path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/pstricks/psd-para.tex
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-%% BEGIN psd-para.tex
-\part{More graphics parameters}
-The graphics parameters described in this part are common to all or most of
-the graphics objects.
-\Section{Coordinate systems}
-The following manipulations of the coordinate system apply only to pure
-graphics objects.
-A simple way to move the origin of the coordinate system to \c{} is with the
- \Par{origin=\{coor\}}({0pt,0pt})
-This is the one time that coordinates \emph{must} be enclosed in curly brackets
-"{}" rather than parentheses "()".
-A simple way to switch swap the axes is with the
- \Par{swapaxes=true}
-parameter. E.g., you might change your mind on the orientation of a plot after
-generating the data.
-\Section{Line styles\label{S-linestyles}}
-The following graphics parameters (in addition to \p{linewidth} and
-\p{linecolor}) determine how the lines are drawn, whether they be open or
-closed curves.
- Valid styles are "none", "solid", "dashed" and "dotted".
-\pitem[dash=dim1 dim2]
- The <black-white> dash pattern for the "dashed" line style. For example:
- \psellipse[linestyle=dashed,dash=3pt 2pt](2,1)(2,1)
- The distance between dots in the "dotted" line style. For example
- \psline[linestyle=dotted,dotsep=2pt]{|->>}(4,1)
- A positive value draws a border of width <dim> and color \p{bordercolor} on
-each side of the curve. This is useful for giving the impression that one line
-passes on top of another. The value is saved in the dimension register
- See \p{border} above.
- For example:
- \psline(0,0)(1.8,3)
- \psline[border=2pt]{*->}(0,3)(1.8,0)
- \psframe*[linecolor=gray](2,0)(4,3)
- \psline[linecolor=white,linewidth=1.5pt]{<->}(2.2,0)(3.8,3)
- \psellipse[linecolor=white,linewidth=1.5pt,
- bordercolor=gray,border=2pt](3,1.5)(.7,1.4)
- When "true", a double line is drawn, separated by a space that is
-\p{doublesep} wide and of color \p{doublecolor}. This doesn't work as expected
-with the "dashed" \p{linestyle}, and some arrows look funny as well.
- See \p{doubleline}, above.
- See \p{doubleline}, above.
-Here is an example of double lines:
- \psline[doubleline=true,linearc=.5,
- doublesep=1.5pt]{->}(0,0)(3,1)(4,0)
- When "true", a shadow is drawn, at a distance \p{shadowsize} from the
-original curve, in the direction \p{shadowangle}, and of color
- See \p{shadow}, above.
- See \p{shadow}, above.
- See \p{shadow}, above.
-Here is an example of the \p{shadow} feature, which should look familiar:
- \pspolygon[linearc=2pt,shadow=true,shadowangle=45,
- xunit=1.1](-1,-.55)(-1,.5)(-.8,.5)(-.8,.65)
- (-.2,.65)(-.2,.5)(1,.5)(1,-.55)
-Here is another graphics parameter that is related to lines but that applies
-only to the closed graphics objects \n\psframe, \n\pscircle, \n\psellipse{} and
- \Par{dimen=outer/inner/middle}
-It determines whether the dimensions refer to the inside, outside or middle of
-the boundary. The difference is noticeable when the linewidth is large:
- \psset{linewidth=.25cm}
- \psframe[dimen=inner](0,0)(2,1)
- \psframe[dimen=middle](0,2)(2,3)
- \psframe[dimen=outer](3,0)(4,3)
-With "\pswedge", this only affects the radius; the origin always lies in the
-middle the boundary. The right setting of this parameter depends on how you
-want to align other objects.
-\Section{Fill styles\label{S-fillstyles}}
-The next group of graphics parameters determine how closed regions are filled.
-Even open curves can be filled; this does not affect how the curve is painted.
- Valid styles are
- \begin{quote}\raggedright
- "none", "solid", "vlines", "vlines*", "hlines", "hlines*", "crosshatch" and
- \end{quote}
- "vlines", "hlines" and "crosshatch" draw a pattern of lines, according to
-the four parameters list below that are prefixed with "hatch". The "*"
-versions also fill the background, as in the "solid" style.
- The background color in the "solid", "vlines*", "hlines*" and "crosshatch*"
- Width of lines.
- Width of space between the lines.
- Color of lines. Saved in \n\pshatchcolor.
- Rotation of the lines, in degrees. For example, if \p{hatchangle} is set to
-"45", the "vlines" style draws lines that run NW-SE, and the "hlines" style
-draws lines that run "SW-NE", and the "crosshatch" style draws both.
-Here is an example of the "vlines" and related fill styles:\footnote{%
-PSTricks adjusts the lines relative to the resolution so that they all have
-the same width and the same intervening space. Otherwise, the checkered
-pattern in this example would be noticeably uneven, even on 300 dpi devices.
-This adjustment is resolution dependent, and may involve adjustments to the
-\p{hatchangle} when this is not initially a multiple of 45 degrees.}
- \pspolygon[fillstyle=vlines](0,0)(0,3)(4,0)
- \pspolygon[fillstyle=hlines](0,0)(4,3)(4,0)
- \pspolygon[fillstyle=crosshatch*,fillcolor=black,
- hatchcolor=white,hatchwidth=1.2pt,hatchsep=1.8pt,
- hatchangle=0](0,3)(2,1.5)(4,3)
-Each of the pure graphics objects (except those beginning with "q") has a
-starred version that produces a solid object of color \p{linecolor}. (It
-automatically sets \p{linewidth} to zero, \p{fillcolor} to \p{linecolor},
-\p{fillstyle} to "solid", and \p{linestyle} to "none".)
-\Section{Arrowheads and such\label{S-arrows}}
- Lines and other open curves can be terminated with various arrowheads,
-t-bars or circles. The
- \Par{arrows=style}
-parameter determines what you get. It can have the following values, which are
-pretty intuitive:\footnote{This is \TeX's version of WYSIWYG.}%
- \def\myline#1{\psline{#1}(0,1ex)(1.3,1ex)}%
- \catcode`\<=12
- \begin{tabular}{cll}%
- \emph{Value} & \hbox to 1.3cm{\emph{Example}}\hss & \emph{Name} \\[2pt]
- "-" & \myline{-} & None\\
- "<->" & \myline{<->} & Arrowheads.\\
- ">-<" & \myline{>-<} & Reverse arrowheads.\\
- "<<->>" & \myline{<<->>} & Double arrowheads.\\
- ">>-<<" & \myline{>>-<<} & Double reverse arrowheads.\\
- "|-|" & \myline{|-|} & T-bars, flush to endpoints.\\
- "|*-|*" & \myline{|*-|*} & T-bars, centered on endpoints.\\
- "|<->|" & \myline{|<->|} & T-bars and arrowheads.\\
- "|<*->|*" & \myline{|<*->|*} & T-bars and arrowheads, flush.\\
- "[-]" & \myline{[-]} & Square brackets.\\
- "(-)" & \myline{(-)} & Rounded brackets.\\
- "o-o" & \myline{o-o} & Circles, centered on endpoints.\\
- "*-*" & \myline{*-*} & Disks, centered on endpoints.\\
- "oo-oo" & \myline{oo-oo} & Circles, flush to endpoints.\\
- "**-**" & \myline{**-**} & Disks, flush to endpoints.\\
- "c-c" & \myline{c-c} & Extended, rounded ends.\\
- "cc-cc" & \myline{cc-cc} & Flush round ends.\\
- "C-C" & \myline{C-C} & Extended, square ends.
- \end{tabular}}%
- {\large\textbf{Arrows}}\par
- \leavevmode\box\arrowtable}
- \leavevmode\copy\arrowtable
-You can also mix and match. E.g., "->", "*-)" and "[->" are all valid values
-of the \p{arrows} parameter.
-Well, perhaps the "c", "cc" and "C" arrows are not so obvious. "c" and "C"
-correspond to setting PostScript's "linecap" to 1 and 2, respectively. "cc" is
-like "c", but adjusted so that the line flush to the endpoint. These arrows
-styles are noticeable when the \p{linewidth} is thick:
- \psline[linewidth=.5cm](0,0)(0,2)
- \psline[linewidth=.5cm]{c-c}(1,0)(1,2)
- \psline[linewidth=.5cm]{cc-cc}(2,0)(2,2)
- \psline[linewidth=.5cm]{C-C}(3,0)(3,2)
- "\rput[t](0,-.3){\texttt{-}}
- "\rput[t](1,-.3){\texttt{c-c}}
- "\rput[t](2,-.3){\texttt{cc-cc}}
- "\rput[t](3,-.3){\texttt{C-C}}
-Almost all the open curves let you include the \p{arrows} parameters as an
-optional argument, enclosed in curly braces and before any other arguments
-(except the optional parameters argument). E.g., instead of
- \psline[arrows=<-,linestyle=dotted](3,4)
-you can write
- \psline[linestyle=dotted]{<-}(3,4)
-The exceptions are a few streamlined macros that do not support the use of
-arrows (these all begin with "q").
-The size of these line terminators is controlled by the following parameters.
-In the description of the parameters, the width always refers to the dimension
-perpendicular to the line, and length refers to a dimension in the direction
-of the line.
-\pitem[arrowsize=dim `num']
- The width of arrowheads is <dim> plus <num> times \p{linewidth}
-(if the optional `num' is inclued). See the diagram below.
- Length of arrowheads, as a fraction of the width, as shown below.
- Size of inset for arrowheads, as a fraction of the length, as shown below.
-\hbox to \linewidth{%
- \psset{unit=.5cm}
- \pspicture[shift=3cm](-3.6,-1.3)(3.4,4.8)
- \pspolygon*(-2,0)(0,4)(2,0)(0,1)
- \psset{arrows=|-|}
- \psline(-2.5,0)(-2.5,4)\rput(-2.7,2){\psframebox*{\emph{length}}}
- \psline(-2,-.5)(2,-.5)\rput(0,-.5){\psframebox*{\emph{width}}}
- \psline(2.5,0)(2.5,1)\rput[l](2.8,.5){\emph{inset}}
- \endpspicture
- \hfill
- \begin{tabular}{rcl}
- \texttt{arrowsize} & = & <dim num>\\
- \emph{width} & = & <num> x \p{linewidth} + <dim1>\\
- \emph{length} & = & \p{arrowlength} x \emph{width}\\
- \emph{inset} & = & \p{arrowinset} x \emph{height}
- \end{tabular}}
-\pitem[tbarsize=dim `num']
- The width of a t-bar, square bracket or rounded bracket is <dim> plus <num>
-times \p{linewidth} (if the optional `num' is included).
-\p{linewidth}, plus <dim>.
- The height of a square bracket is <num> times its width.
- The height of a round bracket is <num> times its width.
-\pitem[arrowscale=arrowscale=num1 <num2>]
- Imagine that arrows and such point down. This scales the width of the arrows
-by <num1> and the length (height) by <num2>. If you only include one number,
-the arrows are scaled the same in both directions. Changing \p{arrowscale} can
-give you special effects not possible by changing the parameters described
-above. E.g., you can change the width of lines used to draw brackets.
-The size of dots is controlled by the \p{dotsize} parameter.
-\Section{Custom styles}
-You can define customized versions of any macro that has parameter changes as
-an optional first argument using the \n\newpsobject{} command:
- \Mac \newpsobject{name}{object}{par1=value1`,\ldots'}
-as in
- \newpsobject{myline}{psline}{linecolor=green,linestyle=dotted}
- \newpsobject{mygrid}{psgrid}{subgriddiv=1,griddots=10,
- gridlabels=7pt}
-The first argument is the name of the new command you want to define. The
-second argument is the name of the graphics object. Note that both of these
-arguments are given without the backslash. The third argument is the special
-parameter values that you want to set.
-With the above examples, the commands "\myline" and "\mygrid" work just like
-the graphics object \n\psline{} it is based on, and you can even reset the
-parameters that you set when defining "\myline", as in:
- \myline[linecolor=gray,dotsep=2pt](5,6)
-Another way to define custom graphics parameter configurations is with the
- \Mac \newpsstyle{name}{par1=value1`,\ldots'}
-command. You can then set the \p{style} graphics parameter to <name>, rather
-than setting the parameters given in the second argument of \n\newpsstyle. For
- \newpsstyle{mystyle}{linecolor=green,linestyle=dotted}
- \psline[style=mystyle](5,6)
-%% END psd-para.tex