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-%% BEGIN psd-cust.tex
-\part{Custom graphics\label{P-custom}}
-\Section{The basics}
-PSTricks contains a large palette of graphics objects, but sometimes you need
-something special. For example, you might want to shade the region between two
-curves. The
- \Mac \pscustom`*[par]'{commands}
-command lets you ``roll you own'' graphics object.
-Let's review how PostScript handles graphics. A \emph{path} is a line, in the
-mathematical sense rather than the visual sense. A path can have several
-disconnected segments, and it can be open or closed. PostScript has various
-operators for making paths. The end of the path is called the \emph{current
-point}, but if there is no path then there is no current point. To turn the
-path into something visual, PostScript can \emph{fill} the region enclosed by
-the path (that is what \p{fillstyle} and such are about), and \emph{stroke} the
-path (that is what \p{linestyle} and such are about).
-At the beginning of \n\pscustom, there is no path. There are various commands
-that you can use in \n\pscustom{} for drawing paths. Some of these (the open
-curves) can also draw arrows. \n\pscustom{} fills and strokes the path at the
-end, and for special effects, you can fill and stroke the path along the way
-using \n\fill{} and \n\stroke{} (see below).
-\n\pscustom{} uses \n\pstverb{} and \n\pstunit. There are system-dependent
-limits on how long the argument of "\special" can be. You may run into this
-limit using \n\pscustom{} because all the PostScript code accumulated by
-\n\pscustom{} is the argument of a single "\special" command.
-You need to keep the separation between drawing, stroking and filling paths in
-mind when setting graphics parameters. The \p{linewidth} and \p{linecolor}
-parameters affect the drawing of arrows, but since the path commands do not
-stroke or fill the paths, these parameters, and the \p{linestyle},
-\p{fillstyle} and related parameters, do not have any other effect (except
-that in some cases \p{linewidth} is used in some calculations when drawing the
-path). \n\pscustom{} and \n\fill{} make use of \p{fillstyle} and related
-parameters, and \n\pscustom{} and \n\stroke{} make use of p{linestyle} and
-related parameters.
-For example, if you include
- \psline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue,fillstyle=vlines]{<-}(3,3)(4,0)
-in \n\pscustom, then the changes to \p{linewidth} and \p{linecolor} will
-affect the size and color of the arrow but not of the line when it is stroked,
-and the change to \p{fillstyle} will have no effect at all.
-The \p{shadow}, \p{border}, \p{doubleline} and \p{showpoints} parameters are
-disabled in \n\pscustom, and the \p{origin} and \p{swapaxes} parameters only
-affect \n\pscustom{} itself, but there are commands (described below) that let
-you achieve these special effects.
-The \p{dashed} and \p{dotted} line styles need to know something about the
-path in order to adjust the dash or dot pattern appropriately. You can give
-this information by setting the
- \Par{linetype=int}
-parameter. If the path contains more than one disconnected segment, there is
-no appropriate way to adjust the dash or dot pattern, and you might as well
-leave the default value of \p{linetype}. Here are the values for simple paths:
- \emph{Value} & \emph{Type of path}\\
- 0 & Open curve without arrows.\\
- -1 & Open curve with an arrow at the beginning.\\
- -2 & Open curve with an arrow at the end.\\
- -3 & Open curve with an arrow at both ends.\\
- 1 & Closed curve with no particular symmetry.\\
- $n$\textgreater 1 & Closed curve with $n$ symmetric segments.
-\Section{Graphics objects}
-You can use most of the graphics objects in \n\pscustom. These draw paths and
-making arrows, but do not fill and stroke the paths.
-There are three types of graphics objects:
- Special graphics objects include \n\psgrid, \n\psdots, \n\qline{} and
-\n\qdisk. You cannot use special graphics objects in \n\pscustom.
- You are allowed to use closed graphics objects in \n\pscustom, but their
-effect is unpredictable.\footnote{%
-The closed objects never use the current point as an coordinate, but typically
-they will close any existing paths, and they might draw a line between the
-currentpoint and the closed curved.}
-Usually you would use the open curves plus \n\closepath{} (see below) to draw
-closed curves.
-\item[Open]The open graphics objects are the most useful commands for drawing
-paths with \n\pscustom. By piecing together several open curves, you can draw
-arbitrary paths. The rest of this section pertains to the open graphics
- By default, the open curves draw a straight line between the current point,
-if it exists, and the beginning of the curve, except when the curve begins
-with an arrow. For example
- \pscustom{%
- \psarc(0,0){1.5}{5}{85}
- \psarcn{->}(0,0){3}{85}{5}}
-Also, the following curves make use of the current point, if it exists, as a
-first coordinate:
- \n\psline{} and \n\pscurve.\\
- The plot commands, with the "line" or "curve" \p{plotstyle}.\\
- \n\psbezier\, if you only include three coordinates.\\
-For example:
- \pscustom[linewidth=1.5pt]{%
- \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{.67}{4}{2 x div}
- \psline(4,3)}
-We'll see later how to make that one more interesting. Here is another example
- \pscustom{%
- \psline[linearc=.2]{|-}(0,2)(0,0)(2,2)
- \psbezier{->}(2,2)(3,3)(1,0)(4,3)}
-However, you can control how the open curves treat the current point with the
- \Par{liftpen=0/1/2}
-If \p{liftpen=0}, you get the default behavior described above. For example
- \pscustom[linewidth=2pt,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]{%
- \pscurve(0,2)(1,2.5)(2,1.5)(4,3)
- \pscurve(4,1)(3,0.5)(2,1)(1,0)(0,.5)}
-If \p{liftpen=1}, the curves do not use the current point as the first
-coordinate (except \n\psbezier, but you can avoid this by explicitly including
-the first coordinate as an argument). For example:
- \pscustom[linewidth=2pt,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]{%
- \pscurve(0,2)(1,2.5)(2,1.5)(4,3)
- \pscurve[liftpen=1](4,1)(3,0.5)(2,1)(1,0)(0,.5)}
-If \p{liftpen=2}, the curves do not use the current point as the first
-coordinate, and they do not draw a line between the current point and the
-beginning of the curve. For example
- \pscustom[linewidth=2pt,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]{%
- \pscurve(0,2)(1,2.5)(2,1.5)(4,3)
- \pscurve[liftpen=2](4,1)(3,0.5)(2,1)(1,0)(0,.5)}
-Later we will use the second example to fill the region between the two
-curves, and then draw the curves.
-\Section{Safe tricks}
-The commands described under this heading, which can only be used in
-\n\pscustom, do not run a risk of PostScript errors (assuming your document
-compiles without \TeX{} errors).
-Let's start with some path, fill and stroke commands:
-\mitem \newpath
-Clear the path and the current point.
-\mitem \moveto(coor)
- This moves the current point to \c{}.
-\mitem \closepath
- This closes the path, joining the beginning and end of each piece (there may
-be more than one piece if you use \n\moveto).\footnote{%
-Note that the path is automatically closed when the region is filled. Use
-\n\closepath{} if you also want to close the boundary.}
-\mitem \stroke`[par]'
- This strokes the path (non-destructively). \n\pscustom{} automatically
-strokes the path, but you might want to stroke it twice, e.g., to add a
-border. Here is an example that makes a double line and adds a border (this
-example is kept so simple that it doesn't need \n\pscustom{} at all):
- \psline(0,3)(4,0)
- \pscustom[linecolor=white,linewidth=1.5pt]{%
- \psline(0,0)(4,3)
- \stroke[linewidth=5\pslinewidth]
- \stroke[linewidth=3\pslinewidth,linecolor=black]}
-\mitem \fill`[par]'
- This fills the region (non-destructively). \n\pscustom{} automatically fills
-the region as well.
-\mitem \gsave
- This saves the current graphics state (i.e., the path, color, line width,
-coordinate system, etc.) \n\grestore{} restores the graphics state. \n\gsave{}
-and \n\grestore{} must be used in pairs, properly nested with respect to \TeX{}
-groups. You can have have nested \n\gsave-\n\grestore{} pairs.
-\mitem \grestore
- See above.
-Here is an example that fixes an earlier example, using \n\gsave{} and
- \psline{<->}(0,3)(0,0)(4,0)
- \pscustom[linewidth=1.5pt]{
- \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{.67}{4}{2 x div}
- \gsave
- \psline(4,3)
- \fill[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]
- \grestore}
-Observe how the line added by "\psline(4,3)" is never stroked, because it is
-nested in "\gsave" and "\grestore".
-Here is another example:
- \pscustom[linewidth=1.5pt]{
- \pscurve(0,2)(1,2.5)(2,1.5)(4,3)
- \gsave
- \pscurve[liftpen=1](4,1)(3,0.5)(2,1)(1,0)(0,.5)
- \fill[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gray]
- \grestore}
- \pscurve[linewidth=1.5pt](4,1)(3,0.5)(2,1)(1,0)(0,.5)
-Note how I had to repeat the second \n\pscurve{} (I could have repeated it
-within \n\pscustom, with \p{liftpen=2}), because I wanted to draw a line
-between the two curves to enclose the region but I didn't want this line to be
-The next set of commands modify the coordinate system.
-\mitem \translate(coor)
- Translate coordinate system by \c{}. This shifts everything that comes later
-by \c{}, but doesn't affect what has already been drawn.
-\mitem \scale{num1 `num2'}
- Scale the coordinate system in both directions by <num1>, or horizontally by
-<num1> and vertically by <num2>.
-\mitem \rotate{angle}
- Rotate the coordinate system by <angle>.
-\mitem \swapaxes
- Switch the x and y coordinates. This is equivalent to
- \rotate{-90}
- \scale{-1 1 scale}
-\mitem \msave
- Save the current coordinate system. You can then restore it with
-\n\mrestore. You can have nested \n\msave-\n\mrestore{} pairs. \n\msave{} and
-\n\mrestore{} do not have to be properly nested with respect to \TeX{} groups or
-\n\gsave{} and \n\grestore. However, remember that \n\gsave{} and \n\grestore
-also affect the coordinate system. \n\msave-\n\mrestore{} lets you change the
-coordinate system while drawing part of a path, and then restore the old
-coordinate system without destroying the path. \n\gsave-\n\grestore, on the
-other hand, affect the path and all other componments of the graphics state.
-\mitem \mrestore
- See above.
-And now here are a few shadow tricks:
-\mitem \openshadow`[par]'
-Strokes a replica of the current path, using the various shadow parameters.
-\mitem \closedshadow`[par]'
-Makes a shadow of the region enclosed by the current path as if it were opaque
-\mitem \movepath(coor)
-Moves the path by \c{}. Use \n\gsave-\n\grestore{} if you don't want to lose
-the original path.
-\Section{Pretty safe tricks}
-The next group of commands are safe, \emph{as long as there is a current
-\mitem \lineto(coor)
- This is a quick version of "\psline(<coor>)".
-\mitem \rlineto(coor)
- This is like \n\lineto, but \c{} is interpreted relative to the current
-\mitem \curveto\c1\c2\c3
- This is a quick version of "\psbezier"\c1\c2\c3.
-\mitem \rcurveto\c1\c2\c3
- This is like \n\curveto, but \c1, \c2 and \c3 are interpreted relative to
-the current point.
-\Section{For hackers only}
-For PostScript hackers, there are a few more commands. Be sure to read
-Appendix \ref{S-raw} before using these. Needless to say:
-Misuse of the commands in this section can cause PostScript errors.
- The PostScript environment in effect with \n\pscustom{} has one unit equal to
-one \TeX{} "pt".
-\mitem \code{code}
- Insert the raw PostScript code.
-\mitem \dim{dim}
- Convert the PSTricks dimension to the number of "pt"'s, and inserts it in
-the PostScript code.
-\mitem \coor\c1`\c2...\cn'
-Convert one or more PSTricks coordinates to a pair of numbers (using "pt"
-units), and insert them in the PostScript code.
-\mitem \rcoor\c1`\c2...\cn'
-Like \n\coor, but insert the coordinates in reverse order.
-\mitem \file{file}
- This is like \n\code, but the raw PostScript is copied verbatim (except
-comments delimited by "%") from <file>.
-\mitem \arrows{arrows}
- This defines the PostScript operators "ArrowA" and "ArrowB" so that
- x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA
- x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowB
-each draws an arrow(head) with the tip at \c1 and pointing from \c2. "ArrowA"
-leaves the current point at end of the arrowhead, where a connect line should
-start, and leaves \c2 on the stack. "ArrowB" does not change the current
-point, but leaves
- x2 y2 x1' y1'
-on the stack, where \c{1'} is the point where a connecting line should join.
-To give an idea of how this work, the following is roughly how PSTricks draws
-a bezier curve with arrows at the end:
- \pscustom{
- \arrows{|->}
- \code{
- 80 140 5 5 ArrowA
- 30 -30 110 75 ArrowB
- curveto}}
-\mitem \setcolor{color}
- Set the color to <color>.
-%% END psd-cust.tex