path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/hyperref/doc/manual.tex
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+% This is the manual for the LaTeX hyperref package.
+% Copyright (C) 1998, 2003 Sebastian Rahtz.
+% Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+% under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
+% any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
+% Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
+% Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
+% ``GNU Free Documentation License.''
+% Manual updates:
+% * Steve Peter and Karl Berry, 7/03.
+% * Heiko Oberdiek, 2006.
+\ifpdf % We are running pdfTeX in pdf mode
+\usepackage{etex}% for \eTeX
+% Page layout.
+\advance\textwidth by 1.1in
+\advance\oddsidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\evensidemargin by -.55in
+\advance\textheight by 1in
+\advance\topmargin by -.5in
+\advance\footskip by -.5in
+% Avoid some overfull boxes.
+\hbadness = 3000
+% these are from lshort.sty, but lshort.sty pulls in so many other
+% packages it seems cleaner to just include them here.
+\newcommand{\bs}{\symbol{'134}}%Print backslash
+ % separate definition for HTML case to avoid
+ % nasty borders with double horizontal lines with
+ % large gaps.
+ \newsavebox{\cmdsyntaxbox}%
+ \newenvironment{cmdsyntax}{%
+ \par
+ % \small
+ \addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 0.2ex}%
+ \vskip -\parskip
+ \noindent
+ \begin{lrbox}{\cmdsyntaxbox}%
+ \begin{tabular}{l}%
+ \rule{0pt}{1em}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }{%
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \end{lrbox}%
+ \fbox{\usebox{\cmdsyntaxbox}}%
+ \par
+ \nopagebreak
+ \addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 0.2ex}%
+ \vskip -\parskip
+ }%
+ \newenvironment{cmdsyntax}{%
+ \par
+ \small
+ \addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 0.2ex}%
+ \vskip -\parskip
+ \noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|}%
+ \hline
+ \rule{0pt}{1em}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }{%
+ \\%
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \par
+ \nopagebreak
+ \addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 0.2ex}%
+ \vskip -\parskip
+ }%
+\def\Hanh{H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}} Th\`anh}
+ \usepackage[%
+ pdftex,%
+ colorlinks,%
+ hyperindex,%
+ plainpages=false,%
+ bookmarksopen,%
+ bookmarksnumbered%
+ ]{hyperref}
+ %%?? \def\pdfBorderAttrs{/Border [0 0 0] } % No border arround Links
+ \usepackage{thumbpdf}
+ \usepackage{hyperref}
+\title{Hypertext marks in \LaTeX: a manual for \textsf{hyperref}}
+\author{Sebastian Rahtz \and Heiko Oberdiek}
+\date{February 2006}
+% comes out too close to the toc, and we know it's page one anyway.
+\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% for bookmark levels
+The package derives from, and builds on, the work of the Hyper\TeX\
+project, described at \url{}. It extends
+the functionality of all the \LaTeX\ cross-referencing commands
+(including the table of contents, bibliographies etc) to produce
+\verb|\special| commands which a driver can turn into hypertext links;
+it also provides new commands to allow the user to write \emph{ad hoc}
+hypertext links, including those to external documents and URLs.
+This manual provides a brief overview of the \textsf{hyperref}
+package. For more details, you should read the additional documentation
+distributed with the package, as well as the complete documentation by
+processing \texttt{hyperref.dtx}. You should also read the chapter on
+\textsf{hyperref} in \textit{The \LaTeX\ Web Companion}, where you will
+find additional examples.
+The Hyper\TeX\ specification\footnote{This is borrowed from an article
+by Arthur Smith.} says that conformant viewers/translators must
+recognize the following set of \verb|\special| constructs:
+\item[href:] \verb|html:<a href = "href_string">|
+\item[name:] \verb|html:<a name = "name_string">|
+\item[end:] \verb|html:</a>|
+\item[image:] \verb|html:<img src = "href_string">|
+\item[base\_name:] \verb|html:<base href = "href_string">|
+The \emph{href}, \emph{name} and \emph{end} commands are used to do the
+basic hypertext operations of establishing links between sections of
+documents. The \emph{image} command is intended (as with current HTML
+viewers) to place an image of arbitrary graphical format on the page in
+the current location. The \emph{base\_name} command is be used to
+communicate to the DVI viewer the full (URL) location of the current
+document so that files specified by relative URL's may be retrieved
+The \emph{href} and \emph{name} commands must be paired with an
+\emph{end} command later in the \TeX\ file---the \TeX\ commands between
+the two ends of a pair form an \emph{anchor} in the document. In the
+case of an \emph{href} command, the \emph{anchor} is to be highlighted
+in the \emph{DVI viewer}, and when clicked on will cause the scene to
+shift to the destination specified by \emph{href\_string}. The
+\emph{anchor} associated with a name command represents a possible
+location to which other hypertext links may refer, either as local
+references (of the form \verb|href="#name_string"| with the
+\emph{name\_string} identical to the one in the name command) or as part
+of a URL (of the form \emph{URL\#name\_string}). Here
+\emph{href\_string} is a valid URL or local identifier, while
+\emph{name\_string} could be any string at all: the only caveat is that
+`$\verb|"|$' characters should be escaped with a backslash
+($\backslash$), and if it looks like a URL name it may cause problems.
+However, the drivers intended to produce \emph{only} PDF use literal
+PostScript or PDF \verb|\special| commands. The commands are defined in
+configuration files for different drivers, selected by package options;
+at present, the following drivers are supported:
+\item[hypertex] DVI processors conforming to the Hyper\TeX\ guidelines (i.e.\ \textsf{xdvi}, \textsf{dvips} (with
+the \textsf{-z} option), \textsf{OzTeX}, and \textsf{Textures})
+\item[dvips] produces \verb|\special| commands tailored for \textsf{dvips}
+\item[dvipsone] produces \verb|\special| commands tailored for \textsf{dvipsone}
+\item[ps2pdf] a special case of output suitable for processing by earlier versions of Ghost\-script's
+PDF writer; this is basically the same as that for \textsf{dvips}, but a few variations remained before version 5.21
+\item[tex4ht] produces \verb|\special| commands for use with \textsf{\TeX4ht}
+\item[pdftex] pdf\TeX, \Hanh{}'s \TeX{} variant that writes PDF directly
+% \item[dvipdf] produces \verb|\special| commands for the DVI to PDF driver \textsf{dvipdf}
+% (deprecated)
+\item[dvipdfm] produces \verb|\special| commands for Mark Wicks' DVI to PDF driver \textsf{dvipdfm}
+\item[dviwindo] produces \verb|\special| commands that Y\&Y's Windows previewer interprets as hypertext jumps within the previewer
+\item[vtex] produces \verb|\special| commands that MicroPress' HTML and
+ PDF-producing \TeX\ variants interpret as hypertext jumps within the
+ previewer
+\item[textures] produces \verb|\special| commands that \textsf{Textures} interprets as hypertext jumps within the previewer
+Output from \textsf{dvips} or \textsf{dvipsone} must be processed using
+Acrobat Distiller to obtain a PDF file.\footnote{Make sure you turn off
+the partial font downloading supported by \textsf{dvips} and
+\textsf{dvipsone} in favor of Distiller's own system.} The result is
+generally preferable to that produced by using the \textsf{hypertex}
+driver, and then processing with \textsf{dvips -z}, but the DVI file is
+not portable. The main advantage of using the Hyper\TeX\ \ci{special}
+commands is that you can also use the document in hypertext DVI viewers,
+such as \textsf{xdvi}.
+\section{Implicit behavior}
+This package can be used with more or less any normal \LaTeX\ document
+by specifying in the document preamble
+Make sure it comes \emph{last} of your loaded packages, to give it a
+fighting chance of not being over-written, since its job is to redefine
+many \LaTeX\ commands. Hopefully you will find that all cross-references
+work correctly as hypertext. For example, \ci{section} commands will
+produce a bookmark and a link, whereas \ci{section*} commands will only
+show links when paired with a corresponding \ci{addcontentsline}
+In addition, the \texttt{hyperindex} option (see below) attempts to make
+items in the index by hyperlinked back to the text, and the option
+\texttt{backref} inserts extra `back' links into the bibliography for
+each entry. Other options control the appearance of links, and give
+extra control over PDF output. For example, \texttt{colorlinks}, as its
+name well implies, colors the links instead of using boxes; this is the
+option used in this document.
+\section{Package options}
+All user-configurable aspects of \textsf{hyperref} are set using a
+single `key=value' scheme (using the \textsf{keyval} package) with the
+key \texttt{Hyp}. The options can be set either in the optional argument
+to the \verb|\usepackage| command, or using the \verb|\hypersetup|
+macro. When the package is loaded, a file \texttt{hyperref.cfg} is read
+if it can be found, and this is a convenient place to set options on a
+site-wide basis.
+As an example, the behavior of a particular file could be controlled by:
+\item a site-wide \texttt{hyperref.cfg} setting up the look of links,
+adding backreferencing, and setting a PDF display default:
+\item A global option in the file, which is passed down to
+\item File-specific options in the \verb|\usepackage| commands, which
+override the ones set in \texttt{hyperref.cfg}:
+\usepackage[pdftitle={A Perfect Day},colorlinks=false]{hyperref}
+Some options can be given at any time, but many are restricted: before
+\verb|\begin{document}|, only in \verb|\usepackage[...]{hyperref}|,
+before first use, etc.
+In the key descriptions that follow, many options do not need a value,
+as they default to the value true if used. These are the ones classed as
+`boolean'. The values true and false can always be specified, however.
+\subsection{General options}
+Firstly, the options to specify general behavior and page size.
+draft & boolean & false & all hypertext options are turned off \\
+final & boolean & true & all hypertext options are turned on \\
+debug & boolean & false & extra diagnostic messages are printed in \\
+ & & & the log file \\
+verbose & boolean & false & same as debug \\
+implicit & boolean & true & redefines \LaTeX\ internals \\
+hypertexnames & boolean & true & use guessable names for links \\
+naturalnames & boolean & false & use \LaTeX-computed names for links \\
+a4paper & boolean & true & sets paper size to 210mm $\times$ 297mm \\
+a5paper & boolean & false & sets paper size to 148mm $\times$ 210mm \\
+b5paper & boolean & false & sets paper size to 176mm $\times$ 250mm \\
+letterpaper & boolean & false & sets paper size to 8.5in $\times$ 11in \\
+legalpaper & boolean & false & sets paper size to 8.5in $\times$ 14in \\
+executivepaper & boolean & false & sets paper size to 7.25in $\times$ 10.5in \\
+setpagesize & boolean & true & sets page size by special driver commands
+\subsection{Configuration options}
+raiselinks & boolean & true & In the hypertex driver, the height of links is normally calculcated by the driver as
+ simply the base line of contained text; this options forces \verb|\special| commands to
+ reflect the real height of the link (which could contain a graphic) \\
+breaklinks & boolean & false & Allows link text to break across lines; since this cannot be accommodated in PDF, it is
+ only set true by default if the pdftex driver is used. This makes links on multiple lines
+ into different PDF links to the same target. \\
+pageanchor & boolean & true & Determines whether every page is given an implicit anchor at the top left corner. If this
+ is turned off, \verb|\printindex| will not contain
+ valid hyperlinks. \\
+plainpages & boolean & false & Forces page anchors to be named by the arabic form of the page number, rather than the
+ formatted form. \\
+nesting & boolean & false & Allows links to be nested; no drivers currently support this.
+Note for option \verb|breaklinks|:
+The correct value is automatically set according to the driver features.
+It can be overwritten for drivers that do not support broken links.
+However, at any case, the link area will be wrong and displaced.
+\subsection{Backend drivers}
+If no driver is specified, the package defaults to loading the
+\textsf{hypertex} driver. All of these are boolean options.
+dvipdfm & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the \textsf{dvipdfm} driver.\\
+dvips & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the \textsf{dvips} driver. \\
+dvipsone & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the \textsf{dvipsone} driver. \\
+dviwindo & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the \textsf{dviwindo} Windows previewer. \\
+hypertex & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the Hyper\TeX-compliant drivers. \\
+latex2html & Redefines a few macros for compatibility with \textsf{latex2html}. \\
+nativepdf & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+pdfmark & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+pdftex & Sets up \textsf{hyperref} for use with the \textsf{pdftex} program.\\
+ps2pdf & Redefines a few macros for compatibility with
+ Ghostscript's PDF writer, otherwise identical to
+ \textsf{dvips}. \\
+tex4ht & for use with \textsf{\TeX4ht} \\
+textures & for use with \textsf{Textures} \\
+vtex & For use with MicroPress' \textsf{VTeX}; the PDF
+ and HTML backends are detected automatically. \\
+vtexpdfmark & for use with \textsf{VTeX}'s PostScript backend. \\
+\end{longtable} \smallskip
+If you use \textsf{dviwindo}, you may need to redefine the macro
+\ci{wwwbrowser} (the default is \verb|C:\netscape\netscape|) to tell
+\textsf{dviwindo} what program to launch. Thus, users of Internet
+Explorer might add something like this to hyperref.cfg:
+ Files\string\Plus!\string\Microsoft\space
+ Internet\string\iexplore.exe}
+\subsection{Extension options}
+extension & text & & Set the file extension (e.g.\ \textsf{dvi}) which will be appended to file links
+ created if you use the \textsf{xr} package. \\
+hyperfigures & boolean & & \\
+backref & boolean & false & Adds `backlink' text to the end of each item in the bibliography, as a list of
+ section numbers. This can only work properly \emph{if} there is a blank line after
+ each \verb|\bibitem|. \\
+pagebackref & boolean & false & Adds `backlink' text to the end of each item in the bibliography, as a list of page
+ numbers. \\
+hyperindex & boolean & true & Makes the page numbers of index entries into hyperlinks. Relays on unique
+ page anchors (\verb|pageanchor|, \ldots)\\
+ \verb|pageanchors| and \verb|plainpages=false|. \\
+hyperfootnotes & boolean & true & Makes the footnote marks into hyperlinks to the footnote text.
+ Easily broken \ldots\\
+encap & & & Sets encap character for hyperindex \\
+linktocpage & boolean & false & make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT \\
+breaklinks & boolean & false & allow links to break over lines by making links over multiple lines into PDF links to
+ the same target \\
+colorlinks & boolean & false & Colors the text of links and anchors. The colors chosen depend on the the type of
+ link. At present the only types of link distinguished are citations, page references,
+ URLs, local file references, and other links. \\
+linkcolor & color & red & Color for normal internal links. \\
+anchorcolor & color & black & Color for anchor text. \\
+citecolor & color & green & Color for bibliographical citations in text. \\
+filecolor & color & magenta & Color for URLs which open local files. \\
+menucolor & color & red & Color for Acrobat menu items. \\
+pagecolor & color & red & Color for links to other pages, but
+ currently unused. \\
+urlcolor & color & cyan & Color for linked URLs. \\
+frenchlinks & boolean & false & use small caps instead of color for links
+\end{longtable} \smallskip
+Note that all color names must be defined before use, following the
+normal system of the standard \LaTeX\ \textsf{color} package.
+\subsection{PDF-specific display options}
+bookmarks & boolean & true & A set of Acrobat bookmarks are written, in a manner similar to the
+ table of contents, requiring two passes of \LaTeX. Some postprocessing
+ of the bookmark file (file extension \texttt{.out}) may be needed to
+ translate \LaTeX\ codes, since bookmarks must be written in PDFEncoding.
+ To aid this process, the \texttt{.out} file is not rewritten by \LaTeX\
+ if it is edited to contain a line \verb|\let\WriteBookmarks\relax| \\
+bookmarksopen & boolean & false & If Acrobat bookmarks are requested, show them with all the subtrees
+ expanded. \\
+bookmarksopenlevel & parameter & & level (\ci{maxdimen}) to which bookmarks are open \\
+bookmarksnumbered & boolean & false & If Acrobat bookmarks are requested, include section numbers. \\
+bookmarkstype & text & toc & to specify which `toc' file to mimic \\
+CJKbookmarks & boolean & false &
+ This option should be used to produce CJK bookmarks.
+ Package \verb|hyperref|
+ supports both normal and preprocessed mode of the CJK package;
+ during the creation of bookmarks, it simply replaces CJK's macros
+ with special versions which expand to the corresponding character
+ codes. Note that without the `unicode' option of hyperref you get
+ PDF files which actually violate the PDF specification because
+ non-Unicode character codes are used -- some PDF readers localized
+ for CJK languages (most notably Acroread itself) support this.
+ No mechanism is provided to translate non-Unicode bookmarks to
+ Unicode; for portable PDF documents only Unicode encoding should
+ be used.\\
+pdfhighlight & name & /I & How link buttons behave when selected; /I is for inverse (the default);
+ the other possibilities are /N (no effect), /O (outline), and /P (inset
+ highlighting). \\
+citebordercolor & RGB color & 0 1 0 & The color of the box around citations \\
+filebordercolor & RGB color & 0 .5 .5 & The color of the box around links to files \\
+linkbordercolor & RGB color & 1 0 0 & The color of the box around normal links \\
+menubordercolor & RGB color & 1 0 0 & The color of the box around Acrobat menu links \\
+pagebordercolor & RGB color & 1 1 0 & The color of the box around links to pages \\
+urlbordercolor & RGB color & 0 1 1 & The color of the box around links to URLs \\
+runbordercolor & RGB color & 0 .7 .7 & color of border around `run' links \\
+pdfborder & & 0 0 1 & The style of box around links; defaults to a box with lines of 1pt thickness,
+ but the colorlinks option resets it to produce no border.
+Note that the color of link borders can be specified \emph{only} as 3
+numbers in the range 0..1, giving an RGB color. You cannot use colors
+defined in \TeX.
+The bookmark commands are stored in a file called
+\textit{jobname}\texttt{.out}. The files is not processed by \LaTeX\ so
+any markup is passed through. You can postprocess this file as needed;
+as an aid for this, the \texttt{.out} file is not overwritten on the
+next \TeX\ run if it is edited to contain the line \\
+\subsection{PDF display and information options}
+baseurl & URL & & Sets the base URL of the PDF document \\
+pdfpagemode & text & None & Determines how the file is opening in Acrobat; the possibilities are
+ \texttt{None}, \texttt{UseThumbs} (show thumbnails), \texttt{UseOutlines} (show
+ bookmarks), and \texttt{FullScreen}. If no mode if explicitly chosen, but the
+ bookmarks option is set, \texttt{UseOutlines} is used. \\
+pdftitle & text & & Sets the document information Title field \\
+pdfauthor & text & & Sets the document information Author field \\
+pdfsubject & text & & Sets the document information Subject field \\
+pdfcreator & text & & Sets the document information Creator field \\
+pdfproducer & text & & Sets the document information Producer field \\
+pdfkeywords & text & & Sets the document information Keywords field \\
+pdfview & text & XYZ & Sets the default PDF `view' for each link \\
+pdfstartpage & text & 1 & Determines on which page the PDF file is opened. \\
+pdfstartview & text & Fit & Set the startup page view \\
+pdfpagescrop & n n n n & & Sets the default PDF crop box for pages. This should be a set of four numbers \\
+pdfcenterwindow & boolean & false & position the document window in the center of the screen \\
+pdffitwindow & boolean & false & resize document window to fit document size \\
+pdfmenubar & boolean & true & make PDF viewer's menu bar visible \\
+pdfnewwindow & boolean & false & make links that open another PDF file start a new window \\
+pdfpagelayout & text & empty & set layout of PDF pages \\
+pdfpagelabels & boolean & true & set PDF page labels \\
+pdfpagetransition & text & empty & set PDF page transition style \\
+pdftoolbar & boolean & true & make PDF toolbar visible \\
+pdfwindowui & boolean & true & make PDF user interface elements visible \\
+unicode & boolean & false & Unicode encoded PDF strings
+Each link in Acrobat carries its own magnification level, which is set
+using PDF coordinate space, which is not the same as \TeX's. The unit
+is bp and the origin is in the lower left corner. See also
+\verb|\hypercalcbp| that is explained on page \pageref{hypercalcbp}.
+works by supplying default values for \texttt{XYZ} (horizontal $\times$
+vertical $\times$ zoom) and \texttt{FitBH}. However, drivers using
+\texttt{pdfmark} do not supply defaults, so \textsf{hyperref} passes in
+a value of -32768, which causes Acrobat to set (usually) sensible
+defaults. The following are possible values for the \texttt{pdfview} and
+\texttt{pdfstartview} parameters.
+XYZ & left top zoom & Sets a coordinate and a zoom factor. If any one is null, the source link value is used.
+ \textit{null null null} will give the same values as the current page. \\
+Fit & & Fits the page to the window. \\
+FitH & top & Fits the width of the page to the window. \\
+FitV & left & Fits the height of the page to the window. \\
+FitR & left bottom right top & Fits the rectangle specified by the four coordinates to the window. \\
+FitB & & Fits the page bounding box to the window. \\
+FitBH & top & Fits the width of the page bounding box to the window. \\
+FitBV & left & Fits the height of the page bounding box to the window. \\
+The \texttt{pdfpagelayout} can be one of the following values.
+SinglePage & Displays a single page; advancing flips the page \\
+OneColumn & Displays the document in one column; continuous scrolling. \\
+TwoColumnLeft & Displays the document in two columns, odd-numbered pages to the left. \\
+TwoColumnRight & Displays the document in two columns, odd-numbered pages to the right.
+Finally, the \texttt{pdfpagetransition} can be one of the following
+values, where \textit{/Di} stands for direction of motion in degrees,
+generally in 90$^{\circ}$\ steps, \textit{/Dm} is a horizontal
+(\texttt{/H}) or vertical (\texttt{/V}) dimension (e.g.\ \texttt{Blinds
+/Dm /V}), and \textit{/M} is for motion, either in (\texttt{/I}) or out
+Blinds & /Dm & Multiple lines distributed evenly across the screen sweep in the same direction to reveal the new
+ page. \\
+Box & /M & A box sweeps in or out. \\
+Dissolve & & The page image dissolves in a piecemeal fashion to reveal the new page. \\
+Glitter & /Di & Similar to Dissolve, except the effect sweeps across the screen. \\
+Split & /Dm /M & Two lines sweep across the screen to reveal the new page. \\
+Wipe & /Di & A single line sweeps across the screen to reveal the new page.
+\subsection{Big alphabetical list}
+The following is a complete listing of available options for
+\textsf{hyperref}, arranged alphabetically.
+a4paper & & use A4 paper \\
+a5paper & & use A5 paper \\
+anchorcolor & \textit{black} & set color of anchors \\
+b5paper & & use B5 paper \\
+backref & \textit{false} & do bibliographical back references \\
+baseurl & \textit{empty} & set base URL for document \\
+bookmarks & \textit{true} & make bookmarks \\
+bookmarksnumbered & \textit{false} & put section numbers in bookmarks \\
+bookmarksopen & \textit{false} & open up bookmark tree \\
+bookmarksopenlevel & \ttfamily\ci{maxdimen} & level to which bookmarks are open \\
+bookmarkstype & \textit{toc} & to specify which `toc' file to mimic \\
+breaklinks & \textit{false} & allow links to break over lines \\
+CJKbookmarks & \textit{false} & to produce CJK bookmarks\\
+citebordercolor & \textit{0 1 0} & color of border around cites \\
+citecolor & \textit{green} & color of citation links \\
+colorlinks & \textit{false} & color links \\
+ & \textit{true} & (\textsf{tex4ht}, \textsf{dviwindo}) \\
+debug & \textit{false} & provide details of anchors defined; same as verbose \\
+draft & \textit{false} & do not do any hyperlinking \\
+dvipdf & & use \textsf{dvipdf} backend (deprecated)\\
+dvipdfm & & use \textsf{dvipdfm} backend \\
+dvips & & use \textsf{dvips} backend \\
+dvipsone & & use \textsf{dvipsone} backend \\
+dviwindo & & use \textsf{dviwindo} backend \\
+encap & & to set encap character for hyperindex \\
+executivepaper & & use executivepaper \\
+extension & \textit{dvi} & suffix of linked files \\
+filebordercolor & \textit{0 .5 .5} & color of border around file links \\
+filecolor & \textit{cyan} & color of file links \\
+final & \textit{true} & opposite of option draft \\
+frenchlinks & \textit{false} & use small caps instead of color for links \\
+hyperfigures & \textit{false} & make figures hyper links \\
+hyperfootnotes & \textit{true} & set up hyperlinked footnotes \\
+hyperindex & \textit{true} & set up hyperlinked indices \\
+hypertex & & use \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend \\
+hypertexnames & \textit{true} & use guessable names for links \\
+implicit & \textit{true} & redefine \LaTeX\ internals \\
+latex2html & & use \textsf{\LaTeX2HTML} backend \\
+legalpaper & & use legalpaper \\
+letterpaper & & use letterpaper \\
+linkbordercolor & \textit{1 0 0} & color of border around links \\
+linkcolor & \textit{red} & color of links \\
+linktocpage & \textit{false} & make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT \\
+menubordercolor & \textit{1 0 0} & color of border around menu links \\
+menucolor & \textit{red} & color for menu links \\
+nativepdf & \textit{false} & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+naturalnames & \textit{false} & use \LaTeX-computed names for links \\
+nesting & \textit{false} & allow nesting of links \\
+pageanchor & \textit{true} & put an anchor on every page \\
+pagebackref & \textit{false} & backreference by page number \\
+pagebordercolor & \textit{1 1 0} & color of border around page links \\
+pagecolor & \textit{red} & color of page links, but
+ currently unused \\
+pdfauthor & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Author field \\
+pdfborder & \textit{0 0 1} & width of PDF link border \\
+ & \textit{0 0 0} & (\texttt{colorlinks)} \\
+pdfcenterwindow & \textit{false} & position the document window in the center of the screen \\
+pdfcreator & \textit{LaTeX with} & text for PDF Creator field \\
+ & \textit{hyperref} & \\
+ & \textit{package} & \\
+pdffitwindow & \textit{false} & resize document window to fit document size \\
+pdfhighlight & \textit{/I} & set highlighting of PDF links \\
+pdfkeywords & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Keywords field \\
+pdfmark & \textit{false} & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+pdfmenubar & \textit{true} & make PDF viewer's menu bar visible \\
+pdfnewwindow & \textit{false} & make links that open another PDF \\
+ & & file start a new window \\
+pdfpagelayout & \textit{empty} & set layout of PDF pages \\
+pdfpagemode & \textit{empty} & set default mode of PDF display \\
+pdfpagelabels & \textit{true} & set PDF page labels \\
+pdfpagescrop & \textit{empty} & set crop size of PDF document \\
+pdfpagetransition & \textit{empty} & set PDF page transition style \\
+pdfproducer & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Producer field \\
+pdfstartpage & \textit{1} & page at which PDF document opens \\
+pdfstartview & \textit{Fit} & starting view of PDF document \\
+pdfsubject & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Subject field \\
+pdftex & & use \textsf{pdf\TeX} backend \\
+pdftitle & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Title field \\
+pdftoolbar & \textit{true} & make PDF toolbar visible \\
+pdfview & \textit{XYZ} & PDF `view' when on link traversal \\
+pdfwindowui & \textit{true} & make PDF user interface elements visible \\
+plainpages & \textit{false} & do page number anchors as plain arabic \\
+ps2pdf & & use \textsf{ps2pdf} backend \\
+raiselinks & \textit{false} & raise up links (for \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend) \\
+runbordercolor & \textit{0 .7 .7} & color of border around `run' links \\
+setpagesize & \textit{true} & set page size by special driver commands \\
+tex4ht & & use \textsf{\TeX4ht} backend \\
+textures & & use \textsf{Textures} backend \\
+unicode & \textit{false} & Unicode encoded pdf strings \\
+urlbordercolor & \textit{0 1 1} & color of border around URL links \\
+urlcolor & \textit{magenta} & color of URL links \\
+verbose & \textit{false} & be chatty \\
+vtex & & use \textsf{VTeX} backend\\
+\section{Additional user macros}
+If you need to make references to URLs, or write explicit links, the
+following low-level user macros are provided:
+\noindent The \emph{text} is made a hyperlink to the \emph{URL}; this
+must be a full URL (relative to the base URL, if that is defined). The
+special characters \# and \~{} do \emph{not} need to be escaped in any
+\noindent Similar to
+Depending on the driver \verb|\href| also tries to detect the link type.
+Thus the result can be a url link, file link, \dots
+\noindent Write \emph{URL} in the same way as \verb|\url|,
+ without creating a hyperlink.
+\noindent A base \emph{URL} is established, which is prepended to other
+specified URLs, to make it easier to write portable documents.
+\noindent The link to the image referenced by the URL is inserted, using
+\emph{text} as the anchor.
+ For drivers that produce HTML, the image itself is inserted by the
+browser, with the \emph{text} being ignored completely.
+\noindent A target area of the document (the \emph{text}) is marked, and
+given the name \emph{}
+\noindent \emph{text} is made into a link to \emph{URL\}
+\noindent A simple internal link is created with \verb|\hypertarget|,
+with two parameters of an anchor \emph{name}, and anchor
+\emph{text}. \verb|\hyperlink| has two arguments, the name of a
+hypertext object defined somewhere by \verb|\hypertarget|, and the
+\emph{text} which be used as the link on the page.
+Note that in HTML parlance, the \verb|\hyperlink| command inserts a
+notional \# in front of each link, making it relative to the current
+testdocument; \verb|\href| expects a full URL.
+This sets an anchor at this location. It works similar to
+\verb|\hypertarget{}{}| with an automatically choosen anchor name.
+Often it is used in conjunction
+with \verb|\addcontentsline| for sectionlike things (index, bibliography,
+preface). \verb|\addcontentsline| refers to the latest previous location
+where an anchor is set. Example:
+Now the entry in the table of contents (and bookmarks) for the
+index points to the start of the index page, not to a location
+before this page.
+This is a replacement for the usual \verb|\ref| command that places a
+contextual label in front of the reference. This gives your users a
+bigger target to click for hyperlinks (e.g.\ `section 2' instead of
+merely the number `2').
+The label is worked out from the context of the original \verb|\label|
+command by \textsf{hyperref} by using the macros listed below (shown
+with their default values). The macros can be (re)defined in documents
+using \verb|\(re)newcommand|; note that some of these macros are already
+defined in the standard document classes. The mixture of lowercase and
+uppercase initial letters is deliberate and corresponds to the author's
+For each macro below, \textsf{hyperref} checks \ci{*autorefname} before
+\ci{*name}. For instance, it looks for \ci{figureautorefname} before
+\textit{Macro} & \textit{Default} \\
+\ci{figurename} & Figure \\
+\ci{tablename} & Table \\
+\ci{partname} & Part \\
+\ci{appendixname} & Appendix \\
+\ci{equationname} & Equation \\
+\ci{Itemname} & item \\
+\ci{chaptername} & chapter \\
+\ci{sectionname} & section \\
+\ci{subsectionname} & subsection \\
+\ci{subsubsectionname} & subsubsection \\
+\ci{paragraphname} & paragraph \\
+\ci{Hfootnotename} & footnote \\
+\ci{AMSname} & Equation \\
+\ci{theoremname} & Theorem
+For instances where you want a reference to use the correct counter, but
+not to create a link, there are two starred forms:
+A typical use would be to write
+\hyperref[other]{that nice section (\ref*{other}) we read before}
+We want \verb|\ref*{other}| to generate the correct number, but not to
+form a link, since we do this ourselves with \ci{hyperref}.
+\ci{pdfstringdef}\verb|{|\emph{macroname}\verb|}{|\emph{\TeX string}\verb|}|
+\ci{pdfstringdef} returns a macro containing the PDF string. (Currently
+this is done globally, but do not rely on it.) All the following tasks,
+definitions and redefinitions are made in a group to keep them local:
+\item Switching to PD1 or PU encoding
+\item Defining the \Quote{octal sequence commands} (\verb|\345|): \verb|\edef\3{\string\3}|
+\item Special glyphs of \TeX: \verb|\{|, \verb|\%|, \verb|\&|, \verb|\space|, \verb|\dots|, etc.
+\item National glyphs (\textsf{german.sty}, \textsf{french.sty}, etc.)
+\item Logos: \verb|\TeX|, \verb|\eTeX|, \verb|\MF|, etc.
+\item Disabling commands that do not provide useful functionality in bookmarks:
+\verb|\label|, \verb|\index|, \verb|\glossary|, \verb|\discretionary|, \verb|\def|, \verb|\let|, etc.
+\item \LaTeX's font commands like \verb|\textbf|, etc.
+\item Support for \verb|\xspace| provided by the \textsf{xspace} package
+In addition, parentheses are protected to avoid the danger of unsafe
+unbalanced parentheses in the PDF string. For further details, see Heiko
+Oberdiek's Euro\TeX\ paper distributed with \textsf{hyperref}.
+\subsection{Replacement macros}
+\textsf{hyperref} takes the text for bookmarks from the arguments of
+commands like \ci{section}, which can contain things like math, colors,
+or font changes, none of which will display in bookmarks as is.
+\ci{texorpdfstring}\verb|{|\emph{\TeX string}\verb|}{|\emph{PDFstring}\verb|}|
+For example,
+ \texorpdfstring{$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $}{%
+ a\texttwosuperior\ + b\texttwosuperior\ =
+ c\texttwosuperior
+ }%
+\section{\texorpdfstring{\textcolor{red}}{}{Red} Mars}
+\ci{pdfstringdef} executes the hook \pdfstringdefPreHook before it
+expands the string. Therefore, you can use this hook to perform
+additional tasks or to disable additional commands.
+ \pdfstringdefPreHook
+ \renewcommand{\mycommand}[1]{}%
+However, for disabling commands, an easier way is via
+\ci{pdfstringdefDisableCommands}, which adds its argument to the
+definition of \ci{pdfstringdefPreHook} (`@' can here be used as letter in
+command names):
+ \let~\textasciitilde
+ \def\url{\pdfstringdefwarn\url}%
+ \let\textcolor\@gobble
+\subsection{Utility macros}
+\ci{hypercalcbp}\verb|{|\emph{dimen specification}\verb|}|
+\verb|\hypercalcbp| takes a \TeX\ dimen specification and
+converts it to bp and returns the number without the unit.
+This is useful for options \verb|pdfstartview| and \verb|pdfview|.
+ pdfstartview={FitBH \hypercalcbp{\paperheight-\topmargin-1in
+ -\headheight-\headsep}
+The origin of the PDF coordinate system is the lower left corner.
+Note, for calculations you need either package |calc| or
+\eTeX. Nowadays the latter should automatically be enabled
+for \LaTeX\ formats. Users without \eTeX, please, look
+in the source documentation \verb|hyperref.dtx| for further
+Also \verb|\hypercalcbp| cannot be used in option specifications
+of \verb|\documentclass| and \verb|\usepackage|, because
+\LaTeX\ expands the option lists of these commands. However
+package \verb|hyperref| is not yet loaded and an undefined control
+sequence error would arise.
+\section{Acrobat-specific behavior}
+If you want to access the menu options of Acrobat Reader or Exchange, the following
+macro is provided in the appropriate drivers:
+\noindent The \emph{text} is used to create a button which activates the appropriate \emph{menuoption}. The following table lists the option names you can use---comparison of this with the menus in Acrobat Reader or Exchange will show what they do. Obviously some are only appropriate to Exchange.
+File & Open, Close, Scan, Save, SaveAs, Optimizer:SaveAsOpt, Print, PageSetup, Quit \\
+File$\rightarrow$Import & ImportImage, ImportNotes, AcroForm:ImportFDF \\
+File$\rightarrow$Export & ExportNotes, AcroForm:ExportFDF \\
+File$\rightarrow$DocumentInfo & GeneralInfo, OpenInfo, FontsInfo, SecurityInfo, Weblink:Base, AutoIndex:DocInfo \\
+File$\rightarrow$Preferences & GeneralPrefs, NotePrefs, FullScreenPrefs, Weblink:Prefs, AcroSearch:Preferences(Windows)
+ or, AcroSearch:Prefs(Mac), Cpt:Capture \\
+Edit & Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, SelectAll, Ole:CopyFile, TouchUp:TextAttributes,
+ TouchUp:FitTextToSelection, TouchUp:ShowLineMarkers, TouchUp:ShowCaptureSuspects,
+ TouchUp:FindSuspect, \\
+ & Properties \\
+Edit$\rightarrow$Fields & AcroForm:Duplicate, AcroForm:TabOrder \\
+Document & Cpt:CapturePages, AcroForm:Actions, CropPages, RotatePages, InsertPages, ExtractPages,
+ ReplacePages, DeletePages, NewBookmark, SetBookmarkDest, CreateAllThumbs,
+ DeleteAllThumbs \\
+View & ActualSize, FitVisible, FitWidth, FitPage, ZoomTo, FullScreen, FirstPage, PrevPage,
+ NextPage, LastPage, GoToPage, GoBack, GoForward, SinglePage, OneColumn, TwoColumns,
+ ArticleThreads, PageOnly, ShowBookmarks, ShowThumbs \\
+Tools & Hand, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, SelectText, SelectGraphics, Note, Link, Thread, AcroForm:Tool,
+ Acro\_Movie:MoviePlayer, TouchUp:TextTool, Find, FindAgain, FindNextNote,
+ CreateNotesFile \\
+Tools$\rightarrow$Search & AcroSrch:Query, AcroSrch:Indexes, AcroSrch:Results, AcroSrch:Assist, AcroSrch:PrevDoc,
+ AcroSrch:PrevHit, AcroSrch:NextHit, AcroSrch:NextDoc \\
+Window & ShowHideToolBar, ShowHideMenuBar, ShowHideClipboard, Cascade, TileHorizontal,
+ TileVertical, CloseAll \\
+Help & HelpUserGuide, HelpTutorial, HelpExchange, HelpScan, HelpCapture, HelpPDFWriter,
+ HelpDistiller, HelpSearch, HelpCatalog, HelpReader, Weblink:Home \\
+Help(Windows) & About
+\section{PDF and HTML forms}
+You must put your fields inside a \texttt{Form} environment (only one per file).
+There are six macros to prepare fields:
+The way forms and their labels are laid out is determined by:
+These macros default to \#1 \#2
+What is actually shown in as the field is determined by:
+These macros default to \verb|\vbox to #2{\hbox to #1{\hfill}\vfill}|, except the
+last, which defaults to \#1; it is used for buttons, and the special \ci{Submit} and \ci{Reset}
+You may also want to redefine the following macros:
+\subsection{Forms environment parameters}
+action & URL & The URL that will receive the form data if a \textsf{Submit} button is included in the form \\
+encoding & name & The encoding for the string set to the URL; FDF-encoding is usual, and \texttt{html} is the only
+ valid value \\
+method & name & Used only when generating HTML; values can be \texttt{post} or \texttt{get} \\
+\subsection{Forms optional parameters}
+Note that all colors must be expressed as RGB triples, in the range 0..1 (i.e.\ \texttt{color=0 0
+accesskey & key & & (as per HTML) \\
+align & number & 0 & alignment within text field; 0 is left-aligned, \\
+ & & & 1 is centered, 2 is right-aligned. \\
+backgroundcolor & & & color of box \\
+bordercolor & & & color of border \\
+bordersep & & & box border gap \\
+borderwidth & & & width of box border \\
+calculate & & & JavaScript code to calculate the value of the field \\
+charsize & dimen & & font size of field text \\
+checked & boolean & false & whether option selected by default \\
+color & & & color of text in box \\
+combo & boolean & false & choice list is `combo' style \\
+default & & & default value \\
+disabled & boolean & false & field disabled \\
+format & & & JavaScript code to format the field \\
+height & dimen & & height of field box \\
+hidden & boolean & false & field hidden \\
+ketstroke & & & JavaScript code to control the keystrokes on entry \\
+maxlen & number & 0 & number of characters allowed in text field \\
+menulength & number & 4 & number of elements shown in list \\
+multiline & boolean & false & whether text box is multiline \\
+name & name & & name of field (defaults to label) \\
+onblur & & & JavaScript code \\
+onchange & & & JavaScript code \\
+onclick & & & JavaScript code \\
+ondblclick & & & JavaScript code \\
+onfocus & & & JavaScript code \\
+onkeydown & & & JavaScript code \\
+onkeypress & & & JavaScript code \\
+onkeyup & & & JavaScript code \\
+onmousedown & & & JavaScript code \\
+onmousemove & & & JavaScript code \\
+onmouseout & & & JavaScript code \\
+onmouseover & & & JavaScript code \\
+onmouseup & & & JavaScript code \\
+onselect & & & JavaScript code \\
+password & boolean & false & text field is `password' style \\
+popdown & boolean & false & choice list is `popdown' style \\
+radio & boolean & false & choice list is `radio' style \\
+readonly & boolean & false & field is readonly \\
+tabkey & & & (as per HTML) \\
+validate & & & JavaScript code to validate the entry \\
+value & & & initial value \\
+width & dimen & & width of field box
+\section{Defining a new driver}
+A hyperref driver has to provide definitions for eight macros:
+\noindent 1. \verb|\hyper@anchor|
+\noindent 2. \verb|\hyper@link|
+\noindent 3. \verb|\hyper@linkfile|
+\noindent 4. \verb|\hyper@linkurl|
+\noindent 5. \verb|\hyper@anchorstart|
+\noindent 6. \verb|\hyper@anchorend|
+\noindent 7. \verb|\hyper@linkstart|
+\noindent 8. \verb|\hyper@linkend|
+The draft option defines the macros as follows
+\section{Special support for other packages}
+\textsf{hyperref} aims to cooperate with other packages, but there are
+several possible sources for conflict, such as
+\item Packages that manipulate the bibliographic mechanism. Peter
+William's \textsf{harvard} package is supported. However, the
+recommended package is Patrick Daly's \textsf{natbib} package that has
+specific \textsf{hyperref} hooks to allow reliable interaction. This
+package covers a very wide variety of layouts and citation styles, all
+of which work with \textsf{hyperref}.
+\item Packages that typeset the contents of the \ci{label} and \ci{ref}
+macros, such as \textsf{showkeys}. Since the \textsf{hyperref} package
+redefines these commands, you must set \texttt{implicit=false} for these
+packages to work.
+\item Packages that do anything serious with the index.
+The \textsf{hyperref} package is distributed with variants on two useful
+packages designed to work especially well with it. These are \textsf{xr}
+and \textsf{minitoc}, which support crossdocument links using \LaTeX's
+normal \verb|\label/\ref| mechanisms and per-chapter tables of contents,
+\section{History and acknowledgments}
+The original authors of \textsf{hyperbasics.tex} and
+\textsf{hypertex.sty}, from which this package descends, are Tanmoy
+Bhattacharya (\texttt{}) and Thorsten Ohl
+\linebreak(\texttt{}). \textsf{hyperref}
+started as a simple port of their work to \LaTeXe\ standards, but
+eventually I rewrote nearly everything, because I didn't understand a
+lot of the original, and was only interested in getting it to work with
+\LaTeX. I would like to thank Arthur Smith, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Mark
+Doyle, Paul Ginsparg, David Carlisle, T.\ V.\ Raman and Leslie Lamport
+for comments, requests, thoughts and code to get the package into its
+first useable state. Various other people are mentioned at the point in
+the source where I had to change the code in later versions because of
+problems they found.
+Tanmoy found a great many of the bugs, and (even better) often provided
+fixes, which has made the package more robust. The days spent on
+Rev\TeX\ are entirely due to him! The investigations of Bill Moss
+(\texttt{}) into the later versions including
+native PDF support uncovered a good many bugs, and his testing is
+appreciated. Hans Hagen (\texttt{}) provided a lot of
+insight into PDF.
+Berthold Horn provided help, encouragement and sponsorship for the
+\textsf{dvipsone} and \textsf{dviwindo} drivers. Sergey Lesenko provided
+the changes needed for \textsf{dvipdf}, and \Hanh{} supplied all the
+information needed for \textsf{pdftex}. Patrick Daly kindly updated his
+\textsf{natbib} package to allow easy integration with
+\textsf{hyperref}. Michael Mehlich's \textsf{hyper} package (developed
+in parallel with \textsf{hyperref}) showed me solutions for some
+problems. Hopefully the two packages will combine one day.
+The forms creation section owes a great deal to: T.\ V.\ Raman, for
+encouragement, support and ideas; Thomas Merz, whose book \emph{Web
+Publishing with Acrobat/PDF} provided crucial insights; D.\ P.\ Story,
+whose detailed article about pdfmarks and forms solved many practical
+problems; and Hans Hagen, who explained how to do it in \textsf{pdftex}.
+Steve Dandy recreated the manual source in July 2003 after it had been
+Especial extra thanks to David Carlisle for the \textsf{backref} module,
+the ps2pdf and dviwindo support, frequent general rewrites of my bad
+code, and for working on changes to the \textsf{xr} package to suit
+ \makeatletter
+ \let\chapter=\section
+ % subsections goes into bookmarks but not toc
+ \hypersetup{bookmarksopenlevel=1}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}}
+ % The \section command acts as \subsection.
+ % Additionally the title is converted to lowercase except
+ % for the first letter.
+ \def\section{%
+ \let\section\lc@subsection
+ \lc@subsection
+ }
+ \def\lc@subsection{%
+ \@ifstar{\def\mystar{*}\lc@sec}%
+ {\let\mystar\@empty\lc@sec}%
+ }
+ \def\lc@sec#1{%
+ \lc@@sec#1\@nil
+ }
+ \def\lc@@sec#1#2\@nil{%
+ \begingroup
+ \def\a{#1}%
+ \lowercase{%
+ \edef\x{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\subsection\mystar{\a#2}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \x
+ }
+ \include{fdl}