path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cwpuzzle/AcrossLite/nytsconv.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cwpuzzle/AcrossLite/nytsconv.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cwpuzzle/AcrossLite/nytsconv.c b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cwpuzzle/AcrossLite/nytsconv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e478f6840..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/cwpuzzle/AcrossLite/nytsconv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-/* ACL to LaTeX conversion suitable for Sunday NY Times */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define ROWSIZE 256
-FILE *infile;
-int width, height, j, k, ccount, mcount, anum, dnum;
-int apos, dpos;
-char inbuf[ROWSIZE];
-/* Here is a lazy programmer's waste of space. */
-char aspace[ROWSIZE][ROWSIZE];
-char dspace[ROWSIZE][ROWSIZE];
-char rowtext[10*ROWSIZE];
-char tmp[ROWSIZE];
-char title[80];
-char author[80];
-char copyright[80];
-char matrix[ROWSIZE*ROWSIZE*10];
-char aclues[ROWSIZE*15*16];
-char dclues[ROWSIZE*15*16];
-void fgetaline(char *, FILE *);
-void main(int argc, char *argv[])
-/* Open the puzzle file. */
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage: Acl2TeX <puzzle file>\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
- if (infile == NULL) {
- printf("Error opening %s.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-/* From here on we're assuming a non-corrupt puzzle file.
- An enhancement later could be to check for this. */
-/* Read in the puzzle size, skipping the stuff
- we don't understand. */
- fread(inbuf, 46, 1, infile);
- width = (int)(inbuf[44]);
- height = (int)(inbuf[45]);
-/* Read in the solution, assuming(!) it is not scrambled.
- This may be a bad idea but we do it anyhow. */
- fread(inbuf, 6, 1, infile); /* more basura */
- for (j=0; j<height; j++) fread(&aspace[j][0], width, 1, infile);
-/* Read in the diagram info separately. It's safer to use
- this to deduce the numbering scheme. */
- for (j=0; j<height; j++) fread(&dspace[j][0], width, 1, infile);
- /* Now start to separate some of the text headers. */
- apos=dpos=0;
- fgetaline(title, infile);
- fgetaline(author, infile);
- fgetaline(copyright, infile);
-/* Now we are ready to produce the LaTeX stuff for the
- puzzle diagram. Again we are assuming we have an unscrambled
- solution. How can we know this? Put on TODO list. */
-/* We write to standard out. Lazy but effective. */
- printf("\\documentclass{article}\n");
- printf("\\usepackage{cwpuzzle,multicol}\n");
- printf("\\title{%s}\n", title);
- printf("\\author{%s}\n", author);
- printf("\\date{%s}\n", copyright);
- printf("\\voffset -1in\n");
- printf("\\hoffset -1in\n");
- printf("\\textwidth 6.5in\n");
- printf("\\marginparwidth 0in\n");
- printf("\\textheight 9.5in\n");
- printf("\\begin{document}\n");
- printf("{\\small\n");
- printf("\\begin{multicols}{5}\n");
- printf("\\raggedright\n");
- ccount = 0;
- mcount = 0;
- for (j=0; j<height; j++) {
- strcpy(rowtext,"\0");
- for (k=0; k<width; k++) {
- /* Analyze position for across-number */
- /* Left edge non-black followed by non-black */
- anum = 0;
- if ( (k==0 && dspace[j][k]=='-' && dspace[j][k+1]=='-') ||
- /* Previous black - nonblack - nonblack */
- ( (k+1)<width && (k-1)>=0 && dspace[j][k]=='-'
- && dspace[j][k-1]=='.'
- && dspace[j][k+1]=='-' )
- ){
- ccount++;
- anum = ccount;
- }
- /* Analyze position for down-number */
- dnum = 0;
- /* Top row non-black followed by non-black */
- if ( (j==0 && dspace[j][k]=='-' && dspace[j+1][k]=='-') ||
- /* Black above - nonblack - nonblack below */
- ( (j-1)>=0 && (j+1)<height && dspace[j][k]=='-'
- && dspace[j-1][k]=='.'
- && dspace[j+1][k]=='-' )
- ){
- /* Don't double number the same space */
- if (anum == 0) ccount++;
- dnum = ccount;
- }
- /* Now, if necessary, pick up some clues and save them. */
- if (anum != 0) {
- fgetaline(tmp, infile);
- sprintf(&aclues[apos], "{\\bf %d} %s\\\\\n",
- anum, tmp);
- apos = strlen(aclues);
- }
- if (dnum != 0) {
- fgetaline(tmp, infile);
- sprintf(&dclues[dpos], "{\\bf %d} %s\\\\\n",
- dnum, tmp);
- dpos = strlen(dclues);
- }
- /* Concat the current info to the current row. */
- strcat(rowtext, "|");
- if (dspace[j][k] == '.') strcat(rowtext, "*");
- else {
- /* see if we need a grid number */
- if (dnum != 0) {
- sprintf(tmp, "[%d]", dnum);
- strcat(rowtext, tmp);
- }
- else if (anum != 0) {
- sprintf(tmp, "[%d]", anum);
- strcat(rowtext, tmp);
- }
- /* Put in solution letter */
- strncat(rowtext, &aspace[j][k], 1);
- }
- }
- /* End of the row. Put in marker and output it. */
- strcat(rowtext, "|.");
- sprintf(&matrix[mcount], "%s\n", rowtext);
- mcount = strlen(matrix);
- }
- /* That's it for the puzzle. */
- /* Now output the clue section */
- printf("{\\bf ACROSS}\\\\\n");
- printf("%s", aclues);
- printf("{\\bf DOWN}\\\\\n");
- printf("%s", dclues);
- printf("\\end{multicols}\n");
- printf("}\n");
- /* Now output the diagram */
- printf("\\newpage\n");
- printf("\\maketitle\n");
- printf("\\begin{Puzzle}{%d}{%d}\n", width, height);
- printf("%s", matrix);
- printf("\\end{Puzzle}\n");
- printf("\\end{document}\n");
- exit(0);
- void fgetaline(char *foo, FILE *infile) {
- unsigned char i;
- int oe;
- oe = 0;
- strcpy(foo, "\0");
- while (1) {
- fread(&i, 1, 1, infile);
- if (feof(infile) || (i=='\0')) break;
- if (i == 169) {
- strcat(foo, "\\copyright ");
- }
- else {
- if (i == '_' || i == '&' || i == '#' || i == '$') strcat(foo, "\\");
- if (i == '"') {
- if ( oe == 0) {
- oe = 1;
- strcat(foo, "``");
- }
- else {
- oe = 0;
- strcat(foo, "''");
- }
- }
- else strncat(foo, &i, 1);
- }
- }
- }