path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/l3experimental/xcoffins/xcoffins-tschichold-example.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/l3experimental/xcoffins/xcoffins-tschichold-example.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/l3experimental/xcoffins/xcoffins-tschichold-example.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/l3experimental/xcoffins/xcoffins-tschichold-example.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 343c9d7e29f..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/l3experimental/xcoffins/xcoffins-tschichold-example.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- \NewCoffin \result
- \NewCoffin \aaa
- \NewCoffin \bbb
- \NewCoffin \ccc
- \NewCoffin \ddd
- \NewCoffin \eee
- \NewCoffin \fff
- \NewCoffin \rulei
- \NewCoffin \ruleii
- \NewCoffin \ruleiii
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \result {}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \aaa {\fontsize{52}{50}\sffamily\bfseries mitteilungen}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \bbb {\fontsize{52}{50}\sffamily\bfseries typographische}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ccc {\fontsize{12}{10}\sffamily
- \quad zeitschrift des bildungsverbandes der
- deutschen buchdrucker leipzig
- \textbullet{} oktoberheft 1925}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ddd {\fontsize{28}{20}\sffamily sonderheft}
-\SetVerticalCoffin \eee {180pt}
- {\raggedleft\fontsize{31}{36}\sffamily\bfseries
- elementare\\
- typographie}
-\SetVerticalCoffin \fff {140pt}
- {\raggedright \fontsize{13}{14}\sffamily\bfseries
- natan altman \\
- otto baumberger \\
- herbert mayer \\
- max burchartz \\
- el lissitzky \\
- ladislaus moholy-nagy \\
- moln\'ar f.~farkas \\
- johannes molzahn \\
- kurt schwitters \\
- mart stam \\
- ivan tschichold}
-\RotateCoffin \bbb {90}
-\RotateCoffin \ccc {270}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \rulei {\color{red}\rule{6.5in}{1pc}}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleii {\color{red}\rule{1pc}{23.5cm}}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleiii{\color{black}\rule{10pt}{152pt}}
-\JoinCoffins \result \aaa
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-t,\aaa-r] \rulei [b,r](0pt,2mm)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-b,\aaa-l] \bbb [B,r](2pt,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-t,\bbb-r] \ruleii [t,r](-2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-B,\aaa-r] \ccc [B,l](66pt,14pc)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-l,\ccc-B] \fff [t,r](-2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\fff-b,\fff-r] \ruleiii [b,l](2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\ccc-r,\fff-l] \eee [B,r]
-\JoinCoffins \result[\eee-T,\eee-r] \ddd [B,r](0pt,4pc)
- {\Large Title page of ``elementare typographie'' by Ivan Tschichold\par}
- 1. first the scanned original from 1925
- 2. then the recreated \TeX{} version from 2010 using coffins---not
- attempting\\ to match the fonts and size but the structure
- 3. and finally the source code used.
- This document uses the new
- implementation by Joseph in \texttt{l3coffins-new}.
- \null
- \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=.95]{elementare-typographie-title.jpg}}
-\TypesetCoffin \result
- {\Large Code used: \par}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \aaa {\fontsize{52}{50}\sffamily\bfseries mitteilungen}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \bbb {\fontsize{52}{50}\sffamily\bfseries typographische}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ccc {\fontsize{12}{10}\sffamily
- \quad zeitschrift des bildungsverbandes der
- deutschen buchdrucker leipzig
- \textbullet{} oktoberheft 1925}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ddd {\fontsize{28}{20}\sffamily sonderheft}
-\SetVerticalCoffin \eee {180pt}
- {\raggedleft\fontsize{31}{36}\sffamily\bfseries
- elementare\\
- typographie}
-\SetVerticalCoffin \fff {140pt}
- {\raggedright \fontsize{13}{14}\sffamily\bfseries
- natan altman \\
- otto baumberger \\
- herbert mayer \\
- max burchartz \\
- el lissitzky \\
- ladislaus moholy-nagy \\
- moln\'ar f.~farkas \\
- jahannes molzahn \\
- kurt schwitters \\
- mart stam \\
- ivan tschichold}
-\RotateCoffin \bbb {90}
-\RotateCoffin \ccc {270}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \rulei {\color{red}\rule{6.5in}{1pc}}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleii {\color{red}\rule{1pc}{23.5cm}}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \ruleiii{\color{black}\rule{10pt}{152pt}}
-\JoinCoffins \result \aaa
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-t,\aaa-r] \rulei [b,r](0pt,2mm)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-b,\aaa-l] \bbb [B,r](2pt,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-t,\bbb-r] \ruleii [t,r](-2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\aaa-B,\aaa-r] \ccc [B,l](66pt,14pc)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\bbb-l,\ccc-B] \fff [t,r](-2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\fff-b,\fff-r] \ruleiii [b,l](2mm,0pt)
-\JoinCoffins \result[\ccc-r,\fff-l] \eee [B,r]
-\JoinCoffins \result[\eee-T,\eee-r] \ddd [B,r](0pt,4pc)
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \aaa {\fontsize{52}{50}\sffamily\bfseries
- mitteilungen}
-\SetHorizontalCoffin \bbb {\fontsize{52}{50}\rotatebox{90}{\sffamily\bfseries
- typographische}}
-\TypesetCoffin \result
-This is not necessarily the final syntax but for now it does its job. For
-example, flexible support for adding ornaments (lines, \ldots) is still
-missing, so above the rules got added as predefined individual coffins.