path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul')
3 files changed, 4587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a0103f695c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.7 2003/06/22 09:23:35 m Rel $
+ARCHIVE=$(NAME).dtx Makefile $(NAME).txt $(NAME).ins
+DVIPSOPT=#-Pcmz -Pamz
+all: $(NAME).sty $(NAME).ps
+print: $(NAME).ps
+ psbook $(NAME).ps|psnup -2|psselect -e|lpr
+ @ echo -n revert paper stack and hit return
+ @ read key
+ psbook $(NAME).ps|psnup -2|psselect -o -r|lpr
+ps: $(NAME).ps
+ %.dvi
+ dvips $(DVIPSOPT) $< -o $@
+hyper: $(NAME).dtx $(NAME).sty
+ pdflatex "\relax\let\makehyperref\active\input $(NAME).dtx"
+$(NAME).pdf: $(NAME).dtx $(NAME).sty
+ pdflatex $(NAME).dtx
+ @ tar -czf $(ARCHNAME) $(ARCHIVE)
+ @ echo $(ARCHNAME)
+ rm -f $(NAME).{log,toc,lot,lof,idx,ilg,ind,aux,blg,bbl,dvi,ins,out}
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f $(NAME).{ps,sty,pdf} $(ARCHNAME)
+REFWARN = 'Rerun to get cross-references'
+%.dvi: %.dtx $(DEP)
+ latex $< ; true
+ while [ $$RUNS -gt 0 ] ; do \
+ if grep $(REFWARN) $*.log > /dev/null; \
+ then latex $< ; else break; fi; \
+ RUNS=`expr $$RUNS - 1`; \
+ done
+$(NAME).sty: $(NAME).ins soul.dtx
+ tex $(NAME).ins
+ latex $(NAME).dtx
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..064634cf111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,4520 @@
+% \iffalse
+%% File: soul.dtx Copyright (C) 1998--2003 Melchior FRANZ
+%% $Id: soul.dtx,v 1.128 2003/11/17 22:57:24 m Rel $
+%% $Version: 2.4 $
+% on Unix/Linux just run "make" to get the style file and the documentation,
+% else generate the driver soul.ins (if you don't already have it):
+% $ latex soul.dtx
+% You'll probably get an error message that you may ignore. Now generate
+% the style file:
+% $ tex soul.ins
+% And finally to produce the documentation run LaTeX three times:
+% $ latex soul.dtx
+% DISCLAIMER: note that a Makefile could actually contain malign commands
+% that erase your whole account, so having a look at it before won't hurt!
+% I take no responsibility for any damage, but I do what I can to make
+% using the original Makefile safe.
+% This package is free software that can be redistributed and/or modified
+% under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as specified
+% in the file macros/latex/base/lppl.txt on any CTAN archive server,
+% such as
+%% ====================================================================
+%% @LaTeX-package-file{
+%% author = "Melchior FRANZ",
+%% version = "2.4",
+%% date = "17 November 2003",
+%% filename = "soul.dtx",
+%% address = "Melchior FRANZ
+%% Rieder Hauptstrasse 52
+%% telephone = "++43 7746 3109",
+%% URL = "",
+%% email = "",
+%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%% keywords = "spacing out, letterspacing, underlining, striking out,
+%% highlighting",
+%% supported = "yes",
+%% docstring = "This article describes the `soul' package, which
+%% provides hyphenatable letterspacing (spacing out),
+%% underlining, and some derivatives.
+%% All features are based upon a common mechanism
+%% that allows to typeset text syllable by syllable,
+%% where the excellent TeX hyphenation algorithm is
+%% used to find the proper hyphenation points.
+%% Two examples show how to use the provided interface to
+%% implement things such as `an-a-lyz-ing syl-la-bles'.
+%% Although the package is optimized for LaTeX2e,
+%% it works with Plain TeX and with other
+%% packages, too.",
+%% }
+%% ====================================================================
+\input docstrip.tex
+\keepsilent % <-- this is for you, Christina ;-)
+ \usepackage{soul}[2002/01/10]
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname sloppyword\endcsname\relax % old version?
+ \def\sloppyword{\textbf{?? [obsolete soul version]}}
+ \fi
+ \let\SOULSTYfound\active
+ \GenericWarning{soul.dtx}{%
+ Package file `soul.sty' couldn't be found. You should however find^^J^^A
+ a file `soul.ins' in the current directory. If you type "tex soul.ins"^^J^^A
+ on the command line, `soul.sty' will be generated. After that
+ run "latex soul.dtx" again and you won't see this message again.
+ }%
+ \newcommand*\texorpdfstring[2]{#1}
+\else ^^A for "make hyper"
+ \usepackage{hyperref}
+ \hypersetup{
+ bookmarksopen,
+ colorlinks,
+ pdftitle={The soul package},
+ pdfauthor={Melchior FRANZ},
+ pdfsubject={${}$Id: soul.dtx,v 1.128 2003/11/17 22:57:24 m Rel ${}$},
+ pdfkeywords={space out, letterspacing, underlining, overstriking, highlighting}
+ }
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx,color}
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{2006}
+% \CharacterTable
+% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \title{The \texttt{soul} package}
+% \author{Melchior \caps{FRANZ}}
+% \date{November 17, 2003}
+%^^A These messy macros allow to typeset the `example' sections
+%^^A conveniently. You'd better ignore them. I do! :-)
+% \makeatletter
+% \def\squarebull{\rule[.2ex]{.8ex}{.8ex}}
+% \newenvironment{examples}
+% {\parindent\z@\small\fontencoding{OT1}\selectfont}
+% {\rule{\hsize}{.4pt}}
+% \def\soultest#1|{\bgroup\rule[.5ex]{\hsize}{.4pt}\par
+% \parbox[t]{.34\hsize}{\raggedright\textit{#1\unskip.}}%
+% \hspace{1.5em}$\vtop\bgroup\hb@xt@.4\hsize\bgroup
+% \llap{\squarebull\hspace{.4em}}\soulttest}
+% {\catcode`\|=13\gdef\soulttest{%
+% \bgroup\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12}\dospecials\ttfamily
+% \catcode`\|=13\unskip\def|{\hss\egroup\egroup\soultttest}}}
+% \def\soultttest#1{\hbox{\vtop{\hsize.4\hsize\hbadness\@M
+% \leavevmode\llap{\squarebull\hspace{.4em}}#1\null}}%
+% \egroup$\hspace{1.5em}\parbox[t]{1mm}{\hyphenpenalty-\@M
+% \exhyphenpenalty-\@M\hbadness\@M\hfuzz\maxdimen
+% \strut\llap{\squarebull\hspace{.4em}}#1\null}%
+% \goodbreak\vspace{2ex}
+% \egroup}
+% \newcommand*\DescribeOption[1]{\marginpar{\raggedleft\textsf{#1}\ignorespaces}}
+%^^A similar to the `description' environment
+% \def\describemacro{^^A
+% \bgroup
+% \let\do\@makeother
+% \dospecials
+% \catcode`{=1
+% \catcode`}=2
+% \SOUL@@@descmacro
+% }
+% \def\SOUL@@@descmacro#1{^^A
+% \texttt{#1}^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{#1}^^A
+% \expandafter\edef\expandafter\x\expandafter{\expandafter\@gobble#1}^^A
+% \expandafter\label{cmd:\x}^^A
+% \egroup
+% }
+% \def\SOUL@@@verbitem[#1: {^^A
+% \bgroup
+% \let\do\@makeother
+% \dospecials
+% \SOUL@@@verbscan{#1}^^A
+% }
+% \def\SOUL@@@verbscan#1#2]{^^A
+% \egroup
+% \goodbreak
+% \def\@currentlabel{\S\,\the\SOUL@@@itemnr}^^A
+% \label{par:#1}^^A
+% \SOUL@@@item[\textbf{\@currentlabel\hskip.6em#1:}]\hfil\break
+% Example: \texttt{#2}\hfil\break^^A
+% \advance\SOUL@@@itemnr1
+% }
+% \let\SOUL@@@item\item
+% \newcount\SOUL@@@itemnr
+% \newenvironment{verblist}[1]{^^A
+% \SOUL@@@itemnr=#1
+% \list{}{^^A
+% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\indent\indent}^^A
+% \leftmargin\labelwidth
+% \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+% \def\makelabel##1{##1}^^A
+% \let\item\SOUL@@@verbitem
+% }^^A
+% }{^^A
+% \endlist
+% }
+% \newenvironment{labeling}[1]{^^A
+% \list{}{^^A
+% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\textbf{#1}}^^A
+% \leftmargin\labelwidth\advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+% \def\makelabel##1{\textbf{##1}\hfil}^^A
+% }^^A
+% }{^^A
+% \endlist
+% }
+% \newenvironment{syntax}{^^A
+% \par\medskip\def\<##1>{$\langle$\syn{##1}$\rangle$}^^A
+% \indent\begin{tabular}{l}^^A
+% }{^^A
+% \end{tabular}^^A
+% \noindentafter\medbreak
+% }
+% \newenvironment{example}[1][.9\textwidth]
+% {\par\medskip\indent\begin{tabular}{p{#1}l}}
+% {\end{tabular}\noindentafter\medbreak}
+% \newcommand*\noindentafter{^^A
+% \global\everypar{{\setbox\z@\lastbox}\everypar{}}}
+% \newcommand*\errsquare{\leavevmode\vrule height.8em depth.2em width1em\relax}
+% \ifx\SOULSTYfound\active
+%^^A analyze syllables---described somewhere below
+% \DeclareRobustCommand*\sy{^^A
+% \SOUL@setup
+% \def\SOUL@preamble{\lefthyphenmin0\righthyphenmin0}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everysyllable{\the\SOUL@syllable}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyspace##1{##1\space}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyhyphen{^^A
+% \discretionary{^^A
+% \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+% \SOUL@sethyphenchar
+% }{}{^^A
+% \hbox{\kern1pt$\cdot$}^^A
+% }^^A
+% }^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyexhyphen##1{^^A
+% \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+% \hbox{##1}^^A
+% \discretionary{}{}{^^A
+% \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+% }^^A
+% }^^A
+% \SOUL@}
+%^^A analyze the engine---described somewhere below, too
+% \DeclareRobustCommand*\an{^^A
+% \def\SOUL@preamble{$^{^P}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyspace##1{##1\texttt{\char`\ }}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@postamble{$^{^E}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyhyphen{$^{^-}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everyexhyphen##1{##1$^{^=}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everysyllable{$^{^S}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everytoken{\the\SOUL@token$^{^T}$}^^A
+% \def\SOUL@everylowerthan{$^{^L}$}^^A
+% \SOUL@}
+%^^A magazine-like (truly awful) paragraphs
+%^^A If you know what you're doing, you can copy it to your personal `soul.cfg' file.
+% \DeclareRobustCommand*\magstylepar{\SOUL@sosetup
+% \def\SOUL@preamble{^^A
+% \edef\SOUL@soletterskip{\z@\@plus\fontdimen2\font\@minus\z@}^^A
+% \edef\SOUL@soinnerskip{\the\fontdimen2\font
+% \@plus\the\fontdimen3\font\@minus\the\fontdimen4\font}^^A
+% \let\SOUL@soouterskip\SOUL@soinnerskip
+% \SOUL@sopreamble}^^A
+% \lefthyphenmin2\righthyphenmin2\SOUL@}
+%^^A The package has not been found, so we're providing some dummies, just
+%^^A to avoid all these `Undefined command sequence' messages.
+% \def\SOUL@@@X#1{\textbf{??}}%
+% \let\so\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\textso\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\caps\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\textcaps\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\ul\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\textul\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\st\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\textst\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\hl\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\texthl\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\sy\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\an\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\magstylepar\SOUL@@@X
+% \let\sloppyword\SOUL@@@X
+% \def\sodef#1#2#3#4{\let#1\relax\SOUL@@@X}%
+% \fi
+% \newcommand*\xpath{^^A
+% \bgroup
+% \let\do\@makeother
+% \dospecials
+% \catcode`\{=1
+% \catcode`\}=2
+% \def\{{\char"7B}^^A
+% \def\}{\char"7D}^^A
+% \SOUL@@@code
+% }
+% \newcommand*\SOUL@@@code[1]{\normalfont\texttt{#1}\egroup}
+% \let\cs\xpath
+% \let\option\textsf
+% \def\package#1{{\normalfont\texttt{#1}}}
+% \let\program\texttt
+% \let\bibtitle\textit
+% \let\syn\textit
+% \sodef\person{\scshape}{0.06em}{0.45em}{0.4em}
+% \sodef\SOUL@@@versal{\upshape}{0.125em}{0.4583em}{0.5833em}
+% \DeclareRobustCommand*\versal[1]{^^A
+% \MakeUppercase{\SOUL@@@versal{#1}}^^A
+% }
+% \def\ConTeXt{Con\TeX t}
+% \def\CTAN{{\small\caps{CTAN}}}
+% \def\soul{\package{soul}}
+% ^^A set some parameters as used in Plain TeX
+% \def\plainsetup{^^A
+% \pretolerance100
+% \tolerance200
+% \hbadness1000
+% \linepenalty10
+% \hyphenpenalty50
+% \exhyphenpenalty50
+% \doublehyphendemerits10000
+% \finalhyphendemerits5000
+% \adjdemerits10000
+% \hfuzz.1pt
+% \overfullrule5pt
+% }
+% \def\FIXME#1{\message{<FIXME>}#1}
+% \makeatother
+% \lefthyphenmin2
+% \righthyphenmin3
+% \hyphenation{Le-se-ty-po-gra-phie Ver-bin-dung fak-si-mi-le}
+% \changes{v1.0}{1998/10/16}{Initial version}%
+%^^A due to an error in the documentation of v1.0, there's no v1.1 :-(
+% \changes{v1.1a}{1998/12/08}{fixed a bunch of bugs; `magstylepar command
+% banned; `caps introduced; `so and `caps recognize following spaces;
+% error message added; `so parameters are mandatory}
+% \changes{v1.2}{1999/01/11}{fixed the newline bug; added the `\(>\) command}
+% \changes{v1.3}{1999/05/15}{changed allowhyphen, preambles; added a paragraph
+% in the `features' section}
+% \changes{v2.0}{2002/01/03}{(almost) complete rewrite}
+% \changes{v2.1}{2002/01/10}{Happy (64th) birthday, Don!
+% ``The now-traditional fix for the
+% now-traditional brown-paper-bag major release.''
+% as Eric S. RAYMOND commented on his CML2.0.1 release. ;-)}
+% \changes{v2.2}{2002/05/12}{fixed a couple of bugs; added support for
+% the Plain TeX color.sty wrapper}
+% \changes{v2.3}{2002/05/29}{compatibility with cmbright/ccfonts}
+% \changes{v2.4}{2003/11/17}{Fix the font bug. Fix a scanner bug.
+% Other bugfixes; change caps set handling; add footnote and
+% textsuperscript support}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% This article describes the \soul\ package^^A
+% \footnote{This file has version number \fileversion, last revised \filedate.},
+% which provides \so{hyphenatable letterspacing (spacing out),} \ul{underlining}
+% and some derivatives such as \st{overstriking} and highlighting.
+% Although the package is optimized for \LaTeXe, it also works with
+% Plain \TeX\ and with other flavors of \TeX\ like, for instance, \ConTeXt.
+% By the way, the package name |soul| is only a combination
+% of the two macro names \cs{\so} (space out) and \cs{\ul}
+% (underline)---nothing poetic at all.^^A :-(
+% \end{abstract}
+% {\setlength\parskip{0pt}\tableofcontents }
+% \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\begin{multicols}{2}}
+% \section{Typesetting rules}
+% \label{sec:typesetting}
+% There are several possibilities to emphasize parts of a paragraph,
+% not all of which are considered good style. While underlining
+% is commonly rejected, experts dispute about whether letterspacing
+% should be used or not, and in which cases. If you are not interested
+% in such debates, you may well skip to the next section.
+% \subsection*{Theory \dots}
+% \label{sec:theory}
+% To understand the experts' arguments we have to know about the
+% conception of \emph{page grayness.} The sum of all characters on
+% a page represents a certain amount of grayness, provided that
+% the letters are printed black onto white paper.
+% \person{Jan Tschichold} \cite{Tschichold}, a well known and recognized
+% typographer, accepts only forms of emphasizing, which do not disturb this
+% grayness. This is only true of italic shape, caps, and
+% caps-and-small-caps fonts, but not of ordinary letterspacing, underlining,
+% bold face type and so on, all of which appear as either dark or light
+% spots in the text area. In his opinion emphasized text shall not catch the eye when
+% running over the text, but rather when actually reading the respective words.
+% Other, less restrictive typographers \cite{Willberg} call this kind of emphasizing
+% `integrated' or `aesthetic', while they describe `active' emphasizing apart from it,
+% which actually \emph{has} to catch the reader's eye. To the latter group belong commonly
+% despised things like letterspacing, demibold face type and even underlined and colored text.
+% On the other hand, \person{Tschichold} suggests
+% to space out caps and caps-and-small-caps fonts on title pages, headings and running headers from
+% 1\,pt up to 2\,pt.
+% Even in running text legibility of uppercase letters should be improved with slight
+% letterspacing, since (the Roman) majuscules don't look right, if they are spaced
+% like (the Carolingian) minuscules.\footnote{This suggestion is followed throughout this article,
+% although Prof.~\person{Knuth} already considered slight letterspacing with his |cmcsc| fonts.}
+%\subsection*{\dots\ and Practice}
+% However, in the last centuries letterspacing was excessively used,
+% underlining at least sometimes, because capitals and italic shape could
+% not be used together with the \emph{Fraktur} font and other black-letter fonts,
+% which are sometimes also called ``old German'' fonts.
+% This tradition is widely continued until today. The same limitations apply still today
+% to many languages with non-latin glyphs, which is why letterspacing has a strong
+% tradition in eastern countries where Cyrillic fonts are used.
+% The \person{Duden} \cite{Duden}, a well known German dictionary, explains how to space out properly:
+% \emph{Punctuation marks are spaced out like letters, except quotation marks and periods.
+% Numbers are never spaced out. The German syllable \mbox{\emph{-sche}} is not spaced
+% out in cases like \emph{``der {\so{Virchow{sche}}} Versuch''}\footnote{the \person{Virchow} experiment}.
+% In the old German \emph{Fraktur} fonts the ligatures \emph{|ch|, |ck|, |sz|~(\ss)} and~\emph{|tz|} are
+% not broken within spaced out text.}
+% While some books follow all these rules \cite{Muszynski}, others don't
+% \cite{Reglement}. In fact, most books in my personal library do \emph{not} space out commas.
+% \section{Short introduction and common rules}
+% The \soul\ package provides five commands that are aimed at emphasizing
+% text parts. Each of the commands takes one argument that can either be
+% the text itself or the name of a macro that contains text (e.\,g.~|\so\text|)^^A
+% ^^A
+% \footnote{See~\ref{par:Unexpandable material in command sequences} for
+% some additional information about the latter mode.}^^A
+% ^^A
+% .
+% See table~\ref{tab:survey} for a complete command survey.
+% {\catcode`\|=12
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{1.5em}}l}
+% \verb+\so{letterspacing}+&\so{letterspacing}\\
+% \verb+\caps{CAPITALS, Small Capitals}+&\caps{CAPITALS, Small Capitals}\\
+% \verb+\ul{underlining}+&\ul{underlining}\\
+% \verb+\st{overstriking}+&\st{overstriking}\\
+% \verb+\hl{highlighting}+&highlighting\footnotemark\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \footnotetext{The look of highlighting is nowhere demonstrated
+% in this documentation, because it requires a Postscript aware
+% output driver and would come out as ugly black bars on other
+% devices, looking very much like censoring bars. Think of it as
+% the effect of one of those coloring text markers.}
+% }
+% \noindent
+% The \cs{\hl} command does only highlight if the \package{color} package
+% was loaded, otherwise it falls back to underlining.\footnote{Note that
+% you can also use \LaTeX's \package{color} package with Plain \TeX.
+% See~\ref{sec:plain} for details.} The highlighting
+% color is by default yellow, underlines and overstriking lines are by
+% default black. The colors can be changed using the following commands:
+% {\catcode`\|=12
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{1.5em}}l}
+% \verb+\setulcolor{red}+&set underlining color\\
+% \verb+\setstcolor{green}+&set overstriking color\\
+% \verb+\sethlcolor{blue}+&set highlighting color\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% }
+% \noindent
+% |\setulcolor{}| and |\setstcolor{}| turn coloring off.
+% There are only few colors predefined by the \package{color}
+% package, but you can easily add custom color definitions.
+% See the \package{color} package documentation~\cite{color} for further
+% information.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\usepackage{color,soul}|\\
+% |\definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{.90,.95,1}|\\
+% |\sethlcolor{lightblue}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\hl{this is highlighted in light blue color}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \subsection[Some things work]{Some things work \dots}
+% The following examples may look boring and redundant, because they describe
+% nothing else than common \LaTeX\ notation with a few exceptions, but this is
+% only the half story: The \soul\ package has to pre-process the argument
+% before it can split it into characters and syllables, and all described
+% constructs are only allowed because the package explicitly implements them.
+% \begin{verblist}{1}
+% \item[Accents: \so{na\"\i ve}]
+% Accents can be used naturally.
+% Support for the following accents is built-in: |\`|, |\'|, |\^|, |\"|, |\~|,
+% |\=|, |\.|, |\u|, |\v|, |\H|, |\t|, |\c|, |\d|, |\b|, and |\r|. Additionally,
+% if the \package{german} package \cite{german} is loaded you can also use the |"|
+% accent command and write |\so{na"ive}|. See section~\ref{sec:soulaccent} for how to add
+% further accents.
+% \item[Quotes: \so{``quotes''}]
+% The \soul\ package recognizes the quotes ligatures |``|, |''| and |,,|.
+% The Spanish ligatures |!`| and |?`| are not recognized and have, thus,
+% to be written enclosed in braces like in |\caps{{!`}Hola!}|.
+% \item[Mathematics: \so{foo$x^3$bar}]
+% Mathematic formulas are allowed, as long as they are
+% surrounded by~\texttt\$. Note that the \LaTeX\
+% equivalent |\(...\)| does not work.
+% \item[Hyphens and dashes: \so{re-sent}]
+% Explicit hyphens as well as en-dashes~(|--|), em-dashes~(|---|)
+% and the |\slash| command work as usual.
+% \item[Newlines: \so{new\\line}]
+% The |\\|~command fills the current line with white space
+% and starts a new line. Spaces or linebreaks afterwards are ignored.
+% Unlike the original \LaTeX\ command \soul's version does not handle
+% optional parameters like in |\\*[1ex]|.
+% \item[Breaking lines: \so{foo\linebreak bar}]
+% The \cs{\linebreak} command breaks the line without
+% filling it with white space at the end. \soul's version
+% does not handle optional parameters like in |\linebreak[1]|.
+% \cs{\break} can be used as a synonym.
+% \item[Unbreakable spaces: \so{don't~break}]
+% The |~|~command sets an unbreakable space.
+% \item[Grouping: \so{Virchow{sche}}]
+% A pair of braces can be used to let a group of characters
+% be seen as one entity, so that \soul\ does
+% for instance not space it out. The contents must, however,
+% not contain potential hyphenation points. (See~\ref{par:Protecting})
+% \item[Protecting: \so{foo \mbox{little} bar}]
+% An \cs{\mbox} also lets \soul\ see the contents as one
+% item, but these may even contain hyphenation points. \cs{\hbox} can
+% be used as a synonym.
+% \item[Omitting: \so{\soulomit{foo}}]
+% The contents of \cs{\soulomit} bypass the soul core and are typeset
+% as is, without being letterspaced or underlined. Hyphenation points are
+% allowed within the argument. The current font remains active, but can be
+% overridden with \cs{\normalfont} etc.
+% \item[Font switching commands: \so{foo \texttt{bar}}]
+% All standard \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ font switching commands are allowed, as
+% well as the \package{yfonts} package \cite{yfonts} font commands like \cs{\textfrak} etc.
+% Further commands have to be registered using the \cs{\soulregister}
+% command (see section~\ref{sec:soulregister}).
+% \item[Breaking up ligatures: \ul{Auf{}lage}]
+% Use |{}| or \cs{\null} to break up ligatures like `fl' in \cs{\ul}, \cs{\st} and \cs{\hl}
+% arguments.
+% This doesn't make sense for \cs{\so} and \cs{\caps}, though, because they break up
+% every unprotected (ungrouped\slash unboxed) ligature, anyway, and would
+% then just add undesirable extra space around the additional item.
+% \end{verblist}
+% \subsection{\texorpdfstring{\dots\ }{... }others don't}
+% Although the new \soul\ is much more robust and forgiving than
+% versions prior to~2.0, there are
+% still some things that are not allowed in arguments.
+% This is due to the complex engine, which has to read and inspect every
+% character before it can hand it over to \TeX's paragraph builder.
+% \begin{verblist}{20}
+% \item[Grouping hyphenatable material: \so{foo {little} bar}]
+% Grouped characters must not contain hyphenation points. Instead of
+% |\so{foo {little}}| write |\so{foo \mbox{little}}|. You get a
+% \texttt{`Re\-con\-struction failed'} error and a black square like
+% \errsquare\ in the \caps{DVI} file where you violated this rule.
+% \item[Discretionary hyphens: \so{Zu\discretionary{k-}{}{c}ker}]
+% The argument must not contain discretionary hyphens. Thus, you have to
+% handle cases like the German word |Zu\discretionary{k-}{}{c}ker| by yourself.
+% \item[Nested soul commands: \ul{foo \so{bar} baz}]
+% \soul\ commands must not be nested. If you really
+% need such, put the inner stuff in a box and use this box. It will, of
+% course, not get broken then.\\
+% \null\qquad|\newbox\anyboxname|\\
+% \null\qquad|\sbox\anyboxname{ \so{the worst} }|\\
+% \null\qquad|\ul{This is by far{\usebox\anyboxname}example!}|\\
+% yields:\\
+% \newbox\anyboxname
+% \sbox\anyboxname{ \so{the worst} }
+% \null\qquad\ul{This is by far{\usebox\anyboxname}example!}
+% \item[Leaking font switches: \def\foo{\bf bar} \so{\foo baz}]
+% A hidden font switching command that leaks into its neighborship
+% causes a \texttt{`Reconstruction failed'} error. To avoid this either
+% register the `container' (|\soulregister{\foo}{0}|), or limit its
+% scope as in |\def\foo{{\bf bar}}|. Note that both
+% solutions yield slightly different results.
+% \item[Material that needs expansion: \so{\romannumeral\year}]
+% In this example \cs{\so} would try to put space between \cs{\romannumeral}
+% and \cs{\year}, which can, of course, not work.
+% You have to expand the argument before you feed it to \soul, or even better:
+% Wrap the material up in a command sequence and let \soul\ expand it:
+% |\def\x{\romannumeral\year}| |\so\x|. \soul\ tries hard to expand
+% enough, yet not too much.
+% \item[Unexpandable material in command sequences: \def\foo{\bar} \so\foo]
+% Some macros might not be expandable in an \cs{\edef} definition^^A
+% \footnote{Try \texttt{\string\edef\string\x\char`\{\string\copyright\char`\}}.
+% Yet \texttt{\string\copyright} works in \soul\ arguments, because it is
+% explicitly taken care of by the package}
+% and have to be protected with \cs{\noexpand} in front. This is automatically done
+% for the following tokens: |~|, \cs{\,}, \cs{\TeX}, \cs{\LaTeX},
+% \cs{\S}, \cs{\slash}, \cs{\textregistered}, \cs{\textcircled}, and \cs{\copyright},
+% as well as for all registered fonts and accents. Instead of putting \cs{\noexpand}
+% manually in front of such commands, as in |\def\foo{foo {\noexpand\bar} bar}| |\so\foo|,
+% you can also register them as special (see section \ref{sec:soulregister}).
+% \item[Other weird stuff: \so{foo \verb|\bar| baz}]
+% \soul\ arguments must not contain \LaTeX\ environments, command definitions,
+% and fancy stuff like |\vadjust|. \soul's |\footnote| command replacement
+% does not support optional arguments. As long as you are writing simple,
+% ordinary `horizontal' material, you are on the safe side.
+% \end{verblist}
+% \begin{table}
+% \begin{center}
+% \catcode`\|=12
+% \newcommand*\pref[1]{{\footnotesize\pageref{cmd:#1}}}
+% \newcommand*\Ast{\rlap{$^\ast$}}
+% \let\m\cs
+% \let\ti\textit
+% \begin{tabular}{r@{\hspace{.6em}}c@{\hspace{.6em}}l}
+% &\hbox to0pt{\hss\footnotesize page\hss}&\\[.5ex]
+% \verb+\so{letterspacing}+& \pref{so} &\so{letterspacing}\\
+% \verb+\caps{CAPITALS, Small Capitals}+& \pref{caps} &\caps{CAPITALS, Small Capitals}\\
+% \verb+\ul{underlining}+& \pref{ul} &\ul{underlining}\\
+% \verb+\st{striking out}+& \pref{st} &\st{striking out}\\
+% \verb+\hl{highlighting}+& \pref{hl} &highlighting\\
+% \\
+% \verb+\soulaccent{\cs}+& \pref{soulaccent} &\ti{add accent} \cs{\cs} \ti{to accent list}\\
+% \verb+\soulregister{\cs}{0}+& \pref{soulregister} &\ti{register command} \m{\cs}\\
+% \verb+\sloppyword{text}+& \pref{sloppyword} &\ti{typeset} \m{text} \ti{with stretchable spaces}\\
+% \\
+% \verb+\sodef\cs{1em}{2em}{3em}+& \pref{sodef} &\ti{define new spacing command} \m{\cs}\\
+% \verb+\resetso+& \pref{resetso} &\ti{reset} \m{\so} \ti{dimensions}\\
+% \verb+\capsdef{////}{1em}{2em}{3em}+\Ast& \pref{capsdef} &\ti{define (default)} \m{\caps} \ti{data entry}\\
+% \verb+\capssave{name}+\Ast& \pref{capssave} &\ti{save} \m{\caps} \ti{database under name} \rlap{\texttt{name}}\\
+% \verb+\capsselect{name}+\Ast& \pref{capssave} &\ti{restore} \m{\caps} \ti{database of name} \rlap{\texttt{name}}\\
+% \verb+\capsreset+\Ast& \pref{capsreset} &\ti{clear caps database}\\
+% \verb+\setul{1ex}{2ex}+& \pref{setul} &\ti{set} \m{\ul} \ti{dimensions}\\
+% \verb+\resetul+& \pref{resetul} &\ti{reset} \m{\ul} \ti{dimensions}\\
+% \verb+\setuldepth{y}+& \pref{setuldepth} &\ti{set underline depth to depth of an} y\\
+% \verb+\setuloverlap{1pt}+& \pref{setuloverlap} &\ti{set underline overlap width}\\
+% \verb+\setulcolor{red}+& \pref{setulcolor} &\ti{set underline color}\\
+% \verb+\setstcolor{green}+& \pref{setstcolor} &\ti{set overstriking color}\\
+% \verb+\sethlcolor{blue}+& \pref{sethlcolor} &\ti{set highlighting color}\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{List of all available commands. The number points to the
+% page where the command is described. Those marked
+% with a little asterisk are only available when the package
+% is used together with \LaTeX, because they rely on the
+% \emph{New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)} used in \LaTeX.}
+% \label{tab:survey}
+% \end{center}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsection{Troubleshooting}
+% Unfortunately, there's just one helpful error message provided by
+% the \soul\ package, that actually describes the underlying problem. All other
+% messages are generated directly by \TeX\ and show the low-level
+% commands that \TeX\ wasn't happy with. They'll hardly point you
+% to the violated rule as described in the paragraphs above.
+% If you get such a mysterious error message for a line that contains
+% a \soul\ statement, then comment that statement out and see if the message
+% still appears.
+% \texttt{`Incomplete }\cs{\ifcat}\texttt{'} is such a non-obvious message.
+% If the message doesn't appear now, then check the argument for
+% violations of the rules as listed in~\S\S\,20--26.
+% \subsubsection{\texttt{`Reconstruction failed'}}
+% This message appears, if \ref{par:Grouping hyphenatable material} or
+% \ref{par:Leaking font switches} was
+% violated. It is caused by the fact that the reconstruction pass
+% couldn't collect tokens with an overall width of the syllable that
+% was measured by the analyzer. This does either occur when you
+% grouped hyphenatable text or used an unregistered command
+% that influences the syllable width. Font switching commands belong
+% to the latter group. See the above cited sections for how to fix
+% these problems.
+% \subsubsection{Missing characters}
+% If you have redefined the internal font as described in section \ref{sec:internalfont},
+% you may notice that some characters are omitted without any error message
+% being shown. This happens if you have chosen, let's say, a font with
+% only 128~characters like the |cmtt10| font, but are using characters
+% that aren't represented in this font, e.\,g.~characters with codes
+% greater than~127.
+% \section{\texorpdfstring{\so{Letterspacing}}{Letterspacing}}
+% \subsection{How it works}
+% \label{sec:so}
+% The base macro for letterspacing is called \describemacro{\so}.
+% It typesets the given argument with \syn{inter-letter space}
+% between every two characters, \syn{inner space} between words
+% and \syn{outer space} before and after the spaced out text.
+% If we let ``$\cdot$'' stand for \syn{inter-letter space}, ``$\ast$''
+% for \syn{inner spaces} and ``$\bullet$'' for \syn{outer
+% spaces,} then the input on the left side of the following table
+% will yield the schematic output on the right side:
+% \begin{center}
+% \def\.{$\cdot$}
+% \def\-{\kern1pt$\ast$\kern1pt}
+% \def\*{$\bullet$}
+% \def\_{\texttt{\char"20}}
+% \begin{tabular}{ccc}
+% 1.& \verb*|XX\so{aaa bbb ccc}YY|& \textsf{XXa\.a\.a\-b\.b\.b\-c\.c\.cYY}\\
+% 2.& \verb*|XX \so{aaa bbb ccc} YY|& \textsf{XX\*a\.a\.a\-b\.b\.b\-c\.c\.c\*\kern-1ptYY}\\
+% 3.& \verb*|XX {\so{aaa bbb ccc}} YY|& \textsf{XX\*a\.a\.a\-b\.b\.b\-c\.c\.c\*\kern-1ptYY}\\
+% 4.& \verb*|XX \null{\so{aaa bbb ccc}}{} YY|& \textsf{XX\_a\.a\.a\-b\.b\.b\-c\.c\.c\_YY}\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% ^^A* % fool vim (fixes syntax highlighting)
+% \noindent
+% Case~1 shows how letterspacing macros (\cs{\so} and \cs{\caps}) behave if
+% they aren't following or followed by a space: they omit outer space around
+% the \soul\ statement. Case~2 is what you'll mostly need---letterspaced
+% text amidst running text. Following and leading space get replaced by
+% \syn{outer space}. It doesn't matter if there are opening braces before
+% or closing braces afterwards. \soul\ can see through both of them (case~3).
+% Note that leading space has to be at least |5sp| wide to be recognized as
+% space, because \LaTeX\ uses tiny spaces generated by |\hskip1sp| as marker.
+% Case~4 shows how to enforce normal spaces instead of \syn{outer spaces:}
+% Preceding space can be hidden by |\kern0pt| or \cs{\null} or any character.
+% Following space can also be hidden by any token, but note that a typical macro name
+% like \cs{\relax} or \cs{\null} would also hide the space thereafter.
+% The values are predefined for typesetting facsimiles mainly with
+% \emph{Fraktur} fonts.
+% You can define your own spacing
+% macros or overwrite the original \cs{\so} meaning using the macro
+% \describemacro{\sodef}:
+% \begin{syntax}
+% |\sodef|\<cmd>|{|\<font>|}{|\<inter-letter space>|}{|\<inner space>|}{|\<outer space>|}|
+% \end{syntax}
+% The space dimensions, all of which are mandatory, should be defined in terms of |em|
+% letting them grow and shrink with the respective fonts.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\sodef\an{}{.4em}{1em plus1em}{2em plus.1em minus.1em}|
+% \end{example}
+% After that you can type `|\an{example}|' to get
+% {\sodef\an{}{.4em}{1em plus1em}{2em plus.1em minus.1em}^^A
+% `\an{example}'.}
+% The \describemacro{\resetso} command resets \cs{\so}
+% to the default values.
+% \subsection{Some examples}
+% \begin{examples}
+% \soultest{Ordinary text}
+% |\so{electrical industry}|
+% {\so{electrical industry}}
+% \soultest{Use \texttt{\string\-} to mark hyphenation points}
+% |\so{man\-u\-script}|
+% {\so{man\-u\-script}}
+% \soultest{Accents are recognized}
+% |\so{le th\'e\^atre}|
+% {\so{le th\'e\^atre}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\mbox} and \texttt{\string\hbox} protect material that
+% contains hyphenation points. The contents are treated as one, unbreakable entity}
+% |\so{just an \mbox{example}}|
+% {\so{just an \mbox{example}}}
+% \soultest{Punctuation marks are spaced out, if they are
+% put into the group}
+% |\so{inside.} \& \so{outside}.|
+% {\so{inside.} \& \so{outside}.}
+% \soultest{Space-out skips may be removed by typing \texttt{\string\<}.
+% It's, however, desirable to put the quotation marks out of
+% the argument}
+% |\so{``\<Pennsylvania\<''}|
+% {\so{``\<Pennsylvania\<''}}
+% \soultest{Numbers should never be spaced out}
+% |\so{1\<3 December {1995}}|
+% {\so{1\<3 December {1995}}}
+% \soultest{Explicit hyphens like |-|, |--| and |---| are recognized.
+% \texttt{\string\slash} outputs a slash and enables \TeX\ to break the line
+% afterwards}
+% |\so{input\slash output}|
+% {\so{input\slash output}}
+% \soultest{To keep \TeX\ from breaking lines between the hyphen and `jet'
+% you have to protect the hyphen. This is no \soul\ restriction
+% but normal \TeX\ behavior}
+% |\so{\dots and \mbox{-}jet}|
+% {\so{\dots and \mbox{-}jet}}
+% \soultest{The \texttt{\~} command inhibits line breaks}
+% |\so{unbreakable~space}|
+% {\so{unbreakable~space}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\\} works as usual. Additional arguments
+% like \texttt{*} or vertical space are not accepted, though}
+% |\so{broken\\line}|
+% {\so{broken\\line}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\break} breaks the line without filling it with white space}
+% |\so{pretty awful\break test}|
+% {\so{pretty awful\break test}}
+% \end{examples}
+% \subsection[Typesetting \texorpdfstring{\caps{caps-and-small-caps}}{caps-and-small-caps} fonts]
+% {Typesetting capitals-and-small-capitals fonts}
+% There is a special letterspacing command called \describemacro{\caps},
+% which differs from \cs{\so} in that it switches to caps-and-small-caps
+% font shape, defines only slight spacing and is able to select spacing
+% value sets from a database. This is a requirement for high-quality
+% typesetting \cite{Tschichold}. The following lines show the effect
+% of \cs{\caps} in comparison with the normal textfont and with
+% small-capitals shape:
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \begin{tabular}{rl}
+% |\normalfont|&\sampletext\\
+% |\scshape|&{\scshape\sampletext}\\
+% |\caps|&\caps\sampletext\\
+% ^^A|\person|&\person\sampletext\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \medbreak\noindent
+% The \cs{\caps} font database is by default empty, i.\,e., it contains
+% just a single default entry, which yields the result as shown in the
+% example above.
+% New font entries may be added \emph{on top} of this list using the \describemacro{\capsdef}
+% command, which takes five arguments: The first argument describes the font with
+% \emph{encoding, family, series, shape,} and \emph{size,}^^A
+% \footnote{as defined by the \caps{NFSS}, the ``New Font Selection Scheme''}
+% each optionally
+% (e.\,g.~|OT1/cmr/m/n/10| for this very font, or only |/ppl///12| for all
+% \emph{palatino} fonts at size 12\,pt). The \emph{size} entry may also contain
+% a size range (\texttt{5-10}), where zero is assumed for an omitted lower
+% boundary (\texttt{-10}) and a very, very big number for an omitted upper
+% boundary (\texttt{5-}). The
+% upper boundary is not included in the range, so, in the example below, all
+% fonts with sizes greater or equal 5\,pt and smaller than 15\,pt are accepted
+% ($5\,\mbox{pt}\le size<15\,\mbox{pt}$).
+% The second argument may contain font switching commands such as \cs{\scshape},
+% it may as well be empty or contain debugging commands (e.\,g.~|\message{*}|).
+% The remaining three, mandatory arguments are the spaces as described in
+% section~\ref{sec:so}.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\capsdef{T1/ppl/m/n/5-15}{\scshape}{.16em}{.4em}{.2em}|
+% \end{example}
+% The \cs{\caps} command goes through the data list from top to bottom
+% and picks up the first matching set, so the order of definition is essential.
+% The last added entry is examined first, while the pre-defined default entry
+% will be examined last and will match any font, if no entry was taken before.
+% To override the default values, just define a new default entry using
+% the identifier |{////}|. This entry should be defined first, because no
+% entry after it can be reached.
+% The \cs{\caps} database can be cleared with the \describemacro{\capsreset}
+% command and will only contain the default entry thereafter. The
+% \describemacro{\capssave} command saves the whole current database
+% under the given name. \describemacro{\capsselect} restores such a database.
+% This allows to predefine different groups of \cs{\caps} data sets:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\capsreset|\\
+% |\capsdef{/cmss///12}{}{12pt}{23pt}{34pt}|\\
+% |\capsdef{/cmss///}{}{1em}{2em}{3em}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\capssave{wide}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |%---------------------------------------|\\
+% |\capsreset|\\
+% |\capsdef{/cmss///}{}{.1em}{.2em}{.3em}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\capssave{narrow}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |%---------------------------------------|\\
+% |{\capsselect{wide}|\\
+% |\title{\caps{Yet Another Silly Example}}|\\
+% |}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% See the `|example.cfg|' file for a detailed example.
+% If you have defined a bunch of sets for different fonts and sizes,
+% you may lose control over what fonts are used by the package. With the
+% package option \DescribeOption{capsdefault}\option{capsdefault} selected,
+% \cs{\caps} prints its argument underlined, if no set was specified for a
+% particular font and the default set had to be used.
+% \subsection{Typesetting Fraktur}
+% \label{sec:fraktur}
+% Black letter fonts^^A
+% \footnote{See the great black letter fonts, which \person{Yannis Haralambous}
+% kindly provided, and the \package{oldgerm} and \package{yfonts} package~\cite{yfonts}
+% as their \LaTeX\ interfaces.}
+% deserve some additional considerations. As stated in section~\ref{sec:typesetting},
+% the ligatures |ch|, |ck|, |sz|~(\cs{\ss}), and~|tz| have to remain unbroken in spaced out
+% \emph{Fraktur} text. This may look strange at first glance, but you'll get used to it:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\textfrak{\so{S{ch}u{tz}vorri{ch}tung}}|
+% \end{example}
+% You already know that grouping keeps the |soul| mechanism from separating such ligatures.
+% This is quite important for |s:|, |a*|, and~|"a|. As hyphenation is stronger than
+% grouping, especially the |sz| may cause an error, if hyphenation happens to occur between
+% the letters |s| and~|z|. (\TeX\ hyphenates the German word |auszer| wrongly like
+% |aus-zer| instead of like |au-szer|, because the German hyphenation patterns
+% do, for good reason, not see |sz| as `\cs{\ss}'.) In such cases you can protect tokens with the
+% sequence e.\,g.~|\mbox{sz}| or a properly defined command. The \cs{\ss} command,
+% which is defined by the \package{yfonts} package, and similar commands will suffice as well.
+% \subsection{Dirty tricks}
+% \label{sec:dirtytricks}
+% Narrow columns are hard to set, because they don't allow much spacing
+% flexibility, hence long words often cause overfull boxes. A macro
+% could use \cs{\so} to insert stretchability between the single
+% characters. Table~\ref{tab:dirtytricks} shows some text typeset with such
+% a macro at the left side and under \emph{plain} conditions at
+% the right side, both with a width of~6\,pc.
+% \def\sampletext{Some magazines and newspapers prefer this kind of spacing
+% because it reduces hyphenation problems to a minimum\<. Unfortunately\<, such
+% paragraphs aren't especially beautiful\<.}
+% \newbox\dirtytrick
+% \setbox\dirtytrick\vbox{
+% \batchmode ^^A we don't want to see all these overfull boxes ...
+% \leavevmode\hspace{0ptplus1fil}
+% \hbox{\parindent0pt\plainsetup\let\<\relax
+% \vtop{\hsize6pc\raggedright\sampletext}\hskip1em
+% \vtop{\hsize6pc\magstylepar\sampletext}\hskip1em
+% \vtop{\hsize6pc\sampletext}\hss}
+% \errorstopmode}
+% \begin{table}
+% \begin{center}
+% \overfullrule5pt
+% \usebox\dirtytrick
+% \caption{Ragged-right, magazine style (using \soul), and block-aligned
+% in comparison. But, frankly, none of them is really acceptable.
+% (Don't do this at home, children!)}
+% \label{tab:dirtytricks}
+% \end{center}
+% \end{table}
+% \section{\texorpdfstring{\ul{Underlining}}{Underlining}}
+% The underlining macros are my answer to Prof.~\person{Knuth'{\normalfont s}}
+% exercise 18.26 from his \TeX{}book~\cite{DEK}. \texttt{:-)} Most of what
+% is said about the macro \describemacro{\ul} is also true of the
+% striking out macro \describemacro{\st} and the highlighting macro \describemacro{\hl},
+% both of which are in fact derived from the former.
+% \subsection{Settings}
+% \subsubsection{Underline depth and thickness}
+% The predefined \syn{underline depth} and \syn{thickness}
+% work well with most fonts. They can be changed using the macro \describemacro{\setul}.
+% \begin{syntax}
+% |\setul{|\<underline depth>|}{|\<underline thickness>|}|
+% \end{syntax}
+% Either dimension can be omitted, in which case there has to be
+% an empty pair of braces.
+% Both values should be defined in terms of |ex|, letting them
+% grow and shrink with the respective fonts.
+% The \describemacro{\resetul} command restores the standard values.
+% Another way to set the \syn{underline depth} is to use the macro
+% \describemacro{\setuldepth}. It sets the depth such that the
+% underline's upper edge lies 1\,pt beneath the given argument's
+% deepest depth. If the argument is empty, all
+% letters---i.\,e.\ all characters whose \cs{\catcode} currently
+% equals 11---are taken. Examples:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\setuldepth{ygp}|\\
+% |\setuldepth\strut|\\
+% |\setuldepth{}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \subsubsection{Line color}
+% The underlines are by default black. The color can be changed by
+% using the \describemacro{\setulcolor} command. It takes one argument that can be any
+% of the color specifiers as described in the |color| package. This package
+% has to be loaded explicitly.
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\documentclass{article}|\\
+% |\usepackage{color,soul}|\\
+% |\definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0,0,0.5}|\\
+% |\setulcolor{darkblue}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\begin{document}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\ul{Cave: remove all the underlines!}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\end{document}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% The colors for overstriking lines and highlighting are likewise set
+% with \describemacro{\setstcolor} (default: black) and \describemacro{\sethlcolor}
+% (default: yellow). If the \package{color} package wasn't loaded,
+% underlining and overstriking color are black, while highlighting
+% is replaced by underlining.
+% \subsubsection{The \program{dvips} problem}
+% \label{sec:dvips}
+% \ul{Underlining}, \st{striking out} and highlighting build up
+% their lines with many short line segments. If you used the `\program{dvips}'
+% program with default settings, you would get little gaps on some places, because
+% the \emph{maxdrift} parameter allows the single objects to drift
+% this many pixels from their real positions.
+% \bigbreak
+% \noindent
+% There are two ways to avoid the problem, where the \soul\ package
+% chooses the second by default:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item
+% Set the \emph{maxdrift} value to zero, e.\,g.: |dvips -e 0 file.dvi|.
+% This is probably not a good idea, since the letters may then no longer be
+% spaced equally on low resolution printers.
+% \item
+% Let the lines stick out by a certain amount on each side so that they
+% overlap. This overlap amount can be set using the \describemacro{\setuloverlap}
+% command. It is set to 0.25\,pt by default. |\setuloverlap{0pt}| turns overlapping off.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \subsection{Some examples}
+% \begin{examples}
+% \soultest{Ordinary text}
+% |\ul{electrical industry}|
+% {\ul{electrical industry}}
+% \soultest{Use \texttt{\string\-} to mark hyphenation points}
+% |\ul{man\-u\-script}|
+% {\ul{man\-u\-script}}
+% \soultest{Accents are recognized}
+% |\ul{le th\'e\^atre}|
+% {\ul{le th\'e\^atre}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\mbox} and \texttt{\string\hbox} protect material that
+% contains hyphenation points. The contents are treated as one, unbreakable entity}
+% |\ul{just an \mbox{example}}|
+% {\ul{just an \mbox{example}}}
+% \soultest{Explicit hyphens like |-|, |--| and |---| are recognized.
+% \texttt{\string\slash} outputs a slash and enables \TeX\ to break the line
+% afterwards}
+% |\ul{input\slash output}|
+% {\ul{input\slash output}}
+% \soultest{To keep \TeX\ from breaking lines between the hyphen and `jet'
+% you have to protect the hyphen. This is no \soul\ restriction
+% but normal \TeX\ behavior}
+% |\ul{\dots and \mbox{-}jet}|
+% {\ul{\dots and \mbox{-}jet}}
+% \soultest{The \texttt{\~} command inhibits line breaks}
+% |\ul{unbreakable~space}|
+% {\ul{unbreakable~space}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\\} works as usual. Additional arguments
+% like \texttt{*} or vertical space are not accepted, though}
+% |\ul{broken\\line}|
+% {\ul{broken\\line}}
+% \soultest{\texttt{\string\break} breaks the line without filling it with white space}
+% |\ul{pretty awful\break test}|
+% {\ul{pretty awful\break test}}
+% \soultest{Italic correction needs to be set manually}
+% |\ul{foo \emph{bar\/} baz}|
+% {\ul{foo \emph{bar\/} baz}}
+% \end{examples}
+% \section{Customization}
+% \subsection{Adding accents}
+% \label{sec:soulaccent}
+% The \soul\ scanner generally sees every input token separately.
+% It has to be taught that some tokens belong together. For accents this is done
+% by registering them via the \describemacro{\soulaccent} macro.
+% \begin{syntax}
+% |\soulaccent{|\<accent command>|}|
+% \end{syntax}
+% The standard accents, however, are already pre-registered:
+% |\`|, |\'|, |\^|, |\"|, |\~|, |\=|, |\.|, |\u|, |\v|, |\H|, |\t|,
+% |\c|, |\d|, |\b|, and |\r|. If used together with the \package{german}
+% package, \soul\ automatically adds the |"| command.
+% Let's assume you have defined |\%| to put some weird accent on
+% the next character. Simply put the following line into your |soul.cfg|
+% file (see section~\ref{sec:config}):
+% \begin{example}
+% |\soulaccent{\%}|
+% \end{example}
+% Note that active characters like the |"| command have already
+% to be \cs{\active} when they are stored or they won't be recognized
+% later. This can be done temporarily, as in |{\catcode\`"\active\soulaccent{"}}|.
+% \subsection{Adding font commands}
+% \label{sec:soulregister}
+% To convince \soul\ not to feed font switching (or other)
+% commands to the analyzer, but rather to execute them immediately,
+% they have to be registered, too. The \describemacro{\soulregister} macro
+% takes the name of a command name and either |0| or |1| for the number
+% of arguments:
+% \begin{syntax}
+% |\soulregister{|\<command name>|}{|\<number of arguments>|}|
+% \end{syntax}
+% If \cs{\bf} and \cs{\emph} weren't already registered, you would
+% write the following into your |soul.cfg| configuration file:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\soulregister{\bf}{0} % {\bf foo}| \\
+% |\soulregister{\emph}{1} % \emph{bar}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% All standard \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ font commands, as well as the
+% \package{yfonts} commands are already pre-registered:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\em, \rm, \bf, \it, \tt, \sc, \sl, \sf, \emph, \textrm,|\\
+% |\textsf, \texttt, \textmd, \textbf, \textup, \textsl,|\\
+% |\textit, \textsc, \textnormal, \rmfamily, \sffamily,|\\
+% |\ttfamily, \mdseries, \upshape, \slshape, \itshape,|\\
+% |\scshape, \normalfont, \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize,|\\
+% |\small, \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge,|\\
+% |\MakeUppercase, \textsuperscript, \footnote,|\\
+% |\textfrak, \textswab, \textgoth, \frakfamily,|\\
+% |\swabfamily, \gothfamily|\\
+% \end{example}
+% You can also register other commands as fonts, so the
+% analyzer won't see them. This may be necessary for some
+% macros that \soul\ refuses to typeset correctly.
+% But note, that \cs{\so} and \cs{\caps} won't put their
+% letter-skips around then.
+% \subsection{Changing the internal font}
+% \label{sec:internalfont}
+% The \soul\ package uses the |ectt1000| font while it analyzes
+% the syllables. This font is used, because it
+% has 256~mono-spaced characters without any kerning.
+% It belongs to \person{J\"org Knappen'\textrm{s}}
+% \caps{EC}-fonts, which should be part of every modern \TeX\ installation.
+% If \TeX\ reports ``\texttt{I can't find file `ectt1000'}'' you don't
+% seem to have this font installed. It is recommended that
+% you install at least the file |ectt1000.tfm| which has less than 1.4\,kB\null.
+% Alternatively, you can let the \soul\ package use the |cmtt10| font that
+% is part of any installation, or some other mono-spaced font:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\font\SOUL@tt=cmtt10|
+% \end{example}
+% Note, however, that \soul\ does only handle characters,
+% for which the internal font has a character with the same
+% character code. As |cmtt10| contains only characters with codes
+% 0 to~127, you can't typeset characters with codes 128 to~255.
+% These 8-bit character codes are used by many fonts with non-ascii
+% glyphs. So the |cmtt10| font will, for example, not work for |T2A|
+% encoded cyrillic characters.
+% \subsection{The configuration file}
+% \label{sec:config}
+% If you want to change the predefined settings or add new features,
+% then create a file named `|soul.cfg|' and put it in a directory, where \TeX\
+% can find it. This configuration file will then be loaded
+% at the end of the |soul.sty| file, so you may redefine
+% any settings or commands therein, select package options and even
+% introduce new ones. But if you intend to give
+% your documents to others, don't forget to give them the
+% required configuration files, too! That's how such a file
+% could look like:
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |% define macros for logical markup|\\
+% |\sodef\person{\scshape}{0.125em}{0.4583em}{0.5833em}|\\
+% \\
+% |\sodef\SOUL@@@versal{\upshape}{0.125em}{0.4583em}{0.5833em}|\\
+% |\DeclareRobustCommand*\versal[1]{%|\\
+% | \MakeUppercase{\SOUL@@@versal{#1}}%|\\
+% |}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |% load the color package and set|\\
+% |% a different highlighting color|\\
+% |\RequirePackage{color}|\\
+% |\definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{.90,.95,1}|\\
+% |\sethlcolor{lightblue}|\\
+% |\endinput|
+% \end{example}
+% You can safely use the |\SOUL@@@| namespace for internal macros---it
+% won't be used by the \soul\ package in the future.
+% \section{Miscellaneous}
+% \subsection{Using \texorpdfstring{\soul\ }{soul }with other flavors of \texorpdfstring{\TeX}{TeX}}
+% \label{sec:plain}
+% This documentation describes how to use \soul\ together
+% with \LaTeXe, for which it is optimized. It works, however, with
+% all other flavors of \TeX, too. There are just some minor restrictions
+% for Non-\LaTeX\ use:
+% The \cs{\caps} command doesn't use a database, it is only a dumb
+% definition with fixed values. It switches to \cs{\capsfont}, which---unless
+% defined explicitly like in the following example---won't really change
+% the used font at all. The commands \cs{\capsreset} and \cs{\capssave}
+% do nothing.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\font\capsfont=cmcsc10|\\
+% |\caps{Tschichold}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% None of the commands are made `robust', so they have to be
+% explicitly protected in fragile environments like in \cs{\write}
+% statements.
+% To make use of colored underlines or highlighting you have to
+% use the \package{color} package wrapper from \caps{CTAN}^^A
+% \footnote{\texttt{CTAN:/macros/plain/graphics/\char`\{miniltx.tex,color.tex\char`\}}},
+% instead of the \package{color} package directly:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\input color|\\
+% |\input soul.sty|\\
+% |\hl{highlighted}|\\
+% |\bye|\\
+% \end{example}
+% The \option{capsdefault} package option is mapped to a simple command
+% \describemacro{\capsdefault}.
+% \subsection{Using \texorpdfstring{\soul\ }{soul }commands for logical markup}
+% \label{sec:markup}
+% It's generally a bad idea to use font style commands like \cs{\textsc}
+% in running text. There should always be some reasoning behind changing
+% the style, such as ``names of persons shall be typeset in a caps-and-small-caps
+% font''. So you declare in your text just that some words are the name of a
+% person, while you define in the preamble or, even better, in a separate
+% style file how to deal with persons:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\person{\textsc}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |``I think it's a beautiful day to go to the zoo and feed|\\
+% |the ducks. To the lions.'' --~\person{Brian Kantor}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% It's quite simple to use \soul\ commands that way:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand\comment*{\ul} % or \let\comment=\ul|\\
+% |\sodef\person{\scshape}{0.125em}{0.4583em}{0.5833em}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% Letterspacing commands like \cs{\so} and \cs{\caps} have to
+% check whether they are followed by white space, in which case
+% they replace that space by \syn{outer space}. Note that \soul\
+% does look through closing braces. Hence you can conveniently bury
+% a \soul\ command within another macro like in the following
+% example. Use any other token to hide following space if necessary,
+% for example the \cs{\null} macro.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\DeclareRobustCommand*\versal[1]{%|\\
+% | \MakeUppercase{\SOUL@@@versal{#1}}%|\\
+% |}|\\
+% |\sodef\SOUL@@@versal{\upshape}{0.125em}{0.4583em}{0.5833em}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% But what if the \soul\ command is for some reason not the last one
+% in that macro definition and thus cannot look ahead at the following token?
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\somsg[1]{\so{#1}\message{#1}}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |foo \somsg{bar} baz % wrong spacing after `bar'!|\\
+% \end{example}
+% In this case you won't get the following space replaced by \emph{outer space}
+% because when \soul\ tries to look ahead, it only sees the token
+% \cs{\message} and consequently decides that there is no space to replace.
+% You can get around this by explicitly calling the space scanner again.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\somsg[1]{{%|\\
+% | \so{#1}%|\\
+% | \message{bar}%|\\
+% | \let\\\SOUL@socheck|\\
+% | \\%|\\
+% |}}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% However, \cs{\SOUL@socheck} can't be used directly, because it would discard
+% any normal space. \cs{\\} doesn't have this problem.
+% The additional pair of braces avoids that its definition leaks out
+% of this macro. In the example above you could, of course, simply
+% have put \cs{\message} in front, so you hadn't needed to
+% use the scanner macro \cs{\SOUL@socheck} at all.
+% Many packages do already offer logical markup commands that default
+% to some standard \LaTeX\ font commands or to \cs{\relax}. One example
+% is the \package{jurabib} package~\cite{jurabib}, which makes the use of
+% \soul\ a challenge. This package implements lots of
+% formatting macros. Let's have a look at one of them, \cs{\jbauthorfont},
+% which is used to typeset author names in citations.
+% The attempt to simply
+% define |\let\jbauthorfont\caps| fails, because the macro isn't directly
+% applied to the author name as in |\jbauthorfont{Don Knuth}|, but
+% to another command sequence: |\jbauthorfont{\jb@@author}|. Not even
+% \cs{\jb@@author} contains the name, but instead further commands that
+% at last yield the requested name. That's why we have to expand
+% the contents first. This is quite tricky, because we must not
+% expand too much, either. Fortunately, we can offer the contents
+% wrapped up in yet another macro, so that \soul\ knows that it has to
+% use its own macro expansion mechanism:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\renewcommand*\jbauthorfont[1]{{%|\\
+% | \def\x{#1}%|\\
+% | \caps\x|\\
+% |}}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% Some additional kerning after |\caps\x| wouldn't hurt, because
+% the look-ahead scanner is blinded by further commands that follow
+% in the \package{jurabib} package. Now we run into the next problem:
+% cited names may contain commands
+% that must not get expanded. We have to register them as special
+% command:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\soulregister\jbbtasep{0}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% \end{example}
+% But such registered commands bypass \soul's kernel and we don't
+% get the correct spacing before and afterwards. So we end up
+% redefining \cs{\jbbtasep}, whereby you should, of course, use
+% variables instead of numbers:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\renewcommand*\jbbtasep{%|\\
+% | \kern.06em|\\
+% | \slash|\\
+% | \hskip.06em|\\
+% | \allowbreak|\\
+% |}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% Another problem arises: bibliography entries that must not get
+% teared apart are supposed to be enclosed in additional braces.
+% This, however, won't work with \soul\ because of
+% \ref{par:Grouping hyphenatable material}. A simple trick will
+% get you around that problem: define a dummy command that only
+% outputs its argument, and register that command:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\together[1]{#1}|\\
+% |\soulregister\together{1}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% Now you can write ``|Author = {\together{Don Knuth}}|'' and
+% \package{jurabib} won't dare to reorder the parts of the name.
+% And what if some name shouldn't get letterspaced at all? Overriding
+% a conventional font style like \cs{\textbf} that was globally
+% set is trivial, you just have to specify the style that you
+% prefer in that very bibliography entry. In our example, if we
+% wanted to keep \soul\ from letterspacing a particular entry,
+% although they are all formatted by our \cs{\jbauthorfont}
+% and hence fed to \cs{\caps}, we'd use the following construction:
+% \begin{example}
+% |Author = {\soulomit{\normalfont\huge Donald E. Knuth}}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% The \package{jurabib} package is probably one of the more
+% demanding packages to collaborate with \soul. Everything else
+% can just become easier.
+% \subsection{Typesetting long words in narrow columns}
+% \label{sec:sloppyword}
+% Narrow columns are best set |flushleft|, because not even the best
+% hyphenation algorithm can guarantee acceptable line breaks without
+% overly stretched spaces.
+% However, in some rare cases one may be \emph{forced} to typeset
+% block aligned. When typesetting in languages like German, where
+% there are really long words, the \describemacro{\sloppyword} macro
+% might help a little bit. It adds enough stretchability between the
+% single characters to make the hyphenation algorithm happy, but
+% is still not as ugly as the example in section~\ref{sec:dirtytricks}
+% demonstrates. In the following example the left column was typeset
+% as ``|Die \sloppyword{Donau...novelle} wird ...|'':
+% \begin{center}
+% \def\word{Do\-nau\-dampf\-schiff\-fahrts\-ge\-sell\-schafts\-^^A
+% ka\-pi\-t\"ans\-wit\-wen\-pen\-si\-ons\-ge\-setz\-no\-vel\-le}
+% \begin{minipage}{1.5in}
+% \plainsetup
+% Die
+% \expandafter\sloppyword\expandafter{\word}
+% wird mit sofortiger Wirkung au\ss er Kraft gesetzt.
+% \end{minipage}
+% \hspace{1em}
+% \batchmode
+% \begin{minipage}{1.5in}
+% \plainsetup
+% Die \word\ wird mit sofortiger Wirkung au\ss er Kraft gesetzt.
+% \end{minipage}
+% \errorstopmode
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Using \texorpdfstring{\soul\ }{soul }commands in section headings}
+% Letterspacing was often used for section titles in the past,
+% mostly centered and with a closing period. The following example
+% shows how to achieve this using the \package{titlesec}
+% package \cite{titlesec}:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\periodafter[2]{#1{#2}.}|\\
+% |\titleformat{\section}[block]|\\
+% | {\normalfont\centering}|\\
+% | {\thesection.}|\\
+% | {.66em}|\\
+% | {\periodafter\so}|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\section{Von den Maassen und Maassst\"aben}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \bigbreak
+% This yields the following output:
+% \bigskip
+% \newbox\examplebox
+% \sbox\examplebox{
+% \begin{minipage}{.9\textwidth}
+% \small
+% \bigskip
+% \begin{center}
+% \so{1\<. Von den Maassen und Maassst\"aben}.
+% \bigskip
+% \end{center}
+% \end{minipage}}
+% \fbox{\usebox\examplebox}
+% \bigbreak
+% \noindent
+% The \cs{\periodafter} macro adds a period to the title, but not to
+% the entry in the table of contents. It takes the name of a command as
+% argument, that shall be applied to the title, for example~\cs{\so}.
+% Here's a more complicated and complete example:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\documentclass{article}|\\
+% |\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}|\\
+% |\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}|\\
+% |\usepackage{german,soul}|\\
+% |\usepackage[indentfirst]{titlesec}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\newcommand*\sectitle[1]{%|\\
+% | \MakeUppercase{\so{#1}.}\\[.66ex]|\\
+% | \rule{13mm}{.4pt}}|\\
+% |\newcommand*\periodafter[2]{#1{#2.}}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\titleformat{\section}[display]|\\
+% | {\normalfont\centering}|\\
+% | {\S. \thesection.}|\\
+% | {2ex}|\\
+% | {\sectitle}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\titleformat{\subsection}[block]|\\
+% | {\normalfont\centering\bfseries}|\\
+% | {\thesection.}|\\
+% | {.66em}|\\
+% | {\periodafter\relax}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \indent
+% \begin{example}
+% |\begin{document}|\\
+% |\section{Von den Maassen und Maassst\"aben}|\\
+% |\subsection{Das L\"angenmaass im Allgemeinen}|\\
+% \\
+% |Um L\"angen genau messen und vergleichen zu k\"onnen,|\\
+% |bedarf es einer gewissen, bestimmten Einheit, mit der|\\
+% |man untersucht, wie oft sie selbst, oder ihre Theile,|\\
+% |in der zu bestimmenden L\"ange enthalten sind.|\\
+% |...|\\
+% |\end{document}|
+% \end{example}
+% \bigbreak
+% This example gives you roughly the following output,
+% which is a facsimile from~\cite{Muszynski}.
+% \bigskip
+% \sbox\examplebox{
+% \begin{minipage}{.9\textwidth}
+% \small
+% \bigskip
+% \begin{center}
+% \S. 1.\\[2ex]
+% \rule{12mm}{.4pt}\\[1.66ex]
+% \textbf{1. Das L\"angenmaass im Allgemeinen.}\\[.66em]
+% \end{center}
+% \leavevmode\qquad
+% Um L\"angen genau messen und vergleichen zu k\"onnen,
+% bedarf es einer gewissen, bestimmten Einheit, mit der
+% man untersucht, wie oft sie selbst, oder ihre Theile,
+% in der zu bestimmenden L\"ange enthalten sind.
+% \bigskip
+% \end{minipage}}
+% \fbox{\usebox\examplebox}
+% \bigbreak
+% \noindent
+% Note that the definition of \cs{\periodafter} decides if
+% the closing period shall be spaced out with the title (1), or
+% follow without space (2):
+% \begin{example}
+% 1.\qquad|\newcommand*\periodafter[2]{#1{#2.}}|\\
+% 2.\qquad|\newcommand*\periodafter[2]{#1{#2}.}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \noindent
+% If you need to underline section titles, you can easily
+% do it with the help of the \package{titlesec} package. The following
+% example underlines the section title, but not the section
+% number:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\titleformat{\section}|\\
+% | {\LARGE\titlefont}|\\
+% | {\thesection}|\\
+% | {.66em}|\\
+% | {\ul}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \noindent
+% The \cs{\titlefont} command is provided by the \caps{``\small{KOMA}}~script''
+% package. You can write |\normalfont\sffamily\bfseries| instead.
+% The following example does additionally underline the section number:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\titleformat{\section}|\\
+% | {\LARGE\titlefont}|\\
+% | {\ul{\thesection{\kern.66em}}}|\\
+% | {0pt}|\\
+% | {\ul}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \section{How the package works}
+% \subsection{The kernel}
+% \so{Letterspacing,} \ul{underlining}, \st{striking out} and highlighting
+% use the same kernel. It lets a \emph{word scanner} run over the given argument,
+% which inspects every token. If a token is a command registered via \cs{\soulregister},
+% it is executed immediately. Other tokens are only counted and trigger some action
+% when a certain number is reached (quotes and dashes). Three subsequent `|-|', for example,
+% trigger |\SOUL@everyexhyphen{---}|. A third group leads to special actions,
+% like |\mbox| that starts reading-in a whole group to protect its contents and let them be
+% seen as one entity. All other tokens, mostly characters and digits, are collected in
+% a word register, which is passed to the analyzer, whenever a whole word was read in.
+% The analyzer typesets the word in a 1\,sp ($=\frac1{65536}$\,pt) wide \cs{\vbox},
+% hence encouraging \TeX\ to break lines at every possible hyphenation point. It
+% uses the mono-spaced \cs{\SOUL@tt} font (|ectt1000|), so as to avoid any inter-character
+% kerning. Now the \cs{\vbox} is decomposed splitting off \cs{\hbox} after \cs{\hbox}
+% from the bottom. All boxes, each of which contains one syllable, are pushed onto a
+% stack, which is provided by \TeX's grouping mechanism. When returning from the
+% recursion, box after box is fetched from the stack, its width measured and fed to the
+% This reconstruction macro (\cs{\SOUL@dosyllable}) starts to read tokens
+% from the just analyzed word until the given syllable
+% width is obtained. This is repeated for each syllable. Every time the engine
+% reaches a relevant state, the corresponding driver macro is executed
+% and, if necessary, provided with some data. There is a macro that is
+% executed for each token, one for each syllable, one for each space etc\null.
+% The engine itself doesn't know how to letterspace or to underline. It
+% just tells the selected driver about the structure of the given argument.
+% There's a default driver (\cs{\SOUL@setup}) that does only set the
+% interface macros to a reasonable default state, but doesn't really do anything.
+% Further drivers can safely inherit these settings and only need to
+% redefine what they want to change.
+% \subsection{The interface}
+% \label{sec:interface}
+% \subsubsection{The registers}
+% The package offers eight interface macros that can be used to define
+% the required actions. Some of the macros receive data as macro parameter
+% or in special \emph{token} or \emph{dimen} registers. Here is a list of
+% all available registers:
+% \begin{labeling}{\hspace{.36\hsize}}
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@token}]
+% This token register contains the current token. It has to be used as |\the\SOUL@token|.
+% The macro \cs{\SOUL@gettoken} reads the next token into \cs{\SOUL@token} and
+% can be used in any interface macro. If you don't want to lose the old meaning,
+% you have to save it explicitly. \cs{\SOUL@puttoken} pushes the token
+% back into the queue, without changing \cs{\SOUL@token}. You can only
+% put one token back, otherwise you get an error message.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@lasttoken}]
+% This token register contains the last token.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@syllable}]
+% This token register contains all tokens that were already collected for
+% the current syllable. When used in \cs{\SOUL@everysyllable}, it
+% contains the \emph{whole} syllable.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@charkern}]
+% This dimen register contains the kerning value between the current and the next character.
+% Since most character pairs don't require a kerning value to be applied and the
+% output in the logfile shouldn't be cluttered with |\kern0pt| it is
+% recommended to write |\SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern|, which sets
+% kerning for non-zero values only.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@hyphkern}]
+% This dimen register contains the kerning value between the current character
+% and the hyphen character or, when used in \cs{\SOUL@everyexhyphen}, the
+% kerning between the last character and the explicit hyphen.
+% \end{labeling}
+% \subsubsection{The interface macros}
+% The following list describes each of the interface macros and which
+% registers it can rely on. The mark between label and description
+% will be used in section \ref{sec:interfaceexamples} to show when
+% the macros are executed. The addition |#1| means that the macro
+% takes one argument.
+% \begin{labeling}{\hspace{.36\hsize}}
+% \def\m#1{\leavevmode\llap{\hbox to1em{\hss#1\hss}\hskip.7em}}
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@preamble}]\m{$P$}^^A
+% executed once at the beginning
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@postamble}]\m{$E$}^^A
+% executed once at the end
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@everytoken}]\m{$T$}^^A
+% executed after scanning a token; It gets that
+% token in \cs{\SOUL@token} and has to care for inserting
+% the kerning value \cs{\SOUL@charkern} between this and the next character.
+% To look at the next character, execute \cs{\SOUL@gettoken}, which
+% replaces \cs{\SOUL@token} by the next token. This token has to
+% be put back into the queue using \cs{\SOUL@puttoken}.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@everysyllable}]\m{$S$}^^A
+% This macro is executed after scanning a whole syllable. It gets the
+% syllable in \cs{\SOUL@syllable}.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@everyhyphen}]\m{$-$}^^A
+% This macro is executed at every implicit hyphenation point.
+% It is responsible for setting the hyphen and will likely do this
+% in a \cs{\discretionary} statement. It has to care about the
+% kerning values. The registers \cs{\SOUL@lasttoken}, \cs{\SOUL@syllable},
+% \cs{\SOUL@charkern} and \cs{\SOUL@hyphkern} contain useful information.
+% Note that \cs{\discretionary} inserts \cs{\exhyphenpenalty}
+% if the first part of the discretionary is empty, and
+% \cs{\hyphenpenalty} else.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@everyexhyphen\#1}]\m{$=$}^^A
+% This macro is executed at every explicit hyphenation point. The
+% hyphen `character' (one of hyphen, en-dash, em-dash or \cs{\slash})
+% is passed as parameter |#1|. A minimal implementation
+% would be |{#1\penalty\exhyphenpenalty}|. The kerning value
+% between the last character and the hyphen is passed in \cs{\SOUL@hyphkern},
+% that between the hyphen and the next character in \cs{\SOUL@charkern}.
+% The last syllable can be found in \cs{\SOUL@syllable}, the last
+% character in \cs{\SOUL@lasttoken}.
+% \item[\texttt{\string\SOUL@everyspace\#1}]\m{\texttt{\char`\ }}^^A
+% This macro is executed between every two words. It is responsible for
+% setting the space. The engine submits a \cs{\penalty} setting as
+% parameter |#1| that should be put in front of the space. The
+% macro should at least do |{#1\space}|. Further information can be found in
+% \cs{\SOUL@lasttoken} and \cs{\SOUL@syllable}. Note that this macro does not
+% care for the leading and trailing space. This is the job of
+% \cs{\SOUL@preamble} and \cs{\SOUL@postamble}.
+% \end{labeling}
+% \subsubsection{Some examples}
+% \label{sec:interfaceexamples}
+% The above list's middle column shows a mark that indicates in the
+% following examples, when the respective macros are executed:\nopagebreak
+% \begin{labeling}{\hspace{.36\hsize}}
+% \item[\normalfont\an{word}]
+% \cs{\SOUL@everytoken}$^T$ is executed for every token. \cs{\SOUL@everysyllable}$^S$
+% is \emph{additionally} executed for every syllable. You will mostly just
+% want to use either of them.
+% \item[\normalfont\an{one two}]
+% The macro |\SOUL@everyspace| is executed at every space within
+% the \soul\ argument. It has to take one argument, that can either
+% be empty or contain a penalty, that should be applied to the space.
+% \item[\normalfont\an{example}\kern-1em]
+% The macro |\SOUL@everyhyphen| is executed at every possible
+% implicit hyphenation point.
+% \item[\normalfont\an{beta-test}]
+% Explicit hyphens trigger \cs{\SOUL@everyexhyphen}.
+% \end{labeling}
+% \bigbreak
+% \noindent
+% It's only natural that these examples, too,
+% were automatically typeset by the |soul| package
+% using a special driver:
+% \begin{example}
+% |\DeclareRobustCommand*\an{%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@preamble{$^{^P}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everyspace##1{##1\texttt{\char`\ }}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@postamble{$^{^E}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everyhyphen{$^{^-}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everyexhyphen##1{##1$^{^=}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everysyllable{$^{^S}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everytoken{\the\SOUL@token$^{^T}$}%|\\
+% | \def\SOUL@everylowerthan{$^{^L}$}%|\\
+% | \SOUL@}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \subsection{A driver example}
+% Let's define a \soul\ driver that allows to typeset text
+% with a \cs{\cdot} at every potential hyphenation point. The name of
+% the macro shall be \cs{\sy} (for \emph{syllables}).
+% Since the \soul\ mechanism is highly fragile, we use the \LaTeX\
+% command \cs{\DeclareRobustCommand}, so that the \cs{\sy} macro
+% can be used even in section headings etc. The \cs{\SOUL@setup}
+% macro sets all interface macros to reasonable default definitions.
+% This could of course be done manually, too. As we won't
+% make use of \cs{\SOUL@everytoken} and \cs{\SOUL@postamble}
+% and both default to \cs{\relax}, anyway, we don't have to
+% define them here.
+% \begin{example}
+% |\DeclareRobustCommand*\sy{%|\\
+% | \SOUL@setup|\\
+% \end{example}
+% We only set \cs{\lefthyphenmin} and \cs{\righthyphenmin} to zero
+% at the beginning. All changes are restored automatically,
+% so there's nothing to do at the end.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \def\SOUL@preamble{\lefthyphenmin=0 \righthyphenmin=0 }%|\\
+% \end{example}
+% We only want simple spaces. Note that these are not provided
+% by default! \cs{\SOUL@everyspace} may get a penalty to be
+% applied to that space, so we set it before.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \def\SOUL@everyspace##1{##1\space}%|\\
+% \end{example}
+% There's nothing to do for \cs{\SOUL@everytoken}, we rather let
+% \cs{\SOUL@everysyllable} handle a whole syllable at once.
+% This has the advantage, that we don't have to deal with
+% kerning values, because \TeX\ takes care of that.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \def\SOUL@everysyllable{\the\SOUL@syllable}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% The \TeX\ primitive \cs{\discretionary}
+% takes three arguments: 1.~pre-hyphen material
+% 2.~post-hyphen material, and 3.~no-hyphenation material.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \def\SOUL@everyhyphen{%|\\
+% | \discretionary{%|\\
+% | \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern|\\
+% | \SOUL@sethyphenchar|\\
+% | }{}{%|\\
+% | \hbox{\kern1pt$\cdot$}%|\\
+% | }%|\\
+% | }%|\\
+% Explicit hyphens like dashes and slashes shall be set normally.
+% We just have to care for kerning. The hyphen has to be put in
+% a box, because, as \cs{\hyphenchar}, it would yield its own, internal
+% \cs{\discretionary}. We need to set ours instead, though.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \def\SOUL@everyexhyphen##1{%|\\
+% | \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern|\\
+% | \hbox{##1}%|\\
+% | \discretionary{}{}{%|\\
+% | \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern|\\
+% | }%|\\
+% | }|%\\
+% \end{example}
+% Now that the interface macros are defined, we can start the scanner.
+% \begin{example}
+% | \SOUL@|\\
+% |}|\\
+% \end{example}
+% \hyphenation{al-go-rithm lin-guists ex-cel-lent} ^^A correct?
+% \noindent
+% \emph{\sy{This little macro will hardly be good enough
+% for linguists, although it uses {\TeX's} excellent hyphenation algorithm,
+% but it is at least a nice alternative to the}} \cs{\showhyphens} \emph{\sy{command}.}
+% \section*{Acknowledgements}
+% A big thank you goes to \person{Stefan Ulrich} for his tips and bug reports
+% during the development of versions 1.\lower2pt\hbox{*} and for his lessons on high quality
+% typesetting. The \cs{\caps} mechanism was very much influenced by his
+% suggestions. Thanks to \person{Alexander Shibakov} and \person{Frank Mittelbach,}
+% who sent me a couple of bug reports and feature requests, and finally encouraged
+% me to (almost) completely rewrite \soul. \person{Thorsten Manegold} contributed
+% a series of bug reports, helping to fix \soul's macro expander and hence making
+% it work together with the \package{jurabib} package.
+% Thanks to \person{Axel Reichert, Anshuman Pandey,} and \person{Peter Kreynin} for
+% detailed bug reports.
+% \person{Rowland McDonnel} gave useful hints for how to improve the documentation,
+% but I'm afraid he will still not be satisfied, and rightfully so. If only documentation
+% writing weren't that boring.~~\texttt{;-)}
+% \begin{thebibliography}{00}
+% \raggedright
+% \bibitem{jurabib}{\person{Berger, Jens:} \bibtitle{The jurabib package.} \CTAN-Archive, 2002, v0.52h.}
+% \bibitem{titlesec}{\person{Bezos, Javier:} \bibtitle{The titlesec and titletoc package.}
+% \CTAN-Archive, 1999, v2.1.}
+% \bibitem{color}{\person{Carlisle, D. P.:} \bibtitle{The color package.} \CTAN-Archive, 1997, v1.0d.}
+% \bibitem{Duden}{Duden, Volume 1. \bibtitle{Die Rechtschreibung.} Bibliographisches Institut,
+% Mann\-heim--\hskip0pt Wien--Z\"urich, 1986, 19th~edition.}
+% \bibitem{DEK}{\person{Knuth, Donald E.:} \bibtitle{The \TeX book.}
+% Addison--Wesley Publishing Company, Reading/Massachusetts, 1989, 16th~edition.}
+% \bibitem{Muszynski}{\person{Muszynski, Carl} and \person{P\v rihoda, Eduard:}
+% \bibtitle{Die Terrainlehre in Verbindung mit der Darstellung, Beurtheilung und
+% Beschreibung des Terrains vom milit\"arischen
+% Standpunkte.}
+% L.\,W.~Seidel \&\ Sohn, Wien, 1872.}
+% \bibitem{Reglement}{Normalverordnungsblatt f\"ur das k.\,u.\,k.~Heer.
+% \bibtitle{Exercier-Reglement f\"ur die k.\,u.\,k.~Cavallerie, I. Theil.}
+% Wien, k.\,k.~Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1898, 4th~edition.}
+% \bibitem{german}{\person{Raichle, Bernd:} \bibtitle{The german package.} \CTAN-Archive, 1998, v2.5e.}
+% \bibitem{yfonts}{\person{Schmidt, Walter:} \bibtitle{Ein Makropaket f\"ur die gebrochenen
+% Schriften.} \CTAN-Archive, 1998, v1.2.}
+% \bibitem{Tschichold}{\person{Tschichold, Jan:} \bibtitle{Ausgew\"ahlte Aufs\"atze \"uber Fragen
+% der Gestalt des Buches und der Typographie.} Birkh\"auser, Basel,
+% 1987, 2nd~edition.}
+% \bibitem{Willberg}{\person{Willberg, Hans Peter} and \person{Forssmann, Friedrich:}
+% \bibtitle{Lesetypographie.} H. Schmidt, Mainz, 1997.}
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% \StopEventually{\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\end{multicols}}}
+%^^A max 72 columns
+% \section{The implementation}
+% \subsection*{The package preamble}
+% This piece of code makes sure that the package is only loaded
+% once. While this is guaranteed by \LaTeX, we have to do it
+% manually for all other flavors of \TeX.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\expandafter\ifx\csname SOUL@\endcsname\relax\else
+ \expandafter\endinput
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \noindent
+% Fake some of the \LaTeX\ commands if we were loaded by another flavor
+% of \TeX. This might break some previously loaded packages, though,
+% if e.\,g.~\cs{\mbox} was already in use. But we don't care \dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \chardef\atcode=\catcode`@
+ \catcode`\@=11
+ \def\DeclareRobustCommand*{\def}
+ \let\newcommand\DeclareRobustCommand
+ \def\DeclareOption#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{#2}}
+ \def\PackageError#1#2#3{{%
+ \newlinechar`^^J%
+ \errorcontextlines\z@
+ \edef\\{\errhelp{#3}}\\%
+ \errmessage{Package #1 error: #2}%
+ }}
+ \def\@height{height}
+ \def\@depth{depth}
+ \def\@width{width}
+ \def\@plus{plus}
+ \def\@minus{minus}
+ \font\SOUL@tt=ectt1000
+ \let\@xobeysp\space
+ \let\linebreak\break
+ \let\mbox\hbox
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \noindent
+% \soul\ tries to be a good \LaTeX\ citizen if used under \LaTeX\ and
+% declares itself properly. Most command sequences in the package
+% are protected by the |SOUL@| namespace, all other macros are first
+% defined to be empty. This will give us an error message \emph{now}
+% if one of those was already used by another package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
+ \ProvidesPackage{soul}
+ [2003/11/17 v2.4 letterspacing/underlining (mf)]
+ \newfont\SOUL@tt{ectt1000}
+ \newcommand*\sodef{}
+ \newcommand*\resetso{}
+ \newcommand*\capsdef{}
+ \newcommand*\capsfont{}
+ \newcommand*\setulcolor{}
+ \newcommand*\setuloverlap{}
+ \newcommand*\setul{}
+ \newcommand*\resetul{}
+ \newcommand*\setuldepth{}
+ \newcommand*\setstcolor{}
+ \newcommand*\sethlcolor{}
+ \newcommand*\so{}
+ \newcommand*\ul{}
+ \newcommand*\st{}
+ \newcommand*\hl{}
+ \newcommand*\caps{}
+ \newcommand*\soulaccent{}
+ \newcommand*\soulregister{}
+ \newcommand*\soulfont{}
+ \newcommand*\soulomit{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \noindent
+% Other packages wouldn't be happy if we reserved piles of \cs{\newtoks} and
+% \cs{\newdimen}, so we try to get away with their \cs{\...def} counterparts
+% where possible.
+% Local registers are always even, while global ones are odd---this is a
+% \TeX\ convention.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A\FIXME{\newpage}
+% \begin{macro}{\soulomit}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ignorem}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ignore}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@stopm}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@stop}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@relaxm}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@lowerthanm}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@hyphenhintm}
+% These macros are used as markers. To be able to check for such a
+% marker with \cs{\ifx} we have also to create a macro that contains
+% the marker. \cs{\SOUL@spc} shall contain a normal space with a
+% \cs{\catcode} of~10.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\SOUL@n*{\let\SOUL@spc= }\SOUL@n* %
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The kernel}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@}
+% This macro is the entry to \soul. Using it does only make
+% sense after setting up a \soul\ driver. The next token after
+% the \soul\ command will be assigned to \cs{\SOUL@@}. This can be
+% some text enclosed in braces, or the name of a macro that contains text.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \futurelet\SOUL@@\SOUL@expand
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@expand}
+% If the first token after the \soul\ command was an opening
+% brace we start scanning. Otherwise,
+% if the first token was a macro name, we expand that macro and
+% call \cs{\SOUL@} with its contents again. Unfortunately, we have to
+% exclude some macros therein from expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\SOUL@@
+ \let\SOUL@n\SOUL@start
+ \else
+ \bgroup
+ \def\\##1##2{\def##2{\noexpand##2}}%
+ \the\SOUL@cmds
+ \SOUL@buffer={%
+ \\\TeX\\\LaTeX\\\soulomit\\\mbox\\\hbox\\\textregistered
+ \\\slash\\\textcircled\\\copyright\\\S\\\,\\\<\\\>\\~%
+ \\\\%
+ }%
+ \def\\##1{\def##1{\noexpand##1}}%
+ \the\SOUL@buffer
+ \let\protect\noexpand
+ \xdef\SOUL@n##1{\noexpand\SOUL@start{\SOUL@@}}%
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \SOUL@n
+ \let\<\SOUL@lowerthan
+ \let\>\empty
+ \def\soulomit{\noexpand\soulomit}%
+ \gdef\SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen##1{}%
+ \let\SOUL@soeventuallyskip\relax
+ \SOUL@spaceskip=\fontdimen\tw@\font\@plus\fontdimen\thr@@\font
+ \@minus\fontdimen4\font
+ \SOUL@ignorespacesfalse
+ \leavevmode
+ \SOUL@preamble
+ \SOUL@lasttoken={}%
+ \SOUL@word={}%
+ \SOUL@minus\z@
+ \SOUL@comma\z@
+ \SOUL@apo\z@
+ \SOUL@grave\z@
+ \SOUL@do{#1}%
+ \SOUL@postamble
+ \SOUL@scan#1\SOUL@stop
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The scanner}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@scan}
+% This is the entry point for the scanner. It calls \cs{\SOUL@eval}
+% and will in turn be called by \cs{\SOUL@eval} again for every
+% new token to be scanned.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \futurelet\SOUL@@\SOUL@eval
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@eval}
+% And here it is: the scanner's heart. It cares for quotes and dashes
+% ligatures and handles all commands that must not be fed to the
+% analyzer.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\SOUL@n*##1{\SOUL@scan}%
+ \if\noexpand\SOUL@@\SOUL@spc
+ \else
+ \SOUL@ignorespacesfalse
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\SOUL@minus=\thr@@
+ \SOUL@flushminus
+ \else\ifnum\SOUL@comma=\tw@
+ \SOUL@flushcomma
+ \else\ifnum\SOUL@apo=\tw@
+ \SOUL@flushapo
+ \else\ifnum\SOUL@grave=\tw@
+ \SOUL@flushgrave
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifx\SOUL@@-\else\SOUL@flushminus\fi
+ \ifx\SOUL@@,\else\SOUL@flushcomma\fi
+ \ifx\SOUL@@'\else\SOUL@flushapo\fi
+ \ifx\SOUL@@`\else\SOUL@flushgrave\fi
+ \ifx\SOUL@@-%
+ \advance\SOUL@minus\@ne
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@,%
+ \advance\SOUL@comma\@ne
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@'%
+ \advance\SOUL@apo\@ne
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@`%
+ \advance\SOUL@grave\@ne
+ \else
+ \SOUL@flushminus
+ \SOUL@flushcomma
+ \SOUL@flushapo
+ \SOUL@flushgrave
+ \ifx\SOUL@@\SOUL@stop
+ \def\SOUL@n*{%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen\null
+ }%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\par
+ \def\SOUL@n*\par{\par\leavevmode\SOUL@scan}%
+ \else\if\noexpand\SOUL@@\SOUL@spc
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen\null
+ \ifSOUL@ignorespaces
+ \else
+ \SOUL@everyspace{}%
+ \fi
+ \def\SOUL@n* {\SOUL@scan}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\\%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen\null
+ \SOUL@everyspace{\unskip\nobreak\hfil\break}%
+ \SOUL@ignorespacestrue
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@~%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen\null
+ \SOUL@everyspace{\nobreak}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\slash
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen{/}%
+ \SOUL@exhyphen{/}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\mbox
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\SOUL@addprotect}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\hbox
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\SOUL@addprotect}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\soulomit
+ \def\SOUL@n*\soulomit##1{%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ {\spaceskip\SOUL@spaceskip##1}%
+ \SOUL@scan
+ }%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\break
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \break
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@@\linebreak
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@everyspace{\linebreak}%
+ \else\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\SOUL@@
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\SOUL@addgroup{}}%
+ \else\ifcat$\noexpand\SOUL@@
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\SOUL@addmath}%
+ \else
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\SOUL@dotoken}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \SOUL@n*%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@flushminus}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@flushcomma}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@flushapo}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@flushgrave}
+% As their names imply, these macros flush special tokens or token
+% groups to the word register. They don't do anything if the respective
+% counter equals zero. \cs{\SOUL@minus} does also flush the word
+% register, because hyphens disturb the analyzer.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\SOUL@minus
+ \else
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen{-}%
+ \ifcase\SOUL@minus
+ \or
+ \SOUL@exhyphen{-}%
+ \or
+ \SOUL@exhyphen{--}%
+ \or
+ \SOUL@exhyphen{---}%
+ \fi
+ \SOUL@minus\z@
+ \fi
+ \ifcase\SOUL@comma
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word,}}\x
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{,,}}}}\x
+ \fi
+ \SOUL@comma\z@
+ \ifcase\SOUL@apo
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word'}}\x
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{''}}}}\x
+ \fi
+ \SOUL@apo\z@
+ \ifcase\SOUL@grave
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word`}}\x
+ \or
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{``}}}}\x
+ \fi
+ \SOUL@grave\z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@dotoken}
+% Command sequences from the \cs{\SOUL@cmds} list are handed over
+% to \cs{\SOUL@docmd}, everything else is added to \cs{\SOUL@word},
+% which will be fed to the analyzer every time a word is completed.
+% Since \emph{robust} commands come with an additional space, we
+% have also to examine if there's a space variant. Otherwise we
+% couldn't detect pre-expanded formerly robust commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\SOUL@@{\SOUL@addtoken{#1}}%
+ \def\\##1##2{%
+ \edef\SOUL@x{\string#1}%
+ \edef\SOUL@n{\string##2}%
+ \ifx\SOUL@x\SOUL@n
+ \def\SOUL@@{\SOUL@docmd{##1}{#1}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\SOUL@n{\string##2\space}%
+ \ifx\SOUL@x\SOUL@n
+ \def\SOUL@@{\SOUL@docmd{##1}{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \the\SOUL@cmds
+ \SOUL@@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@docmd}
+% Here we deal with commands that were registered with \cs{\soulregister}
+% or \cs{\soulaccent} or were already predefined in \cs{\SOUL@cmds}.
+% Commands with identifier |9| are accents that are put in a
+% group with their argument. Identifier |8| is reserved for the \cs{\footnote}
+% command, and |7| for the \cs{\textsuperscript} or similar commands.
+% The others are mostly (but not necessarily)
+% font switching commands, which may (|1|) or may not (|0|) take
+% an argument. A registered command leads to the current word
+% buffer being flushed to the analyzer, after which the command
+% itself is executed.
+% Font switching commands which take an argument need special
+% treatment: They need to increment the level counter, so that
+% \cs{\SOUL@eval} knows where to stop scanning. Furthermore the
+% scanner has to be enabled to see the next token after the opening
+% brace.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx9#1%
+ \def\SOUL@@{\SOUL@addgroup{#2}}%
+ \else\ifx8#1%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \def\SOUL@@##1{%
+ \SOUL@token={\footnotemark}%
+ \SOUL@everytoken
+ \SOUL@syllable={\footnotemark}%
+ \SOUL@everysyllable
+ \footnotetext{##1}%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@scan
+ }%
+ \else\ifx7#1%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \def\SOUL@@##1{%
+ \SOUL@token={#2{##1}}%
+ \SOUL@everytoken
+ \SOUL@syllable={#2{##1}}%
+ \SOUL@everysyllable
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \SOUL@scan
+ }%
+ \else\ifx1#1%
+ \SOUL@doword
+ \def\SOUL@@##1{%
+ #2{\protect\SOUL@do{##1}}%
+ \SOUL@scan
+ }%
+ \else
+ \SOUL@doword
+ #2%
+ \let\SOUL@@\SOUL@scan
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \SOUL@@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@addgroup}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@addmath}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@addprotect}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@addtoken}
+% The macro names say it all. Each of these macros adds some
+% token to the word buffer \cs{\SOUL@word}. Setting \cs{\protect}
+% is necessary to make things like |\so{{a\itshape b}}| work.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\let\protect\noexpand
+ \edef\x{\global\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{\noexpand#1#2}}}}\x}%
+ \SOUL@scan
+ {\let\protect\noexpand
+ \edef\x{\global\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{\hbox{$#1$}}}}}\x}%
+ \SOUL@scan
+ {\let\protect\noexpand
+ \edef\x{\global\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word{{\hbox{#2}}}}}\x}%
+ \SOUL@scan
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@word={\the\SOUL@word\noexpand#1}}\x
+ \SOUL@scan
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@exhyphen}
+% Dealing with explicit hyphens can't be done before we know the
+% following character, because we need to know if a kerning value
+% has to be inserted, hence we delay the \cs{\SOUL@everyexhyphen} call.
+% Unfortunately, the word scanner has no look-ahead mechanism.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@getkern{\the\SOUL@lasttoken}{\SOUL@hyphkern}{#1}%
+ \gdef\SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen##1{%
+ \SOUL@getkern{#1}{\SOUL@charkern}{##1}%
+ \SOUL@everyexhyphen{#1}%
+ \gdef\SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen####1{}%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@cmds}
+% Here is a list of pre-registered commands that the analyzer
+% cannot handle, so the scanner has to look after them. Every
+% entry consists of a handle (\cs{\\}), an identifier and the
+% macro name. The class identifier can be |9| for accents,
+% |8| for the \cs{\footnote} command, |7| for the
+% \cs{\textsuperscript} command,
+% |0| for commands without arguments and |1| for commands that
+% take one argument. Commands with two or more arguments are
+% not supported.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \\9\`\\9\'\\9\^\\9\"\\9\~\\9\=\\9\.%
+ \\9\u\\9\v\\9\H\\9\t\\9\c\\9\d\\9\b\\9\r
+ \\1\emph\\1\textrm\\1\textsf\\1\texttt\\1\textmd\\1\textbf
+ \\1\textup\\1\textsl\\1\textit\\1\textsc\\1\textnormal
+ \\0\rmfamily\\0\sffamily\\0\ttfamily\\0\mdseries\\0\upshape
+ \\0\slshape\\0\itshape\\0\scshape\\0\normalfont
+ \\0\em\\0\rm\\0\bf\\0\it\\0\tt\\0\sc\\0\sl\\0\sf
+ \\0\tiny\\0\scriptsize\\0\footnotesize\\0\small
+ \\0\normalsize\\0\large\\0\Large\\0\LARGE\\0\huge\\0\Huge
+ \\1\MakeUppercase\\7\textsuperscript\\8\footnote
+ \\1\textfrak\\1\textswab\\1\textgoth
+ \\0\frakfamily\\0\swabfamily\\0\gothfamily
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\soulregister}
+% \begin{macro}{\soulfont}
+% \begin{macro}{\soulaccent}
+% Register a font switching command (or some other command) for the
+% scanner. The first argument is the macro name, the second is
+% the number of arguments (|0|~or~|1|). Example: |\soulregister{\bold}{0}|.
+% \cs{\soulaccent} has only one argument---the accent macro name.
+% Example: |\soulaccent{\~}|. It is a shortcut for |\soulregister{\~}{9}|.
+% The \cs{\soulfont} command is a synonym for \cs{\soulregister}
+% and is kept for compatibility reasons.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\global\SOUL@cmds={\the\SOUL@cmds
+ \noexpand\\#2\noexpand#1}}\x
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The analyzer}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@doword}
+% The only way to find out, where a given word can be broken into
+% syllables, is to let \TeX\ actually typeset the word under conditions
+% that enforce every possible hyphenation. The result is a paragraph with one
+% line for every syllable.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@word}%
+ \ifx\x\empty
+ \else
+ \SOUL@buffer={}%
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \SOUL@tt
+ \hyphenchar\font`\-
+ \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \hbadness\@M
+ \pretolerance\m@ne
+ \tolerance\@M
+ \leftskip\z@
+ \rightskip\z@
+ \hsize1sp
+ \everypar{}%
+ \parfillskip\z@\@plus1fil
+ \hyphenpenalty-\@M
+ \noindent
+ \hskip\z@
+ \relax
+ \the\SOUL@word}%
+ \let\SOUL@errmsg\SOUL@error
+ \let\-\relax
+ \count@\m@ne
+ \SOUL@analyze
+ \SOUL@word={}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \noindent
+% We store the hyphen width of the |ectt1000| font,
+% because we will need it in |\SOUL@doword|. (|ectt1000| is a mono-spaced
+% font, so every other character would have worked, too.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\hyphenchar\font=\m@ne
+ \else
+ \char\hyphenchar\font
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@analyze}
+% This macro decomposes the box that |\SOUL@doword| has built.
+% Because we have to start at the bottom, we put every
+% syllable onto the stack and execute ourselves recursively. If there
+% are no syllables left, we return from the recursion and pick syllable
+% after syllable from the stack again---this time from top to bottom---and
+% hand the syllable width |\SOUL@syllgoal| over to |\SOUL@dosyllable|.
+% All but the last syllable end with the hyphen character, hence
+% we subtract the hyphen width accordingly. After processing a
+% syllable we calculate the hyphen kern (i.\,e.~the kerning amount
+% between the last character and the hyphen). This might be needed
+% by \cs{\SOUL@everyhyphen}, which we call now.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \unvcopy\z@
+ \unskip
+ \unpenalty
+ \global\setbox\@ne=\lastbox}%
+ \ifvoid\@ne
+ \else
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox{\unhbox\@ne}%
+ \SOUL@syllgoal=\wd\@ne
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \SOUL@analyze
+ \SOUL@syllwidth\z@
+ \SOUL@syllable={}%
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \advance\SOUL@syllgoal-\SOUL@ttwidth
+ \SOUL@dosyllable
+ \SOUL@getkern{\the\SOUL@lasttoken}{\SOUL@hyphkern}%
+ {\SOUL@sethyphenchar}%
+ \SOUL@everyhyphen
+ \else
+ \SOUL@dosyllable
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@dosyllable}
+% This macro typesets token after token from \cs{\SOUL@word}
+% until \cs{\SOUL@syllwidth} has reached
+% the requested width \cs{\SOUL@syllgoal}. Furthermore the kerning
+% values are prepared in case \cs{\SOUL@everytoken} needs them.
+% The \cs{\<} command used by \cs{\so} and \cs{\caps} needs some
+% special treatment: It has to be checked for, even before
+% we can end a syllable.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@gettoken
+ \SOUL@eventuallyexhyphen{\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \ifx\x\SOUL@hyphenhintM
+ \let\SOUL@n\SOUL@dosyllable
+ \else\ifx\x\SOUL@lowerthanM
+ \SOUL@gettoken
+ \SOUL@getkern{\the\SOUL@lasttoken}{\SOUL@charkern}
+ {\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \SOUL@everylowerthan
+ \SOUL@puttoken
+ \let\SOUL@n\SOUL@dosyllable
+ \else\ifdim\SOUL@syllwidth=\SOUL@syllgoal
+ \SOUL@everysyllable
+ \SOUL@puttoken
+ \let\SOUL@n\relax
+ \else\ifx\x\SOUL@stopM
+ \SOUL@errmsg
+ \global\let\SOUL@errmsg\relax
+ \let\SOUL@n\relax
+ \else
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\SOUL@tt\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \advance\SOUL@syllwidth\wd\tw@
+ \global\SOUL@lasttoken=\SOUL@token
+ \SOUL@gettoken
+ \SOUL@getkern{\the\SOUL@lasttoken}{\SOUL@charkern}
+ {\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \SOUL@puttoken
+ \global\SOUL@token=\SOUL@lasttoken
+ \SOUL@everytoken
+ \edef\x{\SOUL@syllable={\the\SOUL@syllable\the\SOUL@token}}\x
+ \let\SOUL@n\SOUL@dosyllable
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \SOUL@n
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@gettoken}
+% Provide the next token in \cs{\SOUL@token}. If there's already one
+% in the buffer, use that one first.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@buffer}%
+ \ifx\x\empty
+ \SOUL@nexttoken
+ \else
+ \global\SOUL@token=\SOUL@buffer
+ \global\SOUL@buffer={}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@puttoken}
+% The possibility to put tokens back makes the scanner design much
+% cleaner. There's only room for one token, though, so we issue
+% an error message if \cs{\SOUL@puttoken} is told to put a token
+% back while the buffer is still in use. Note that \cs{\SOUL@debug}
+% is actually undefined. This won't hurt as it can only happen
+% during driver design. No user will ever see this message.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@buffer}%
+ \ifx\x\empty
+ \global\SOUL@buffer=\SOUL@token
+ \global\SOUL@token={}%
+ \else
+ \SOUL@debug{puttoken called twice}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@nexttoken}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@splittoken}
+% If the word buffer \cs{\SOUL@word} is empty, deliver a \cs{\SOUL@stop},
+% otherwise take the next token.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@word}%
+ \ifx\x\empty
+ \SOUL@token={\SOUL@stop}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\SOUL@splittoken\the\SOUL@word\SOUL@stop
+ \fi
+ \global\SOUL@token={#1}%
+ \global\SOUL@word={#2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@getkern}
+% Assign the kerning value between the first and the third argument
+% to the second, which has to be a \cs{\dimen} register.
+% |\SOUL@getkern{A}{\dimen0}{V}| will assign the kerning value
+% between `A' and `V' to |\dimen0|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{#1#3}%
+ #2\wd\tw@
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{#1\null#3}%
+ \advance#2-\wd\tw@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@setkern}
+% Set a kerning value if it doesn't equal 0\,pt. Of course, we could
+% also set a zero value, but that would needlessly clutter the
+% logfile.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@error}
+% This error message will be shown once for every word that couldn't
+% be reconstructed by \cs{\SOUL@dosyllable}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \vrule\@height.8em\@depth.2em\@width1em
+ \PackageError{soul}{Reconstruction failed}{%
+ I came across hyphenatable material enclosed in group
+ braces,^^Jwhich I can't handle. Either drop the braces or
+ make the material^^Junbreakable using an \string\mbox\space
+ (\string\hbox). Note that a space^^Jalso counts as possible
+ hyphenation point. See page 4 of the manual.^^JI'm leaving
+ a black square so that you can see where I am right now.%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@setup}
+% This is a null driver, that will be used as the basis for
+% other drivers. These have then to redefine only interface commands
+% that shall differ from the default.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\SOUL@preamble\relax
+ \let\SOUL@postamble\relax
+ \let\SOUL@everytoken\relax
+ \let\SOUL@everysyllable\relax
+ \def\SOUL@everyspace##1{##1\space}%
+ \let\SOUL@everyhyphen\relax
+ \def\SOUL@everyexhyphen##1{##1}%
+ \let\SOUL@everylowerthan\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\so{letterspacing}}{letterspacing} driver}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@sosetletterskip}
+% A handy helper macro that sets the inter-letter skip with a
+% draconian \cs{\penalty}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@sopreamble}
+% If letterspacing (\cs{\so} or \cs{\caps}) follows a white space, we
+% replace it with our \syn{outer space}. \LaTeX\ uses |\hskip1sp| as
+% marker in tabular entries, so we ignore tiny skips.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\lastskip>5sp
+ \unskip
+ \hskip\SOUL@soouterskip
+ \fi
+ \spaceskip\SOUL@soinnerskip
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@sopostamble}
+% Start the look-ahead scanner \cs{\SOUL@socheck} outside the \cs{\SOUL@}
+% scope. That's why we make the \syn{outer space} globally available in
+% \cs{\skip@}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\skip@=\SOUL@soouterskip
+ \aftergroup\SOUL@socheck
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@socheck}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@sodoouter}
+% Read the next token after the \soul\ command into \cs{\SOUL@@}
+% and examine it. If it's some kind of space, replace it with
+% \syn{outer space} and the appropriate penalty, else if it's
+% a closing brace, continue scanning. If it is neither: do nothing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \futurelet\SOUL@@\SOUL@sodoouter
+ \def\SOUL@n*##1{\hskip\skip@}%
+ \ifcat\egroup\noexpand\SOUL@@
+ \unkern
+ \egroup
+ \def\SOUL@n*{\afterassignment\SOUL@socheck\let\SOUL@x=}%
+ \else\ifx\SOUL@spc\SOUL@@
+ \def\SOUL@n* {\hskip\skip@}%
+ \else\ifx~\SOUL@@
+ \def\SOUL@n*~{\nobreak\hskip\skip@}%
+ \else\ifx\ \SOUL@@
+ \else\ifx\space\SOUL@@
+ \else\ifx\@xobeysp\SOUL@@
+ \else
+ \def\SOUL@n*{}%
+ \let\SOUL@@\relax
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \SOUL@n*%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@soeverytoken}
+% Typeset the token and put an unbreakable inter-letter skip
+% thereafter. If the token is \cs{\<} then remove the last skip instead.
+% Gets the character kerning value between the actual and the
+% next token in \cs{\SOUL@charkern}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \ifx\x\SOUL@lowerthanM
+ \else
+ \global\let\SOUL@soeventuallyskip\SOUL@sosetletterskip
+ \the\SOUL@token
+ \SOUL@gettoken
+ \edef\x{\the\SOUL@token}%
+ \ifx\x\SOUL@stopM
+ \else
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+ \SOUL@sosetletterskip
+ \SOUL@puttoken
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@soeveryspace}
+% This macro sets an \syn{inner space}. The argument may contain
+% penalties and is used for the |~| command. This construction was
+% needed to make colored underlines work, without having to put
+% any of the coloring commands into the core. |\kern\z@| prevents
+% in subsequent \cs{\so} commands that the second discards the
+% \syn{outer space} of the first. To remove the space simply
+% use |\unkern\unskip|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@soeveryhyphen}
+% Sets implicit hyphens. The kerning value between the current token
+% and the hyphen character is passed in \cs{\SOUL@hyphkern}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \discretionary{%
+ \unkern
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+ \SOUL@sethyphenchar
+ }{}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@soeveryexhyphen}
+% Sets the explicit hyphen that is passed as argument.
+% \cs{\SOUL@soeventuallyskip} equals \cs{\SOUL@sosetletterskip},
+% except when a \cs{\<} had been detected. This is necessary because
+% \cs{\SOUL@soeveryexhyphen} wouldn't know otherwise, that it
+% follows a~\cs{\<}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+ \SOUL@soeventuallyskip
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \discretionary{}{}{%
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+ }%
+ \SOUL@sosetletterskip
+ \global\let\SOUL@soeventuallyskip\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@soeverylowerthan}
+% Let \cs{\<} remove the last inter-letter skip. Set the kerning value
+% between the token before and that after the \cs{\<} command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \unskip
+ \unpenalty
+ \global\let\SOUL@soeventuallyskip\relax
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@sosetup}
+% Override all interface macros by our letterspacing versions. The
+% only unused macro is \cs{\SOUL@everysyllable}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@setup
+ \let\SOUL@preamble\SOUL@sopreamble
+ \let\SOUL@postamble\SOUL@sopostamble
+ \let\SOUL@everytoken\SOUL@soeverytoken
+ \let\SOUL@everyspace\SOUL@soeveryspace
+ \let\SOUL@everyhyphen\SOUL@soeveryhyphen
+ \let\SOUL@everyexhyphen\SOUL@soeveryexhyphen
+ \let\SOUL@everylowerthan\SOUL@soeverylowerthan
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@setso}
+% A handy macro for internal use.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\SOUL@soletterskip{#1}%
+ \def\SOUL@soinnerskip{#2}%
+ \def\SOUL@soouterskip{#3}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sodef}
+% This macro assigns the letterspacing skips as well as an optional
+% font switching command to a command sequence name. \cs{\so} itself
+% will be defined using this macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \DeclareRobustCommand*#1{\SOUL@sosetup
+ \def\SOUL@preamble{%
+ \SOUL@setso{#3}{#4}{#5}%
+ #2%
+ \SOUL@sopreamble
+ }%
+ \SOUL@
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\resetso}
+% Let \cs{\resetso} define reasonable default values for letterspacing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \sodef\textso{}{.25em}{.65em\@plus.08em\@minus.06em}%
+ {.55em\@plus.275em\@minus.183em}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sloppyword}
+% Set up a letterspacing macro that inserts slightly stretchable
+% space between the characters. This can be used to typeset long
+% words in narrow columns, where ragged paragraphs are undesirable.
+% See section~\ref{sec:sloppyword}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \linepenalty10
+ \hyphenpenalty10
+ \adjdemerits\z@
+ \doublehyphendemerits\z@
+ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
+ \emergencystretch.1em}%
+ {\z@\@plus.1em}%
+ {.33em\@plus.11em\@minus.11em}%
+ {.33em\@plus.11em\@minus.11em}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection[The \texorpdfstring{\caps{caps}}{caps} driver]{The caps driver}
+% \begin{macro}{\caps}
+% Unless run under \LaTeX, make \cs{\caps} just another simple letterspacing
+% macro that selects a font \cs{\capsfont} (defaulting to \cs{\relax}) but
+% doesn't have any special capabilities.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {.028em\@plus.005em\@minus.01em}%
+ {.37em\@plus.1667em\@minus.111em}%
+ {.37em\@plus.1em\@minus.14em}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\capsreset}
+% \dots\ else, if run under \LaTeX\ prepare a set of macros that
+% maintain a database with certain letterspacing values for different
+% fonts. \cs{\capsreset} clears the database and inserts a default rule.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\SOUL@capsbase\empty
+ \SOUL@capsdefault
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\capsdef}
+% Add an entry to the database, which is of course nothing else than
+% a \TeX\ macro. See section ``List macros'' of appendix~D in the
+% \TeX{}book~\cite{DEK} for details.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \toks\z@{\\{#1/#2/#3/#4/#5}}%
+ \toks\tw@=\expandafter{\SOUL@capsbase}%
+ \xdef\SOUL@capsbase{\the\toks\z@\the\toks\tw@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\capssave}
+% \begin{macro}{\capsselect}
+% Save the current database in a macro within the |SOUL@| namespace
+% and let |\capsselect| restore this database.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\global\expandafter\let
+ \csname SOUL@db@#1\endcsname\SOUL@capsbase
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\SOUL@capsbase
+ \csname SOUL@db@#1\endcsname
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@capsfind}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@caps}
+% Go through the database entries and pick the first entry that matches
+% the currently active font. Then define an internal macro that uses
+% the respective spacing values in a macro that is equivalent to the
+% \cs{\textso} command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\SOUL@match=1%
+ \SOUL@chk{#1}\f@encoding
+ \SOUL@chk{#2}\f@family
+ \SOUL@chk{#3}\f@series
+ \SOUL@chk{#4}\f@shape
+ \SOUL@dimchk{#5}\f@size
+ \if\SOUL@match1%
+ \let\\\@gobble
+ \gdef\SOUL@caps{%
+ \SOUL@sosetup
+ \def\SOUL@preamble{\SOUL@setso{#7}{#8}{#9}#6%
+ \SOUL@sopreamble}%
+ \SOUL@}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@chk}
+% Sets the \cs{\SOUL@match} flag if both parameters are equal.
+% This is used for all \caps{\small NFSS} elements except the font size.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if$#1$%
+ \else
+ \def\SOUL@n{#1}%
+ \ifx#2\SOUL@n\else\let\SOUL@match=0\fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@dimchk}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@rangechk}
+% We do not only want to check if a given font size |#1| matches |#2|,
+% but also if it fits into a given range. An omitted lower boundary
+% is replaced by \cs{\z@} and an omitted upper boundary by \cs{\maxdimen}.
+% The first of a series of \cs{\SOUL@chk} and \cs{\SOUL@dimchk}
+% statements, which detects that the arguments don't match, sets the
+% \cs{\SOUL@match} flag to zero. A value of~1 indicates that an
+% entry in the font database matches the currently used font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \count@=#4%
+ \ifnum\count@>\z@
+ \ifdim#1\p@=#2\p@\else\let\SOUL@match=0\fi
+ \else
+ \dimen@=\if$#2$\z@\else#2\p@\fi
+ \ifdim#1\p@<\dimen@\let\SOUL@match=0\fi
+ \dimen@=\if$#3$\maxdimen\else#3\p@\fi
+ \ifdim#1\p@<\dimen@\else\let\SOUL@match=0\fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\textcaps}
+% Find a matching entry in the database and start the letterspacing
+% mechanism with the given spacing values.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\\##1{\expandafter\SOUL@capsfind##1/}%
+ \SOUL@capsbase
+ \aftergroup\SOUL@caps
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@capsdefault}
+% Define a default database entry and a default font.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \capsdef{////}%
+ \SOUL@capsdfltfnt
+ {.028em\@plus.005em\@minus.01em}%
+ {.37em\@plus.1667em\@minus.1em}%
+ {.37em\@plus.111em\@minus.14em}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\ul{underlining}}{underlining} driver}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulleaders}
+% This macro sets the underline under the following \cs{\hskip}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \leaders\hrule\@depth\SOUL@uldp\@height\SOUL@ulht\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulunderline}
+% Set an underline under the given material. It draws the line first,
+% and the given material afterwards. This is needed for highlighting,
+% but gives less than optimal results for colored overstriking, which,
+% however, will hardly ever be used, anyway.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{#1}%
+ \dimen@=\wd\z@
+ \dimen@i=\SOUL@uloverlap
+ \advance\dimen@2\dimen@i
+ \rlap{%
+ \null
+ \kern-\dimen@i
+ \SOUL@ulcolor{\SOUL@ulleaders\hskip\dimen@}%
+ }%
+ \unhcopy\z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulpreamble}
+% Just set up the line dimensions and the space skip. Normally,
+% \cs{\spaceskip} is unset and not used by \TeX. We need it, though,
+% because we feed it to the \cs{\leaders} primitive.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@uldp=\SOUL@uldepth
+ \SOUL@ulht=-\SOUL@uldp
+ \advance\SOUL@uldp\SOUL@ulthickness
+ \spaceskip\SOUL@spaceskip
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uleverysyllable}
+% By using \cs{\SOUL@everysyllable} we don't have to care about
+% kerning values and get better results for highlighting, where
+% negative kerning values would otherwise cut off characters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@ulunderline{%
+ \the\SOUL@syllable
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uleveryspace}
+% Set a given penalty and an underlined \cs{\space} equivalent.
+% The \cs{\null} prevents a nasty gap in |\textfrak| |{a \textswab{b}}|,
+% while it doesn't seem to hurt in all other cases. I didn't investigate
+% this.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@ulcolor{%
+ #1%
+ \SOUL@ulleaders
+ \hskip\spaceskip
+ }%
+ \null
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uleveryhyphen}
+% If hyphenation takes place, output an underlined hyphen with the
+% required hyphen kerning value.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \discretionary{%
+ \unkern
+ \SOUL@ulunderline{%
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+ \SOUL@sethyphenchar
+ }%
+ }{}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uleveryexhyphen}
+% Underline the given hyphen, en-dash, em-dash or \cs{\slash} and care
+% for kerning.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@hyphkern
+ \SOUL@ulunderline{#1}%
+ \discretionary{}{}{%
+ \SOUL@setkern\SOUL@charkern
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulcolor}
+% \begin{macro}{\setulcolor}
+% Define the underline color or turn off coloring, in which case the lines are not
+% just colored black, but remain uncolored. This makes them appear
+% black, nevertheless, and has the advantage, that no Postscript
+% \cs{\specials} are cluttering the output.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if$#1$
+ \let\SOUL@ulcolor\relax
+ \else
+ \def\SOUL@ulcolor{\textcolor{#1}}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\setuloverlap}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uloverlap}
+% Set the overlap amount, that helps to avoid gaps on sloppy output
+% devices.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulsetup}
+% The underlining driver is quite simple. No need for \cs{\SOUL@postamble}
+% and \cs{\SOUL@everytoken}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@setup
+ \let\SOUL@preamble\SOUL@ulpreamble
+ \let\SOUL@everysyllable\SOUL@uleverysyllable
+ \let\SOUL@everyspace\SOUL@uleveryspace
+ \let\SOUL@everyhyphen\SOUL@uleveryhyphen
+ \let\SOUL@everyexhyphen\SOUL@uleveryexhyphen
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@textul}
+% Describing self-explanatory macros is \emph{so} boring!
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\setul}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@uldepth}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@ulthickness}
+% Set the underlining dimensions. Either value may be omitted and
+% lets the respective macro keep its current contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if$#1$\else\def\SOUL@uldepth{#1}\fi
+ \if$#2$\else\def\SOUL@ulthickness{#2}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\resetul}
+% Set reasonable default values that fit most latin fonts.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\setuldepth}
+% This macro sets all designated ``letters'' (\cs{\catcode=11}) or the
+% given material in a box and sets the underlining dimensions according
+% to the box depth.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\SOUL@n{#1}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{%
+ \tracinglostchars\z@
+ \ifx\SOUL@n\empty
+ \count@\z@
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\catcode\count@=11\char\count@\fi
+ \ifnum\count@<\@cclv
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \repeat
+ \else
+ #1%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \dimen@\dp\z@
+ \advance\dimen@\p@
+ \xdef\SOUL@uldepth{\the\dimen@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The \texorpdfstring{\st{overstriking}}{overstriking} driver}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@stpreamble}
+% Striking out is just underlining with a raised line of a different
+% color. Hence we only need to define the preamble accordingly and
+% let the underlining preamble finally do its job. Not that colored
+% overstriking was especially useful, but we want at least to keep
+% it black while we might want to set underlines in some fancy color.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \dimen@\SOUL@ulthickness
+ \dimen@i=-.5ex
+ \advance\dimen@i-.5\dimen@
+ \edef\SOUL@uldepth{\the\dimen@i}%
+ \let\SOUL@ulcolor\SOUL@stcolor
+ \SOUL@ulpreamble
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@stsetup}
+% We re-use the whole underlining setup and just replace the preamble
+% with our modified version.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@ulsetup
+ \let\SOUL@preamble\SOUL@stpreamble
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\textst}
+% These pretzels are making me thirsty \dots
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@stcolor}
+% \begin{macro}{\setstcolor}
+% Set the overstriking color. This won't be used often, but is required
+% in cases, where the underlines are colored. You wouldn't want to
+% overstrike in the same color. Note that overstriking lines are
+% drawn \emph{beneath} the text, hence bright colors won't look good.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if$#1$
+ \let\SOUL@stcolor\relax
+ \else
+ \def\SOUL@stcolor{\textcolor{#1}}%
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{The highlighting driver}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@hlpreamble}
+% This is nothing else than overstriking with very thick lines.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setul{}{2.5ex}%
+ \let\SOUL@stcolor\SOUL@hlcolor
+ \SOUL@stpreamble
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@hlsetup}
+% No need to re-invent the wheel. Just use the overstriking setup
+% with a different preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \SOUL@stsetup
+ \let\SOUL@preamble\SOUL@hlpreamble
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\texthl}
+% \begin{macro}{\sethlcolor}
+% \begin{macro}{\SOUL@hlcolor}
+% Define the highlighting macro and the color setting macro with a
+% simple default color. Yellow isn't really pleasing, but it's already
+% predefined by the \package{color} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection*{The package postamble}
+% \begin{macro}{\so}
+% \begin{macro}{\ul}
+% \begin{macro}{\st}
+% \begin{macro}{\hl}
+% \begin{macro}{\caps}
+% OK, I lied. The short macro names are just abbreviations for their
+% longer counterpart. Some people might be used to |\text*| style commands
+% to select a certain font. And then it doesn't hurt to reserve
+% these early enough.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \noindent
+% When used in an environment other than \LaTeX\ and the \package{german}
+% package was already loaded, define the double quotes as accent.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\mdqoff\@undefined
+ \else
+ \soulaccent{"}%
+ \fi
+ \catcode`\@=\atcode
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \noindent
+% If we have been loaded by a \LaTeX\ environment and the \package{color}
+% package wasn't also loaded, we disable all colors. Then we add the umlaut accent
+% |"| if the \package{german} package is present. The quotes character has to
+% be \cs{\catcode}'d \cs{\active} now, or it won't get recognized later.
+% The \option{capsdefault}
+% option overrides the \cs{\caps} driver and lets \cs{\SOUL@} set an underline.
+% Finally load the local configuration, process the |capsdefault|
+% option and exit.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \bgroup
+ \catcode`\"\active
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \@ifundefined{color}{%
+ \let\SOUL@color\relax
+ \let\setulcolor\@gobble
+ \let\setstcolor\@gobble
+ \let\sethlcolor\@gobble
+ \let\hl\ul
+ }{}
+ \@ifundefined{mdqoff}{}{\soulaccent{"}}
+ }
+ \egroup
+ \DeclareOption{capsdefault}{%
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \def\SOUL@capsdfltfnt#1{%
+ \SOUL@ulsetup
+ \SOUL@ulpreamble
+ \scshape
+ }%
+ }%
+ }
+ \InputIfFileExists{soul.cfg}%
+ {\PackageInfo{soul}{Local config file soul.cfg used}}{}
+ \ProcessOptions
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \vspace{2explus1fill}
+%$Id: soul.dtx,v 1.128 2003/11/17 22:57:24 m Rel $
+% \Finale
+% ^^A.E.I.O.U.^^
+%^^A vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..451343f7dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/soul/soul.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+%% LaTeX2e file `soul.ins'
+%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
+%% from source `soul' on 2003/11/17.
+\input docstrip.tex
+\keepsilent % <-- this is for you, Christina ;-)