path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx
index 3266baa12aa..7fb513f01d6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ekaia/ekaia.dtx
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
% \iffalse meta-comment
-% Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Edorta Ibarra a and the Ekaia Journal (UPV/EHU)
+% ekaia.dtx
+% Copyright (C) 2014-2019, Edorta Ibarra a and the Ekaia Journal (UPV/EHU)
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
-% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-% version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later
-% version. The latest version of this license is in:
-% and version 1.2 or later is part of all the distributions of
-% LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2008-05-04 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
% This work consists of the files ekaia.dtx, ekaia.ins
% and the derived files ekaia.sty, ekaia.pdf and
% ekaia_EUS.pdf.
% \fi
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
-%<package> [2016/11/25 v1.04 ekaia Package]
+%<package> [2019/01/02 v1.06 ekaia Package]
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -62,13 +61,14 @@
% \changes{v1.00}{14/07/20}{First version for development}
% \changes{v1.02}{14/12/26}{First public version}
% \changes{v1.04}{14/12/26}{Article title in English language included}
+% \changes{v1.06}{19/01/02}{Template modifications to comply with UPV/EHU Press latest requirements}
% \GetFileInfo{ekaia.sty}
% \title{The \textsf{ekaia} package\thanks{This file (\textsf{ekaia.dtx})
-% has version 1.04 last revised 16-11-25.}}
+% has version 1.06 last revised 19-01-02.}}
% \author{Edorta Ibarra and the Ekaia Journal (UPV/EHU)\\\texttt{}}
-% \date{2016-11-25}
+% \date{2019-01-02}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
@@ -118,12 +118,16 @@
% \section{Calling the package}
% The package \verb|ekaia| is called using the \verb|\usepackage|
-% command:\\ \verb|\usepackage{ekaia}|.
+% command:\\ \verb|\usepackage[<options>]{ekaia}|.
-% No package options are provided in the current \verb|ekaia.sty| version.
-% \texttt{ekaia} package requires the following additional packages:
-% \texttt{babel}, \texttt{geometry}, \texttt{sectsty}, \texttt{fancyhdr}
-% and \texttt{indentfirst}.
+% The following package options are provided in the current \verb|ekaia.sty| version:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \texttt{review}: This option must be selected when generating the manuscript for peer-review.
+% \item \texttt{final}: This option must be selected when generating the final manuscript.
+% \end{itemize}
+% The \texttt{ekaia} package requires the following additional packages:
+% \texttt{babel}, \texttt{geometry}, \texttt{sectsty}, \texttt{fancyhdr},
+% \texttt{indentfirst}, \texttt{basque-date} and \texttt{ccicons}.
% \section{Package usage}
@@ -163,49 +167,40 @@
% \noindent
% \verb|\documentclass[twoside,a4paper,11pt]{article}|\\
-% \verb|\usepackage{ekaia}|\\
+% \verb|\usepackage[review]{ekaia}|\\
% \verb|\begin{document}|\\
-% \verb|\izenburua{\LaTeX{}: euskarazko dokumentu|\\
-% \verb|zientifiko-teknikoen ediziorako baliabideak}|\\
-% \verb| |\\
-% \verb|\azpiizenburua{\LaTeX{}: resources for the edition|\\
-% \verb|of scientific and technical documents in Basque}|\\
-% \verb| |\\
+% \verb|\izenburua{Ekaia Aldizkariko egileentzako gidalerroak}|\\
+% \verb|\azpiizenburua{Ekaia: Guidelines for authors}|\\
+% \verb||\\
% \verb|\begin{autoreak}|\\
-% \verb|\textit{Edorta Ibarra$^1$, Jose Ramon Etxebarria$^2$}|\\
+% \verb|\textit{Egile guztien izenak$^1$}|\\
% \verb|\linebreak|\\
-% \verb|$^1$APERT ikerketa-taldeko ikertzailea (UPV/EHU)|\\
+% \verb|$^1$Egile guztien afilizazioa (instituzioa, hiria, herrialdea)|\\
% \verb|\linebreak|\\
-% \verb|$^2$Euskal filologia saila, Bilboko Goi Ingeniaritza Eskola|\\
-% \verb|(UPV/EHU)|\\
+% \verb|Egile nagusiaren helbide elektronikoa|\\
% \verb|\linebreak|\\
-% \verb||\\
+% \verb|Egile nagusiaren helbide osoa (Instituzioa, kalea, zenbakia,|\\
+% \verb|posta kutxatila, hiria, herrialdea)|\\
% \verb|\linebreak|\\
+% \verb|Egile nagusiaren ORCID zenbakia|\\
% \verb|\end{autoreak}|\\
% \verb| |\\
-% \verb|\datak{2014-04-11}{2014-07-11}|\\
+% \verb|\datak{XXXX-XX-XX}{XXXX-XX-XX}|\\
% \verb| |\\
% \verb|\begin{laburpena}|\\
-% \verb|Gaur egun, komunitate zientifikoaren `lingua francatzat' har|\\
-% \verb|daiteke kalitate tipografiko handiko testuen ediziorako den|\\
-% \verb|\LaTeX{} sistema. Nahiz eta hainbat hizkuntzatan lan egiteko|\\
-% \verb|aukera eman, ingelesarekin eta ingelesaren antzeko hizkuntzekin|\\
-% \verb|lan egiteko dago \LaTeX{} prestatuta.|\\
+% \verb|(250 hitz gehienez eta paragrafo batean)|\\
% \verb|\end{laburpena}|\\
% \verb| |\\
% \verb|\begin{hitz-gakoak}|\\
-% \verb|Testu zientifikoen edizioa, \LaTeX{}, euskara.|\\
+% \verb|Ekaia, \LaTeX{}, euskara.|\\
% \verb|\end{hitz-gakoak}|\\
% \verb| |\\
% \verb|\begin{abstract}|\\
-% \verb|Nowadays, \LaTeX{}, an editor for high typographical quality texts,|\\
-% \verb|can be considered as a lingua franca for the scientific community.|\\
-% \verb|Although \LaTeX{} supports a multi-lingual environment, it is suited |\\
-% \verb|to work with English and English-like languages.|\\
+% \verb| (Maximum 250 words and one paragraph)|\\
% \verb|\end{abstract}|\\
% \verb| |\\
% \verb|\begin{keywords}|\\
-% \verb|Scientific document edition, \LaTeX{}, Basque Language.|\\
+% \verb|Ekaia, \LaTeX{}, Basque language.|\\
% \verb|\end{keywords}|\\
% \verb| |\\
% \verb|\section{Sarrera}|\\
@@ -234,7 +229,7 @@
% \subsection{License}
-% Copyright 2014-2016 Edorta Ibarra and the Ekaia Journal (UPV/EHU).
+% Copyright 2014-2019 Edorta Ibarra and the Ekaia Journal (UPV/EHU).
% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the
% \LaTeX\ Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory
@@ -248,6 +243,7 @@
% version for development.
% \item \textbf{Version v1.02 (14/12/26).} First public version.
% \item \textbf{Version v1.04 (16/11/04).} \verb|azpiizenburua| command included to generate the title in English. Minor mistakes corrected.
+% \item \textbf{Version v1.06 (19/01/02).} Template modifications in order to comply with UPV/EHU Press latest requirements.
% \end{itemize}
@@ -258,9 +254,9 @@
%<basque> \begin{document}
%<basque> \title{\textsf{ekaia} paketea\thanks{Fitxategi honek (\textsf{ekaia.dtx})
-%<basque> 1.04. bertsioa du. Azken aldiz errebisatua: 16-11-25.}}
+%<basque> 1.06. bertsioa du. Azken aldiz errebisatua: 19-01-02.}}
%<basque> \author{Edorta Ibarra eta Ekaia Aldizkaria (UPV/EHU)\\\texttt{}}
-%<basque> \date{2016-11-25}
+%<basque> \date{2019-01-02}
%<basque> \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Aurkibidea}
%<basque> \renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliografia}
%<basque> \renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section}.}
@@ -314,10 +310,14 @@
%<basque> \verb|\usepackage| komandoa erabiliz deitzen da
%<basque> \verb|ekaia| paketea:\\ \verb|\usepackage{ekaia}|.
-%<basque> \verb|ekaia| paketearen bertsio honek ez du aukerarik
+%<basque> \verb|ekaia| paketearen bertsio honek hurrengo aukerak ditu:
+%<basque> \begin{itemize}
+%<basque> \item \texttt{review}: Errebisiorako bertsioa sortzeko hautatu behar da aukera hori.
+%<basque> \item \texttt{final}: Onartutako bertsioa sortzeko hautatu behar da aukera hori.
+%<basque> \end{itemize}
%<basque> eskaintzen. Hurrengo pakete gehigarriak behar ditu
%<basque> \texttt{ekaia} paketeak: \texttt{babel}, \texttt{geometry}, \texttt{sectsty},
-%<basque> \texttt{fancyhdr} eta \texttt{indentfirst}.
+%<basque> \texttt{fancyhdr}, \texttt{indentfirst}, \texttt{basque-date} eta \texttt{ccicons}.
%<basque> \section{Paketearen erabilera}
%<basque> \subsection{Paketeak eskaintzen dituen \LaTeX{}en komando eta inguruneak}
@@ -357,49 +357,40 @@
%<basque> \noindent
%<basque> \verb|\documentclass[twoside,a4paper,11pt]{article}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|\usepackage{ekaia}|\\
+%<basque> \verb|\usepackage[review]{ekaia}|\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{document}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|\izenburua{\LaTeX{}: euskarazko dokumentu|\\
-%<basque> \verb|zientifiko-teknikoen ediziorako baliabideak}|\\
-%<basque> \verb| |\\
-%<basque> \verb|\azpiizenburua{\LaTeX{}: resources for the edition|\\
-%<basque> \verb|of scientific and technical documents in Basque}|\\
-%<basque> \verb| |\\
+%<basque> \verb|\izenburua{Ekaia Aldizkariko egileentzako gidalerroak}|\\
+%<basque> \verb|\azpiizenburua{Ekaia: Guidelines for authors}|\\
+%<basque> \verb||\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{autoreak}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|\textit{Edorta Ibarra$^1$, Jose Ramon Etxebarria$^2$}|\\
+%<basque> \verb|\textit{Egile guztien izenak$^1$}|\\
%<basque> \verb|\linebreak|\\
-%<basque> \verb|$^1$APERT ikerketa-taldeko ikertzailea (UPV/EHU)|\\
+%<basque> \verb|$^1$Egile guztien afilizazioa (instituzioa, hiria, herrialdea)|\\
%<basque> \verb|\linebreak|\\
-%<basque> \verb|$^2$Euskal filologia saila, Bilboko Goi Ingeniaritza Eskola|\\
-%<basque> \verb|(UPV/EHU)|\\
+%<basque> \verb|Egile nagusiaren helbide elektronikoa|\\
%<basque> \verb|\linebreak|\\
-%<basque> \verb||\\
+%<basque> \verb|Egile nagusiaren helbide osoa (Instituzioa, kalea, zenbakia,|\\
+%<basque> \verb|posta kutxatila, hiria, herrialdea)|\\
%<basque> \verb|\linebreak|\\
+%<basque> \verb|Egile nagusiaren ORCID zenbakia|\\
%<basque> \verb|\end{autoreak}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
-%<basque> \verb|\datak{2014-04-11}{2014-07-11}|\\
+%<basque> \verb|\datak{XXXX-XX-XX}{XXXX-XX-XX}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{laburpena}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|Gaur egun, komunitate zientifikoaren `lingua francatzat' har|\\
-%<basque> \verb|daiteke kalitate tipografiko handiko testuen ediziorako den|\\
-%<basque> \verb|\LaTeX{} sistema. Nahiz eta hainbat hizkuntzatan lan egiteko|\\
-%<basque> \verb|aukera eman, ingelesarekin eta ingelesaren antzeko hizkuntzekin|\\
-%<basque> \verb|lan egiteko dago \LaTeX{} prestatuta.|\\
+%<basque> \verb|(250 hitz gehienez eta paragrafo batean)|\\
%<basque> \verb|\end{laburpena}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{hitz-gakoak}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|Testu zientifikoen edizioa, \LaTeX{}, euskara.|\\
+%<basque> \verb|Ekaia, \LaTeX{}, euskara.|\\
%<basque> \verb|\end{hitz-gakoak}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{abstract}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|Nowadays, \LaTeX{}, an editor for high typographical quality texts,|\\
-%<basque> \verb|can be considered as a lingua franca for the scientific community.|\\
-%<basque> \verb|Although \LaTeX{} supports a multi-lingual environment, it is suited |\\
-%<basque> \verb|to work with English and English-like languages.|\\
+%<basque> \verb| (Maximum 250 words and one paragraph)|\\
%<basque> \verb|\end{abstract}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
%<basque> \verb|\begin{keywords}|\\
-%<basque> \verb|Scientific document edition, \LaTeX{}, Basque Language.|\\
+%<basque> \verb|Ekaia, \LaTeX{}, Basque language.|\\
%<basque> \verb|\end{keywords}|\\
%<basque> \verb| |\\
%<basque> \verb|\section{Sarrera}|\\
@@ -430,7 +421,7 @@
%<basque> \subsection{Lizentzia}
-%<basque> Copyright 2014 Edorta Ibarra eta Ekaia Aldizkaria (UPV/EHU).
+%<basque> Copyright 2014-2019 Edorta Ibarra eta Ekaia Aldizkaria (UPV/EHU).
%<basque> CTAN fitxategietan banatutako \LaTeX\ proiektuko lizentzia
%<basque> publikoaren terminoetan birbanatu edota alda daiteke
@@ -442,12 +433,14 @@
%<basque> \subsection{Bertsioen historia}
%<basque> \begin{itemize}
-%<basque> \item \textbf{Version v1.00 (14/07/27).} Garapenerako bertsio
+%<basque> \item \textbf{v1.00. bertsioa (14/07/27).} Garapenerako bertsio
%<basque> ez publikoa.
%<basque> \item \textbf{v1.02. bertsioa (14/12/26).} Lehen bertsio
%<basque> publikoa.
%<basque> \item \textbf{v1.04. bertsioa (16/11/04).} \verb|azpiizenburua| komandoa
%<basque> gehitu da izenburua ingelesez sortzeko. Errore txikiak zuzenduta.
+%<basque> \item \textbf{v1.06. bertsioa (19/01/02).} Aldaketak txantiloian UPV/EHUko argitalpen
+%<basque> zerbitzuaren beharrizanak jarraituz.
%<basque> \end{itemize}
%<basque> \subsection{Inplementazioa}
@@ -460,26 +453,30 @@
% \iffalse
%<example> %%%Example of an Ekaia article created in LaTeX
%<example> \documentclass[twoside,a4paper,11pt]{article}
-%<example> \usepackage{ekaia}
+%<example> \usepackage[review]{ekaia}
+%<example> %\usepackage[final]{ekaia} %Aldatu aukera 'final'era onartutako bertsioa bidaltzean
%<example> \begin{document}
%<example> \izenburua{Ekaia Aldizkariko egileentzako gidalerroak}
%<example> \azpiizenburua{Ekaia: Guidelines for authors}
%<example> \begin{autoreak}
-%<example> \textit{Edorta Ibarra Basabe$^1$, Ekaiako Erredakzio Batzordea}
+%<example> \textit{Egile guztien izenak$^1$}
+%<example> \linebreak
+%<example> $^1$Egile guztien afilizazioa (instituzioa, hiria, herrialdea)
%<example> \linebreak
-%<example> $^1$Ekaia Aldizkariko kidea.
+%<example> Egile nagusiaren helbide elektronikoa
%<example> \linebreak
+%<example> Egile nagusiaren helbide osoa (Instituzioa, kalea, zenbakia, posta kutxatila,
+%<example> hiria, herrialdea)
%<example> \linebreak
+%<example> Egile nagusiaren ORCID zenbakia
%<example> \end{autoreak}
-%<example> \datak{2014-12-22}{2014-12-26}
+%<example> \datak{XXXX-XX-XX}{XXXX-XX-XX}
%<example> \begin{laburpena}
-%<example> Ekaia Aldizkarian publikatu nahi duten egileentzako gidalerroak biltzen ditu dokumentu
-%<example> honek. Horrez gain, \LaTeX{}eko txantiloi bezala erabiltzeko baliagarria da dokumentua.
+%<example> (250 hitz gehienez eta paragrafo batean)
%<example> \end{laburpena}
%<example> \begin{hitz-gakoak}
@@ -487,8 +484,7 @@
%<example> \end{hitz-gakoak}
%<example> \begin{abstract}
-%<example> This document sumarizes the author gidelines for publication in the Ekaia Journal.
-%<example> The document can also be used as a \LaTeX{} template.
+%<example> (Maximum 250 words and one paragraph)
%<example> \end{abstract}
%<example> \begin{keywords}
@@ -609,22 +605,22 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Spaces according to Basque language rules are set.
% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Basque date options are loaded
+% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% The line spacing is set to one and a half of the standard line spacing.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Document margin layout is selected using the \verb|geometry| package.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Additionally, section font size selection is achieved using the \verb|sectsty|
% package.
@@ -633,7 +629,28 @@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Creative commons icons are loaded to generate the final manuscript version
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Package options for \texttt{review} and \texttt{final} manuscript versions are provided
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\tiny Errebisiorako bertsioa\\
+Ekaia aldizkaria (UPV/EHU), \eusdata}
+\tiny\copyright UPV/EHU Press\\
+ ISSN: 0214-9001\\
+ e-ISSN: 2444-3255\\
+ \ccLogo\ccAttribution\ccNonCommercial\ccShareAlike\\
+ Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike\\
+ 4.0 international (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)}
% \end{macrocode}
% Document footer definition is performed using the \verb|fancyhdr| package.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -644,8 +661,8 @@
\fancyhead[C]{ }
\fancyhead[R]{ }
\fancyfoot[L]{ }
-\fancyfoot[C]{ }
@@ -697,7 +714,7 @@
% Commands \verb|\thesection|, \verb|\thesubsection|, etc. are redefined in order to
% comply with the Basque Language rules. Additionally, section indent is set.
% \begin{macrocode}
-\renewcommand\thesection {\indent \arabic{section}.}
+\renewcommand\thesection {\indent \arabic{section}.}
\renewcommand\thesubsection {\thesection \arabic{subsection}.}
\renewcommand\thesubsubsection {\thesubsection \arabic{subsubsection}.}
\renewcommand\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection \arabic{paragraph}.}