path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/generic')
3 files changed, 1076 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/generate-pattern-loaders.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/generate-pattern-loaders.rb
index f140ee1033e..3c94441229c 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/generate-pattern-loaders.rb
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/generate-pattern-loaders.rb
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ languages.each do |language|
# but probably this needs to reside outside of \begingroup/endgroup
- if language.code == 'it' or language.code == 'fr' or language.code == 'uk' or language.code == 'zh-latn' then
+ if language.code == 'af' or language.code == 'it' or language.code == 'fr' or language.code == 'uk' or language.code == 'zh-latn' then
if language.code == 'pt' or language.code == 'tk' then
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages-txt.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages-txt.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c0981762f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages-txt.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1063 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class Language
+ def initialize(language_hash,pattern_path)
+ @pattern_path = pattern_path
+ @use_new_loader = language_hash["use_new_loader"]
+ @use_old_patterns = language_hash["use_old_patterns"]
+ @use_old_patterns_comment = language_hash["use_old_patterns_comment"]
+ @filename_old_patterns = language_hash["filename_old_patterns"]
+ @filename_old_patterns_other = language_hash["filename_old_patterns_other"]
+ @code = language_hash["code"]
+ @name = language_hash["name"]
+ @synonyms = language_hash["synonyms"]
+ @hyphenmin = language_hash["hyphenmin"]
+ @encoding = language_hash["encoding"]
+ @exceptions = language_hash["exceptions"]
+ @message = language_hash["message"]
+ if @synonyms==nil then @synonyms = [] end
+ end
+ # TODO: simplify this (reduce duplication)
+ def get_exceptions
+ if @exceptions1 == nil
+ filename = "#{@pattern_path}/hyph-#{@code}.hyp.txt";
+ lines = IO.readlines(filename, '.').join("")
+ exceptions = lines.gsub(/%.*/,'');
+ @exceptions1 = exceptions.
+ gsub(/\s+/m,"\n").
+ gsub(/^\s*/m,'').
+ gsub(/\s*$/m,'').
+ split("\n")
+ end
+ return @exceptions1
+ end
+ def get_patterns
+ if @patterns == nil
+ filename = "#{@pattern_path}/hyph-#{@code}.pat.txt"
+ lines = IO.readlines(filename, '.').join("")
+ @patterns = lines.gsub(/%.*/,'').
+ gsub(/\s+/m,"\n").
+ gsub(/^\s*/m,'').
+ gsub(/\s*$/m,'').
+ gsub(/'/,"’").
+ split("\n")
+ # Russian and Ukrainian have some extra patterns with dashes
+ # we may combine these patterns with the main file anyway
+ # if @code == 'ru' or @code == 'uk' then
+ # filename = "../../../tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns/tex-special/exhyph-#{@code}.tex"
+ # lines = IO.readlines(filename, '.').join("")
+ # @patterns.concat(lines.gsub(/%.*/,'').
+ # gsub(/.*\\patterns\s*\{(.*?)\}.*/m,'\1').
+ # gsub(/\s+/m,"\n").
+ # gsub(/^\s*/m,'').
+ # gsub(/\s*$/m,'').
+ # gsub(/'/,"’").
+ # split("\n"))
+ # end
+ if @code == 'eo' then
+ @patterns = lines.gsub(/%.*/,'').
+ #
+ gsub(/\\adj\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1a. \1aj. \1ajn. \1an. \1e.').
+ gsub(/\\nom\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1a. \1aj. \1ajn. \1an. \1e. \1o. \1oj. \1ojn. \1on.').
+ gsub(/\\ver\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1as. \1i. \1is. \1os. \1u. \1us.').
+ #
+ gsub(/\s+/m,"\n").
+ gsub(/^\s*/m,'').
+ gsub(/\s*$/m,'').
+ split("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ return @patterns
+ end
+ def get_comments_and_licence
+ if @comments_and_licence == nil then
+ filename = File.expand_path("#{@pattern_path}/hyph-#{@code}.lic.txt");
+ lines = IO.readlines(filename, '.').join("")
+ @comments_and_licence = lines
+ end
+ return @comments_and_licence
+ end
+ def get_classes
+ if @classes == nil then
+ filename = File.expand_path("#{@pattern_path}/hyph-#{@code}.chr.txt");
+ lines = IO.readlines(filename, '.').join("")
+ @classes = lines
+ end
+ return @classes
+ end
+ # def lc_characters
+ # if @lc_characters == nil
+ # lc_characters =
+ # p = self.patterns
+ # p.each do |pattern|
+ # end
+ # end
+ # return @lc_characters
+ # end
+ attr_reader :use_new_loader, :use_old_patterns, :use_old_patterns_comment, :filename_old_patterns, :code, :name, :synonyms, :hyphenmin, :encoding, :exceptions, :message
+ # this hack is needed for Serbian
+ attr_writer :code
+authors = {
+ "peter_heslin" => {
+ "name" => "Peter",
+ "surname" => "Heslin",
+ "tried_to_contact" => false,
+ },
+ "dimitrios_filippou" => {
+ "name" => "Dimitrios",
+ "surname" => "Filippou",
+ "email" => "dfilipp{at}hotmail{dot}com",
+ "contact" => true,
+ "cooperate" => true,
+ },
+ "claudio_beccari" => {
+ "name" => "Claudio",
+ "email" => "claudio{dot}beccari{at}polito{dot}it",
+ }
+# "use_new_loader"
+# => true - create a new file and use that one
+# => false - use "filename_old_patterns" in language.dat
+# "filename_old_patterns"
+# => [string] - the name used in language.dat if "use_new_loader" is false
+# "eightbitfilename"
+# => [string] - if set, load another file for 8-bit engines
+# "code"
+# => [string] - used in filenames, needs to conform to the standard
+# "name"
+# => [string] -
+# "synonyms" => [],
+# "hyphenmin" => [],
+# "encoding" => nil,
+# "exceptions" => false,
+# "message" => nil,
+class Languages < Hash
+ @@list = []
+ def initialize(pattern_path)
+ languages = [
+# --------------------------------------
+# languages with no hyphenation patterns
+# --------------------------------------
+# arabic zerohyph.tex
+ "code" => "ar",
+ "name" => "arabic",
+ "use_new_loader" => false,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "zerohyph.tex",
+# "hyphenmin" => [], # not needed
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => nil,
+# farsi zerohyph.tex
+# =persian
+ "code" => "fa",
+ "name" => "farsi", "synonyms" => ["persian"],
+ "use_new_loader" => false,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "zerohyph.tex",
+# "hyphenmin" => [], # not needed
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => nil,
+# -------------------------------
+# special patterns, not converted
+# -------------------------------
+# ibycus ibyhyph.tex
+ "code" => "grc-x-ibycus",
+ "name" => "ibycus",
+ "use_new_loader" => false,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ibyhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Ancient Greek Hyphenation Patterns for Ibycus encoding (v3.0)",
+ "authors" => ["peter_heslin"],
+# ----------------------------
+# languages using old patterns
+# ----------------------------
+# greek xu-grphyph4.tex
+# =polygreek
+ "code" => "el-polyton",
+ "name" => "greek", "synonyms" => ["polygreek"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Old patterns work in a different way, one-to-one conversion from UTF-8 is not possible.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "grphyph5.tex",
+ # left/right hyphen min for Greek can be as low as one (1),
+ # but for aesthetic reasons keep them at 2/2.
+ # Dimitrios Filippou
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => true,
+# "message" => "Polytonic Greek Hyphenation Patterns",
+ "message" => "Hyphenation patterns for multi-accent (polytonic) Modern Greek",
+ "authors" => ["dimitrios_filippou"],
+# monogreek xu-grmhyph4.tex
+ "code" => "el-monoton",
+ "name" => "monogreek",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Old patterns work in a different way, one-to-one conversion from UTF-8 is not possible.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "grmhyph5.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => true,
+# "message" => "Monotonic Greek Hyphenation Patterns",
+ "message" => "Hyphenation patterns for uni-accent (monotonic) Modern Greek",
+ "authors" => ["dimitrios_filippou"],
+# ancientgreek xu-grahyph4.tex
+ "code" => "grc",
+ "name" => "ancientgreek",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Old patterns work in a different way, one-to-one conversion from UTF-8 is not possible.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "grahyph5.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Hyphenation patterns for Ancient Greek",
+ "authors" => ["dimitrios_filippou"],
+# coptic xu-copthyph.tex
+ "code" => "cop",
+ "name" => "coptic",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "TODO: automatic conversion could be done, but was too complicated; leave for later.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "copthyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # polyglosia TODO: no documentation found
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Coptic Hyphenation Patterns",
+ "authors" => ["claudio_beccari"],
+# german xu-dehypht.tex
+ "code" => "de-1901",
+ "name" => "german",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Kept for the sake of backward compatibility, but newer and better patterns by WL are available.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "dehypht.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography)",
+# ngerman xu-dehyphn.tex
+ "code" => "de-1996",
+ "name" => "ngerman",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Kept for the sake of backward compatibility, but newer and better patterns by WL are available.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "dehyphn.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "German Hyphenation Patterns (Reformed Orthography)",
+# swissgerman
+ "code" => "de-ch-1901",
+ "name" => "swissgerman", # TODO: how is it going to be called
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Swiss-German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography)",
+# russian xu-ruhyphen.tex
+ "code" => "ru",
+ "name" => "russian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "The old system allows choosing patterns and encodings manually. That mechanism needs to be implemented first in this package, so we still fall back on old system.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ruhyphen.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "t2a",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Russian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# ukrainian xu-ukrhyph.tex
+ "code" => "uk",
+ "name" => "ukrainian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "The old system allows choosing patterns and encodings manually. That mechanism needs to be implemented first in this package, so we still fall back on old system.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ukrhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "t2a",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Ukrainian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# ----------------------------
+# languages using new patterns
+# ----------------------------
+# catalan cahyph.tex
+ "code" => "ca",
+ "name" => "catalan",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "cahyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Catalan Hyphenation Patterns",
+# czech xu-czhyph.tex
+ "code" => "cs",
+ "name" => "czech",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "czhyph.tex",
+ "filename_old_patterns_other" => ["czhyphen.tex","czhyphen.ex"],
+ # Both Czech and Slovak: \lefthyphenmin=2, \righthyphenmin=3
+ # Typographical rules allow \righthyphenmin=2 when typesetting in a
+ # narrow column (newspapers etc.).
+ # (used to be 2,2)
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Czech Hyphenation Patterns (Pavel Sevecek, v3, 1995)",
+# slovak xu-skhyph.tex
+ "code" => "sk",
+ "name" => "slovak",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "skhyph.tex",
+ "filename_old_patterns_other" => ["skhyphen.tex","skhyphen.ex"],
+ # see czech
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Slovak Hyphenation Patterns (Jana Chlebikova, 1992)",
+# welsh cyhyph.tex
+ "code" => "cy",
+ "name" => "welsh",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "cyhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Welsh Hyphenation Patterns",
+# danish dkhyph.tex
+ "code" => "da",
+ "name" => "danish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "dkhyph.tex",
+ "filename_old_patterns_other" => ["dkcommon.tex", "dkspecial.tex"],
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Danish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# esperanto xu-eohyph.tex
+ "code" => "eo",
+ "name" => "esperanto",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "eohyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "il3", # TODO
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Esperanto Hyphenation Patterns",
+# spanish xu-eshyph.tex
+# =espanol
+ "code" => "es",
+ "name" => "spanish", "synonyms" => ["espanol"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "eshyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Spanish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# basque xu-bahyph.tex
+ "code" => "eu",
+ "name" => "basque",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "bahyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Basque Hyphenation Patterns",
+# french xu-frhyph.tex
+# =patois
+# =francais
+ "code" => "fr",
+ "name" => "french", "synonyms" => ["patois","francais"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "frhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "French hyphenation patterns (V2.12, 2002/12/11)",
+# galician xu-glhyph.tex
+ "code" => "gl",
+ "name" => "galician",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "glhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Galician Hyphenation Patterns",
+# estonian xu-ethyph.tex
+ "code" => "et",
+ "name" => "estonian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ethyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Estonian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# finnish fihyph.tex
+ "code" => "fi",
+ "name" => "finnish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "fihyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Finnish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# croatian xu-hrhyph.tex
+ "code" => "hr",
+ "name" => "croatian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "hrhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Croatian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# hungarian xu-huhyphn.tex
+ "code" => "hu",
+ "name" => "hungarian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "huhyphn.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Hungarian Hyphenation Patterns (v20031107)",
+# armenian
+# Sahak Petrosyan <sahak at mit dot edu>
+ "code" => "hy",
+ "name" => "armenian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => nil,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,2], # taken from Hyphenator.js; check the value
+ "encoding" => nil,
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Armenian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# interlingua iahyphen.tex
+ "code" => "ia",
+ "name" => "interlingua",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "iahyphen.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ascii",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Hyphenation Patterns for Interlingua",
+# indonesian inhyph.tex
+ "code" => "id",
+ "name" => "indonesian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "inhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ascii",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Indonesian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# icelandic icehyph.tex
+ "code" => "is",
+ "name" => "icelandic",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "icehyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Icelandic Hyphenation Patterns",
+# irish gahyph.tex
+ "code" => "ga",
+ "name" => "irish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "gahyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Irish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# italian ithyph.tex
+ "code" => "it",
+ "name" => "italian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ithyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ascii",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Italian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# kurmanji
+ "code" => "kmr",
+ "name" => "kurmanji",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "kmrhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Kurmanji Hyphenation Patterns (v. 1.0 2009/06/29 JKn and MSh)",
+# latin xu-lahyph.tex
+ "code" => "la",
+ "name" => "latin",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "use_old_patterns_comment" => "Old patterns support both EC & OT1 encodings at the same time.",
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "lahyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Latin Hyphenation Patterns",
+# lithuanian
+ "code" => "lt",
+ "name" => "lithuanian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "l7x",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Lithuanian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# latvian
+ "code" => "lv",
+ "name" => "latvian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "l7x",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Latvian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# dutch nehyph96.tex
+ "code" => "nl",
+ "name" => "dutch",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "nehyph96.tex",
+ # quoting Hans Hagen:
+ # patterns generated with 2,2 (so don't go less) but use prefered values 2,3 (educational publishers want 4,5 -)
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Dutch Hyphenation Patterns",
+# norsk xu-nohyphbx.tex
+# =norwegian
+# nynorsk nnhyph.tex
+# bokmal nbhyph.tex
+# polish xu-plhyph.tex
+ "code" => "pl",
+ "name" => "polish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "plhyph.tex",
+ #{}"hyphenmin" => [1,1],
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "qx",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Polish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# portuguese pthyph.tex
+# =portuges
+ "code" => "pt",
+ "name" => "portuguese", "synonyms" => ["portuges"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "pthyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Portuguese Hyphenation Patterns",
+# pinyin xu-pyhyph.tex
+ "code" => "zh-latn",
+ "name" => "pinyin",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "pyhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Hyphenation patterns for unaccented pinyin syllables (CJK 4.8.0)",
+# romanian xu-rohyphen.tex
+ "code" => "ro",
+ "name" => "romanian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "rohyphen.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Romanian Hyphenation Patterns", # : `rohyphen' 1.1 <29.10.1996>
+# slovenian xu-sihyph.tex
+# =slovene
+ "code" => "sl",
+ "name" => "slovenian", "synonyms" => ["slovene"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "sihyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Slovenian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# uppersorbian xu-sorhyph.tex
+ "code" => "hsb",
+ "name" => "uppersorbian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "sorhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Upper Sorbian Hyphenation Patterns (E. Werner)",
+# \message{Hyphenation patterns for Upper Sorbian, E. Werner}
+# \message{Completely new revision 1997, March 22}
+# swedish svhyph.tex
+ "code" => "sv",
+ "name" => "swedish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "svhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # patters say it could be 1,2; babel says 2,2 - double check
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Swedish hyphenation patterns (Jan Michael Rynning, 1994-03-03)",
+# turkmen
+ "code" => "tk",
+ "name" => "turkmen",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => nil,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Turkmen Hyphenation Patterns",
+# turkish xu-tkhyph.tex
+ "code" => "tr",
+ "name" => "turkish",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "tkhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Turkish Hyphenation Patterns",
+# ukenglish ukhyphen.tex
+# TODO - should we rename it or not?
+ "code" => "en-gb",
+ "name" => "ukenglish", "synonyms" => ["british", "UKenglish"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ukhyphen.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # confirmed, same as what Knuth says
+ "encoding" => "ascii",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Hyphenation Patterns for British English",
+# US english
+ "code" => "en-us",
+ "name" => "usenglishmax",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "ushyphmax.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # confirmed, same as what Knuth says
+ "encoding" => "ascii",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Hyphenation Patterns for American English",
+# US english
+# {
+# "code" => "en-us-x-knuth",
+# "name" => "english",
+# "use_new_loader" => false,
+# "use_old_patterns" => false,
+# "filename_old_patterns" => "hyphen.tex",
+# "hyphenmin" => [2,3], # confirmed, same as what Knuth says
+# "encoding" => "ascii",
+# "exceptions" => true,
+# "message" => "Hyphenation Patterns for American English",
+# },
+# serbian xu-srhyphc.tex
+ "code" => "sr-latn",
+ "name" => "serbian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "shhyphl.tex",
+ # It is allowed to leave one character at the end of the row.
+ # However, if you think that it is graphicaly not very
+ # pleasent these patterns will work well with \lefthyphenmin=2.
+ # \lefthyphenmin=1 \righthyphenmin=2
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Serbian hyphenation patterns in Latin script",
+# serbianc
+ "code" => "sr-cyrl",
+ "name" => "serbianc",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "srhyphc.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "t2a",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Serbian hyphenation patterns in Cyrillic script",
+# mongolian (used to be mongolian2a)
+ "code" => "mn-cyrl",
+ "name" => "mongolian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "mnhyphn.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "t2a",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "(New) Mongolian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# mongolianlmc xu-mnhyph.tex (used to be mongolian)
+ "code" => "mn-cyrl-x-lmc",
+ "name" => "mongolianlmc",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "mnhyph.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2],
+ "encoding" => "lmc",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Mongolian hyphenation patterns",
+# bulgarian xu-bghyphen.tex
+ "code" => "bg",
+ "name" => "bulgarian",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => "bghyphen.tex",
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "t2a",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Bulgarian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# sanskrit
+ "code" => "sa",
+ "name" => "sanskrit",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,5], # polyglosia
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Sanskrit Hyphenation Patterns (v0.2, 2008/1/3)",
+# norwegian nohyph.tex
+ "code" => "no",
+ "name" => "norwegian", # TODO: fixme
+ "use_new_loader" => false,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Norwegian Hyphenation Patterns",
+# norsk xu-nohyphbx.tex
+ "code" => "nb",
+ "name" => "bokmal", "synonyms" => ["norwegian", "norsk"],
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Norwegian Bokmal Hyphenation Patterns",
+# nynorsk nnhyph.tex
+ "code" => "nn",
+ "name" => "nynorsk",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Norwegian Nynorsk Hyphenation Patterns",
+# assamese
+ "code" => "as",
+ "name" => "assamese",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Assameze Hyphenation Patterns",
+# bengali
+ "code" => "bn",
+ "name" => "bengali",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Bengali Hyphenation Patterns",
+# gujarati
+ "code" => "gu",
+ "name" => "gujarati",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Gujarati Hyphenation Patterns",
+# hindi
+ "code" => "hi",
+ "name" => "hindi",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Hindi Hyphenation Patterns",
+# kannada
+ "code" => "kn",
+ "name" => "kannada",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Kannada Hyphenation Patterns",
+# malayalam
+ "code" => "ml",
+ "name" => "malayalam",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Malayalam Hyphenation Patterns",
+# marathi
+ "code" => "mr",
+ "name" => "marathi",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Marathi Hyphenation Patterns",
+# oriya
+ "code" => "or",
+ "name" => "oriya",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Oriya Hyphenation Patterns",
+# panjabi
+ "code" => "pa",
+ "name" => "panjabi",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Panjabi Hyphenation Patterns",
+# tamil
+ "code" => "ta",
+ "name" => "tamil",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Tamil Hyphenation Patterns",
+# telugu
+ "code" => "te",
+ "name" => "telugu",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Telugu Hyphenation Patterns",
+# lao
+ "code" => "lo",
+ "name" => "lao",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "hyphenmin" => [1,1], # TODO
+ "encoding" => nil, # no patterns for 8-bit TeX
+ "exceptions" => false,
+ "message" => "Lao Hyphenation Patterns",
+# dumylang -> dumyhyph.tex
+# nohyphenation -> zerohyph.tex
+# arabic -> zerohyph.tex
+# farsi zerohyph.tex
+# =persian
+ ]
+ languages.each do |l|
+ language =,pattern_path)
+ @@list.push(language)
+ self[language.code] = language
+ end
+ end
+ def list
+ return @@list
+ end
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages.rb
index fc524fc3520..c157e60d425 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages.rb
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/languages.rb
@@ -328,6 +328,18 @@ class Languages < Hash
# ----------------------------
# languages using new patterns
# ----------------------------
+# afrikaans
+ "code" => "af",
+ "name" => "afrikaans",
+ "use_new_loader" => true,
+ "use_old_patterns" => false,
+ "filename_old_patterns" => nil,
+ "hyphenmin" => [2,2], # babel
+ "encoding" => "ec",
+ "exceptions" => true,
+ "message" => "Afrikaans Hyphenation Patterns",
# catalan cahyph.tex
"code" => "ca",