path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/xyrotate.doc
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+%% $Id: xyrotate.doc,v 3.3 1996/12/18 09:40:16 ross Exp $
+%% Xy-pic ``Rotate and Scale extension'' option.
+%% Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Ross Moore <>
+%% This file is part of the Xy-pic package for graphs and diagrams in TeX.
+%% See the companion README and INSTALL files for further information.
+%% Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Kristoffer H. Rose <>
+%% The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+%% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+%% option) any later version.
+%% The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+%% or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+%% for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%% with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%% 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\ifx\xyloaded\undefined \input xy \fi
+\xyprovide{rotate}{Rotate and Scale extension}{\stripRCS$Revision: 3.3 $}%
+ {Ross Moore}{}%
+ {Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, NSW~2109, Australia}
+This extension provides the ability to request that any object be displayed
+rotated at any angle as well as scaled in various ways.
+These are effects which are not normally available within \TeX.
+Instead they require a suitable `back-end' option to provide the necessary
+|\special| commands, or extra fonts, together with appropriate
+commands to implement the effects. Thus
+ *+\txt<.8\hsize>{Using this extension will have no effect on the output
+ unless used with a backend that explicitly supports it.}
+ *\frm{-}
+\xydef@\xyundefinedRotate@#1#2@@{%\egroup %
+ \xywarning@{The #1 #2 effect is not implemented with the current driver.}}%
+The extension provides special effects that can be used with any \Xy-pic
+<object> by defining |[|<shape>|]| modifiers.
+The modification is local to the <object> currently being built,
+so will have no effect if this object is never actually used.
+The following table lists the modifiers that have so far been
+defined. They come in two types -- either
+a single keyword, or a key-character with the following text treated
+as a single argument.
+ |[@]| & align with current direction\cr
+ |[@|<direction>|]| & align to <direction>\cr
+ |[@!|<number>|]| & rotate <number> degrees\cr
+% |[@=|<word>|]| & make |[|<word>|]| repeat the current transformations\cr
+% |[@*]| & use previous transformations \cr
+ |[*|<number>|]| & scale by <number> \cr
+ |[*|<num>$_x$,<num>$_y$|]| & scale $x$ and $y$ separately \cr
+% |[<|<direction>|]| & shear y-axis to <direction> \cr
+ |[left]| & rotate anticlockwise by 90$^\circ$ \cr
+ |[right]| & rotate (clockwise) by 90$^\circ$ \cr
+ |[flip]| & rotate by 180$^\circ$; same as |[*-1,-1]| \cr
+ |[dblsize]| & scale to double size \cr
+ |[halfsize]| & scale to half size \cr
+These |[|<shape>|]| modifiers specify transformations of the <object>
+currently being built. If the object has a rectangle edge then the size of
+the rectangle is transformed to enclose the transformed object; with
+a circle edge the radius is altered appropriately.
+There should be an
+ |[@*]| form which repeats the set of transformations applied to the last
+object which has been transformed, possibly in an earlier diagram.
+Also an |[@=|<word>|]| form allowing a set of transformations to be saved
+and used later, simply by specifying |[|<word>|]|.
+Each successive transformation acts upon the result of all previous. One
+consequence of this is that the order of the shape modifiers can make a
+significant difference in appearance---in general, transformations do not
+commute. Even successive rotations can give different sized rectangles if
+taken in the reverse order.
+Sometimes this change of size is not desirable. The following commands are
+provided to modify this behaviour.
+ |\NoResizing| & prevents size adjustment \cr
+ |\UseResizing| & restores size adjustments \cr
+ \global\let\origxyrescale@=\xyrescale@
+ \global\let\origxyrotSizeMod@=\xyrotateSizeMod@
+ \global\let\xyNoResizing@=\xyNoResizing@@
+ \global\let\xyUseResizing@=\xyUseResizing@@
+ \xyNoResizing@@ }
+ \global\let\xyrescale@=\xyignorescale@
+ \global\let\xyrotateSizeMod@=\xyignoreSizeMod@
+ }
+ \global\let\xyrescale@=\origxyrescale@
+ \global\let\xyrotateSizeMod@=\origxyrotSizeMod@
+ }
+The |\NoResizing| command is also useful to have at the beginning of a
+document being typeset using a driver that cannot support scaling effects,
+in particular when applied to whole diagrams. In any case an unscaled
+version will result, but now the spacing and positioning will be appropriate
+to the unscaled rather than the scaled size.
+Recognize the <shape> characters and keywords.
+\xydefcsname@{shape [@...]}#1{\xyrotatechar@#1@@}%
+\xydefcsname@{shape [<...]}#1{\xyshearchar@{#1}@@}%
+\xydefcsname@{shape [*...]}#1{\xyscalechar@{#1}@@}%
+\xydefcsname@{shape [left]}{\xyshape@left@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [right]}{\xyshape@right@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [flip]}{\xyshape@flip@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [halfsize]}{\xyshape@halfsize@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [dblsize]}{\xyshape@dblsize@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [vflip]}{\xyshape@vflip@}
+\xydefcsname@{shape [hflip]}{\xyshape@hflip@}
+Each style modifier adds code to one, or both, of two global lists.
+These contents of these lists, called |\preXYtransform@@|
+and |\postXYtransform@@|.
+An implementation must define macros which are to be bound
+to the control sequence names |\preXYtransform@| and |\postXYtransform@|,
+which are prepended and appended to the |\Drop@@| and |Connect@@| methods
+for the current <object>.
+Also |\Drop@@| and |\Connect@@| must be modified, if this has not already
+been done as indicated by |\xy@transform@| having expansion |\relax|.
+ \gdef\preXYtransform@@{}
+ \gdef\postXYtransform@@{}
+The transformations must be implemented by emulating the adjoint coordinate
+transformations. This requires that code be added to |preXYtransform@@|
+in reverse order to the order of occurrence of the <shape> modifiers.
+The code is added to |\postXYtransform@@| in natural order, so that each
+addition to |\preXYtransform@@| can be closed off, if necessary,
+in a correctly nested sequence.
+ \ifx\xy@transform@\empty
+ \transformDrop@\transformConnect@\resetTransform@\fi
+ \DN@##1{\expandafter\def\expandafter\tmp@\expandafter{##1}}%
+ \expandafter\next@\expandafter{\preShape@@}%
+ \DN@##1{\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\preXYtransform@@\expandafter{%
+ \tmp@ ##1}}\expandafter\next@\expandafter{\preXYtransform@@}%
+ \DN@##1{\expandafter\def\expandafter\tmp@\expandafter{##1}}%
+ \expandafter\next@\expandafter{\postShape@@}%
+ \DN@##1{\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\postXYtransform@@\expandafter{%
+ \postXYtransform@@ ##1}}\expandafter\next@\expandafter{\tmp@}}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\Drop@@\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\preXYtransform@\Drop@@\postXYtransform@}}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\Connect@@\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\preXYtransform@\Connect@@\postXYtransform@}}
+\BUG: The reference point does not move correctly in \PS\ when a shift
+modifier has been applied before a rotation. The object prints outside
+of its bounding |\rectangleEdge|. Fix this!!
+Global macros are used, so that the same styles can be reused by
+successive objects without having to re-interpret <shape> modifiers,
+as described next.
+\paragraph*{Saving transformations}
+Once specified for an <object>, the collection of transformations can be
+assigned a name, via |[>|<name>|]|.
+The <name> here is any collection of letters
+or other characters up to the closing |]|.
+Subsequent use of |[>|<name>|]|, with the same or other <objects>s,
+will re-establish the saved transformations, acting on the new <object>
+with initial reference point appropriate to this <object>.
+\NOTE: Such namings are global and permanent.
+They are intended to allow a particular set of transformations to be
+easily repeated for different objects inside various pictures and diagrams
+within the same document.
+ \DN@{\expandafter\gdef\expandafter#1\expandafter{\the\toks@}}\next@ }
+\paragraph*{Scaling and Scaled Text}
+The <shape> modifier can contain either a single scale factor, or a pair
+indicating different factors in the $x$- and $y$-directions.
+Negative values are allowed, to obtain reflections in the
+coordinate axes, but not zero.
+ \DN@{\xyrescale@(#1,#2)}%
+ \dimen@=#1\p@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \else \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \else
+ \DN@{\xywarning@{invalid scaling factors #1, #2}}%
+ \fi\fi \dimen@=#2\p@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \else \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \else
+ \DN@{\xywarning@{invalid scaling factors #1, #2 }}%
+ \fi\fi \next@ }
+ \setboxz@h{\xyscale@@{#1}{#2}%
+ \dimen@=\ifx-#1\R@c\advance\dimen@-\R@c \dimen@=-\dimen@
+ \else#1\L@c \advance\dimen@-\L@c\fi
+ \kern\dimen@\boxz@\kern-\dimen@}%
+ \R@c=\if-#1\L@c\else#1\R@c\fi
+ \L@c=\if-#1\R@c\else#1\L@c\fi
+ \U@c=\if-#2\D@c\else#2\U@c\fi
+ \D@c=\if-#2\U@c\else#2\D@c\fi }
+\xydef@\xyignorescale@(#1,#2){\xywarning@{Ignoring rescale: #1,#2}%
+ \setboxz@h{\xyscale@@{#1}{#2}\boxz@}}%
+Some particular scalings.
+\paragraph*{Rotation and Rotated Text}
+Within |[@...]| the |...| are parsed as a <direction> locally, based on the
+current direction. The value of count register |\Direction| contains the
+information to determine the requested direction.
+When no <direction> is parsed then |[@]| requests a rotation to align with
+the current direction.
+The special sequence |[@!...]| is provided to pass an angle directly to
+the back-end. The \Xy-pic size and shape of the <object> with |\rectangleEdge|
+is unchanged, even though the printed form may appear rotated.
+This is a feature that must be implemented specially by the back-end.
+For example, using the \PS\ back-end, |[@!45]| will show the object rotated
+by 45$^\circ$ inside a box of the size of the unrotated object.
+ \afterDIRECTIONorEMPTY{\xyrotateSizeMod@}{\xyFN@\xySpecialRotate@i}}
+ \ifx \space@\next \expandafter\DN@\space{\xyFN@\xySpecialRotate@i}%
+ \else\ifx @\next \let\next@=\xyrotateSizeMod@
+ \else\addEQ@\ifx \next
+ \addEQ@\DN@##1@@{%\transformDrop@
+ \expandafter\xynametransform@\csname shape [##1]\endcsname\egroup}%
+ \else\ifx !\next \DN@!{\egroup\getSpecialRotate@}%
+ \else\ifx *\next \DN@*@@{\egroup\transformDrop@}%
+ \else \DN@{\xySpecialRotate@@}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next@ }
+\TODO: Provide example of repeated, named transformation.
+Initially there is no support for the actual effects.
+They will be processed according to size/shape requirements,
+but the actual rotation or re-sizing is ommitted.
+A <driver> file is required to implement the effects.
+It need to define alternative expansions to which
+|\xyRotate@@#1|, |\xySpecialRotate@@#1@@|, |\doSpecialRotate@@#1@@|
+and |\xyscale@@#1#2| can be bound.
+\xydef@\doSpecialRotate@#1@@{\xyundefinedRotate@{special rotate}{#1}@@}
+ \ifx#1\relax\else\xyunload@{rotation extension}\fi
+ \let\xyRotate@@=\xyRotate@
+ \let\xySpecialRotate@@=\xySpecialRotate@
+ \let\doSpecialRotate@@=\doSpecialRotate@
+ \let\xyscale@@=\xyscale@ }
+This adjusts the sizes of |\L@c|, |\R@c|, |\U@c| and |\D@c| appropriately.
+\xydef@\xyrotateSizeMod@ @@{%
+ \L@p=\L@c \R@p=\R@c \U@p=\U@c \D@p=\D@c
+ \ifdim\cosDirection\p@>\z@
+ \R@c=\cosDirection\R@p \L@c=\cosDirection\L@p
+ \U@c=\cosDirection\U@p \D@c=\cosDirection\D@p
+ \else
+ \R@c=\cosDirection\L@p \L@c=\cosDirection\R@p
+ \U@c=\cosDirection\D@p \D@c=\cosDirection\U@p
+ \fi
+ \advance\L@c \if-\sinDirection\D@p\else\sinDirection\U@p\fi
+ \advance\R@c \if-\sinDirection\U@p\else\sinDirection\D@p\fi
+ \advance\U@c \if-\sinDirection\L@p\else\sinDirection\R@p\fi
+ \advance\D@c \if-\sinDirection\R@p\else\sinDirection\L@p\fi
+ \dimen@ii=\L@c \advance\dimen@ii-\L@p
+ \edef\tmp@{\egroup \L@c=\the\L@c \R@c=\the\R@c \U@c=\the\U@c \D@c=\the\D@c
+ \dimen@ii=\the\dimen@ii \noexpand\setboxz@h\bgroup
+ \noexpand\xyRotate@@{\the\Direction}}\tmp@
+ \xydropRotated@ }
+ \kern\dimen@ii \boxz@ \kern-\dimen@ii \modXYtransform@ \egroup }
+\xydef@\xyignoreSizeMod@ @@{\xywarning@{Ignoring rotation}}
+Some particular rotations.
+\xydef@\xyshape@left@{\xyrotatechar@ v(0,1)@@}
+\xydef@\xyshape@right@{\xyrotatechar@ v(0,-1)@@}
+Reflections can be specified by a combination of rotation and a flip ---
+either |[hflip]| or |[vflip]|.
+\paragraph*{Shear transformations}
+\TODO: Provide the structure to support these; then implement it in \PS.
+The following diagram requires various options to be loaded and installed.
+The diagram in figure~??[rotate and flips] illustrates many of the effects
+described above as well as some additional ones defined by the |color| and
+|rotate| extensions.
+ ?<<*[@_][red][o]=<5pt>{\heartsuit};
+ ?>>>*[@_][Plum][o]=<3pt>{\clubsuit}
+ **[|*][|.5pt][thicker]\dir{-},
+?(.1)*[left]!RD\txt{label 1}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.2)*[!gsave newpath
+ xyXpos xyYpos moveto 50 dup rlineto
+ 20 setlinewidth 0 0 1 setrgbcolor stroke
+ grestore][psxy]{.},
+?(.2)*[@]\txt{label 2}*[red]\frm{.},
+?(.3)*[halfsize]\txt{label 3}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.375)*[flip]\txt{label 4}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.5)*[dblsize]\txt{label 5}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.7)*[hflip]\txt{label 6}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.8)*[vflip]\txt{label 7}*[red]\frm{.}
+?(.9)*[right]!LD\txt{label 8}*[red]\frm{.}
+ \txt{special effect: aligned text}
+ *[red]\frm{.}
+\caption{Rotations, scalings and flips}
+??=[rotate and flips]
+Suggest the code used by the author to typeset ??[rotate and flips].
+\answertext{This is how the author specified the diagram:}
+The actual code is given in the solution to the exercise.
+Use it as a test of the capabilities of your DVI-driver.
+The labels should fit snugly inside the accompanying rectangles,
+rotated and flipped appropriately.
+\BUG: This figure also uses colours, alters line-thickness and includes
+some \PS\ drawing.
+The colours may print as shades of gray,
+with the line from $A$ to $B$ being thicker than normal.
+The wider band sloping downwards may have different width and length
+according to the DVI-driver used; this depends on the coordinate system
+used by the driver, when `raw' \PS\ code is included.
+\paragraph*{The end \& Log}\leavevmode
+% $Log: xyrotate.doc,v $
+% Revision 3.3 1996/12/18 09:40:16 ross
+% no changes
+% Revision 3.2 1995/09/19 18:21:41 ross
+% Bug fix release.
+% Revision 3.1 1995/09/05 20:36:33 ross
+% Release!
+% Revision 3.0 1995/07/07 20:13:19 ross
+% Major release w/new User's Guide!
+% Revision 2.13 1995/07/04 15:04:51 ross
+% Ready for release of v3.
+% Revision 2.12 1994/10/25 03:01:14 ross
+% Final 3beta release [bug fixes & AMS-LaTeX fitting].
+% Revision 2.11 1994/07/05 06:38:37 ross
+% some documentation was left out previously
+% Revision 2.10 1994/06/15 12:46:03 ross
+% Second release 3beta.
+% Colour and line style saving works; label colouring bug fixed.
+% Revision 2.9 1994/06/09 14:39:49 ross
+% Release 3beta.
+% NEW file to go in version 2.9 by Ross Moore.
+% Tell Emacs that this is a LaTeX document and how it is formatted:
+% Local Variables:
+% mode:latex
+% fill-column:77
+% fill-prefix:""
+% End: