path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/03-basic-misc.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/03-basic-misc.t')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/03-basic-misc.t b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/03-basic-misc.t
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e33e8951945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/03-basic-misc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+no warnings 'utf8';
+use Test::More tests => 15;
+use Biber;
+use Biber::Output::BBL;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+# Set up Biber object
+my $biber = Biber->new(noconf => 1);
+# Options - we could set these in the control file but it's nice to see what we're
+# relying on here for tests
+# Biber options
+Biber::Config->setoption('fastsort', 1);
+# Now generate the information
+my $out = $biber->get_output_obj;
+my $section = $biber->sections->get_section(0);
+my $main = $section->get_list('MAIN');
+my @keys = sort $section->get_citekeys;
+my @citedkeys = sort qw{ murray t1 kant:ku kant:kpv t2 shore};
+my @allkeys = sort qw{ stdmodel aristotle:poetics vazques-de-parga t1
+gonzalez averroes/bland laufenberg westfahl:frontier knuth:ct:a kastenholz
+averroes/hannes iliad luzzatto malinowski sorace knuth:ct:d britannica
+nietzsche:historie stdmodel:weinberg knuth:ct:b baez/article knuth:ct:e itzhaki
+jaffe padhye cicero stdmodel:salam reese averroes/hercz murray shore
+aristotle:physics massa aristotle:anima gillies set kowalik gaonkar springer
+geer hammond wormanx westfahl:space worman set:herrmann augustine gerhardt
+piccato hasan hyman stdmodel:glashow stdmodel:ps_sc kant:kpv companion almendro
+sigfridsson ctan baez/online aristotle:rhetoric pimentel00 pines knuth:ct:c moraux cms
+angenendt angenendtsk loh markey cotton vangennepx kant:ku nussbaum nietzsche:ksa1
+vangennep knuth:ct angenendtsa spiegelberg bertram brandt set:aksin chiu nietzsche:ksa
+set:yoon maron coleridge tvonb t2 } ;
+is_deeply( \@keys, \@citedkeys, 'citekeys 1') ;
+is_deeply( [ $section->get_list('SHORTHANDS')->get_keys ], [ 'kant:kpv', 'kant:ku' ], 'shorthands' ) ;
+# reset some options and re-generate information
+# Have to do a citekey deletion as we are not re-reading the .bcf which would do it for us
+# Otherwise, we have citekeys and allkeys which confuses fetch_data()
+$section = $biber->sections->get_section(0);
+my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
+$out = $biber->get_output_obj;
+@keys = sort $section->get_citekeys;
+is_deeply( \@keys, \@allkeys, 'citekeys 2') ;
+my $murray1 = q| \entry{murray}{article}{}
+ \name{labelname}{14}{%
+ {{Hostetler}{H}{Michael~J.}{MJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wingate}{W}{Julia~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Zhong}{Z}{Chuan-Jian}{CJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Harris}{H}{Jay~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Vachet}{V}{Richard~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Clark}{C}{Michael~R.}{MR}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Londono}{L}{J.~David}{JD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Green}{G}{Stephen~J.}{SJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Stokes}{S}{Jennifer~J.}{JJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wignall}{W}{George~D.}{GD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Glish}{G}{Gary~L.}{GL}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Porter}{P}{Marc~D.}{MD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Evans}{E}{Neal~D.}{ND}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Murray}{M}{Royce~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \name{author}{14}{%
+ {{Hostetler}{H}{Michael~J.}{MJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wingate}{W}{Julia~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Zhong}{Z}{Chuan-Jian}{CJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Harris}{H}{Jay~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Vachet}{V}{Richard~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Clark}{C}{Michael~R.}{MR}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Londono}{L}{J.~David}{JD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Green}{G}{Stephen~J.}{SJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Stokes}{S}{Jennifer~J.}{JJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wignall}{W}{George~D.}{GD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Glish}{G}{Gary~L.}{GL}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Porter}{P}{Marc~D.}{MD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Evans}{E}{Neal~D.}{ND}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Murray}{M}{Royce~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{HMJ+1}
+ \field{labelalpha}{Hos\textbf{+}98}
+ \field{sortinit}{H}
+ \count{uniquename}{0}
+ \true{singletitle}
+ \field{annotation}{An \texttt{article} entry with \arabic{author} authors. By default, long author and editor lists are automatically truncated. This is configurable}
+ \field{hyphenation}{american}
+ \field{indextitle}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Langmuir}
+ \field{number}{1}
+ \field{shorttitle}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules}
+ \field{subtitle}{Core and monolayer properties as a function of core size}
+ \field{title}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules with core diameters from 1.5 to 5.2~nm}
+ \field{volume}{14}
+ \field{year}{1998}
+ \field{pages}{17\bibrangedash 30}
+ \endentry
+my $murray2 = q| \entry{murray}{article}{}
+ \name{labelname}{14}{%
+ {{Hostetler}{H}{Michael~J.}{MJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wingate}{W}{Julia~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Zhong}{Z}{Chuan-Jian}{CJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Harris}{H}{Jay~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Vachet}{V}{Richard~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Clark}{C}{Michael~R.}{MR}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Londono}{L}{J.~David}{JD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Green}{G}{Stephen~J.}{SJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Stokes}{S}{Jennifer~J.}{JJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wignall}{W}{George~D.}{GD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Glish}{G}{Gary~L.}{GL}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Porter}{P}{Marc~D.}{MD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Evans}{E}{Neal~D.}{ND}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Murray}{M}{Royce~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \name{author}{14}{%
+ {{Hostetler}{H}{Michael~J.}{MJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wingate}{W}{Julia~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Zhong}{Z}{Chuan-Jian}{CJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Harris}{H}{Jay~E.}{JE}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Vachet}{V}{Richard~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Clark}{C}{Michael~R.}{MR}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Londono}{L}{J.~David}{JD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Green}{G}{Stephen~J.}{SJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Stokes}{S}{Jennifer~J.}{JJ}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Wignall}{W}{George~D.}{GD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Glish}{G}{Gary~L.}{GL}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Porter}{P}{Marc~D.}{MD}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Evans}{E}{Neal~D.}{ND}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Murray}{M}{Royce~W.}{RW}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{HMJ+1}
+ \field{labelalpha}{Hos98}
+ \field{sortinit}{H}
+ \count{uniquename}{0}
+ \true{singletitle}
+ \field{annotation}{An \texttt{article} entry with \arabic{author} authors. By default, long author and editor lists are automatically truncated. This is configurable}
+ \field{hyphenation}{american}
+ \field{indextitle}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules}
+ \field{journaltitle}{Langmuir}
+ \field{number}{1}
+ \field{shorttitle}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules}
+ \field{subtitle}{Core and monolayer properties as a function of core size}
+ \field{title}{Alkanethiolate gold cluster molecules with core diameters from 1.5 to 5.2~nm}
+ \field{volume}{14}
+ \field{year}{1998}
+ \field{pages}{17\bibrangedash 30}
+ \endentry
+my $t1 = q| \entry{t1}{misc}{}
+ \name{labelname}{1}{%
+ {{Brown}{B}{Bill}{B}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \name{author}{1}{%
+ {{Brown}{B}{Bill}{B}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{BB1}
+ \strng{fullhash}{BB1}
+ \field{labelalpha}{Bro92}
+ \field{sortinit}{B}
+ \count{uniquename}{0}
+ \field{title}{Normal things {$^{3}$}}
+ \field{year}{1992}
+ \field{pages}{100\bibrangedash}
+ \keyw{primary, something,somethingelse}
+ \endentry
+my $t2 = q| \entry{t2}{misc}{}
+ \name{labelname}{1}{%
+ {{Brown}{B}{Bill}{B}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \name{author}{1}{%
+ {{Brown}{B}{Bill}{B}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{BB1}
+ \strng{fullhash}{BB1}
+ \field{labelalpha}{Bro94}
+ \field{sortinit}{B}
+ \count{uniquename}{0}
+ \field{title}{Signs of W$\frac{o}{a}$nder}
+ \field{year}{1994}
+ \field{pages}{100}
+ \endentry
+my $Worman_N = [ 'WN1', 'WN2' ] ;
+my $Gennep = [ 'vGA1', 'vGJ1' ] ;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'t1'), $t1, 'bbl entry with maths in title 1' ) ;
+is( $bibentries->entry('shore')->get_field('month'), '3', 'default bib month macros' ) ;
+ok( $bibentries->entry('t1')->has_keyword('primary'), 'Keywords test - 1' ) ;
+ok( $bibentries->entry('t1')->has_keyword('something'), 'Keywords test - 2' ) ;
+ok( $bibentries->entry('t1')->has_keyword('somethingelse'), 'Keywords test - 3' ) ;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'t2'), $t2, 'bbl entry with maths in title 2' ) ;
+is_deeply( Biber::Config->_get_uniquename('Worman_N'), $Worman_N, 'uniquename count 1') ;
+is_deeply( Biber::Config->_get_uniquename('Gennep'), $Gennep, 'uniquename count 2') ;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'murray'), $murray1, 'bbl with > maxnames' ) ;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'missing1'), " \\missing{missing1}\n", 'missing citekey 1' ) ;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'missing2'), " \\missing{missing2}\n", 'missing citekey 2' ) ;
+Biber::Config->setblxoption('alphaothers', '');
+Biber::Config->setblxoption('sortalphaothers', '');
+# Have to do a citekey deletion as we are not re-reading the .bcf which would do it for us
+# Otherwise, we have citekeys and allkeys which confuses fetch_data()
+$biber->prepare ;
+$section = $biber->sections->get_section(0);
+$main = $section->get_list('MAIN');
+$out = $biber->get_output_obj;
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main,'murray'), $murray2, 'bbl with > maxnames, empty alphaothers' ) ;
+unlink <*.utf8>;