path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat
index b60630d862d..62e0d659a53 100755
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/pst-pdf/ps4pdf.bat
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-:: **********************************************
-:: ps4pdf.bat
-:: author Lutz Ihlenburg, 09-may-2005
-:: Batch file for using Rolf Niepraschk's package
-:: pst-pdf under MiKTeX
-:: More info: ps4pdf-bat.txt
-:: **********************************************
-@echo off
-:: Command extensions must be enabled (Default in Windows XP)
-:: Localize temporary variables
-:: Called with no argument?
-if {%1} == {} goto USAGE
-if {%1} == {/?} goto USAGE
-if {%1} == {-h} goto USAGE
-if {%1} == {--help} goto USAGE
-:: Look for existence of main tex file.
-:: This procedure will not work, if You transfer a filename without extension,
-:: having dots in the name :-)
-:: Command shell for-statement allows only one command.
-:: For more, a multiple command must be created with &
-for %%a in (%1) do set _fullname=%%~fa& set _drive=%%~da& set _path=%%~pa& set _name=%%~na& set _ext=%%~xa
-:: XP command shell doesn't know "if not defined..."
-if defined _ext (
-) else (
-set _ext=.tex
-set _fullname=%_fullname%.tex
-if not exist "%_fullname%" goto :MISSINGFILE
-cd %_path%
-@echo on
-latex --src -interaction=nonstopmode "%_name%%_ext%" >"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
-@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
-dvips -o "" "%_name%.dvi" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
-@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
-ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None "" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
-@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
-texify -b -l latex -p "%_name%%_ext%" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
-@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
-@goto :EOF
-echo *** File not found: %_fullname%
-echo *** Batch job aborted
-goto :EOF
-@echo *** An error message appeared. Abnormal termination! Look at %_name%-pst-pdf.log ***
-@goto :EOF
-for %%a in (%0) do set _progname=%%~na
-echo Usage: %_progname% SourceFile[.tex]
-goto :EOF
+:: **********************************************
+:: ps4pdf.bat
+:: author Lutz Ihlenburg, 09-may-2005
+:: Batch file for using Rolf Niepraschk's package
+:: pst-pdf under MiKTeX
+:: More info: ps4pdf-bat.txt
+:: **********************************************
+@echo off
+:: Command extensions must be enabled (Default in Windows XP)
+:: Localize temporary variables
+:: Called with no argument?
+if {%1} == {} goto USAGE
+if {%1} == {/?} goto USAGE
+if {%1} == {-h} goto USAGE
+if {%1} == {--help} goto USAGE
+:: Look for existence of main tex file.
+:: This procedure will not work, if You transfer a filename without extension,
+:: having dots in the name :-)
+:: Command shell for-statement allows only one command.
+:: For more, a multiple command must be created with &
+for %%a in (%1) do set _fullname=%%~fa& set _drive=%%~da& set _path=%%~pa& set _name=%%~na& set _ext=%%~xa
+:: XP command shell doesn't know "if not defined..."
+if defined _ext (
+) else (
+set _ext=.tex
+set _fullname=%_fullname%.tex
+if not exist "%_fullname%" goto :MISSINGFILE
+cd %_path%
+@echo on
+latex --src -interaction=nonstopmode "%_name%%_ext%" >"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
+@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
+dvips -o "" "%_name%.dvi" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
+@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
+ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None "" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
+@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
+texify -b -l latex -p "%_name%%_ext%" >>"%_name%-ps4pdf.log"
+@if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
+@goto :EOF
+echo *** File not found: %_fullname%
+echo *** Batch job aborted
+goto :EOF
+@echo *** An error message appeared. Abnormal termination! Look at %_name%-pst-pdf.log ***
+@goto :EOF
+for %%a in (%0) do set _progname=%%~na
+echo Usage: %_progname% SourceFile[.tex]
+goto :EOF
echo Usage: %_progname% SourceFile[.tex]