path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/01-names-biblatexml.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/01-names-biblatexml.t')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/01-names-biblatexml.t b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/01-names-biblatexml.t
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..249bc2e9841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/t/01-names-biblatexml.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+no warnings 'utf8';
+#use Test::More skip_all => 'bltxml not working yet';
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Biber;
+use Biber::Input::file::bibtex;
+use Biber::Output::BBL;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+# Set up Biber object
+my $biber = Biber->new(noconf => 1);
+# Options - we could set these in the control file but it's nice to see what we're
+# relying on here for tests
+# Biber options
+Biber::Config->setoption('fastsort', 1);
+Biber::Config->setoption('sortlocale', 'C');
+# Now generate the information
+my $out = $biber->get_output_obj;
+my $section = $biber->sections->get_section(0);
+my $main = $section->get_list('MAIN');
+my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
+my $l1 = q| \entry{BulgakovRozenfeld:1983}{book}{}
+ \name{labelname}{3}{%
+ {{Булгаков}{Б.}{Павел~Георгиевич}{П.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Розенфельд}{Р.}{Борис~Абрамович}{Б.~B.}{Билл}{д.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Ахмедов}{А.}{Ашраф~Ахмедович}{А.~А.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \name{author}{3}{%
+ {{Булгаков}{Б.}{Павел~Георгиевич}{П.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Розенфельд}{Р.}{Борис~Абрамович}{Б.~B.}{Билл}{д.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ {{Ахмедов}{А.}{Ашраф~Ахмедович}{А.~А.}{}{}{}{}}%
+ }
+ \list{language}{1}{%
+ {Russian}%
+ }
+ \list{location}{1}{%
+ {Москва}%
+ }
+ \list{publisher}{1}{%
+ {Наука}%
+ }
+ \strng{namehash}{БПРБBдААА1}
+ \strng{fullhash}{БПРБBдААА1}
+ \field{sortinit}{Б}
+ \field{labelyear}{1983}
+ \field{eventday}{16}
+ \field{eventendday}{17}
+ \field{eventendmonth}{05}
+ \field{eventendyear}{1990}
+ \field{eventmonth}{05}
+ \field{eventyear}{1990}
+ \field{origday}{02}
+ \field{origmonth}{04}
+ \field{origyear}{1985}
+ \field{pagetotal}{240}
+ \field{series}{Научно-биографическая литература}
+ \field{title}{Mukhammad al-Khorezmi. Ca. 783 – ca. 850}
+ \field{urlday}{01}
+ \field{urlendyear}{}
+ \field{urlmonth}{07}
+ \field{urlyear}{1991}
+ \field{year}{1983}
+ \endentry
+is( $out->get_output_entry($main, 'bulgakovrozenfeld:1983'), $l1, 'Basic BibLaTeXML test - 1') ;
+unlink <*.utf8>;