path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/xypic/
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-%% $Id:,v 3.7 1999/02/16 15:12:50 krisrose Exp $
-%% Wrapper to print ``Xy-pic Reference Manual''.
-%% Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Kristoffer H. Rose <>.
-%% All rights reserved.
-\title{ \Xy-pic Reference Manual }
- Kristoffer H. Rose\\<>\thanks{%
- BRICS, Computer Science, Aarhus University (bld. 540),
- Ny Munkegade, DK--8000~Aarhus C, Denmark.}
- \and
- Ross Moore\\<>\thanks{%
- MPCE (Mathematics dept.), Macquarie University,
- North Ryde, Sydney, Australia NSW~2109.}
-\date{Version \xyversion\quad<\xydate>}
- This document summarises the capabilities of the \Xy-pic package for
- typesetting graphs and diagrams in \TeX. For a general introduction
- as well as availability information and conditions refer to the
- User's Guide~\cite{R95:Xy-picUG}.
- A characteristic of \Xy-pic is that it is built around a "kernel
- drawing language" which is a concise notation for general graphics,
- \eg,
-\xy (3,0)*{A} ; (20,6)*+{B}*\cir{} **\dir{-}
- ? *_!/3pt/\dir{)} *_!/7pt/\dir{:}
- ?>* \dir{>} \endxy
- was drawn by the \Xy-pic kernel code
- It is an object-oriented graphic language in the most literal sense:
- `objects' in the picture have `methods' describing how they typeset,
- stretch, etc. However, the syntax is rather terse.
- Particular applications make use of "extensions" that enhance the
- graphic capabilities of the kernel to handle such diagrams as
-\xy *[o]=<40pt>\hbox{Round}="o"*\frm{oo},
- +<5em,-5em>@+,
- (46,11)*+\hbox{Square}="s" *\frm{-,},
- -<5em,-5em>@+,
- "o";"s" **{} ?*+\hbox{Bend}="b"*\frm{.},
- "o";"s"."b" **\crvs{-},
- "o"."b";"s" **\crvs{-} ?>*\dir{>}
- which was typeset by
- using the `curve' and `frame' extensions.
- All this is made accessible through the use of "features" that provide
- convenient notation such that users can enter special classes of
- diagrams in an intuitive form, \eg, the diagram
- U \ar@/_/[ddr]_y \ar[dr] \ar@/^/[drr]^x \\
- & X \times_Z Y \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_p
- & X \ar[d]_f \\
- & Y \ar[r]^g & Z }
- was typeset using the `matrix' features by the \Xy-pic input lines
- Features exist for many kinds of input; here is a knot typeset using
- the `knots and links' feature:
- "A" [u(2.5)r]!{\xcapv[-1.5]}
- [u]!{\xcaph\xcapv[1.5]|(-.15)\khole}
- "A" [u]!{\xcapv[-3]}
- [u]!{\xcaph[3]>(-.035)\khole}[rr]!{\xcapv[3]}
- "A" [ur] !{\xunderh}
- "A" [r] !{\xcapv-} [ur] !{\xcapv}
- "A" [dr] !{\xunderh}
- "A" [dd] !{\xoverh} [r]!{\xoverh}
- "A" [rddd] !{\xunderh} [r] !{\xcapv}
- "A" [ddd] !{\xcapv-\xcaph-} [r] !{\xcaph-}}
- The current implementation is programmed entirely within
- ``standard \TeX\ and \MF'', \ie, using \TeX\ macros (no |\special|s)
- and with fonts designed using \MF. Optionally special `drivers' make
- it possible to produce DVI files with `specials' for extra graphics
- capabilities, \eg, using \PS.
-\hbox to\hsize{%
- \includegraphics{kris.eps}
- \raise2em\hbox{Kristoffer Rose}\hss
- Ross Moore
- \includegraphics{ross.eps}}
- This reference manual gives concise descriptions of the modules of
- \Xy-pic, written by the individual authors. Please direct any
- \TeX\-nical question or suggestion for improvement directly to the
- author of the component in question, preferably by electronic mail
- using the indicated address. Complete documents and printed
- technical documentation or software is most useful.
- The first part documents the \Xy-pic kernel which is always loaded.
- The remaining parts describe the three kinds of options: "extensions"
- in part~??g[:extensions] extend the kernel graphic capabilities,
- "features" in part~??g[:features] provide special input syntax for
- particular diagram types, and "drivers" in part~??g[:drivers] make it
- possible to exploit the printing capabilities supported by DVI driver
- programs. For each option it is indicated how it should be loaded.
- The appendices contain answers to all the exercises, a summary of the
- compatibility with version~2, and list some reasons why \Xy-pic might
- sometimes halt with a cryptic \TeX\ error.
- \Xy-pic is free software in the sense that it is available under the
- following ??w![license]??w[copyright] conditions:
-\xy*+[F-]\txt{\Xy-pic: Graphs and Diagrams with \TeX\\
- \copyright~1991--1998\quad Kristoffer H. Rose\\
- \copyright~1994--1998\quad Ross Moore\hglue2.75em\hglue1bp}\endxy
- The \Xy-pic package is ??w![free software]; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the ??w![GNU General Public
- License] as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- The \Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but "without any ??w![warranty]"; without even the implied
- warranty of "merchantability" or "fitness for a particular purpose".
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- In practice this means that you are free to use \Xy-pic for your
- documents but if you distribute any part of \Xy-pic (including
- modified versions) to someone then you are obliged to ensure that the
- full source text of \Xy-pic is available to them (the full text of
- the license in the file ??c![COPYING] explains this in somewhat more
- detail~\smiley~).
-\paragraph*{Notational conventions.}
- We give descriptions of the "syntax" of pictures as \BNF??w[BNF]
- rules; in explanations we will use upper case letters like $X$ and
- $Y$ for <dimen>sions and lower case like $x$ and $y$ for <factor>s.
-\part{The Kernel}
- Vers. \xyversion\ by Kristoffer H. Rose <>}}
- This part documents the graphic capabilities added by each standard
- extension option. For each is indicated the described version
- number, the author, and how it is loaded.
- Many of these are only fully supported when a suitable "driver"
- option (described in part~??g[:drivers]) is also loaded, however, all
- added constructions are always "accepted" even when not supported.
- This part documents the notation added by each standard feature
- option. For each is indicated the described version number, the
- author, and how it is loaded.
- The first two, `all' and `dummy', described in~\S\S??g[:all]
- and~??g[:dummy], are trivial features that nevertheless prove useful
- sometimes. The next two, `arrow' and `2cell', described
- in~\S??g[:arrow] and~??g[:2cell], provide special commands for
- objects that `point'. The following, `matrix' in~\S??g[:matrix],
- `graph' in~\S??g[:graph], `poly' in~\S??g[:poly], and `knot'
- in~\S??g[:knot], are "input modes" that support different overall
- structuring of (parts of) \Xy-pictures.
- This part describes `drivers' that customise the parts of the DVI
- file generated from \Xy-pictures to exploit special capabilities of
- particular DVI driver programs through \TeX\'s |\special| command.
- This makes the DVI files non-portable but is needed for full support
- of some of the \Xy-pic extensions (described in
- part~??g[:extensions]).
- Figure~??g[:f-drivers] at the end of this part summarises the
- extensions supported by all drivers.
- \parsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@
- \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
- \itemsep\z@ \@plus\p@ }
-\section{Support for Specific Drivers}
-{\makeatletter \global\let\DoXXX=\xydriver@unload@support@@}
-\def\beginXXX{\def\next{\otherbar c\otherbar}%
- \def\doii##1##2{%
- \expandafter\def\expandafter\next\expandafter{\next c\otherbar}}%
- \DoXXX\relax
- \def\1##1{\begin{tabular}{##1}}\expandafter\1\expandafter{\next}}
- \def\doii##1##2{\expandafter\gdef\csname##1XXX\endcsname{-}}%
- \DoXXX}
- \def\doii##1##2{\expandafter\gdef\csname##1XXX\endcsname{+}}%
- \csname xydriver@#1@support@@\endcsname}
- \ifx##3\relax \expandafter\XXXlastentry \else \expandafter\XXXentry\fi
- {\tt##1}{##3}}}
- \ifx##3\relax \expandafter\XXXlastentry \else \expandafter\XXXentry\fi
- {\csname##1XXX\endcsname}{##3}}}
-\def\Head{\hline \EchoXXX \DRIVERvsEXTENSION &\DoXXX\relax}
-\def\do#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname xydriver@#1@support@@\endcsname\DoXXX
- \expandafter\dontdoRow\else\expandafter\doRow\fi{#1}}
-\def\Rows{\csname xydriversloaded@@\endcsname}
-\def\DRIVERvsEXTENSION{\hbox{\kern.1em %
- \lower.25ex\hbox{\tiny<driver>}%
- \kern-.15em$\bigm\backslash$\kern-.11em %
- \raise.5ex\hbox{\tiny<extension>}}}
- \Head\relax\Rows
-\caption{Extension implementation replaced by use of \protect<driver\protect>
- specials.}??g=[f-drivers]
-\let\do=\eat@ \def\doii#1#2{}
-The following \TeX\ implementation is also supported,
-but currently uses the \dvips\ driver.
-Other implementations not specifically mentioned here
-may well work with one of the named <driver>s, though
-perhaps not all features will actually be supported.
-\section{Extra features using \PS\ drivers}
- This section acknowledges the support for extra features available
- when using a <driver> that supports use of |\special| commands with
- native \PS. Extra macros are required to take advantage of this;
- these are loaded automatically in conjunction with extensions
- specified using the |\xyoption| command, provided a <driver> which
- supports the extension, as indicated in ??g[:f-drivers], has also been
- specified.
- Commands are also provided to turn off/on use of these features.
- Such switches are particularly useful when developing complicated
- diagrams, or when the intended output device does not support \PS;
- e.g. for on-screen display. Alternatively, when attempting to use
- drivers for which no explicit support has been provided, some
- features may work others may not. Please inform the authors of
- \Xy-pic of any successes or failures of such attempts.
-\section{Extra features using \TPIC\ drivers}
- Similarly a few extensions are supported better when |\special|
- commands in the \TPIC\ format are supported.
- {part}{Appendices}{\protect\pageref{Appendices}}}%
-\section{Common Errors}
- In this appendix we describe some common cases where small mistakes
- in \Xy-pictures result in \TeX\ error messages that may seem cryptic.
-\paragraph*{! Box expected.\\*%
- ! A <box> was supposed to be here.}
- This message is common when an \Xy-pic <object> is mistyped such that
- \Xy-pic expects but does not find a \TeX\ <box> construction.
-\paragraph*{! LaTeX Error: Bad math environment delimiter.\\*%
- ! File ended while scanning use of \texttt{\string\xycompiled}.\\*
- ! Argument of \texttt{\string\codeof@} has an extra \}.}
- These errors can happen while reading an incomplete compiled picture
- (such a beast is created when \Xy-pic crashes during compilation due
- to a syntax error or other such problem).
-\paragraph*{! Missing \} inserted.}
- This happens when |\endxy| was left out.
-\bigskip\TODO: Also include the more obscure ones\dots
-% $Log:,v $
-% Revision 3.7 1999/02/16 15:12:50 krisrose
-% Interim release (Y&Y fonts now free).
-% Revision 3.5 1997/05/29 21:02:36 krisrose
-% Fixed "missing breaks"...and tidied up documentation!
-% Revision 3.4 1997/05/18 04:59:43 krisrose
-% Essential bugfixes.
-% Also includes preliminary movie extension...
-% Revision 3.3 1996/12/19 03:31:56 krisrose
-% Maintenance release
-% Revision 3.2 1995/09/19 18:22:27 kris
-% Bug fix release.
-% Revision 3.1 1995/09/05 20:31:32 kris
-% Releasing!
-% Revision 3.0 1995/07/07 20:14:21 kris
-% Major release w/new User's Guide!
-% Revision 2.14 1995/07/05 22:21:32 kris
-% Buglets...
-% Revision 2.13 1995/07/04 15:11:17 kris
-% Ready to release v3?
-% Revision 2.12 1994/10/25 11:34:25 kris
-% Interim release just before v3 [works with AMS-LaTeX 1.2]...
-% Revision 2.11 1994/07/05 10:37:32 kris
-% Third 3beta release [bug fixes].
-% Experimental graph feature included (for ECCT-94 presentation).
-% Revision 2.10 1994/06/15 12:55:07 kris
-% Second 3beta release: bug fixes.
-% Revision 2.9 1994/06/09 14:59:19 kris
-% Release 3beta.
-% Revision 2.8 1994/04/08 04:30:00 kris
-% Second (bug fix) 3alpha release.
-% Revision 2.7 1994/03/08 02:11:01 kris
-% Release 3alpha.
-% NEW for version 2.7.
-% Tell Emacs that this is a LaTeX document and how it is formatted:
-% Local Variables:
-% mode:latex
-% fill-prefix:"\t"
-% fill-column:77
-% paragraph-separate:"^[ \t\f]*$\\|^[^\t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\|\\$\\$\\|[^\n\\\\][%&]"
-% paragraph-start:"^[ \t\f]*$\\|^[^\t]\\|\\\\\\\\\\|\\$\\$\\|[^\n\\\\][%&]"
-% End: