path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/make4ht/extensions/dvisvgm_hashes.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/make4ht/extensions/dvisvgm_hashes.lua')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/make4ht/extensions/dvisvgm_hashes.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/make4ht/extensions/dvisvgm_hashes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac25e10cf5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/make4ht/extensions/dvisvgm_hashes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+local dvireader = require "make4ht-dvireader"
+local mkutils = require "mkutils"
+local filter = require "make4ht-filter"
+local M = {}
+-- mapping between tex4ht image names and hashed image names
+local output_map = {}
+local dvisvgm_options = "-n --exact -c 1.15,1.15"
+local parallel_size = 64
+-- local parallel_size = 3
+local function make_hashed_name(base, hash)
+ return base .. "-" ..hash..".svg"
+-- detect the number of available processors
+local cpu_cnt = 3 -- set a reasonable default for non-Linux systems
+if == 'linux' then
+ cpu_cnt = 0
+ local cpuinfo=assert('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r'))
+ for line in cpuinfo:lines() do
+ if line:match('^processor') then
+ cpu_cnt = cpu_cnt + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- set default number of threds if no CPU core have been found
+ if cpu_cnt == 0 then cpu_cnt = 1 end
+ cpuinfo:close()
+elseif == 'cygwin' or os.type == 'windows' then
+ -- windows has NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS environmental value
+ local nop = os.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS')
+ if tonumber(nop) then
+ cpu_cnt = nop
+ end
+-- process output of dvisvgm and find output page numbers and corresponding files
+local function get_generated_pages(output, pages)
+ local pages = pages or {}
+ local pos = 1
+ local pos, finish, page = string.find(output, "processing page (%d+)", pos)
+ while(pos) do
+ pos, finish, file = string.find(output, "output written to ([^\n]+)", finish)
+ pages[tonumber(page)] = file
+ pos, finish, page = string.find(output, "processing page (%d+)", finish)
+ end
+ return pages
+local function make_ranges(pages)
+ local newpages = {}
+ local start, stop
+ for i=1,#pages do
+ local current = pages[i]
+ local next_el = pages[i+1] or current + 100 -- just select a big number
+ local diff = next_el - current
+ if diff == 1 then
+ if not start then start = current end
+ else
+ local element
+ if start then
+ element = start .. "-" .. current
+ else
+ element = current
+ end
+ newpages[#newpages+1] = element
+ start = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return newpages
+local function read_log(dvisvgmlog)
+ local f =, "r")
+ if not f then return nil, "Cannot read dvisvgm log" end
+ local output = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ return output
+-- test the existence of GNU Make, which can execute tasks in parallel
+local function test_make()
+ local make = io.popen("make -v", "r")
+ if not make then return false end
+ local content = make:read("*all")
+ make:close()
+ return true
+local function save_file(filename, text)
+ local f =, "w")
+ f:write(text)
+ f:close()
+local function make_makefile_command(idvfile, page_sequences)
+ local logs = {}
+ local all = {} -- list of targets in the "all:" makefile target
+ local targets = {}
+ local basename = idvfile:gsub(".idv$", "")
+ local makefilename = basename .. "-images" .. ".mk"
+ -- build make targets
+ for i, ranges in ipairs(page_sequences) do
+ local target = basename .. "-" .. i
+ local logfile = target .. ".dlog"
+ logs[#logs + 1] = logfile
+ all[#all+1] = target
+ local chunk = target .. ":\n\tdvisvgm -v4 " .. dvisvgm_options .. " -p " .. ranges .. " " .. idvfile .. " 2> " .. logfile .. "\n"
+ targets[#targets + 1] = chunk
+ end
+ -- construct makefile and save it
+ local makefile = "all: " .. table.concat(all, " ") .. "\n\n" .. table.concat(targets, "\n")
+ save_file(makefilename, makefile)
+ local command = "make -j" .. cpu_cnt .." -f " .. makefilename
+ return command, logs
+local function prepare_command(idvfile, pages)
+ local logs = {}
+ if #pages > parallel_size and test_make() then
+ local page_sequences = {}
+ for i=1, #pages, parallel_size do
+ local current_pages = {}
+ for x = i, i+parallel_size -1 do
+ current_pages[#current_pages + 1] = pages[x]
+ end
+ table.insert(page_sequences,table.concat(make_ranges(current_pages), ","))
+ end
+ return make_makefile_command(idvfile, page_sequences)
+ end
+ -- else
+ local pagesequence = table.concat(make_ranges(pages), ",")
+ -- the stderr from dvisvgm must be redirected and postprocessed
+ local dvisvgmlog = idvfile:gsub("idv$", "dlog")
+ -- local dvisvgm = io.popen("dvisvgm -v4 -n --exact -c 1.15,1.15 -p " .. pagesequence .. " " .. idvfile, "r")
+ local command = "dvisvgm -v4 " .. dvisvgm_options .. " -p " .. pagesequence .. " " .. idvfile .. " 2> " .. dvisvgmlog
+ return command, {dvisvgmlog}
+ -- end
+local function execute_dvisvgm(idvfile, pages)
+ if #pages < 1 then return nil, "No pages to convert" end
+ local command, logs = prepare_command(idvfile, pages)
+ print(command)
+ os.execute(command)
+ local generated_pages = {}
+ for _, dvisvgmlog in ipairs(logs) do
+ local output = read_log(dvisvgmlog)
+ generated_pages = get_generated_pages(output, generated_pages)
+ end
+ return generated_pages
+local function get_dvi_pages(arg)
+ -- list of pages to convert in this run
+ local to_convert = {}
+ local idv_file = arg.input .. ".idv"
+ -- set extension options
+ local extoptions = mkutils.get_filter_settings "dvisvgm_hashes" or {}
+ dvisvgm_options = arg.options or extoptions.options or dvisvgm_options
+ parallel_size = arg.parallel_size or extoptions.parallel_size or parallel_size
+ cpu_cnt = arg.cpu_cnt or extoptions.cpu_cnt or cpu_cnt
+ local f =, "r")
+ if not f then return nil, "Cannot open idv file: " .. idv_file end
+ local content = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ local dvi_pages = dvireader.get_pages(content)
+ -- we must find page numbers and output name sfor the generated images
+ local lg = mkutils.parse_lg(arg.input ..".lg")
+ for _, name in ipairs(lg.images) do
+ local page = tonumber(
+ local hash = dvi_pages[page]
+ local tex4ht_name = name.output
+ local output_name = make_hashed_name(arg.input, hash)
+ output_map[tex4ht_name] = output_name
+ if not mkutils.file_exists(output_name) then
+ print(output_name)
+ to_convert[#to_convert+1] = page
+ end
+ end
+ local generated_files, msg = execute_dvisvgm(idv_file, to_convert)
+ if not generated_files then
+ return nil, msg
+ end
+ -- rename the generated files to the hashed filenames
+ for page, file in pairs(generated_files) do
+ os.rename(file, make_hashed_name(arg.input, dvi_pages[page]))
+ end
+function M.test(format)
+ -- ODT format doesn't support SVG
+ if format == "odt" then return false end
+ return true
+function M.modify_build(make)
+ -- this must be used in the .mk4 file as
+ -- Make:dvisvgm_hashes {}
+ make:add("dvisvgm_hashes", function(arg)
+ get_dvi_pages(arg)
+ end,
+ {
+ })
+ -- insert dvisvgm_hashes command at the end of the build sequence -- it needs to be called after t4ht
+ make:dvisvgm_hashes {}
+ -- replace original image names with hashed names
+ local executed = false
+ make:match(".*", function(arg)
+ if not executed then
+ executed = true
+ local lgfiles = make.lgfile.files
+ for i, filename in ipairs(lgfiles) do
+ local replace = output_map[filename]
+ if replace then
+ lgfiles[i] = replace
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ -- fix src attributes
+ local process = filter {
+ function(str)
+ return str:gsub('src="([^"]+)', function(filename)
+ local newname = output_map[filename] or filename
+ print("newname", newname)
+ return 'src="'.. newname
+ end)
+ end
+ }
+ make:match("htm.?$", process)
+ -- disable the image processing
+ for _,v in ipairs(make.build_seq) do
+ if == "t4ht" then
+ v.params.t4ht_par = v.params.t4ht_par .. " -p"
+ end
+ end
+ make:image(".", function() return "" end)
+ return make
+return M