path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f724dcf720c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env wish
+package require Tk
+# windows: most scripts run via [w]runscript.
+# linux: tlshell.tcl MUST be run via a symlink in a directory
+# which also contains (a symlink to) kpsewhich.
+# This directory will be prepended to the searchpath.
+# let kpsewhich disentangle symlinks.
+set tempsub "" ; # subdirectory for temporary files
+# the stderr and stdout of tlmgr are each read into a list of strings
+set err_log {}
+set out_log {}
+set prmpt "tlmgr>"
+set busy 0
+set ddebug 0
+proc do_debug {s} {
+ if {$::ddebug} {
+ puts stderr $s
+ }
+proc maketemp {ext} {
+ set fname ""
+ foreach i {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} { ; # ten tries
+ set fname [file join $::tempsub "[expr int(10000.0*rand())]$ext"]
+ if {[file exist $fname]} {set fname ""; continue}
+ # create empty file. although we just want a name,
+ # we must make sure that it can be created.
+ set fid [open $fname w]
+ close $fid
+ if {! [file exists $fname]} {error "Cannot create temporary file"}
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
+ file attributes $fname -permissions 0600
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ if {$fname eq ""} {error "Cannot create temporary file"}
+ return $fname
+# TODO: replace messagebox with a custom toplevel with a text widget
+proc err_exit {} {
+ do_debug "error exit"
+ read_err
+ tk_messageBox -message [join $::err_log "\n"] -type ok -icon error
+ exit
+proc read_err {} {
+ do_debug "read_err"
+ set ::err_log {}
+ set len 0
+ while 1 {
+ do_debug "read_err: one iteration"
+ set len [chan gets $::err l]
+ if {$len >= 0} {
+ lappend ::err_log $l
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+# about [chan] gets:
+# if a second parameter is supplied
+# then this variable receives the result, with EOL stripped,
+# and the return value is the string length, possibly 0
+# EOF is indicated by a return value of -1.
+proc read_line {} {
+ set l "" ; # will contain the line to be read
+ if {([catch {chan gets $::tlshl l} len] || [chan eof $::tlshl])} {
+ do_debug "read_line: failing to read"
+ catch {chan close $::tlshl}
+ err_exit
+ } elseif {$len >= 0} {
+ do_debug "read: $l"
+ if {[string first $::prmpt $l] == 0} {
+ # prompt line: done with command
+ read_err
+ set ::busy "IDLE"
+ $::pipe_cb "finish"
+ } else {
+ lappend ::out_log $l
+ $::pipe_cb "line" "$l"
+ }
+ }
+ update
+proc show_err {} {
+ do_debug "show_err"
+ .err.tx configure -state normal
+ .err.tx delete 1.0 end
+ if {[llength $::err_log] > 0} {
+ foreach l $::err_log {.err.tx insert end "$l\n"}
+ .err.tx yview moveto 1
+ .logs select .err
+ }
+ update
+ if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
+ # os x: text widget disabled => no selection possible
+ .err.tx configure -state disabled
+ }
+# cb: short for callback (for file events of tlmgr pipe ::tlshl)
+proc empty_cb {mode {l ""}} {}
+set pipe_cb empty_cb
+## template for non-empty pipe callback:
+#proc packages_cb {mode {l ""}} {
+# if {$mode eq "line"} {
+# } elseif {$mode eq "init"} {
+# } elseif {$mode eq "finish"} {
+# } else {
+# lappend ::err_log "Illegal call of whatever_cb"
+# err_exit
+# }
+proc log_widget_cb {mode {l ""}} {
+ if {$mode eq "line"} {
+ .log.tx configure -state normal
+ do_debug "to log widget:"
+ do_debug $l
+ .log.tx insert end "$l\n"
+ update
+ } elseif {$mode eq "init"} {
+ .log.tx configure -state normal
+ .log.tx delete 1.0 end
+ update
+ } elseif {$mode eq "finish"} {
+ .log.tx yview moveto 1
+ .logs select .log
+ # error log on top if it contains anything
+ show_err
+ if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
+ .log.tx configure -state disabled
+ }
+ .ent.e configure -state normal
+ update
+ } else {
+ lappend ::err_log "Illegal call of log_widget_cb"
+ err_exit
+ }
+} ; # log_widget_cb
+# running tlmgr ############################################
+proc run_cmd {cmd} {
+ do_debug "run_cmd \"$cmd\""
+ $::pipe_cb "init"
+ chan puts $::tlshl $cmd
+ chan flush $::tlshl
+ do_debug "posting busy"
+ set ::busy "BUSY"
+ update
+ do_debug "puts and flush"
+proc run_entry {} {
+ # TODO: some validation of $cmd
+ do_debug "run_entry"
+ set cmd [.ent.e get]
+ do_debug $cmd
+ .ent.e delete 0 end
+ .prev.prv configure -text $cmd
+ update
+ .ent.e configure -state disabled
+ set ::pipe_cb log_widget_cb
+ run_cmd $cmd
+proc make_widgets {} {
+ set textgray "#606060"
+ frame .ent
+ pack [label .ent.l -text "Type command:"] -side left
+ pack [button .ent.b -text Run -command run_entry] -side right
+ pack [entry .ent.e -width 60] -side left -fill x
+ pack .ent -fill x -side top
+ bind .ent.e <Return> run_entry
+ frame .prev
+ pack [label .prev.lprv -justify left -text "Last command entry: "] \
+ -side left
+ pack [label .prev.prv -justify left] \
+ -side left -fill x
+ pack [label .prev.busy -justify right -textvariable ::busy] -side right
+ pack .prev -side top -fill x
+ frame .log
+ pack [scrollbar .log.scroll -command ".log.tx yview" -bd 1] \
+ -side right -fill y
+ pack [text .log.tx -height 10 -width 80 -bd 2 -relief groove -wrap word \
+ -yscrollcommand ".log.scroll set" -fg $textgray] \
+ -expand 1 -fill both
+ .log.tx yview moveto 1
+ frame .err
+ pack [scrollbar .err.scroll -command ".err.tx yview" -bd 1] \
+ -side right -fill y
+ pack [text .err.tx -height 10 -width 80 -bd 2 -relief groove -wrap word \
+ -yscrollcommand ".err.scroll set" -fg $textgray] \
+ -expand 1 -fill both
+ .err.tx yview moveto 1
+ ttk::notebook .logs
+ .logs add .log -text "Output"
+ .logs add .err -text "Errors"
+ raise .err .logs
+ raise .log .logs
+ pack .logs -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3 -pady 6
+ pack [button .b -text Quit -command exit]
+} ; # make_widgets
+proc initialize {} {
+ # prepend TL to process searchpath (not needed on windows)
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
+ set texbin [file dirname [info script]]
+ set savedir [pwd]
+ cd $texbin
+ set texbin [pwd]
+ cd $savedir
+ # prepend texbin to PATH, unless it is already the _first_
+ # path component
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
+ set pathsep ":"
+ } else {
+ set pathsep ";"
+ }
+ set dirs [split $::env(PATH) $pathsep]
+ if {[lindex $dirs 0] ne $texbin} {
+ set ::env(PATH) "$texbin$pathsep$::env(PATH)"
+ }
+ }
+ # directory for temp files
+ set attemptdirs {}
+ foreach tmp {TMPDIR TEMP TMP} {
+ if {[lsearch [array names ::env] $tmp] >= 0} {
+ lappend attemptdirs $::env($tmp)
+ }
+ }
+ if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
+ lappend attemptdirs "/private/tmp"
+ }
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
+ lappend attemptdirs "/tmp"
+ }
+ lappend attemptdirs [pwd]
+ set ::tempsub ""
+ foreach tmp $attemptdirs {
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+ regsub -all {\\} $tmp {/} tmp
+ }
+ if {[file isdirectory $tmp]} {
+ foreach i {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} {
+ # 10 tries to get a new name for this value of tmp
+ set ::tempsub [file join $tmp "tlshl[expr int(10000.0*rand())]"]
+ if {[file isdirectory $::tempsub]} {set ::tempsub ""; continue}
+ if {! [catch {file mkdir $::tempsub}]} {break} ;# success
+ else {set ::tempsub ""}
+ }
+ if {$::tempsub ne ""} {break}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$::tempsub eq "" || [file isdirectory $::tempsub] == 0} {
+ error "Cannot create directory for temporary files"
+ }
+ # temp file for stderr
+ set ::err_file [maketemp ".err_tlshl"]
+ make_widgets
+ # start the TeX Live Manager shell interface
+ # capture stdout into the pipe, stderr into a temp file
+ set ::tlshl [open "|tlmgr --autoflush shell 2>>$::err_file" w+]
+ set ::err [open $::err_file r]
+ chan configure $::tlshl -buffering line -blocking 0
+ chan event $::tlshl readable read_line
+ set pipe_cb empty_cb
+ run_cmd "set machine-readable 1"
+}; # initialize