path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/latexdiff/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/latexdiff/')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/latexdiff/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/latexdiff/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..279dac1fc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/latexdiff/
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# latexrevise - takes output file of latexdiff and removes either discarded
+# or appended passages, then deletes all other latexdiff markup
+# Copyright (C) 2004 F J Tilmann (
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Detailed usage information at the end of the file
+# Version 0.1 First public release
+# Version 0.3 Updated for compatibility with latexdiff 0.3 output (DIFAUXCMD removal)
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use strict;
+# Markup strings (make sure that this are set to the same value as in
+# latexdiff)
+# If at all possible, do not change these as parts of the program
+# depend on the actual name.
+# At the very least adapt subroutine postprocess to new tokens.
+# note: have to use three backslashes to mean one literal one (reason
+# unknown
+my $ADDMARKOPEN='\\\DIFaddbegin(?:FL)? '; # Token to mark begin of appended text
+my $ADDMARKCLOSE='\\\DIFaddend(?:FL)?(?: |\z)'; # Token to mark end of appended text (|\z only deals with the case of \DIFaddend right before \end{document}
+my $ADDOPEN='\\\DIFadd(?:FL)?{'; # To mark begin of added text passage
+my $ADDCLOSE='}'; # To mark end of added text passage
+my $ADDCOMMENT='DIF > '; # To mark added comment line
+my $DELMARKOPEN='\\\DIFdelbegin(?:FL)? '; # Token to mark begin of deleted text
+my $DELMARKCLOSE='\\\DIFdelend(?:FL)?(?: |\z)'; # Token to mark end of deleted text
+my $DELOPEN='\\\DIFdel(?:FL)?{'; # To mark begin of deleted text passage
+my $DELCLOSE='}'; # To mark end of deleted text passage
+my $ALTEXT='FL'; # string which might be appended to above commands
+my $DELCMDOPEN='%DIFDELCMD < '; # To mark begin of deleted commands (must begin with %, i.e., be a comment
+my $DELCMDCLOSE="%%%\n"; # To mark end of deleted commands (must end with a new line)
+my $AUXCMD='%DIFAUXCMD' ; # follows auxiliary commands put in by latexdiff to make difference file legal
+my $DELCOMMENT='DIF < '; # To mark deleted comment line
+my $pat0 = '(?:[^{}]|\\\{|\\\})*';
+my $pat1 = '(?:[^{}]|\\\{|\\\}|\{'.$pat0.'\})*';
+my $pat2 = '(?:[^{}]|\\\{|\\\}|\{'.$pat1.'\})*';
+my $pat3 = '(?:[^{}]|\\\{|\\\}|\{'.$pat2.'\})*';
+my $pat4 = '(?:[^{}]|\\\{|\\\}|\{'.$pat3.'\})*';
+my $brat0 = '(?:[^\[\]]|\\\[|\\\])*';
+my ($input,$preamble,$body,$post);
+my (@matches);
+my ($cnt,$prematch,$postmatch);
+my ($help);
+my ($verbose,$quiet,$accept,$decline,$simplify)=(0,0,0,0,0);
+my ($comment,$comenv,$markup,$markenv);
+# A word unlikely ever to be used in a real latex file
+my $someword='gobbledegooksygook';
+GetOptions('accept|a' => \$accept,
+ 'decline|d'=> \$decline,
+ 'simplify|s' => \$simplify,
+ 'comment|c=s' => \$comment,
+ 'comment-environment|e=s' => \$comenv,
+ 'markup|m=s' => \$markup,
+ 'markup-environment|n=s' => \$markenv,
+ 'no-warnings|q' => \$verbose,
+ 'verbose|V' => \$verbose,
+ 'help|h|H' => \$help);
+if ( $help ) {
+ usage() ;
+if ( ($accept && $decline) || ($accept && $simplify) || ($decline && $simplify) ) {
+ die '-a,-d and -s options are mutually axclusive. Type latexrevise -h to get more help.';
+print STDERR "ACCEPT mode\n" if $verbose && $accept;
+print STDERR "DECLINE mode\n" if $verbose && $decline;
+print STDERR "SIMPLIFY mode. WARNING: The output will not normally be valid latex,\n" if $verbose && $simplify;
+# Slurp old and new files
+ local $/ ; # locally set record operator to undefined, ie. enable whole-file mode
+ $input=<>;
+# split into parts
+if (length $preamble && ( $accept || $decline ) ) {
+ #
+ #
+ # (compare subroutine linediff in latexdiff to make sure correct strings are used)
+ # remove extra commands added to preamble by latexdiff
+ $preamble =~ s/${PREAMBLEXTBEG}.*?${PREAMBLEXTEND}\n{0,1}//smg ;
+ if ( $accept ) {
+ # delete mark up in appended lines
+ $preamble =~ s/^(.*) %DIF > $/$1/mg ;
+ } elsif ( $decline ) {
+ # delete appended lines
+ # $preamble =~ s/^(.*) %DIF > $//mg ;
+ $preamble =~ s/^(.*) %DIF > \n//mg ;
+ # delete markup in deleted lines
+ $preamble =~ s/^%DIF < //mg ;
+ }
+ # remove any remaining DIF markups
+ #$preamble =~ s/%DIF.*$//mg ;
+ $preamble =~ s/%DIF.*?\n//sg ;
+#print $preamble ;
+if ($accept) {
+ @matches= $body =~ m/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}/sg;
+ checkpure(@matches);
+ $body =~ s/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}/$1/sg;
+ # remove text flanked by DELMARKOPEN, DELMARKCLOSE tokens
+ @matches= $body =~ m/${DELMARKOPEN}(.*?)${DELMARKCLOSE}/sg;
+ checkpure(@matches);
+ $body =~ s/${DELMARKOPEN}(.*?)${DELMARKCLOSE}//sg;
+ # remove markup of added comments
+ $body =~ s/%${ADDCOMMENT}(.*?)$/%$1/mg ;
+ # remove deleted comments (full line)
+ $body =~ s/^%${DELCOMMENT}.*?\n//mg ;
+ # remove deleted comments (part of line)
+ $body =~ s/%${DELCOMMENT}.*?$//mg ;
+elsif ( $decline) {
+ @matches= $body =~ m/${DELMARKOPEN}(.*?)${DELMARKCLOSE}/sg;
+ checkpure(@matches);
+ $body =~ s/${DELMARKOPEN}(.*?)${DELMARKCLOSE}/$1/sg;
+ # remove text flanked by ADDMARKOPEN, ADDMARKCLOSE tokens
+ # as latexdiff algorithm keeps the formatting and white spaces
+ # of the new text, sometimes whitespace might be inserted or
+ # removed inappropriately. We try to guess whether this has
+ # happened
+ # Mop up tokens. This must be done already now as otherwise
+ # detection of white-space problems does not work
+ $cnt = $body =~ s/${DELOPEN}($pat4)${DELCLOSE}/$1/sg;
+ # remove markup of deleted commands
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/${DELCMDOPEN}(.*?)${DELCMDCLOSE}/$1/sg ;
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/${DELCMDOPEN}//g ;
+ # remove aux commands
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/^.*${AUXCMD}$/${someword}/mg; $body =~ s/${someword}\n//g;
+ while ( $body =~ m/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}/s ) {
+ $prematch=$`;
+ $postmatch=$';
+ checkpure($1);
+ if ( $prematch =~ /\w$/s && $postmatch =~ /^\w/ ) {
+ # apparently no white-space between word=>Insert white space
+ $body =~ s/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}/ /s ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $prematch =~ /\s$/s && $postmatch =~ /^[.,;:]/ ) {
+ # space immediately before one of ".,:;" => remove this space
+ $body =~ s/\s${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}//s ;
+ }
+ else {
+ # do not insert or remove any extras
+ $body =~ s/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}//s;
+ }
+ }
+# Alternative without special cases treatment
+# @matches= $body =~ m/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}/sg;
+# checkpure(@matches);
+# $body =~ s/${ADDMARKOPEN}(.*?)${ADDMARKCLOSE}//sg;
+ # remove markup of deleted comments
+ $body =~ s/%${DELCOMMENT}(.*?)$/%$1/mg ;
+ # remove added comments (full line)
+ $body =~ s/^%${ADDCOMMENT}.*?\n//mg ;
+ # remove added comments (part of line)
+ $body =~ s/%${ADDCOMMENT}.*?$//mg ;
+# remove any remaining tokens
+if ( $accept || $decline || $simplify ) {
+ # first substitution command deals with special case of added paragraph
+ $cnt = $body =~ s/${ADDOPEN}($pat4)\n${ADDCLOSE}\n/$1\n/sg;
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/${ADDOPEN}($pat4)${ADDCLOSE}/$1/sg;
+ $cnt==0 || warn 'Remaining $ADDOPEN tokens in DECLINE mode\n' unless ( $quiet || $accept || $simplify );
+if ($accept || $simplify ) {
+ # Note: in decline mode these commands have already been removed above
+ $cnt = $body =~ s/${DELOPEN}($pat4)${DELCLOSE}/$1/sg;
+ #### remove markup of deleted commands
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/${DELCMDOPEN}(.*?)${DELCMDCLOSE}/$1/sg ;
+ $cnt += $body =~ s/${DELCMDOPEN}//g ;
+ # remove aux commands
+ # $cnt +=
+ $body =~ s/^.*${AUXCMD}$/${someword}/mg; $body =~ s/${someword}\n//g;
+ #### remove deleted comments
+ ###$cnt += $body =~ s/${DIFDELCMD}.*?$//mg ;
+ $cnt==0 || warn 'Remaining $DELOPEN or $DIFDELCMD tokens in ACCEPT mode\n' unless ( $quiet || $simplify );
+# Remove comment commands
+if (defined($comment)) {
+ print STDERR "Removing \\$comment\{..\} sequences ..." if $verbose;
+ # protect $comments in comments by making them look different
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${comment}(.*)$/$1${someword}$2/mg ;
+ # carry out the substitution
+ $cnt = 0 + $body =~ s/\\${comment}(?:\[${brat0}\])?\{${pat4}\}//sg ;
+ print STDERR "$cnt matches found and removed.\n" if $verbose;
+ # and undo the protection substitution
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${someword}(.*)$/$1${comment}$2/mg ;
+if (defined($comenv)) {
+ print STDERR "Removing $comenv environments ..." if $verbose;
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${comenv}/$1${someword}/mg ;
+## $cnt = 0 + $body =~ s/\\begin(?:\[${brat0}\])?\{\$comenv\}.*?\\end\{\$comenv\}//sg ;
+ $cnt = 0 + $body =~ s/\\begin(?:\[${brat0}\])?\{${comenv}\}.*?\\end\{${comenv}\}\s*?\n//sg ;
+ print STDERR "$cnt matches found and removed.\n" if $verbose;
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${someword}/$1${comenv}/mg ;
+if (defined($markup)) {
+ print STDERR "Removing \\$markup\{..\} cpmmands ..." if $verbose;
+ # protect $markups in comments by making them look different
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${markup}(.*)$/$1${someword}$2/mg ;
+ # carry out the substitution
+ $cnt = 0 + $body =~ s/\\${markup}(?:\[${brat0}\])?\{(${pat4})\}/$1/sg ;
+ print STDERR "$cnt matches found and removed.\n" if $verbose;
+ # and undo the protection substitution
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${someword}(.*)$/$1${markup}$2/mg ;
+if (defined($markenv)) {
+ print STDERR "Removing $markenv environments ..." if $verbose;
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${markenv}/$1${someword}/mg ;
+ $cnt = 0 + $body =~ s/\\begin(?:\[${brat0}\])?\{${markenv}\}\n?//sg;
+ $cnt += 0 + $body =~ s/\\end\{${markenv}\}\n?//sg;
+ print STDERR $cnt/2, " matches found and removed.\n" if $verbose;
+ $body =~ s/(%.*)${someword}/$1${markenv}/mg ;
+if ( length $preamble ) {
+ print "$preamble\\begin{document}${body}\\end{document}$post";
+} else {
+ print $body;
+# checkpure(@matches)
+# checks whether any of the strings in matches contains
+# If so, die reporting nesting problems, otherwise return to caller
+sub checkpure {
+ while (defined($_=shift)) {
+ die <<EOF ;
+There is a problem with nesting of $ADDMARKOPEN, $ADDMARKCLOSE,
+$DELMARKOPEN, and $DELMARKCLOSE tokens that prevents me from
+processing the file. Exiting ...
+ }
+ }
+# ($part1,$part2,$part3)=splitdoc($text,$word1,$word2)
+# splits $text into 3 parts at $word1 and $word2.
+# if neither $word1 nor $word2 exist, $part1 and $part3 are empty, $part2 is $text
+# If only $word1 or $word2 exist but not the other, output an error message.
+# same subroutine as in latexdiff
+sub splitdoc {
+ my ($text,$word1,$word2)=@_;
+ my $l1 = length $word1 ;
+ my $l2 = length $word2 ;
+ my $i = index($text,$word1);
+ my $j = index($text,$word2);
+ my ($part1,$part2,$part3)=("","","");
+ if ( $i<0 && $j<0) {
+ # no $word1 or $word2
+ print STDERR "Old Document not a complete latex file. Assuming it is a tex file with no preamble.\n";
+ $part2 = $text;
+ } elsif ( $i>=0 && $j>$i ) {
+ $part1 = substr($text,0,$i) ;
+ $part2 = substr($text,$i+$l1,$j-$i-$l1);
+ $part3 = substr($text,$j+$l2) unless $j+$l2 >= length $text;
+ } else {
+ die "$word1 or $word2 not in the correct order or not present as a pair."
+ }
+ return ($part1,$part2,$part3);
+sub usage {
+ die <<"EOF";
+Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] [diff.tex] > revised.tex
+Read a file diff.tex (output of latexdiff), and remove its markup.
+If no filename is given read from standard input. The command can be used
+in ACCEPT, DECLINE, or SIMPLIFY mode, and be used to remove user-defined
+latex commands from the input (see options -c, -e, -m, -n below).
+In ACCEPT mode, all appended text fragments (or preamble lines)
+are kept, and all discarded text fragments (or preamble lines) are
+In DECLINE mode, all discarded text fragments are kept, and all appended
+text fragments are deleted.
+If you wish to keep some changes, edit the diff.tex file in
+advance, and manually remove those tokens which would otherwise be
+deleted. Note that latexrevise only pays attention to the \\DIFaddbegin,
+\\DIFaddend, \\DIFdelbegin, and \\DIFdelend tokens and corresponding FL
+varieties. All \\DIFadd and \\DIFdel commands (but not their content) are
+simply deleted. The commands added by latexdiff to the preamble are also
+In SIMPLIFY mode all latexdiff markup is removed from the body of the text (after
+\\begin{document}) except for \\DIFaddbegin, \\DIFaddend, \\DIFdelbegin, \\DIFdelend
+tokens and the corresponding FL varieties of those commands. The result
+will not in general be valid latex-code but might be easier to read and edit in
+preparation for a subsequent run in ACCEPT or DECLINE mode.
+In SIMPLIFY mode the preamble is left unmodified.
+--accept Run in ACCEPT mode (delete all blocks marked by \\DIFdelbegin
+ and \\DIFdelend).
+--decline Run in DECLINE mode (delete all blocks marked by \\DIFaddbegin
+ and \\DIFaddend).
+--simplify Run in SIMPLIFY mode (Keep all \\DIFaddbegin, \\DIFaddend,
+ \\DIFdelbegin, \\DIFdelend tokens, but remove all other latexdiff
+ markup from body.
+Note that the three mode options are mutually exclusive. If no mode option is given,
+latexrevise simply removes user annotations and markup according to the following four
+-c cmd
+--comment=cmd Remove \\cmd{...}. cmd is supposed to mark some explicit
+ anotations which should be removed from the file before
+ release.
+-e envir
+ Remove explicit annotation environments from the text, i.e. remove
+ \\begin{envir}
+ ...
+ \\end{envir}
+ blocks.
+-m cmd
+--markup=cmd Remove the markup command cmd but leave its argument, i.e.
+ turn \\cmd{abc} into abc.
+-n envir
+ Similarly, remove \\begin{envir} and \\end{envir} commands,
+ but leave content of the environment in the text.
+--no-warnings Do not warn users about \\DIDadd{..} or \\DIFdel statements
+ which should not be there anymore
+--verbose Verbose output
+=head1 NAME
+latexrevise - selectively remove markup and text from latexdiff output
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<latexrevise> [ B<OPTIONS> ] [ F<diff.tex> ] > F<revised.tex>
+I<latexrevise> reads a file C<diff.tex> (output of I<latexdiff>), and remove the markup commands.
+If no filename is given the input is read from standard input. The command can be used
+in I<ACCEPT>, I<DECLINE>, or I<SIMPLIFY> mode, or can be used to remove user-defined
+latex commands from the input (see B<-c>, B<-e>, B<-m>, and B<-n> below).
+In I<ACCEPT> mode, all appended text fragments (or preamble lines)
+are kept, and all discarded text fragments (or preamble lines) are
+In I<DECLINE> mode, all discarded text fragments are kept, and all appended
+text fragments are deleted.
+If you wish to keep some changes, edit the diff.tex file in
+advance, and manually remove those tokens which would otherwise be
+deleted. Note that I<latexrevise> only pays attention to the C<\DIFaddbegin>,
+C<\DIFaddend>, C<\DIFdelbegin>, and C<\DIFdelend> tokens and corresponding FL
+varieties. All C<\DIFadd> and C<\DIFdel> commands (but not their contents) are
+simply deleted. The commands added by latexdiff to the preamble are also
+In I<SIMPLIFY> mode, C<\DIFaddbegin, \DIFaddend, \DIFdelbegin, \DIFdelend>
+tokens and their corresponding C<FL> varieties are kept but all other markup (e.g. C<DIFadd> and <\DIFdel>) is removed. The result
+will not in general be valid latex-code but it will be easier to read and edit in
+preparation for a subsequent run in I<ACCEPT> or I<DECLINE> mode.
+In I<SIMPLIFY> mode the preamble is left unmodified.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-a> or B<--accept>
+Run in I<ACCEPT> mode (delete all blocks marked by C<\DIFdelbegin> and C<\DIFdelend>).
+=item B<-d> or B<--decline>
+Run in I<DECLINE> mode (delete all blocks marked by C<\DIFaddbegin>
+and C<\DIFaddend>).
+=item B<-s> or B<--simplify>
+Run in I<SIMPLIFY> mode (Keep all C<\DIFaddbegin>, C<\DIFaddend>,
+C<\DIFdelbegin>, C<\DIFdelend> tokens, but remove all other latexdiff
+markup from body).
+Note that the three mode options are mutually exclusive. If no mode option is given,
+I<latexrevise> simply removes user annotations and markup according to the following four
+=over 4
+=item B<-c cmd> or B<--comment=cmd>
+Remove C<\cmd{...}> sequences. C<cmd> is supposed to mark some explicit
+anotations which should be removed from the file before
+=item B<-e envir> or B<--comment-environment=envir>
+Remove explicit annotation environments from the text, i.e. remove
+ \begin{envir}
+ ...
+ \end{envir}
+=item B<-m cmd> or B<--markup=cmd>
+Remove the markup command C<\cmd> but leave its argument, i.e.
+turn C<\cmd{abc}> into C<abc>.
+=item B<-n envir> or B<--markup-environment=envir>
+Similarly, remove C<\begin{envir}> and C<\end{envir}> commands but
+leave content of the environment in the text.
+=item B<-V> or B<--verbose>
+Verbose output
+=item B<-q> or B<--no-warnings>
+Do not warn users about C<\DIDadd{..}> or C<\DIFdel{..}> statements
+which should have been removed already.
+=head1 BUGS
+The current version is a beta version which has not yet been
+extensively tested, but worked fine locally. Please send bug reports
+to I<>. Include the serial number of I<latexrevise>
+(from comments at the top of the source). If you come across latexdiff
+output which is not processed correctly by I<latexrevise> please include the
+problem file as well as the old and new files on which it is based,
+ideally edited to only contain the offending passage as long as that still
+reproduces the problem.
+I<latexrevise> gets confused by commented C<\begin{document}> or
+C<\end{document}> statements
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+I<latexrevise> does not make use of external commands and thus should run
+on any platform supporting PERL v5 or higher.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2004 Frederik Tilmann
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2