path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/beamertheme-trigon/trigontheme.dtx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/beamertheme-trigon/trigontheme.dtx')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/beamertheme-trigon/trigontheme.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/beamertheme-trigon/trigontheme.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e40dd1431f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/beamertheme-trigon/trigontheme.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (C) 2021 Thomas Lambert <>
+%% Other contributors to this theme are listed here:
+%% The original template was heavily inspired by Metropolis from Matthias
+%% Vogelgesang.
+%% License CC-BY-SA 4.0
+%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
+%% International License (
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\definecolor{tPrim}{HTML}{00707F} % Green-Blue
+\definecolor{tSec}{HTML}{5FA4B0} % Green-Blue light
+\definecolor{tAccent}{HTML}{F07F3C} % Orange
+\definecolor{tGrey}{HTML}{E6E6E1} % Grey-Beige
+ language=[LaTeX]{TeX},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ keywordstyle=\color{tPrim}\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{tSec},
+ stringstyle=\color{tSec},
+ backgroundcolor=\color{white},
+ numbers=none,
+ numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,
+ stepnumber=2,
+ showspaces=false,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ showtabs=false,
+ frame=none,
+ framerule=1pt,
+ tabsize=2,
+ rulesep=5em,
+ captionpos=b,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakatwhitespace=false,
+ framexleftmargin=0em,
+ framexrightmargin=0em,
+ xleftmargin=0em,
+ xrightmargin=0em,
+ aboveskip=1em,
+ belowskip=1em,
+ morekeywords={usetheme,institute,maketitle,@trigon@titleformat,%
+ plain,trigonset,setbeamercolor},
+ linkcolor=tPrim,
+ menucolor=tPrim,
+ urlcolor=tPrim]{hyperref}
+\usepackage{caption} % For subfigures
+\usepackage{subcaption} % For subfigures
+ \DescribeMacro{#1}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth}
+ \textit{\textbf{\textcolor{tSec}{#2}}}\dotfill\,#3\par
+ \begingroup
+ \vspace{0.5em}#4\par
+ \endgroup
+ \end{minipage}
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% =============================================================================
+\title{\textsc{Trigon}\\ A Modern, elegant and versatile theme for Beamer}
+\author{Thomas Lambert \\ \url{}}
+%% =============================================================================
+%% ------------------------------------
+\themename found its origin and inspiration in the graphical guidelines
+resulting from the visual identity overhaul of the
+\href{}{Univeristy of Liège} (Belgium).\\
+Although directly inspired from these guidelines, \themename was stripped out of
+any mention or specificities related the University and its faculties. This
+makes the \themename theme perfectly suitable for many different contexts.
+The final product provides a modern, elegant and versatile theme with a
+high degree of customization.
+\themename's codebase lives on
+\href{} {Gitlab}. The implementation
+of this theme is strongly inspired from the excellent
+\href{}{\textsc{Metropolis}} theme by Matthias
+Vogelgesang, from which it borrows numerous options.\newline
+Any feature request, issue report or merge requests are welcome.
+%% ------------------------------------
+\section{Getting Started}
+\subsection{Installing from Gitlab}
+If you want to use the cutting-edge development version of \themename, you can
+install it manually by following these steps:
+ \item[Download the source] from
+ \href{}{\themename repository}
+ using |git clone| or as a \href{}{zip archive} of the latest development version.
+ \item[Compile the style files] by running |make sty| inside the downloaded
+ directory. (Or run \LaTeX{} directly on |source/trigontheme.ins|.)
+ \item[Move the resulting |*.sty| files] to the folder containing your
+ presentation. To use \themename with many presentations, run
+ |make install| or move the |*.sty| files to a folder in your \TeX{} path
+ instead.
+ \item[Use the theme] by declaring |\usetheme{trigon}| in the preamble of your
+ document.
+\themename uses the Make build system to offer the following installation
+options for advanced users:
+ \item[|make sty|] builds the theme style files.
+ \item[|make doc|] builds this documentation manual.
+ \item[|make demo|] builds a demo presentation to test the features of
+ \themename.
+ \item[|make all|] builds the theme and manual.
+ \item[|make clean|] removes the files generated by |make all|.
+ \item[|make install|] installs the theme into your local texmf folder.
+ \item[|make uninstall|] removes the theme from your local texmf folder.
+\subsection{Other install methods}
+\themename will be proposed for integration on \href{}{CTAN}
+shortly. It will then hopefully be integrated to texlive, miktex, etc. In the
+meantime, only the installation from Gitlab is possible.
+Once accepted on CTAN, the theme will also be made available on
+\subsection{A Minimal Example}
+The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation using
+\usetheme{trigon} % Use trigon theme
+\title{A minimal example}
+\subtitle{A subtitle example}
+\author{Thomas Lambert}
+\institute{Your university or company}
+ \maketitle
+ \section{First Section}
+ \begin{frame}{First Frame}
+ Hello, world!
+ \end{frame}
+\themename depends on the |beamer| class and the following standard packages:
+ \item |tikz|
+ \item |pgfopts|
+The theme works best with the open source
+\href{}{Source Sans Pro} font from
+Therefore, the package |sourcesanspro| is loaded by default with the theme.
+However, if the user prefers to select an other font, the theme option
+|nosourcefonts| can be used to prevent the font package from being loaded.
+%% ------------------------------------
+\subsection{Package options}
+\themename provides a number of options, which can be set using a key=value
+interface. The primary way to set options is to provide a comma-separated list
+of option-value pairs when loading \themename in the preamble:
+\usetheme[option1=value1, option2=value2, ...]{trigon}
+Options can be changed at any time --- even mid-presentation! --- with the
+|\trigonset| macro.
+\trigonset{option1=newvalue1, option2=newvalue2, ...}
+The list of options is structured as shown in the following example.
+\DescribeOption{option key}{list of possible values}{default}{
+ A short description of the option.
+As \themename implementation is heavily inspired from the excellent
+\href{}{\textsc{Metropolis}} theme by Matthias
+Vogelgesang, many of \textsc{Metropolis} options are also available in
+\subsubsection{Main theme}
+ {regular, smallcaps, allsmallcaps, allcaps}
+ {regular}{
+ Changes the format of titles, subtitles, section titles, frame titles, and
+ the text on ``standout'' frames. The available options produce
+ Regular, \textsc{SmallCaps}, \textsc{\MakeLowercase{AllSmallCaps}}, or
+ \MakeUppercase{AllCaps} titles. Please refer to
+ Section~\ref{sec:titleformats} for known issues with these options.
+ Choses if the |sourcesanspro| font package should be loaded |true| or not
+ |false|.
+\subsubsection{Inner theme}
+\DescribeOption{sectionpage}{none, simple}{simple}{
+ Adds a slide at the start of each section (|simple|). The |none| option
+ disables the section page.
+\DescribeOption{titlestyle}{plain, style1, style2}{style2}{
+ Changes the layout of the title page.
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-02.jpg}}
+ \caption*{plain}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-03.jpg}}
+ \caption*{style1}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-01.jpg}}
+ \caption*{style2 (default)}
+ \end{subfigure}
+\DescribeOption{sectionstyle}{plain, style1, style2, style3}{plain}{
+ Changes the layout of the section page. |style3| is similar to |plain| but
+ with the right triangle in grey instead of theme color.
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-04.jpg}}
+ \caption*{plain (default)}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-05.jpg}}
+ \caption*{style1}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-06.jpg}}
+ \caption*{style2}
+ \end{subfigure}
+\DescribeOption{slidestyle}{blank, style1, cyber}{blank}{
+ Changes the background of the regular frames.
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-08.jpg}}
+ \caption*{blank (default)}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-09.jpg}}
+ \caption*{style1}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hspace{\fill}
+ \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/layout_example-10.jpg}}
+ \caption*{cyber}
+ \end{subfigure}
+\subsubsection{Outer theme}
+\DescribeOption{numbering}{none, counter, fraction}{counter}{
+ Controls whether the frame number at the bottom right of each slide is
+ omitted (|none|), shown (|counter|) or displayed as a fraction of the total
+ number of frames (|fraction|).
+\subsubsection{Color theme}
+\DescribeOption{block}{transparent, fill}{fill}{
+ Optionally adds a light grey background to block environments like |theorem|
+ and |example|.
+\DescribeOption{headingcolor}{black, theme}{black}{
+ Controls weather the color of all headings (title page, frame title, etc.)
+ should be in |black| in a slightly darker shade of the theme color |theme|.
+\DescribeOption{textgcolor}{black, theme}{black}{
+ Controls weather the color of the regular text elements should be in |black|
+ in a slightly darker shade of the theme color |theme|.
+\subsubsection{Font theme}
+\DescribeMacro{titleformat title}
+\DescribeMacro{titleformat subtitle}
+\DescribeMacro{titleformat section}
+\DescribeOption{titleformat frame}%
+ {regular, smallcaps, allsmallcaps, allcaps}%
+ {regular}{
+ Individually controls the format of titles, subtitles, section titles, and
+ frame titles (see |titleformat|, above).
+\subsection{Color Customization}
+The included \themename color theme is used by default, but its colors can be
+easily changed to suit your tastes. All of the theme's styles are defined in
+terms of four colors:
+ \item |tPrim| The primary theme color, used for main triangle elements, and
+ for headings and text if the appropriate options are selected.
+ \item |tSec| The secondary theme color (lighter shade of the primary color),
+ used for some triangle elements and example text.
+ \item |tAccent| The accent color, used mostly for alerted text.
+ \item |tGrey| A grey color, used for background elements (triangles, blocks,
+ etc.).
+An easy way to customize the theme is to redefine these colors using
+ \colorlet{tPrim}{ ... }
+ \colorlet{tSec}{ ... }
+ \colorlet{tAccent}{ ... }
+ \colorlet{tGrey}{ ... }
+in your preamble.
+\section{Tips \& Tricks}
+\subsection{Backup Slides}
+Speakers will often include extra slides at the end of their presentation to
+refer to during audience questions. One easy way to do this is to include the
+\verb|appendixnumberbeamer| package in your preamble and call \verb|\appendix|
+before your backup slides.
+\themename will automatically turn off slide numbering for slides in the
+\section{Known Issues}
+\subsection{Title formats}
+Be aware that not every font supports small caps, so the |smallcaps| or
+|allsmallcaps| options may not work if you use a font other than
+The title format options |allsmallcaps| and |allcaps| are quite nice from an
+aesthetic point of view, but their use of |\MakeLowercase| and
+|\MakeUppercase| can cause unexpected problems. For example:
+ \item Some commands, like |\\|, do not work inside |\MakeLowercase| and
+ |\MakeUppercase|. (See \textsc{Metropolis}
+ \href{} {\#125})
+ \item Only alphabetic characters are affected by |\MakeLowercase|, so
+ numerals and punctuation remain at full height. This can spoil some of the
+ aesthetic benefits of |allsmallcaps|. (See \textsc{Metropolis}
+ \href{}{\#33})
+ \item |\MakeLowercase| and |\MakeUppercase| apply to math mode and
+ |\scshape| does not. This can easily introduce mathematical errors that
+ are hard to catch.
+ \item It is impossible to typeset symbols which are encoded as uppercase
+ letters in a different font. In particular, |\mathbb| and |\mathcal|
+ letters will be replaced by other math glyphs. (See \textsc{Metropolis}
+ \href{}{\#153})
+The |allsmallcaps| and |allcaps| options are safe to use if your titles contain
+only alphabetic characters and do not require the expansion of any macros.
+\themename is licensed under the terms of the
+\href{}{Creative Commons
+Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0} license.