path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/scrguide/scrguide.dbj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/scrguide/scrguide.dbj')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/scrguide/scrguide.dbj b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/scrguide/scrguide.dbj
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/scrguide/scrguide.dbj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-%% Driver file to produce scrguide.bst from merlin.mbs
-%% Generated with makebst, version 3.2 (1999/02/24)
-%% Produced on 2001/03/22 at 14:46
-\input docstrip
-*** This file was made for creating KOMA-Script scrguide bibliography ***
-End of customized bst file
- head,\MBopta}
- exlang%: External language file
-% ,cite%: Cite key
-% ,alfph,alf-f%: Alpha style, Jones90
-% ,alph,alf-1%: Alpha style, Jon90
- ,alph%: Alpha style, Jon90 or JWB90
-% ,ay%: Author-year
-% %(def) Numerical
-% ,html,htdes%: Hypertext with keys
-% ,html,htlist%: Hypertext list
-% ,html%: Hypertext
- %: (def) Normal LaTeX
-% ,lang%: Add language field
- %: (def) No language field
-% ,annote%: Annotations
- %: (def) No annotations
- ,vonx%: Sort without von part
-% %(def) Sort on von part
-% ,nm-revv1%: First name reversed, with full names
-% ,nm-rev1%: Only first name reversed, initials
-% ,nm-rvv%: Surname + spaceless initials
-% ,nm-rvx%: Surname + pure initials
-% ,nm-rv%: Surname + dotless initials
-% ,nm-rev%: Surname + initials
-% ,nm-init,ed-au%: Initials + surname
-% ,nm-revf%: Full, surname first
- ,ed-au%: Full, surname last
-% ,aunm-sl%: Names separated by slash
-% ,aunm-semi%: Names separated by semi-colon
- %: (def) Author names separated by commas
-% ,nmdash%: Repeated author/editor names replaced by dash
- %: (def) Author/editor names always present
- ,nmlm%: Limited authors
-% %(def) All authors
- ,x2%: Maximum of 2 authors
- ,m2%: Minimum of 2 authors
-% ,nmft,nmft-def%: User defined author font
-% ,nmft,nmft-bf%: Bold authors
-% ,nmft,nmft-it%: Italic authors
- ,nmft,nmft-sc%: Small caps authors
-% %(def) Normal font for author names
-% ,fnm-def%: First names in user defined font
-% ,fnm-rm%: First names in normal font
- %: (def) First names same font as surnames
- ,nmfted%: Editors incollection like authors
-% %(def) Editors incollection normal font
- ,nmand-rm%: `And' in normal font
-% %(def) `And' in author font
-% ,dt-end%: Date at very end
- ,dt-jnl%: Date part of journal spec.
-% ,dt-beg%: Date after authors
-% %(def) Date at end
-% ,yr-blk%: Date preceded by space
-% ,yr-com%: Date preceded by comma
-% ,yr-per%: Date preceded by period
-% ,yr-col%: Date preceded by colon
-% ,yr-brk%: Date in brackets
-% ,yr-par%: Date in parentheses
- %: (def) Plain month and year
-% ,xmth%: Date is year only
- %: (def) Date is month and year
-% ,dtrev%: Date as year month
- %: (def) Date as month year
-% ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date
-% ,yrp-per%: Period after date
-% ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date
-% ,yrp-col%: Colon after date
- %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation
-% ,yrpp-xsp%: No space after date
- %: (def) Space after date
-% ,dtbf%: Date in bold face
- %: (def) Date in normal font
-% ,tit-qq,qt-g,qx%: Title in guillemets
-% ,tit-qq,qx%: Title in double quotes
-% ,tit-qq,qt-s,qx%: Title in single quotes
-% ,tit-qq,qt-g%: Title and punctuation in guillemets
-% ,tit-qq%: Title and punctuation in double quotes
-% ,tit-qq,qt-s%: Title and punctuation in single quotes
- ,tit-it%: Title italic
-% %(def) Title plain
- ,atit-u%: Title style
-% %(def) Sentence style
-% ,jtit-x%: No article title
- %: (def) Article title present
-% ,jxper%: Dotless journal names
- %: (def) Periods in journal names
-% ,jttl-rm%: Journal title normal
- %: (def) Journal title italics
-% ,thtit-a%: Thesis title like article
- %: (def) Thesis titles like books
- ,trtit-b%: Tech. report title like books
-% %(def) Tech. report title like articles
-% ,trnum-it%: Tech. report and number italic
- %: (def) Tech. report and number plain
-% ,vol-2bf%: Volume and number bold
-% ,vol-bf%: Volume bold
-% ,vol-it%: Volume italic
- %: (def) Volume plain
-% ,vnum-x%: Journal vol, without number
-% ,vnum-b%: Journal vol number
-% ,vnum-h%: Journal vol, \# number
-% ,vnum-nr%: Journal vol, no. num
-% ,vnum-cm%: Journal vol, num
-% ,vnum-sp%: Journal vol (num)
- %: (def) Journal vol(num)
-% ,volp-blk%: Volume with blank
-% ,volp-com%: Volume with comma
-% ,volp-semi%: Volume with semi-colon
- ,volp-sp%: Volume with colon and space
-% %(def) Volume with colon
-% ,jdt-pc%: Year, comma, pages
-% ,jdt-p%: Year with pages
- ,jdt-vs%: Journal vol (year)
-% ,jdt-v%: Journal vol(year)
-% %(def) Journal year like others
-% ,jpg-1%: Only start page number
- %: (def) Start and stop page numbers
-% ,pgsep-p%: Period inserted over 9999
- ,pgsep-s%: Thin space inserted over 9999
-% ,pgsep-c%: Comma inserted over 9999
-% %(def) No separators for large page numbers
- ,jwdpg%: Include `page' in articles
-% %(def) Article pages numbers only
-% ,pp-last%: Pages at end
- %: (def) Pages given mid text
- ,jwdvol%: Include `volume' in articles
-% %(def) Article volume as number only
-% ,num-xser%: Allows number without series
- %: (def) Standard BibTeX
-% ,numser%: Just before publisher
- %: (def) After chapter and pages
-% ,jnm-x%: Space after journal
- %: (def) Comma after journal
-% ,btit-rm,bt-rm%: Book title plain
- %: (def) Book title italic
-% ,bkpg-x%: Pages in book bare
-% ,bkpg-par%: Pages in book in parentheses
- %: (def) Pages in book plain
-% ,pg-bk%: For book: 345 pages
- %: (def) Total book pages not printed
-% ,add-pub%: Address: Publisher
- %: (def) Publisher, address
-% ,pub-date,pub-xpar,pub-xc%: Publisher and date, no parentheses, no comma
-% ,pub-date,pub-xpar%: Publisher and date without parentheses
-% ,pub-date,pub-xc%: Publisher and date in parentheses, no comma
-% ,pub-date%: Publisher and date in parentheses
-% ,pub-par%: Publisher in parentheses
- %: (def) Publisher as normal block
-% ,pre-edn%: Publisher after edition
-% ,pre-pub%: Publisher before chapter, pages
- %: (def) Publisher after chapter, pages
-% %(def) No ISBN
- ,isbn%: Include ISBN
-% %(def) No ISSN
- ,issn%: Include ISSN
-% ,url,url-nl%: URL on new line
-% ,url,url-nt%: URL as note
-% ,url,url-blk%: Include URL
- ,url,url-nl%: (def) URL on new line
-% ,edparc,bkedcap%: `Name, (Editor)'
-% ,edparc%: `Name, (editor)'
- ,edpar,bkedcap%: `Name (Editor),'
-% ,edpar%: `Name (editor),'
-% %(def) Word `editor' after name
-% ,edby-par,edbyy%: Booktitle (.., editor)
-% ,edby,edbyy%: Booktitle, .., editor
-% ,edby-parc,edbyx%: Booktitle, (editor..)
-% ,edby-par,edbyx%: Booktitle (editor..)
-% ,edby,edbyw%: Booktitle, (editor) ..
-% ,edby,edbyx%: Booktitle, editor ..
-% ,edby-parc%: Booktitle, (edited by ..)
-% ,edby-par%: Booktitle (edited by ..)
-% ,edby%: Booktitle, edited by ..
- %: (def) .., editor, booktitle
-% ,blk-tita%: Period after titles of articles
-% ,blk-tit%: Period after titles of articles, books, etc
-% ,blk-com,com-blank%: Blanks between blocks
-% ,blk-com,com-semi%: Semi-colon between blocks
- ,blk-com%: Comma between blocks
-% %(def) \newblock after blocks
-% ,blknt%: Notes preceded by period
- %: (def) Notes have regular punctuation
- ,au-col%: Author block with colon
-% %: (def) Author block normal
-% ,in-x%: No word `in'
-% ,in-col%: Colon after `in'
- %: (def) Space after `in'
-% ,injnl%: Add `in' before journal name
- %: (def) No `in' before journal name
-% ,fin-bare%: No period at end
- %: (def) Period at very end
- ,german%: German language
-% ,pp%: `Seite' abbreviated
- %: (def) `Seite(n)'
-% ,ed%: `Herausgeber' abbreviated
- %: (def) `Herausgeber'
-% ,abr%: Abbreviations
- %: (def) No abbreviations
- ,ord%: Numerical editions
-% %(def) Write out editions
-% ,xedn%: Editions as in database
- %: (def) PhD as `Dissertation'
-% ,ger-phd%: PhD as `Doktorarbeit
-% ,jabr%: Abbreviated journal names
- %: (def) Full journal names
-% ,varand%: Use \BIBand
-% ,amper%: Use ampersand
- %: (def) Use word `and'
-% ,and-com%: Comma even with 2 authors
- ,and-xcom%: No comma before `and'
-% %(def) Comma before `and'
-% ,xand%: No `and'
- %: (def) With `and'
- ,etal-rm%: Roman et al
-% ,etal-it%: Italic et al
-% %(def) Plain et al
-% ,em-ul%: Underlining
-% ,em-x%: No italics
-% ,em-it%: Use true italics
- %: (def) Use emphasis
- ,nfss%: NFSS
-% %(def) No NFSS
- }}