path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/knuth/errata/errata.three
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/knuth/errata/errata.three')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1898 deletions
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-% Bugs (sigh) in Computers \& Typesetting
-\input manmac
-\output{\hsize=29pc \onepageout{\unvbox255\kern-\dimen@ \vfil}}
-\def\rhead{Bugs in {\tensl Computers \& Typesetting}}
-\def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint
- \hrule width\hsize
- \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
- \nobreak\medskip}
-\def\buginvol#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\penalty-1000\tenpoint
- \hrule width\hsize
- \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Volume #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
- \nobreak\medskip}
-\def\slMF{{\manual 89:;}\-{\manual <=>:}} % slant the logo
-\newdimen\nsize \newdimen\msize \newdimen\ninept \ninept=9pt
-\newbox\eqbox \setbox\eqbox=\hbox{\kern2pt\eightrm=\kern2pt}
-\noindent This is a list of all corrections made to {\sl Computers \&
-Typesetting}, Volumes A--E\null, between the date of publication
-(May, 1986) and 15~June 1987.
-It also includes corrections made to
-the softcover version of {\sl The \TeX book}, beginning with the
-sixth printing (January 1986); these are the same as corrections to
-Volume~A\null. Corrections to the softcover version of {\sl The
-\slMF\kern1ptbook\/} are the same as corrections to Volume~C\null.
- % volume A
-\bugonpage A7, fourth line from the bottom (6/28/86)
-since control sequences of the second kind always have exactly one
-symbol after}
-\bugonpage A35, second-last line (1/31/87)
-\rightline{\eightssi He may run who reads.}
-\rightline{\eightss--- HABAKKUK 2\thinspace:\thinspace2 (c.~600 B.C.)}
-\rightline{\eightssi He that runs may read.}
-\bugonpage A43, lines 8--9 (8/23/86)
-of Appendix B\null, which defines |%| to be a special kind of symbol so that you
-can use it for comments, defines the control sequence |\%| to mean
-a percent sign.
-\bugonpage A45, lines 10--13 (8/23/86)
-\TeX\ adds~64. Hence
-code 127 can be typed |^^?|, and
-the dangerous bend sign can be obtained by saying
-|{\manual^^?}|. However, you must change the category code of character
-127 before using it, since this character ordinarily has category~15
-(^{invalid}); say, e.g., |\catcode`\^^?=12|.
-The |^^| notation is different from |\char|, because |^^|\cutpar
-\bugonpage A76, line 7 (8/23/86)
-and extra space; for example, these quantities are
-$3.33333\pt$, $1.66666\pt$, $1.11111\pt$,\cutpar
-\bugonpage A83, bottom line (5/19/87)
-\tenpoint\noindent[This line should be flush right.]
-\bugonpage A111, 7th-last line, right-hand column (2/15/87)
-if $b=10000$ and $-10000<p<10000$ and $q<10000$;
-\bugonpage A117, second-last line (6/10/87)
-marks; sometimes also |$\|\||$| ($\Vert$).
-You can say, e.g., `|\footnote\dag{...}|'.
-\bugonpage A124, lines 6--11 (2/26/87)
-\begingroup \def\n{\thinspace$n$}
-of insertion; an additional `|\penalty-10000|' item is assumed
-to be present at the end of the vertical list, to ensure that a legal
-breakpoint exists.) \ Let $u$ be the natural height plus depth of that
-least-cost box, and let $r$ be the penalty associated with the optimum
-breakpoint. Decrease $g$ by~$uf$, and increase $q$ by~$r$. \ (If
-|\tracingpages||=1|, the log file should now get a cryptic message that says
-`|% split|\n\ |to| $v$|,|$u$ |p=|$r$'. For~example,
-% split254 to 180.2,175.3 p=100
-\bugonpage A158, lines 6--8 (2/20/87)
-\ninepoint\noindent the
-second atom, which has subscript~$i$; the superscripts are empty except for the
-last atom, whose superscript is~$\overline{n+1}$. This superscript is
-itself a math list consisting of one atom, whose nucleus is~$n+1$; and that
-nucleus is a math list consisting of three atoms.
-\bugonpage A171, line 20 (1/26/86)
-will be surrounded by more space than there would be
-if that subformula were enclosed}
-\bugonpage A176, line 1 (8/23/86)
-You can insert `|\noalign||{|$\langle$vertical mode
-material$\rangle$|}|' just after any \kern-1pt|\cr| within\cutpar
-\bugonpage A248, line 17 (6/17/86)
-`|&|' or `|\span|' or `|\cr|', it needs some way to decide which
-alignment is involved.\cutpar
-\bugonpage A249, line 20 (6/17/86)
-line (see Chapter~8).
-If you don't want a~|\cr| at the end of a certain line,
-just type\cutpar
-\bugonpage A276, line 19 (1/27/86)
- \alt^|\font|<control sequence><equals><file name><at clause>
- \alt<global assignment>
-[The bottom line of p.~276 will now move to the top of p.~277.]
-\bugonpage A277, lines 31--32 (1/27/86)
-<font assignment>\is^|\fontdimen|<number><font><equals><dimen>
-\bugonpage A286, sixth-last line (4/28/87)
-|\sfcode| table as described in Chapter~12; characters numbered 128
-to~255 set the\cutpar
-\bugonpage A287, line 19 (2/15/87)
-This ``discretionary hyphen'' command is defined in Appendix H.
-\bugonpage A292, lines 9--10 (2/15/87)
-This command is usually equivalent to `|\discretionary{-}{}{}|'; the `|-|' is
-therefore interpreted as a ^{hyphen}, not as a minus sign.
-\ (See Appendix~H.)
-\bugonpage A308, lines 25--26 (6/1/87)
-| \expandafter\gobble\string#2\romannumeral#3\endcsname}}|
-\bugonpage A312, lines 10--14 (8/23/86)
-\ansno12.11: The interline glue will be zero, and the natural height is
-$1+1-3+2=1\pt$ (because the depth of\/ |\box2| isn't included in the natural
-height); so the glue will ultimately become |\vskip-1pt| when it's set.
-Thus, |\box3| is $3\pt$ high, $2\pt$ deep, $4\pt$ wide. Its reference
-point coincides with that of\/ |\box2|; to get to the reference point
-of\/ |\box1| you go up $2\pt$ and right $3\pt$.
-\bugonpage A312, line 21 (8/23/86)
-up $4\pt$ to get to the upper left corner of
-|\box4|; then down $-1.6\pt$, i.e., up $1.6\pt$, to\cutpar
-\bugonpage A319, line 20 (31/3/87)
-make ordinary periods act like |\cdot| symbols: Just define
-|\mathcode`.| to be |"0201|,\cutpar
-\bugonpage A328, lines 18--19 (5/14/87)
-not performed
-while the expansion is taking place, and the control sequences following
-|\def| are expanded; so the result is an infinite string
-A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A\def A...
-\bugonpage A329, lines 14--15 (8/23/86)
-\ansno20.5: The |##| feature is indispensable when the replacement text of
-a definition contains other definitions. For example, consider
-\bugonpage A356, lines 6--7 (1/30/87)
-| \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em\relax}|\hfil\break
-|\def\ttraggedright{\tt\rightskip=0pt plus2em\relax}|
-\bugonpage A356, line 33 (6/1/87)
-| \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char'26}\vss}\hidewidth}}|
-\bugonpage A357, tenth-last line (10/13/86)
-|\let\sp=^ \let\sb=_ {\catcode`\_=\active \global\let_=\_}|
-\bugonpage A357, third-last and second-last lines (2/17/87)
-|\def\pr@m@s{\ifx'\next\let\nxt\pr@@@s \else\ifx^\next\let\nxt\pr@@@t|%
-| \else\let\nxt\egroup\fi\fi \nxt}|
-\bugonpage A364, fifth-last line (1/30/87)
-|\def\fmtname{plain}\def\fmtversion{2.3} % identifies the current format|
-\bugonpage A368, bottom line (2/26/86)
-\line{that includes the symbols
-{\tentex\char'30},~{\tentex\char1}, {\tentex\char'32}, {\tentex\char'34},
-and~{\tentex\char'35}, and he finds that this makes it much more}
-\bugonpage A396, line 13 (8/23/86)
-| \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=10000|
-\bugonpage A414, line 10 (3/4/86)
-|\font\titlefont=cmssdc10 at 40pt % titles in chapter openings|
-\bugonpage A427, line 7 (2/23/86)
-the author's book
-{\sl Computer Modern Typefaces}.)
-\bugonpage A428, lines 18--20 (6/15/87)
-The first eight of these all have essentially the same layout;
-but |cmr5| needs no ligatures, and many of the symbols of |cmti10|
-have different shapes.
-For example, the ^{ampersand} becomes an `^{E.T.}', and the
-^{dollar} changes to ^{pound} ^{sterling}:
-\bugonpage A434, lines 25--28 (8/17/86)
-from |\nu|~($\nu$). Similarly,
-|\varsigma|~($\varsigma$) should not be confused with |\zeta|~($\zeta$).
-It turns out that |\varsigma| and |\upsilon| are almost never used in
-math formulas; they are included in plain \TeX\ primarily because they are
-sometimes needed in short Greek citations (cf.~Appendix~J).
-\bugonpage A447, line 32 (6/1/87)
-also affect mathematical typesetting:
-dimension parameters
- \hbox{|\delimitershortfall|}\cutpar
-\bugonpage A455, new paragraph to follow line 9 (2/15/87)
-\hyphenpenalty=-1000 \pretolerance=-1 \tolerance=1000
-\doublehyphendemerits=-100000 \finalhyphendemerits=-100000
-\ddanger The control sequence ^|\-| is equivalent to
-|\discretionary{\char|$\,h$|}{}{}|, where $h$ is the
-^|\hyphenchar| of the current font, provided that $h$ lies
-between 0 and~255. Otherwise |\-| is equivalent to |\discretionary{}{}{}|.
-\endgroup % end the special hyphenation conventions
-\bugonpage A457, left column, fifth-last line (2/17/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\qquad 155, 201, {\it 305}, 324, $\underline{357}$, 394--395;
-\bugonpage A458, left column, line 6 (2/15/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt\char`\\-} (discretionary hyphen), 95, 283, 287,\par
-\indent\qquad 292, $\underline{455}$.
-\bugonpage A458, left column, near the bottom (5/19/87)
-\eightpoint {\tt!} (exclamation point), 51,
-{\it 72}, 73, 75, {\it 169}.
-\nobreak\medskip\noindent[This saves a line that otherwise would make
-the index too long on page 481!]
-\bugonpage A458, right column, line 10 (11/27/86)
-\eightpoint {\tt\char`\~}
-(tilde), 38, 51, 343, $\underline{353}$; {\sl see also\/} ties.
-\bugonpage A458, right column (6/14/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt\char`\\accent} (general accent), 9, 54, 86, 283, $\underline{286}$.
-\bugonpage A461, entry for boxes (3/16/87)
-\eightpoint boxes, 63--67, 77--83, 221--229.
-\bugonpage A461, entry for {\tt\char`\\centering} (1/28/86)
-\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\centering}, $\underline{347}$, 348, 362.
-\bugonpage A462, entry for \<code assignment> (1/27/86)
-\eightpoint \<code assignment>, $\underline{277}$.
-\bugonpage A464, left column, line 3 (2/15/87)
-discretionary hyphens, 28, 95--96, 453, $\underline{455}$.
-\bugonpage A465, right column, line 8 (5/3/87)
-expansion of expandable tokens, 212--216, 238,
-\bugonpage A466, entry for {\tt\char`\\font}, second line (1/27/86)
-\eightpoint \indent\qquad 271, $\underline{276}$.
-\bugonpage A466, new entry (2/3/87)
-\eightpoint \indent\<fontdef token>, $\underline{271}$.
-\bugonpage A467, entry for {\tt\char`\\hideskip} (1/28/86)
-\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\hideskip}, $\underline{347}$, 348, 354.
-\bugonpage A468, left column line 2 (2/15/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\qquad 351, 395, {\it 414}, 454, 455.
-\bugonpage A470, entry for {\tt manfnt} (1/15/86)
-\eightpoint {\tt manfnt}, 44, 408, 414.
-\bugonpage A471, entry for {\tt\char`\\medbreak} (10/13/86)
-\eightpoint {\tt\char`\\medbreak}, 111, 113, $\underline{353}$,
- {\it355}, {\it419}, {\it422}.
-\bugonpage A471, entry for {\tt\char`\\moveright} (2/27/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt\char`\\moveright}, 80--81, {\it 221}, $\underline{282}$.
-\bugonpage A471, entry for Mozart, second line (3/19/86)
-\eightpoint \indent\qquad Gottlieb (= Theophilus = Amadeus), 409.
-\bugonpage A472, the entry for {\tt\char`\\not} (2/12/87)
-[The overprinting here is intentional, since {\tt\char`\\not} is a
-character of width zero. More than a dozen people have reported this
-as an error, but it is not!]
-\bugonpage A477, entry for {\tt\char`\\span} (5/3/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt\char`\\span}, 215, 238, $\underline{243}$, {\it244}, $\underline{245}$,
-248, 249,\par
-\indent\qquad 282, {\it330}, 385.
-\bugonpage A479, entry for ties, second line (11/27/86)
-\eightpoint \indent\qquad {\it173}, 353, {\it404}.
-\bugonpage A480, changes to various entries (6/14/87)
-\newbox\astbox \setbox\astbox=\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}
-\prim{underline}, {\it130--131}, 141, 291, $\underline{443}$.
-\prim{unhbox}, 120, 283, $\underline{285}$, {\it354}, {\it356}, {\it361},
- {\it399}.
-\prim{unhcopy}, 120, 283, $\underline{285}$, {\it353}.
-\prim{unkern}, $\underline{280}$.
-\prim{unpenalty}, $\underline{280}$.
-\prim{unskip}, 222--223, $\underline{280}$, 286, {\it313}, {\it392},
- {\it418--419}.
-\prim{unvbox}, 120, 254, $\underline{282}$, 286, {\it354}, {\it361},
- {\it363}, {\it364}, {\it392}, {\it399}, {\it417}.
-\prim{unvcopy}, 120, $\underline{282}$, 286, {\it361}.
-\prim{vadjust}, 95, 105, 109, 110, 117, 259, $\underline{281}$, 393, 454.
-\prim{valign}, 249, 283, $\underline{285}$--$\underline{286}$, 302,
- {\it335}, {\it397}.
-\prim{vcenter}, 150--151, 159, 170, 193, 222, 242,
-\prim{vfil}, 71, $\underline{72}$, 111, 256, 281, 286, 417.
-\prim{vfill}, 24, 25, 71, $\underline{72}$, 256--257, 281, 286.
-\prim{vfilneg}, $\underline{72}$, 111, 281, 286.\par
-|\voidb@x|, $\underline{347}$, 348.
-\bugonpage A481, left column (6/14/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt\char`\\vss}, 71, $\underline{72}$, {\it 255}, 281, 286.
- % volume B
-\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
-\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode
-\buginvol B, in general (7/28/86)
-[A number of entries were mistakenly omitted from the mini-indexes
-on the right-hand pages. Here is a combined list of all the missing
-items; you can mount it inside the back cover, say, as a secondary mini-index
-when the first one fails\dots\ ]
-\setbox0=\vbox{\eightpoint \hsize=11pc \catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_
- \rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt
- \pretolerance 10000
- \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
- \noindent\vbox to1pt{}\par % 1pt = \topskip - \ninept
- \def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
- \obeylines
- \def\makeref #1 #2 #3#4
- {\nn=#2 \hangindent=1em \noindent\\{#1}%
- \if#3:: \else\unhcopy\eqbox \fi#4, \S\number\nn.\par}
- \makeref active_base 222 =$1$
- \makeref aux 213 =macro
- \makeref begin_name 515 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref big_switch 1030 =$60$
- \makeref choice_node 689 =$15$
- \makeref cur_boundary 271 :$0\to \\{save\_size}$
- \makeref cur_c 724 :\\{quarterword}
- \makeref cur_group 271 :\\{group\_code}
- \makeref cur_i 724 :\\{four\_quarters}
- \makeref cur_level 271 :\\{quarterword}
- \makeref do_extension 1348 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref dvi_buf 595 :\&{array}
- \makeref dvi_gone 595 :\\{integer}
- \makeref dvi_limit 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
- \makeref dvi_offset 595 :\\{integer}
- \makeref dvi_ptr 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
- \makeref end_graf 1096 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref error 82 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref error_stop_mode 73 =$3$
- \makeref font_base 12 =$0$
- \makeref font_info 549 :\&{array}
- \makeref get_token 365 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref glue_base 222 =$2626$
- \makeref half_buf 595 :\\{dvi\_index}
- \makeref handle_right_brace 1068 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref hash_base 222 =$258$
- \makeref head 213 =macro
- \makeref hyf_distance 921 :\&{array}
- \makeref hyf_next 921 :\&{array}
- \makeref hyf_num 921 :\&{array}
- \makeref index 302 =macro
- \makeref inf 448 :\\{boolean}
- \makeref init_col 788 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref init_span 787 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref input_ln 31 :\&{function}
- \makeref interaction 73 :$0\to 3$
- \makeref limit 302 =macro
- \makeref line_width 830 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref macro_call 389 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref main_control 1030 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref mem 116 :\&{array}
- \makeref mem_bot 12 =$0$
- \makeref mem_end 118 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref mem_top 12 =macro
- \makeref mlist_to_hlist 726 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref mode 213 =macro
- \makeref mode_line 213 =macro
- \makeref more_name 516 :\&{function}
- \makeref mu 448 :\\{boolean}
- \makeref name 302 =macro
- \makeref nest 213 :\&{array}
- \makeref off_save 1064 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref open_log_file 534 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref output_active 989 :\\{boolean}
- \makeref p 498 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref param_stack 308 :\&{array}
- \makeref pool_file 50 :\\{alpha\_file}
- \makeref pool_ptr 39 :\\{pool\_pointer}
- \makeref prefixed_command 1211 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref prev_depth 213 =macro
- \makeref prev_graf 213 =macro
- \makeref prev_prev_r 830 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref print_err 73 =macro
- \makeref r 960 :\\{trie\_pointer}
- \makeref reconstitute 906 :\&{function}
- \makeref resume_after_display 1200 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref save_ptr 271 :$0\to \\{save\_size}$
- \makeref save_stack 271 :\&{array}
- \makeref scan_dimen 448 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref scan_math 1151 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref short_display 174 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref show_node_list 182 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref start 302 =macro
- \makeref state 302 =macro
- \makeref str_pool 39 :\&{packed}\ \&{array}
- \makeref str_ptr 39 :\\{str\_number}
- \makeref str_start 39 :\&{array}
- \makeref tail 213 =macro
- \makeref trap_zero_glue 1229 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref trie 921 :\&{array}
- \makeref trie_char 921 =macro
- \makeref trie_link 921 =macro
- \makeref trie_op 921 =macro
- \makeref vlist_out 629 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref write_loc 1345 :\\{pointer}
- }
-\hbox{\nsize=\ht0 \advance\nsize-\topskip
- \divide\nsize by 3 \divide\nsize by\ninept
- \multiply\nsize by\ninept \advance\nsize\topskip
- \vsplit0 to\nsize \kern1pc
- \msize=\ht0 \advance\msize-\topskip
- \divide\msize by 2 \divide\msize by\ninept
- \multiply\msize by\ninept \advance\msize\topskip
- \vbox to\nsize{\vsplit0 to\msize\vss}\kern1pc
- \vbox to\nsize{\box0\vss}}
-\buginvol B, in general (4/6/87)
-\tenpoint\noindent[The percent signs in all the comments (for example,
-on pages 7 and 50) are in the wrong font! Change `{\tt\%}' to `\%'.]
-\bugonpage Bvi, bottom line, and top line of next page (10/12/86)
-puter Science Report 1097 (Stanford, California, April 1986), 146~pp.
-\ {\it The {\sltt WEB} programs for four utility programs that are
-often used with \TeX: {\sltt POOLtype}, {\sltt TFtoPL},
-{\sltt PLtoTF}, and {\sltt DVItype}.}
-\bugonpage B2, line 32 (4/22/87)
-{\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\char'23}$%
-{\tt This\]is\]TeX,\]Version\]2.2\char'23}\quad
-$\{\,$printed when \TeX\ starts$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B7, new line after line 25 (1/28/87)
-{\bf if} $\\{max\_in\_open}\ge128$ {\bf then} $\\{bad}\gets6$;
-\bugonpage B13, first three lines (4/7/87)
-The `\\{name}' parameter, which is of type `{\bf packed array
-$[\langle\\{any}\rangle]$ of \\{char}}', stands for the name of
-the external file that is being opened for input or output.
-Blank spaces that might appear in \\{name} are ignored.
-\bugonpage B14, line 30 (4/7/87)
-{\bf 31.\quad}%
-The \\{input\_ln} function brings the next line of input from the specified
-file into available\cutpar
-\bugonpage B18, line 30 (5/22/86)
-\\{str\_ptr}: \\{str\_number};\quad
-$\{\,$number of the current string being created$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B21, first line of mini-index, right column (6/14/87)
-\indent\\{pool\_name}\unhcopy\eqbox|"string"|, \S11.
-\bugonpage B34, lines 5--6 (6/14/87)
-to delete a token, and/or if some fatal error
-occurs while \TeX\ is trying to fix a non-fatal one. But such recursion
-is never more than two levels deep.
-\bugonpage B55, lines 12--13 (4/21/87)
-{\bf if} $r=p$ {\bf then if} $\\{rlink}(p)\ne p$ {\bf then}
- $\langle\,$Allocate entire node $p$ and {\bf goto} \\{found}%
- {\sevenrm\kern.5em129}$\,\rangle$;
-\bugonpage B57, lines 25--28 (6/14/87)
-The first of these has $\\{font}=\\{font\_base}$, and its \\{link}
-points to the second;
-the second identifies the font and the character dimensions.
-The saving feature about oriental characters is that most of them have
-the same box dimensions. The \\{character} field of the first \\{char\_node}
-is a ``\\{charext}'' that distinguishes between graphic symbols whose
-dimensions are identical for typesetting purposes. (See the \MF\ manual.)
-Such an extension of \TeX\ would not be difficult; further details are
-left to the reader.
-\bugonpage B58, second line of section 136 (7/23/86)
-the values corresponding to `|\hbox{}|'. The \\{subtype} field is set to
-\\{min\_quarterword}, since that's\cutpar
-\bugonpage B66, lines 2--8 (4/21/87)
-location is
-more efficient than dynamic allocation when we can get away with it. For
-example, locations \\{mem\_bot} to $\\{mem\_bot}+3$ are always used to store the
-specification for glue that is `\hbox{\tt 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}'. The
-following macro definitions accomplish the static allocation by giving
-symbolic names to the fixed positions. Static variable-size nodes appear
-in locations \\{mem\_bot} through \\{lo\_mem\_stat\_max}, and static
-single-word nodes appear in locations \\{hi\_mem\_stat\_min} through
-\\{mem\_top}, inclusive. It is harmless to let \\{lig\_trick} and
-\\{garbage} share the same location of \\{mem}.
-\bugonpage B67, line 23 (4/13/87)
-$\{\,$previous \\{mem\_end}, \\{lo\_mem\_max}, and \\{hi\_mem\_min}$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B71, line 17 (4/15/87)
-{\bf begin while} $p>\\{mem\_min}$ {\bf do}
-\smallskip\eightpoint\noindent[Now \\{null} can be removed from the mini-index.]
-\bugonpage B74, line 24 (4/15/87)
-{\bf procedure} \\{show\_node\_list}($p\;{:}\;\\{integer}$);\quad
-$\{\,$prints a node list symbolically$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B74, line 33 (4/15/87)
-{\bf while} $p>\\{mem\_min}$ {\bf do}
-\bugonpage B84, line 12 (2/15/87)
-{\bf define} $\\{relax}=0$\quad$\{\,$do nothing ( {\tt\char`\\relax} )$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B86, third line of section 210 (8/23/86)
-that their special nature is easily discernible.
-The ``expandable'' commands come first.
-\bugonpage B88, line 23 (5/22/86)
-{\bf procedure\/}\ $\\{print\_mode}(m:\\{integer})$;\quad
-$\{\,$prints the mode represented by $m\,\}$
-\bugonpage B93, lines 3--4 (8/17/86)
-In the first region we have 128 equivalents for ``active characters'' that
-act as control sequences, followed by 128 equivalents for single-character
-control sequences.
-\bugonpage B130, ninth-last line (5/7/87)
-This variable has six possible values:
-\bugonpage B151, line 9 (4/22/87)
-{\bf begin if} $(\\{end\_line\_char}<0)\lor(\\{end\_line\_char}>127)$
- {\bf then} \\{incr}(\\{limit});\par\noindent\hskip20pt
-{\bf if} $\\{limit}=\\{start}$ {\bf then}\quad
- $\{\,$previous line was empty$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B160, lines 17--20 (7/28/86)
-{\bf 389.\quad}%
-After parameter scanning is complete, the parameters are moved to the
-\\{param\_stack}. Then the macro body is fed to the scanner; in other words,
-\\{macro\_call} places the defined text of the control sequence at the
-top of\/ \TeX's input stack, so that \\{get\_next} will proceed to read it
-\bugonpage B200, top line (5/5/87)
-\tenpoint\noindent{\bf 495.\quad}%
- When we begin to process a new {\tt\char`\\if}, we set
-$\\{if\_limit}\gets\\{if\_code}$; then
-if\/ {\tt\char`\\or} or {\tt\char`\\else} or {\tt\char`\\fi}\cutpar
-\bugonpage B217, lines 15--16 (6/14/87)
-|DVI| format.
-\bugonpage B224, lines 4--7 of section 560 (10/22/86)
-name and area strings \\{nom} and \\{aire}, and the
-``at'' size~$s$. If $s$~is negative, it's the negative of a scale factor
-to be applied to the design size; $s=-1000$ is the normal case.
-Otherwise $s$ will be substituted for the design size; in this
-case, $s$ must be positive and less than $2048\rm\,pt$
-(i.e., it must be less than $2^{27}$ when considered as an integer).
-\bugonpage B224, second-last line (4/28/87)
-\\{done}: {\bf if} \\{file\_opened} {\bf then} \\{b\_close}(\\{tfm\_file});\par
-\noindent\hskip10pt $\\{read\_font\_info}\gets g$;
-\bugonpage B255, mini-index at the bottom (4/15/87)
-$\\{mag}=\rm macro$, \S236.
-\bugonpage B257, lines 11--13 (6/14/87)
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf if} $c\ge\\{qi}(128)$ {\bf then}
- \\{dvi\_out}(\\{set1});\par
-\bugonpage B260, lines 7--8 (4/15/87)
-In the case of \\{c\_leaders} (centered leaders), we want to increase \\{cur\_h}
-by half of the excess space not occupied by the leaders; and in the
-case of \\{x\_leaders} (expanded leaders) we increase\cutpar
-\bugonpage B267, mini-index at the bottom (4/15/87)
-\\{cur\_s}: \\{integer}, \S616.
-$\\{mag}=\rm macro$, \S236.
-$\\{pop}=142$, \S586.
-\bugonpage B271, line 10 (8/23/86)
-which will be ignored in the calculations
-because it is a highly negative number.
-\bugonpage B285, lines 23 and 24 (5/4/87)
-the current string would be `{\tt.\char`\^.\char`\_/}'
-if $p$ points to the \\{ord\_noad} for $x$ in the (ridiculous) formula
-b\char`\_\char`\{c\char`\\over x+y\char`\}\char`\}\char`\}\char`\}\char`\$}'.
-\bugonpage B296, lines 3--5 (5/8/87)
-box~$b$ and
-changes it so that the new box is centered in a box of width~$w$.
-The centering is done by putting {\tt\char`\\hss} glue at the left and right
-of the list inside $b$, then packaging the new box; thus, the
-actual box might not really be centered, if it already contains
-infinite glue.
-\bugonpage B346, line 19 (5/19/87)
-\\{pass\_number}: \\{halfword};\quad
-$\{\,$the number of passive nodes allocated on this pass$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B350, lines 36 and 37 (1/28/87)
-$v$: \\{pointer};\quad
-$\{\,$points to a glue specification or a node ahead of \\{cur\_p}$\,\}$
-$t$: \\{integer};\quad
-$\{\,$node count, if \\{cur\_p} is a discretionary node$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B353, lines 8--22 (1/28/87)
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf if} $\\{break\_type}>\\{unhyphenated}$ {\bf then}
- {\bf if} $\\{cur\_p}\ne\\{null}$ {\bf then}\par
-\noindent\hskip30pt$\langle\,$Compute the discretionary
- \\{break\_width} values{\sevenrm\kern.5em840}$\,\rangle$;\par
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf while} $s\ne\\{null}$ {\bf do}\par
-\noindent\hskip30pt\vdots\hskip30pt [as before, but indented one less notch]\par
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf end};
-\bugonpage B354, line 6 (1/28/87)
-will be the background plus $l_1$, so the length from \\{cur\_p} to \\{cur\_p}
-should be $\gamma+l_0+l_1-l$,
-minus the length of nodes that will be discarded after the discretionary break.
-\bugonpage B354, lines 12--18 (1/28/87)
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf begin} $t\gets\\{replace\_count}(\\{cur\_p})$;\kern5pt
- $v\gets\\{cur\_p}$;\kern5pt $s\gets\\{post\_break}(\\{cur\_p})$;\par
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf while} $t>0$ {\bf do}\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf begin} $\\{decr}(t)$;\kern5pt
- $v\gets\\{link}(v)$;\kern5pt
- $\langle\,$Subtract the width of node $v$ from \\{break\_width}%
- {\sevenrm\kern.5em841}$\,\rangle$;\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf end};\par
-\noindent\hskip10pt{\bf while} $s\ne\\{null}$ {\bf do}\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf begin} $\langle\,$Add the width of
- node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's
- discardable{\sevenrm\kern.5em842}$\,\rangle$;\par
-\bugonpage B354, new line after line 21 (1/28/87)
-{\bf if} $t=0$ {\bf then} $s\gets\\{link}(v)$;\quad
- $\{\,$more nodes may also be discardable after the break$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B354, lines 26--34 (1/28/87)
-[Change `$s$' to `$v$' throughout this section (8 times).]
-\bugonpage B354, line 9 from the bottom (1/28/87)
-\tenpoint\noindent{\bf 842.\quad}%
-\ninepoint$\langle\,$Add the width of
- node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's
- discardable{\sevenrm\kern.5em842}$\,\rangle\equiv$
-\bugonpage B355, lines 1--3 (1/28/87)
- $\\{break\_width}[1]\gets\\{break\_width}[1]+\\{width}(s)$;\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt\\{kern\_node}: {\bf if} $(t=0)\land
- (\\{subtype}(s)\ne\\{acc\_kern})$ {\bf then}
- $t\gets-1$\quad$\{\,$discardable$\,\}$\par
-\noindent\hskip30pt{\bf else} $\\{break\_width}[1]\gets
- \\{break\_width}[1]+\\{width}(s)$;\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf othercases}
- \\{confusion}({\tt\char'42 disc2\char'42})\par
-\noindent\hskip20pt{\bf endcases};\par
-\bugonpage B355, patches to mini-index at bottom (1/28/87)
-$\\{acc\_kern}=2$, \S155.\par
-$\\{incr}=\rm macro$, \S16.\par
-$t$: \\{integer}, \S830.\par
-$v$: \\{pointer}, \S830.
-\bugonpage B372, lines 12--14 (1/28/87)
-\noindent\hskip40pt$\langle\,$Change discretionary to compulsory
- and set $\\{disc\_break}\gets\\{true}${\sevenrm\kern.5em882}$\,\rangle$\par
-\noindent\hskip30pt{\bf else if\/} $(\\{type}(q)=\\{math\_node})\lor
- (\\{type}(q)=\\{kern\_node})$ {\bf then} $\\{width}(q)\gets0$;
-\bugonpage B380, fifth-last line (5/7/87)
-\.b and \.c, the two patterns with and without hyphenation are
-$\.a\,\.b\,\.-\,\.{c\!d}\,\.{e\!f}$ and $\.a\,\.{b\!c}\,\.{d\!e}\,\.f$.
-Thus the\cutpar\endgroup
-\bugonpage B386, lines 2--4 (5/21/87)
-\TeX\ first looks to see if it is in the user's exception dictionary. If not,
-hyphens are inserted based on patterns that appear within the given word,
-using an algorithm due to Frank~M. Liang.
-\bugonpage B397, line 28 (5/21/87)
-$h=z-c$. It follows that location \\{trie\_max} will
-never be occupied in \\{trie}, and we will have\cutpar
-\bugonpage B415, the mini-index (4/6/87)
-\eightpoint\noindent[Delete the spurious entry for `$c$'.]
-\bugonpage B419, mini-index entry for \\{c} (4/6/87)
-\eightpoint $c$: \\{integer}, \S994.
-\bugonpage B422, line 24 (8/23/86)
-\hskip20pt\\{prev\_p}: \\{pointer};\quad
-$\{\,$predecessor of $p\,\}$
-\bugonpage B435, line 16 (10/12/86)
-$\{\,$that's \\{space}$(f)\,\}$\par\noindent
-$\{\,$and \\{space\_stretch}$(f)\,\}$\par\noindent
-$\{\,$and \\{space\_shrink}$(f)\,\}$\par
-[And the mini-index gets three new entries:
-$\\{space}=macro$, \S558.
-$\\{space\_shrink}=macro$, \S558.
-$\\{space\_stretch}=macro$, \S558.]
-\bugonpage B495, lines 18 and 19 (2/15/87)
-[delete these lines, since the cases cannot occur]
-\bugonpage B510, line 8 (12/15/86)
-\bugonpage B527, new line to follow line 13 (6/17/86)
-This program doesn't bother to close the input files that may still be open.
-\bugonpage B534, fourth-last line (5/4/87)
-{\bf define} $\\{write\_stream}(\hbox{\tt\char`\#})\equiv\\{info}(
- \hbox{\tt\char`\#}+1)$\quad $\{\,$stream number (0 to 17)$\,\}$
-\bugonpage B544, left column (1/28/87)
-\leftline{\\{acc\_kern}:\quad$\underline{155}$, 191, 837, 842, 879, 1125.}
-\bugonpage B546, entry for \\{c} (4/6/87)
-\eightpoint\noindent[Add a reference to section $\underline{994}$.]
-\bugonpage B547, left column (4/7/87)
-\leftline{\\{char}:\quad 19, 26--27, 520, 534.}
-\bugonpage B547, left column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{Chinese characters:\quad 134, 585.}
-\bugonpage B553, entry for \\{font\_base} (6/14/87)
-\eightpoint\noindent[Insert a reference to section 134.]
-\bugonpage B555, right column, new entry (10/25/86)
-\leftline{{\tt Huge page...},\quad 641.}
-\bugonpage B556, entry for \\{incr} (1/28/87)
-\eightpoint\noindent[Add a reference to section 842.]
-\bugonpage B557, entry for \\{is\_char\_node} (1/28/87)
-\eightpoint\noindent[Delete the reference to section 881.]
-\bugonpage B557, right column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{Japanese characters:\quad 134, 585.}
-\bugonpage B560, right column (1/28/87)
-\leftline{\\{max\_in\_open}:\quad$\underline{11}$, 14, 304, 328.}
-\bugonpage B561, left column, line 10 (4/15/87)
-\leftline{\qquad 169--172, 174, 178, 182, 1249, 1312, 1334.}
-\bugonpage B561, left column (5/1/87)
-\leftline{{\tt Missing font identifier}:\quad 577.}
-\bugonpage B563, left column, line 2 (4/15/87)
-\leftline{\qquad 136, 145, 149--154, 164, 168--169, 175--176, 182,}
-\bugonpage B563, right column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{oriental characters:\quad 134, 585.}
-\bugonpage B569, right column, in appropriate places (10/12/86)
-\leftline{\\{space}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 752, 755, 1042.}
-\leftline{\\{space\_shrink}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 1042.}
-\leftline{\\{space\_stretch}:\quad 547, $\underline{558}$, 1042.}
-\bugonpage B570, third-last line (1/28/87)
- 786, 795, 809, 819--820, 822, 837, 842--844, 866,
-\bugonpage B571, right column (10/25/86)
-\leftline{{\tt The following...deleted},\quad 641, 992, 1121.}
-\bugonpage B571, right column (4/7/87)
-\leftline{\\{text\_char}:\quad $\underline{19}$, 20, 25, 47.}
-\bugonpage B573, right column (5/1/87)
-[Delete the entry for `{\tt Undefined font code}'.]
-\bugonpage B576, line 2 (1/28/87)
-$\langle\,$Add the width of
- node $s$ to \\{break\_width} and increase $t$, unless it's
- discardable{\sevenrm\kern.5em842}$\,\rangle$\par
-\noindent\qquad {\eightpoint Used in section 840.}
-\bugonpage B591, line 6 from the bottom (1/28/87)
- $\langle\,$Subtract the width of node $v$ from \\{break\_width}%
- {\sevenrm\kern.5em841}$\,\rangle$\quad
- {\eightpoint Used in section 840.}
- % volume C
-\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
-\bugonpage C14, top two lines (3/16/87)
-\danger The recursive midpoint rule for curve-drawing was discovered in 1959
-by Paul de Casteljau, who showed that the curve could be described
-algebraically by the remarkably simple formula
-\bugonpage C54, sixth-last to fourth-last lines (10/13/86)
-\ninepoint Jonathan H. Quick (a student) used `|a.plus1|' as the name
-of a variable at the beginning of his program; later he said `|let|
-|plus=+|'. How could he refer to the variable `|a.plus1|' after that?
-\bugonpage C76, line 14 (10/13/86)
-\noindent\hbox to \longesteq{\indent
- $x_4=w-.01\\{in}$\hfil}%
-Point 4 should be one-hundredth of an inch inside\cutpar
-\bugonpage C103, line 12 (10/12/86)
-$\\{ht}\0=\\{body\_height}\0$; \ $.5[\\{ht}\0,-\\{dp}\0]=\\{axis}\0$;
-\bugonpage C105, line 13 (10/13/86)
-The vertical line just to the right of the italic left parenthesis
-shows the italic\cutpar
-\bugonpage C113, lines 20--27 (8/23/86)
- \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
- \ifmmode\mathop{\bf#1}\else\hbox{\bf#1\/}\fi\endgroup}
-\danger The command `@erase@ @fill@ $c$' is an abbreviation for
-`@cullit@; @unfill@~$c$; @cullit@'; this zeros out the pixel values inside
-the cyclic path~$c$, and sets other pixel values to~1 if they were positive
-before erasing took place. \ (It works because the initial @cullit@ makes
-all the values 0 or~1, then the @unfill@ changes the values inside~$c$
-to 0 or negative. The final @cullit@ gets rid of the negative values,
-so that they won't detract from future filling and drawing.) \ You can
-also use `@draw@', `@filldraw@', or `@drawdot@' with `@erase@'; for example,
-`@erase@ @draw@~$p$' is an abbreviation for `@cullit@; @undraw@~$p$;
-@cullit@', which uses the currently-picked-up pen as if it were an
-eraser applied to path~$p$.
-\bugonpage C124, line 9 (6/17/86)
-\bugonpage C130, 3rd-last line (9/25/86)
-{\sl Geometry\/ \bf 1} (1986), 123--140]: Given a sequence
-\bugonpage C144, sixth line of the program (8/23/86)
-\ninepoint\noindent\hbox to\parindent{\hfil\sevenrm6\ \ \ }%
-$y_2=.1h$; \ $\\{top}\,y_3=.4h$;
-\bugonpage C148, the line before the illustration (11/27/86)
-are polygons with 32 and 40 sides, respectively:
-[New illustrations are needed here, since \MF\ version 1.3 improves
-the accuracy of pen polygons.]
-\bugonpage C149, 7th line after the illustration (10/24/86)
-\line{$(200,y+100\pm\alpha)$, where
-$\alpha=\sqrt5/4\approx0.559$. If we digitize these outlines and fill the}
-\bugonpage C178, second-last line (8/23/86)
-(If $t_3=t_1$~transum~$t_2$, then
-\bugonpage C198, fifth-last and fourth-last lines (10/13/86)
-$\\{top}\,y_2={\rm round}(\\{top}\,\beta)$.
-Such operations occur frequently in practice, so plain \MF\ provides
-\bugonpage C212, lines 9--11 from the bottom (8/23/86)
- \alt\[point]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>\continuerule
- \alt\[precontrol]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>\continuerule
- \alt\[postcontrol]\<numeric expression>\[of]\<path primary>
-\bugonpage C233, lines 13--14 (2/15/87)
-one column of white
-pixels, if the character is $2a$ pixels wide, because the right edge of
-black pixels is specified here to have the $x$~coordinate $2a-1$.
-\bugonpage C247, lines 23--25 (11/27/86)
-\ansno 16.2:
- `{\bf pencircle} scaled 1.06060' is the diamond but
-`{\bf pencircle} scaled 1.06061' is~the square. \ (This assumes that
-$\\{fillin}=0$. If, for example, $\\{fillin}=.1$, the change doesn't
-occur until the diameter is 1.20204.) \ The next change is at diameter
-1.5, which\cutpar
-\bugonpage C262, lines 1--4 (7/28/86)
-When we come to macros whose use has not yet been explained---for
-example, somehow |softjoin| and |stop| never made it
-into Chapters 1 through~27---we shall consider them from a user's
-viewpoint. But most of the comments that follow are addressed to a
-potential base-file designer.
-\bugonpage C266, line 16 (8/17/86)
-variables; they have the side effect of changing the variable's value.
-\bugonpage C276, line 26 (6/23/86)
-| if charic<>0: r((w+charic*hppp,h.o_),(w+charic*hppp,.5h.o_)); fi|
-\bugonpage C286, lines 24--26 (10/13/86)
-but \MF\ won't let you. And even if this had worked, it wouldn't have
-solved the problem; it would simply have put |ENDFOR| into the
-replacement text of |ast|, because expansion is inhibited when the
-replacement text is being read.
-\bugonpage C290, line 1 (8/23/86)
-\ninepoint \noindent{\it 2.\enspace Fortuitous loops.\enspace}%
-The `^{max}' and `^{min}' macros in Appendix~B make use of the fact\cutpar
-\bugonpage C298, third-last line (8/23/86)
-\bugonpage C304, 14th-last line (2/15/87)
-[replace this `|\smallskip|' by a |\smallskip| between lines!]
-\bugonpage C307, fifth-last line (12/7/86)
- \vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
-\bf adjust\_fit}(\<left sidebearing adjustment>,\thinspace
- \<right sidebearing adjustment>);
-\bugonpage C312, line 34 (10/12/86)
-|params[2] = "sans_params"; fontname[2] = "cmssbx10";|
-\bugonpage C316, lines 19--21 (8/17/86)
-`|(some| |charht| |values| |had| |to| |be| |adjusted| |by| |as| |much|
-|as| |0.12pt)|' means that~you had too many different nonzero heights, but
-\MF\ found a way to reduce the number to at most~15 by changing some of
-them; none of them had to be\cutpar
-\bugonpage C319, line 3 (8/23/86)
-specified by saying, e.g.,
-\bugonpage C321, line 6 (7/28/86)
-| special "identifier " & font_identifier_;|
-\bugonpage C334, line 2 (6/23/86)
-| currentpicture := currentpicture shifted-(1,1); pix := currentpicture;|
-\bugonpage C339, tenth-last line (2/4/87)
-| Jackie K\=aren {\L}au\.ra Mar{\'\i}a N\H{a}ta{\l}{\u\i}e {\O}ctave|
-\bugonpage C343, second-last line (8/23/86)
-the precise needs of a precise but limited intellectual goal.}
-\bugonpage C346, 2nd line of entry for `{\tt;}' (1/12/87)
-\qquad 217, 223--224, 263, 312.
-\bugonpage C348, line 6 (6/17/86)
-concatenation, of paths, {\eightit 70--71}, {\eightit 123}, 127,
-\bugonpage C348, just before `debugging' (3/16/87)
-de Casteljau, Paul de Faget, 14.
-\bugonpage C348, right column (3/16/87)
-[The entry for `|define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels|' should be moved up
-before the entry for `|define_whole_vertical_pixels|'.]
-\bugonpage C352, left column (6/1/87)
-\eightpoint\indent\hbox to0pt{\hss\lower1pt\hbox{*}}%
-{\tt kern}, {\it 97}, {\it 316}, $\underline{317}$.
-\bugonpage C352, right column (3/8/87)
-[The entry for `|lowres|' belongs before the entry for `|lowres_fix|'.]
-\bugonpage C353, left column (3/8/87)
-[The entries for `|mode|' and `\<mode command>' belong before the entry
-for `|mode_def|'.]
-\bugonpage C353, entry for {\tt mode\char`\_def} (8/17/86)
-{\tt mode\char`\_def}, 94, 189, $\underline{\smash{\hbox{\it 270}}}$,
-{\it 278--279}.
-\bugonpage C355, right column (4/15/86)
-[The entry for `{\tt rulepen}' belongs before the entry for `rules'.]
-\bugonpage C355, right column (8/5/86)
-{\tt screenstrokes}, 191, $\underline{277}$.
-\bugonpage C355, 2nd line of entry for `semicolons' (1/12/87)
-\qquad 217, 223--224, 263, 312.
-\bugonpage C356, full names for the Stanfords (4/10/86)
-Stanford, Amasa Leland, 340.
-Stanford, Jane Elizabeth Lathrop, 340.
- % Volume D
-\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
-\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode
-\buginvol D, in general (7/28/86)
-[A number of entries were mistakenly omitted from the mini-indexes
-on the right-hand pages. Here is a combined list of all the missing
-items; you can mount it inside the back cover, say, as a secondary mini-index
-when the first one fails\dots\ ]
-\setbox0=\vbox{\eightpoint \hsize=11pc \catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_
- \rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt
- \pretolerance 10000
- \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
- \noindent\vbox to1pt{}\par % 1pt = \topskip - \ninept
- \def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
- \obeylines
- \def\makeref #1 #2 #3#4
- {\nn=#2 \hangindent=1em \noindent\\{#1}%
- \if#3:: \else\unhcopy\eqbox \fi#4, \S\number\nn.\par}
- \makeref add_or_subtract 930 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref after 427 :\&{array}
- \makeref arg_list 720 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref b 580 :\\{pixel\_color}
- \makeref bad_exp 824 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref before 427 :\&{array}
- \makeref begin_name 770 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref bilin1 968 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref binary_mac 863 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref blank_rectangle 567 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref boc_c 1162 :\\{integer}
- \makeref boc_p 1162 :\\{integer}
- \makeref cf 298 :\\{fraction}
- \makeref clockwise 453 :\\{boolean}
- \makeref ct 298 :\\{fraction}
- \makeref cubic_intersection 556 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref cur_pen 403 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref cur_rounding_ptr 427 :$0\to \\{max\_wiggle}$
- \makeref cur_spec 403 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref cur_x 389 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref cur_y 389 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref dely 557 :\\{integer}
- \makeref dep_finish 935 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref dep_list 587 =macro
- \makeref dimen_head 1125 :\&{array}
- \makeref dx 495 :\\{integer}
- \makeref dy 495 :\\{integer}
- \makeref d1 464 :$0\to 1$
- \makeref end_name 772 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref eqtb 201 :\&{array}
- \makeref error_stop_mode 68 =$3$
- \makeref firm_up_the_line 682 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref get_next 667 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref gf_buf 1152 :\&{array}
- \makeref gf_offset 1152 :\\{integer}
- \makeref gf_ptr 1152 :\\{gf\_index}
- \makeref halfword 156 =$\\{min\_halfword}\to \\{max\_halfword}$
- \makeref hash 201 :\&{array}
- \makeref index 629 =macro
- \makeref input_ln 30 :\&{function}
- \makeref interaction 68 :$0\to 3$
- \makeref j 357 :$0\to \\{move\_size}$
- \makeref known_pair 872 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref limit 629 =macro
- \makeref m_spread 357 :\\{integer}
- \makeref materialize_pen 865 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref max_allowed 403 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref max_c 813 :\&{array}
- \makeref max_link 813 :\&{array}
- \makeref max_tfm_dimen 1130 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref mem_top 12 =macro
- \makeref mem 159 :\&{array}
- \makeref memory_word 156 =\&{record}
- \makeref more_name 771 :\&{function}
- \makeref m1 464 :\\{integer}
- \makeref n 580 :\\{screen\_col}
- \makeref n_sin_cos 145 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref name 629 =macro
- \makeref negate_dep_list 904 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref new_knot 871 :\&{function}
- \makeref node_to_round 427 :\&{array}
- \makeref n1 464 :\\{integer}
- \makeref octant_dir 395 :\&{array}
- \makeref o1 453 :\\{small\_number}
- \makeref o2 453 :\\{small\_number}
- \makeref paint_row 568 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref param 1096 :\&{array}
- \makeref param_stack 633 :\&{array}
- \makeref path_length 916 :\&{function}
- \makeref perturbation 1119 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref phi 542 :\\{angle}
- \makeref pool_ptr 38 :\\{pool\_pointer}
- \makeref post_head 843 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref pre_head 843 :\\{pointer}
- \makeref print_err 68 =macro
- \makeref print_macro_name 722 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref quarterword 156 =$0\to 255$
- \makeref recycle_value 809 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref row_transition 579 :\\{trans\_spec}
- \makeref scan_text_arg 730 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref scroll_mode 68 =$2$
- \makeref set_controls 299 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref sf 298 :\\{fraction}
- \makeref show_context 635 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref sorted 325 =macro
- \makeref st 298 :\\{fraction}
- \makeref start 629 =macro
- \makeref start_sym 1077 :\\{halfword}
- \makeref str_pool 38 :\&{packed}\ \&{array}
- \makeref str_ptr 38 :\\{str\_number}
- \makeref str_start 38 :\&{array}
- \makeref take_part 910 :\&{procedure}
- \makeref tfm_changed 1130 :\\{integer}
- \makeref tol 557 :\\{integer}
- \makeref tt 843 :\\{small\_number}
- \makeref tx 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref txx 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref txy 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref ty 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref tyx 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref tyy 954 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref unsorted 325 =macro
- \makeref uv 557 :$0\to \\{bistack\_size}$
- \makeref xy 557 :$0\to \\{bistack\_size}$
- \makeref x1 542 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref x2 542 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref x3 542 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref y1 542 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref y2 542 :\\{scaled}
- \makeref y3 542 :\\{scaled}
- }
-\hbox{\nsize=\ht0 \advance\nsize-\topskip
- \divide\nsize by 3 \divide\nsize by\ninept
- \multiply\nsize by\ninept \advance\nsize\topskip
- \vsplit0 to\nsize \kern1pc
- \msize=\ht0 \advance\msize-\topskip
- \divide\msize by 2 \divide\msize by\ninept
- \multiply\msize by\ninept \advance\msize\topskip
- \vbox to\nsize{\vsplit0 to\msize\vss}\kern1pc
- \vbox to\nsize{\box0\vss}}
-\buginvol D, in general (4/6/87)
-\tenpoint\noindent[The percent signs in all the comments (for example,
-on pages 7 and 42) are in the wrong font! Change `{\tt\%}' to `\%'.]
-\bugonpage Dvii, line 9 (9/25/86)
-{\sl Discrete and Computational Geometry\/ \bf1} (1986), 123--140.
-\ \it Develops the theory\cutpar}
-\bugonpage D2, line 27 (6/17/86)
-{\bf define} $\\{banner}\equiv\hbox{\tt\char'23}$%
-{\tt This\]is\]METAFONT,\]Version\]1.3\char'23}\quad
-$\{\,$printed when \MF\ starts$\,\}$
-\bugonpage D18, line 30 (5/22/86)
-\\{str\_ptr}: \\{str\_number};\quad
-$\{\,$number of the current string being created$\,\}$
-\bugonpage D23, second line of mini-index, right column (6/14/87)
-\indent\\{pool\_name}\unhcopy\eqbox|"string"|, \S11.
-\bugonpage D30, lines 33--34 (6/14/87)
-to delete a token, and/or if some fatal error
-occurs while \MF\ is trying to fix a non-fatal one. But such recursion
-is never more than two levels deep.
-\bugonpage D63, lines 13--14 (5/5/87)
-[These two lines can be eliminated, since the variable \\{temp\_ptr}
-is no longer used! If you delete them, also remove \S158 from the
-list of sections where global variables are declared (pages D7 and D552),
-and remove \\{temp\_ptr} from the index on page D540.]
-\bugonpage D66, line 6 (5/22/86)
-{\bf function\/}\ $\\{get\_node}(s:\\{integer})$: \\{pointer};\quad
-$\{\,$variable-size node allocation$\,\}$
-\bugonpage D66, lines 31--32 (3/16/86)
-growth helps to keep the \\{mem} usage consecutive when \MF\ is
-implemented on ``virtual memory'' systems.
-\bugonpage D67, lines 7--8 (4/21/87)
-{\bf if} $r=p$ {\bf then if} $\\{rlink}(p)\ne p$ {\bf then}
- $\langle\,$Allocate entire node $p$ and {\bf goto} \\{found}%
- {\sevenrm\kern.5em171}$\,\rangle$;
-\bugonpage D86, second line of section 198 (2/27/87)
-Individual class numbers have no semantic
-or syntactic significance, except in a few instances\cutpar
-\bugonpage D101, line 2 (3/16/86)
-like `{\tt x}', or they can
-combine the structural properties of arrays and records, like `{\tt x20a.b}'.
-\bugonpage D102, line 24 (3/16/86)
-In other words, variables have a hierarchical structure that includes
-enough threads running}
-\bugonpage D127, line 10 (5/5/87)
-[Variable $r$ can be eliminated, since it is not
-used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{280}$
-from the corresponding index entry on page D536.]
-\bugonpage D129, line 15 (5/5/87)
-[This line can be eliminated, since \\{sine} and \\{cosine} are not
-used in this procedure! If you delete them, also remove $\underline{284}$
-from the corresponding index entries on pages D538 and D521.]
-\bugonpage D142, line 23 (4/24/87)
-$(7-\sqrt{28}\,)/12$; the worst case
-occurs for polynomials like $B(0,28-4\sqrt{28},14-5\sqrt{28},42;t)$.)
-\bugonpage D178, third-last line (7/30/86)
-The following code maintains the invariant relations
-$0\le \\{x0}<\max(\\{x1},\\{x1}+\\{x2})$, $\vert\\{x1}\vert<2^{30}$,}
-\bugonpage D228, line 13 (7/30/86)
-{\bf while} $\\{max\_coef}<\\{fraction\_half}$ {\bf do}
-The mini-index at the bottom of the next page should also receive the following
-new entry:
-$\\{fraction\_half}={\rm macro}$, \S105.
-\bugonpage D228, 10th-last line (5/5/87)
-{\bf begin} $\\{right\_type}(p)\gets k$;
-\noindent[Also eliminate `$q,$' seven lines above this, and delete
-$\underline{497}$ from the index entry for \\{q} on page D536.]
-\bugonpage D248, lines 16--21 (11/27/86)
- $\\{beta}\gets\\{abs}(v)$;\par\noindent\kern10pt
-{\bf if} $\\{alpha}<\\{beta}$ {\bf then}\par\noindent\kern20pt
-{\bf begin} $\\{alpha}\gets\\{abs}(v)$;\kern5pt
- $\\{beta}\gets\\{abs}(u)$;\kern5pt
-{\bf end};\quad$\{\,$now $\alpha=\max(\vert u\vert,\vert v\vert)$,
- $\beta=\min(\vert u\vert,\vert v\vert)\,\}$\par\noindent\kern10pt
-{\bf if} $\\{internal}[\\{fillin}]\ne0$ {\bf then}\par\noindent\kern20pt
-$d\gets d-\\{take\_fraction}(\\{internal}[\\{fillin}],
- \\{make\_fraction}(\\{beta}+\\{beta},\\{delta}))$;\par\noindent\kern10pt
-$d\gets\\{take\_fraction}((d+4)\;{\bf div}\;8,\\{delta})$;\kern5pt
-$\\{alpha}\gets\\{alpha}\;{\bf div}\;\\{half\_unit}$;
-\bugonpage D263, line 20 (3/16/86)
-instead of \\{false}, the other routines will simply log the fact
-that they have been called; they won't\cutpar
-\bugonpage D268, line 2 (4/28/87)
-Given the number~$k$ of an open window, the pixels of positive
-weight in \\{cur\_edges} will be shown\cutpar
-\bugonpage D301, line 6 of section 652 (5/5/87)
-[This line can be eliminated, since variable $s$ is not
-used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{652}$
-from the corresponding index entry on page D537; remove 652 from
-the index entries for \\{param\_size} and \\{param\_start} on page D534;
-and remove \\{param\_size} from the mini-index on page D301.]
-\bugonpage D376, lines 17 and 18 (11/14/86)
-[these two mysterious lines should be deleted]
-\bugonpage D380, line 11 (5/5/87)
-[Variables $q$ and $r$ can be eliminated, since they are not
-used in this procedure! If you delete them, also remove $\underline{862}$
-from the corresponding index entries on page D536.]
-\bugonpage D429, line 14 (5/5/87)
-{\bf begin} $p\gets\\{cur\_exp}$;
-\noindent[Also eliminate line 12, and delete $\underline{985}$ from the
-index entry for \\{vv} on page D543.]
-\bugonpage D455, line 5 (5/5/87)
-[This line can be eliminated, since variable $t$ is not
-used in this procedure! If you delete it, also remove $\underline{1059}$
-from the corresponding index entry on page D540; remove 1059 from
-the index entries for \\{small\_number} and \\{with\_option} on pages D539
-and D544; and remove \\{with\_option} from the mini-index on page D455.]
-\bugonpage D463, line 10 (12/15/86)
-\bugonpage D465, lines 17--18 (6/14/87)
-[Delete these two lines.]
-\bugonpage D474, 5th-last line (3/16/86)
-depths, or italic corrections) are sorted;
-then the list of sorted values is perturbed, if necessary.
-\bugonpage D481, line 12 (6/17/86)
-The mini-index at the bottom of this page should also receive the following
-new entry:
-\\{print\_char}: {\bf procedure}, \S58.
-\bugonpage D510, new line to follow line 5 (6/17/86)
-This program doesn't bother to close the input files that may still be open.
-\bugonpage D510, just before the fifth-last line (8/5/86)
-$\{\,$avoid loop in case of fatal error$\,\}$
-\bugonpage D520, right column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{Chinese characters:\quad 1147.}
-\bugonpage D526, left column, lines 1--2 (7/30/86)
- $\underline{105}$, 111, 152, 288, 408, 496, 543,}
-\leftline{\indent\qquad 1098, 1128, 1141.}
-\bugonpage D526, left column, lines 6--7 (7/30/86)
-\leftline{\indent\qquad 478, 497, 499, 503, 530, 540, 547, 549, 599, 603,}
-\leftline{\indent\qquad 612, 615, 815--816, 917, 1169--1170.}
-\bugonpage D528, right column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{Japanese characters:\quad 1147.}
-\bugonpage D530, right column, line 45 (7/30/86)
-\leftline{\indent\\{max}:\quad$\underline{539}$, 543.}
-\bugonpage D533, right column (6/14/87)
-\leftline{oriental characters:\quad 1147.}
-\bugonpage D535, right column, line 27 (6/17/86)
-\leftline{\indent\qquad 1134, 1163--1165, 1182, 1194, 1200, 1205, 1213.}
-\bugonpage D547, bottom two lines (11/27/86)
-[These lines, and the top two on the next page, should move down
-so that they appear in alphabetical order just before `Compute
-test coefficients'.]
- % volume E
-\bugonpage Exiii, lines 1--2 (7/28/86)
-February 11--13, 1984), 49.
-\ {\it An example meta-character of the Devanagari alphabet, worked out
-``online'' with the help of Matthew Carter.}
-\bugonpage Exiii, line 6 (7/28/86)
-{\it and western alphabets work also for Devanagari and Tamil.}
-\bugonpage E12, lines 15 and 19 (7/23/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[change `17.32' to `17.28' in both places]
-\bugonpage E12, third-last line (12/18/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[change `41' to `40']
-\bugonpage E13, lines 3, 4, and 20 (12/18/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[change `40' to `41', `48' to `47', `17' to `7']
-\bugonpage E18, line 20 (7/23/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[change `17.32' to `17.28']
-\bugonpage E18, line 29 (12/9/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[change `236' to `212' in the {\tt cmss9} column]
-\bugonpage E170, top illustration (11/2/86)
-\tenpoint\noindent[There should be no ``dish'' or depression in the
-vicinity of point {\tt 3r}; the top edge of the character should be
-straight. This error appears also in the other uses of `\\{no\_dish\_serif}'
-throughout the book, since the illustrations were made before
-`\\{no\_dish\_serif}' was added to the program. See page
-E180~(twice at the top), E370~(twice), E374~(twice), E376~(twice), E378~(top),
-E390~(bottom), E398~(top), E402~(top), E406~(top), E453~(twice).]
-\bugonpage E179, new line to be inserted after line 6 (10/13/86)
-{\bf if} $\\{shaved\_stem}<\\{crisp}.\\{breadth}$:
- $\\{shaved\_stem}:=\\{crisp}.\\{breadth}$; {\bf fi}
-\bugonpage E219, line 29 (6/2/87)
-\ninepoint\line{\\{top} $y_1=h$; \ $x_1=x_2$; \
- {\bf filldraw stroke} $z_{1e}\dashto z_{2'e}$;\hfil\% stem}
-\bugonpage E279, seventh line from the bottom (7/20/86)
-\rightline{\eightssi that delicious but restrained humor which
- her readers found so irresistible.}
-\bugonpage E301, new line to be inserted after line 28 (5/15/87)
-\quad{\bf if} $\\{lower\_side}>1.2\\{upper\_side}$:
- $\\{upper\_side}:=\\{lower\_side}$; {\bf fi}
-\bugonpage E554, bottom half of page (12/18/86)
-\ninepoint\noindent[The letters will change slightly because of the
-corrections to {\tt cmr17} noted on pages 12 and 13.]
-\bugonpage E561, line 3 (12/9/86)
-\ninepoint\noindent[The numerals should be `\thinspace
-{\niness 0123456789}\thinspace' (i.e., 2/3 point less tall)
-because of the correction made to page 18.]
-\bugonpage E562, line 9 (12/9/86)
-\ninepoint\noindent[The numerals should be `\thinspace
-{\ninessi 0123456789\/}\thinspace' (i.e., 2/3 point less tall)
-because of the correction made to page 18.]
-\bugonpage E572, entry for {\it breadth} (10/13/86)
-{\it breadth}, 59, 75, 79, 91, 93, 179, 225, 233,
-\bugonpage E573, entry for {\tt cmcsc10} (8/17/86)
-{\tt cmcsc10}, $\underline{30}$--$\underline{31}$, 567.
-\bugonpage E576, tenth-last line (5/15/87)
-{\bf lowres\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em
- fix}, 550.
- \bye
- Now here are some that I will make soon!