path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 2420 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/biblatexml.dcf b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/biblatexml.dcf
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index e17ec28257f..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/biblatexml.dcf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?oxygen RNGSchema="../../../../data/schemata/dcf.rnc" type="compact"?>
-<dcf:driver-control driver="biblatexml" xmlns:dcf="">
- <!--
- These entry type aliases we might find in the the datasource so
- Since biblatexml is specifically for biblatex, there should be no need
- for entrytype aliases - a biblatexml file should have only what biblatex expects
- -->
- <!--
- Field handlers
- -->
- <dcf:fields>
- <!-- date fields -->
- <dcf:field name="date" handler="date"/>
- <!-- list fields -->
- <dcf:field name="institution" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="language" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="lista" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listb" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listc" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listd" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="liste" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listf" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="location" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="organization" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="origlocation" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="origpublisher" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="publisher" handler="list"/>
- <!-- name fields -->
- <dcf:field name="afterword" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="annotator" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="author" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="bookauthor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="commentator" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editora" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorb" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorc" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="foreword" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="holder" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="introduction" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="namea" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameb" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="namec" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortauthor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorteditor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortname" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="translator" handler="name"/>
- <!-- range fields -->
- <dcf:field name="pages" handler="range"/>
- <!-- verbatim fields -->
- <dcf:field name="abstract" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="addendum" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="annotation" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="authortype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="bookpagination" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="booksubtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="booktitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="booktitleaddon" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="chapter" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="crossref" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="day" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="edition" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="editoratype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorbtype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorctype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="editortype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="eid" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="entryset" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="entrysubtype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="eventtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="execute" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="hyphenation" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="indexsorttitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="indextitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="isan" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="isbn" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="ismn" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="isrn" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="issn" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="issue" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="issuesubtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="issuetitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="iswc" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="journalsubtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="journaltitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="label" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="library" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="mainsubtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="maintitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="maintitleaddon" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="month" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameaddon" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameatype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="namebtype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="namectype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="note" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="number" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="origlanguage" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="origtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="pagetotal" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="pagination" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="part" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="presort" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="pubstate" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="related" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="relatedtype" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="series" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorthand" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorthandintro" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortjournal" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortseries" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorttitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortkey" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="sorttitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortyear" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="subtitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="title" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="titleaddon" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="type" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="usera" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="userb" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="userc" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="userd" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="usere" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="userf" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="venue" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="version" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="volume" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="volumes" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="xref" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="year" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="keywords" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="options" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="doi" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="eprint" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="file" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="url" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verba" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verbb" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verbc" handler="verbatim"/>
- </dcf:fields>
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
deleted file mode 100644
index a16d06e14f3..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
-package Biber::Input::file::biblatexml;
-#use feature 'unicode_strings';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-use Biber::Constants;
-use Biber::Entries;
-use Biber::Entry;
-use Biber::Entry::Names;
-use Biber::Entry::Name;
-use Biber::Sections;
-use Biber::Section;
-use Biber::Structure;
-use Biber::Utils;
-use Biber::Config;
-use Encode;
-use File::Spec;
-use Log::Log4perl qw(:no_extra_logdie_message);
-use base 'Exporter';
-use List::AllUtils qw(first uniq);
-use XML::LibXML;
-use XML::LibXML::Simple;
-use Readonly;
-use Data::Dump qw(dump);
-my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger('main');
-Readonly::Scalar our $BIBLATEXML_NAMESPACE_URI => '';
-Readonly::Scalar our $NS => 'bib';
-# Handlers for field types
-# The names of these have nothing to do whatever with the biblatex field types
-# They just started out copying them - they are categories of this specific
-# data source date types
-my %handlers = (
- 'date' => \&_date,
- 'list' => \&_list,
- 'name' => \&_name,
- 'range' => \&_range,
- 'related' => \&_related,
- 'verbatim' => \&_verbatim
-# we assume that the driver config file is in the same dir as the driver:
-(my $vol, my $driver_path, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{"Biber/Input/file/"} );
-# Deal with the strange world of Par::Packer paths, see similar code in
-my $dcf;
-if ($driver_path =~ m|/par\-| and $driver_path !~ m|/inc|) { # a mangled PAR @INC path
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, "$driver_path/inc/lib/Biber/Input/file", 'biblatexml.dcf');
-else {
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $driver_path, 'biblatexml.dcf');
-# Read driver config file
-my $dcfxml = XML::LibXML::Simple::XMLin($dcf,
- 'ForceContent' => 1,
- 'ForceArray' => [
- qr/\Aentry-type\z/,
- qr/\Afield\z/,
- ],
- 'NsStrip' => 1,
- 'KeyAttr' => ['name']);
-# Check we have the right driver
-unless ($dcfxml->{driver} eq 'biblatexml') {
- $logger->logdie("Expected driver config type 'biblatexml', got '" . $dcfxml->{driver} . "'");
-=head2 extract_entries
- Main data extraction routine.
- Accepts a data source identifier (filename in this case),
- preprocesses the file and then looks for the passed keys,
- creating entries when it finds them and passes out an
- array of keys it didn't find.
-sub extract_entries {
- my ($biber, $filename, $keys) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- my @rkeys = @$keys;
- $logger->trace("Entering extract_entries()");
- # First make sure we can find the biblatexml file
- my $trying_filename = $filename;
- unless ($filename = locate_biber_file($filename)) {
- $logger->logdie("Cannot find file '$trying_filename'!")
- }
- # Set up XML parser and namespace
- my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
- my $bltxml = $parser->parse_file($filename)
- or $logger->logcroak("Can't parse file $filename");
- my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($bltxml);
- $xpc->registerNs($NS, $BIBLATEXML_NAMESPACE_URI);
- if ($section->is_allkeys) {
- $logger->debug("All citekeys will be used for section '$secnum'");
- # Loop over all entries, creating objects
- foreach my $entry ($xpc->findnodes("//$NS:entry")) {
- $logger->debug('Parsing BibLaTeXML entry object ' . $entry->nodePath);
- # We have to pass the datasource cased key to
- # create_entry() as this sub needs to know the original case of the
- # citation key so we can do case-insensitive key/entry comparisons
- # later but we need to put the original citation case when we write
- # the .bbl. If we lowercase before this, we lose this information.
- # Of course, with allkeys, "citation case" means "datasource entry case"
- # If an entry has no key, ignore it and warn
- unless ($entry->hasAttribute('id')) {
- $logger->warn("Invalid or undefined BibLaTeXML entry key in file '$filename', skipping ...");
- $biber->{warnings}++;
- next;
- }
- create_entry($biber, $entry->getAttribute('id'), $entry);
- }
- # if allkeys, push all bibdata keys into citekeys (if they are not already there)
- $section->add_citekeys($section->bibentries->sorted_keys);
- $logger->debug("Added all citekeys to section '$secnum': " . join(', ', $section->get_citekeys));
- }
- else {
- # loop over all keys we're looking for and create objects
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys: ' . join(', ', @$keys));
- foreach my $wanted_key (@$keys) {
- $logger->debug("Looking for key '$wanted_key' in BibLaTeXML file '$filename'");
- # Cache index keys are lower-cased. This next line effectively implements
- # case insensitive citekeys
- # This will also get the first match it finds
- if (my @entries = $xpc->findnodes("//$NS:entry[\@id='" . lc($wanted_key) . "']")) {
- my $entry;
- # Check to see if there is more than one entry with this key and warn if so
- if ($#entries > 0) {
- $logger->warn("Found more than one entry for key '$wanted_key' in '$filename': " .
- join(',', map {$_->getAttribute('id')} @entries) . ' - using the first one!');
- $biber->{warnings}++;
- }
- $entry = $entries[0];
- $logger->debug("Found key '$wanted_key' in BibLaTeXML file '$filename'");
- $logger->debug('Parsing BibLaTeXML entry object ' . $entry->nodePath);
- # See comment above about the importance of the case of the key
- # passed to create_entry()
- create_entry($biber, $wanted_key, $entry);
- # found a key, remove it from the list of keys we want
- @rkeys = grep {$wanted_key ne $_} @rkeys;
- }
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys now: ' . join(', ', @rkeys));
- }
- }
- return @rkeys;
-=head2 create_entry
- Create a Biber::Entry object from an entry found in a biblatexml data source
-sub create_entry {
- my ($biber, $dskey, $entry) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $struc = Biber::Config->get_structure;
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- # Want a version of the key that is the same case as any citations which
- # reference it, in case they are different. We use this as the .bbl
- # entry key
- # In case of allkeys, this will just be the datasource key as ->get_citekeys
- # returns an empty list
- my $citekey = first {lc($dskey) eq lc($_)} $section->get_citekeys;
- $citekey = $dskey unless $citekey;
- my $lc_key = lc($dskey);
- my $bibentry = new Biber::Entry;
- # We record the original keys of both the datasource and citation. They may differ in case.
- $bibentry->set_field('dskey', $dskey);
- $bibentry->set_field('citekey', $citekey);
- # Set entrytype taking note of any aliases for this datasource driver
- if (my $ealias = $dcfxml->{'entry-types'}{'entry-type'}{$entry->getAttribute('entrytype')}) {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $ealias->{aliasof}{content});
- if (my $alsoset = $ealias->{alsoset}) {
- unless ($bibentry->field_exists($alsoset->{target})) {
- $bibentry->set_field($alsoset->{target}, $alsoset->{value});
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $entry->getAttribute('entrytype'));
- }
- # Some entry attributes
- if (my $hp = $entry->getAttribute('howpublished')) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('howpublished', $hp);
- }
- # We put all the fields we find modulo field aliases into the object.
- # Validation happens later and is not datasource dependent
- foreach my $f (uniq map {$_->nodeName()} $entry->findnodes("*")) {
- # We have to process local options as early as possible in order
- # to make them available for things that need them like name parsing
- if (_norm($entry->nodeName) eq 'options') {
- if (my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, 'options')) {
- $biber->process_entry_options($dskey, $node->textContent());
- }
- }
- if (my $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{_norm($f)}) {
- my $to = $f; # By default, field to set internally is the same as data source
- # Redirect any alias
- if (my $alias = $fm->{aliasof}) {
- $logger->debug("Found alias '$alias' of field '$f' in entry '$dskey'");
- # If both a field and its alias is set, warn and delete alias field
- if ($entry->findnodes("./$NS:$alias")) {
- # Warn as that's wrong
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Field '$f' is aliased to field '$alias' but both are defined in entry with key '$dskey' - skipping field '$f'");
- next;
- }
- $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{$alias};
- $to = "$NS:$alias"; # Field to set internally is the alias
- }
- &{$handlers{$fm->{handler}}}($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey);
- }
- # Default if no explicit way to set the field
- else {
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- my $value = $node->textContent();
- $bibentry->set_datafield($f, $value);
- }
- }
- $bibentry->set_field('datatype', 'biblatexml');
- $bibentries->add_entry($lc_key, $bibentry);
- return;
-# Related entries
-sub _related {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- # Pick out the node with the right mode
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- # TODO
- # Current biblatex data model doesn't allow for multiple items here
- foreach my $item ($node->findnodes("./$NS:item")) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('related', $item->getAttribute('ids'));
- $bibentry->set_datafield('relatedtype', $item->getAttribute('type'));
- if (my $string = $item->getAttribute('string')) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('relatedstring', $string);
- }
- }
- return;
-# Verbatim fields
-sub _verbatim {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- # Pick out the node with the right mode
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- # eprint is special case
- if ($f eq "$NS:eprint") {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('eprinttype', $node->getAttribute('type'));
- if (my $ec = $node->getAttribute('class')) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('eprintclass', $ec);
- }
- }
- else {
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), $node->textContent());
- }
- return;
-# List fields
-sub _list {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- # Pick out the node with the right mode
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), _split_list($node));
- return;
-# Range fields
-sub _range {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- # Pick out the node with the right mode
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- # List of ranges/values
- if (my @rangelist = $node->findnodes("./$NS:list/$NS:item")) {
- my $rl;
- foreach my $range (@rangelist) {
- push @$rl, _parse_range_list($range);
- }
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), $rl);
- }
- # Simple range
- elsif (my $range = $node->findnodes("./$NS:range")->get_node(1)) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), [ _parse_range_list($range) ]);
- }
- # simple list
- else {
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), $node->textContent());
- }
- return;
-# Date fields
-sub _date {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- foreach my $node ($entry->findnodes("./$f")) {
- my $datetype = $node->getAttribute('datetype') // '';
- # We are not validating dates here, just syntax parsing
- my $date_re = qr/(\d{4}) # year
- (?:-(\d{2}))? # month
- (?:-(\d{2}))? # day
- /xms;
- if (my $start = $node->findnodes("./$NS:start")) { # Date range
- my $end = $node->findnodes("./$NS:end");
- # Start of range
- if (my ($byear, $bmonth, $bday) =
- $start->get_node(1)->textContent() =~ m|\A$date_re\z|xms) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'year', $byear) if $byear;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'month', $bmonth) if $bmonth;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'day', $bday) if $bday;
- }
- else {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Invalid format '" . $start->get_node(1)->textContent() . "' of date field '$f' range start in entry '$dskey' - ignoring");
- }
- # End of range
- if (my ($eyear, $emonth, $eday) =
- $end->get_node(1)->textContent() =~ m|\A(?:$date_re)?\z|xms) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endmonth', $emonth) if $emonth;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endday', $eday) if $eday;
- if ($eyear) { # normal range
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endyear', $eyear);
- }
- else { # open ended range - endyear is defined but empty
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endyear', '');
- }
- }
- else {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Invalid format '" . $end->get_node(1)->textContent() . "' of date field '$f' range end in entry '$dskey' - ignoring");
- }
- }
- else { # Simple date
- if (my ($byear, $bmonth, $bday) =
- $node->textContent() =~ m|\A$date_re\z|xms) {
- # did this entry get its year/month fields from splitting an ISO8601 date field?
- # We only need to know this for date, year/month as year/month can also
- # be explicitly set. It makes a difference on how we do any potential future
- # date validation
- $bibentry->set_field('datesplit', 1) if $datetype eq '';
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'year', $byear) if $byear;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'month', $bmonth) if $bmonth;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'day', $bday) if $bday;
- }
- else {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Invalid format '" . $node->textContent() . "' of date field '$f' in entry '$dskey' - ignoring");
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-# Name fields
-sub _name {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- # Pick out the node with the right mode
- my $node = _resolve_display_mode($biber, $entry, $f);
- my $useprefix = Biber::Config->getblxoption('useprefix', $bibentry->get_field('entrytype'), lc($dskey));
- my $names = new Biber::Entry::Names;
- foreach my $name ($node->findnodes("./$NS:person")) {
- $names->add_element(parsename($name, $f, {useprefix => $useprefix}));
- }
- $bibentry->set_datafield(_norm($to), $names);
- return;
-=head2 parsename
- Given a name node, this function returns a Biber::Entry::Name object
- Returns an object which internally looks a bit like this:
- { firstname => 'John',
- firstname_i => 'J.',
- firstname_it => 'J',
- middlename => 'Fred',
- middlename_i => 'F.',
- middlename_it => 'F',
- lastname => 'Doe',
- lastname_i => 'D.',
- lastname_it => 'D',
- prefix => undef,
- prefix_i => undef,
- prefix_it => undef,
- suffix => undef,
- suffix_i => undef,
- suffix_it => undef,
- namestring => 'Doe, John Fred',
- nameinitstring => 'Doe_JF',
- gender => sm
-sub parsename {
- my ($node, $fieldname, $opts) = @_;
- $logger->debug('Parsing BibLaTeXML name object ' . $node->nodePath);
- my $usepre = $opts->{useprefix};
- my %namec;
- my $gender = $node->getAttribute('gender');
- foreach my $n ('last', 'first', 'middle', 'prefix', 'suffix') {
- # If there is a name component node for this component ...
- if (my $nc_node = $node->findnodes("./$NS:$n")->get_node(1)) {
- # name component with parts
- if (my @parts = map {$_->textContent()} $nc_node->findnodes("./$NS:namepart")) {
- $namec{$n} = _join_name_parts(\@parts);
- $logger->debug("Found name component '$n': " . $namec{$n});
- if (my $nin = $node->findnodes("./$NS:${n}initial")->get_node(1)) {
- my $ni = $nin->textContent();
- $ni =~ s/\.\z//xms; # normalise initials to without period
- $ni =~ s/\s+/~/xms; # normalise spaces to ties
- $namec{"${n}_it"} = $ni;
- $namec{"${n}_i"} = $ni . '.';
- }
- else {
- ($namec{"${n}_i"}, $namec{"${n}_it"}) = _gen_initials(\@parts);
- }
- }
- # with no parts
- elsif (my $t = $nc_node->textContent()) {
- $namec{$n} = $t;
- $logger->debug("Found name component '$n': $t");
- if (my $nin = $node->findnodes("./$NS:${n}initial")->get_node(1)) {
- my $ni = $nin->textContent();
- $ni =~ s/\.\z//xms; # normalise initials to without period
- $ni =~ s/\s+/~/xms; # normalise spaces to ties
- $namec{"${n}_it"} = $ni;
- $namec{"${n}_i"} = $ni . '.';
- }
- else {
- ($namec{"${n}_i"}, $namec{"${n}_it"}) = _gen_initials([$t]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Only warn about lastnames since there should always be one
- $logger->warn("Couldn't determine Lastname for name XPath: " . $node->nodePath) unless exists($namec{last});
- my $namestring = '';
- # prefix
- if (my $p = $namec{prefix}) {
- $namestring .= "$p ";
- }
- # lastname
- if (my $l = $namec{last}) {
- $namestring .= "$l, ";
- }
- # suffix
- if (my $s = $namec{suffix}) {
- $namestring .= "$s, ";
- }
- # firstname
- if (my $f = $namec{first}) {
- $namestring .= "$f";
- }
- # middlename
- if (my $m = $namec{middle}) {
- $namestring .= "$m, ";
- }
- # Remove any trailing comma and space if, e.g. missing firstname
- # Replace any nbspes
- $namestring =~ s/,\s+\z//xms;
- $namestring =~ s/~/ /gxms;
- # Construct $nameinitstring
- my $nameinitstr = '';
- $nameinitstr .= $namec{prefix_it} . '_' if ( $usepre and exists($namec{prefix}) );
- $nameinitstr .= $namec{last} if exists($namec{last});
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $namec{suffix_it} if exists($namec{suffix});
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $namec{first_it} if exists($namec{first});
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $namec{middle_it} if exists($namec{middle});
- $nameinitstr =~ s/\s+/_/g;
- $nameinitstr =~ s/~/_/g;
- return Biber::Entry::Name->new(
- firstname => $namec{first} // undef,
- firstname_i => exists($namec{first}) ? $namec{first_i} : undef,
- firstname_it => exists($namec{first}) ? $namec{first_it} : undef,
- middlename => $namec{middle} // undef,
- middlename_i => exists($namec{middle}) ? $namec{middle_i} : undef,
- middlename_it => exists($namec{middle}) ? $namec{middle_it} : undef,
- lastname => $namec{last} // undef,
- lastname_i => exists($namec{last}) ? $namec{last_i} : undef,
- lastname_it => exists($namec{last}) ? $namec{last_it} : undef,
- prefix => $namec{prefix} // undef,
- prefix_i => exists($namec{prefix}) ? $namec{prefix_i} : undef,
- prefix_it => exists($namec{prefix}) ? $namec{prefix_it} : undef,
- suffix => $namec{suffix} // undef,
- suffix_i => exists($namec{suffix}) ? $namec{suffix_i} : undef,
- suffix_it => exists($namec{suffix}) ? $namec{suffix_it} : undef,
- namestring => $namestring,
- nameinitstring => $nameinitstr,
- gender => $gender
- );
-# Joins name parts using BibTeX tie algorithm. Ties are added:
-# 1. After the first part if it is less than three characters long
-# 2. Before the last part
-sub _join_name_parts {
- my $parts = shift;
- # special case - 1 part
- if ($#{$parts} == 0) {
- return $parts->[0];
- }
- # special case - 2 parts
- if ($#{$parts} == 1) {
- return $parts->[0] . '~' . $parts->[1];
- }
- my $namestring = $parts->[0];
- $namestring .= length($parts->[0]) < 3 ? '~' : ' ';
- $namestring .= join(' ', @$parts[1 .. ($#{$parts} - 1)]);
- $namestring .= '~' . $parts->[$#{$parts}];
- return $namestring;
-# Passed an array ref of strings, returns an array of two strings,
-# the first is the TeX initials and the second the terse initials
-sub _gen_initials {
- my $strings_ref = shift;
- my @strings;
- foreach my $str (@$strings_ref) {
- my $chr = substr($str, 0, 1);
- # Keep diacritics with their following characters
- if ($chr =~ m/\p{Dia}/) {
- push @strings, substr($str, 0, 2);
- }
- else {
- push @strings, substr($str, 0, 1);
- }
- }
- return (join('.~', @strings) . '.', join('', @strings));
-# parses a range and returns a ref to an array of start and end values
-sub _parse_range_list {
- my $rangenode = shift;
- my $start = '';
- my $end = '';
- if (my $s = $rangenode->findnodes("./$NS:start")) {
- $start = $s->get_node(1)->textContent();
- }
- if (my $e = $rangenode->findnodes("./$NS:end")) {
- $end = $e->get_node(1)->textContent();
- }
- return [$start, $end];
-# Splits a list field into an array ref
-sub _split_list {
- my $node = shift;
- if (my @list = $node->findnodes("./$NS:item")) {
- return [ map {$_->textContent()} @list ];
- }
- else {
- return [ $node->textContent() ];
- }
-# Given an entry and a fieldname, returns the field node with the right language mode
-sub _resolve_display_mode {
- my ($biber, $entry, $fieldname) = @_;
- my @nodelist;
- my $dm = Biber::Config->getblxoption('displaymode');
- $logger->debug("Resolving display mode for '$fieldname' in node " . $entry->nodePath );
- # Either a fieldname specific mode or the default
- my $modelist = $dm->{_norm($fieldname)} || $dm->{'*'};
- foreach my $mode (@$modelist) {
- my $modeattr;
- # mode is omissable if it is "original"
- if ($mode eq 'original') {
- $mode = 'original';
- $modeattr = "\@mode='$mode' or not(\@mode)"
- }
- else {
- $modeattr = "\@mode='$mode'"
- }
- $logger->debug("Found display mode '$mode' for field '$fieldname'");
- if (@nodelist = $entry->findnodes("./${fieldname}[$modeattr]")) {
- # Check to see if there is more than one entry with a mode and warn
- if ($#nodelist > 0) {
- $logger->warn("Found more than one mode '$mode' '$fieldname' field in entry '" .
- $entry->getAttribute('id') . "' - using the first one!");
- $biber->{warnings}++;
- }
- return $nodelist[0];
- }
- }
- return undef; # Shouldn't get here
-# normalise a node name as they have a namsespace and might not be lowercase
-sub _norm {
- my $name = lc(shift);
- $name =~ s/\A$NS://xms;
- return $name;
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-Biber::Input::file::biblatexml - look in a BibLaTeXML file for an entry and create it if found
-Provides the extract_entries() method to get entries from a biblatexml data source
-and instantiate Biber::Entry objects for what it finds
-=head1 AUTHOR
-François Charette, C<< <firmicus at> >>
-Philip Kime C<< <philip at> >>
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report any bugs or feature requests on our sourceforge tracker at
-Copyright 2009-2011 François Charette and Philip Kime, all rights reserved.
-This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/bibtex.dcf b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/bibtex.dcf
deleted file mode 100644
index f87de0cc6ac..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/bibtex.dcf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?oxygen RNGSchema="../../../../data/schemata/dcf.rnc" type="compact"?>
-<dcf:driver-control driver="bibtex" xmlns:dcf="">
- <!--
- These entry type aliases we might find in the the datasource so
- we can decide how to map and convert them into Biber::Entry objects
- We are not validating anything here, that comes later and is not
- datasource specific
- -->
- <dcf:entry-types>
- <dcf:entry-type name="conference">
- <dcf:aliasof>inproceedings</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="electronic">
- <dcf:aliasof>online</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="www">
- <dcf:aliasof>online</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="mastersthesis">
- <dcf:aliasof>thesis</dcf:aliasof>
- <dcf:alsoset target="type" value="mathesis"/>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="phdthesis">
- <dcf:aliasof>thesis</dcf:aliasof>
- <dcf:alsoset target="type" value="phdthesis"/>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="techreport">
- <dcf:aliasof>report</dcf:aliasof>
- <dcf:alsoset target="type" value="techreport"/>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- </dcf:entry-types>
- <!--
- These are the fields we expect to find in the the datasource so
- we can decide how to map and convert them into Biber::Entry fields
- This has nothing conceptually to do with the internal structure
- setup, it's a datasource driver specific set of settings to allow
- parsing into internal objects. It looks very similar to aspects
- of the Biber::Structure defaults because biber/biblatex was developed
- at first as a solely bibtex datasource project.
- -->
- <dcf:fields>
- <!-- date fields -->
- <dcf:field name="date" handler="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="eventdate" handler="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="origdate" handler="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="urldate" handler="date"/>
- <!-- list fields -->
- <dcf:field name="address" aliasof="location"/>
- <dcf:field name="institution" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="language" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="lista" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listb" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listc" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listd" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="liste" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="listf" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="location" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="organization" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="origlocation" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="origpublisher" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="publisher" handler="list"/>
- <dcf:field name="school" aliasof="institution"/>
- <!-- literal fields -->
- <dcf:field name="abstract" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="addendum" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="annotation" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="annote" aliasof="annotation"/>
- <dcf:field name="archiveprefix" aliasof="eprinttype"/>
- <dcf:field name="authortype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="bookpagination" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="booksubtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="booktitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="booktitleaddon" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="chapter" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="crossref" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="day" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="edition" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="editoratype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorbtype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorctype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="editortype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="eid" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="entryset" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="entrysubtype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="eprintclass" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="eprinttype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="eventtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="execute" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="gender" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="howpublished" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="hyphenation" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="indexsorttitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="indextitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="isan" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="isbn" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="ismn" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="isrn" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="issn" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="issue" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="issuesubtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="issuetitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="iswc" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="journal" aliasof="journaltitle"/>
- <dcf:field name="journalsubtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="journaltitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="key" aliasof="sortkey"/>
- <dcf:field name="label" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="library" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="mainsubtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="maintitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="maintitleaddon" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="month" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameaddon" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameatype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="namebtype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="namectype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="note" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="number" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="origlanguage" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="origtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="pagetotal" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="pagination" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="part" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="presort" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="primaryclass" aliasof="eprintclass"/>
- <dcf:field name="pubstate" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="related" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="relatedtype" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="reprinttitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="series" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorthand" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorthandintro" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortjournal" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortseries" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorttitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortkey" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="sorttitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortyear" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="subtitle" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="title" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="titleaddon" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="type" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="usera" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="userb" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="userc" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="userd" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="usere" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="userf" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="venue" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="version" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="volume" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="volumes" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="xref" handler="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="year" handler="literal"/>
- <!-- name fields -->
- <dcf:field name="afterword" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="annotator" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="author" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="bookauthor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="commentator" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editora" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorb" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="editorc" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="foreword" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="holder" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="introduction" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="namea" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="nameb" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="namec" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortauthor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="shorteditor" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="sortname" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="translator" handler="name"/>
- <!-- range fields -->
- <dcf:field name="pages" handler="range"/>
- <!-- verbatim fields -->
- <dcf:field name="keywords" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="options" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="doi" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="eprint" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="file" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="pdf" aliasof="file"/>
- <dcf:field name="url" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verba" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verbb" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="verbc" handler="verbatim"/>
- </dcf:fields>
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb684d21e7..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-package Biber::Input::file::bibtex;
-#use feature 'unicode_strings';
-use sigtrap qw(handler TBSIG SEGV);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-use Text::BibTeX 0.50 qw(:nameparts :joinmethods :metatypes);
-use Text::BibTeX::Name;
-use Text::BibTeX::NameFormat;
-use Biber::Constants;
-use Biber::Entries;
-use Biber::Entry;
-use Biber::Entry::Names;
-use Biber::Entry::Name;
-use Biber::Sections;
-use Biber::Section;
-use Biber::Structure;
-use Biber::Utils;
-use Biber::Config;
-use Encode;
-use File::Spec;
-use Log::Log4perl qw(:no_extra_logdie_message);
-use base 'Exporter';
-use List::AllUtils qw(first);
-use XML::LibXML::Simple;
-my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger('main');
-our $cache = {};
-# Handlers for field types
-# The names of these have nothing to do whatever with the biblatex field types
-# They just started out copying them - they are categories of this specific
-# data source date types
-my %handlers = (
- 'date' => \&_date,
- 'list' => \&_list,
- 'literal' => \&_literal,
- 'name' => \&_name,
- 'range' => \&_range,
- 'verbatim' => \&_verbatim
-# we assume that the driver config file is in the same dir as the driver:
-(my $vol, my $driver_path, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{"Biber/Input/file/"} );
-# Deal with the strange world of Par::Packer paths, see similar code in
-my $dcf;
-if ($driver_path =~ m|/par\-| and $driver_path !~ m|/inc|) { # a mangled PAR @INC path
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, "$driver_path/inc/lib/Biber/Input/file", 'bibtex.dcf');
-else {
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $driver_path, 'bibtex.dcf');
-# Read driver config file
-my $dcfxml = XML::LibXML::Simple::XMLin($dcf,
- 'ForceContent' => 1,
- 'ForceArray' => [
- qr/\Aentry-type\z/,
- qr/\Afield\z/,
- ],
- 'NsStrip' => 1,
- 'KeyAttr' => ['name']);
-# Check we have the right driver
-unless ($dcfxml->{driver} eq 'bibtex') {
- $logger->logdie("Expected driver config type 'bibtex', got '" . $dcfxml->{driver} . "'");
-=head2 TBSIG
- Signal handler to catch fatal Text::BibTex SEGFAULTS. It has bugs
- and we want to say at least something if it coredumps
-sub TBSIG {
- my $sig = shift;
- $logger->logdie("Caught signal: $sig\nLikely your .bib has a bad entry: $!");
-=head2 extract_entries
- Main data extraction routine.
- Accepts a data source identifier, preprocesses the file and then
- looks for the passed keys, creating entries when it finds them and
- passes out an array of keys it didn't find.
-sub extract_entries {
- my ($biber, $filename, $keys) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- my @rkeys = @$keys;
- my $tf; # Up here so that the temp file has enough scope to survive until we've
- # used it
- $logger->trace("Entering extract_entries()");
- # If it's a remote .bib file, fetch it first
- if ($filename =~ m/\A(?:https?|ftp):/xms) {
- $logger->info("Data source '$filename' is a remote .bib - fetching ...");
- require LWP::Simple;
- require File::Temp;
- $tf = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.bib');
- unless (LWP::Simple::getstore($filename, $tf->filename) == 200) {
- $logger->logdie ("Could not fetch file '$filename'");
- }
- $filename = $tf->filename;
- }
- else {
- # Need to get the filename even if using cache so we increment
- # the filename count for preambles at the bottom of this sub
- my $trying_filename = $filename;
- unless ($filename = locate_biber_file($filename)) {
- $logger->logdie("Cannot find file '$trying_filename'!")
- }
- }
- # Text::BibTeX can't be controlled by Log4perl so we have to do something clumsy
- if (Biber::Config->getoption('quiet')) {
- open OLDERR, '>&', \*STDERR;
- open STDERR, '>', '/dev/null';
- }
- # Don't read the file again if it's already cached
- unless ($cache->{data}{$filename}) {
- $logger->debug("Caching data for bibtex format file '$filename' for section $secnum");
- cache_data($biber, $filename);
- }
- else {
- $logger->debug("Using cached data for bibtex format file '$filename' for section $secnum");
- }
- if ($section->is_allkeys) {
- $logger->debug("All cached citekeys will be used for section '$secnum'");
- # Loop over all entries, creating objects
- while (my (undef, $entry) = each %{$cache->{data}{$filename}}) {
- # We have to pass the datasource cased (and UTF-8ed) key to
- # create_entry() as this sub needs to know the original case of the
- # citation key so we can do case-insensitive key/entry comparisons
- # later but we need to put the original citation case when we write
- # the .bbl. If we lowercase before this, we lose this information.
- # Of course, with allkeys, "citation case" means "datasource entry case"
- create_entry($biber, decode_utf8($entry->key), $entry);
- }
- # if allkeys, push all bibdata keys into citekeys (if they are not already there)
- $section->add_citekeys($section->bibentries->sorted_keys);
- $logger->debug("Added all citekeys to section '$secnum': " . join(', ', $section->get_citekeys));
- }
- else {
- # loop over all keys we're looking for and create objects
- $logger->debug('Text::BibTeX cache keys: ' . join(', ', keys %{$cache->{data}{$filename}}));
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys: ' . join(', ', @$keys));
- foreach my $wanted_key (@$keys) {
- $logger->debug("Looking for key '$wanted_key' in Text::BibTeX cache");
- # Cache index keys are lower-cased. This next line effectively implements
- # case insensitive citekeys
- if (my $entry = $cache->{data}{$filename}{lc($wanted_key)}) {
- $logger->debug("Found key '$wanted_key' in Text::BibTeX cache");
- # See comment above about the importance of the case of the key
- # passed to create_entry()
- create_entry($biber, $wanted_key, $entry);
- # found a key, remove it from the list of keys we want
- @rkeys = grep {$wanted_key ne $_} @rkeys;
- }
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys now: ' . join(', ', @rkeys));
- }
- }
- if (Biber::Config->getoption('quiet')) {
- open STDERR, '>&', \*OLDERR;
- }
- # Only push the preambles from the file if we haven't seen this data file before
- # and there are some preambles to push
- if ($cache->{counts}{$filename} < 2 and @{$cache->{preamble}{$filename}}) {
- push @{$biber->{preamble}}, @{$cache->{preamble}{$filename}};
- }
- return @rkeys;
-=head2 create_entry
- Create a Biber::Entry object from a Text::BibTeX object
-sub create_entry {
- my ($biber, $dskey, $entry) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- # Want a version of the key that is the same case as any citations which
- # reference it, in case they are different. We use this as the .bbl
- # entry key
- # In case of allkeys, this will just be the datasource key as ->get_citekeys
- # returns an empty list
- my $citekey = first {lc($dskey) eq lc($_)} $section->get_citekeys;
- $citekey = $dskey unless $citekey;
- my $lc_key = lc($dskey);
- my $bibentry = new Biber::Entry;
- # We record the original keys of both the datasource and citation. They may differ in case.
- $bibentry->set_field('dskey', $dskey);
- $bibentry->set_field('citekey', $citekey);
- if ( $entry->metatype == BTE_REGULAR ) {
- # Set entrytype taking note of any aliases for this datasource driver
- if (my $ealias = $dcfxml->{'entry-types'}{'entry-type'}{$entry->type}) {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $ealias->{aliasof}{content});
- if (my $alsoset = $ealias->{alsoset}) {
- unless ($bibentry->field_exists($alsoset->{target})) {
- $bibentry->set_field($alsoset->{target}, $alsoset->{value});
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $entry->type);
- }
- # We put all the fields we find modulo field aliases into the object
- # validation happens later and is not datasource dependent
- foreach my $f ($entry->fieldlist) {
- # We have to process local options as early as possible in order
- # to make them available for things that need them like parsename()
- if ($f eq 'options') {
- my $value = decode_utf8($entry->get($f));
- $biber->process_entry_options($dskey, $value);
- }
- if (my $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{$f}) {
- my $to = $f; # By default, field to set internally is the same as data source
- # Redirect any alias
- if (my $alias = $fm->{aliasof}) {
- $logger->debug("Found alias '$alias' of field '$f' in entry '$dskey'");
- # If both a field and its alias is set, warn and delete alias field
- if ($entry->exists($alias)) {
- # Warn as that's wrong
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Field '$f' is aliased to field '$alias' but both are defined in entry with key '$dskey' - skipping field '$f'");
- next;
- }
- $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{$alias};
- $to = $alias; # Field to set internally is the alias
- }
- &{$handlers{$fm->{handler}}}($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey);
- }
- # Default if no explicit way to set the field
- else {
- my $value = decode_utf8($entry->get($f));
- $bibentry->set_datafield($f, $value);
- }
- }
- $bibentry->set_field('datatype', 'bibtex');
- $bibentries->add_entry($lc_key, $bibentry);
- }
- return;
-# Literal fields
-sub _literal {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $value = decode_utf8($entry->get($f));
- # If we have already split some date fields into literal fields
- # like date -> year/month/day, don't overwrite them with explicit
- # year/month
- return if ($to eq 'year' and $bibentry->get_datafield('year'));
- return if ($to eq 'month' and $bibentry->get_datafield('month'));
- # Try to sanitise months to biblatex requirements
- if ($to eq 'month') {
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, _hack_month($value));
- }
- else {
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $value);
- }
- return;
-# Verbatim fields
-sub _verbatim {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $value = decode_utf8($entry->get($f));
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $value);
- return;
-# Range fields
-sub _range {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $values_ref;
- my @values = split(/\s*,\s*/, decode_utf8($entry->get($f)));
- # Here the "-–" contains two different chars even though they might
- # look the same in some fonts ...
- # If there is a range sep, then we set the end of the range even if it's null
- # If no range sep, then the end of the range is undef
- foreach my $value (@values) {
- $value =~ m/\A\s*([^-–]+)([-–]*)([^-–]*)\s*\z/xms;
- my $end;
- if ($2) {
- $end = $3;
- }
- else {
- $end = undef;
- }
- push @$values_ref, [$1 || '', $end];
- }
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $values_ref);
- return;
-# Names
-sub _name {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my @tmp = $entry->split($f);
- my $lc_key = lc($dskey);
- my $useprefix = Biber::Config->getblxoption('useprefix', $bibentry->get_field('entrytype'), $lc_key);
- my $names = new Biber::Entry::Names;
- foreach my $name (@tmp) {
- # Consecutive "and" causes Text::BibTeX::Name to segfault
- unless ($name) {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Name in key '$dskey' is empty (probably consecutive 'and'): skipping name");
- $section->del_citekey($dskey);
- next;
- }
- $name = decode_utf8($name);
- # Check for malformed names in names which aren't completely escaped
- # Too many commas
- unless ($name =~ m/\A{.+}\z/xms) { # Ignore these tests for escaped names
- my @commas = $name =~ m/,/g;
- if ($#commas > 1) {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Name \"$name\" has too many commas: skipping name");
- $section->del_citekey($dskey);
- next;
- }
- # Consecutive commas cause Text::BibTeX::Name to segfault
- if ($name =~ /,,/) {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Name \"$name\" is malformed (consecutive commas): skipping name");
- $section->del_citekey($dskey);
- next;
- }
- }
- $names->add_element(parsename($name, $f, {useprefix => $useprefix}));
- }
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $names);
- return;
-# Dates
-sub _date {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my ($datetype) = $f =~ m/\A(.*)date\z/xms;
- my $date = decode_utf8($entry->get($f));
- # We are not validating dates here, just syntax parsing
- my $date_re = qr/(\d{4}) # year
- (?:-(\d{2}))? # month
- (?:-(\d{2}))? # day
- /xms;
- if (my ($byear, $bmonth, $bday, $r, $eyear, $emonth, $eday) =
- $date =~ m|\A$date_re(/)?(?:$date_re)?\z|xms) {
- # did this entry get its year/month fields from splitting an ISO8601 date field?
- # We only need to know this for date, year/month as year/month can also
- # be explicitly set. It makes a difference on how we do any potential future
- # date validation
- $bibentry->set_field('datesplit', 1) if $datetype eq '';
- # Some warnings for overwriting YEAR and MONTH from DATE
- if ($byear and
- ($datetype . 'year' eq 'year') and
- $entry->get('year')) {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Overwriting field 'year' with year value from field 'date' for entry '$dskey'");
- }
- if ($bmonth and
- ($datetype . 'month' eq 'month') and
- $entry->get('month')) {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Overwriting field 'month' with month value from field 'date' for entry '$dskey'");
- }
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'year', $byear) if $byear;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'month', $bmonth) if $bmonth;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'day', $bday) if $bday;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endmonth', $emonth) if $emonth;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endday', $eday) if $eday;
- if ($r and $eyear) { # normal range
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endyear', $eyear);
- }
- elsif ($r and not $eyear) { # open ended range - endyear is defined but empty
- $bibentry->set_datafield($datetype . 'endyear', '');
- }
- }
- else {
- $biber->biber_warn($bibentry, "Invalid format '$date' of date field '$f' in entry '$dskey' - ignoring");
- }
- return;
-# List fields
-sub _list {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my @tmp = $entry->split($f);
- @tmp = map { decode_utf8($_) } @tmp;
- @tmp = map { remove_outer($_) } @tmp;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, [ @tmp ]);
- return;
-=head2 cache_data
- Caches file data into T::B objects indexed by the original
- datasource key, decoded into UTF8
-sub cache_data {
- my ($biber, $filename) = @_;
- # Initialise this
- $cache->{preamble}{$filename} = [];
- # Convert/decode file
- my $pfilename = preprocess_file($biber, $filename);
- my $bib = Text::BibTeX::File->new( $pfilename, '<' )
- or $logger->logdie("Cannot create Text::BibTeX::File object from $pfilename: $!");
- while ( my $entry = new Text::BibTeX::Entry $bib ) {
- if ( $entry->metatype == BTE_PREAMBLE ) {
- push @{$cache->{preamble}{$filename}}, decode_utf8($entry->value);
- next;
- }
- # Ignore misc bibtex entry types we don't care about
- next if ( $entry->metatype == BTE_MACRODEF or $entry->metatype == BTE_UNKNOWN
- or $entry->metatype == BTE_COMMENT );
- # If an entry has no key, ignore it and warn
- unless ($entry->key) {
- $logger->warn("Invalid or undefined BibTeX entry key in file '$pfilename', skipping ...");
- next;
- }
- # Text::BibTeX >= 0.46 passes through all citekey bits, thus allowing utf8 keys
- my $dskey = decode_utf8($entry->key);
- # Bad entry
- unless ($entry->parse_ok) {
- $logger->warn("Entry $dskey does not parse correctly: skipping");
- next;
- }
- # Cache the entry so we don't have to read the file again on next pass.
- # Two reasons - So we avoid T::B macro redef warnings and speed
- $cache->{data}{$filename}{lc($dskey)} = $entry;
- $logger->debug("Cached Text::BibTeX entry for key '$dskey' from bibtex file '$filename'");
- }
- $bib->close; # If we don't do this, we can't unlink the temp file on Windows
- unlink $pfilename if -e $pfilename;
- return;
-=head2 preprocess_file
- Convert file to UTF-8 and potentially decode LaTeX macros to UTF-8
-sub preprocess_file {
- my ($biber, $filename) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $ufilename = "${filename}_$$.utf8";
- # bib encoding is not UTF-8
- if (Biber::Config->getoption('bibencoding') ne 'UTF-8') {
- require File::Slurp::Unicode;
- my $buf = File::Slurp::Unicode::read_file($filename, encoding => Biber::Config->getoption('bibencoding'))
- or $logger->logdie("Can't read $filename");
- File::Slurp::Unicode::write_file($ufilename, {encoding => 'UTF-8'}, $buf)
- or $logger->logdie("Can't write $ufilename");
- }
- else {
- File::Copy::copy($filename, $ufilename);
- }
- # Decode LaTeX to UTF8 if output is UTF-8
- if (Biber::Config->getoption('bblencoding') eq 'UTF-8') {
- require File::Slurp::Unicode;
- my $buf = File::Slurp::Unicode::read_file($ufilename, encoding => 'UTF-8')
- or $logger->logdie("Can't read $ufilename");
- require Biber::LaTeX::Recode;
- $logger->info('Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8');
- $buf = Biber::LaTeX::Recode::latex_decode($buf, strip_outer_braces => 1,
- scheme => Biber::Config->getoption('decodecharsset'));
- File::Slurp::Unicode::write_file($ufilename, {encoding => 'UTF-8'}, $buf)
- or $logger->logdie("Can't write $ufilename");
- }
- # Increment the number of times each datafile has been referenced
- # For example, a datafile might be referenced in more than one section.
- # Some things find this information useful, for example, setting preambles is global
- # and so we need to know if we've already saved the preamble for a datafile.
- $cache->{counts}{$filename}++;
- return $ufilename;
-=head2 parsename
- Given a name string, this function returns a Biber::Entry::Name object
- with all parts of the name resolved according to the BibTeX conventions.
- parsename('John Doe')
- returns an object which internally looks a bit like this:
- { firstname => 'John',
- firstname_i => 'J.',
- firstname_it => 'J',
- lastname => 'Doe',
- lastname_i => 'D.',
- lastname_it => 'D',
- prefix => undef,
- prefix_i => undef,
- prefix_it => undef,
- suffix => undef,
- suffix_i => undef,
- suffix_it => undef,
- namestring => 'Doe, John',
- nameinitstring => 'Doe_J',
- strip => {'firstname' => 0,
- 'lastname' => 0,
- 'prefix' => 0,
- 'suffix' => 0}
- }
-sub parsename {
- my ($namestr, $fieldname, $opts) = @_;
- $logger->debug(" Parsing namestring '$namestr'");
- my $usepre = $opts->{useprefix};
- # First sanitise the namestring due to Text::BibTeX::Name limitations on whitespace
- $namestr =~ s/\A\s*//xms; # leading whitespace
- $namestr =~ s/\s*\z//xms; # trailing whitespace
- $namestr =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Collapse internal whitespace
- open OLDERR, '>&', \*STDERR;
- open STDERR, '>', '/dev/null';
- my $name = new Text::BibTeX::Name($namestr);
- open STDERR, '>&', \*OLDERR;
- # Formats so we can get BibTeX compatible nbsp inserted
- my $l_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('l', 0);
- my $f_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('f', 0);
- my $p_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('v', 0);
- my $s_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('j', 0);
- $l_f->set_options(BTN_LAST, 0, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $f_f->set_options(BTN_FIRST, 0, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $p_f->set_options(BTN_VON, 0, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $s_f->set_options(BTN_JR, 0, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- # Generate name parts
- my $lastname = decode_utf8($name->format($l_f));
- my $firstname = decode_utf8($name->format($f_f));
- my $prefix = decode_utf8($name->format($p_f));
- my $suffix = decode_utf8($name->format($s_f));
- # Variables to hold either the Text::BibTeX::NameFormat generated initials
- # or our own generated ones in case we are using a broken version of Text::BibTeX
- my $gen_lastname_i;
- my $gen_lastname_it;
- my $gen_firstname_i;
- my $gen_firstname_it;
- my $gen_prefix_i;
- my $gen_prefix_it;
- my $gen_suffix_i;
- my $gen_suffix_it;
- # Use a copy of $name so that when we generate the
- # initials, we do so without certain things. This is easier than trying
- # hack robust initials code into btparse ...
- # This is a hard-coded hack
- my $nd_namestr = $namestr;
- $nd_namestr =~ s/\b\p{L}{2}\p{Pd}//gxms; # strip prefices
- $nd_namestr =~ s/[\x{2bf}\x{2018}]//gxms; # strip specific diacritics
- my $nd_name = new Text::BibTeX::Name($nd_namestr, $fieldname);
- # Initials formats
- my $li_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('l', 1);
- my $fi_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('f', 1);
- my $pi_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('v', 1);
- my $si_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('j', 1);
- # Truncated initials formats
- my $lit_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('l', 1);
- my $fit_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('f', 1);
- my $pit_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('v', 1);
- my $sit_f = new Text::BibTeX::NameFormat('j', 1);
- # Period following normal initials
- $li_f->set_text(BTN_LAST, undef, undef, undef, '.');
- $fi_f->set_text(BTN_FIRST, undef, undef, undef, '.');
- $pi_f->set_text(BTN_VON, undef, undef, undef, '.');
- $si_f->set_text(BTN_JR, undef, undef, undef, '.');
- $li_f->set_options(BTN_LAST, 1, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $fi_f->set_options(BTN_FIRST, 1, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $pi_f->set_options(BTN_VON, 1, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $si_f->set_options(BTN_JR, 1, BTJ_MAYTIE, BTJ_NOTHING);
- # Nothing following truncated initials
- $lit_f->set_text(BTN_LAST, undef, undef, undef, '');
- $fit_f->set_text(BTN_FIRST, undef, undef, undef, '');
- $pit_f->set_text(BTN_VON, undef, undef, undef, '');
- $sit_f->set_text(BTN_JR, undef, undef, undef, '');
- $lit_f->set_options(BTN_LAST, 1, BTJ_NOTHING, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $fit_f->set_options(BTN_FIRST, 1, BTJ_NOTHING, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $pit_f->set_options(BTN_VON, 1, BTJ_NOTHING, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $sit_f->set_options(BTN_JR, 1, BTJ_NOTHING, BTJ_NOTHING);
- $gen_lastname_i = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($li_f));
- $gen_lastname_it = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($lit_f));
- $gen_firstname_i = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($fi_f));
- $gen_firstname_it = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($fit_f));
- $gen_prefix_i = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($pi_f));
- $gen_prefix_it = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($pit_f));
- $gen_suffix_i = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($si_f));
- $gen_suffix_it = decode_utf8($nd_name->format($sit_f));
- # Only warn about lastnames since there should always be one
- $logger->warn("Couldn't determine Last Name for name \"$namestr\"") unless $lastname;
- my $namestring = '';
- # prefix
- my $ps;
- my $prefix_stripped;
- my $prefix_i;
- my $prefix_it;
- if ($prefix) {
- $prefix_i = $gen_prefix_i;
- $prefix_it = $gen_prefix_it;
- $prefix_stripped = remove_outer($prefix);
- $ps = $prefix ne $prefix_stripped ? 1 : 0;
- $namestring .= "$prefix_stripped ";
- }
- # lastname
- my $ls;
- my $lastname_stripped;
- my $lastname_i;
- my $lastname_it;
- if ($lastname) {
- $lastname_i = $gen_lastname_i;
- $lastname_it = $gen_lastname_it;
- $lastname_stripped = remove_outer($lastname);
- $ls = $lastname ne $lastname_stripped ? 1 : 0;
- $namestring .= "$lastname_stripped, ";
- }
- # suffix
- my $ss;
- my $suffix_stripped;
- my $suffix_i;
- my $suffix_it;
- if ($suffix) {
- $suffix_i = $gen_suffix_i;
- $suffix_it = $gen_suffix_it;
- $suffix_stripped = remove_outer($suffix);
- $ss = $suffix ne $suffix_stripped ? 1 : 0;
- $namestring .= "$suffix_stripped, ";
- }
- # firstname
- my $fs;
- my $firstname_stripped;
- my $firstname_i;
- my $firstname_it;
- if ($firstname) {
- $firstname_i = $gen_firstname_i;
- $firstname_it = $gen_firstname_it;
- $firstname_stripped = remove_outer($firstname);
- $fs = $firstname ne $firstname_stripped ? 1 : 0;
- $namestring .= "$firstname_stripped";
- }
- # Remove any trailing comma and space if, e.g. missing firstname
- # Replace any nbspes
- $namestring =~ s/,\s+\z//xms;
- $namestring =~ s/~/ /gxms;
- # Construct $nameinitstring
- my $nameinitstr = '';
- $nameinitstr .= $prefix_it . '_' if ( $usepre and $prefix );
- $nameinitstr .= $lastname if $lastname;
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $suffix_it if $suffix;
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $firstname_it if $firstname;
- $nameinitstr =~ s/\s+/_/g;
- $nameinitstr =~ s/~/_/g;
- # The "strip" entry tells us which of the name parts had outer braces
- # stripped during processing so we can add them back when printing the
- # .bbl so as to maintain maximum BibTeX compatibility
- return Biber::Entry::Name->new(
- firstname => $firstname eq '' ? undef : $firstname_stripped,
- firstname_i => $firstname eq '' ? undef : $firstname_i,
- firstname_it => $firstname eq '' ? undef : $firstname_it,
- lastname => $lastname eq '' ? undef : $lastname_stripped,
- lastname_i => $lastname eq '' ? undef : $lastname_i,
- lastname_it => $lastname eq '' ? undef : $lastname_it,
- prefix => $prefix eq '' ? undef : $prefix_stripped,
- prefix_i => $prefix eq '' ? undef : $prefix_i,
- prefix_it => $prefix eq '' ? undef : $prefix_it,
- suffix => $suffix eq '' ? undef : $suffix_stripped,
- suffix_i => $suffix eq '' ? undef : $suffix_i,
- suffix_it => $suffix eq '' ? undef : $suffix_it,
- namestring => $namestring,
- nameinitstring => $nameinitstr,
- strip => {'firstname' => $fs,
- 'lastname' => $ls,
- 'prefix' => $ps,
- 'suffix' => $ss}
- );
-# Routine to try to hack month into the right biblatex format
-# Especially since we support remote .bibs which we potentially have no control over
-my %months = (
- 'jan' => '01',
- 'feb' => '02',
- 'mar' => '03',
- 'apr' => '04',
- 'may' => '05',
- 'jun' => '06',
- 'jul' => '07',
- 'aug' => '08',
- 'sep' => '09',
- 'oct' => '10',
- 'nov' => '11',
- 'dec' => '12'
- );
-sub _hack_month {
- my $in_month = shift;
- if ($in_month =~ m/\A\s*((?:jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec).*)\s*\z/i) {
- return $months{lc(substr($1,0,3))};
- }
- else {
- return $in_month;
- }
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-Biber::Input::file::bibtex - look in a BibTeX file for an entry and create it if found
-Provides the extract_entries() method to get entries from a bibtex data source
-and instantiate Biber::Entry objects for what it finds
-=head1 AUTHOR
-François Charette, C<< <firmicus at> >>
-Philip Kime C<< <philip at> >>
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report any bugs or feature requests on our sourceforge tracker at
-Copyright 2009-2011 François Charette and Philip Kime, all rights reserved.
-This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ris.dcf b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ris.dcf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f779e865b3..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ris.dcf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?oxygen RNGSchema="../../../../data/schemata/dcf.rnc" type="compact"?>
-<dcf:driver-control driver="ris" xmlns:dcf="">
- <!--
- These entry type aliases we might find in the the datasource so
- we can decide how to map and convert them into Biber::Entry objects
- We are not validating anything here, that comes later and is not
- datasource specific
- -->
- <dcf:entry-types>
- <dcf:entry-type name="ART">
- <dcf:aliasof>artwork</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="BILL">
- <dcf:aliasof>jurisdiction</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="BOOK">
- <dcf:aliasof>book</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="COMP">
- <dcf:aliasof>software</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="CONF">
- <dcf:aliasof>proceedings</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="GEN">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="JFULL">
- <dcf:aliasof>article</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="JOUR">
- <dcf:aliasof>article</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="MGZN">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="MPCT">
- <dcf:aliasof>movie</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="NEWS">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="PAMP">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="PAT">
- <dcf:aliasof>patent</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="PCOMM">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="RPRT">
- <dcf:aliasof>report</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="SER">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="SLIDE">
- <dcf:aliasof>misc</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="SOUND">
- <dcf:aliasof>audio</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="STAT">
- <dcf:aliasof>legal</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="THES">
- <dcf:aliasof>thesis</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="UNBILL">
- <dcf:aliasof>jurisdiction</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- <dcf:entry-type name="UNPB">
- <dcf:aliasof>unpublished</dcf:aliasof>
- </dcf:entry-type>
- </dcf:entry-types>
- <!--
- These are the fields we expect to find in the the datasource so
- we can decide how to map and convert them into Biber::Entry fields
- This has nothing conceptually to do with the internal structure
- setup, it's a datasource driver specific set of settings to allow
- parsing into internal objects. It looks very similar to aspects
- of the Biber::Structure defaults because biber/biblatex was developed
- at first as a solely bibtex datasource project.
- -->
- <dcf:fields>
- <!-- date fields -->
- <dcf:field name="Y1" aliasof="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="PY" aliasof="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="date" handler="date"/>
- <dcf:field name="Y2" aliasof="eventdate"/>
- <dcf:field name="eventdate" handler="date"/>
- <!-- name fields -->
- <dcf:field name="A1" aliasof="author"/>
- <dcf:field name="AU" aliasof="author"/>
- <dcf:field name="author" handler="name"/>
- <dcf:field name="A2" aliasof="editor"/>
- <dcf:field name="A3" aliasof="editor"/>
- <dcf:field name="ED" aliasof="editor"/>
- <dcf:field name="editor" handler="name"/>
- <!-- range fields -->
- <dcf:field name="SPEP" aliasof="pages"/>
- <dcf:field name="pages" handler="range"/>
- <!-- verbatim fields -->
- <dcf:field name="N1" aliasof="note"/>
- <dcf:field name="note" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="N2" aliasof="abstract"/>
- <dcf:field name="AB" aliasof="abstract"/>
- <dcf:field name="abstract" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="JO" aliasof="journaltitle"/>
- <dcf:field name="JF" aliasof="journaltitle"/>
- <dcf:field name="journaltitle" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="JA" aliasof="shortjournal"/>
- <dcf:field name="shortjournal" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="VL" aliasof="volume"/>
- <dcf:field name="volume" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="IS" aliasof="issue"/>
- <dcf:field name="CP" aliasof="issue"/>
- <dcf:field name="issue" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="CY" aliasof="location"/>
- <dcf:field name="location" aliasof="literal"/>
- <dcf:field name="SN" aliasof="isbn"/>
- <dcf:field name="isbn" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="PB" aliasof="publisher"/>
- <dcf:field name="publisher" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="KW" aliasof="keywords"/>
- <dcf:field name="keywords" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="U1" aliasof="usera"/>
- <dcf:field name="usera" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="U2" aliasof="userb"/>
- <dcf:field name="userb" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="U3" aliasof="userc"/>
- <dcf:field name="userc" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="U4" aliasof="userd"/>
- <dcf:field name="userd" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="U5" aliasof="usere"/>
- <dcf:field name="usere" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="UR" aliasof="url"/>
- <dcf:field name="url" handler="verbatim"/>
- <dcf:field name="L1" aliasof="file"/>
- <dcf:field name="file" handler="verbatim"/>
- </dcf:fields>
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cdc600979c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/bibtex/biber/lib/Biber/Input/file/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-package Biber::Input::file::ris;
-#use feature 'unicode_strings';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp;
-use Biber::Constants;
-use Biber::Entries;
-use Biber::Entry;
-use Biber::Entry::Names;
-use Biber::Entry::Name;
-use Biber::Sections;
-use Biber::Section;
-use Biber::Structure;
-use Biber::Utils;
-use Biber::Config;
-use Encode;
-use File::Spec;
-use Log::Log4perl qw(:no_extra_logdie_message);
-use base 'Exporter';
-use List::AllUtils qw(first uniq);
-use XML::LibXML::Simple;
-use Readonly;
-use Data::Dump qw(dump);
-use Switch;
-my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger('main');
-# Handlers for field types
-# The names of these have nothing to do whatever with the biblatex field types
-# They just started out copying them - they are categories of this specific
-# data source date types
-my %handlers = (
- 'date' => \&_date,
- 'name' => \&_name,
- 'range' => \&_range,
- 'verbatim' => \&_verbatim
-# we assume that the driver config file is in the same dir as the driver:
-(my $vol, my $driver_path, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{"Biber/Input/file/"} );
-# Deal with the strange world of Par::Packer paths, see similar code in
-my $dcf;
-if ($driver_path =~ m|/par\-| and $driver_path !~ m|/inc|) { # a mangled PAR @INC path
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, "$driver_path/inc/lib/Biber/Input/file", 'ris.dcf');
-else {
- $dcf = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $driver_path, 'ris.dcf');
-# Read driver config file
-my $dcfxml = XML::LibXML::Simple::XMLin($dcf,
- 'ForceContent' => 1,
- 'ForceArray' => [
- qr/\Aentry-type\z/,
- qr/\Afield\z/,
- ],
- 'NsStrip' => 1,
- 'KeyAttr' => ['name']);
-# Check we have the right driver
-unless ($dcfxml->{driver} eq 'ris') {
- $logger->logdie("Expected driver config type 'ris', got '" . $dcfxml->{driver} . "'");
-=head2 extract_entries
- Main data extraction routine.
- Accepts a data source identifier (filename in this case),
- preprocesses the file and then looks for the passed keys,
- creating entries when it finds them and passes out an
- array of keys it didn't find.
-sub extract_entries {
- my ($biber, $filename, $keys) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- my @rkeys = @$keys;
- my $tf;
- $logger->trace("Entering extract_entries()");
- # If it's a remote file, fetch it first
- if ($filename =~ m/\A(?:https?|ftp):/xms) {
- $logger->info("Data source '$filename' is a remote file - fetching ...");
- require LWP::Simple;
- require File::Temp;
- $tf = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.ris');
- unless (LWP::Simple::getstore($filename, $tf->filename) == 200) {
- $logger->logdie ("Could not fetch file '$filename'");
- }
- $filename = $tf->filename;
- }
- else {
- my $trying_filename = $filename;
- unless ($filename = locate_biber_file($filename)) {
- $logger->logdie("Cannot find file '$trying_filename'!")
- }
- }
- # pre-process into something a little more sensible, dealing with the multi-line
- # fields in RIS
- require IO::File;
- my $ris = new IO::File;
- $ris->open("< $filename");
- my $e;
- my @ris_entries;
- my $last_tag;
- while(<$ris>) {
- if (m/\A([A-Z][A-Z0-9])\s\s\-\s*(.+)?\n\z/xms) {
- $last_tag = $1;
- switch ($1) {
- case 'TY' { $e = {'TY' => $2}; }
- case 'KW' { push @{$e->{KW}}, $2 } # amalgamate keywords
- case 'SP' { $e->{SPEP}{SP} = $2 } # amalgamate page range
- case 'EP' { $e->{SPEP}{EP} = $2 } # amalgamate page range
- case 'A1' { push @{$e->{A1}}, $2 } # amalgamate names
- case 'A2' { push @{$e->{A2}}, $2 } # amalgamate names
- case 'A3' { push @{$e->{A3}}, $2 } # amalgamate names
- case 'AU' { push @{$e->{AU}}, $2 } # amalgamate names
- case 'ED' { push @{$e->{ED}}, $2 } # amalgamate names
- case 'ER' { $e->{KW} = join(',', @{$e->{KW}});
- push @ris_entries, $e }
- else { $e->{$1} = $2 }
- }
- }
- elsif (m/\A(.+)\n\z/xms) { # Deal with stupid line continuations
- $e->{$last_tag} .= " $1";
- }
- }
- $ris->close;
- undef $ris;
- if ($section->is_allkeys) {
- $logger->debug("All citekeys will be used for section '$secnum'");
- # Loop over all entries, creating objects
- foreach my $entry (@ris_entries) {
- $logger->debug('Parsing RIS entry object ' . $entry->{ID});
- # We have to pass the datasource cased key to
- # create_entry() as this sub needs to know the original case of the
- # citation key so we can do case-insensitive key/entry comparisons
- # later but we need to put the original citation case when we write
- # the .bbl. If we lowercase before this, we lose this information.
- # Of course, with allkeys, "citation case" means "datasource entry case"
- # If an entry has no key, ignore it and warn
- unless ($entry->{ID}) {
- $logger->warn("RIS entry has no ID key in file '$filename', skipping ...");
- $biber->{warnings}++;
- next;
- }
- create_entry($biber, $entry->{ID}, $entry);
- }
- # if allkeys, push all bibdata keys into citekeys (if they are not already there)
- $section->add_citekeys($section->bibentries->sorted_keys);
- $logger->debug("Added all citekeys to section '$secnum': " . join(', ', $section->get_citekeys));
- }
- else {
- # loop over all keys we're looking for and create objects
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys: ' . join(', ', @$keys));
- foreach my $wanted_key (@$keys) {
- $logger->debug("Looking for key '$wanted_key' in RIS file '$filename'");
- # Cache index keys are lower-cased. This next line effectively implements
- # case insensitive citekeys
- # This will also get the first match it finds
- if (my @entries = grep { lc($wanted_key) eq lc($_->{ID}) } @ris_entries) {
- if ($#entries > 0) {
- $logger->warn("Found more than one entry for key '$wanted_key' in '$filename' - using the first one!");
- $biber->{warnings}++;
- }
- my $entry = $entries[0];
- $logger->debug("Found key '$wanted_key' in RIS file '$filename'");
- $logger->debug('Parsing RIS entry object ' . $entry->{ID});
- # See comment above about the importance of the case of the key
- # passed to create_entry()
- create_entry($biber, $wanted_key, $entry);
- # found a key, remove it from the list of keys we want
- @rkeys = grep {$wanted_key ne $_} @rkeys;
- }
- $logger->debug('Wanted keys now: ' . join(', ', @rkeys));
- }
- }
- return @rkeys;
-=head2 create_entry
- Create a Biber::Entry object from an entry found in a biblatexml data source
-sub create_entry {
- my ($biber, $dskey, $entry) = @_;
- my $secnum = $biber->get_current_section;
- my $section = $biber->sections->get_section($secnum);
- my $struc = Biber::Config->get_structure;
- my $bibentries = $section->bibentries;
- # Want a version of the key that is the same case as any citations which
- # reference it, in case they are different. We use this as the .bbl
- # entry key
- # In case of allkeys, this will just be the datasource key as ->get_citekeys
- # returns an empty list
- my $citekey = first {lc($dskey) eq lc($_)} $section->get_citekeys;
- $citekey = $dskey unless $citekey;
- my $lc_key = lc($dskey);
- my $bibentry = new Biber::Entry;
- # We record the original keys of both the datasource and citation. They may differ in case.
- $bibentry->set_field('dskey', $dskey);
- $bibentry->set_field('citekey', $citekey);
- # Set entrytype taking note of any aliases for this datasource driver
- if (my $ealias = $dcfxml->{'entry-types'}{'entry-type'}{$entry->{TY}}) {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $ealias->{aliasof}{content});
- if (my $alsoset = $ealias->{alsoset}) {
- unless ($bibentry->field_exists($alsoset->{target})) {
- $bibentry->set_field($alsoset->{target}, $alsoset->{value});
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $bibentry->set_field('entrytype', $entry->{TY});
- }
- # We put all the fields we find modulo field aliases into the object.
- # Validation happens later and is not datasource dependent
- foreach my $f (keys %$entry) {
- if (my $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{$f}) {
- my $to = $f; # By default, field to set internally is the same as data source
- # Redirect any alias
- if (my $alias = $fm->{aliasof}) {
- $logger->debug("Found alias '$alias' of field '$f' in entry '$dskey'");
- $fm = $dcfxml->{fields}{field}{$alias};
- $to = $alias; # Field to set internally is the alias
- }
- &{$handlers{$fm->{handler}}}($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey);
- }
- # Default if no explicit way to set the field
- else {
- $bibentry->set_datafield($f, $entry->{$f});
- }
- }
- $bibentry->set_field('datatype', 'ris');
- $bibentries->add_entry($lc_key, $bibentry);
- return;
-# Verbatim fields
-sub _verbatim {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $entry->{$f});
- return;
-# Range fields
-sub _range {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, _parse_range_list($entry->{$f}));
- return;
-# Date fields
-sub _date {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $date = $entry->{$f};
- if ($date =~ m|\A([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2}/([^\n]+))\z|xms) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('year', $1);
- $bibentry->set_datafield('month', $2);
- $bibentry->set_datafield('day', $3);
- }
- elsif ($date =~ m|\A([0-9])\z|xms) {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('year', $1);
- }
- else {
- $logger->warn("Invalid RIS date format: '$date' - ignoring");
- }
- return;
-# Name fields
-sub _name {
- my ($biber, $bibentry, $entry, $f, $to, $dskey) = @_;
- my $names = $entry->{$f};
- my $names_obj = new Biber::Entry::Names;
- foreach my $name (@$names) {
- $logger->debug('Parsing RIS name');
- if ($name =~ m|\A([^,]+)\s*,?\s*([^,]+)?\s*,?\s*([^,]+)?\z|xms) {
- my $lastname = $1;
- my $firstname = $2;
- my $suffix = $3;
- $logger->debug("Found name component 'lastname': $lastname") if $lastname;
- $logger->debug("Found name component 'firstname': $firstname") if $firstname;
- $logger->debug("Found name component 'suffix': $suffix") if $suffix;
- my @fni = _gen_initials([split(/\s/, $firstname)]) if $firstname;
- my @lni = _gen_initials([split(/\s/, $lastname)]) if $lastname;
- my @si = _gen_initials([split(/\s/, $suffix)]) if $suffix;
- my $namestring = '';
- # lastname
- $namestring .= "$lastname, ";
- # suffix
- $namestring .= "$suffix, " if $suffix;
- # firstname
- $namestring .= $firstname if $firstname;
- # Remove any trailing comma and space if, e.g. missing firstname
- # Replace any nbspes
- $namestring =~ s/,\s+\z//xms;
- $namestring =~ s/~/ /gxms;
- # Construct $nameinitstring
- my $nameinitstr = '';
- $nameinitstr .= $lastname if $lastname;
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $si[1] if $suffix;
- $nameinitstr .= '_' . $fni[1] if $firstname;
- $nameinitstr =~ s/\s+/_/g;
- $nameinitstr =~ s/~/_/g;
- my $name_obj = Biber::Entry::Name->new(
- firstname => $firstname || undef,
- firstname_i => $firstname ? $fni[0] : undef,
- firstname_it => $firstname ? $fni[1] : undef,
- lastname => $lastname,
- lastname_i => $lni[0],
- lastname_it => $lni[1],
- suffix => $suffix || undef,
- suffix_i => $suffix ? $si[0] : undef,
- suffix_it => $suffix ? $si[1] : undef,
- namestring => $namestring,
- nameinitstring => $nameinitstr
- );
- $names_obj->add_element($name_obj);
- $bibentry->set_datafield($to, $names_obj);
- # Special case
- if ($f eq 'A3') {
- $bibentry->set_datafield('editortype', 'series');
- }
- }
- else {
- $logger->warn("Invalid RIS name format: '$name' - ignoring");
- }
- }
- return;
-# Passed an array ref of strings, returns an array of two strings,
-# the first is the TeX initials and the second the terse initials
-sub _gen_initials {
- my $strings_ref = shift;
- my @strings;
- foreach my $str (@$strings_ref) {
- my $chr = substr($str, 0, 1);
- # Keep diacritics with their following characters
- if ($chr =~ m/\p{Dia}/) {
- push @strings, substr($str, 0, 2);
- }
- else {
- push @strings, substr($str, 0, 1);
- }
- }
- return (join('.~', @strings) . '.', join('', @strings));
-# parses a range and returns a ref to an array of start and end values
-sub _parse_range_list {
- my $range = shift;
- my $start = $range->{SP} || '';
- my $end = $range->{EP} || '';
- return [[$start, $end]];
-=encoding utf-8
-=head1 NAME
-Biber::Input::file::biblatexml - look in a BibLaTeXML file for an entry and create it if found
-Provides the extract_entries() method to get entries from a biblatexml data source
-and instantiate Biber::Entry objects for what it finds
-=head1 AUTHOR
-François Charette, C<< <firmicus at> >>
-Philip Kime C<< <philip at> >>
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report any bugs or feature requests on our sourceforge tracker at
-Copyright 2009-2011 François Charette and Philip Kime, all rights reserved.
-This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: