path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/dialogl/READ.ME
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-The `dialogl' collection Michael Downes, 10-Nov-1994
- (Internet)
-The purpose of the `dialogl' collection is to gather together in one
-place a lot of information and examples---probably more than you really
-wanted---about how to write TeX macros to carry on dialog with the user.
-The centerpiece of the package is the file `dialog.sty', which makes it
-easy to add bits of dialog to a LaTeX document; it can also be used with
-non-LaTeX macro packages, if they are plain.tex compatible. Another
-file, listout.tex, has a menu system built with the functions defined in
-menus.sty, which you may enjoy trying out. Listout.tex was originally
-written to work with plain TeX; my later attempts to retrofit LaTeX
-compatibility may have some gaps, but it seems to work in the simple
-tests that I have done.
-The total size of the dialogl collection is approximately 580K.
-LATEX: The .sty files and listout.tex should go into your
-LaTeX input files area, wherever that may be on your system. The
-remaining files can go wherever you want.
-PLAIN TEX: For use with plain TeX, old LaTeX (version 2.09), or other
-non-LaTeX formats, installation is essentially the same as above,
-except that for the .sty files you should use the `plain' versions by
-renaming grabhedr.stp to grabhedr.sty, dialog.stp to dialog.sty, and
-menus.stp to menus.sty. These versions don't include LaTeX
-administrative functions such as \ProvidesPackage.
-Suggested usage:
-(1) Try using listout.tex to print out some e-mail or program source
-files (e.g. TeX macros), eight or ten pages: Give the command
- tex listout
-Navigate through the menu system, try to break it by giving bizarre
-answers, look for other kinds of deficiencies. (Send me mail if you find
-something that ought to be fixed.) Find and try out the `tiny tabs'
-option. Find out how to make Control-L characters produce a `newpage'
-effect in the printout.
-(2) Print pages 1--5 of the documentation for dialog.sty (dia-driv.tex,
-~25 pages total, see below). You will need doc.sty to do this. Look at
-the user functions described in the documentation to see which ones you
-might want to use.
-(3) Try out the animals.tex game: Think of any old animal and give the
- tex animals
-(The entertaining part is making up the questions when TeX fails to
-guess your animal. Be creative, have fun.)
-(4) If you are interested, print out codialog.tex (29 pages): it gives
-a technical overview of TeX's capabilities for dialog, with various
-examples. Further technical discussion is found in the .dtx files, which
-can be printed out individually or using the driver file dia-driv.tex.
- dialog.dtx 11 pages
- menus.dtx 9 pages
- grabhedr.dtx 4 pages
- listout.dtx 40 pages (includes a full listing of menus at the end)
----Add \nmenu, \nxmenu.
----Adapt further for LaTeX2e. `menus' might perhaps better be done as a
-package option of the dialog package:
- \usepackage[menus]{dialog}
-to cut down on the number of different files required.
----Add support for reading menus from disk to cut down on memory
-consumption (currently latex2e+listout.tex uses more than 65K,
-producing `TeX capacity exceeded' error for small TeXs).
----Provide better documentation about what is available for use in the
-running heads/feet (\todaysdate, \nowtime, (\TeXdate \TeXtime?),
-\thisfilename, \dirprefix, etc. Also \folio should be separated into
-\columnfolio and \pagefolio or maybe \pagefolio and \sheetfolio so that
-they can be put in different places separately.
----Provide better support for printing characters in the range 0-31,
-127-255 if suitable fonts are available. (Where the meaning of
-`suitable' is system-dependent and language-dependent.)
----Provide support for embedding `listout' fragments in parent
-documents. Output routine complications make this difficult for
-fragments more than one page long, unless they are restricted to single
-column format. But even that much would be useful.
----Add an index for listout.dtx.
-File list:
- dialogl.ins (for LaTeX2e)
- diatest.tex (test file)
- dialog.sty dialog.stp
- menus.sty menus.stp
- grabhedr.sty grabhedr.stp
- listout.tex
- Main File Subfiles
- ---------------------------
- dia-driv.tex dialog.dtx
- menus.dtx
- grabhedr.dtx
- listout.dtx default.los
- codialog.tex animals.tex
- animals2.tex
- animal.dat
- cnvunits.tex
- fontmenu.tex
- fontmenu.log
- uktex91.1x
- dialogl.sty
-This is the driver file for printing out the documentation of
-dialog.sty, menus.sty, and grabhedr.sty. Run it through standard
-It will probably appear as an article in TUGboat, some time in 1994.
-This is a substantially revised and augmented version of the paper
-`Dialog with TeX' that appeared in the Proceedings of the 1991 TUG
-Conference at Dedham, Massachusetts (TUGboat vol 12 no 3, December
-1991, Part 2). [In other words: I was dissatisfied with the first
-published version, so I am `publishing' here a better organized
-version with some nice added examples.]
-The following files that are printed in the appendixes of the paper are
-included in electronic form in case any finds some use for them.
----animals.tex is derived from Andrew Marc Greene's original game
-file of the same name (TUGboat 10(4), pages 691--705, 1989), modified
-slightly to allow starting over again with a new animal without having to
-restart TeX. Included here by permission of the author.
----uktex91.1x is an excerpt from uktex91.001 where Brian Hamilton
-Kelly's checknum.sty first appeared.
----fontmenu.tex shows how the token-deletion option of TeX's
-error recovery mechanism can be used to implement a crude menu
----cnvunits.tex contains some routines that demonstrate conversion of
-point units to inch units.