path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/calendar/mkaddr.dtx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/calendar/mkaddr.dtx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 579 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/calendar/mkaddr.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/calendar/mkaddr.dtx
deleted file mode 100644
index b88c19364be..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/calendar/mkaddr.dtx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-% file: mkaddr.dtx
-% This file is distributed as-is, with no warranty whatsoever.
-% Out of courtesy to others, please do not distribute the
-% files contained in this file separately, but always
-% together with this file and the documentation it contains.
-% \def\fileversion{}
-% \def\filedate{1998/01/17 18:15:06}
-% \iffalse
-\OnlyDescription % Comment out for implementation details
-% Source tree moved under RCS
-% ---------------------------
-% mkaddr.dtx,v
-% Revision 1998/01/17 18:15:06 root
-% Release code, checksum verified
-% Revision 3.1 1998/01/17 17:13:48 root
-% Release code
-% Revision 2.3 1997/12/06 21:15:31 root
-% *** empty log message ***
-% Revision 2.2 1997/11/07 10:44:05 root
-% Release code.
-% Revision 1997/11/04 05:06:07 root
-% Development branch
-% Revision 2.1 1997/11/01 14:58:44 bennett
-% Release code.
-% Revision 1.1 1997/10/29 08:17:52 root
-% Initial revision
-% \title{The \texttt{mkaddr} Tcl script\thanks{This file is version number
-% \fileversion{}. It was last revised on
-% \filedate{}.}}
-% \author{Frank G. Bennett, Jr.}
-% \maketitle
-% \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1}
-% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
-% \MakeShortVerb{\"}
-% \begin{abstract}
-% \noindent The utilities in this bundle
-% can be used together to generate address lists from
-% a database in the format used by the marvellous BBDB database
-% for Emacs.
-% \end{abstract}
-% \CheckSum{392}
-% \section{Installation and Use}
-% The script is designed for use on a Unix system (if
-% you haven't already moved to Linux, you might consider
-% joining the gathering). You will need to have Emacs installed
-% on your system. You will also need the BBDB extensions,
-% which produce and maintain a database file, ".bbdb",
-% in your home directory. You should also have the
-% AUC\TeX{} extensions to Emacs installed, for editing, compiling,
-% previewing and printing \LaTeX{} documents. You will
-% also need "dvips" and, if (like me) you don't have
-% access to a PostScript printer, "ghostscript" --- or
-% some other combination of printing gear for which
-% page rotation is supported in the "graphics" bundle. Your
-% \TeX{} system will need the files in the "graphics"
-% bundle, and the "autofilo" package from the "calendar"
-% bundle for making filofax page frames.
-% In your \texttt{/etc} directory,
-% you will need a format file or files. Each should
-% have the name "addresses", followed by an extension.
-% The extension(s) will be used by the first mandatory
-% option to the script. On my system, I have two
-% format files, "mkaddr.Frank" and "mkaddr.Mieko",
-% which produce pages suitable for my own and my wife's
-% diary, respectively. Each file is simply a \LaTeX{}
-% document, with "%%BODY%%" where the list of addresses
-% should be inserted. An example is given below. Note
-% that you will need to edit the script to reflect the
-% names of your format files.
-% The ".bbdb" database is designed for use with email
-% systems, adding entries for your correspondents on
-% the fly as mail is received. To make it easier to add entries for
-% people with whom you have not corresponded by email, you
-% may want to add a suitable chunk of elisp to your
-% ".emacs" file. A chunk of such code is given below.
-% It sets your "f12" key to add a new entry, prompting
-% for details. Edit to taste (especially note the
-% "[M]" and "[F]"; you will want to change these.
-% Flags for extracting data from the list should be
-% put into the "Notes:" field, in square braces.
-% Extract everything, edit and install the script,
-% install the style,
-% and install one or more format files.
-% Run the script and read the instructions. On my system,
-% the command "mkaddr Frank [AaBb] [F]" will make a
-% file "mkaddr.tex" in the current directory, formatted
-% as specified in the format file "\etc\mkaddr.Frank",
-% containing all entries beginning with "A" or "a",
-% or "B" or "b", and flagged with "[F]". Run the
-% file through \LaTeX{} and "dvips", and you have an address list.
-% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex}
-% \section{Sample Format File}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- topmargin=2cm,
- rightmargin=3cm,
- pageheight=172mm,
- pagewidth=95mm,
- columnsep=14pt,
- punchcluster=3,
- punchgroups=2,
- interspace=51.25mm,
- intraspace=19.25mm,
- grip=5mm,
- punchmargin=2mm,
- punchpoints=15,
- topspace=2pt,
- bottomspace=1.5cm}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Elisp for \texttt{.emacs}}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-;; Essential add-on for BBDB
-(defun bbdb-create-external ()
- "Prompt for and create a record. Hacked from bbdb-read-new-record."
- (interactive)
- (let ((name (bbdb-read-string "Name: "))
- (company (bbdb-read-string "Company: "))
- (net (bbdb-split (bbdb-read-string "Network Address: ") ","))
- (addrs
- (let (L L-tail str addr)
- (while
- (not
- (string=
- ""
- (setq str
- (bbdb-read-string
- "Address Description [RET when no more addrs]: "))))
- (setq addr (make-vector bbdb-address-length nil))
- (bbdb-record-edit-address addr str)
- (if L
- (progn (setcdr L-tail (cons addr nil))
- (setq L-tail (cdr L-tail)))
- (setq L (cons addr nil)
- L-tail L)))
- L))
- (phones
- (let (L L-tail str)
- (while
- (not
- (string=
- ""
- (setq str
- (bbdb-read-string
- "Phone Location [RET when no more phones]: "))))
- (let* ((phonelist
- (bbdb-error-retry
- (bbdb-parse-phone-number
- (read-string
- "Phone: "
- (and
- bbdb-default-area-code
- (format "(%03d) " bbdb-default-area-code))))))
- (phone (apply 'vector str
- (if (= 3 (length phonelist))
- (nconc phonelist '(0))
- phonelist))))
- (if L
- (progn (setcdr L-tail (cons phone nil))
- (setq L-tail (cdr L-tail)))
- (setq L (cons phone nil)
- L-tail L))))
- L))
- (notes (bbdb-read-string "Additional Comments: " "[M][F]")))
- (if (string= company "") (setq company nil))
- (if (string= name "") (setq name nil))
- (if (string= notes "") (setq notes nil))
- (bbdb-display-records
- (list
- (bbdb-create-internal name company net addrs phones notes)))))
-(global-set-key [f12] 'bbdb-create-external)
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{The Script}
-% You must edit this file for your system. Search
-% especially for instances of "Frank" and "Mieko".
-% \begin{macrocode}
-if {[catch "kanji defaultInputCode EUC" errormsg]}\
- {puts "Running $argv0 without Japanese support."
- puts "For Japanese support, you need to use a Japanized"
- puts "Tcl interpreter.\n"}\
- {}
-# This script parses a database in the format used by
-# the Insidious Big Brother Database for Emacs. It can
-# be adapted to output LaTeX lists of contents and so forth.
-set format [lindex $argv 0]
-set range [lindex $argv 1]
-set condition [lindex $argv 2]
-set usage "Usage is: $argv0 \<SIZE\> \[<RANGE>\] \[<CONDITION>\]\
-\n(Square braces are literal)\
-\n(\<SIZE\> is one of \"Mieko\" or \"Frank\")"
-if {[string match $format "Mieko"]+\
- [string match $format "Frank"]==0}\
- {puts "$usage"; exit}\
- {}
-if {[regexp {\[.*\]} $condition ignore]==0}\
- {puts "$usage"; exit}\
- {}
-if {[regexp {\[.*\]} $range ignore]==0}\
- {puts "$usage"; exit}\
- {}
-puts "Creating LaTeX2e file mkaddr.tex ..."
-regexp {\[(.*)\]} $condition ignore condition
-set condition "\\\[$condition\\\]"
-set ifh [open "/home/bennett/.bbdb"]
-set ofh [open "./mkaddr.tex" w+]
-set counter 0
-set temp ""
-# Let's grab the content of a header file
-set header [open "/etc/mkaddr.$format" r]
-while 1 {
- if {[gets $header line] == -1} break
- if {[string match $line "%%BODY%%"]} break
- puts $ofh $line
-while 1 {
- if {[gets $ifh line] == -1} break
- regsub -all {([ "])\\"} $line {\1``} line
- regsub -all {\\"([^A-Za-z])} $line {''\1} line
- regsub -all {\\n} $line { } line
- regsub -all {([^\])%} $line {\1\\%} line
- regsub -all {([^\])&} $line {\1\\\&} line
-set fn nil
-set ln nil
-set aka nil
-set co nil
-set ph nil
-set ad nil
-set net nil
-set op nil
- regexp {
-+nil} $line ignore fn ln aka co ph ad net op
-# Make lone first names into lone last names
-if {[string match $ln "nil"]}\
- {set ln $fn
- set fn nil}\
- {}
-# Check that we're in the range specified
-if {[regexp "\"$range" $ln ignore]}\
- {}\
- {if {[string match $ln nil]}\
- {if {[regexp "\"$range" $co ignore]}\
- {}\
- {continue}}\
- {continue}}
-# Fish out the notes field so we can check whether this
-# record matches the specified conditions
-set tempone ""
-set temptwo ""
-regexp {\(notes \. \"([^"]*)\"|\"([^"]*)\"$} $op \
- ignore tempone temptwo
-if {[string match $temptwo ""]} \
- {set notes $tempone} \
- {set notes $temptwo}
-if {[string match "*$condition*" $notes]} {} {continue}
-# Are all three names missing? If so, skip it.
- if { [expr 3 == \
- [string match $fn "nil"]+\
- [string match $ln "nil"]+\
- [string match $co "nil"]] }\
- {}\
- {
-# Each entry is put in a parbox to keep it on one page.
-# The parbox opens with a vskip to make a little room
-# at the top of the page and between entries.
-puts $ofh "\\entry\{%"
-# Are both the first and last name missing? If so,
-# we skip that line.
- set counter [expr $counter + 1]
- if { [expr 2 == \
- [string match $fn "nil"]+\
- [string match $ln "nil"]] }\
- {}\
- {regexp {\"(.*)\"} $fn ignore fn
- regexp {\"(.*)\"} $ln ignore ln
-puts -nonewline "$fn $ln"
- set ln " \\textbf\{$ln\}"
- puts $ofh "$fn$ln\\\\"}
-# Is the company name missing? If so, we'll
-# skip that line.
- if { [string match $co "nil"] }\
- {}\
- {regexp {\"(.*)\"} $co ignore co
- puts $ofh "\\textbf\{$co\}\\\\"
- puts -nonewline $co}
-puts ""
-# Spit out any telephone numbers for this entry.
-if {[string match $ph nil]} {set ph ""} {}
-regexp {\((\[.*\])\)} $ph ignore ph
-while {[string match $ph ""] == 0} {
- set temp ""
- regexp {\[([^]]*)\](.*)} $ph ignore temp ph
- regexp {\"([^"]*)\" *\"([^"]*)\"} $temp ignore temp number
- puts -nonewline $ofh " \{\\small $number ($temp)\}"
- if {[string match $ph ""] == 0}\
- {puts $ofh "\\\\"}\
- {if {[string match $ad nil]+[string match $net nil]==2}\
- {puts $ofh ""}\
- {puts $ofh "\\\\"}}
- }
-# Spit out any addresses for this entry.
-if {[string match $ad nil]} {set ad ""} {}
-while {[string match $ad ""] == 0} {
- set temp ""
- set lineone ""
- set linetwo ""
- set linethree ""
- set city ""
- set state ""
- set zip ""
- set bridge ""
- regexp {\(\[([^]]*)\](.*)\)} $ad ignore ad temp
- regexp {\"([^"]*)\"\
-+([0-9]*)} $ad ignore ad lineone linetwo linethree city state zip
-if {$zip == 0} {set zip ""} {}
-set comp [expr [string match $city ""]+[string match $state ""]]
-if {$comp==2}\
- {}\
- {if {$comp==1}\
- {set bridge " "
- set zip " $zip"}\
- {if {$comp==0}\
- {set bridge ", "
- set zip " $zip"}\
- {}}}
- puts $ofh " \\address\{$ad\}\{\%"
- if {[string match $lineone ""]}\
- {puts $ofh "\\mygobble"}\
- {puts $ofh " $lineone"}
- if {[string match $linetwo ""]}\
- {}\
- {puts $ofh " \\\\$linetwo"}
- if {[string match $linethree ""]}\
- {}\
- {puts $ofh " \\\\$linethree"}
- if {[string match "$city$state$zip" ""]}\
- {}\
- {puts $ofh " \\\\$city$bridge$state$zip"}
- puts $ofh " \}"
- set ad $temp
- }
-# Spit out any email addresses associated with this person
-if {[string match $net nil]} {set net ""} {}
-regexp {\((\".*\")\)} $net ignore net
-while {[string match $net ""] == 0} {
- set temp ""
- regexp {\"([^"]*)\"(.*)} $net ignore net temp
- puts -nonewline $ofh "\\url\{$net\}"
- set net $temp
- if {[string match $net ""] == 0} {puts $ofh "\\\\"} {puts $ofh ""}
- }
-puts $ofh "\}\n"
-# Once everything's finished, we send along the footer
-while 1 {
- if {[gets $header line] == -1} break
- puts $ofh $line
-puts "Done."
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \section{\LaTeX{} Style}
-% We use this to simplify the format file.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- [1998/01/17 18:15:06 Filofax address pages (Frank Bennett)]
- {\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{autofilo}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Some variables.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Define a macro to format each entry.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\vskip 2pt
-\vskip 1pt
-% \end{macrocode}
-% The above macro requires a couple of line-building
-% macros.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \vbox to0pt{%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \hskip-2.4pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height0pt depth7pt%
- \vrule width\mylinewidth depth0.4pt height0pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height0pt depth7pt\hskip-2.4pt}%
- \vskip-7pt}}
- \vbox to0pt{%
- \vskip-7pt
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \hskip-2.4pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height7pt depth0pt%
- \vrule width\mylinewidth depth0.4pt height0pt%
- \vrule width0.4pt height7pt depth0pt%
- \hskip-2.4pt}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Define a macro to format addresses.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \settoheight\myparheight{\vbox{%
- \boxmaxdepth0pt%
- \parbox{\myparwidth}{\raggedright #2}}}%
- \settowidth\descwidth{\small\textbf{#1}}%
- \ifnum\descwidth>\myparheight\biggerwidth\descwidth\else%
- \biggerwidth\myparheight\fi%
- \vbox{\vskip3pt%
- \hbox to\linewidth{%
- \hskip3pt%
- \vbox to\biggerwidth{%
- \vfil%
- \hbox to\descheight{%
- \begin{sideways}{\small\textbf{#1}}\end{sideways}%
- \hfil}%
- \vfil}%
- \hskip2pt%
- \vbox to\biggerwidth{%
- \vfil%
- \hbox to\myparwidth{%
- \parbox{\myparwidth}{\raggedright #2}}%
- \vfil}}}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Define an environment that creates frames and sets up
-% variables for use in the macros we have just defined.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \autofilo{#1}
- \settoheight\descheight{\vbox{\boxmaxdepth0pt{\small\textbf{Yy}}}}
- \myparwidth\linewidth%
- \advance\myparwidth by-\descheight\relax%
- \advance\myparwidth by-5pt\relax%
- \mylinewidth\linewidth
- \advance\mylinewidth by4pt\relax}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\input docstrip.tex
- \file{mkaddr.tcl}{\from{mkaddr.dtx}{script}}
- \file{.emacs.for.bbdb}{\from{mkaddr.dtx}{elisp}}
- \file{filoaddr.sty}{\from{mkaddr.dtx}{style}}
- }
-\Msg{* To finish the installation, you have to move the following}
-\Msg{* file into you executable search path:}
-\Msg{* \space\space mkaddr}
-\Msg{* And you have to move the following file into the search}
-\Msg{* used by TeX:}
-\Msg{* \space\space filoaddr.sty}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \Finale \PrintChanges