path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/srcredact/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/srcredact/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5908bde1e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/srcredact/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+my $USAGE = <<END;
+srcredact - a program for redacting the sources
+srcredact [OPTIONS] -e audience [full_file]
+srcredact [OPTIONS] -u audience full_file [redacted_file]
+srcredact -l [full_file]
+srcredact -h|-v
+srcredact is the program to extract ``redacted versions'' of the master
+file (option -e) or to incorporate the changes in the redacted versions
+into the master file (``unextract'', option -u).
+The master file consists of chunks intended for different audiences.
+Each audience has a name, e.g. "classified", "unclssified", "expert"
+etc. Chunks are started and stopped by guard lines. Each guard line
+has the format (for the default TeX syntax)
+ %<name1|name2|...>
+ %</name1|name2|...>
+In the first cases the text following the guard is included for the
+audiences "name1", "name2", .... In the second case it is excluded for
+these audiences.
+THere is a special audience "ALL": a wild card for all audiences. Thus
+the idiom
+ %</ALL>
+ %<classified>
+means that the chunk is excluded for all audiences but "classified"
+Exactly one of the options -e (extract) or -u (unextract) must be present.
+In the redact mode the non-option argument is the name of the full file.
+If it is absent, or is "-", standard input is used. In the unextract mode
+the first non-option argument
+ -c list of comment patterns
+ Use the given pattern for comment lines to search for guards instead
+ of the default "TeX" pattern. The recognized patterns are:
+ c
+ /<guard>/
+ cpp
+ //<guard>
+ fortran
+ C<guard>
+ shell
+ #<guard>
+ TeX
+ %<guard>
+ The pattern names should be separated by commas, and the list may be
+ enclosed in quotes to prevent shell expansion, e.g
+ -c "TeX, c, shell"
+ -d Debug mode on.
+ -e audience
+ Extract the contents for the current audience into the file file.
+ The cuurent audience is guessed from the file name, if the latter
+ has the structure base-audience.extension, e.g.
+ "report-unclassified.tex". The key -a overrides this guess and
+ should be used if the file name does not follow this pattern. The
+ file name "-" means the standard output.
+ -h Print help information and exit.
+ -l List all audiences set in the file (one per line) and exit.
+ -u audience
+ Take a redacted file intended for the audience (the second
+ non-option argument) and incorporate the changes in it into the full
+ file (the first non-option argument). If the second argument is
+ missing, standard input is used instead. As usual, "-" also means
+ standard input. Note that only one of the two file arguments in this
+ case can be standard input.
+ -v Print version information and exit.
+ -w on|off|1|0|true|false
+ If "on", 1 or "true" (the deafult), implicitly wrap the full
+ document into the guards
+ %<ALL>
+ ...
+ %</ALL>
+srcredact - a program for redacting the sources
+Copyright (C) 2015 Boris Veytsman. Version 1.0
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+02110-1301, USA
+# Reading arguments
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+our %opts;
+getopts ('c:de:hlu:vw:', \%opts) or do {
+ print STDERR $USAGE;
+ exit(2);
+if ($opts{h}) {
+ die ($USAGE);
+if ($opts{v}){
+ die ($COPYRIGHT);
+my $DEBUG=0;
+if ($opts{d}) {
+ $DEBUG=1;
+my @commentPatterns;
+if ($opts{c}) {
+ @commentPatterns=GetCommentPatterns($opts{c});
+} else {
+ @commentPatterns=GetCommentPatterns('TeX');
+# We want exactly one of the modes -l, -e, -u:
+my $audience;
+my $mode;
+my $modesFound=0;
+if ($opts{l}) {
+ $mode = "list";
+ $modesFound++;
+if ($opts{e}) {
+ $mode='extract';
+ $audience = $opts{e};
+ $modesFound++;
+if ($opts{u}) {
+ $mode = "unextract";
+ $audience = $opts{u};
+ $modesFound++;
+if ($modesFound != 1) {
+ print STDERR
+ "Exactly one of the options -l, -e, -u must be present.\n\n$USAGE";
+ exit (2);
+my $wrap=1;
+if (exists $opts{w}) {
+ if ($opts{w} eq '0' || $opts{w} =~ m/^off$/i ||
+ $opts{w} =~ m/^false$/i) {
+ $wrap=0;
+ } elsif ($opts{w} eq '1' || $opts{w} =~ m/^on$/i ||
+ $opts{w} =~ m/^true$/i) {
+ $wrap=0;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unknwon value for -w option: $opts{w}.\n" .
+ "Must be 0|1|on|off|true|false\n";
+ exit (2);
+ }
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Wrapping in <ALL> is $wrap\n";
+# Opening files
+my $fullFH;
+my $newFH;
+# In 'l' or 'e' mode we need one or zero non-option arguments
+if (($mode eq 'list') || ($mode eq 'extract')) {
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
+ }
+ $fullFH=*STDIN;
+ } elsif (scalar(@ARGV) == 1) {
+ my $full = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($full eq '-') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
+ }
+ $fullFH = *STDIN;
+ } else {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign $full for full file\n";
+ }
+ open ($fullFH, "<", $full) or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open file $full\n";
+ exit (2);
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR
+ "Options -e and -l require one or zero non-option argument\n\n";
+ print STDERR $USAGE;
+ exit(2);
+ }
+# In 'u' mode we need one or two arguments
+if ($mode eq 'unextract') {
+ if ((scalar(@ARGV) < 1) || (scalar(@ARGV) > 2)) {
+ print STDERR
+ "Option -u requires one or two non-option argument\n\n";
+ print STDERR $USAGE;
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ my $full = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($full eq '-') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
+ }
+ $fullFH = *STDIN;
+ } else {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign $full for full file\n";
+ }
+ open ($fullFH, "<", $full) or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open file $full\n";
+ exit (2);
+ };
+ }
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign stdin for redacted file\n";
+ }
+ $newFH=*STDIN;
+ } else {
+ my $redacted = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($redacted eq '-') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign stdin for redacted file\n";
+ }
+ $newFH = *STDIN;
+ } else {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Usign $redacted for redacted file\n";
+ }
+ open ($newFH, "<", $redacted) or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open file $redacted\n";
+ exit (2);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+# And the real work
+if ($mode eq 'list') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "List mode\n";
+ }
+ my @audiences=ListAudiences($fullFH, \@commentPatterns);
+ print join("\n", @audiences), "\n";
+ exit (0);
+if ($mode eq 'extract') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Extract mode\n";
+ }
+ ExtractText($fullFH, \*STDOUT, $audience,
+ \@commentPatterns, $wrap);
+ exit (0);
+if ($mode eq 'unextract') {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Unextract mode\n";
+ }
+ my $exitCode = UnextractText($fullFH, $newFH, \*STDOUT,
+ $audience, \@commentPatterns, $wrap);
+ exit ($exitCode);
+# Extracting comment patterns
+sub GetCommentPatterns {
+ my %knownPatterns = ( 'c' => '^/\*<([^>]*)>\*/',
+ 'cpp' => '^\/\/<([^>]*)>',
+ fortran => '^C<([^>]*)>',
+ shell => '^#<([^>]*)>',
+ tex => '^%<([^>]*)>'
+ );
+ my $input = shift;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Got pattern string $input\n";
+ }
+ $input =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $input =~ s/\s*$//;
+ my @languages = split /[\s,]\s*/, $input;
+ my @patterns;
+ foreach my $lang (@languages) {
+ $lang =~ s/^(.*)$/\L$1\E/;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Processing language $lang... ";
+ }
+ if (exists $knownPatterns{$lang}) {
+ push @patterns, $knownPatterns{$lang};
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "found pattern $knownPatterns{$lang}\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR
+ "Unknown comment language $lang. The supported languages are ",
+ join(", ", keys %knownPatterns), "\n";
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ }
+ return @patterns;
+# List audiences
+sub ListAudiences {
+ my $fh=shift;
+ my $patterns=shift;
+ my %foundAudiences = ('ALL' => 1);
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ my @result = FindAudiences ($_, $patterns);
+ if (scalar @result) {
+ shift @result;
+ foreach my $audience (@result) {
+ $foundAudiences{$audience} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (sort keys %foundAudiences);
+# Check whether the line is a comment
+# Return 0 to delete, 1 to add, and the list of
+# audiences
+sub FindAudiences {
+ my $line = shift;
+ my $patterns=shift;
+ foreach my $pattern (@{$patterns}) {
+ if ($line =~ m/$pattern/) {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Line $. is a guard: $line";
+ }
+ my $guards = $1;
+ my @result;
+ if (substr($guards,0,1) eq '*') {
+ push @result, 1;
+ } elsif (substr($guards,0,1) eq '/') {
+ push @result, 0;
+ } else {
+ die "Wrong guard line $line\n";
+ }
+ @result = (@result, split(/\|/, substr($guards,1)));
+ return @result;
+ }
+ }
+ return ();
+# Extracting text for the given audience
+sub ExtractText {
+ my $fullFH=shift;
+ my $outFH=shift;
+ my $audience = shift;
+ my $patterns = shift;
+ my $state = shift;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Initial state $state\n";
+ }
+ while (<$fullFH>) {
+ my @result = FindAudiences ($_, $patterns);
+ if (scalar @result) {
+ my $newstate = shift @result;
+ foreach my $tryaudience (@result) {
+ if (($tryaudience eq 'ALL') ||
+ ($audience eq $tryaudience)) {
+ $state = $newstate;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Changing state to $state\n";
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # Normal line
+ if ($state) {
+ print $outFH $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Merge files
+sub UnextractText {
+ my $fullFH=shift;
+ my $newFH=shift;
+ my $outFH = shift;
+ my $audience = shift;
+ my $patterns = shift;
+ my $state = shift;
+ # Creating tempdir. We leave the tempdir in place in
+ # the debug mode
+ my $tmpdir = tempdir (CLEANUP => !$DEBUG);
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Creating directory $tmpdir\n";
+ }
+ open (FULL, ">$tmpdir/full") or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/full\n";
+ return(2);
+ };
+ print FULL <$fullFH>;
+ close FULL;
+ open (FULL, "<$tmpdir/full") or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/full\n";
+ return(2);
+ };
+ open (EXTRACTED, ">$tmpdir/extracted") or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/extracted\n";
+ return(2);
+ };
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Extracting text\n";
+ }
+ ExtractText(\*FULL, \*EXTRACTED, $audience,
+ $patterns, $wrap);
+ close FULL;
+ close EXTRACTED;
+ open (NEW, ">$tmpdir/new") or do {
+ print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/new\n";
+ return(2);
+ };
+ print NEW <$newFH>;
+ close NEW;
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ print STDERR "Merging text\n";
+ }
+ print $outFH `diff3 -m $tmpdir/full $tmpdir/extracted $tmpdir/new`;
+ return ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE};