. 2011/02/09
+\section{Usage and Features}
+\subsection{Package File Header (Legalize)}
+2010/12/08 for v0.1 very first
+2010/12/09 for v0.2 moved much to .sty
+2010/12/15 for v0.4 \strong
+2010/12/16 \SectionLevelThree...
+2010/12/22ff. beginparpenalty varied
+2010/12/28 for v0.5 abstract extended
+2011/02/09 removing `finstrut'; mention `edfnotes'
+2011/02/10 using \urlpkgfoot etc.
+2011/02/14 abstract modified