path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/pstricks/psd-basi.tex
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-%% BEGIN psd-basi.tex
-\part{Basic graphics objects\label{P-graphics}}
-\Section{Lines and polygons\label{S-lines}}
-The objects in this section also use the following parameters:
- \pitem[linearc=dim] The radius of arcs drawn at the corners of lines by the
- \n\psline{} and \n\pspolygon{} graphics objects. <dim> should be positive.
- \pitem[framearc=num] In the \n\psframe{} and the related box framing macros,
- the radius of rounded corners is set, by default, to one-half <num> times
- the width or height of the frame, whichever is less. <num> should be between
- 0 and 1.
- \pitem[cornersize=relative/absolute] If \p{cornersize} is "relative", then
- the \p{framearc} parameter determines the radius of the rounded corners for
- \n\psframe, as described above (and hence the radius depends on the size of
- the frame). If \p{cornersize} is "absolute", then the \p{linearc} parameter
- determines the radius of the rounded corners for \n\psframe{} (and hence the
- radius is of constant size).
-Now here are the lines and polygons:
-\oitem \psline`{arrows}(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1)`\ldots(\x n,\y n)'
- This draws a line through the list of coordinates. For example:
- \psline[linewidth=2pt,linearc=.25]{->}(4,2)(0,1)(2,0)
-\mitem \qline(coor0)(coor1)
- This is a streamlined version of \n\psline{} that does not pay attention to
-the \p{arrows} parameter, and that can only draw a single line segment. Note
-that both coordinates are obligatory, and there is no optional argument for
-setting parameters (use \n\psset{} if you need to change the \p{linewidth}, or
-whatever). For example:
- \qline(0,0)(2,1)
-\oitem \pspolygon`(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1)(\x2,\y2)`\ldots(\x n,\y n)'
- This is similar to \n\psline, but it draws a closed path. For example:
- \pspolygon[linewidth=1.5pt](0,2)(1,2)
- \pspolygon*[linearc=.2,linecolor=darkgray](1,0)(1,2)(4,0)(4,2)
-\oitem \psframe`(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1)
- \n\psframe{} draws a rectangle with opposing corners \c0 and \c1. For
- \psframe[linewidth=2pt,framearc=.3,fillstyle=solid,
- fillcolor=lightgray](4,2)
- \psframe*[linecolor=white](1,.5)(2,1.5)
-\oitem \psdiamond`\c0'\c1
- \n\psdiamond{} draws a diamond centered at \c0, and with the half width and
-height equal to \x1\ and \y1, respectively.
- \psdiamond[framearc=.3,fillstyle=solid,
- fillcolor=lightgray](2,1)(1.5,1)
-The diamond is rotated about the center by
- \Par{gangle=gangle}
-\oitem \pstriangle`\c0'\c1
- \n\pstriangle{} draws an isosceles triangle with the base centered at \c0,
-and with width (base) and height equal to \x1{} and \y1, respectively.
- \pstriangle*[gangle=10](2,.5)(4,1)
-\Section{Arcs, circles and ellipses}
-\oitem \pscircle`(\x0,\y0)'{radius}
-This draws a circle whose center is at \c0 and that has radius <radius>. For
- \pscircle[linewidth=2pt](.5,.5){1.5}
-\mitem \qdisk(coor){radius}
- This is a streamlined version of \n{\pscircle*}. Note that the two arguments
-are obligatory and there is no parameters arguments. To change the color of
-the disks, you have to use \n\psset:
- \psset{linecolor=gray}
- \qdisk(2,3){4pt}
-\oitem \pswedge`(\x0,\y0)'{radius}{angle1}{angle2}
- This draws a wedge whose center is at \c0, that has radius <radius>, and
-that extends counterclockwise from <angle1> to <angle2>. The angles must be
-specified in degrees. For example:
- \pswedge[linecolor=gray,linewidth=2pt,fillstyle=solid]{2}{0}{70}
-\oitem \psellipse`(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1)
-\c0 is the center of the ellipse, and \x1 and \y1 are the horizontal and
-vertical radii, respectively. For example:
-% D.G. modification begin - Mar. 3, 2003
-% D.G. modification end
- \psellipse[fillcolor=lightgray](.5,0)(1.5,1)
-\oitem \psarc`{arrows}\c~'{radius}{angleA}{angleB}
- This draws an arc from <angleA> to <angleB>, going counter clockwise, for a
-circle of radius <radius> and centered at \c{}. You must include either the
-{arrows} argument or the \c{} argument. For example:
- \psarc*[showpoints=true](1.5,1.5){1.5}{215}{0}
-See how \p{showpoints=true} draws a dashed line from the center to the arc;
-this is useful when composing pictures.
-\n\psarc{} also uses the parameters:
- <angleA> is adjusted so that the arc would just touch a line of width <dim>
-that extended from the center of the arc in the direction of <angleA>.
-\pitem[arcsepB=dim](0pt) This is like \p{arcsepA}, but <angleB> is adjusted.
-\pitem[arcsep=dim] This just sets both \p{arcsepA} and \p{arcsepB}.
-These parameters make it easy to draw two intersecting lines and then use
-\n\psarc{} with arrows to indicate the angle between them. For example:
- \SpecialCoor
- \psline[linewidth=2pt](4;50)(0,0)(4;10)
- \psarc[arcsepB=2pt]{->}{3}{10}{50}
-\oitem \psarcn`{arrows}\c~'{radius}{angleA}{angleB}
- This is like \n\psarc, but the arc is drawn \emph{clockwise}. You can achieve
-the same effect using \n\psarc{} by switching <angleA> and <angleB> and the
-However, with \n\pscustom{} graphics object, described in Part \ref{P-custom},
-\n\psarcn{} is not redundant.}
-\oitem \psellipticarc`{arrows}(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1){angleA}{angleB}
- This draws an elliptic from <angleA> to <angleB>, going counter clockwise,
-with \c0 the center of the ellipse and \x1 and \y1 the horizontal and
-vertical radii, respectively. For example:
- \psellipticarc[showpoints=true,arrowscale=2]{->}(.5,0)(1.5,1){215}{0}
-See how \p{showpoints=true} draws a dashed line from the center to the arc;
-this is useful when composing pictures.
-Like \n\psarc, \n\psellipticarc{} use the \p{arcsep}/\p{arcsepA}/\p{arcsepB}
-Unlike \n\psarc, \n\psellipticarc use the
-\p{dimen}=\p{inner}/\p{middle}/\p{outer} parameter.
-\oitem \psellipticarcn`{arrows}(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1){angleA}{angleB}
- This is like \n\psellipticarc, but the arc is drawn \emph{clockwise}. You can
-achieve the same effect using \n\psellipticarc{} by switching <angleA> and
-<angleB> and the arrows.\footnote{%
-However, with \n\pscustom{} graphics object, described in Part \ref{P-custom},
-\n\psellipticarcn{} is not redundant.}
-\oitem \psbezier`{arrows}(\x0,\y0)'(\x1,\y1)(\x2,\y2)(\x3,\y3)
- \n\psbezier{} draws a bezier curve with the four control points. The curve
-starts at the first coordinate, tangent to the line connecting to the second
-coordinate. It ends at the last coordinate, tangent to the line connecting to
-the third coordinate. The second and third coordinates, in addition to
-determining the tangency of the curve at the endpoints, also ``pull'' the
-curve towards themselves. For example:
- \psbezier[linewidth=2pt,showpoints=true]{->}(0,0)(1,4)(2,1)(4,3.5)
-\p{showpoints=true} puts dots in all the control points, and connects them by
-dashed lines, which is useful when adjusting your bezier curve.
-\oitem \parabola`{arrows}'\c0\c1
- Starting at \c0, \n\parabola{} draws the parabola that passes through \c0 and
-whose maximum or minimum is \c1. For example:
- \parabola*(1,1)(2,3)
- \psset{xunit=.01}
- \parabola{<->}(400,3)(200,0)
-The next three graphics objects interpolate an open or closed curve through
-the given points. The curve at each interior point is perpendicular to the
-line bisecting the angle ABC, where B is the interior point, and A and C are
-the neighboring points. Scaling the coordinates \emph{does not} cause the curve
-to scale proportionately.
-The curvature is controlled by the following parameter:
-\pitem[curvature=num1 num2 num3]
- You have to just play around with this parameter to get what you want.
-Individual values outside the range -1 to 1 are either ignored or are for
-entertainment only. Below is an explanation of what each number does. A, B and
-C refer to three consecutive points.
- Lower values of <num1> make the curve tighter.
- Lower values of <num2> tighten the curve where the angle ABC is greater than
-45 degrees, and loosen the curve elsewhere.
- <num3> determines the slope at each point. If <num3>=0, then the curve is
-perpendicular at B to the bisection of ABC. If <num3>=-1, then the curve at B
-is parallel to the line AC. With this value (and only this value), scaling the
-coordinates causes the curve to scale proportionately. However, positive
-values can look better with irregularly spaced coordinates. Values less than
--1 or greater than 2 are converted to -1 and 2, respectively.
-Here are the three curve interpolation macros:
-\oitem \pscurve`{arrows}'\c1`\ldots\cn'
- This interpolates an open curve through the points. For example:
- \pscurve[showpoints=true]{<->}(0,1.3)(0.7,1.8)
- (3.3,0.5)(4,1.6)(0.4,0.4)
-Note the use of \p{showpoints=true} to see the points. This is helpful when
-constructing a curve.
-\oitem \psecurve`{arrows}'\c1`\ldots\cn']
- This is like \n\pscurve, but the curve is not extended to the first and last
-points. This gets around the problem of trying to determine how the curve
-should join the first and last points. The "e" has something to do with
-``endpoints''. For example:
-% D.G. modification begin - Mar. 3, 2003
-% D.G. modification end
- \psecurve[showpoints=true](.125,8)(.25,4)(.5,2)
- (1,1)(2,.5)(4,.25)(8,.125)
-\oitem \psccurve`{arrows}'\c1`\ldots\cn'
-This interpolates a closed curve through the points. "c" stands for
-``closed''. For example:
- \psccurve[showpoints=true]
- (.5,0)(3.5,1)(3.5,0)(.5,1)
-The graphics objects
- \object \psdot`*[par](\x1,y1)'
- \object \psdots`*[par]'(\x1,\y1)`(\x2,\y2)\ldots(\x n,\y n)'
-put a dot at each coordinate.
-What a ``dot'' is depends on the value of the
- \Par{dotstyle=style}
-parameter. This also determines the dots you get when \p{showpoints=true}.
-The dot styles are also pretty intuitive:%
- \psset{fillcolor=lightgray}
- \def\mydots#1{%
- \psdots[dotstyle=#1](.1,1ex)(.55,1ex)(1,1ex)(1.45,1ex)(1.9,1ex)}%
- \hfill
- \begin{tabular}{cl}%
- \emph{Style} & \hbox to 2cm{\emph{Example}\hss} \\[2pt]
- "*" & \mydots{*}\\
- "o" & \mydots{o}\\
- "Bo" & \mydots{Bo}\\
- "x" & \mydots{x}\\
- "+" & \mydots{+}\\
- "B+" & \mydots{B+}\\
- "asterisk" & \mydots{asterisk}\\
- "Basterisk" & \mydots{Basterisk}\\
- "oplus" & \mydots{oplus}\\
- "otimes" & \mydots{otimes}\\
- "|" & \mydots{|}\\
- "B|" & \mydots{B|}
- \end{tabular}%
- \hfill
- \begin{tabular}{cl}
- \emph{Style} & \hbox to 2cm{\emph{Example}\hss} \\[2pt]
- "square" & \mydots{square}\\
- "Bsquare" & \mydots{Bsquare}\\
- "square*" & \mydots{square*}\\
- "diamond" & \mydots{diamond}\\
- "diamond*" & \mydots{diamond*}\\
- "triangle" & \mydots{triangle}\\
- "Btriangle" & \mydots{Btriangle}\\
- "triangle*" & \mydots{triangle*}\\
- "pentagon" & \mydots{pentagon}\\
- "Bpentagon" & \mydots{Bpentagon}\\
- "pentagon*" & \mydots{pentagon*}\\
- \end{tabular}%
- \hfill}%
- {\large\textbf{Dot styles}}\par
- \leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\unhbox\dottable}}
- \leavevmode
- \hbox to \hsize{\unhcopy\dottable}%
-Except for "diamond", the center of dot styles with a hollow center is colored
-Here are the parameters for changing the size and orientation of the dots:
-\pitem[dotsize=dim `num']
- The diameter of a circle or disc is <dim> plus <num> times \p{linewidth}
-(if the optional <num> is included). The size of the other dots styles is
-similar (except for the size of the "|" dot style, which is set by the
-\p{tbarsize} parameter described on page \pageref{p+tbarsize}).
-\pitem[dotscale=num1 `num2']
-The dots are scaled horizontally by <num1> and vertically by <num2>. If you
-only include <num1>, the arrows are scaled by <num1> in both directions.
- After setting the size and scaling the dots, the dots are rotated by <angle>.
-PSTricks has a powerful macro for making grids and graph paper:
- \Mac \psgrid`(\x0,\y0)(\x1,\y1)(\x2,\y2)'
-\n\psgrid{} draws a grid with opposing corners \c1 and \c2. The intervals are
-numbered, with the numbers positioned at \x0 and \y0. The coordinates are
-always interpreted as Cartesian coordinates. For example:
- \psgrid(0,0)(-1,-1)(3,2)
-(Note that the coordinates and label positioning work the same as with
-The main grid divisions occur on multiples of \p{xunit} and \p{yunit}.
-Subdivisions are allowed as well. Generally, the coordinates would be given as
-integers, without units.
-If the \c0 coordinate is omitted, \c1 is used. The default for \c1 is "(0,0)".
-If you don't give any coordinates at all, then the coordinates of the current
-\n\pspicture{} environment are used or a 10x10 grid is drawn. Thus, you can
-include a \n\psgrid{} command without coordinates in a \n\pspicture\
-environment to get a grid that will help you position objects in the picture.
-The main grid divisions are numbered, with the numbers drawn next to the
-vertical line at \x0 (away from \x2) and next to the horizontal line at \x1
-(away from \y2). \c1 can be any corner of the grid, as long as \c2 is the
-opposing corner, you can position the labels on any side you want. For
-example, compare
- \psgrid(0,0)(4,1)
- \psgrid(4,1)(0,0)
-The following parameters apply only to \n\psgrid:
- The width of grid lines.
- The color of grid lines.
- If <num> is positive, the grid lines are dotted, with <num> dots per
- The size of the numbers used to mark the grid.
- The color of the grid numbers.
- The number of grid subdivisions.
- The width of subgrid lines.
- The color of subgrid lines.
- Like \p{griddots}, but for subdivisions.
-Here is a familiar looking grid which illustrates some of the parameters:
- \psgrid[subgriddiv=1,griddots=10,gridlabels=7pt](-1,-1)(3,1)
-Note that the values of \p{xunit} and \p{yunit} are important parameters for
-\n\psgrid, because they determine the spacing of the divisions. E.g., if the
-value of these is "1pt", and then you type
- \psgrid(0,0)(10in,10in)
-you will get a grid with 723 main divisions and 3615 subdivisions! (Actually,
-\n\psgrid{} allows at most 500 divisions or subdivisions, to limit the damage
-done by this kind of mistake.) Probably you want to set \p{unit} to ".5in" or
-"1in", as in
- \psgrid[unit=.5in](0,0)(20,20)
-The plotting commands described in this part are defined in
-"pst-plot.tex" / "pst-plot.sty", which you must load first.
-The \n\psdots, \n\psline, \n\pspolygon, \n\pscurve, \n\psecurve{} and
-\n\psccurve{} graphics objects let you plot data in a variety of ways. However,
-first you have to generate the data and enter it as coordinate pairs \c{}.
-The plotting macros in this section give you other ways to get and use the
-data. (Section \ref{S-axes} tells you how to generate axes.)
-To parameter
- \Par{plotstyle=style}
-determines what kind of plot you get. Valid styles are "dots", "line",
-"polygon", "curve", "ecurve", "ccurve". E.g., if the \p{plotstyle} is
-"polygon", then the macro becomes a variant of the \n\pspolygon{} object.
-You can use arrows with the plot styles that are open curves, but there is no
-optional argument for specifying the arrows. You have to use the \p{arrows}
-parameter instead.
-No PostScript error checking is provided for the data arguments. Read Appendix
-\ref{S-raw} before including PostScript code in the arguments.
-There are system-dependent limits on the amount of data \TeX{} and PostScript
-can handle. You are much less likely to exceed the PostScript limits when you
-use the "line", "polygon" or "dots" plot style, with \p{showpoints=false},
-\p{linearc=0pt}, and no arrows.
-Note that the lists of data generated or used by the plot commands cannot
-contain units. The values of \n\psxunit{} and \n\psyunit{} are used as the unit.
-\oitem \fileplot{file}
-\n\fileplot{} is the simplest of the plotting functions to use. You just need a
-file that contains a list of coordinates (without units), such as generated by
-Mathematica or other mathematical packages. The data can be delimited by curly
-braces "{"~"}", parentheses "("~")", commas, and/or white space. Bracketing
-all the data with square brackets "[ ]" will significantly speed up the rate
-at which the data is read, but there are system-dependent limits on how much
-data \TeX{} can read like this in one chunk. (The "[" \emph{must} go at the
-beginning of a line.) The file should not contain anything else (not even
-"\endinput"), except for comments marked with "%".
-\n\fileplot{} only recognizes the "line", "polygon" and "dots" plot styles, and
-it ignores the \p{arrows}, \p{linearc} and \p{showpoints} parameters. The
-\n\listplot{} command, described below, can also plot data from file, without
-these restrictions and with faster \TeX{} processing. However, you are less
-likely to exceed PostScript's memory or operand stack limits with \n\fileplot.
-If you find that it takes \TeX{} a long time to process your \n\fileplot\
-command, you may want to use the \n\PSTtoEPS{} command described on page
-\pageref{+PSTtoEPS}. This will also reduce \TeX's memory requirements.
-\oitem \dataplot{commands}
-\n\dataplot{} is also for plotting lists of data generated by other programs,
-but you first have to retrieve the data with one of the following commands:
- \object \savedata{command}[data]
- \object \readdata{command}{file}
-<data> or the data in <file> should conform to the rules described above for
-the data in \n\fileplot{} (with \n\savedata, the data must be delimited by
-"["~"]", and with \n\readdata, bracketing the data with "["~"]" speeds things
-up). You can concatenate and reuse lists, as in
- \readdata{\foo}{}
- \readdata{\bar}{}
- \dataplot{\foo\bar}
- \dataplot[origin={0,1}]{\bar}
-The \n\readdata{} and \n\dataplot{} combination is faster than \n\fileplot{}
-if you reuse the data. \n\fileplot{} uses less of \TeX's memory than
-\n\readdata{} and \n\dataplot{} if you are also use \n\PSTtoEPS.
-Here is a plot of "Integral(sin(x))". The data was generated by Mathematica,
- Table[{x,N[SinIntegral[x]]},{x,0,20}]
-and then copied to this document.
- \psset{xunit=.2cm,yunit=1.5cm}
- \savedata{\mydata}[
- {{0, 0}, {1., 0.946083}, {2., 1.60541}, {3., 1.84865}, {4., 1.7582},
- {5., 1.54993}, {6., 1.42469}, {7., 1.4546}, {8., 1.57419},
- {9., 1.66504}, {10., 1.65835}, {11., 1.57831}, {12., 1.50497},
- {13., 1.49936}, {14., 1.55621}, {15., 1.61819}, {16., 1.6313},
- {17., 1.59014}, {18., 1.53661}, {19., 1.51863}, {20., 1.54824}}]
- \dataplot[plotstyle=curve,showpoints=true,
- dotstyle=triangle]{\mydata}
- \psline{<->}(0,2)(0,0)(20,0)
-\oitem \listplot{list}
-\n\listplot{} is yet another way of plotting lists of data. This time, <list>
-should be a list of data (coordinate pairs), delimited only by white space.
-<list> is first expanded by \TeX{} and then by PostScript. This means that
-<list> might be a PostScript program that leaves on the stack a list of data,
-but you can also include data that has been retrieved with \n\readdata{} and
-\n\dataplot. However, when using the "line", "polygon" or "dots" plotstyles
-with \p{showpoints=false}, \p{linearc=0pt} and no arrows, \n\dataplot{} is much
-less likely than \n\listplot{} to exceed PostScript's memory or stack limits.
-In the preceding example, these restrictions were not satisfied, and so the
-example is equivalent to when \n\listplot{} is used:
- ...
- \listplot[plotstyle=curve,showpoints=true,
- dotstyle=triangle]{\mydata}
- ...
-\oitem \psplot{$x_!\min@$}{$x_!\max@$}{function}
- \n\psplot{} can be used to plot a function $f(x)$, if you know a little
-PostScript. <function> should be the PostScript code for calculating $f(x)$.
-Note that you must use $x$ as the dependent variable. PostScript is not
-designed for scientific computation, but \n\psplot{} is good for graphing
-simple functions right from within \TeX. E.g.,
- \psplot[plotpoints=200]{0}{720}{x sin}
-plots $\sin(x)$ from 0 to 720 degrees, by calculating $\sin(x)$ roughly every
-3.6 degrees and then connecting the points with \n\psline. Here are plots of
-$\sin(x)\cos((x/2)^2)$ and $\sin^2(x)$:
- \psset{xunit=1.2pt}
- \psplot[linecolor=gray,linewidth=1.5pt,plotstyle=curve]%
- {0}{90}{x sin dup mul}
- \psplot[plotpoints=100]{0}{90}{x sin x 2 div 2 exp cos mul}
- \psline{<->}(0,-1)(0,1)
- \psline{->}(100,0)
-\oitem \parametricplot{$t_!\min@$}{$t_!\max@$}{function}
-This is for a parametric plot of $(x(t),y(t))$. <function> is the PostScript
-code for calculating the pair $x(t)$ $y(t)$.
-For example,
- \parametricplot[plotstyle=dots,plotpoints=13]%
- {-6}{6}{1.2 t exp 1.2 t neg exp}
-plots 13 points from the hyperbola $xy=1$, starting with $(1.2^{-6},1.2^6)$
-and ending with $(1.2^6,1.2^{-6})$.
-Here is a parametric plot of $(\sin(t),\sin(2t))$:
- \psset{xunit=1.7cm}
- \parametricplot[linewidth=1.2pt,plotstyle=ccurve]%
- {0}{360}{t sin t 2 mul sin}
- \psline{<->}(0,-1.2)(0,1.2)
- \psline{<->}(-1.2,0)(1.2,0)
-The number of points that the \n\psplot{} and \n\parametricplot{} commands
-calculate is set by the
- \Par{plotpoints=int}
-parameter. Using "curve" or its variants instead of "line" and increasing the
-value of \p{plotpoints} are two ways to get a smoother curve. Both ways
-increase the imaging time. Which is better depends on the complexity of the
-computation. (Note that all PostScript lines are ultimately rendered as a
-series (perhaps short) line segments.) Mathematica generally uses "lineto" to
-connect the points in its plots. The default minimum number of plot points for
-Mathematica is 25, but unlike \n\psplot{} and \n\parametricplot, Mathematica
-increases the sampling frequency on sections of the curve with greater
-%% END psd-basi.tex