path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/malayalam/preproc/mmr.scr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/malayalam/preproc/mmr.scr')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/malayalam/preproc/mmr.scr b/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/malayalam/preproc/mmr.scr
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a8a223619..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/fonts/malayalam/preproc/mmr.scr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-% mmr.scr --- Malayalam reformed script file for TeX pre-processor
-% (c) 1993 Jeroen Hellingman
-% History:
-% 22-JAN-1994 changes for virama (JH)
-% 02-APR-1993 changed macro for virama (JH)
-% 28-JAN-1993 version 1.0 (Jeroen Hellingman)
-% summary of used TeX commands
-% \<#1> typeset glyph #1
-% \B#1#2 put #2 centered below #1
-% \M#1#2 put #2 right below of #1
-% \T#1#2 put #1 centered on top of #2
-% \Z switch to sub-font (not used for reformed script)
-% \K kern in em's ( \def\K#1{\kern#1em} )
-% \X \def\X{\hbox}
-% script type
-@atbegin "{\\mm "
-@atend "}"
-% to be placed at the begin respectively end of malayalam text
-@atbeginsyllabe "\\X{"
-@atendsyllabe "}"
-% to be placed at the begin repectively end of every syllabe
-% prebuild characters: <codes, glyphs>.
-% We start with a list mapping all single characters to glyphs (i.e. TeX
-% codes to typeset them), they need to be here!
-"\d02" "\\<2>" % anusvara
-"\d03" "\\<3>" % visarga
-% vowels
-"\d05" "\\<5>" % a
-"\d06" "\\<6>" % aa
-"\d07" "\\<7>" % i
-"\d08" "\\<7>\\<87>" % ii
-"\d09" "\\<9>" % u
-"\d10" "\\<9>\\<87>" % uu
-"\d11" "\\<11>" % vocalic r
-"\d96" "\\<96>" % vocalic rr
-"\d12" "\\<12>" % vocalic l
-"\d97" "\\<97>" % vocalic ll
-"\d14" "\\<14>" % e
-"\d15" "\\<15>" % ee
-"\d16" "\\<70>\\<14>" % ai
-"\d18" "\\<18>" % o
-"\d19" "\\<18>\\<62>" % oo
-"\d20" "\\<18>\\<87>" % au
-"\d87" "\\<87>" % au length mark
-% consonants
-"\d21" "\\<21>" % ka
-"\d22" "\\<22>" % kha
-"\d23" "\\<23>" % ga
-"\d24" "\\<24>" % gha
-"\d25" "\\<25>" % nga
-"\d26" "\\<26>" % ca
-"\d27" "\\<27>" % cha
-"\d28" "\\<28>" % ja
-"\d29" "\\<29>" % jha
-"\d30" "\\<30>" % nya
-"\d31" "\\<31>" % Ta
-"\d32" "\\<32>" % Tha
-"\d33" "\\<33>" % Da
-"\d34" "\\<34>" % Dha
-"\d35" "\\<35>" % Na
-"\d36" "\\<36>" % ta
-"\d37" "\\<37>" % tha
-"\d38" "\\<38>" % da
-"\d39" "\\<39>" % dha
-"\d40" "\\<40>" % na
-"\d42" "\\<42>" % pa
-"\d43" "\\<43>" % pha, fa
-"\d44" "\\<44>" % ba
-"\d45" "\\<45>" % bha
-"\d46" "\\<46>" % ma
-"\d47" "\\<47>" % ya
-"\d48" "\\<48>" % ra
-"\d49" "\\<49>" % Ra
-"\d50" "\\<50>" % la
-"\d51" "\\<51>" % La
-"\d52" "\\<52>" % zha
-"\d53" "\\<53>" % va
-"\d54" "\\<54>" % sha
-"\d55" "\\<55>" % Sa
-"\d56" "\\<56>" % sa
-"\d57" "\\<57>" % ha
-% digits
-"\d102" "{\\mmzero}" % 0
-"\d103" "{\\mmone}" % 1
-"\d104" "{\\mmtwo}" % 2
-"\d105" "{\\mmthree}" % 3
-"\d106" "{\\mmfour}" % 4
-"\d107" "{\\mmfive}" % 5
-"\d108" "{\\mmsix}" % 6
-"\d109" "{\\mmseven}" % 7
-"\d110" "{\\mmeight}" % 8
-"\d111" "{\\mmnine}" % 9
-% specials
-"\d77" "\\<77>" % virama
-"\d127" "\\hbox{}" % join (dissapears)
-"\d126" "\\hbox{}" % non-join (dissapears)
-"\d125" "\\<00>" % dotted circle
-"\d125\d127" "\\<00>" % dotted circle + join
-"\d124" " " % space
-"\d124\d127" "\\hbox{}" % space + join (dissapears)
-% then we have a list of all conjuncts and consonant vowel combinations
-% that cannot be build by the standard algorithm, i.e. we need a ligature.
-"\d21\d21" "\\<160>" % k+ka
-"\d21\d55" "\\<251>" % k+Sa
-"\d21\d77" "\\<94>" % k+virama
-"\d23\d23" "\\<240>" % g+ga
-"\d23\d24" "\\<218>" % g+gha
-"\d23\d38" "\\<177>" % g+da
-"\d23\d38\d39" "\\<178>" % g+d+dha
-"\d23\d40" "\\<179>" % g+na
-"\d23\d46" "\\<180>" % g+ma
-"\d25\d25" "\\<161>" % ng+nga
-"\d25\d21" "\\<181>" % ng+ka
-"\d26\d26" "\\<247>" % c+ca
-"\d28\d28" "\\<162>" % j+ja
-"\d28\d30" "\\<184>" % j+nya
-"\d30\d26" "\\<185>" % ny+ca
-"\d30\d28" "\\<186>" % ny+ja
-"\d30\d30" "\\<163>" % ny+nya
-"\d31\d31" "\\<164>" % T+Ta
-"\d33\d33" "\\M{\\<33>}{\\<89>}" % D+Da
-"\d34\d34" "\\M{\\<34>}{\\<89>}" % Dh+Dha
-"\d35\d31" "\\<187>" % N+Ta
-"\d35\d33" "\\<188>" % N+Da
-"\d35\d35" "\\<241>" % N+Na
-"\d35\d77" "\\<78>" % N+virama
-"\d36\d36" "\\<165>" % t+ta
-"\d36\d37" "\\<36>\\K{-.5}\\<88>" % t+tha
-"\d36\d40" "\\<191>" % t+na
-"\d36\d46" "\\<190>" % t+ma
-"\d36\d56" "\\<221>" % t+sa
-"\d36\d77" "\\<81>" % t+virama
-"\d38\d38" "\\<166>" % d+da
-"\d38\d39" "\\<192>" % d+dha
-"\d40\d36" "\\<194>" % n+ta
-"\d40\d38" "\\<195>" % n+da
-"\d40\d40" "\\<167>" % n+na
-"\d40\d46" "\\<193>" % n+ma
-"\d40\d77" "\\<79>" % n+virama
-"\d42\d42" "\\<242>" % p+pa
-"\d44\d44" "\\<248>" % b+ba
-"\d46\d46" "\\<46>\\K{-.27}\\<46>" % m+ma
-"\d46\d77" "\\<2>" % m+virama (=anusvara)
-"\d47\d47" "\\<249>" % y+ya
-"\d48\d77" "\\<80>" % r+virama
-"\d49\d49" "\\<243>" % R+Ra
-"\d49\d77" "\\<80>" % R+virama
-"\d50\d77" "\\<81>" % l+virama
-"\d51\d51" "\\<51>\\K{-.2}\\<51>" % L+La
-"\d51\d77" "\\<82>" % L+virama
-"\d53\d53" "\\<250>" % v+va
-"\d54\d54" "\\<244>" % sh+sha
-"\d56\d56" "\\<245>" % s+sa
-% cillu/non-cillu variants of $k$ $y$ $n$, $N$, $m$, $t$ $l$ $L$
-"\d21\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<21>}" % $k<<+$ cillu-form of ka
-"\d47\d127\d77" "\\<95>" % $k<<+$ cillu-form of ya
-"\d35\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<35>}" % Na
-"\d36\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<36>}" % ta
-"\d40\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<40>}" % na
-"\d46\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<46>}" % ma
-"\d48\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<48>}" % ra
-"\d49\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<49>}" % Ra
-"\d50\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<50>}" % la
-"\d51\d127\d77" "\\mmV{\\<51>}" % La
-% secondary shapes of characters: <codes, glyphs, glyphs> the first set of
-% glyphs (TeX commands) comes in front of the cluster that is being build,
-% the second set comes after it.
-% vowels
-"\d05" "" "" % a
-"\d06" "" "\\<62>" % aa
-"\d07" "" "\\<63>" % i
-"\d08" "" "\\<64>" % ii
-"\d09" "" "\\<72>" % u
-"\d10" "" "\\<73>" % uu
-"\d11" "" "\\<75>" % vocalic r
-"\d96" "\\M{" "}{\\<68>}" % vocalic rr
-"\d12" "" "\\<12>" % vocalic l
-"\d97" "" "\\<97>" % vocalic ll
-"\d14" "\\<70>" "" % e
-"\d15" "\\<71>" "" % ee
-"\d16" "\\<70>\\<70>" "" % ai
-"\d18" "\\<70>" "\\<62>" % o
-"\d19" "\\<71>" "\\<62>" % oo
-"\d20" "" "\\<87>" % au
-"\d87" "\\<70>" "\\<87>" % au length mark
-"\d77" "\\mmV{" "}" % virama
-% secondary shapes of the consonants
-"\d47" "" "\\<83>" % secondary ya
-"\d48" "\\<74>" "" % secondary ra
-"\d50" "\\M{" "}{\\<85>}" % secondary la
-"\d53" "" "\\K{-.5}\\<86>" % secondary va
-% primary shapes of characters, occurs only with "ra"
-% @reepham "\\T{\\<76>}{" "}"
-% "\d48" "\\T{\\<76>}{" "}" % ra
-"\d48" "\\<80>" "" % ra
-% end of file