path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tap/tabcv/tapcv.awk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tap/tabcv/tapcv.awk')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tap/tabcv/tapcv.awk b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tap/tabcv/tapcv.awk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1be6213b475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tap/tabcv/tapcv.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This file belongs to the TAP package
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This is an AWK translator of tables written in extended ASCII format
+# to TeX/TAP format.
+# VERSION: 0.71, Tuesday, January 27th, 1998 -- essentially the
+# same as ver. 0.5 of Friday, May 3rd, 1996 (BachoTeX 96 release)
+# Names: Bogu\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski, Piotr Strzelczyk
+# Mail: BOP s.c., ul. Piastowska 70, 80-363 Gda\'nsk, Poland
+# Email: B.Jackowski@GUST.ORG.PL
+# ===========================================================================
+ EXPROW=EXPROW+0 # pad each cell with at least EXPROW spaces
+ NOSPAN=NOSPAN+0 # use " mark instead of @ operator
+# INSROW is inserted in rows ~ "^[ " U S "]+$" (if not empty)
+ H="Í"; V="¶·¹º»¼½ÇÈÉÊËÌÎÐÒÓÖ×"; h="Ä"; v="µ¸´³¿Ù¾ÆÀÚÁÂÃÅÏÑÔÕØ"
+ U=" º³" # U is the subset of V + v + " "
+ S="°" # the explicit mark of a strut column (converted later to ")
+# ===========================================================================
+function int_subst(u) {# task-specific substitutions for table interior
+ gsub("<","$<$",u); gsub(">","$>$",u); gsub("%","\\%",u); return u
+function spaces(n) {return (n>0 ? sprintf("%" n "s", "") : "")}
+function chars(n,c, t) {t=spaces(n); gsub(" ", c, t); return t}
+function tildes(n) {return chars(n,"~")}
+function center(l,s, k1,k2) {
+# pads string s symmetrically with spaces such that result has length=l
+ k2=0; k1=int((l-length(s))/2); if (k1>=0) k2=l-length(s)-k1
+ return spaces(k1) s spaces(k2)
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
+/[^ ]/ {
+ if ( !(($0 ~ "^[ " U S "]+$") && (INSROW=="")) ) {
+ gsub(/ +$/,"") # trailing spaces are meaningless
+ line[++line_]=$0
+ if (longest<length($0)) longest=length($0) # fix max line length
+ PFX[line_]=(line[line_] ~ "(^[" V v S " ]+$)|([" H h "])" ? "-" : "+")
+ if ($0 ~ "^[ " U S "]+$") PFX[line_]="0"
+ }
+# ===========================================================================
+END {
+# PASS 0:
+# 0a: truncate leading spaces
+ u=longest
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l)
+ if (match(line[l],/^ +[^ ]/)) {if (RLENGTH<u) u=RLENGTH} else u=1
+ if (u>1) for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) line[l]=substr(line[l],u)
+ longest=longest-u+1
+# 0b: check whether the first and the last columns contain vrules
+ i=1; j=1;
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ if (substr(line[l],1,1) ~ ("[" V v S "]")) i=0
+ if (length(line[l])==longest)
+ if (substr(line[l],longest) ~ ("[" V v S "]")) j=0
+ }
+# 0c: pad with trailing spaces (make the length of all rows equal)
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) line[l]=line[l] spaces(longest-length(line[l]))
+# 0d: add artificial begin and end strut, if needed
+ if (j) for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) line[l]=line[l] S
+ if (i) for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) line[l]=S line[l]
+ longest=longest+i+j
+# 0e: fix prefixes
+ for (l=1; l<=line_-1; ++l)
+ if ((PFX[l]=="-") && (PFX[l+1]=="+")) PFX[l+1]="^"
+ for (l=1; l<=line_-1; ++l) {
+ if ((PFX[l]=="^") && (PFX[l+1]=="-")) PFX[l]=":"
+ if ((PFX[l]=="+") && (PFX[l+1]=="-")) PFX[l]="_"
+ }
+# PASS 1: check input data
+# 1a: find position of vrules for all rows
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ for (i=1; i<=length(line[l]); ++i) {
+ ch=substr(line[l],i,1)
+ if ((ch!=".") && (ch!="?") && (ch!="(") && (ch!=")")\
+ && (ch!="+") && (ch!="*") && (ch!="[") && (ch!="]"))
+ if (match(V v S,ch)) C[i]=i
+ }
+ }
+ for (i in C) if ((i+0)>C_) C_=i+0 # index is a string, hence forced coercion
+ for (i=1; i<=C_; ++i) if (i in C) {D[++D_]=i; C[i]=D_}
+# if (c in C) holds, a vrule has occured in c-th column; C_ is the maximal
+# such c; for d such that 1<=d<=D_ (D[d] in C) holds; moreover, C[D[d]]=d
+# 1b: check consistency of data (in the positions of vrules only spaces
+# or vrules or struts may appear, unless NOSPAN==0)
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) for (i=1; i<=D_; ++i)
+ if ((NOSPAN) || (i==1) || (i==D_))
+ if (!match(V v S " ",substr(line[l],D[i],1))) {
+ print "ROW:", l ", COLUMN:", i ", CHARACTER:",
+ substr(line[l],D[i],1) "."
+ exit
+ }
+# 1c: put opening and closing struts, and all remaining struts if (NOSPAN==1)
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) for (i=1; i<=D_; ++i)
+ if ((NOSPAN) || (i==1) || (i==D_))
+ if (substr(line[l],D[i],1)==" ")
+ line[l]=substr(line[l],1,D[i]-1) S substr(line[l],D[i]+1)
+# PASS 2: check areas between vertical rules (find the longest one)
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ s=line[l]; t=""; u2=1
+ while (s!="") {
+ if (match(s,"[" V v S "][^" V v S "]+[" V v S "]")) {
+ t=t substr(s,RSTART,1)
+ u=substr(s,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)
+ s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH-1)
+ u_=length(u); gsub("^ +","",u); gsub(" +$","",u)
+ u1=u2+RSTART-1; u2=u1+RLENGTH-1; c1=C[u1]; c2=C[u2]
+ if (u ~ /^[0-9]+[\.,]?[0-9]*$/) {
+ if (match(u,/^[0-9]+$/)) {
+ if (DD[c1,c2]<RLENGTH) DD[c1,c2]=RLENGTH
+ } else {
+ if (match(u,/^[0-9]+/))
+ if (LD[c1,c2]<RLENGTH) LD[c1,c2]=RLENGTH
+ if (match(u,/[\.,][0-9]*$/))
+ if (RD[c1,c2]<RLENGTH) RD[c1,c2]=RLENGTH
+ }
+ }
+ if ((u=="") && (NOSPAN)) {
+ u=spaces(u_)
+ for (i=C[u1]+1; i<=C[u2]-1; ++i) {
+ u=substr(u,1,D[i]-D[C[u1]]-1) S substr(u,D[i]-D[C[u1]]+1)
+ }
+ }
+ t=t center(u_,u)
+ } else {t=t s; s=""}
+ }
+ line[l]=t
+ }
+# PASS 3: transform appropriately (adding @ operator, if needed)
+# areas between vertical rules
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ s=line[l]; t=""; u2=1
+ while (s!="") {
+ if (match(s,"[" V v S "][^" V v S "]+[" V v S "]")) {
+ t=t substr(s,RSTART,1)
+ u=substr(s,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2)
+ s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH-1)
+ u_=length(u); gsub("^ +","",u); gsub(" +$","",u)
+ u1=u2+RSTART-1; u2=u1+RLENGTH-1; c1=C[u1]+0; c2=C[u2]+0
+ if (u ~ /^[0-9]+[\.,]?[0-9]*$/) {
+ if (match(u,/^[0-9]+$/)) {u=tildes(DD[c1,c2]-RLENGTH) u}
+ else {
+ if (match(u,/^[0-9]+/)) u=tildes(LD[c1,c2]-RLENGTH) u
+ if (match(u,/[\.,][0-9]*$/)) u=u tildes(RD[c1,c2]-RLENGTH)
+ }
+ }
+ gsub("[" h "]+","\\-",u); gsub("[" H "]+","\\=",u)
+ if ((c1==1) && (line[l] ~ "^[" U S " ]+$"))
+ {u=INSROW} else u=int_subst(u)
+ if ((c2-c1)>1) u="@" c2-c1 " " u
+ u=center(u_,u)
+ PAD[l,u2]=length(u)-u_ # PAD[l,u2] = shift of vrule u2 in line l
+ t=t u
+ } else {t=t s; s=""}
+ }
+ line[l]=t
+ }
+# PASS 4: align distorted columns (surprisingly hard task...)
+# 4a: find maximal shifts of vrules for all table rows
+ for (i=1; i<=D_; ++i) PADmax[D[i]]=EXPROW
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l)
+ for (j=2; j<=D_; ++j) {i=D[j]
+ if ((l,i) in PAD)
+ PADmax[i]=(PAD[l,i]>PADmax[i] ? PAD[l,i] : PADmax[i])
+ }
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+# 4b: find shifts of vrules for a given row
+ PAD_=0
+ for (j=2; j<=D_; ++j) {i=D[j]
+ if ((l,i) in PAD) {PADloc[i]=PADmax[i]+PAD_; PAD_=0}
+ else {PADloc[i]=0; PAD_+=PADmax[i]} # slip over non-existant rules
+ }
+# 4c: add spaces before appropriate vrules
+ cc=0;
+ for (j=2; j<=D_; ++j) {i=D[j]
+ if (PADloc[i]>0) {
+ line[l]=substr(line[l],1,i+cc-1+PAD[l,i]) spaces(PADloc[i]-PAD[l,i]) substr(line[l],i+cc+PAD[l,i])
+ cc+=PADloc[i]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# 4d: center cells again
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ s=line[l]; t=""
+ while (s!="") {
+ if (match(s,"[" V v S "][^" V v S "]+[" V v S "]")) {
+ t=t substr(s,RSTART,1)
+ u=substr(s,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2); s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH-1)
+ u_=length(u); gsub("^ +","",u); gsub(" +$","",u); t=t center(u_,u)
+ } else {t=t s; s=""}
+ }
+ line[l]=t
+ }
+# PASS 5: output results
+# 5a: insert !, | and "
+ for (l=1; l<=line_; ++l) {
+ gsub("[" V "]","!",line[l])
+ gsub("[" v "]","|",line[l])
+ gsub("[" S "]","\"",line[l])
+ p=line[l]; gsub(/(\\\|)|(\\!)|(\\")/," ",p); gsub(/[^\|!"]/," ",p);
+ PAT[p]=1 # fix row pattern
+ print "\\B" substr(line[l],1,1)\
+ PFX[l] substr(line[l],2,length(line[l])-2)\
+ "\\E" substr(line[l],length(line[l]),1)
+ }
+# 5b: clear old values of C and D and fix new ones
+ for (i in C) delete C[i]; for (i in D) delete D[i]; C_=0; D_=0;
+ for (p in PAT) for (i=1; i<=length(p); ++i) if (substr(p,i,1)!=" ")
+ {C[i]=1; if (i>C_) C_=i}
+ for (i=1; i<=C_; ++i) if (i in C) {D[++D_]=i; C[i]=D_}
+# 5c: write extra information
+ if (NOSPAN) {# add a row with complete column marks (a comment in fact)
+ p=spaces(D[D_]-D[1])
+ for (i=1; i<=D_; ++i) p=substr(p,1,D[i]-1) "\"" substr(p,D[i]+1)
+ print "\\B" substr(p,1,1) " " substr(p,2,length(p)-2)\
+ "\\E" substr(p,length(p),1)
+ }
+# 5d: add the ``rear''
+# print "% ROW PATTERNS:"
+# for (p in PAT) {
+# for (i in C) if (substr(p,i,1)==" ") p=substr(p,1,i-1) "\"" substr(p,i+1)
+# print "%\\B" substr(p,1,1)\
+# "0" substr(p,2,length(p)-2) "\\E" substr(p,length(p),1)
+# }
+# print "%"
+# print "% No. Col.:"
+# for (j=1; j<=D_; ++j) printf("%s %3d %4d\n", "%", j, D[j])
+# ===========================================================================