path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/xysmart.doc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 569 deletions
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/xysmart.doc
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-%% $Id$
-%% Xy-pic ``Smart Path feature'' option.
-%% Copyright (c) 1998 George C. Necula <>
-%% This file is part of the Xy-pic package for graphs and diagrams in TeX.
-%% See the companion README and INSTALL files for further information.
-%% Copyright (c) 1991-1998 Kristoffer H. Rose <>
-%% The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-%% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-%% option) any later version.
-%% The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-%% or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-%% for more details.
-%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-%% with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-%% 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-\ifx\xyloaded\undefined \input xy \fi
-\xyprovide{smartpath}{Smart Path option}{\stripRCS$Revision: 0.0 $}%
- {George C. Necula}{}%
- {School of Computer Science,
- Carnegie Mellon University,
- 5000 Forbes Avenue,
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891, USA}
- This extends the `arrow' feature, which is therefore required, with a
- ``smart'' <path> between two <pos>itions.
- The <turn> syntax is extended with the construction
- ??w![<turn>] \iss ??c![`s] <diag> |_| <diag> <turnradius>
- ??c![\ar]"in"|_|"out"|/5pt| which draws a connector leaving $p$ in the
- "in" <diag>onal direction and arrives at $c$ in the "out" <diag>onal
- direction, using |5pt| turns. The connector contains only horizontal
- or vertical lines and $\frac18$ sectors of circles of the given
- (optional) <turnradius>.
- \BUG: Any labels are placed at the end of the connection.
-% The smart connection algorithm is as follows:
-% A smart connector consists only of horizontal and vertical straight
-% segments connected with 1/4 circles. 1/8 circles might be use at the start
-% and end of the connector to reach a horizontal or a vertical.
-% All possible connectors can be reduced to a series of equivalence classes,
-% where two connectors are considered equivalent if they are identical after
-% removing from each of them all the horizontal and vertical straight
-% segments. Such a connector is called a representative.
-% The algorithm first computes 10 representatives that start and end in the
-% given directions and have at most one point where the orientation is
-% changed. 5 of the representatives start counter-clockwise and the other
-% 5 start clockwise. Among the counter-clockwise representatives, 1 does not
-% have any change in orientation (one arc of circle starting and ending in the
-% given directions). The other 4 are obtained by changing the orientation in
-% the four points where the circle is tangent to a horizontal or a vertical.
-% For each representative the algorithm determines if it can be extended with
-% horizontal and vertical segments to reach the destination point when
-% starting in the source point (the directions are already right by
-% construction). For example, horizontal straight lines could be inserted
-% in all the points where the representative is tangent to a horizontal line.
-% In each such point a straight line segment can be inserted to extend the
-% connector horizontally but only in the same direction of the connector at
-% that point (the direction of the connetor in a point is towards the
-% destination). For example, if the horizontal distance between the source and
-% destination points is Dx and the horizontal distance between the start and
-% the end of the representative connector is dx then the distance ``Dx - dx''
-% must be covered using horizontal straight lines. This distance is
-% distributed equally among all the horizontal extension points of the right
-% direction. If no such points exist, then the representative is discarded.
-% The cost of a connector is the length of the representative plus the total
-% length of straight extension segments, i.e., |Dx-dx| + |Dy-dy|.
-% The algorithm selects among all the representatives that are not discarded,
-% the one leading to the shortest connection.
-% Change the PATHturn@ to recognize `s as a smart PATH.
- \ifx \space@\next \expandafter\DN@\space{\xyFN@\PATHturn@}%gobble spaces
- \else\ifx s\next
- \let\origPATHturn@i=\PATHturn@i\let\PATHturn@i=\PATHsmartturn@i
- \let\origPATHturn@cir=\PATHturn@cir\let\PATHturn@cir=\PATHsmartturn@cir
- \DN@ s{\xyFN@\origPATHturn@}% Let the original routines do the parsing
- \else
- \DN@{\origPATHturn@}%
- \fi\fi
- \next@}
-% Changed PATHturn@cir to allow half or full turns
- \edef\next@{{\CIRin@@}{\expandafter\noexpand\CIRorient@@}{\CIRout@@}}%
- \expandafter\PATHturn@i\next@}
-% This is the changed function for placing the turn
- \DN@##1{%
- \def\PATHinit@@{%
- \xy@@{%
- \def\sm@CIRin{#1}\def\sm@CIRout{#3}% The IN and OUT directions. Ignore
- % the orientation
- \ifx\sm@CIRout\empty %Only on direction is given. Use it as OUT and
- %use the previous direction as IN
- \let\sm@CIRout=\sm@CIRin
- \let\sm@CIRin=\PATHlastout@@
- \fi
- ##1\relax}%
- \xy@@{\enter@{\basefromthebase@}}%
- \xy@@{\sm@conn}% Draw the connection
- \xy@@{\X@p=\X@c \Y@p=\Y@c \czeroEdge@% Save the start of the segment
- \count@=\sm@CIRout\count@=\the\count@% Move forward a dash to
- % touch the edge
- \dimen@=\xydashl@ \ABfromdiag@ \advance\X@c\A@ \advance\Y@c\B@
- \edef\PATHpostpos@@{\X@c=\the\X@c \Y@c=\the\Y@c \noexpand\czeroEdge@
- \noexpand\PATHomitslide@@true}}%
- \xy@@{\leave@ %
- \edef\PATHlastout@@{\sm@CIRout}% Store the last direction
- \count@=\sm@CIRout \dimen@=\xydashl@ \Directionfromdiag@}}}%
- \expandafter\next@\expandafter{\the\toks@}\toks@={}%
- \let\PATHextra@@=\empty
- \def\PATHpost@@{\xy@@\PATHpostpos@@}%
- \let\PATHlabelsextra@@=\relax
- \let\PATHturn@i=\origPATHturn@i
- \let\PATHturn@cir=\origPATHturn@cir
- \xyFN@\PATHturn@ii}
-\xydef@\sm@maxcost{1000mm}% A very long connector
-% This computes and draws the connection
-% \xy@showthe p{Source}\xy@showthe c{Dest}%
-% \W@{Computing connector from p in \sm@CIRin\space to c in \sm@CIRout
-% .Radius is \turnradius@}%
- %Adjust the end points to the edge of the objects in the given directions
- \enter@{\cfromthec@ \DirectionfromtheDirection@}\cfromp@% Adjust p
- \count@=\sm@CIRin\count@=\the\count@
- \dimen@=\xydashl@ \ABfromdiag@ \advance\X@p\A@\advance\Y@p\B@
- \setupDirection@ \the\Edge@c\z@ \czeroEdge@
- \pfromc@
- \reverseDirection@
- % Now leave room for one dash to start with (for placing arrow tails)
- \count@=\sm@CIRin\count@=\the\count@
- \dimen@=\xydashl@ \ABfromdiag@
- % Drop the arrow tail in the right place
- \edef\tmp@{\noexpand\dir\artail@@}\expandafter\sm@drop@\tmp@
- \X@c=\X@p\advance\X@c\A@ \Y@c=\Y@p\advance\Y@c\B@ \czeroEdge@
- % Draw a straight connection from p to c
- \sm@stri
- % Set p to the end of the connection
- \X@p=\X@c \Y@p=\Y@c
- \leave@
-% \xy@showthe p{After adjust}%
- \enter@{\pfromthep@ \DirectionfromtheDirection@}\pfromc@% Adjust c
- \count@=\sm@CIRout\count@=\the\count@
- \dimen@=\xydashl@ \ABfromdiag@ \advance\X@p-\A@\advance\Y@p-\B@
- \setupDirection@ \the\Edge@c\z@
- \advance\X@c-\A@\advance\Y@c-\B@% Leave room for a dash to terminate the seg
- \czeroEdge@ % The final segment will be drawn by PATH@segment
- % Clear the tail setting for the last segment
- \def\PATHlabelsnext@@{}%
- \leave@
-% \xy@showthe c{After adjust}%
- % Set the turn radius
- \R@=\turnradius@
- \cirrestrict@@%Adjust the radius to fit the circles
- % Initialize variables
- \let\sm@circles=\sm@nil
- \edef\sm@bestcost{\sm@maxcost}% Best so far is very bad
- \sm@trycircles 1%Try counter clockwise first
- \sm@trycircles{-1}%Try clockwise after
-% Now check the best
- \ifdim\sm@bestcost<\sm@maxcost
-% \W@{}\W@{Best: \meaning\sm@bestconn}%
- \cfromp@
-% \xy@showthe p{Source}%
- \expandafter\sm@conndraw\sm@bestconn
- \else
- \xyerror@{Cannot draw the smart connector}{}%
- \fi
-% Compute and examine 5 representatives, for the orientation given
-% as #1 (1 for counter-clockwise and -1 for clockwise).
- \ifnum #1>0% Compute the opposite orientation
- \def\sm@CIRorienti{-1}%
- \else
- \def\sm@CIRorienti{1}%
- \fi
- % Generate lists of triples (IN,ORIENT,OUT) so that OUT_1=IN_2 and
- % IN=IN_1 and OUT=OUT_2, and such that ORIENT_1=#1m ORIENT_2=-ORIENT_1
- % Then try each list in turn.
- %Try one circle first (a singleton list)
- \edef\tmp@{{{\sm@CIRin}{#1}{\sm@CIRout}}}%
- \expandafter\sm@trycirclelist\expandafter{\tmp@\sm@nil}%
- %Now try lists of two circles.
- %Advance "in" so that it is a multiple of 90 degrees (that is, odd)
- \count@@=\sm@CIRin\count@@=\the\count@@\count@=\count@@
- \sm@roundcount@{#1}%
- \edef\sm@savecount@{\the\count@}%
- % See if we need to add a 1/8 starting circle
- \ifnum\the\count@=\the\count@@ \else
- \edef\tmp@{{{\sm@CIRin}{#1}{\the\count@}}%
- {{\the\count@}{\sm@CIRorienti}{\sm@CIRout}}}%
- \expandafter\sm@trycirclelist\expandafter{\tmp@\sm@nil}%
- \fi
- \count@=\sm@savecount@\count@=\the\count@
- \sm@advancecount@ 2{#1}\edef\sm@savecount@{\the\count@}% Advance 90 deg.
- \edef\tmp@{{{\sm@CIRin}{#1}{\the\count@}}%
- {{\the\count@}{\sm@CIRorienti}{\sm@CIRout}}}%
- \expandafter\sm@trycirclelist\expandafter{\tmp@\sm@nil}%
- \count@=\sm@savecount@\count@=\the\count@
- \sm@advancecount@ 2{#1}\edef\sm@savecount@{\the\count@}% Advance 90 deg.
- \edef\tmp@{{{\sm@CIRin}{#1}{\the\count@}}%
- {{\the\count@}{\sm@CIRorienti}{\sm@CIRout}}}%
- \expandafter\sm@trycirclelist\expandafter{\tmp@\sm@nil}%
- \count@=\sm@savecount@\count@=\the\count@
- \sm@advancecount@ 2{#1}\edef\sm@savecount@{\the\count@}% Advance 90 deg.
- \edef\tmp@{{{\sm@CIRin}{#1}{\the\count@}}%
- {{\the\count@}{\sm@CIRorienti}{\sm@CIRout}}}%
- \expandafter\sm@trycirclelist\expandafter{\tmp@\sm@nil}%
-% Advance the direction in \count@ by #1 (each unit is 45deg) in the
-% dirction #2, taking care of wrap-around
-% \W@{Advancing count from \the\count@\space by #1\space
-% in \xy@showorient #2}%
- \ifnum #2>0
- \edef\tmp@{#1}%
- \else
- \edef\tmp@{-#1}%
- \fi
- \advance\count@\tmp@\count@=\the\count@
- \ifnum\the\count@<0 \advance\count@ 8\fi
- \ifnum\the\count@>7 \advance\count@ -8\fi
- \count@=\the\count@
-% \W@{ Resulting count@=\the\count@}%
-% Round counter to the next odd element (multiple of 90deg)
-% in the given direction
- \ifcase\the\count@
- \advance\count@ #1\or
- \or \advance\count@ #1\or
- \or \advance\count@ #1\or
- \or \advance\count@ #1\fi
- \count@=\the\count@
- \ifnum\the\count@<0 \advance\count@ 8\fi
- \ifnum\the\count@>7 \advance\count@ -7\fi
- \count@=\the\count@
-% Given a representative described as a list of triplets ending with sm@nil,
-% verify if is can be extended to the right destination
- \R@p=\z@\U@p=\R@p% Clear the deltas
- \def\sm@exthp{0}\def\sm@exthm{0}%
- \def\sm@extvp{0}\def\sm@extvm{0}% Clear the extension points
- \def\sm@dxp{0pt}\def\sm@dxm{0pt}%
- \def\sm@dyp{0pt}\def\sm@dym{0pt}% Reset the extensions
- \def\sm@segs{}% % Clear the segment list
- \sm@firstsegtrue % Mark the first segment
- \def\sm@connlen{0pt}% % Initialize the connector length
- \let\sm@tryclcont=\sm@trycirclelist@i
- \sm@trycirclelist@i #1%Strip {} to expose the list elements
-% The connector was processed
-% Add an extra segment at then end, if ending in a multiple of 90 deg
- \count@@=\sm@CIRout\count@@=\the\count@\count@=\the\count@
- \sm@roundcount@{1}% Direction does not matter
- \ifnum\count@=\count@@
- \edef\sm@segs{\sm@segs{{\the\count@}{1}{\the\count@}}}%Accum segment
- \fi
-% \W@{After trying CL deltax=\the\R@p, deltay=\the\U@p}%
-% \sm@showext{\space}%
-% \W@{ \space Segs: \meaning\sm@segs}%
- %Now see if the connector can be extended enough
- \A@=\X@p\advance\A@\R@p\advance\A@ -\X@c\A@=-\A@ % A=Dx
- \B@=\Y@p\advance\B@\U@p\advance\B@ -\Y@c\B@=-\B@ % B=Dy
- \sm@acceptabletrue
-% \W@{ \space Dx=\the\A@, Dy=\the\B@}%
- \ifdim\A@>0pt
- \ifnum\sm@exthp>0 \dimen@=\A@ \divide\dimen@\sm@exthp
- \edef\sm@dxp{\the\dimen@}%
- \else \sm@acceptablefalse\fi\fi
- \ifdim\A@<0pt
- \ifnum\sm@exthm>0 \dimen@=\A@ \divide\dimen@\sm@exthm
- \edef\sm@dxm{\the\dimen@}%
- \else \sm@acceptablefalse\fi
- \A@=-\A@%Make it positive
- \fi
- \ifdim\B@>0pt
- \ifnum\sm@extvp>0 \dimen@=\B@ \divide\dimen@\sm@extvp
- \edef\sm@dyp{\the\dimen@}%
- \else \sm@acceptablefalse\fi\fi
- \ifdim\B@<0pt
- \ifnum\sm@extvm>0 \dimen@=\B@ \divide\dimen@\sm@extvm
- \edef\sm@dym{\the\dimen@}%
- \else \sm@acceptablefalse\fi
- \B@=-\B@
- \fi
- \ifsm@acceptable
- %Compute the cost of the connector
- \dimen@=\sm@connlen\advance\dimen@\A@\advance\dimen@\B@
-% \W@{ \space Cost is \the\dimen@}%
- %See if it is best so far
- \ifdim\dimen@<\sm@bestcost
- \edef\sm@bestcost{\the\dimen@}%
- \edef\sm@bestconn{{\sm@dxp}{\sm@dxm}{\sm@dyp}{\sm@dym}{\sm@segs}}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \W@{#1\space hp=\sm@exthp,hm=\sm@exthm,vp=\sm@extvp
- ,vm=\sm@extvm,len=\sm@connlen}}
-% Process the next element in the list that describes the representative
- \def\@tmp{#1}%
- \ifx \@tmp\sm@nnil \let\sm@tryclcont=\relax\else
- \expandafter\sm@tryclcar\@tmp \fi
- \sm@tryclcont}
-% \W@{Trying one turn in #1\space orient #2\space out #3}%
- %Compute deltax in R@p and deltay in U@p. Move them to center first.
- \dimen@=\ifnum #2<0 -\fi\R@
- \count@=#1\count@=\the\count@ \ABfromdiag@
- \advance\R@p -\B@ \advance\U@p \A@
-% \xy@showdim{ After center}%
- % Move them to exit
- \count@=#3\count@=\the\count@ \ABfromdiag@
- \advance\R@p \B@ \advance\U@p -\A@
-% \xy@showdim{ After turn}%
-% \xy@showthe p{ }%
- % Now update the extension points
- \sm@computeext{#1}{#2}{#3}%
-% Compute the extensions
-% \W@{Computing extents for turn in #1\space orient #2\space out #3}%
- \ifsm@firstseg
- \sm@accumext#1%
- \sm@firstsegfalse
- \fi
- \count@@=#1\count@@=\the\count@@\count@=\count@@
- \dimen@=\sm@connlen
-% \W@{Before rounding count@=\the\count@, count@@=\the\count@@}%
- \sm@roundcount@{#2}%
-% \W@{After rounding count@=\the\count@, count@@=\the\count@@}%
- \ifnum \count@=\count@@
- \sm@advancecount@ 1{#2}% Advance by 90 degrees if odd. By 45 first
- \advance\dimen@ 0.7854\R@% It was incremented with 1/8 circle
- \ifnum \count@=#3% Check if done
- \else
- \sm@advancecount@ 1{#2}% Another 45
- \advance\dimen@ 0.7854\R@% It was incremented with 1/8 circle
- \fi
- \else
- \advance\dimen@ 0.7854\R@% It was incremented with 1/8 circle
- \fi
- \edef\sm@connlen{\the\dimen@}% Save the connector length
- \sm@accumext{\the\count@}%
- \edef\sm@segs{\sm@segs{{#1}{#2}{\the\count@}}}%Accum segment
- \ifnum\the\count@=#3 \else
- \edef\tmp@{{\the\count@}{#2}{#3}}%Recursive call
- \expandafter\sm@computeext\tmp@
- \fi
-% Accumulate the extensions
-% \W@{Accumulating extent for #1}%
-% \sm@showext{Before accum:}%
- \ifcase #1%
- \or \count@@=\sm@extvm\advance\count@@ by1%
- \edef\sm@extvm{\the\count@@}% 1 is V-
- \or\or \count@@=\sm@exthp\advance\count@@ by1%
- \edef\sm@exthp{\the\count@@}% 3 is H+
- \or\or \count@@=\sm@extvp\advance\count@@ by1%
- \edef\sm@extvp{\the\count@@}% 5 is V+
- \or\or \count@@=\sm@exthm\advance\count@@ by1%
- \edef\sm@exthm{\the\count@@}% 7 in H-
- \fi
-% \sm@showext{After accum:}%
-% Draw a computed connector.
-% 1,2,3,4 - dx+, dx-, dv+, dv- (lengths of straight connectors in each
-% direction)
-% 5 - a list of segments, each enclosed in a pair of braces.
- \def\sm@contlist{\sm@drawseglist}%
- \edef\sm@dxp{#1}%
- \edef\sm@dxm{#2}%
- \edef\sm@dyp{#3}%
- \edef\sm@dym{#4}%Save deltas
- \sm@drawseglist #5\sm@nil}
-\xydef@\sm@drawseglist#1{% Get the first segment
- \ifx #1\sm@nil \def\sm@contlist{}\else
- \sm@drawseg #1\fi
- \sm@contlist}
-% Draw a segment
-\xydef@\sm@drawseg#1#2#3{% A segment is CIRin+CIRorient+CIRout
-% \W@{Drawing segment in=#1\space out=\space #3}\xy@showthe c{Seg start}%
- \def\CIRin@@{#1}\def\CIRout@@{#3}%
- \sm@straight%See if a straight line is needed here. Insert it and
- %reset c if needed
- \ifnum\CIRin@@=\CIRout@@ \else
- % Compute the center of the circle
- \count@=\CIRin@@
- \dimen@=\ifnum #2<0 -\fi\R@
- \ABfromdiag@
- \advance\X@c -\B@ \advance\Y@c \A@
-% \xy@showthe c{Center of circle}%
-% \xy@showdim{Before center}%
- \ifnum #2>0 \def\CIRorient@@{\CIRacw@}%
- \else \def\CIRorient@@{\CIRcw@}\fi
- \drop@\literal@{\hbox\bgroup\cir@i}% Place the circle
- % Now move the the end of the arc
- \dimen@=\ifnum #2<0 -\fi\R@
- \count@=\CIRout@@\count@=\count@%Wierd. If I remove this last assignm
-% %\count@ is not set
- \ABfromdiag@
-% \xy@showthe c{Before advance}%
-% \xy@showdim{Before advance}%
- \advance\X@c\B@ \advance\Y@c-\A@
-% \xy@showthe c{After circle}%
-% \xy@showdim{After circle}%
- \fi
- \U@c=\z@\D@c=\U@c\L@c=\U@c\R@c=\U@c
- \pfromc@ %Set p at the beginning of the segment
- \ifcase \CIRin@@ \or% 1 is V-
- \A@=\sm@dym\advance \Y@c\A@ %Wierd. I have to use the temporary A@!!
- \or\or % 3 is H+
- \A@=\sm@dxp\advance \X@c\A@
- \or\or % 5 is V+
- \A@=\sm@dyp\advance \Y@c\A@
- \or\or % 7 is H-
- \A@=\sm@dxm\advance \X@c\A@ \fi
- \ifdim\X@c=\X@p\ifdim\Y@c=\Y@p\else \sm@stri \fi\else \sm@stri \fi
-% \W@{Drawing straight connection}\xy@showthe p{StrSrc}\xy@showthec{StrDst}%
- \edef\tmp@{\expandafter\noexpand\arstemprefix@@\arstem@@}%
- \expandafter\sm@connect@\tmp@}
- \DN@##1{\connect@{#1}{##1}}\next@}
- \DN@##1{\drop@{#1}{##1}}\next@}
-% Compute and draw a connector. External interface
-% 1 - in (for p)
-% 2 - out (for c)
-% 3 - suggested radius
- \edef\sm@CIRin{#1}\edef\sm@CIRout{#2}%Memorize the directions
- \R@=#3\R@=\the\R@
- \sm@conn}
-% Here is an example illustrating a smart <path> (as well as the
-% extensions of the `necula' extension of \S??[:necula]).
-% 0 *+<5mm>e|\triangle|[F-]\txt{Test}="one" ,
-% <2cm,1cm> *+<5mm>e|\diamond|[F.]\txt{Test}="two"
-% \ar @{>->} `sdr_d/30pt "one"
-% will typeset
- \BUG: This code should probably be merged with the `arrow' feature.
- Finally the log.
-% $Log$
-% Received from George.
-% Tell Emacs that this is a LaTeX document and how it is formatted:
-% Local Variables:
-% mode:latex
-% fill-prefix:"\t"
-% fill-column:77
-% paragraph-separate:"^[ \t\f]*$\\|^[^\t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\|\\$\\$\\|[^\n\\\\][%&]"
-% paragraph-start:"^[ \t\f]*$\\|^[^\t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\|\\$\\$\\|[^\n\\\\][%&]"
-% End: