path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc/plength.dtx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc/plength.dtx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1323 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc/plength.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc/plength.dtx
deleted file mode 100644
index 556f1ff4634..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/doc/plength.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1323 +0,0 @@
-% \CheckSum{0}
-% \iffalse
-% ======================================================================
-% plength.dtx
-% Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2019
-% This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle.
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-% the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
-% The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.
-% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
-% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% plength.dtx
-% Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2019
-% Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz,
-% Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden.
-% Die neuste Version dieser Lizenz ist
-% und Version 1.3c ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX
-% Version 2005/12/01 oder spaeter und dieses Werks.
-% Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status "author-maintained"
-% (allein durch den Autor verwaltet).
-% Der Aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Markus Kohm.
-% Dieses Werk besteht aus den in manifest.txt aufgefuehrten Dateien.
-% ======================================================================
-% Generation of plength figures at scrlttr2 chapter of the KOMA-Script guide
-% Maintained by Markus Kohm
-% Original source by Stephan Hennig
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Erzeugung der plength Abbildungen im scrlttr2-Kapitel der
-% KOMA-Script-Anleitung
-% Verwaltet von Markus Kohm
-% Originalquellen von Stephan Hennig
-% ============================================================================
-\input docstrip.tex
- \file{plength.drv}{\from{plength.dtx}{driver}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{main,DIN,length,terms,\languagename}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{main,DIN,variables,\languagename}}%
-% Ebenfalls enthalten, derzeit aber nicht verwendet:
-% \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{main,SN,length,\languagename}}%
-% \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{main,SN,variables,\languagename}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{include}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{tex}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{tex,terms}}%
- \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{DIN,values}}%
-% Ebenfalls enthalten, derzeit aber nicht verwendet:
-% \file{}{\from{plength.dtx}{SN,values}}%
-\csname endinput\endcsname
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesFile{plength.drv}[2014/02/28 plength MetaPost graphics]
- \DocInput{plength.dtx}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \fi
-% \title{MetaPost-Grafiken für das Briefkapitel}
-% \author{Stephan Hennig und Markus Kohm}
-% \date{2010-02-09}
-% \maketitle
-% Es werden diverse Dateien erzeugt: \texttt{},
-% \texttt{}, \texttt{}, \texttt{}, \dots Diese
-% mit
-% \begin{flushleft}
-% \texttt{mpost --tex=latex} \meta{mp-file}
-% \end{flushleft}
-% bearbeitet ergibt \texttt{1}-Dateien. Diese können als EPS-Dateien
-% geladen werden. Es kann aber auch mit
-% \begin{flushleft}
-% \texttt{mptopdf} \meta{1-Datei}
-% \end{flushleft}
-% eine PDF-Datei erzeugt werden.
-% Anpassungen werden ausschließlich in der \texttt{dtx}-Datei vorgenommen!
-% Wesentlich ist dabei der Abschnitt \texttt{main}.
-% \section{Der Abschnitt \texttt{main}}
-% Diese Abschnitt erzeugt die Haupttreiberdateien, die dann mit \texttt{mpost}
-% bearbeitet werden.
-% Hinweise zu den Variablen:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item \texttt{input pllcoDIN} oder \texttt{input pllcoSN}\hfill\\
-% legt fest, ob die Maße für Briefe nach DIN oder SN
-% geladen werden. Damit kann gewählt werden, welches Layout
-% verdeutlicht werden soll. Sollen die Längen eingezeichnet werden,
-% ist pllcoDIN zu verwenden.
-% \item \texttt{grafikhoehe}\hfill\\
-% legt die Höhe der Ausgabedatei fest.
-% \item \texttt{strichstaerke}\hfill\\
-% bestimmt die Stiftbreite, die zum Zeichnen des
-% Briefbogens, der Faltmarken und der From-Rule benutzt wird.
-% \item \texttt{framestrichstaerke}\hfill\\
-% bestimmt die Stiftbreite zum Zeichnen der
-% Element-Rahmen (nicht der Hilfsrahmen).
-% \item \texttt{hilfsstrichstaerke}\hfill\\
-% bestimmt die Stiftbreite zum Zeichnen der
-% Bemaßung und der Hilfsrahmen.
-% \item \texttt{tickhoehe}\hfill\\
-% legt die Höhe der vertikalen Linien horizontaler
-% Bemaßung fest (Makro hmeasure). Die Maßlinie wird auf halber Höhe
-% von tickhoehe gezeichnet. Für die Makros vmeasure und dmeasure gilt
-% ähnliches. In dmeasure wird jedoch ein Vielfaches von tickhoehe
-% verwendet.
-% \item \texttt{framed} und \texttt{filled}\hfill\\
-% legen fest, ob die Elemente mit einem Rahmen
-% versehen bzw. gefüllt werden sollen.
-% \item \texttt{drawcolor}\hfill\\
-% legt die Farbe von Linien und Text fest.
-% \item \texttt{fillcolor}\hfill\\
-% legt die Füllfarbe fest, falls filled=true ist.
-% \item \texttt{latexlengths}\hfill\\
-% legt fest, ob die unveränderlichen LaTeX-Längen
-% angezeigt werden sollen.
-% \item \texttt{latexlengthcolor}\hfill\\
-% legt die Farbe fest, mit der LaTeX-Längen
-% gezeichnet werden.
-% \item \texttt{language}\hfill\\
-% legt die Sprache der Beschreibung fest.
-% \item \texttt{ahlength}\hfill\\
-% Da foldmarkhpos sehr klein ist, können sich bei kleinen Grafiken
-% die Pfeilspitzen der Bemaßung berühren. Um das zu verhindern, kann
-% mit der MetaPost-internen Variablen ahlength die Pfeillänge
-% verringert werden.
-% \end{itemize}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-%<DIN>input pllcoDIN
-%<SN>input pllcoSN
-input plinc
-%<!terms>input pltex-vars
-%<terms>input pltex-terms
- numeric grafikhoehe;
- numeric tickhoehe;
- numeric strichstaerke, framestrichstaerke, hilfsstrichstaerke;
- boolean framed, filled, latexlengths;
- color drawcolor, fillcolor, latexlengthcolor;
- string language;
- grafikhoehe := 167mm;
- strichstaerke := 0.6pt;
- framestrichstaerke := 0.2pt;
- hilfsstrichstaerke := 0.2pt;
- tickhoehe := 10pt;
- framed := true;
- filled := true;
- drawcolor := black;
- fillcolor := .8white;
- latexlengths := true;
- latexlengthcolor := .4white;
-%<ngerman> language := "de";
-%<english> language := "en";
- ahlength := 0.7mm;
- picture description[], plength[], latexlength[];
- transform T;
- T = identity reflectedabout ((0pt,.5*paperheight),
- (paperwidth,.5*paperheight)) scaled (grafikhoehe/paperheight);
-%<length> lengths; writedescription(language);
-%<variables> describe(language);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Der Abschnitt \texttt{tex}}
-% Dieser Abschnitt enthält sozusagen den \TeX{}-Part der Grafiken.
-% Hier werden beispielsweise die Fonts festgelegt.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \usepackage{charter}%
- \usepackage[scaled=0.87]{luximono}%
- \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{frutiger}%
- \usepackage{lmodern}%
- \expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}}
-\newcommand*{\Variable}[1]{{\fontsize{7}{8}\ttfamily\bfseries #1}}
- {\def\and{, }%
- \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
- #1
- \end{tabular}
- }%
-def deflengths =
- plength[1]=btex \plength{}backaddrheight etex;
- plength[2]=btex \plength{}bfoldmarkvpos etex;
- plength[3]=btex \plength{}firstfootvpos etex;
- plength[4]=btex \plength{}firstfootwidth etex;
- plength[5]=btex \plength{}firstheadvpos etex;
- plength[6]=btex \plength{}firstheadwidth etex;
- plength[7]=btex \plength{}foldmarkhpos etex;
- plength[8]=btex \plength{}locwidth\strut etex;
- plength[9]=btex \plength{}refaftervskip etex;
- plength[10]=btex \plength{}refvpos etex;
- plength[11]=btex \plength{}refwidth etex;
- plength[12]=btex \plength{}sigbeforevskip etex;
- plength[13]=btex \plength{}sigindent etex;
- plength[14]=btex \plength{}specialmailindent etex;
- plength[15]=btex \plength{}specialmailrightindent etex;
- plength[16]=btex \plength{}tfoldmarkvpos etex;
- plength[17]=btex \plength{}toaddrhpos\strut etex;
- plength[18]=btex \plength{}toaddrindent\strut etex;
- plength[19]=btex \plength{}toaddrvpos etex;
- plength[20]=btex \plength{}toaddrwidth\strut etex;
- plength[21]=btex \plength{}toaddrheight etex;
- plength[22]=btex \plength{}refhpos etex;
- plength[23]=btex \plength{}fromrulewidth etex;
- plength[24]=btex \plength{}-toaddrhpos\strut etex;
- plength[25]=btex \plength{}lochpos etex;
- plength[26]=btex \plength{}-lochpos etex;
- plength[27]=btex \plength{}locvpos etex;
- plength[28]=btex \plength{}locheight etex;
- plength[29]=btex \plength{}subjectaftervskip etex;
- plength[30]=btex \plength{}+subjectbeforevskip etex;
- plength[31]=btex \plength{}firstfoothpos etex;
- plength[32]=btex \plength{}-firstfoothpos etex;
- plength[33]=btex \plength{}firstheadhpos etex;
- plength[34]=btex \plength{}-firstheadhpos etex;
-def deflatexlengths =
- latexlength[1] = btex \latexlength{}\string\baselineskip etex;
- latexlength[2] = btex \latexlength{}2\string\baselineskip etex;
- latexlength[3] = btex \latexlength{}\string\textwidth etex;
- latexlength[4] = btex \latexlength{}$\geq$\string\footskip etex;
-def defdescriptionde =
- description[1]=btex \descr{}Briefkopf etex;
- description[2]=btex \descr{}Brief"|fuß{} etex;
- description[3]=btex \descr{}Rücksendeadresse etex;
- description[4]=btex \descr{}Versandart etex;
- description[5]=btex \descr{}Empfängeradresse etex;
- description[6]=btex \descr{}Geschäftszeile etex;
- description[7]=btex \descr{}Titel etex;
- description[8]=btex \descr{}Betreff etex;
- description[9]=btex \descr{}Anrede etex;
- description[10]=btex \descr{}Brieftext etex;
- description[11]=btex \descr{}Grußfloskel etex;
- description[12]=btex \descr{}Signatur etex;
- description[13]=btex \descr{}\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Absender-\\ergänzung\end{tabular} etex;
- description[1]=btex \Multi{\Variable{firsthead}\\
- \Variable{fromname}\and
- \Variable{fromaddress}\and
- \Variable{fromphone}\and
- \Variable{fromfax}\and
- \Variable{fromemail}\and
- \Variable{fromurl}} etex;
- description[2]=btex \Variable{firstfoot} etex;
- description[3]=btex \Variable{backaddress} etex;
- description[4]=btex \Variable{specialmail} etex;
- description[5]=btex \Macro{begin}\PParameter{letter}\Parameter{Name und Adresse} etex;
- description[6]=btex \Multi{\Variable{yourref}\and
- \Variable{yourmail}\and
- \Variable{myref}\and
- \Variable{customer}\and
- \Variable{invoice}\and
- \Variable{place}\and
- \Variable{date}} etex;
- description[7]=btex \Variable{title} etex;
- description[8]=btex \Variable{subject} etex;
- description[9]=btex \Macro{opening}\Parameter{Anrede} etex;
- description[10]=btex \descr{}Brieftext etex;
- description[11]=btex \Macro{closing}\Parameter{Floskel} etex;
- description[12]=btex \Variable{signature} etex;
- description[13]=btex \Variable{location} etex;
-def defdescriptionen =
- description[1]=btex \descr{}letterhead etex;
- description[2]=btex \descr{}letter footer etex;
- description[3]=btex \descr{}return address etex;
- description[4]=btex \descr{}mode of dispatch etex;
- description[5]=btex \descr{}addressee etex;
- description[6]=btex \descr{}reference fields line etex;
- description[7]=btex \descr{}title etex;
- description[8]=btex \descr{}subject etex;
- description[9]=btex \descr{}opening etex;
- description[10]=btex \descr{}letter body etex;
- description[11]=btex \descr{}closing etex;
- description[12]=btex \descr{}signature etex;
- description[13]=btex \descr{}\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}supplemental\\data\end{tabular} etex;
- description[1]=btex \Multi{\Variable{firsthead}\\
- \Variable{fromname}\and
- \Variable{fromaddress}\and
- \Variable{fromphone}\and
- \Variable{fromfax}\and
- \Variable{fromemail}\and
- \Variable{fromurl}} etex;
- description[2]=btex \Variable{firstfoot} etex;
- description[3]=btex \Variable{backaddress} etex;
- description[4]=btex \Variable{specialmail} etex;
- description[5]=btex \Macro{begin}\PParameter{letter}\Parameter{addressee} etex;
- description[6]=btex \Multi{\Variable{yourref}\and
- \Variable{yourmail}\and
- \Variable{myref}\and
- \Variable{customer}\and
- \Variable{invoice}\and
- \Variable{place}\and
- \Variable{date}} etex;
- description[7]=btex \Variable{title} etex;
- description[8]=btex \Variable{subject} etex;
- description[9]=btex \Macro{opening}\Parameter{opening term} etex;
- description[10]=btex \descr{}letter body etex;
- description[11]=btex \Macro{closing}\Parameter{closing term} etex;
- description[12]=btex \Variable{signature} etex;
- description[13]=btex \Variable{location} etex;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Der Abschnitt \texttt{values}}
-% In diesem Abschnitt finden sich Maße für die unterschiedlichen Briefe
-% ausgehend von \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{a4paper}.
-% \section{Maße für DIN-Briefe}
-numeric paperwidth;
-numeric paperheight;
-numeric textwidth;
-numeric textheight;
-numeric evensidemargin;
-numeric oddsidemargin;
-numeric topmargin;
-numeric headheight;
-numeric headsep;
-numeric topskip;
-numeric footskip;
-numeric baselineskip;
-paperwidth = 597.50793pt;
-paperheight = 845.04694pt;
-textwidth = 418.25555pt;
-textheight = 595.80026pt;
-evensidemargin = 17.3562pt;
-oddsidemargin = 17.3562pt;
-topmargin = -25.16531pt;
-headheight = 17.0pt;
-headsep = 20.40001pt;
-topskip = 11.0pt;
-footskip = 47.60002pt;
-baselineskip = 13.6pt;
-numeric foldmarkhpos;
-numeric tfoldmarkvpos;
-numeric bfoldmarkvpos;
-numeric tfoldmarklength;
-numeric pfoldmarklength;
-numeric bfoldmarklength;
-numeric toaddrvpos;
-numeric refvpos;
-numeric refaftervskip;
-numeric toaddrhpos;
-numeric toaddrwidth;
-numeric toaddrheight;
-numeric toaddrindent;
-numeric specialmailindent;
-numeric specialmailrightindent;
-numeric locwidth;
-numeric backaddrheight;
-numeric firstheadvpos;
-numeric firstheadwidth;
-numeric firstfootwidth;
-numeric firstfootvpos;
-numeric refwidth;
-numeric sigindent;
-numeric sigbeforevskip;
-foldmarkhpos = 3.5mm;
-tfoldmarkvpos = 105mm;
-bfoldmarkvpos = 210mm;
-tfoldmarklength = 2mm;
-pfoldmarklength = 4mm;
-bfoldmarklength = 2mm;
-toaddrvpos = 45mm;
-refvpos = 98.5mm;
-refaftervskip = baselineskip;
-toaddrhpos = 20mm;
-toaddrwidth = 85mm;
-toaddrheight = 40mm;
-toaddrindent = 0mm;
-%specialmailindent = \fill;
-specialmailrightindent = 11pt;
-locwidth = 3.75cm;
-backaddrheight = 5mm;
-firstheadvpos = 8mm;
-firstheadwidth = paperwidth - 2*abs(toaddrhpos);
-firstfootwidth = firstheadwidth;
-firstfootvpos = 1in + topmargin + headheight + headsep + textheight + footskip;
-refwidth = 0pt;
-sigindent = 0mm;
-sigbeforevskip = 2*baselineskip;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% weitere Hilfsvariablen
-% \begin{macrocode}
-numeric firstheadhpos;
-numeric firstheadheight;
-numeric firstfoothpos;
-numeric firstfootheight;
-numeric fromrulewidth;
-numeric fromrulehpos;
-numeric specialmailwidth;
-numeric specialmailheight;
-numeric lochpos;
-numeric refhpos;
-numeric refheight;
-numeric titlevpos;
-numeric titlewidth;
-numeric titleheight;
-numeric subjectvpos;
-numeric subjectwidth;
-numeric subjectheight;
-numeric openingvpos;
-numeric openingwidth;
-numeric openingheight;
-numeric bodyvpos;
-numeric bodywidth;
-numeric bodyheight;
-numeric typeareabottom;
-numeric sigvpos;
-numeric sigwidth;
-numeric sigheight;
-firstheadhpos = 0.5*(paperwidth-firstheadwidth);
-firstheadheight = 5*baselineskip;
-firstfoothpos = 0.5*(paperwidth-firstfootwidth);
-firstfootheight = 3*baselineskip;
-fromrulewidth = 0.5*firstheadwidth;
-fromrulehpos = firstheadhpos+0.5*(firstheadwidth-fromrulewidth);
-specialmailwidth = 5cm;
-specialmailheight = baselineskip;
-specialmailindent = toaddrwidth-specialmailrightindent-specialmailwidth;
-lochpos = paperwidth-toaddrhpos-locwidth;
-refhpos = 1in+oddsidemargin;
-refheight = 2*baselineskip;
-refwidth := textwidth;
-titlevpos = refvpos+refheight+refaftervskip;
-titlewidth = 9cm;
-titleheight = 1.2*baselineskip;
-subjectvpos = titlevpos+titleheight+1*baselineskip;
-subjectwidth = 8cm;
-subjectheight = baselineskip;
-openingvpos = subjectvpos+subjectheight+2*baselineskip;
-openingwidth = 6cm;
-openingheight = baselineskip;
-bodyvpos = openingvpos+openingheight+baselineskip;
-bodywidth = textwidth;
-bodyheight = 8*baselineskip;
-typeareabottom = firstfootvpos-footskip;
-sigvpos = bodyvpos+bodyheight+baselineskip;
-sigwidth = 5cm;
-sigheight = baselineskip;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Maße für SN-Briefe}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-numeric paperwidth;
-numeric paperheight;
-numeric textwidth;
-numeric textheight;
-numeric evensidemargin;
-numeric oddsidemargin;
-numeric topmargin;
-numeric headheight;
-numeric headsep;
-numeric topskip;
-numeric footskip;
-numeric baselineskip;
-paperwidth = 597.50793pt;
-paperheight = 845.04694pt;
-textwidth = 418.25555pt;
-textheight = 595.80026pt;
-evensidemargin = 17.3562pt;
-oddsidemargin = 17.3562pt;
-topmargin = -25.16531pt;
-headheight = 17.0pt;
-headsep = 20.40001pt;
-topskip = 11.0pt;
-footskip = 47.60002pt;
-baselineskip = 13.6pt;
-numeric foldmarkhpos;
-numeric tfoldmarkvpos;
-numeric bfoldmarkvpos;
-numeric tfoldmarklength;
-numeric pfoldmarklength;
-numeric bfoldmarklength;
-numeric toaddrvpos;
-numeric refvpos;
-numeric refaftervskip;
-numeric toaddrhpos;
-numeric toaddrwidth;
-numeric toaddrheight;
-numeric toaddrindent;
-numeric specialmailindent;
-numeric specialmailrightindent;
-numeric locwidth;
-numeric backaddrheight;
-numeric firstheadvpos;
-numeric firstheadwidth;
-numeric firstfootwidth;
-numeric firstfootvpos;
-numeric refwidth;
-numeric sigindent;
-numeric sigbeforevskip;
-foldmarkhpos = 3.5mm;
-tfoldmarkvpos = 105mm;
-bfoldmarkvpos = 210mm;
-tfoldmarklength = 2mm;
-pfoldmarklength = 4mm;
-bfoldmarklength = 2mm;
-toaddrvpos = 45mm;
-refvpos = 98.5mm;
-refaftervskip = baselineskip;
-toaddrhpos = -8mm;
-toaddrwidth = 90mm;
-toaddrheight = 40mm;
-toaddrindent = 0mm;
-%specialmailindent = \fill;
-specialmailrightindent = 11pt;
-locwidth = (paperwidth-2*abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth)/2;
-backaddrheight = 5mm;
-firstheadvpos = 8mm;
-firstheadwidth = paperwidth - 2*abs(toaddrhpos);
-firstfootwidth = firstheadwidth;
-firstfootvpos = 1in + topmargin + headheight + headsep + textheight + footskip;
-show firstfootvpos;
-refwidth = 0pt;
-sigindent = 0mm;
-sigbeforevskip = 2*baselineskip;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% weitere Hilfsvariablen
-% \begin{macrocode}
-numeric firstheadhpos;
-numeric firstheadheight;
-numeric firstfoothpos;
-numeric firstfootheight;
-numeric fromrulewidth;
-numeric fromrulehpos;
-numeric specialmailwidth;
-numeric specialmailheight;
-numeric lochpos;
-numeric refhpos;
-numeric refheight;
-numeric titlevpos;
-numeric titlewidth;
-numeric titleheight;
-numeric subjectvpos;
-numeric subjectwidth;
-numeric subjectheight;
-numeric openingvpos;
-numeric openingwidth;
-numeric openingheight;
-numeric bodyvpos;
-numeric bodywidth;
-numeric bodyheight;
-numeric typeareabottom;
-numeric sigvpos;
-numeric sigwidth;
-numeric sigheight;
-firstheadhpos = 0.5*(paperwidth-firstheadwidth);
-firstheadheight = 4*baselineskip;
-firstfoothpos = 0.5*(paperwidth-firstfootwidth);
-firstfootheight = 3*baselineskip;
-fromrulewidth = 0.5*firstheadwidth;
-fromrulehpos = firstheadhpos+0.5*(firstheadwidth-fromrulewidth);
-specialmailwidth = 5cm;
-specialmailheight = baselineskip;
-specialmailindent = toaddrwidth-specialmailrightindent-specialmailwidth;
-lochpos = -toaddrhpos;
-refhpos = 1in+oddsidemargin;
-refheight = 2*baselineskip;
-refwidth := textwidth;
-titlevpos = refvpos+refheight+refaftervskip;
-titlewidth = 9cm;
-titleheight = 1.2*baselineskip;
-subjectvpos = titlevpos+titleheight+1*baselineskip;
-subjectwidth = 8cm;
-subjectheight = baselineskip;
-openingvpos = subjectvpos+subjectheight+2*baselineskip;
-openingwidth = 6cm;
-openingheight = baselineskip;
-bodyvpos = openingvpos+openingheight+baselineskip;
-bodywidth = textwidth;
-bodyheight = 8*baselineskip;
-typeareabottom = firstfootvpos-footskip;
-sigvpos = bodyvpos+bodyheight+baselineskip;
-sigwidth = 5cm;
-sigheight = baselineskip;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Der Abschnitt \texttt{include}}
-% \changes{}{2005-08-30}{Korrektur der Stiftstärken}
-% Dieser Abschnitt erzeugt die Datei \texttt{} mit den wesentlichen
-% Definitionen für die Erzeugung eines Elements. Eine Element ist
-% beispielsweise eine Pseudolänge, eine Beschreibung (Variable), ein Feld,
-% \dots).
-% \begin{macrocode}
-def lengths =
- toaddrindent := 0.7cm;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Die Breite des \texttt{location}-Feldes wird später berechnet und deshalb
-% hier nicht mehr mit
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% locwidth := 3.7cm;
-% \end{verbatim}
-% gesetzt.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- firstheadheight := firstheadheight-3pt;
- firstheadvpos := firstheadvpos+3pt;
- sigindent := 1cm;
- if (latexlengths=true):
- writelatexlengths;
- fi
- if (filled=true):
- drawfilledelements;
- fi
- if (framed=true):
- drawframedelements;
- fi
- drawpaperandfoldmarks;
- drawboxes;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% From-Rule:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw ((fromrulehpos,firstheadvpos+firstheadheight-strichstaerke)--
- (fromrulehpos+fromrulewidth,firstheadvpos+firstheadheight-strichstaerke))
- transformed T withpen pencircle scaled strichstaerke;
- writelengths;
-def describe(expr lang) =
- drawpaperandfoldmarks;
- if (filled=true):
- drawfilledelements;
- fi
- if (framed=true):
- drawframedelements;
- fi
- writedescription(lang);
-def drawframedelements =
- if toaddrhpos < 0 :
- istoaddrhpos := paperwidth-abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth;
- else :
- istoaddrhpos := toaddrhpos;
- fi
- pickup pencircle scaled framestrichstaerke;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Kopf und Fuß
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled firstheadwidth yscaled firstheadheight
- shifted (firstheadhpos, firstheadvpos) transformed T;
- draw unitsquare xscaled firstfootwidth yscaled firstfootheight
- shifted (firstfoothpos, firstfootvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Adressfeld
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled toaddrwidth yscaled backaddrheight
- shifted (istoaddrhpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
- draw unitsquare xscaled specialmailwidth yscaled specialmailheight
- shifted (istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth-specialmailwidth-specialmailrightindent,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight) transformed T;
- draw unitsquare xscaled (toaddrwidth-2*toaddrindent)
- yscaled (toaddrheight-backaddrheight-specialmailheight)
- shifted (istoaddrhpos+toaddrindent,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+specialmailheight) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Absenderergänzung:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled locwidth yscaled toaddrheight
- shifted (lochpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Geschäftszeile:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled refwidth yscaled refheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, refvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Titel:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled titlewidth yscaled titleheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5(textwidth-titlewidth), titlevpos)
- transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Betreff:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled subjectwidth yscaled subjectheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, subjectvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anrede:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled openingwidth yscaled openingheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, openingvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Brieftext:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled bodywidth yscaled bodyheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, bodyvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Signatur:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled sigwidth yscaled sigheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent, sigvpos) transformed T;
- draw unitsquare xscaled (0.8*sigwidth) yscaled sigheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+.1*sigwidth,
- sigvpos+sigheight+sigbeforevskip) transformed T;
-def drawfilledelements =
- if toaddrhpos < 0 :
- istoaddrhpos := paperwidth-abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth;
- else :
- istoaddrhpos := toaddrhpos;
- fi
- drawoptions (withcolor fillcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Kopf und Fuß:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled firstheadwidth yscaled firstheadheight
- shifted (firstheadhpos, firstheadvpos) transformed T;
- fill unitsquare xscaled firstfootwidth yscaled firstfootheight
- shifted (firstfoothpos, firstfootvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Adressfeld:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled toaddrwidth yscaled backaddrheight
- shifted (istoaddrhpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
- fill unitsquare xscaled specialmailwidth yscaled specialmailheight
- shifted (istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth-specialmailwidth-specialmailrightindent,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight) transformed T;
- fill unitsquare xscaled (toaddrwidth-2*toaddrindent)
- yscaled (toaddrheight-backaddrheight-specialmailheight)
- shifted (istoaddrhpos+toaddrindent,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+specialmailheight) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Absenderergänzung:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled locwidth yscaled toaddrheight
- shifted (lochpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Geschäftszeile:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled refwidth yscaled refheight
- shifted (refhpos, refvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Titel:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled titlewidth yscaled titleheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5(textwidth-titlewidth), titlevpos)
- transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Betreff:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled subjectwidth yscaled subjectheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, subjectvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anrede:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled openingwidth yscaled openingheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, openingvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Brieftext:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled bodywidth yscaled bodyheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin, bodyvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Signatur:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- fill unitsquare xscaled sigwidth yscaled sigheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent, sigvpos) transformed T;
- fill unitsquare xscaled (0.8*sigwidth) yscaled sigheight
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+.1*sigwidth,
- sigvpos+sigheight+sigbeforevskip) transformed T;
-def drawpaperandfoldmarks =
- pickup pencircle scaled strichstaerke;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Briefbogen:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled paperwidth yscaled paperheight transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Falzmarken:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw ((foldmarkhpos,tfoldmarkvpos)--
- (foldmarkhpos+tfoldmarklength,tfoldmarkvpos)) transformed T;
- draw ((foldmarkhpos,0.5*paperheight)--
- (foldmarkhpos+pfoldmarklength,0.5*paperheight)) transformed T;
- draw ((foldmarkhpos,bfoldmarkvpos)--
- (foldmarkhpos+bfoldmarklength,bfoldmarkvpos)) transformed T;
-def drawboxes =
- if toaddrhpos < 0 :
- istoaddrhpos := paperwidth-abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth;
- else :
- istoaddrhpos := toaddrhpos;
- fi
- pickup pencircle scaled hilfsstrichstaerke;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Kasten Adressfeld:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled toaddrwidth yscaled toaddrheight
- shifted (istoaddrhpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A auskommentiert:
-% ^^A Kasten Adresszeile
-% ^^A draw unitsquare xscaled (paperwidth-2*toaddrhpos)
-% ^^A yscaled toaddrheight shifted (toaddrhpos, toaddrvpos) transformed T;
-% Kasten Signatur:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled sigwidth yscaled (2*sigheight+sigbeforevskip)
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent,sigvpos) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Kasten Satzspiegel:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw unitsquare xscaled textwidth yscaled (typeareabottom-titlevpos)
- shifted (1in+oddsidemargin,titlevpos) transformed T;
-def writelengths =
- if toaddrhpos < 0 :
- istoaddrhpos := paperwidth-abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth;
- else :
- istoaddrhpos := toaddrhpos;
- fi
- deflengths;
- pickup pencircle scaled hilfsstrichstaerke;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstheadhpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if firstheadhpos > 0 :
- hmeasure((0,firstheadvpos), firstheadhpos, plength[33], (12pt,0pt), top);
- else :
- hmeasure((0,firstheadvpos), -firstheadhpos, plength[34], (12pt,0pt), top);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstheadwidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((firstheadhpos,firstheadvpos), firstheadwidth, plength[6], origin,
- top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{fromrulewidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((fromrulehpos,firstheadvpos+firstheadheight-strichstaerke),
- fromrulewidth, plength[23], origin, top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{toaddrwidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((istoaddrhpos,toaddrvpos), toaddrwidth, plength[20], origin, top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{locwidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((lochpos,toaddrvpos), locwidth, plength[8], origin, top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{specialmailindent}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((istoaddrhpos,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+0.5*(specialmailheight+tickhoehe)),
- specialmailindent, plength[14], (-0.5*specialmailindent+toaddrindent,+14pt), rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{specialmailrightindent}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth-specialmailrightindent,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+0.5*(specialmailheight+tickhoehe)),
- specialmailrightindent, plength[15],
- (0.5*specialmailrightindent-3pt,0pt), rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{toaddrhpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if toaddrhpos > 0 :
- hmeasure((0,toaddrvpos), toaddrhpos, plength[17], (6pt,0pt), top);
- else :
- hmeasure((0,toaddrvpos), -toaddrhpos, plength[24], (6pt,0pt), top);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{lochpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if toaddrhpos > 0 :
- hmeasure((lochpos+locwidth,toaddrvpos), toaddrhpos, plength[25], (-6pt,0pt),
- top);
- else :
- hmeasure((paperwidth+toaddrhpos,toaddrvpos), -toaddrhpos, plength[26],
- (-6pt,0pt), top);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{toaddrindent}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((istoaddrhpos,
- toaddrvpos+0.75*(toaddrheight+backaddrheight+specialmailheight+tickhoehe)),
- toaddrindent, plength[18], (0.5*toaddrindent,0pt), rt);
- hmeasure((istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth-toaddrindent,
- toaddrvpos+0.75*(toaddrheight+backaddrheight+specialmailheight+tickhoehe)),
- toaddrindent, plength[18], (-0.5*toaddrindent,0pt), lft);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{refwidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin,refvpos), refwidth, plength[11], origin, top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{refhpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((0,refvpos), refhpos, plength[22], origin, top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{foldmarkhpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((0,bfoldmarkvpos+tickhoehe), foldmarkhpos, plength[7],
- (-6pt,0.5*tickhoehe), lrt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{sigindent}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin,sigvpos+0.5*(sigheight+tickhoehe)), sigindent,
- plength[13], (-0.5*sigindent,0pt), lft);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstfoothpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if firstfoothpos > 0 :
- hmeasure((0,firstfootvpos+firstfootheight+tickhoehe), firstfoothpos, plength[31], (12pt,0pt), bot);
- else :
- hmeasure((firstfootwidth-firstfoothpos,firstfootvpos+firstfootheight+tickhoehe), -firstfoothpos, plength[32], (12pt,0pt), bot);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstfootwidth}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- hmeasure((firstfoothpos,firstfootvpos), firstfootwidth, plength[4], origin,
- top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{toaddrheight}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((istoaddrhpos-tickhoehe,toaddrvpos), toaddrheight,
- plength[21] rotated 90, origin, lft);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{locheight}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((lochpos+locwidth,toaddrvpos), toaddrheight,
- plength[28] rotated 90, origin, rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{subjectbeforevskip}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(plength[30],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+openingwidth+152pt, subjectvpos-.5*baselineskip)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{subjectaftervskip}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+openingwidth,subjectvpos+baselineskip),
- 2*baselineskip, plength[29], origin, rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{backaddrheight}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth,toaddrvpos), backaddrheight, plength[1],
- origin, rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{refaftervskip}:
-% ^^A auskommentiert:
-% ^^A vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+0.5*(textwidth+titlewidth),
-% ^^A refvpos+refheight), refaftervskip, plength[9], origin, rt);
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+textwidth,refvpos+refheight), refaftervskip,
- plength[9], origin, rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{sigbeforvskip}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+0.1*sigwidth-tickhoehe,
- sigvpos+sigheight), sigbeforevskip, plength[12], origin, rt);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstheadvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if firstheadhpos < 0 :
- dmeasure((-firstheadhpos-2*tickhoehe,firstheadvpos), plength[5], origin, rt);
- else :
- dmeasure((firstheadhpos+firstheadwidth,firstheadvpos), plength[5], origin, lft);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{toaddrvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if toaddrhpos > 0 :
- dmeasure((istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth,toaddrvpos), plength[19], origin, top);
- else :
- dmeasure((istoaddrhpos-2*tickhoehe,toaddrvpos), plength[19], origin, top);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{locvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- if toaddrhpos > 0 :
- dmeasure((lochpos-2*tickhoehe,toaddrvpos), plength[27], origin, top);
- else :
- dmeasure((lochpos+locwidth,toaddrvpos), plength[27], origin, top);
- fi
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{refvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- dmeasure((refhpos+refwidth,refvpos), plength[10], (0pt,0pt), top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{tfoldmarkvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- dmeasure((foldmarkhpos+tfoldmarklength,tfoldmarkvpos), plength[16],
- (18pt,1.5*tickhoehe), bot);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{bfoldmarkvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- dmeasure((foldmarkhpos+bfoldmarklength,bfoldmarkvpos), plength[2],
- (18pt,0pt), top);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \texttt{firstfootvpos}:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- dmeasure((firstfoothpos-2*tickhoehe,firstfootvpos), plength[3], origin, top);
-def writelatexlengths =
- color temp;
- deflatexlengths;
- temp := drawcolor;
- drawcolor := latexlengthcolor;
- pickup pencircle scaled hilfsstrichstaerke;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \LaTeX-Längen:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+openingwidth,subjectvpos-baselineskip),
- baselineskip, latexlength[1], origin, rt);
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+openingwidth,openingvpos+baselineskip),
- baselineskip, latexlength[1], origin, rt);
- vmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+sigwidth,sigvpos-baselineskip),
- baselineskip, latexlength[1], origin, rt);
- hmeasure((1in+oddsidemargin,typeareabottom+tickhoehe),
- textwidth, latexlength[3], (0pt,-3pt), bot);
- draw ((1in+oddsidemargin+textwidth,typeareabottom)--
- (firstfoothpos+firstfootwidth,typeareabottom)) transformed T;
- vmeasure((firstfoothpos+firstfootwidth,typeareabottom),
- firstfootvpos-typeareabottom, latexlength[4] rotated 90, origin,
- rt);
- drawcolor := temp;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anker ist links unten.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-def hmeasure(expr p, breite, pic, s)(suffix alig) =
- save pleft, pright;
- pair pleft, pright;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% linker Tick:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw (p--p shifted (0,-tickhoehe)) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% rechter Tick:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw (p--p shifted (0,-tickhoehe)) shifted (breite,0) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Messlinie;
-% die Korrektur der Stiftstärke muss nach der Transformation
-% in Zeichenkoordinaten erfolgen:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- pleft = p shifted (0,-0.5*tickhoehe)
- transformed T shifted (hilfsstrichstaerke,0);
- pright = p shifted (0,-0.5*tickhoehe) shifted (breite,0)
- transformed T shifted (-hilfsstrichstaerke,0);
- drawdblarrow pleft--pright;
- label.alig(pic, (p shifted (0.5*breite, -0.5*tickhoehe) shifted s)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anker ist links oben.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-def vmeasure(expr p, breite, pic, s)(suffix alig) =
- save ptop, pbottom;
- pair ptop, pbottom;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% oberer Tick:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw (p--p shifted (tickhoehe,0)) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% unterer Tick:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw (p--p shifted (tickhoehe,0)) shifted (0,breite) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Messlinie;
-% die Korrektur der Stiftstärke muss nach der Transformation
-% in Zeichenkoordinaten erfolgen:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- ptop = p shifted (0.5*tickhoehe,0)
- transformed T shifted (0,-hilfsstrichstaerke);
- pbottom = p shifted (0.5*tickhoehe,0) shifted (0,breite)
- transformed T shifted (0,hilfsstrichstaerke);
- drawdblarrow ptop--pbottom;
- label.alig(pic, (p shifted (0.5*tickhoehe, 0.5*breite) shifted s)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anker ist links unten.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-def dmeasure(expr p, pic, s)(suffix alig) =
- save ptop, pbottom;
- pair ptop, pbottom;
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% horizontale Linie:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- draw (p--p shifted (2*tickhoehe,0)) transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Messlinie:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- ptop = p shifted (0,-1.5*tickhoehe) shifted (tickhoehe,0)
- transformed T;
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Die Korrektur der Stiftstärke muss nach der Transformation
-% in Zeichenkoordinaten erfolgen.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- pbottom = p shifted (tickhoehe,0)
- transformed T shifted (0,hilfsstrichstaerke);
- drawarrow ptop--pbottom;
- label.alig(pic, (p shifted (tickhoehe, -1.5*tickhoehe) shifted s)
- transformed T);
-def writedescription(expr lang) =
- if toaddrhpos < 0 :
- istoaddrhpos := paperwidth-abs(toaddrhpos)-toaddrwidth;
- else :
- istoaddrhpos := toaddrhpos;
- fi
- if (lang="de"): defdescriptionde;
- else: defdescriptionen;
- fi
- drawoptions(withcolor drawcolor);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Kopf und Fuß:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[1],
- (firstheadhpos+0.5*firstheadwidth, firstheadvpos+0.5*firstheadheight)
- transformed T);
- label(description[2],
- (firstfoothpos+0.5*firstfootwidth, firstfootvpos+0.5*firstfootheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Adressfeld:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[3],
- (istoaddrhpos+0.5*toaddrwidth, toaddrvpos+0.5*backaddrheight)
- transformed T);
- label(description[4],
- (istoaddrhpos+toaddrwidth-specialmailrightindent-0.5*specialmailwidth,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+0.5*specialmailheight) transformed T);
- label(description[5],
- (istoaddrhpos+0.5*toaddrwidth,
- toaddrvpos+backaddrheight+specialmailheight+0.5*(toaddrheight-backaddrheight-specialmailheight))
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Absenderergänzung:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[13], (lochpos+0.5*locwidth, toaddrvpos+0.5*toaddrheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Geschäftszeile:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[6], (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5*refwidth,
- refvpos+0.5*refheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Titel:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[7],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5textwidth, titlevpos+0.5*titleheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Betreff:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[8],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5*subjectwidth, subjectvpos+0.5*subjectheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Anrede:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[9],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5*openingwidth, openingvpos+0.5*openingheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Brieftext:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[10],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+0.5*bodywidth, bodyvpos+0.5*bodyheight)
- transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Signatur:
-% \begin{macrocode}
- label(description[11],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+0.5*sigwidth, sigvpos+0.5*sigheight)
- transformed T);
- label(description[12],
- (1in+oddsidemargin+sigindent+0.5*sigwidth,
- sigvpos+sigheight+sigbeforevskip+0.5*sigheight) transformed T);
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \iffalse
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: doctex
-%%% coding: utf-8
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
-% \fi