path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/lib/tex/hyphen/language.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/lib/tex/hyphen/language.rb')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/lib/tex/hyphen/language.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/lib/tex/hyphen/language.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d3437d74b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/hyph-utf8/lib/tex/hyphen/language.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+require 'yaml'
+require 'hydra'
+require 'byebug' unless ENV['RACK_ENV'] == "production"
+require_relative 'path'
+class String
+ def superstrip
+ strip.gsub /%.*$/, ''
+ end
+ def supersplit
+ strip.gsub(/\s+/m,"\n").split("\n")
+ end
+ def safe
+ gsub /[\s-]/, ''
+ end
+ def titlecase
+' ')
+ end
+module TeX
+ module Hyphen
+ class InvalidMetadata < StandardError; end
+ class NoAuthor < InvalidMetadata; end
+ class NoLicence < InvalidMetadata; end
+ include PATH
+ class Author
+ def initialize(name,surname,email,contacted1,contacted2)
+ @name = name
+ @surname = surname
+ @email = email
+ # this mostly means if email has been recently checked
+ @contacted1 = contacted1
+ # this means if we made more cooperation with author,
+ # exchanging patches etc.
+ @contacted2 = contacted2
+ end
+ attr_reader :name, :surname, :email
+ def self.authors
+ @@authors ||= YAML::load File.expand_path 'authors.yml', __dir__
+ end
+ def self.all
+ authors.values
+ end
+ def self.[] a
+ authors[a]
+ end
+ end
+ class Language
+ attr_reader :bcp47
+ @@eohmarker = '=' * 42
+ def iso639
+ @bcp47.split('-').first
+ end
+ # FIXME Find something better than all that extract_metadata unless @blah nonsens
+ def babelname
+ extract_metadata unless @babelname
+ @babelname
+ end
+ def description
+ extract_metadata unless @description
+ @description
+ end
+ def use_old_loader
+ extract_metadata unless @use_old_loader
+ @use_old_loader
+ end
+ def use_old_patterns_comment
+ extract_metadata unless @use_old_patterns_comment
+ @use_old_patterns_comment
+ end
+ def legacy_patterns
+ extract_metadata unless @legacy_patterns
+ @legacy_patterns
+ end
+ def message
+ extract_metadata unless @message
+ @message
+ end
+ def known_bugs
+ extract_metadata unless @known_bugs
+ @known_bugs
+ end
+ def initialize(bcp47 = nil)
+ @bcp47 = bcp47
+ end
+ def self.languages
+ @@languages ||= Dir.glob(File.join(PATH::TEX, 'hyph-*.tex')).inject [] do |languages, texfile|
+ bcp47 = texfile.gsub /^.*\/hyph-(.*)\.tex$/, '\1'
+ # languages << [bcp47,]
+ languages << [bcp47, nil]
+ end.to_h
+ end
+ @@languages = Language.languages
+ def self.all
+ @@all ||= do |bcp47, language|
+ next if bcp47 == 'sr-cyrl' # FIXME Remove later
+ @@languages[bcp47] ||=
+ end.compact
+ end
+ def self.all_by_iso639
+ all.inject( do |maintags, language|
+ (maintags[language.iso639] ||= << language
+ maintags
+ end
+ end
+ def self.find_by_bcp47(bcp47)
+ languages[bcp47]
+ end
+ def private_use?
+ @bcp47.length == 3 || @bcp47[3] == '-' and @bcp47[0] == 'q' and ('a'..'t').include? @bcp47[1]
+ end
+ # TODO This should probably become “macrolanguage name” or something similar
+ # @@displaynames = {
+ # 'el' => 'Greek',
+ # 'nb' => 'Norwegian',
+ # 'nn' => 'Norwegian',
+ # 'sh' => 'Serbian',
+ # }
+ def licences
+ extract_metadata unless @licences
+ @licences
+ end
+ def lefthyphenmin
+ extract_metadata unless @lefthyphenmin
+ @lefthyphenmin
+ end
+ def righthyphenmin
+ extract_metadata unless @righthyphenmin
+ @righthyphenmin
+ end
+ # Strictly speaking a misnomer, because grc-x-ibycus should also return true.
+ # But useful for a number of apostrophe-related routines
+ def isgreek?
+ ['grc', 'el-polyton', 'el-monoton'].include? @bcp47
+ end
+ def serbian?
+ @bcp47 =~ /^sh-/
+ end
+ def italic?
+ ['it', 'pms', 'rm'].include? @bcp47
+ end
+ def has_apostrophes?
+ begin
+ !isgreek? && patterns.any? { |p| p =~ /'/ }
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def has_hyphens?
+ begin
+ patterns.any? { |p| p =~ /-/ }
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_apostrophes
+ plain, with_apostrophe =, nil
+ patterns.each do |pattern|
+ plain << pattern
+ if pattern =~ /'/ && !isgreek?
+ pattern_with_apostrophe = pattern.gsub(/'/,"’")
+ plain << pattern_with_apostrophe
+ (with_apostrophe ||= []) << pattern_with_apostrophe
+ end
+ end
+ { plain: plain, with_apostrophe: with_apostrophe }
+ end
+ def extract_characters # FIXME Turkish and others iİ; check Church Slavonic
+ characters =
+ characters_indexes = patterns.join.gsub(/[.0-9]/,'').unpack('U*').sort.uniq
+ characters_indexes.each do |c|
+ ch = [c].pack('U')
+ characters << ch + ch.upcase
+ characters << "’’" if ch == "'" && !isgreek?
+ end
+ characters
+ end
+ def comments_and_licence # Major TODO extract everything into YAML, and write .yml
+ @comments_and_licence ||= readtexfile.gsub(/(.*)\\patterns.*/m,'\1')
+ end
+ def authors
+ extract_metadata unless @authors
+ @authors
+ end
+ def github_link
+ sprintf '', @bcp47
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ # TODO Remove when practical
+ a = self.babelname
+ b = other.babelname
+ if a == 'serbian' && b == 'serbianc'
+ return -1
+ elsif a == 'serbianc' && b == 'serbian'
+ return 1
+ end
+ self.bcp47 <=> other.bcp47
+ end
+ @@texfile =
+ def readtexfile(bcp47 = @bcp47)
+ begin
+ @@texfile[bcp47] ||=, sprintf('hyph-%s.tex', bcp47)))
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ @@texfile[bcp47] = ""
+ end
+ end
+ def patterns
+ @patterns ||= if @bcp47 == 'eo' then
+ readtexfile.superstrip.
+ gsub(/.*\\patterns\s*\{(.*)\}.*/m,'\1').
+ #
+ gsub(/\\adj\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1a. \1aj. \1ajn. \1an. \1e.').
+ gsub(/\\nom\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1a. \1aj. \1ajn. \1an. \1e. \1o. \1oj. \1ojn. \1on.').
+ gsub(/\\ver\{(.*?)\}/m,'\1as. \1i. \1is. \1os. \1u. \1us.').
+ #
+ supersplit
+ else
+ readtexfile(if ['nb', 'nn'].include? @bcp47 then 'no' else @bcp47 end).superstrip.
+ gsub(/.*\\patterns\s*\{(.*?)\}.*/m,'\1').
+ supersplit
+ end
+ end
+ def exceptions
+ unless @exceptions
+ if readtexfile.superstrip.index('\hyphenation')
+ @exceptions = readtexfile.superstrip.gsub(/.*\\hyphenation\s*\{(.*?)\}.*/m,'\1').supersplit
+ if @exceptions != ""
+ @hyphenation = @exceptions.inject [] do |exceptions, exception|
+ # byebug unless exception
+ exceptions << [exception.gsub('-', ''), exception]
+ end.to_h
+ else
+ @hyphenation = { }
+ end
+ else
+ @exceptions = ""
+ @hyphenation = { }
+ end
+ end
+ @exceptions
+ end
+ def hyphenate(word)
+ exceptions
+ return @hyphenation[word] if @hyphenation[word] # FIXME Better name
+ unless @hydra
+ begin
+ # byebug
+ metadata = extract_metadata
+ @hydra = patterns, :lax, '', metadata
+ rescue InvalidMetadata
+ @hydra = patterns
+ end
+ end
+ @hydra.showhyphens(word)
+ end
+ def extract_metadata
+ header = ""
+, sprintf('hyph-%s.tex', @bcp47))).each_line do |line|
+ break if line =~ /\\patterns|#{@@eohmarker}/
+ header += line.gsub(/^% /, '').gsub(/%.*/, '')
+ end
+ begin
+ metadata = YAML::load header
+ raise InvalidMetadata unless metadata.is_a? Hash
+ rescue Psych::SyntaxError
+ raise InvalidMetadata
+ end
+ @name = metadata.dig('language', 'name')
+ @lefthyphenmin = metadata.dig('hyphenmins', 'typesetting', 'left') || metadata.dig('hyphenmins', 'generation', 'left')
+ @righthyphenmin = metadata.dig('hyphenmins', 'typesetting', 'right') || metadata.dig('hyphenmins', 'generation', 'right')
+ # FIXME That’s not nice
+ if respond_to? :synonyms
+ @synonyms = metadata.dig('texlive', 'synonyms') || []
+ @encoding = metadata.dig('texlive', 'encoding')
+ end
+ @message = metadata.dig('texlive', 'message')
+ @legacy_patterns = metadata.dig('texlive', 'legacy_patterns')
+ @use_old_loader = metadata.dig('texlive', 'use_old_loader')
+ @use_old_patterns_comment = metadata.dig('texlive', 'use_old_patterns_comment')
+ @description = metadata.dig('texlive', 'description')
+ @babelname = metadata.dig('texlive', 'babelname')
+ @package = metadata.dig('texlive', 'package')
+ licences = metadata.dig('licence')
+ raise NoLicence unless licences
+ licences = [licences] unless licences.is_a? Array
+ @licences = do |licence|
+ raise bcp47 if licence.is_a? String
+ next if licence.values == [nil]
+ licence.dig('name') || 'custom'
+ end.compact
+ authors = metadata.dig('authors')
+ if authors
+ @authors = do |author|
+ author['name']
+ end
+ else
+ @authors = nil
+ raise # FIXME
+ end
+ @known_bugs = metadata.dig('known_bugs')
+ # raise NoAuthor unless @authors && @authors.count > 0 # TODO Later ;-) AR 2018-09-13
+ metadata
+ end
+ end
+ end