path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex-options.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex-options.lua')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex-options.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex-options.lua
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..62ec72a3c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/lyluatex/lyluatex-options.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+-- luacheck: ignore ly warn info log self luatexbase internalversion font fonts tex token kpse status
+local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module({
+ name = "lyluatex-options",
+ version = '1.0f', --LYLUATEX_VERSION
+ date = "2019/05/27", --LYLUATEX_DATE
+ description = "Module lyluatex-options.",
+ author = "The Gregorio Project − (see",
+ copyright = "2015-2019 - jperon and others",
+ license = "MIT",
+ This module provides functionality to handle package options and make them
+ configurable in a fine-grained fashion as
+ - package options
+ - local options (for individual instances of commands/environments)
+ - changed “from here on” within a document.
+-- ]]
+local lib = require(kpse.find_file("lyluatex-lib.lua") or "lyluatex-lib.lua")
+local optlib = {} -- namespace for the returned table
+local Opts = {options = {}} -- Options class
+Opts.__index = function (self, k) return self.options[k] or rawget(Opts, k) end
+setmetatable(Opts, Opts)
+function Opts:new(opt_prefix, declarations)
+ Declare package options along with their default and
+ accepted values. To *some* extent also provide type checking.
+ - opt_prefix: the prefix/name by which the lyluatex-options module is
+ referenced in the parent LaTeX document (preamble or package).
+ This is required to write the code calling optlib.set_option into
+ the option declaration.
+ - declarations: a definition table stored in the calling module (see below)
+ Each entry in the 'declarations' table represents one package option, with each
+ value being an array (table with integer indexes instead of keys). For
+ details please refer to the manual.
+ local o = setmetatable(
+ {
+ declarations = declarations,
+ options = {}
+ },
+ self
+ )
+ local exopt = ''
+ for k, v in pairs(declarations) do
+ o.options[k] = v[1] or ''
+ tex.sprint(string.format([[
+ %s:set_option('%s', '\luatexluaescapestring{#1}')
+ k, opt_prefix, k
+ ))
+ exopt = exopt..k..'='..(v[1] or '')..','
+ end
+ tex.sprint([[\ExecuteOptionsX{]]..exopt..[[}%%]], [[\ProcessOptionsX]])
+ return o
+function Opts:check_local_options(opts, ignore_declarations)
+ Parse the given options (options passed to a command/environment),
+ sanitize them against the global package options and return a table
+ with the local options that should then supersede the global options.
+ If ignore_declaration is given any non-false value the sanitization
+ step is skipped (i.e. local options are only parsed and duplicates
+ rejected).
+ local options = {}
+ local next_opt = opts:gmatch('([^,]+)') -- iterator over options
+ for opt in next_opt do
+ local k, v = opt:match('([^=]+)=?(.*)')
+ if k then
+ if v and v:sub(1, 1) == '{' then -- handle keys with {multiple, values}
+ while select(2, v:gsub('{', '')) ~= select(2, v:gsub('}', '')) do v = v..','..next_opt() end
+ v = v:sub(2, -2) -- remove { }
+ end
+ if not ignore_declarations then
+ k, v = self:sanitize_option(k:gsub('^%s', ''), v:gsub('^%s', ''))
+ end
+ if k then
+ if options[k] then err('Option %s is set two times for the same score.', k)
+ else options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return options
+function Opts:is_neg(k)
+ Type check for a 'negative' option. This is an existing option
+ name prefixed with 'no' (e.g. 'noalign')
+ local _, i = k:find('^no')
+ return i and lib.contains_key(self.declarations, k:sub(i + 1))
+function Opts:sanitize_option(k, v)
+ Check and (if necessary) adjust the value of a given option.
+ Reject undefined options
+ Check 'negative' options
+ Handle boolean options (empty strings or 'false'), set them to real booleans
+ local declarations = self.declarations
+ if k == '' or k == 'noarg' then return end
+ if not lib.contains_key(declarations, k) then err('Unknown option: '..k) end
+ -- aliases
+ if declarations[k] and declarations[k][2] == optlib.is_alias then
+ if declarations[k][1] == v then return
+ else k = declarations[k] end
+ end
+ -- boolean
+ if v == 'false' then v = false end
+ -- negation (for example, noindent is the negation of indent)
+ if self:is_neg(k) then
+ if v ~= nil and v ~= 'default' then
+ k = k:gsub('^no(.*)', '%1')
+ v = not v
+ else return
+ end
+ end
+ return k, v
+function Opts:set_option(k, v)
+ Set an option for the given prefix to be in effect from this point on.
+ Raises an error if the option is not declared or does not meet the
+ declared expectations. (TODO: The latter has to be integrated by extracting
+ optlib.validate_option from optlib.validate_options and call it in
+ sanitize_option).
+ k, v = self:sanitize_option(k, v)
+ if k then
+ self.options[k] = v
+ self:validate_option(k)
+ end
+function Opts:validate_option(key, options_obj)
+ Validate an (already sanitized) option against its expected values.
+ With options_obj a local options table can be provided,
+ otherwise the global options stored in OPTIONS are checked.
+ local package_opts = self.declarations
+ local options = options_obj or self.options
+ local unexpected
+ if options[key] == 'default' then
+ -- Replace 'default' with an actual value
+ options[key] = package_opts[key][1]
+ unexpected = options[key] == nil
+ end
+ if not lib.contains(package_opts[key], options[key]) and package_opts[key][2] then
+ -- option value is not in the array of accepted values
+ if type(package_opts[key][2]) == 'function' then package_opts[key][2](key, options[key])
+ else unexpected = true
+ end
+ end
+ if unexpected then
+ err([[
+ Unexpected value "%s" for option %s:
+ authorized values are "%s"
+ ]],
+ options[key], key, table.concat(package_opts[key], ', ')
+ )
+ end
+function Opts:validate_options(options_obj)
+ Validate the given set of options against the option declaration
+ table for the given prefix.
+ With options_obj a local options table can be provided,
+ otherwise the global options stored in OPTIONS are checked.
+ for k, _ in lib.orderedpairs(self.declarations) do
+ self:validate_option(k, options_obj)
+ end
+function optlib.is_alias()
+ This function doesn't do anything, but if an option is defined
+ as an alias, its second parameter will be this function, so the
+ test declarations[k][2] == optlib.is_alias in Opts:sanitize_options
+ will return true.
+function optlib.is_dim(k, v)
+ Type checking for options that accept a LaTeX dimension.
+ This can be
+ - a number (integer or float)
+ - a number with unit
+ - a (multiplied) TeX length
+ (see error message in code for examples)
+ if v == '' or v == false or tonumber(v) then return true end
+ local n, sl, u = v:match('^%d*%.?%d*'), v:match('\\'), v:match('%a+')
+ -- a value of number - backslash - length is a dimension
+ -- invalid input will be prevented in by the LaTeX parser already
+ if n and sl and u then return true end
+ if n and lib.contains(lib.TEX_UNITS, u) then return true end
+ err([[
+Unexpected value "%s" for dimension %s:
+should be either a number (for example "12"),
+a number with unit, without space ("12pt"),
+or a (multiplied) TeX length (".8\linewidth")
+ v, k
+ )
+function optlib.is_neg(k, _)
+ Type check for a 'negative' option. At this stage,
+ we only check that it begins with 'no'.
+ return k:find('^no')
+function optlib.is_num(_, v)
+ Type check for number options
+ return v == '' or tonumber(v)
+function optlib.is_str(_, v)
+ Type check for string options
+ return type(v) == 'string'
+function optlib.merge_options(base_opt, super_opt)
+ Merge two tables.
+ Create a new table as a copy of base_opt, then merge with
+ super_opt. Entries in super_opt supersede (i.e. overwrite)
+ colliding entries in base_opt.
+ local result = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(base_opt) do result[k] = v end
+ for k, v in pairs(super_opt) do result[k] = v end
+ return result
+optlib.Opts = Opts
+return optlib