path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua
index b21eefd0f88..98b8f28f5fc 100755
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/jfontmaps/tools/mkmap.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/env texlua
--- '!' は 'Pro' 等に置換される
+-- '?' は 'Pro' 等に置換される
local foundry = {
['noEmbed'] = {
@@ -22,78 +22,108 @@ local foundry = {
['yu-win'] = {
noncid = true,
- ml='yuminl.ttf', mr='yumin.ttf', mb='yumindb.ttf',
- gr='yugothic.ttf', gru='yugothic.ttf', gb='yugothib.ttf', ge='yugothib.ttf',
- mgr='yugothib.ttf',
+ ml='yuminl.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Light',
+ mr='yumin.ttf %!PS YuMincho-Regular',
+ mb='yumindb.ttf %!PS YuMincho-DemiBold',
+ gr='yugothic.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Regular',
+ gru='yugothic.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Regular',
+ gb='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ ge='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
+ mgr='yugothib.ttf %!PS YuGothic-Bold',
['yu-osx'] = {
noncid = false,
- ml='YuMincho-Medium.otf', mr='YuMincho-Medium.otf',
- mb='YuMincho-Demibold.otf',
- gr='YuGothic-Medium.otf', gru='YuGothic-Medium.otf',
- gb='YuGothic-Bold.otf', ge='YuGothic-Bold.otf',
- mgr='YuGothic-Bold.otf',
+ ml='YuMin-Medium.otf',
+ mr='YuMin-Medium.otf',
+ mb='YuMin-Demibold.otf',
+ gr='YuGo-Medium.otf',
+ gru='YuGo-Medium.otf',
+ gb='YuGo-Bold.otf',
+ ge='YuGo-Bold.otf',
+ mgr='YuGo-Bold.otf',
['ipa'] = {
noncid = true,
- ml='ipam.ttf', mr='ipam.ttf', mb='ipam.ttf',
- gr='ipag.ttf', gru='ipag.ttf', gb='ipag.ttf', ge='ipag.ttf',
- mgr='ipag.ttf',
+ ml='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ mr='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ mb='ipam.ttf %!PS IPAMincho',
+ gr='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ gru='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ gb='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ ge='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
+ mgr='ipag.ttf %!PS IPAGothic',
['ipaex'] = {
noncid = true,
- ml='ipaexm.ttf', mr='ipaexm.ttf', mb='ipaexm.ttf',
- gr='ipaexg.ttf', gru='ipaexg.ttf', gb='ipaexg.ttf', ge='ipaexg.ttf',
- mgr='ipaexg.ttf',
+ ml='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ mr='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ mb='ipaexm.ttf %!PS IPAexMincho',
+ gr='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ gru='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ gb='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ ge='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
+ mgr='ipaexg.ttf %!PS IPAexGothic',
['kozuka'] = {
- ml='KozMin!-Light.otf',
- mr='KozMin!-Regular.otf',
- mb='KozMin!-Bold.otf',
- gr='KozGo!-Regular.otf',
- gru='KozGo!-Medium.otf',
- gb='KozGo!-Bold.otf',
- ge='KozGo!-Heavy.otf',
- mgr='KozGo!-Heavy.otf',
+ ml='KozMin?-Light.otf',
+ mr='KozMin?-Regular.otf',
+ mb='KozMin?-Bold.otf',
+ gr='KozGo?-Regular.otf',
+ gru='KozGo?-Medium.otf',
+ gb='KozGo?-Bold.otf',
+ ge='KozGo?-Heavy.otf',
+ mgr='KozGo?-Heavy.otf',
{'4','6','6n'}, -- Pro, Pr6 and Pr6N
['morisawa'] = {
- ml='A-OTF-Ryumin!-Light.otf',
- mr='A-OTF-Ryumin!-Light.otf',
- mb='A-OTF-FutoMinA101!-Bold.otf',
- gr='A-OTF-GothicBBB!-Medium.otf',
- gru='A-OTF-GothicBBB!-Medium.otf',
- gb='A-OTF-FutoGoB101!-Bold.otf',
- ge='A-OTF-MidashiGo!-MB31.otf',
- mgr='A-OTF-Jun101!-Light.otf',
- {'4','6n'}, -- Pro and Pr6N
+ ml='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mr='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mb='A-OTF-FutoMinA101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoMinA101?-Bold',
+ gr='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gru='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gb='A-OTF-FutoGoB101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoGoB101?-Bold',
+ ge='A-OTF-MidashiGo?-MB31.otf %!PS MidashiGo?-MB31',
+ mgr='A-OTF-Jun101?-Light.otf %!PS Jun101?-Light',
+ {'4'}, -- Pro
+ },
+ ['morisawa-pr6n'] = {
+ ml='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mr='A-OTF-Ryumin?-Light.otf %!PS Ryumin?-Light',
+ mb='A-OTF-FutoMinA101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoMinA101?-Bold',
+ gr='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gru='A-OTF-GothicBBB?-Medium.otf %!PS GothicBBB?-Medium',
+ gb='A-OTF-FutoGoB101?-Bold.otf %!PS FutoGoB101?-Bold',
+ ge='A-OTF-MidashiGo?-MB31.otf %!PS MidashiGo?-MB31',
+ mgr='A-OTF-ShinMGo?-Light.otf %!PS ShinMGo?-Light',
+ {'6nm'}, -- Pr6N
['hiragino'] = {
- ml='HiraMin!-W2.otf',
- mr='HiraMin!-W3.otf',
- mb='HiraMin!-W6.otf',
- gr='HiraKaku!-W3.otf',
- gru='HiraKaku!-W6.otf',
- gb='HiraKaku!-W6.otf',
- ge='HiraKaku!-W8.otf',
- mgr='HiraMaru!-W4.otf',
+ ml='HiraMin?-W2.otf',
+ mr='HiraMin?-W3.otf',
+ mb='HiraMin?-W6.otf',
+ gr='HiraKaku?-W3.otf',
+ gru='HiraKaku?-W6.otf',
+ gb='HiraKaku?-W6.otf',
+ ge='HiraKaku?-W8.otf',
+ mgr='HiraMaru?-W4.otf',
{'X','Xn'}, -- Pro and ProN
local suffix = {
- -- { '!' 置換, kanjiEmbed 接尾辞 }
- [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
- ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
+ -- { '?' 置換, kanjiEmbed 接尾辞 }
+ [''] = {'', ''}, -- 非 CID フォント用ダミー
+ ['n'] = {'!', ''}, -- 非埋め込みに使用
['4'] = {'Pro', ''},
['6'] = {'Pr6', '-pr6'},
- ['X'] = {'Pro', ''}, -- ヒラギノ基本6書体パック
+ ['X'] = {'Pro', ''}, -- ヒラギノ基本6書体パック
['Xn'] = {'ProN', '-pron'}, -- ヒラギノ基本6書体パック
['6n'] = {'Pr6N','-pr6n'},
+ ['6nm'] = {'Pr6N',''}, -- モリサワ Pr6N
-- '#' は 'h', 'v' に置換される
@@ -216,9 +246,13 @@ local function make_one_line(o, fd, s)
return '\n' .. o .. '\n'
local fx = foundry[fd]
- local fn = gsub(fx[o[3]], '!', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3]))
+ local fn = gsub(fx[o[3]], '?', ret_suffix(fd,s,o[3]))
if fx.noncid and string.match(o[2],'Identity') then
- fn = fn .. '/AJ16'
+ if string.match(fn, '%!PS') then
+ fn = gsub(fn, ' %%!PS', '/AJ16 %%!PS')
+ else
+ fn = fn .. '/AJ16'
+ end
if string.match(o[1], '#') then -- 'H', 'V' 一括出力
return gsub(o[1], '#', 'h') .. '\t' .. gsub(o[2], '#', 'H') .. '\t' .. fn .. '\n'
@@ -248,17 +282,17 @@ for fd, v1 in pairs(foundry) do
local v2 = gsub([[
% hiraprop
-hiramin-w3-h Identity-H HiraMin!-W3
-hiramin-w6-h Identity-H HiraMin!-W6
-hirakaku-w3-h Identity-H HiraKaku!-W3
-hirakaku-w6-h Identity-H HiraKaku!-W6
-hiramaru-w4-h Identity-H HiraMaru!-W4
-hiramin-w3-v Identity-V HiraMin!-W3
-hiramin-w6-v Identity-V HiraMin!-W6
-hirakaku-w3-v Identity-V HiraKaku!-W3
-hirakaku-w6-v Identity-V HiraKaku!-W6
-hiramaru-w4-v Identity-V HiraMaru!-W4
-]],'!', ret_suffix('hiragino', s, ''))
+hiramin-w3-h Identity-H HiraMin?-W3
+hiramin-w6-h Identity-H HiraMin?-W6
+hirakaku-w3-h Identity-H HiraKaku?-W3
+hirakaku-w6-h Identity-H HiraKaku?-W6
+hiramaru-w4-h Identity-H HiraMaru?-W4
+hiramin-w3-v Identity-V HiraMin?-W3
+hiramin-w6-v Identity-V HiraMin?-W6
+hirakaku-w3-v Identity-V HiraKaku?-W3
+hirakaku-w6-v Identity-V HiraKaku?-W6
+hiramaru-w4-v Identity-V HiraMaru?-W4
+]],'?', ret_suffix('hiragino', s, ''))