path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs')
1 files changed, 5935 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1bb3e3439c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindyliboutr.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5935 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
+//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>
+println("ketcindyout(20180327) loaded");
+// help:WritetoS("outdata",cmdL);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".sce";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
+ tmp="cd('"+Dirwork+"');//";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+// tmp1=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
+ tmp="Ketlib=lib("+Dq+LibnameS+Dq+");//"; //17.09.29
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="Ketinit();//";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="Setwindow([XMIN,XMAX],[YMIN,YMAX]);"; // 16.06.26from
+ tmp=Assign(tmp,["XMIN",XMIN,"XMAX",XMAX,"YMIN",YMIN,"YMAX",YMAX]);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp); // 16.06.26until
+ if(iswindows(), // 17.01.11from
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"setlanguage('en')");
+ ); // 17.01.11until
+ tmp="pi=%pi;////";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ forall(cmdL,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"//");
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".sce";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ flg=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp2=replace(filename,".sce",".txt");
+ tmp1=load(tmp2);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ setdirectory(tmp1);
+ ); // 15.10.08 to
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+path+Dq+" -nb -nwni -f "+filename;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29, 0605
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+path+Dq+" -nwni -f "+filename;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29
+ );
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+ regional(tmp,tmp1);
+ if(!isstring(PathS), // 15.12.11
+ Setdirectory(Dirbin); // 15.12.07
+ tmp=load(Shellfile);
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp," -nb");
+ PathS=tmp_1;
+ ,
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp," -nwni");
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp_1,"/Applications/sci");
+ PathS="/Applications/sci"+tmp_2;
+ );
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+ PathS;
+ErrhandleS(fname):=( // 2016.02.28
+ regional(str); //17.04.14
+ if(indexof(PathS,"-6.")==0,
+ str=["if iserror(-1) then"," error=lasterror()+'????';"];
+ str=append(str," errclear(-1);"); // 16.03.14
+ str=append(str," Fd=mopen("+Dq+wfile+Dq+",'wt');");
+ str=append(str," mfprintf(Fd,'%s','Error: '+error);");
+ str=append(str," mclose(Fd);");
+ str=append(str," quit();");
+ str=append(str,"end;");
+ str;
+ ,
+ str=[]; //17.04.14
+ );
+ regional(var,val,fun,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ fun=replace(funstr,".x","(1)"); // 16.05.19
+ fun=replace(fun,".y","(2)"); // 16.05.19
+ tmp=indexof(varx,"=");
+ var=substring(varx,0,tmp-1);
+ val=substring(varx,tmp+1,length(varx));
+ tmp=indexof(val,",");
+ val=substring(val,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp1=replace(fun,var,"("+val+")");
+ tmp=indexof(vary,"=");
+ var=substring(vary,0,tmp-1);
+ val=substring(vary,tmp+1,length(vary));
+ tmp=indexof(val,",");
+ val=substring(val,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,var,"("+val+")");
+ tmp1;
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ CalcbyS(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+ ,
+ CalcbyS(name,SetpathS(),Arg1,Arg2);
+ );
+//help:CalcbyS(options= ["m/r","Wait=10","Cat=middle"]]);
+//help:CalcbyS(options1= ["Ncol=2","File=result","Dig=5"]]);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,
+ ncoL,cat,dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdS,cmdlist,wfile,ext,
+ waiting, errcheck);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ cat="M";//16.11.24
+ ncoL=2;
+ ext=".txt";
+ waiting=10;
+ dig=5;
+ wfile="";
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,2));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="CA",
+ cat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));// 16.11.24
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="NC",
+ ncoL=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="EX",
+ if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="WA",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="DI",
+ dig=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="FI", // 16.06.26from
+ wfile=tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ ); // 16.06.26until
+ );
+ if(wfile=="",
+ if(cat=="Y",
+ wfile=Fhead+name;
+ ,
+ wfile="resultS";
+ );
+ );
+ if(indexof(wfile,".")==0,// 16.06.26from
+ wfile=wfile+ext;
+ ); // 16.06.26until
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(CONTINUED==0,
+ if((wflg==0) & (cat=="Y"), // 16.11.24
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)==0,wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ file=Fhead+name;
+ cmdS=cmd;
+ cmdlist=[];
+ forall(1..floor(length(cmdS)/2),nc, //17.05.18
+ tmp1=cmdS_(2*nc-1);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,CRmark,""); // 16.12.13
+ if(nc==length(cmdR)/2, //16.10.23from
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,tmp1="="+tmp1);
+ ); //16.10.23from
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="=",
+// tmp1=name+tmp1; // 16.12.20
+ );
+ tmp2=cmdS_(2*nc); // list of argments
+ tmp3="";
+ tmp4="";
+ errcheck=0;
+ forall(tmp2,arg,
+ if(isstring(arg),
+ if(Toupper(arg)=="ERROR",
+ errcheck=1;
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
+ );
+ ,
+ if(!islist(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp=select(arg,isstring(#) % islist(#));
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"list(";
+ tmp4=")";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"[";
+ tmp4="]";
+ );
+ forall(arg,
+ if(isstring(#),
+ tmp3=tmp3+replace(#,"'",Dq)+",";
+ ,
+ if(!islist(#), // 15.11.01 from
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp=textformat(#,dig);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ ); // 15.11.01 until
+ );
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp3)>0,
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+");";
+ );
+ if(errcheck==1,
+ if(indexof(Dirlib,"sciL5")>0, // 17.03.20
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"errcatch(-1,'continue','nomessage');");
+ ); // 17.03.20
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
+ if(errcheck==1,
+ tmp=ErrhandleS(wfile);
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ if(CONTINUED==1,
+ ComOutList=concat(ComOutList,cmdlist);
+ ,
+ if(cat=="Y",
+ tmp=[];
+ tmp=append(tmp,"Fd=mopen("+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+",'wt');");
+ // 16.03.11 from
+ tmp=append(tmp,"mfprintf(Fd,'%s',"+name+");");
+ tmp=append(tmp,"mclose(Fd);");
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
+// tmp="fprintfMat("+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+","+name+")";
+// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp); // 16.03.11 until
+ ,
+// tmp="mputl(['????'],"+Dq+file+".txt"+Dq+");"; // 16.06.2 from
+// cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,[tmp]); // 16.06.2 until
+ );
+ if(cat!="Y", // 16.12.18
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"mputl('||||','"+wfile+"')");
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=load(file+".sce");
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"////");
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"//");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
+ if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
+ if(wflg==1,
+ if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ );
+ WritetoS(file+".sce",cmdlist);
+ kcS(path,file,concat(options,["m"])); // 15.09.25
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)>=4,
+ tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
+ if(tmp2=="////" % tmp2=="||||" % tmp2=="????", // 16.08.09
+ if(indexof(Toupper(tmp),"ERROR")>0,
+ println(tmp);
+ flg=2;
+ ,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ ,
+ if(flg==1,
+ println(" CalcbyS succeeded "+name+"("+text(tmp2)+" sec)"); //16.06.03
+ ,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg>-1,
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,fname,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ nm="sc"+name;
+ fname=Fhead+nm+".txt";
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ precise=6;
+ disp=1;
+ pack=[];
+ set=[];
+ add="";
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=[];
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ nm+"="+fun,argL,
+ "Fd=mopen",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+"wt"+Dq],
+ "Sla=char(47)+char(47);",[],
+ "mputl",["string("+nm+")+Sla","Fd"],
+ "mputl",["Sla","Fd"],
+ "mclose",["Fd"]
+ ]);
+ options=append(options,"Wait=2");
+ CalcbyS(nm,cmdL,options);
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ tmp=load(fname);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"////","");
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp,"//");
+ tmp=apply(tmp,if(!isstring(#),textformat(#,6),Dq+#+Dq));
+ if(length(tmp)==1,
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ );
+ tmp=nm+"="+text(tmp);
+ parse(tmp);
+ if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
+ println(nm+" is : ");
+ println(parse(nm));
+ );
+ );
+ parse(nm);
+// help:WritetoR("outdata",cmdL);
+ regional(eqL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,waiting);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".r";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ waiting=5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
+ tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
+ tmp="setwd("+Dq+tmp1+Dq+")##";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp1=replace(Libname,"\","/"); // 17.09.24from
+// tmp="load('"+tmp1+".Rdata')"; # 17.10.12
+ tmp="source('"+tmp1+".r')##"; // 17.09.24temporarily
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Ketinit()##"); // 16.07.07
+ tmp="Setwindow(c(XMIN,XMAX),c(YMIN,YMAX))####"; // 16.06.26from
+ tmp=Assign(tmp,["XMIN",XMIN,"XMAX",XMAX,"YMIN",YMIN,"YMAX",YMAX]);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ forall(cmdL,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"##");
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+// flg=0;
+// tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+// repeat(tmp1,
+// if(flg==0,
+// tmp=load(filename);
+// if(length(tmp)>0,
+// flg=1;
+// ,
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+// );
+// );
+// );
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,ferr,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".r";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ flg=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
+ flg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp2=replace(filename,".r",".txt");
+ tmp1=load(tmp2);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ setdirectory(tmp1);
+ ); // 15.10.08 to
+ ferr="errormessageR.txt";//16.10.22from
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(ferr);
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);//16.10.22uptp
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+path+"\R"+Dq+" --vanilla --slave < "+filename+" 2> "+ferr;
+ //16.10.22
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ if(PathR=="",tmp="R",tmp=PathR);//16.10.20
+ tmp=tmp+" --vanilla --slave < "+filename+" 2> "+ferr;//17.10.12
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ );
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+ regional(dig,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
+ dig=5;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ tmp=tmp_5;
+ forall(tmp,
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp2,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ dig=parse(tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ out="data.frame(";
+ forall(1..(length(nmL)),
+ tmp1=nmL_#;
+ tmp2=column(dL,#);
+ tmp2=apply(tmp2,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,format(#,dig)));
+ tmp=tmp1+"="+tmp2+",";
+ out=out+tmp;
+ );
+ out=substring(out,0,length(out)-1)+")";
+ out=replace(out,"[","c(");
+ out=replace(out,"]",")");
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ CalcbyR(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+ ,
+ CalcbyR(name,PathR,Arg1,Arg2);
+ );
+//help:CalcbyR(options=["m/r","Wait=2","Out=yes","Pre=yes","Res=" ]);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,realL,strL,eqL,
+ cat,dig,preflg,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdR,cmdlist,wfile,waiting);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ dig=5;
+ cat="Y";
+ wfile="";
+ preflg=1;
+ waiting=5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if((tmp1=="C")%(tmp1=="O"),
+ cat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="P", //18.01.27
+ tmp2=substring(Toupper(tmp2),0,1);
+ if(tmp2=="Y",preflg=1);
+ if(tmp2=="N",preflg=0);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ dig=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="F",
+ wfile=tmp2; //18.02.27
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="R",
+ wfile=tmp2; //180227
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(wfile=="",
+ if(cat=="Y",
+ wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ ,
+ wfile="result.txt";
+ );
+ );
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(CONTINUED==0,
+ if((wflg==0) & (cat!="N"), // 16.11.13
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)==0,wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ file=Fhead+name;
+ cmdR=[];
+ if(preflg==1, //18.01.27from
+ cmdR=MkprecommandR();
+ );
+ cmdR=concat(cmdR,cmd); //18.01.27until
+ cmdlist=[];
+ if(dig>5, //16.10.28from
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"options(digits="+text(dig+2)+");");
+ ); //16.10.28until
+ forall(1..floor(length(cmdR)/2),nc, //17.05.18
+ tmp1=cmdR_(2*nc-1);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
+ if(nc==length(cmdR)/2, //16.10.23from
+// if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,tmp1="="+tmp1);//16.12.20
+ ); //16.10.23uptp
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="=",
+ tmp1=name+tmp1;
+ );
+ tmp2=cmdR_(2*nc); // list of argments
+ tmp3="";
+ forall(tmp2,arg,
+ if(isstring(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
+ ,
+ if(length(arg)==1,
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"c(";
+ forall(arg,
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+")"+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp3)>0,
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")";
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
+ );
+ tmp1=cmdlist_(length(cmdlist));
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"=")==0,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"::");
+ if(length(tmp1)==1,
+ tmp2=name+"="+tmp1_1;
+ ,
+ tmp2=name+"=list(";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp2+#+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
+ );
+ cmdlist_(length(cmdlist))=tmp2;
+ );
+ if(CONTINUED==1,
+ ComOutList=concat(ComOutList,cmdlist);
+ ,
+ if(cat=="Y", //16.10.23from
+ tmp="sharp=rawToChar(as.raw(35))";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp="sharps=paste(sharp,sharp,'\n',sep='')";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp="if(Length("+name+")==0){"+name+"='nodata'}"; //18.01.29
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"if(is.matrix("+name+")){");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," tmp=list()");//18.02.01from
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," for(ii in 1:Length("+name+")){");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," tmp=c(tmp,list(Op(ii,"+name+")))");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," "+name+"=tmp");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}");//18.02.01until
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"if(is.list("+name+")){");
+// tmp=" cat(names("+name+"),file='"+wfile+"',sep=',')"; //18.01.27deleted
+// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+// tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
+// cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," for(ii in Looprange(1,length("+name+"))){");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," if(is.list("+name+"[[ii]])){");
+ tmp=" cat('[',file='"+wfile+"',sep='',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',sep='',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" for(jj in Looprange(1,length("+name+"[[ii]]))){";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat("+name+"[[ii]][[jj]],file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlsit=append(cmdlist," }");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
+ tmp=" cat(']',file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }else{");
+ tmp=" cat("+name+"[[ii]],file='"+wfile+"',";
+ tmp=tmp+"sep=',',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist," }");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}else{");
+ tmp=" cat("+name+",file='"+wfile+"',sep=',')";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=" cat(sharps,file='"+wfile+"',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"}");
+ tmp="cat('////',file='"+wfile+"',sep=',',append=TRUE)";
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ ); //16.10.23until
+ if(cat!="Y", // 16.12.18
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"cat('////',file='"+wfile+"',sep='')");
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=load(file+".r");
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"####"); // 15.09.25 from
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"##");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
+ if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
+ );
+ ); // 15.09.25 to
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
+ if(wflg==1,
+ if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ );
+ WritetoR(file+".r",cmdlist); //17.10.08
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile("errormessageR.txt");//18.02.20from
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);//18.02.20until
+ kcR(PathR,file,concat(options,["m"])); // 15.09.25
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)>=4,
+ tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
+ if(tmp2=="////",
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-4);
+ flg=1;
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ );
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ tmp=load("errormessageR.txt");//18.02.20
+ if(length(tmp)>1,
+ println(tmp);
+ flg=-2;
+ );//18.02.20
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ println(" CalcbyR succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
+ if(cat=="Y", // 16.10.29,11.25
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp,"##"); //16.10.23from
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(tmp1,tmp3,
+ if(!isstring(tmp3),
+ tmp=format(tmp3,dig);
+ ,
+ if(indexof(tmp3,",")==0,
+ tmp=Dqq(tmp3); //180227
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp3;
+ if(substring(tmp3,0,2)=="c(",
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,2,length(tmp3)-1);
+ );
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
+ tmp=textformat(tmp,dig);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,
+ tmp2=tmp2_1;
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=tmp2_1);
+ if(isstring(tmp2),
+ if(indexof(tmp2,"nodata")>0,tmp2="[]"); //180227from
+ tmp2=parse(tmp2);
+ );
+ tmp3=textformat(tmp2,dig);//180227until
+ ,
+ tmp3="";
+ forall(tmp2,
+ if(length(#)==0,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"[],";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+#+",";
+ );
+ );
+ tmp3="["+substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+"]";
+ tmp3=replace(tmp3,"[,","[");
+ tmp3=replace(tmp3,",]","]");
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+tmp3;//180227
+ parse(tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ nm="R"+name;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ precise=6;
+ disp=1;
+ pack=[];
+ set=[];
+ add="";
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=[];
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ nm+"="+fun,argL,
+ ]);
+ options=concat(options,["Wait=2"]);
+ CalcbyR(nm,cmdL,options);
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
+ println(nm+" is : ");
+ println(parse(nm));
+ );
+ );
+ parse(nm);
+ if(isstring(Arg2),
+ Readcsv(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+ ,
+ Readcsv(Dirwork,Arg1,Arg2);
+ );
+ regional(path,fname,fout,options,eqL,header,cmdL,sep,
+ dt,nrow,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,csv,use,flat);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ header=1;
+ sep="-999";
+ csv="Y"; // 16.12.12
+ use="R";
+ flat="N";
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,2));
+ if(tmp=="HE",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="F" % tmp=="N",
+ header=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+// if(tmp=="WA", // removed:17.02.19
+// waiting=parse(tmp2);
+// options=remove(options,[#]);
+// );
+ if(tmp=="SE",
+ sep=tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="CS",
+ csv=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="US",
+ use=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="FL",
+ flat=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(flat=="Y",csv="N");
+ sep=","+sep;
+ tmp=indexof(file,".");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ fname=file+".csv";
+ fout=file+"sep.csv";
+ ,
+ fname=file;
+ tmp1=substring(file,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(file,tmp-1,length(file));
+ fout=tmp1+"sep"+tmp2;
+ );
+ path=pathorg;
+ if(!isexists(path,fname),
+ println(path+" "+fname+" not found");
+ ,
+ path=replace(path,"\","/");
+ if(use=="S",
+ cmdL=[ // 16.12.20from
+ "cd('"+path+"')",[],
+ "Dt=mgetl('"+fname+"');",[],
+ "cd('"+Dirwork+"')",[],
+ "Dt2=[]",[],
+ "for I=1:size(Dt,1),
+ Tmp=Dt(I,:)+'"+sep+"';
+ Dt2=[Dt2;Tmp];
+ end",[],
+ "mputl(Dt2,'"+fout+"')",[]
+ ];
+ CalcbyS("sep",cmdL,options);
+ ,
+ cmdL=[
+ "setwd",[Dq+path+Dq],
+ "tmp1=readLines",[Dq+fname+Dq,"warn=FALSE"],
+ "fun=function(s) paste(s,"+Dq+sep+Dq+",sep="+Dq+Dq+")",[],
+ "tmp2=sapply(tmp1,fun)",[],
+ "writeLines",["tmp2",Dq+fout+Dq]
+ ];
+ CalcbyR("sep",cmdL,concat(options,["Cat=n"]));
+ ); // 16.12.20until
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ println("Readcsv not completed");
+ ,
+ dt=load(fout);
+ dt=tokenize(dt,sep);
+ dt=dt_(1..(length(dt)-1));//16.12.20
+ if(isstring(dt_1),// 17.02.10from
+ if(indexof(dt_1,",")==0,csv="N");
+ ,
+ csv="N";
+ );// 17.02.10until
+ if(csv=="Y",
+ dt=apply(dt,tokenize(#,","));
+ ,
+ dt=apply(dt,[#]);
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(dt)),nrow,
+ tmp1=dt_nrow;
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(tmp1,
+ if(!isstring(#),
+ tmp=#;
+ ,
+ if(substring(#,0,1)==Dq,
+ tmp=parse(#);
+ ,
+ tmp=#;
+ );
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ dt_nrow=tmp2;
+ );
+ if(header==0,dt=dt_(2..(length(dt))));
+ if(length(dt)==1,
+ dt=dt_1
+ ,
+ if(length(dt_1)==1,
+ dt=apply(dt,#_1);
+ );
+ );
+ dt;
+ );
+ );
+ regional(nameL,data,eqL,strL,ncol,nrow,fname,dig,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ ncol=0; // 17.02.09from
+ dig=5;
+ if(isstring(dataorg),data=parse(dataorg),data=dataorg);
+ if(islist(data_1),
+ ncol=length(data_1);
+ data=flatten(data);
+ ); // 17.02.09until
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="C",
+ ncol=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(indexof(file,".")==0,fname=file+".csv",fname=file);
+ if(ncol==0,ncol=max(1,length(nmL)));
+ tmp1=mod(length(data),ncol);
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ tmp=apply(1..(ncol-tmp1),-1);
+ data=concat(data,tmp);
+ );
+ nrow=length(data)/ncol;
+ if(length(nmL)<ncol,
+ nameL=apply(1..ncol,"c"+text(#));
+// tmp=nameL_length(nameL)+"##";//17.02.09
+ tmp=nameL_(length(nameL));//17.02.09
+ nameL_(length(nameL))=tmp;
+ ,
+ nameL=nmL;
+ );
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(fname);
+ tmp=text(nameL);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1));
+ forall(1..nrow,
+ tmp1=data_(((#-1)*ncol+1)..(#*ncol));
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#,5)+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp2);
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+Hatchdata(nm,iostr,pltlist,optionorg):=( //17.09.18
+ regional(options,name,eqL,reL,strL,
+ plt,fname,options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,wflg,waiting);
+ name="ha"+nm;
+ fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(length(#)==0,
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(islist(iostr),
+ tmp1=text(apply(iostr,Dq+#+Dq));
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list("); //16.02.14
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",")"); //16.02.14
+ ,
+ tmp1=Dq+iostr+Dq;
+ );
+ if(!islist(pltlist_1),
+ tmp2=apply(pltlist,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,Chunderscore(#)));
+ tmp2=text(tmp2);
+ tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+"),";
+ ,
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(pltlist,plt,
+ tmp=apply(plt,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,Chunderscore(#))); // 16.04.06
+ tmp=text(tmp);
+ tmp="list("+substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1)+")";
+ tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=MkprecommandR();
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ tmp=[tmp1,tmp2];
+ tmp=concat(tmp,reL);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ "Setscaling",[SCALEY],
+ "Setunitlen",[Dq+ULEN+Dq],
+ name+"=Hatchdata",tmp, //16.12.23
+ "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
+ ]);
+ options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
+ if(wflg==1,options=concat(options,["m"]));
+ if(wflg==-1,options=concat(options,["r"]));
+ options=append(options,"Cat=no");
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ err("Hatchdata not completed");
+ ,
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ ReadOutData(fname);
+ Extractdata(name,options);
+ );
+ );
+ if(islist(Arg3),
+ PlotdataR(name1,PathR,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
+ ,
+ PlotdataR(name1,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
+ );
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,name,varstr,flg,Num,
+ Ltype,Noflg,eqL,strL,flg,outreg,filename,wfile,cmdL,waiting);
+ name="grR"+name1;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ Num=50;
+ waiting=5;
+ outreg=0;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="O",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ varstr=variable;
+ ,
+ varstr=variable+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],5);
+ );
+ varstr=replace(varstr,"[","c(");
+ varstr=replace(varstr,"]",")");
+ filename=Fhead+name+".r";
+ wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ cmdL=MkprecommandR();
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ name+"=Plotdata",[Dq+func+Dq,Dq+varstr+Dq,Dq+"Num="+text(Num)+Dq],
+ "WriteOutData",[Dq+wfile+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
+ ]);
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,concat(options,["Cat=middle","Wait="+text(waiting)]));
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ println("PlotdataR not completed");
+ ,
+ if(outreg==1,
+ OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[wfile]);
+ OutFileList=append(OutFileList,wfile);
+ );
+ ReadOutData(wfile);
+ Extractdata(name,options);
+ tmp=parse(name);
+ tmp1=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
+ parse(tmp1);
+ tmp2=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#));
+ tmp2;
+ );
+ regional(name,pb,cmdL,var,range,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,wfile);
+ name="grd"+nm;
+ tmp=indexof(varrng,"=");
+ var=substring(varrng,0,tmp-1);
+ range=parse(substring(varrng,tmp,length(varrng)));
+ if(length(range)==2,
+ range=(range_1)..(range_2);
+ );
+ cmdL=[
+ "fnb=function("+var+") "+fun,[],
+ name+"=sapply",[range,"fnb"]
+ ];
+ wfile=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ println("PlotdiscR not completed");
+ ,
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-4);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"##","");
+ pb=tokenize(tmp1,",");
+ tmp=apply(range,[#,pb_(#+1)]);
+ Listplot(name,tmp,options);
+ );
+ regional(options,name,data,bp,cmdL,waiting,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,
+ out,eqL,strL,pstr,ext,file,flg,wrflg);
+ name="bp"+nm;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=3;
+ wrflg=0;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1))=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wrflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wrflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ data=dataorg;
+ if(isstring(data),
+ if(indexof(data,".")==0,data=data+".dat");
+ if(iswindows(), // 15.11.10
+ data=replace(data,"/","\");
+ flg="\";
+ ,
+ data=replace(data,"\","/");
+ flg="/";
+ );
+ forall(reverse(1..length(data)),
+ if(length(flg)>0,
+ tmp=substring(data,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp==flg,
+ tmp3=substring(data,0,#-1);
+ tmp4=substring(data,#,length(data));
+ if(indexof(tmp3,":")==0, // 11.11.10
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,0,1);
+ if(tmp!=flg,
+ tmp3=Dirwork+flg+tmp3;
+ );
+ );
+ flg="";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(flg)>0,
+ tmp3=Dirwork; //15.11.10
+ tmp4=data;
+ );
+ setdirectory(tmp3);
+ tmp=load(tmp4);
+ if(length(tmp)==0, ErrFlag=2); // 15.11.07 until
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ ,
+ file=Fhead+name+".dat";
+ tmp=load(file);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp,",");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp1=[];
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ if(length(tmp1)==length(data),
+ tmp=tmp1-data;
+ tmp=select(tmp,#!=0);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,flg=1);
+ ,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(file);
+ forall(data,
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,textformat(#,5)+",");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"////");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ data=file;
+ );
+ data=replace(data,"\","/");
+ cmdL=[
+ "tmp=readLines",[Dq+data+Dq, "warn=FALSE"],
+ "tmp=substring",["tmp",1,"nchar(tmp)-4"],
+ "data=strsplit",["tmp",Dq+","+Dq,"fix=TRUE"],
+ "data=data[[1]]",[],
+ "fun=function(s) eval(parse(text=s))",[],
+ "data=sapply",["data","fun"],
+ "data=data[!]",[],
+ "tmp=boxplot",["data","plot=FALSE"],
+ "tmp1=tmp$stat",[],
+ "tmp2=tmp$out",[],
+ name+"=c(tmp1,tmp2)",[]
+ ];
+ file=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
+ if(wrflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
+ if(wrflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag>0,
+ if(ErrFlag==1,println("Boxplot not completed"));
+ if(ErrFlag==2,println(Dq+data+Dq+" not found"));
+ ,
+ bp=parse(name);
+ pstr="[";
+ tmp1=[bp_1,ypos-dy/2];
+ tmp2=[bp_1,ypos+dy/2];
+ Listplot(name+text(1),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(1)+Dq+",";
+ tmp1=[bp_2,ypos-dy];
+ tmp2=[bp_2,ypos+dy];
+ tmp3=[bp_4,ypos+dy];
+ tmp4=[bp_4,ypos-dy];
+ Listplot(name+text(2),[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp1],["Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(2)+Dq+",";
+ tmp1=[bp_5,ypos-dy/2];
+ tmp2=[bp_5,ypos+dy/2];
+ Listplot(name+text(3),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(3)+Dq+",";
+ tmp1=[bp_3,ypos-dy];
+ tmp2=[bp_3,ypos+dy];
+ Listplot(name+text(4),[tmp1,tmp2],["dr,2","Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(4)+Dq+",";
+ tmp1=[bp_1,ypos];
+ tmp2=[bp_2,ypos];
+ Listplot(name+text(5),[tmp1,tmp2],["da","Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(5)+Dq+",";
+ tmp1=[bp_4,ypos];
+ tmp2=[bp_5,ypos];
+ Listplot(name+text(6),[tmp1,tmp2],["da","Msg=no"]);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(6)+Dq+",";
+ out=bp_(6..length(bp));
+ if(length(out)>0,
+ out=apply(out,[#,ypos]);
+ Pointdata(name+text(1),out,[0,"Size=4"]);
+ );
+ pstr=substring(pstr,0,length(pstr)-1)+"]";
+ println("generate totally "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+pstr;
+ [bp_(1..5),out];
+ );
+ regional(options,name,data,waiting,hp,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,
+ out,eqL,strL,breaks,bdata,cdata,pstr,file,flg,rwflg,density,relative);
+ name="hp"+nm;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ breaks = "breaks="+Dq+"Sturges"+Dq;
+ density=0;
+ relative=0;
+ waiting=3;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="B",
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ tmp1="c("+substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
+ );
+ breaks="breaks="+tmp1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="D",
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
+ if(tmp2=="T" % tmp2=="Y",
+ density=1;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp1,0,1));
+ if(tmp2=="T" % tmp2=="Y",
+ relative=1;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wrflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wrflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wrflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ data=dataorg;
+ if(isstring(data),
+ if(indexof(data,".")==0,data=data+".csv");
+ if(iswindows(), // 15.11.10
+ data=replace(data,"/","\");
+ flg="\";
+ ,
+ data=replace(data,"\","/");
+ flg="/";
+ );
+ forall(reverse(1..length(data)),
+ if(length(flg)>0,
+ tmp=substring(data,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp==flg,
+ tmp3=substring(data,0,#-1);
+ tmp4=substring(data,#,length(data));
+ if(indexof(tmp3,":")==0, // 11.11.10
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,0,1);
+ if(tmp!=flg,
+ tmp3=Dirwork+flg+tmp3;
+ );
+ );
+ flg="";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(flg)>0,
+ tmp3=Dirwork; //15.11.10
+ tmp4=data;
+ );
+ setdirectory(tmp3);
+ tmp=load(tmp4);
+ if(length(tmp)==0, ErrFlag=2); // 15.11.07 until
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ ,
+ file=Fhead+name+".dat";
+ tmp=load(file);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp,",");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp1=[];
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ if(length(tmp1)==length(data),
+ tmp=tmp1-data;
+ tmp=select(tmp,#!=0);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,flg=1);
+ ,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(file);
+ forall(data,
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,textformat(#,5)+",");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"////");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ data=file;
+ );
+ data=replace(data,"\","/");
+ cmdL=[
+ "tmp=readLines",[Dq+data+Dq, "warn=FALSE"],
+ "tmp=substring",["tmp",1,"nchar(tmp)-4"],
+ "data=strsplit",["tmp",Dq+","+Dq,"fix=TRUE"],
+ "data=data[[1]]",[],
+ "fun=function(s) eval(parse(text=s))",[],
+ "data=sapply",["data","fun"],
+ "data=data[!]",[],
+ "tmp=hist",["data","plot=FALSE",breaks],
+ "tmp1=tmp$breaks",[],
+ "tmp2=tmp$count",[],
+ "tmp3=tmp$density",[],
+ name+"=c(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3)",[]
+ ];
+ file=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
+ if(wrflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
+ if(wrflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag>0,
+ if(ErrFlag==1,println("Histplot not completed"));
+ if(ErrFlag==2,println(Dq+data+Dq+" not found"));
+ ,
+// tmp=load(file);
+// tmp=replace(tmp,"/","");
+// tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
+// tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
+// parse(tmp);
+ hp=parse(name);
+ tmp1=(length(hp)-1)/3+1;
+ tmp2=tmp1+(length(hp)-1)/3;
+ bdata=hp_(1..tmp1);
+ if(density==0,
+ cdata=hp_((tmp1+1)..tmp2);
+ ,
+ cdata=hp_((tmp2+1)..length(hp));
+ );
+ if(relative==1,
+ cdata=cdata/sum(cdata);
+ );
+ options=append(options,"Msg=no"); // 15.10.03
+ pstr="[";
+ forall(1..length(cdata),
+ tmp1=[bdata_#,0];
+ tmp2=[bdata_#,cdata_#];
+ tmp3=[bdata_(#+1),cdata_#];
+ tmp4=[bdata_(#+1),0];
+ Listplot(name+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp1],options);
+ pstr=pstr+Dq+"sg"+name+text(#)+Dq+",";
+ );
+ pstr=substring(pstr,0,length(pstr)-1)+"]";
+ println("generate totally "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+pstr;
+ parse(tmp);
+ [bdata,cdata];
+ );
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,fname,name,reg,eqL,reL,cdysize,
+ options,dtx,dty,nn,mx,my,sx,sy,sxy,rr,aa,bb,size);
+ name="sc"+nm;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ cdysize=select(options,indexof(#,"size->")>0);
+ options=remove(options,cdysize);
+ size=4;
+ reg="yes";
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="R",
+ reg=tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="S",
+ size=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(indexof(file,".")==0,
+ fname=file+".csv";
+ ,
+ fname=file;
+ );
+ Readcsv(nm,fname);
+ tmp=concat(options,cdysize);
+ Pointdata(name,parse("rc"+nm),append(tmp,"Size="+text(size)));
+ tmp=parse("rc"+nm);
+ dtx=apply(tmp,#_1);
+ dty=apply(tmp,#_2);
+ nn=length(dtx);
+ mx=sum(dtx)/nn;
+ my=sum(dty)/nn;
+ sx=sqrt(dtx*dtx/nn-mx^2);
+ sy=sqrt(dty*dty/nn-my^2);
+ sxy=dtx*dty/nn-mx*my;
+ rr=sxy/sx/sy;
+ aa=sxy/sx^2;
+ bb=my-aa*mx;
+ tmp=Assign("a*x+b",["a",aa,"b",bb]);
+ if(reg!="no",
+ Plotdata(name,tmp,"x",append(options,"Num=2"));
+ );
+ if(length(reL)>=2,
+ Framedata2(name,[reL_1,reL_2]);
+ if(length(reL)>2,
+ tmp="r="+textformat(rr,3)+",\ y=";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(aa,3)+"x";
+ if(bb>0,tmp=tmp+"+",tmp=tmp+"-");
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(abs(bb),3);
+ Expr([reL_3,"e",tmp]);
+ );
+ );
+ [mx,my,sx,sy,sxy,rr,bb,aa];
+ regional(pA,pos,mrk,dir,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ pA=Lcrd(pt);
+ if(length(hscale)>0,
+ pos=[]; mrk=[]; dir=[];
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(hscale_1,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="R" % tmp=="F",
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ dir="s2";
+ tmp1=hscale_2;
+ tmp2=hscale_3;
+ tmp3=hscale_4;
+ tmp=floor((tmp2-tmp1)/tmp3);
+ pos=apply(0..tmp,tmp1+#*tmp3);
+ mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
+ dir=apply(1..length(pos),"s2");
+ ,
+ forall(2..(length(hscale)-2),
+ tmp1=hscale_(#);
+ tmp2=hscale_(#+1);
+ tmp3=hscale_(#+2);
+ if(isreal(tmp1),
+ pos=append(pos,tmp1);
+ if(isstring(tmp3),
+ dir=append(dir,tmp2);
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
+ ,
+ dir=append(dir,"s2");
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(isreal(tmp2),
+ pos=append(pos,tmp2);
+ dir=append(dir,"s2");
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ pos=hscale_(2..length(hscale));
+ dir=apply(pos,"s2");
+ mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
+ );
+ pos=apply(pos,[#,pA_2]);
+ forall(1..length(pos),
+ Expr([pos_#,dir_#,mrk_#]);
+ tmp1=pos_#;
+ tmp2=pos_#-[0,tick/SCALEY];
+ Listplot("rsh"+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(vscale)>0,
+ pos=[]; mrk=[]; dir=[];
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(vscale_1,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="R" % tmp=="F",
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ dir="w2";
+ tmp1=vscale_2;
+ tmp2=vscale_3;
+ tmp3=vscale_4;
+ tmp=floor((tmp2-tmp1)/tmp3);
+ pos=apply(0..tmp,tmp1+#*tmp3);
+ mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
+ dir=apply(1..length(pos),"w2");
+ ,
+ forall(2..(length(vscale)-2),
+ tmp1=vscale_(#);
+ tmp2=vscale_(#+1);
+ tmp3=vscale_(#+2);
+ if(isreal(tmp1),
+ pos=append(pos,tmp1);
+ if(isstring(tmp3),
+ dir=append(dir,tmp2);
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
+ ,
+ dir=append(dir,"w2");
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(isreal(tmp2),
+ pos=append(pos,tmp2);
+ dir=append(dir,"w2");
+ mrk=append(mrk,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ pos=vscale_(2..length(vscale));
+ dir=apply(pos,"w1");
+ mrk=apply(pos,text(#));
+ );
+ pos=apply(pos,[pA_1,#]);
+ forall(1..length(pos),
+ Expr([pos_#,dir_#,mrk_#]);
+ tmp1=pos_#;
+ tmp2=pos_#-[tick/SCALEX,0];
+ Listplot("rsv"+text(#),[tmp1,tmp2],["Msg=no"]);
+ );
+ );
+ regional(cmdL,Plist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Plist=[];
+ Pnamelist=[];
+ Pvaluelist=[];
+ forall(remove(allpoints(),[SW,NE]),
+ tmp=textformat(re(Lcrd(#)),prec);
+ tmp=RSform(tmp);
+ tmp1=tmp1+"="+tmp+";Assignadd('"+tmp1+"',"+tmp1+")";
+ Plist=append(Plist,tmp1);
+ );
+ cmdL=[];
+ forall(1..(length(Plist)),
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[Plist_#,[]]);
+ );
+ tmp2=sort(apply(VLIST,#_1)); // 16.02.03 from
+ tmp=apply(allpoints(),text(#));//18.02.11
+ tmp2=remove(tmp2,tmp);
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(tmp2,tmp,
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,select(VLIST,#_1==tmp));
+ );
+ VLIST=tmp1;// 17.09.24from
+ forall(VLIST,
+ tmp=#_1;
+ tmp1=#_2;
+ if(!isstring(tmp1),
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp2="[";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#,6)+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+"]";
+ ,
+ tmp1=format(tmp1,6);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=RSform(tmp1);
+ tmp1=tmp+"="+tmp1+";";
+ tmp1=tmp1+"Assignadd('"+tmp+"',"+tmp+")";
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);//17.09.24until
+ );
+ forall(OutFileList,
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,["tmp=ReadOutData",[Dq+#+Dq]]);
+ );
+ forall(FUNLIST,
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
+ );
+ forall(GLIST,
+ if(indexof(#,"ReadOutData")==0, //18.02.12
+ tmp1=Rform(#);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL;
+ regional(cmdL,Plist,Pnamelist,Pvaluelist,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ cmdL=[];
+ Plist=[];
+ Pnamelist=[];
+ Pvaluelist=[];
+ forall(remove(allpoints(),[SW,NE]),
+ tmp=Lcrd(#);
+ tmp1=format(re(tmp_1),prec);// 15.02.05
+ tmp2=format(re(tmp_2),prec);
+ tmp="["+tmp1+","+tmp2+"]";
+ Plist=append(Plist,"="+tmp);
+ Pnamelist=append(Pnamelist,;
+ Pvaluelist=append(Pvaluelist,tmp);
+ );
+ forall(1..length(Plist),
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[Plist_#,[]]);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,["Assignrep('"+Pnamelist_#+"',"+Pvaluelist_#+")",[]]);
+ );
+ tmp2=sort(apply(VLIST,#_1)); // 16.02.03 from
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(tmp2,tmp,
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,select(VLIST,#_1==tmp));
+ );
+ VLIST=tmp1;// 16.02.03 until
+ forall(VLIST,
+ tmp=Sciform(#_1);
+ tmp1=#_2; // 15.02.06
+ if(!isstring(tmp1),
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ if(!isstring(tmp1_1), // 16.11.14
+ tmp2="[";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ if(abs(#)<10^(-prec), // 16.01.30
+ tmp2=tmp2+"0,";
+ ,
+ tmp2=tmp2+format(#,prec)+",";
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+"]";
+ ,
+ tmp2="list("; // 16.11.14from
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp2+#+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")";
+ ); // 16.11.14until
+ ,
+ tmp1=format(tmp1,prec);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp+"evstr('"+tmp1+"')",[]]);
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,["Assignrep('"+tmp+"',"+tmp1+")",[]]); // 15.01.27
+ );
+ forall(OutFileList,
+ tmp=["tmp=ReadOutData",[Dq+#+Dq],
+ "if length(tmp(1))>8,execstr(tmp),end",[]];
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,tmp);
+ );
+ forall(FUNLIST, // 16.02.17 from
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
+ ); // 16.02.17 until
+ forall(GLIST,
+ tmp1=Sciform(#);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[tmp1,[]]);
+ );
+ cmdL;
+ regional(options,name,varstr,Num,waiting,mxcheck,outreg,
+ eqL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,cmdL,flg,wflg);
+ name="grsc"+nm;
+ fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ Num=50;
+ waiting=5;
+ mxcheck=0; // 16.03.02
+ outreg=0;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="O",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="M",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", mxcheck=1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(length(#)==0,
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ varstr=variable;
+ ,
+ varstr=variable+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],5);
+ );
+ cmdL=MkprecommandS();
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ name+"=Plotdata",[Dq+fun+Dq,Dq+varstr+Dq,Dq+"Num="+text(Num)+Dq],
+ "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name]
+ ]);
+ ErrFlag=0; // 16.03.02 from
+ if(mxcheck==1,
+ Mxfun(name,fun,[],["Disp=n"]);
+ tmp=parse("mx"+name);
+ if(!isstring(tmp),ErrFlag=1);
+ );
+ options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
+ if(wflg==1,options=append(options,"m"));
+ if(wflg==-1,options=append(options,"r"));// 16.03.02 until
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyS(name,cmdL,concat(options,["cat=middle","Wait="+text(waiting)]));
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ println(" PlotdataS not completed");
+ ,
+ if(outreg==1, // 2016.03.02 ( // )
+ OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[wfile]);
+ OutFileList=append(OutFileList,wfile);
+ );
+ ReadOutData(fname);
+ Extractdata(name,options);
+ tmp=parse(name);
+ tmp1=name+"="+textformat(tmp,5);
+ parse(tmp1);
+// Addgraph(name); // 16.04.04
+ tmp2=apply(tmp,Lcrd(#));
+ tmp2;
+ );
+ Dotfilldata(nm,iostr,pltlist,[]);
+ regional(options,name,fun,eqL,reL,strL,outreg,
+ plt,fname,options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,flg,
+ wflg,waiting,dense);
+ name="df"+nm;
+ fname=Fhead+name+".txt";
+ fun=fnorg;
+ tmp=indexof(fun,"=");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ tmp1=substring(fun,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(fun,tmp,length(fun));
+ fun=tmp1+"-("+tmp2+")";
+ );
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ dense=0.3;
+ waiting=5;
+ outreg=0;
+ forall(reL,
+ dense=#;
+ );
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="O",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="Y", outreg=1);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(length(#)==0,
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(islist(iostr),
+ tmp1=text(apply(iostr,Dq+#+Dq));
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list("); //16.02.14
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",")"); //16.02.14
+ ,
+ tmp1=Dq+iostr+Dq;
+ );
+ if(!islist(pltlist_1),
+ tmp2=apply(pltlist,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,#));
+ tmp2=text(tmp2);
+ tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)-1)+"),";
+ ,
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(pltlist,plt,
+ tmp=apply(plt,if(length(#)==1,Dq+#+Dq,#));
+ tmp=text(tmp);
+ tmp="list("+substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1)+")";
+ tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=MkprecommandR(); //17.09.29
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ tmp=[tmp1,tmp2];
+ tmp=concat(tmp,dense);
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ "Setscaling",[SCALEY],
+ "Setunitlen",[Dq+ULEN+Dq],
+ name+"=Dotfilldata",tmp,
+ "WriteOutData",[Dq+fname+Dq,Dq+name+Dq,name],
+ ]);
+ options=append(options,"Wait="+text(waiting));
+ if(wflg==1,options=concat(options,["m"]));
+ if(wflg==-1,options=concat(options,["r"]));
+ options=append(options,"Cat=n");
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ CalcbyR(name,cmdL,options); //17.09.29
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ println("Dotfilldata not completed");
+ ,
+ if(outreg==1,
+ OutFileList=remove(OutFileList,[fname]);
+ OutFileList=append(OutFileList,fname);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ ReadOutData(fname);
+ tmp1=parse(name);
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp=#_1;
+ draw(tmp,pointsize->1);
+ );
+ Com2nd("tmp=ReadOutData("+Dq+fname+Dq+")");
+ Com2nd("Drwpt("+name+")");
+ );
+ );
+// help:WritetoA("outdata",cmdL);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename,endmark);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".rr";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ wfilename=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
+// tmp=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
+// tmp="load("+Dq+tmp+"/oshima/os_muldif.rr"+Dq+")$/*####*/";
+ tmp="/*####*/"; // 16.03.11
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="output("+Dq+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/"; // 16.05.18from
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp); // 16.05.18until
+ forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
+ tmp1=cmdL_#;
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,";"); // 16.05.18from
+ if(tmp>0,endmark=";",endmark="$");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,";",""); // 16.05.18until
+ if(#==length(cmdL)-1,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+";/*##*/");
+ ,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+endmark+"/*##*/");//16.05.18
+ );
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".rr";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ flg=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp2=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ tmp1=load(tmp2);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1="";
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ setdirectory(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp="del "+replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp=Dq+PathA+Dq+" -quiet -f "+Dq+filename+Dq;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,tmp)); // 16.05.29,06.05
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp="rm "+replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp=Dq+PathA+Dq+" -quiet -f "+Dq+filename+Dq;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=replace(filename,".rr",".txt");
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ );
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+//help:CalcbyA(options= ["m/r","Wait=10","Ext=txt","Dig=16"]]);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,
+ dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdA,cmdlist,wfile,ext,waiting,num,st);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ wfile="";
+ ext=".txt";
+ waiting=2;
+ dig=6;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="E",
+ if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ dig=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wfile=Fhead+name+ext;
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ file=Fhead+name;
+ cmdA=cmd;
+ cmdlist=[];
+ forall(1..floor(length(cmdA)/2),nc, //17.5.18
+ tmp1=cmdA_(2*nc-1);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
+ if(nc==length(cmdA)/2,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ ,
+ tmp="["+Dq+"/start/"+Dq+","+tmp1; // 16.05.18
+ );
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"::",","+Dq+"//"+Dq+",");
+ tmp1=tmp+","+Dq+"////"+Dq+"]";
+ );
+ tmp2=cmdA_(2*nc); // list of argments
+ tmp3="";
+ tmp4="";
+ forall(tmp2,arg,
+ if(isstring(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+replace(arg,"'",Dq)+",";
+// tmp3=tmp3+arg;
+ ,
+ if(!islist(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"[";
+ tmp4="]";
+ forall(arg,
+ if(isstring(#),
+// tmp3=tmp3+Dq+#+Dq+",";
+ tmp=replace(#,"'",Dq);
+// tmp=#;// 2016.03.03
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ ,
+ if(!islist(#),
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp=textformat(#,dig);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp3)>0,
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")";
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit");
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=load(file+".rr");
+ if((length(tmp1)==0) % (indexof(tmp1,"/*####*/")==0), //15.11.26
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"/*####*/");
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1_2,"/*##*/");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ tmp=select(tmp1,indexof(#,"output")>0);
+ tmp1=remove(tmp1,tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(tmp1,substring(#,0,length(#)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist), // 15.12.06
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
+ if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
+ if(wflg==1,
+ if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ );
+ WritetoA(file+".rr",cmdlist);
+ kcA(file,concat(options,["m"]));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)>=4,
+ tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-5,length(tmp));
+ if(tmp2=="////]",
+ tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-6);
+ num="1234567890+-.";
+ tmp1=tokenize(","+tmp,",//");
+ tmp3=apply(tmp1,substring(#,1,length(#)));
+ tmp1="[";
+ forall(tmp3,st,
+ tmp=select(1..length(st),indexof(num,substring(st,#-1,#))==0);
+ if((length(tmp)==0) & (length(st)<4), // 16.05.10 16=>4
+ tmp1=tmp1+st+",";
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Dq+st+Dq+",";
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=Indexof(tmp1,"/start/,"); // 16.05.18from
+ tmp1="["+Dq+substring(tmp1,tmp+7,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
+ // 16.05.18until
+// tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
+ parse(name+"="+tmp1);
+ tmp=parse(name);
+ if(length(tmp)==1,
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ parse(name+"="+tmp1);
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ );
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ ,
+ println(" CalcbyA succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
+ );
+AsfunO(name,fun,argL):=AsirfunO(name,fun,argL); // 16.02.03
+ regional(argL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL);// 16.05.26from
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ argL=argLorg;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="PRO", // 16.05.26from
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="T") % (tmp=="Y"),
+ tmp1=argL_(length(argL));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"|");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ argL_(length(argL))=tmp1+"|dumb=-1,dviout=-2";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ ); // 16.05.26until
+ Asirfun(name,"os_md."+fun,argL,options);
+ regional(nm,options,eqL,precise,disp,process,
+ cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,out,out2);
+ nm="as"+name;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ precise=6;
+ disp=1;
+ process=0;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="PRE",
+ precise=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP"),
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="PRO", // 16.05.26from
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="T") % (tmp=="Y"),
+ process=1;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ ); // 16.05.26upt
+ );
+ tmp=replace(Dirlib,"\","/");
+ cmdL=[
+ "load",[Dq+tmp+"/oshima/os_muldif.rr"+Dq], // 16.03.11
+ "ctrl",[Dq+"real_digit"+Dq,precise],
+ "A="+fun,argL, // 16.05.26from
+ "A",[]
+ ];
+ CalcbyA(nm,cmdL,options);
+ out=parse(nm); //16.05.26from
+ if(process==1,
+ tmp1=Bracket(out,"[]");
+ tmp2=select(tmp1,abs(#_2)==2);
+ tmp2=apply(tmp2,#_1);
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..length(tmp2)/2,
+ tmp3=tmp2_(2*#-1);
+ tmp4=tmp2_(2*#);
+ tmp=substring(as1,tmp3+1,tmp4-2);
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp,"],[");
+ out=append(out,tmp);
+ );
+ out2=[];
+ forall(out,tmp2,
+ tmp4="";
+ forall(tmp2,tmp3,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp3,",");
+ if(tmp1_1==0,
+ tmp4=tmp4+tmp1_2+"="+tmp1_3+"+";
+ ,
+ if(tmp1_1==1,
+ tmp4=tmp4+tmp1_2+"+";
+ ,
+ tmp="'integrate(";
+ forall(2..length(tmp1),
+ tmp=tmp+tmp1_#+"+";
+ );
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp=tmp+","+tmp1_1+")";
+ tmp4=tmp4+tmp+"+";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp4=substring(tmp4,0,length(tmp4)-1);
+ out2=append(out2,tmp4);
+ );
+ out=out2;
+ tmp=apply(out,Dq+#+Dq);
+ parse(nm+"="+tmp);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
+ println(nm+" is : ");
+ println(parse(nm));
+ );
+ );
+ out; //16.05.26until
+// help:WritetoM("outdata",cmdL);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename,outflg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".max";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ wfilename=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
+ outflg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
+ tmp1=cmdL_#;
+ if(allflg==1, // 2016.02.23 from
+ if(#==1,
+ tmp="writefile("+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/";
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"\","/");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ outflg=1;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
+ ,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
+ );
+ ,
+ if((indexof(tmp1,"disp(")>0) & (outflg==0),
+ tmp="writefile("+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+wfilename+Dq+")$/*##*/";
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"\","/");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ outflg=1;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
+ ,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1+"$/*##*/");
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".max";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ flg=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp2=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+ tmp1=load(tmp2);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1="";
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ setdirectory(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(replace(filename,".max",".txt"));
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+// tmp="del "+replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+// println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp=Indexall(PathM,".");
+ tmp=substring(PathM,tmp_1,tmp_2-1);
+ tmp=parse(tmp);
+ if(tmp<39,
+ tmp="call "+Dq+Dq+PathM+Dq+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
+ ,
+ tmp="call "+Dq+PathM+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
+ );
+// tmp="cmd/c "+Dq+PathM+" -b "+filename+Dq;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp="rm "+replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp=Dq+PathM+Dq+" -b "+Dq+filename+Dq;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=replace(filename,".max",".txt");
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ );
+// wait(WaitUnit);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+//help:CalcbyM(options1= ["m/r","Wait=5","Ext=txt","Dig=6","Pow=no","All=y"]);
+//help:CalcbyM(options2= ["line=1000"]);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,realL,strL,eqL,allflg,indL,line,
+ dig,flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,add,powerd,cmdM,cmdlist,wfile,ext,waiting,num,st);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ wfile="";
+ ext=".txt";
+ waiting=5;
+ dig=6;
+ allflg=1;
+ powerd="false";
+ line=1000; // 16.06.13
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="E",
+ if(indexof(tmp2,".")==0,ext="."+tmp2,ext=tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ dig=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="L", // 16.06.13
+ line=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="P",
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="y") % (tmp=="F"),powerd="true");
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="A", // 2016.02.23
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="N") % (tmp=="F"),allflg=0);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ wfile=Fhead+name+ext;
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ file=Fhead+name;
+ cmdM=cmd;
+ cmdlist=[
+ "powerdisp:"+powerd,"display2d:false","linel:"+text(line) //15.11.25,16.06.13
+ ];
+ forall(1..floor(length(cmdM)/2),nc, //17.5.18
+ tmp1=replace(cmdM_(2*nc-1),"`","'");//2016.02.23
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
+ if(nc==length(cmdM)/2,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ ,
+ tmp="["+tmp1;
+ );
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(1..length(tmp1),
+ if(substring(tmp1,#-1,#+1)=="::",
+ if(substring(tmp2,0,1)==":", tmp2=substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)));
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"disp("+tmp2+")");
+ tmp2="";
+ ,
+ tmp2=tmp2+substring(tmp1,#-1,#);
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp2)>0,
+ if(substring(tmp2,0,1)==":", tmp2=substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2)));
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"disp("+tmp2+")");
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp2=cmdM_(2*nc); // list of argments
+ tmp3="";
+ tmp4="";
+ add="";
+ forall(tmp2,arg,
+ if(isstring(arg),
+ if(substring(arg,0,1)!=",",
+// tmp=replace(arg,"'",Dq); // 16.03.03
+ tmp=arg; // 16.03.03
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"`","'");// 2016.02.23
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ ,
+ add=add+arg;
+ );
+ ,
+ if(!islist(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+"[";
+ tmp4="]";
+ forall(arg,
+ if(isstring(#),
+// tmp3=tmp3+Dq+#+Dq+",";
+ tmp=replace(#,"'",Dq);
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ ,
+ if(!islist(#),
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(#,dig)+",";
+ ,
+ tmp=textformat(#,dig);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"],[","];[");
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+tmp4+",";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp3)>0,
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp1+"("+tmp3+")"+add;
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp1);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"closefile()");
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"quit()");
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=load(file+".max");
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"/*##*/")==0, // 15.11.26
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,"/*##*/");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ tmp=select(tmp1,indexof(#,"writefile")>0);
+ tmp1=remove(tmp1,tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(tmp1,substring(#,0,length(#)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist), // 15.12.07
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
+ if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1); // 15.10.16
+ if(wflg==1,
+ if(length(wfile)>0, // 15.10.05
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ );
+ WritetoM(file+".max",cmdlist,allflg); // 2016.02.23
+ kcM(file,concat(options,["m"]));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ if(wflg==1,wait(WaitUnit)); // 2016.02.23
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"error")+indexof(tmp1,"syntax"); //2016.02.23
+ if(tmp>0,
+ println("Some error(s) occurred"); //2016.02.24 from
+ tmp2=tokenize(tmp1,"(%");
+ forall(4..length(tmp2),println(tmp2_#)); //2016.02.24 until
+ flg=2; //2016.02.23
+ ,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"closefile()")>0, // 15.11.24
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp1,"disp(");
+ tmp1=tmp_(2..length(tmp));
+ tmp4=[];
+ forall(tmp1,tmp2,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp2,")");
+ tmp3=substring(tmp2,tmp,length(tmp2));
+ indL=Indexall(tmp3,"(%i"); // 16.04.26from
+ tmp0=0;
+ forall(indL,
+ if(tmp0==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,#+2,#+3);
+ if(indexof("0123456789",tmp)>0,//16.04.25?
+ tmp3=removespace(substring(tmp3,0,#-1));
+ tmp4=append(tmp4,tmp3);
+ tmp0=1;
+ );
+ );// 16.04.26until
+ );
+ );
+ num="1234567890+-.";
+ tmp1="[";
+ forall(tmp4,st,
+ tmp=select(1..length(st),indexof(num,substring(st,#-1,#))==0);
+ if((length(tmp)==0) & (length(st)<4), // 16.05.10 16=>4
+ tmp1=tmp1+st+",";
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Dq+st+Dq+",";
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]";
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,".d+0",""); // 15.11.23
+ parse(name+"="+tmp1);
+ tmp=parse(name);
+ if(length(tmp)==1,
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ parse(name+"="+tmp1);
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ println(wfile+" incomplete"+tmp); // 2016.02.24
+ ,
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ if(flg==1, // 2016.02.23
+ println(" CalcbyM succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
+ );
+ );
+//help:Mxfun(options=["Pre=6","Disp=y","Load= :: ","Set=::","Add="]);
+ regional(nm,options,eqL,precise,disp,pack,set,add,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ nm="mx"+name;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ precise=6;
+ disp=1;
+ pack=[];
+ set=[];
+ add="";
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="PRE",
+ precise=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if((tmp1=="PAC") % (tmp1=="LOA"), // 16.02.08
+ pack=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="SET",
+ set=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="ADD",
+ add=","+tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=[];
+ forall(pack,
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,["load",[#]]);
+ );
+ forall(set,
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
+ );
+ if(length(add)>0,
+ tmp=append(argL,add);
+ ,
+ tmp=argL;
+ );
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ "ans"+":"+fun,tmp,
+ "ans",[]
+ ]);
+ CalcbyM(nm,cmdL,options);
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
+ println(nm+" is : ");
+ println(parse(nm));
+ );
+ );
+ parse(nm);
+ regional(name,cmdL,eqL,options,tx,disp,out,set,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2); // 16.01.25
+ name="tx"+nm;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ disp=1;
+ set=[];
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="SET", // 16.03.01
+ set=tokenize(tmp2,"::");
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="ORD", // 16.03.01
+ tmp="ordergreat("+tmp2+")";
+ set=append(set,tmp);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=[
+ "load",[Dq+"mactex-utilities.lisp"+Dq]]; // 16.03.03
+ forall(set, // 16.03.01
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[#,[]]);
+ );
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ name+":disp(tex("+ex+"))",[], // 16.01.18
+ name,[] // 16.01.18
+ ]);
+ CalcbyM(name,cmdL,options); // 16.02.19
+ tx=parse(name);
+ if(islist(tx), // 16.01.10
+ out=tx_1;
+ ,
+ out=tx;
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(out,"$$")+1;
+ out=substring(out,tmp,length(out));
+ tmp=indexof(out,"$$")-1;
+ out=substring(out,0,tmp);
+ if(disp==1, // 16.01.10
+ println(name+" is:");
+ println(out);
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+Dq+out+Dq; //16.01.10
+ parse(tmp);
+ out;
+MxtexL(nm,exlist):=MxtexL(nm,exlist,[]); // 16.05.27
+ regional(out,tmp,tmp1);
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..length(exlist),
+ tmp=Mxtex(nm+"n"+text(#),exlist_#,["Disp=n"]);
+ out=append(out,Dq+tmp+Dq);
+ );
+ tmp="tx"+nm+"="+out;
+ parse(tmp);
+ println("tx"+nm+"is:");
+ apply(out,println(#));
+ out;
+ regional(figL,out,path,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ if(!islist(file),figL=[file],figL=file);
+ path=replace(Dirlib+"/maximaL/","\","/");
+ out=[];
+ forall(figL,
+ if(indexof(#,".")==0,tmp1=#+".max",tmp1=#);
+ tmp1=Dq+path+tmp1+Dq;
+ tmp2=["batch",[tmp1]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp2);
+ );
+ out;
+Mxload(file):=( //17.06.16
+ regional(figL,out,path,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ if(!islist(file),figL=[file],figL=file);
+ path=replace(Dirlib+"/maximaL/","\","/");
+ out=[];
+ forall(figL,
+ if(indexof(#,".")==0,tmp1=#+".lisp",tmp1=#);
+ tmp1=Dq+path+tmp1+Dq;
+ tmp2=["load",[tmp1]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp2);
+ );
+ out;
+Maxima2Cindydata(str):=( //17.10.24
+ regional(out,numstr,eL,nn,ne,flg,tmp);
+ numstr="-0123456789";
+ eL=Indexall(str,"e");
+ if(length(eL)==0,
+ out=str;
+ ,
+ out=substring(str,0,eL_1-1);
+ forall(1..(length(eL)),nn,
+ ne=eL_nn;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..5,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(str,ne+#-1,ne+#);
+ if(indexof(numstr,tmp)==0,
+ flg=#;
+ tmp=substring(str,ne,ne+flg-1);
+ out=out+"*10^("+tmp+")";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(nn<length(eL),
+ out=out+substring(str,ne+flg-1,eL_(nn+1)-1);
+ ,
+ out=out+substring(str,ne+flg-1,length(str));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ parse(out);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,filename,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".obj";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1=""; // 15.10.08 from
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ tmp=replace(path,"\","/");
+ tmp=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-1,length(tmp));
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", tmp1=path, tmp1=path+"/");
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+PathV3+Dq+" "+tmp1+filename;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+PathV3+Dq+" "+tmp1+filename;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ );
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ if(fig==2,
+ println("Obj file not exist / imperfect");
+ );
+ regional(fout);
+ fout=replace(fname,".obj","");
+ fout=fout+"out.obj";
+ Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,fout,[]);
+ regional(fout);
+ if(islist(Arg),
+ fout=replace(fname,".obj","");
+ fout=fout+"out.obj";
+ Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,fout,Arg);
+ ,
+ Changeobjscale(ULEN,fname,Arg,[]);
+ );
+ if(islist(Arg3),
+ Changeobjscale(ULEN,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
+ ,
+ Changeobjscale(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
+ );
+ regional(fname,fout,fmd,unit,val,options,eqL,reL,
+ origin,outunit,sc,stL,nn,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ outunit="IN";
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,length(#)));
+ if(tmp1=="O" % tmp1=="U",
+ outunit=tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ origin=[0,0,0];
+ forall(reL,
+ if(islist(#),origin=#);
+ );
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ tmp1=".0123456789+-*/";
+ unit="";
+ val=1;
+ tmp2=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(unitlen)),
+ tmp=substring(unitlen,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp2==0,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,tmp)>0,
+ tmp2=#;
+ );
+ );
+ unit=substring(unitlen,tmp2,length(unitlen));
+ unit=removespace(unit);
+ val=parse(substring(unitlen,0,tmp2));
+ );
+ sc=1;
+ if(unit=="cm",sc=1);
+ if(unit=="mm",sc=0.1);
+ if(unit=="in",sc=2.54);
+ sc=sc*val;
+ if(outunit=="IN",sc=sc/2.54);
+ if(outunit=="MM",sc=sc*10);
+ fname=fnameorg;
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,fname=fname+".obj");
+ fmd=replace(fname,".obj",".txt");
+ fout=foutorg;
+ if(indexof(fout,".")==0,fout=fout+".obj");
+ tmp1=Textformat(origin,4);
+ tmp1=RSform(tmp1);
+ cmdL=[
+ "Origin="+tmp1,[],
+ "Sc="+format(sc,6),[],
+ "Stv=readLines",[Dq+fname+Dq],
+ "cat('',file="+Dq+fout+Dq+")",[],
+ "for(nn in Looprange(1,length(Stv))){",[],
+ " if(substring(Stv[nn],1,2)=='v '){",[],
+ " Tmp1=paste('c(',substring(Stv[nn],3),')',sep='')",[],
+ " Tmp1=gsub(' ',',',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
+ " Tmp1=gsub(',,',',',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
+ " Tmp1=gsub('(,','(',Tmp1,fixed=TRUE)",[],
+ " Tmp=eval(parse(text=Tmp1))",[],
+ " Tmp=Origin+Sc*(Tmp-Origin)",[],
+ " Stv[nn]=paste('v ',sprintf('%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f',Tmp[1],Tmp[2],Tmp[3]),sep='')",[],
+ " }",[],
+ " cat(Stv[nn],'\n',sep='',file="+Dq+fout+Dq+",append=TRUE)",[],
+ "}",[]
+ ];
+ options=concat(["Wait=3","Cat=n","File="+fmd],options); // 16.06.26
+ CalcbyR("cs",cmdL,options);
+ println("Scale of "+fname+" changed");
+ if(!isstring(OCNAME), //17.04.13from
+ drawtext(mouse().xy,"Mkobjcmd not defined",
+ size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
+ , //17.04.13until
+ if(islist(Arg2),
+ Mkviewobj(Dirwork,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3);
+ ,
+ Mkviewobj(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,[]);
+ );
+ );
+ regional(path,cmdL,eqL,strL,flg,fname,options,make,view,cmdlist,
+ vtx,face,unit,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ path=replace(pathorg,"\","/");
+ if(substring(path,length(path)-1,length(path))!="/",path=path+"/");
+ fname=fnameorg;
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,fname=fname+".obj");
+ cmdL=cmdLorg;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ make=-1;
+ view=0;
+ unit="";
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="M",
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",
+ make=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="V",
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",
+ view=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="U", // 16.06.30from
+ unit=tmp2;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ ); // 16.06.30until
+ );
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ make=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ make=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="V",
+ view=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(islist(cmdL),
+ if(length(cmdL)==0,
+ make=0;
+ println("Command sequence not defnamed");
+ );
+ ,
+ make=0;
+ println("Command sequence not defined");
+ );
+ if(make==-1,
+ setdirectory(pathorg);
+ tmp1=load(fname);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,make=1,make=0);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+ if(make==1,
+ if(isstring(cmdL_1),
+ cmdlist=MkprecommandR();
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,["Openobj",[Dq+path+fname+Dq]]);
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,cmdL);
+ tmp=["Closeobj()",[],"ans="+Dq+"||||"+Dq,[]];//16.12.26
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,tmp);
+ tmp=append(options,"Cat=y");
+ tmp1=apply(tmp,Toupper(substring(#,0,1))); // 16.04.23from
+ tmp1=select(tmp1,#=="W");
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ tmp=append(tmp,"Wait=5");
+ );// 16.04.23until
+ CalcbyR("ans",cmdlist,tmp);
+ wait(WaitUnit*100); // 16.03.18
+ ,
+ vtx=cmdL_1;
+ face=cmdL_2;
+ setdirectory(pathorg);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
+ forall(vtx,tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp1;
+ if(ispoint(tmp1),
+ tmp2=parse(text(tmp1)+"3d");
+ );
+ tmp2=apply(tmp2,format(#,5));
+ tmp="v "+tmp2_1+" "+tmp2_2+" "+tmp2_3;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ );
+ forall(face,tmp1,
+ tmp="f";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp=tmp+" "+text(#);
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(unit)>0, // 16.06.30from
+ Changeobjscale(fname,["Unit="+unit]);//16.10.04
+ ); // 16.06.30until
+ if(view==1,
+ flg=0; // 16.03.14 from
+ if(isstring(ViewFile),
+ if(ViewFile==fname,flg=1);
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ kcV3(path,fname);
+ ViewFile=fname;
+ ); // 16.03.14 until
+ );
+SetObj(str):=Objname(str,["m","v"]); //17.01.12
+SetObj(str,options):=Objname(str,options); //17.01.12
+Objnameoptions(str,options):=Objname(str,options);// 16.11.29
+Objname(str):=Objname(str,["m","v"]); // 16.11.29
+ regional(options);
+ if(length(str)>0,
+ OCNAME=str;
+ );
+ options=select(optionsorg,length(#)>0); //17.12.23from
+ if(length(options)>0,
+ OCOPTION=options;
+ ,
+ OCOPTION=["m","v"];
+ ); //17.12.23until
+ println([OCNAME,OCOPTION]);
+ regional(ffd,cmd,out,div1,div2,side,
+ reL,stL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
+ div1=40;
+ div2=40;
+ side="+";
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ stL=select(tmp_7,length(#)>0);
+ forall(1..length(reL),
+ if(#==1,
+ div1=reL_1;
+ div2=div1;
+ ,
+ div2=reL_2;
+ );
+ );
+ forall(stL,
+ side=#;
+ );
+ side="'"+side+"'";
+ ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
+ tmp1=RSform(substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1));
+ tmp2=RSform(substring(ffd_5,tmp,length(ffd_5)));
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
+ tmp3=RSform(substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1));
+ tmp4=RSform(substring(ffd_6,tmp,length(ffd_6)));
+ out=["Fun"+nm+"<- function("+tmp1+","+tmp3+"){",[]];
+ tmp=" Out=c("+ffd_2+","+ffd_3+","+ffd_4+")";
+ out=concat(out,[tmp,[]]);
+ out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
+ tmp1=["Objsurf",
+ ["Fun"+nm,tmp2,tmp4,div1,div2,side]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp1);
+ tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
+ ,
+ if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+ regional(name,options,stL,eqL,disp,ffd,fst,xst,yst,cmdL,
+ precmd,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ name="nrm"+nm;
+ options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ stL=tmp_7;
+ precmd=[];
+ disp="N";
+ forall(eqL, // 16.05.02
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ if(tmp2=="Y" % tmp2=="T",
+ disp="Y";
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ forall(stL,
+ if(indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-")==0,
+ precmd=concat(precmd,[#,[]]);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(isstring(fd),
+ tmp=Indexall(fd,",");
+ fst=[
+ substring(fd,1,tmp_1-1),
+ substring(fd,tmp_1,tmp_2-1),
+ substring(fd,tmp_2,tmp_3-2)
+ ];
+ xst=substring(fd,tmp_3,tmp_4-1);
+ yst=substring(fd,tmp_4,length(fd));
+ ,
+ ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
+ fst=text(ffd_(2..4));
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
+ xst=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
+ yst=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
+ );
+ cmdL=precmd;
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ "fx:diff",[fst,xst],
+ "fy:diff",[fst,yst],
+ "nx:fx[2]*fy[3]-fx[3]*fy[2]",[],
+ "ny:fx[3]*fy[1]-fx[1]*fy[3]",[],
+ "nz:fx[1]*fy[2]-fx[2]*fy[1]",[],
+ "nn:factor(nx^2+ny^2+nz^2)",[], // 16.04.21
+ "nn:sqrt(nn)",[], // 16.04.20
+ "nx:nx/nn",[],
+ "ny:ny/nn",[],
+ "nz:nz/nn",[],
+ "n:[nx,ny,nz]",[], // 16.04.21from
+ "n:ratsimp(n)",[],
+ "n:trigsimp(n)",[],
+ "n:factor(n)",[], // 16.04.21until
+ "n",[]
+ ]);
+ CalcbyM(name,cmdL,options); // 16.05.12
+ tmp1=parse(name); // 16.05.12
+ out=[tmp1]; // 15.04.21b from
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(1..3,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,",");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"]");
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp3,"/");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,tmp,length(tmp3));
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp3);
+ ,
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,"1");
+ );
+ );
+// out=append(out,tmp2);
+ out=out_1; // 16.05.02from
+ println("calculate "+name+":"); // 16.05.12
+ if(disp=="Y", // 16.05.02
+ println(out);
+ // println(out_2);
+ ); // 16.05.02until
+ out;
+ if(islist(Arg),
+ Mkobjthickcmd(nm,fd,"",Arg);
+ ,
+ Mkobjthickcmd(nm,fd,Arg,[]);
+ );
+ regional(options,ffd,cmd,out,div1,div2,thick1,thick2,side,
+ reL,stL,addcmd,fst,xst,yst,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
+ div1=40;
+ div2=40;
+ thick1=0.05;
+ thick2=-0.05;
+ side="+n+s+e+w+";
+ options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ stL=tmp_7;
+ tmp1=1; // 16.04.21from
+ tmp2=1;
+ forall(1..length(reL),
+ tmp=reL_#;
+ if(tmp>1,
+ if(tmp1==1,
+ div1=tmp;
+ div2=tmp;
+ ,
+ div2=tmp;
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+1;
+ ,
+ if(tmp2==1,
+ thick1=tmp;
+ thick2=-tmp;
+ ,
+ thick2=tmp;
+ );
+ tmp2=tmp2+1;
+ );
+ ); // 16.04.21until
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ forall(stL,
+ if(length(#)>0,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ side=#;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ side="'"+side+"'";
+ ffd=Fullformfunc(fd);
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=RSform(substring(ffd_5,tmp,length(ffd_5)));
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
+ tmp3=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp4=RSform(substring(ffd_6,tmp,length(ffd_6)));
+ fst=text(ffd_(2..4));
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_5,"=");
+ xst=substring(ffd_5,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp=indexof(ffd_6,"=");
+ yst=substring(ffd_6,0,tmp-1);
+ out=["Fun"+nm+"<- function("+tmp1+","+tmp3+"){",[]];
+ tmp=" c("+ffd_2+","+ffd_3+","+ffd_4+")";
+ out=concat(out,[tmp,[]]);
+ out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
+ tmp=["Fnrm"+nm+"<- function("+xst+","+yst+"){",[]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp);
+ if(fnrm=="",
+ tmp=Mkobjnrm(nm,fd,options);
+ tmp1=RSform(tmp);
+ tmp="Fnrmden"+nm+"("+xst+","+yst+"):="+tmp_2;
+ parse(tmp);
+ ,
+ tmp1=RSform(fnrm);
+// if(indexof(tmp1,"Out=")==0, // 16.05.09from
+// tmp1="Out="+tmp1;
+// ); // 16.05.09until
+ );
+ out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
+ out=concat(out,["}",[]]);
+ tmp1=["Objthicksurf",
+ ["Fun"+nm,tmp2,tmp4,div1,div2,"Fnrm"+nm,thick1,thick2,side]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp1);
+ tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
+ ,
+ if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+ regional(options,cmd,out,thick1,thick2,origin,
+ reL,stL,vtx,face,pt1,pt2,pt3,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ thick1=0;
+ thick2=-0;
+ origin=[0,0,0];
+ options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ stL=tmp_7;
+ tmp1=1;
+ forall(1..length(reL),
+ tmp=reL_#;
+ if(islist(tmp),
+ origin=tmp;
+ ,
+ if(tmp1==1,
+ thick1=tmp;
+ thick2=-tmp;
+ ,
+ thick2=tmp;
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+1; // 16.07.08
+ );
+ );
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ forall(stL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"+")+indexof(#,"-");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ side=#;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ vtx=pd_1; //16.04.23from
+ if(length(pd)==2,face=pd_2,face=pd_3);
+ if(isstring(vtx),vtx=parse(vtx));
+ vtx=apply(vtx,if(isstring(#),parse(#),#)); // 16.06.18
+ if(isstring(face),face=parse(face));
+ forall(1..length(face),
+ tmp=face_#;
+ pt1=vtx_(tmp_1);// 16.06.18
+ pt2=vtx_(tmp_2);// 16.06.18
+ pt3=vtx_(tmp_(length(tmp)));// 16.06.18
+ tmp1=Crossprod(pt2-pt1,pt3-pt1);
+ tmp2=Dotprod(tmp1,pt1-origin);
+ if(tmp2<0,
+ face_#=reverse(face_#);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=RSform(textformat(vtx,5),2);//17.12.24from
+ tmp2=RSform(textformat(face,5),2);
+ out=["Objpolyhedron",[tmp1,tmp2]];//17.12.24until
+ tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
+ ,
+ if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+Mkobjplatecmd(nm,pdorg,optionorg):=( // 16.06.18
+ regional(pd,options,cmd,out,thick1,thick2,nn,pdn,
+ reL,vtx,face,nv,npttmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
+ pd=pdorg;
+ if(MeasureDepth(pd)==1,pd=[pd]);
+ if(MeasureDepth(pd)==2,pd=[pd]);//16.10.04from
+ forall(1..length(pd),nn, // 16.06.19from
+ pdn=pd_nn;
+ vtx=pdn_1;
+ if(length(pdn)==1,face=[1..(length(vtx))],face=pdn_2);
+ vtx=apply(vtx,if(isstring(#),parse(#),#));
+ vtx=apply(vtx,if(ispoint(#),parse(text(#)+"3d"),#));
+ pd_nn=[vtx,face];//16.10.04until
+ ); // 16.06.19until
+ thick1=0.05;
+ thick2=-0.05;
+ options=select(optionorg,length(#)>0);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ tmp1=1;
+ forall(1..length(reL),
+ tmp=reL_#;
+ if(tmp1==1,
+ thick1=tmp;
+ thick2=-tmp;
+ ,
+ thick2=tmp;
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+1;// 16.07.08
+ );
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..length(pd),npd,
+ forall(pd_npd_2,face,
+ vtx=apply(face,pd_npd_1_#);
+ npt=length(vtx);
+ tmp1=vtx_1;
+ tmp2=vtx_2;
+ tmp3=vtx_npt;
+ tmp=Crossprod(tmp2-tmp1,tmp3-tmp1);
+ nv=tmp/Dist3d(tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(vtx,#+thick1*nv);
+ tmp2=apply(vtx,#+thick2*nv);
+ vtx=concat(tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp=apply(1..npt,#+npt);
+ tmp2=[1..npt,reverse(tmp)];
+ tmp=apply(1..(npt-1),[#,#+npt,#+npt+1,#+1]);
+ tmp2=concat(tmp2,tmp);
+ tmp=[npt,npt+npt,1+npt,1];
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ tmp3=RSform(textformat(vtx,5),2);//17.12.24from
+ tmp4=RSform(textformat(tmp2,5),2);
+ out=concat(out,["Objpolyhedron",[tmp3,tmp4]]);//17.12.24until
+ );
+ );
+ tmp3="["; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ tmp2="";
+ if(isstring(tmp1),
+ tmp2=tmp2+Dq+tmp1+Dq+",[";
+ ,
+ tmp2=tmp2+Textformat(tmp1_1,5)+",";
+ tmp2=tmp2+Textformat(tmp1_2,5)+"],";
+ );
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp2;
+ );
+ tmp3=substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+"]";
+ parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp3);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated");
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+ regional(cmd,out,thick,poly,dir,phead,pst,
+ reL,stL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,flg);
+ thick=0.02;
+ poly=6;
+ dir="xy";
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ stL=select(tmp_7,length(#)>0);
+ forall(1..length(reL),
+ if(#==1,
+ thick=reL_1;
+ ,
+ poly=reL_2;
+ );
+ );
+ forall(stL,
+ dir=#;
+ );
+ dir="'"+dir+"'";
+ tmp=indexof(pstorg,"_");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ phead=pstorg;
+ ,
+ phead=substring(pstorg,0,tmp-1);
+ );
+ pst=pstorg;
+ out=[];
+ tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,phead+"=")>0);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0, println(phead+" incorrect"));
+// out=[tmp1_1,[]];
+ out=[];
+ tmp1=parse(pst);
+ flg=0; // 16.04.23from
+ if(MeasureDepth(tmp1)==2,flg=1);
+ if(MeasureDepth(tmp1)==0,
+ if(islist(tmp1),flg=1);
+ );
+ if(flg==1, // 16.04.23until
+ if(!isstring(tmp1_1),
+ forall(1..length(tmp1),
+ tmp=["Objcurve",[pst+"[["+text(#)+"]]",thick,poly,dir]];//17.12.22
+ out=concat(out,tmp);
+ );
+ ,
+ forall(1..length(tmp1), // 16.11.14from
+ tmp=["Objcurve",[tmp1_#,thick,poly,dir]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp);
+ );// 16.11.14until
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp1=Chunderscore(pst);
+ tmp=["Objcurve",[tmp1,thick,poly,dir]];
+ out=concat(out,tmp);
+ );
+ tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
+ ,
+ if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ parse("oc"+nm+"="+tmp2);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+nm+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+ Mkobjsymbcmd("",symb,size,rot,dir,pos,[]);
+ if(isstring(Ar2),
+ Mkobjsymbcmd(Ar1,Ar2,Ar3,Ar4,Ar5,Ar6,[]);
+ ,
+ Mkobjsymbcmd("",Ar1,Ar2,Ar3,Ar4,Ar5,Ar6);
+ );
+ regional(symb,options,opbez,eqL,reL,stL,dtLstr,dtL,dt,
+ alpha,Alpha,out,mx,Mx,my,My,center,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ alpha="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ Alpha=Toupper(alpha);
+ symb=symborg;
+ options=optionorg;
+ opbez=["nodisp"];
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ stL=tmp_7;
+ opbez=concat(opbez,eqL);
+ options=remove(options,eqL);
+ tmp1=[0.05,4,"'yz'"];
+ if(length(reL)==0,
+ options=concat(options,tmp1_(1..2));
+ );
+ if(length(reL)==1, // debugged 16.06.18
+ options=concat(options,[tmp1_2]);
+ );
+ if(length(stL)==0,
+ options=concat(options,[tmp1_3]);
+ );
+ out=[];
+ tmp=parse(symb);
+ if((islist(symb)) % (islist(tmp)), //17.12.24from
+ if(islist(tmp),
+ dtL=[symb];
+ ,
+ dtL=symb;
+ ); //17.12.24until
+ ,
+ tmp=substring(symb,0,1);
+ if(tmp>="a" & tmp<="z",tmp1=tmp+"s");
+ if(tmp>="A" & tmp<="Z",
+ tmp=indexof(Alpha,tmp);
+ tmp=substring(alpha,tmp-1,tmp);
+ tmp1=tmp+"c";
+ );
+ if(length(symb)==1,
+ if(symb>"Z",
+ symb=tmp1+"i";
+ ,
+ symb=tmp1+"r";
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(symb)==2,symb=tmp1+substring(symb,1,2));
+ if(length(path)>0, // 16.04.23from
+ setdirectory(path);
+ ,
+ tmp=Dirhead+"/data/fontF"; // 16.05.10
+ setdirectory(tmp);
+ ); // 16.04.23until
+ dtL=Readbezier(symb,opbez);
+ dtLstr=dtL; //17.12.23
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ forall(dtL,dt,
+ tmp=dt+"=";
+ tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,tmp)>0);
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,//17.12.23from
+ tmp1=tmp1_1;
+ out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
+ ); //17.12.23until
+ );
+ mx=100;Mx=-100;my=100;My=-100;
+ forall(dtL,dt,
+ tmp=apply(parse(dt),#_1);
+ mx=min(append(tmp,mx));
+ Mx=max(append(tmp,Mx));
+ tmp=apply(parse(dt),#_2);
+ my=min(append(tmp,my));
+ My=max(append(tmp,My));
+ );
+ center=[(mx+Mx)/2,(my+My)/2];
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(dtL,dt,
+ Rotatedata(dt,dt,rot,[center,"nodisp"]);
+ Translatedata(dt,"rt"+dt,-center,["nodisp"]);
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,"tr"+dt);
+ );
+ dtL=tmp1;
+ forall(dtL,dt,
+ tmp=dt+"=";
+ tmp1=select(GLIST,indexof(#,tmp)>0);
+ if(length(tmp1)>0, //17.12.23from
+ tmp1=tmp1_1;
+ out=concat(out,[tmp1,[]]);
+ ); //17.12.23until
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=text(options);
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ tmp2=""; //17.12.23from
+ forall(dtL,
+ tmp2=tmp2+","+#;
+ );
+ tmp2="list("+substring(tmp2,1,length(tmp2))+")"; //17.12.23until
+ out=concat(out,[
+ "Sd=Symb3data",[tmp2,size,0,dir,pos], //17.12.23
+ "Objsymb(Sd,"+tmp1+")",[]
+ ]);
+ tmp2=[]; // 16.06.10from
+ forall(out,tmp1,
+ if(islist(tmp1),
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,if(isstring(#),Dq+#+Dq,Textformat(#,5)));
+ ,
+ if(isstring(tmp1),tmp=Dq+tmp1+Dq,tmp=Textformat(#,5));
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ parse("oc"+symborg+"="+tmp2);
+ println("cmd seq oc"+symborg+" generated"); // 16.06.10until
+ OBJCMD=concat(OBJCMD,out);//16.11.29
+ out;
+ regional(out);
+ out=[];
+ forall(cmdlist,
+ out=concat(out,#);
+ );
+ out;
+// help:WritetoF("outdata",cmdL);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,filename,wfilename);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".input";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ wfilename=replace(filename,".input",".txt");
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(filename);
+ forall(1..(length(cmdL)),
+ tmp1=cmdL_#;
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ tmp1=tmp1+" --##";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1);
+ ,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp1);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," --##");
+ );
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,strL,
+ filename,wfile,flg);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ filename=fname+".input";
+ ,
+ filename=fname;
+ );
+ wfile=replace(filename,".input",".sfort");
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ flg=0;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="M",
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp2=replace(filename,".input",".sfort");
+ tmp1=load(tmp2);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1="";
+ if(iswindows(),
+ tmp2=Batparent;
+ ,
+ tmp2=Shellparent;
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp=="/" % tmp=="\", // 14.01.15
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2,0,#-1);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,#,length(tmp2));
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ setdirectory(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(iswindows(),
+// SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+// println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+// closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ tmp=Dq+PathF+"\bash"+Dq+" --login -i -c "+Dq+"/cygdrive/";
+ tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
+ if(indexof(tmp1,":")==0,
+ tmp=tmp+"c/"+tmp1+"/"+Dq;
+ ,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,":","");
+ tmp=tmp+tmp1+"/"+Dq;
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ Lf=unicode("10",base->10);
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh"+Lf);
+ tmp1=replace(Dirwork,"\","/");
+ if(indexof(tmp1,":")==0,
+ tmp="cd "+Dq+"/cygdrive/c/"+tmp1+Dq;
+ ,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,":","");
+ tmp="cd "+Dq+"/cygdrive/"+tmp1+Dq;
+ );
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+Lf);
+ tmp=Dq+"/opt/fricas/bin/fricas";
+ tmp=tmp+Dq+" -nox -eval ";
+ tmp=tmp+Dq+")read "+filename+Dq;
+// tmp=tmp+" > "+Dq+wfile+Dq;
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+Lf);
+ print(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0"+Lf);
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=Dq+PathF+Dq+" -nox -eval "+Dq+")read "+filename+Dq;
+// tmp=tmp+" > "+wfile;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,Fnametex));// 16.05.29,06.05
+ );
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ );
+//help:CalcbyF(options= ["m/r","Wait=5"]]);
+ regional(options,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,strL,eqL,
+ flg,wflg,file,nc,arg,cmdF,cmdlist,wfile,Alpha,
+ waiting,num,dig,varlist);
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=5;
+ dig=5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="W",
+ waiting=parse(tmp2);
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ file=Fhead+name+".input";
+ wfile=Fhead+name+".sfort";
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdF=cmd;
+ tmp1=")set breakmode quit";
+ tmp2=")set output fortran on";
+ tmp3=")set fortran precision single";
+ cmdlist=[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3];
+ tmp=")set output fortran "+wfile;
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp);
+ forall(1..floor(length(cmdF)/2),nc, //17.5.18
+ tmp1=cmdF_(2*nc-1);
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,LFmark,""); // 16.06.12
+ tmp2=cmdF_(2*nc); // list of argments
+ if(nc<length(cmdF)/2,
+ tmp3="";
+ forall(tmp2,arg,
+ if(isstring(arg),
+ tmp3=tmp3+arg+",";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+textformat(arg,dig)+",";
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp3)>0,
+ tmp3=tmp1+
+ "("+substring(tmp3,0,length(tmp3)-1)+")";
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp1;
+ );
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,tmp3);
+ ,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"::")==0,
+ varlist=[tmp1];
+ ,
+ varlist=tokenize(tmp1,"::");
+ );
+ forall(varlist,
+ cmdlist=append(cmdlist,"["+#+"]");
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ cmdlist=concat(cmdlist,["111111*1",")quit"]);
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=load(file);
+ if(length(tmp1)==0,
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ if(indexof(tmp1," --##")==0, // 15.11.26
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1," --##");
+ tmp1=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(cmdlist),
+ wflg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp=select(1..length(tmp1),tmp1_#!=cmdlist_#);
+ if(length(tmp)>0, wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1);
+ if(wflg==1,
+ if(length(wfile)>0,
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ );
+ WritetoF(file,cmdlist);
+ kcF(file,concat(options,["m"]));
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ if(wflg==1,wait(WaitUnit));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"Error")+indexof(tmp1,"find");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ println("Some error(s) occurred");
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp1," --##");
+ forall(tmp,
+ if(indexof(#,"Error")+indexof(#,"find")>0,
+ println(tmp_(length(tmp)));
+ );
+ );
+ flg=2;
+ );
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"111111")>0,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1," &","");
+ tmp3="[";
+ forall(1..length(varlist),
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"["+varlist_#+"]");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"(1)=");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp+3,length(tmp1));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1," ");
+ tmp3=tmp3+Dq+substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1)+Dq+",";
+ );
+ tmp3=replace(tmp3,"**","^");
+ tmp3=replace(tmp3,".0","");
+ tmp4="";
+ forall(1..length(tmp3),
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,#-1,#);
+ tmp1=indexof(Alpha,tmp);
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ tmp4=tmp4+unicode(text(tmp1+96),base->10);
+ ,
+ if(tmp==" " % tmp=="&",
+ ,
+ tmp4=tmp4+tmp;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+substring(tmp4,0,length(tmp4)-1)+"]";
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=parse(name);
+ if(length(tmp)==1,
+ tmp1=substring(tmp4,1,length(tmp3)-1);
+ parse(name+"="+tmp1);
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ println(wfile+" incomplete"+tmp); // 2016.02.24
+ ,
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ if(flg==1,
+ println(" Succeeded "+name+" ("+text(tmp2)+" sec)");
+ );
+ );
+ regional(nm,options,eqL,disp,cmdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ nm="fri"+name;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+ disp=1;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,3));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if((tmp1=="DIS") % (tmp1=="DSP") ,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(tmp2,0,1));
+ if((tmp=="F") % (tmp=="N"),
+ disp=0;
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ cmdL=[];
+ cmdL=concat(cmdL,[
+ "ans"+":="+fun,argL,
+ "ans",[]
+ ]);
+ CalcbyF(nm,cmdL,options);
+ if(disp==1, // 15.11.24
+ println(nm+" is : ");
+ println(parse(nm));
+ );
+ parse(nm);
+ if(isstring(Arg),
+ Mkketcindyjs(Arg,[])
+ ,
+ Mkketcindyjs("ketcindylib",Arg)
+ );
+Mkketcindyjs(libname,options):=( //17.11.18
+ regional(texflg,netflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ texflg="Y";
+ netflg="Y";
+ forall(options,
+ tmp1=Toupper(#);
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"TEX")>0,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ texflg=Toupper(substring(tmp1,tmp,tmp+1));
+ );
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"NET")>0,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ netflg=Toupper(substring(tmp1,tmp,tmp+1));
+ );
+ );
+ if(isexists(Dirwork,Fhead+".html"),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(Fhead+".r");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Looprange<- function(a,b){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if (a<=b) return(a:b)");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," return(c())");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd('"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtket=readLines('"+libname+".txt')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"setwd('"+Dirwork+"')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtjs=readLines('"+Fhead+".html')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Qt=rawToChar(as.raw(34))");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ "Dtinit=c(paste('<script id=',Qt,'csinit',Qt,' type=',Qt,'text/x-cindyscript',Qt,'>',sep=''))");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dtinit=c(Dtinit,Dtket,'</script>')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dthead=c()");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(1,length(Dtjs))){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('<script id=',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))==0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," Tmp=Dtjs[I]");
+ if(netflg=="N",
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep('link rel=',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))>0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp1='file:///"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS/CindyJS.css'");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp=paste(' <link rel=',Qt,'stylesheet',Qt,' href=',Qt,Tmp1,Qt,'>',sep='')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp1=length(grep('script type=',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp1=Tmp1*length(grep('Cindy.js',Tmp,fixed=TRUE))");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(Tmp1>0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp1='file:///"+Dirfile+"/CindyJS/Cindy.js'");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp=paste(' <script type=',Qt,'text/javascript',Qt,' src=',Qt,Tmp1,Qt,'>',sep='')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Tmp=paste(Tmp,'</script>',sep='')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Dthead=c(Dthead,Tmp)");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }else{");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Is=I; break");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ "}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dt=c()");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(Is,length(Dtjs))){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c(Dt,Dtjs[I])");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('</script>',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('draw',Dt[1],fixed=TRUE))>0){Dtdraw=Dt}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('keytyped',Dt[1],fixed=TRUE))>0){Dtkey=Dt}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c()");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," if(length(grep('<script id=',Dtjs[I+1],fixed=TRUE))==0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," Ie=I+1;break");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," }");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," }");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"Dt=c(Dthead,Dtdraw,Dtkey,Dtinit)");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"for(I in Looprange(Ie,length(Dtjs))){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep('Button',Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Figure',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Exekc',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'Parent',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'KeTJS',sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){next}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," Dt=c(Dt,Dtjs[I])");
+ if(texflg=="Y",
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " if(length(grep(paste(Qt,'cs*',Qt,sep=''),Dtjs[I],fixed=TRUE))>0){");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " Dt=c(Dt,paste(' use: [',Qt,'katex',Qt,'],',sep=''))");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,
+ " }");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"writeLines(Dt,'"+Fhead+"ketcindy.html',sep='\n')");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"quit()");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ kcR(PathR,Fhead+".r",["m"]);
+ ,
+ drawtext(mouse().xy-[0,1],"First export to CindyJS",size->24,color->[1,0,0]);
+ wait(3000);
+ );
+///////////////// C function //////////////////
+ regional(str,ter,out,hat,ns,ne,nn,jj,flg,
+ lv,str1,str2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ ter=["+","-","*","/","(",")"];
+ str=replace(strorg,"pi","M_PI");
+ hat=Indexall(str,"^");
+ out="";
+ ns=0;
+ forall(hat,nn,
+ tmp=substring(str,nn-2,nn-1);
+ if(tmp==")",
+ tmp1=substring(str,ns,nn-1);
+ tmp2=Parlevel(tmp1);
+ tmp=tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2;
+ lv=select(tmp2,#_2==-tmp);
+ tmp=lv_1_1;
+ out=out+substring(str,ns,ns+tmp-1);
+ str1=substring(str,ns+tmp,nn-2);
+ ,
+ flg=0;
+ tmp2=reverse(ns..(nn-1));
+ forall(tmp2,jj,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=substring(str,jj-1,jj);
+ if(contains(ter,tmp1),
+ tmp=jj;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(str,ns,tmp);
+ out=out+tmp1;
+ str1=substring(str,tmp,nn-1);
+ );
+ tmp=substring(str,nn,nn+1);
+ if(tmp=="(",
+ tmp1=substring(str,nn,length(str));
+ tmp2=Parlevel(tmp1);
+ lv=select(tmp2,#_2==-1);
+ tmp=lv_1_1;
+ str2=substring(tmp1,1,tmp-1);
+ ns=nn+tmp;
+ ,
+ flg=0;tmp=0;
+ forall(nn..(length(str)),jj,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=substring(str,jj,jj+1);
+ if((length(tmp1)==0)%(contains(ter,tmp1)),
+ tmp=jj;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ str2=substring(str,nn,tmp);
+ ns=nn+1;
+ );
+ out=out+"pow("+str1+","+str2+")";
+ );
+ str=out+substring(str,ns,length(str));
+ str=str+"#";
+ ter=apply(0..9,text(#));
+ ter=append(ter,".");
+ out="";
+ tmp=substring(str,0,1);
+ if(contains(ter,tmp),
+ flg=1;out="";tmp1=tmp;
+ ,
+ flg=0;out=tmp;tmp1="";
+ );
+ forall(2..(length(str)),
+ tmp=substring(str,#-1,#);
+ if(contains(ter,tmp),
+ if(flg==1,
+ tmp1=tmp1+tmp;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp;
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ ,
+ if(flg==1,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,".")==0,
+ tmp1=tmp1+".0";
+ );
+ out=out+tmp1+tmp;
+ ,
+ out=out+tmp;
+ );
+ tmp1="";flg=0;
+ );
+ );
+ out=substring(out,0,length(out)-1);
+ out;
+ regional(FdL,FdC,uvar,vvar,tmp,tmp1);
+ FdL=Fullformfunc(Fd);
+ tmp=indexof(FdL_5,"="); //180303from
+ uvar=substring(FdL_5,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp=indexof(FdL_6,"=");
+ vvar=substring(FdL_6,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp1=apply(2..6,Assign(FdL_#,uvar,"u"));
+ tmp1=apply(tmp1,Assign(#,vvar,"v"));
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,FdL_(7..8));
+ FdC=apply(1..3,name_#+"="+Cform(tmp1_#));
+ FdC=concat(FdC,[Cform(tmp1_4),Cform(tmp1_5)]);
+ FdC=concat(FdC,[tmp1_6]);
+ConstC(setlist):=( //180323
+ regional(divL,sizeL,epsL);
+ //Mdv=50; Ndv=50;
+ //DsizeLL=5000; DsizeL=1500; DsizeM=500; DsizeS=200;
+ //Eps=0.00001; Eps1=0.01; Eps2=0.1;
+ forall(setlist,
+ if((#_1>1)&(#_1<=200),
+ divL=#;
+ if(length(divL)==0,divL=[50]);
+ if(length(divL)==1,divL=append(divL,divL_1));
+ ,
+ if(#_1>=100,
+ sizeL=#;
+ if(length(sizeL)==0,sizeL=[5000]);
+ if(length(sizeL)==1,sizeL=append(sizeL,1500));
+ if(length(sizeL)==2,sizeL=append(sizeL,500));
+ if(length(sizeL)==3,sizeL=append(sizeL,200));
+ ,
+ epsL=#;
+ if(length(epsL)==0,epsL=[0.01]);
+ if(length(epsL)==1,epsL=append(epsL,0.1));
+ epsL=prepend(0.00001,epsL);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ ConstantListC=[divL,sizeL,epsL];
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,j, dW,dE,dS,dN,dstr,
+ DsizeLL,DsizeL,DsizeM,DsizeS,Eps,Eps1,Eps2,Eps3);
+ Mdv=50; Ndv=50;
+ DsizeLL=15000; DsizeL=1500; DsizeM=500; DsizeS=200;
+ Eps=0.00001; Eps1=0.05; Eps2=0.2; Eps3=1;
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
+ tmp=indexof(fdc_2,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(fdc_2,tmp,length(fdc_2));
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","{");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]","}");
+ tmp=indexof(fdc_3,"=");
+ tmp2=substring(fdc_3,tmp,length(fdc_3));
+ tmp2=replace(tmp2,"[","{");
+ tmp2=replace(tmp2,"]","}");
+ tmp="const double Urng[2]="+tmp1+", Vrng[2]="+tmp2;
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ tmp="const double XMIN="+Sprintf(XMIN,6);
+ tmp=tmp+",XMAX="+Sprintf(XMAX,6);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ tmp="const double THETA="+Sprintf(THETA,6);
+ tmp=tmp+",PHI="+Sprintf(PHI,6);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ tmp=" //THETA:"+Sprintf(THETA*180/pi,2);
+ tmp=tmp+", PHI:"+Sprintf(PHI*180/pi,2);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ dstr=fdc_4;
+ if(indexof(dstr,"w")>0,dW=1,dW=0);
+ if(indexof(dstr,"e")>0,dE=1,dE=0);
+ if(indexof(dstr,"s")>0,dS=1,dS=0);
+ if(indexof(dstr,"n")>0,dN=1,dN=0);
+ tmp="const int DrawW="+text(dW)+", DrawE="+text(dE);
+ tmp=tmp+", DrawS="+text(dS)+", DrawN="+text(dN);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ forall(j=5..(length(fdc)),
+ tmp=fdc_#; //17.05.21from
+ if(length(tmp)==2,
+ if(tmp_1>1, //17.05.24from
+ Mdv=tmp_1; Ndv=tmp_2;
+ ,
+ if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps1=tmp_1);
+ if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps2=tmp_2);
+ ); //17.05.24until
+ );
+ if(length(tmp)==3,
+ if(length(tmp_1)>0, DsizeLL=tmp_1);//17.06.09(3lines)
+ if(length(tmp_2)>0, DsizeL=tmp_2);
+ if(length(tmp_3)>0, DsizeM=tmp_3);
+ );
+ if(length(tmp)==4,
+ if(min(tmp)<1,
+ if(length(tmp_1)>0, Eps=tmp_1);
+ if(length(tmp_2)>0, Eps1=tmp_2);
+ if(length(tmp_3)>0, Eps2=tmp_3);
+ if(length(tmp_4)>0, Eps3=tmp_4);
+ ,
+ if(length(tmp_1)>0, DsizeLL=tmp_1);
+ if(length(tmp_2)>0, DsizeL=tmp_2);
+ if(length(tmp_3)>0, DsizeM=tmp_3);
+ if(length(tmp_4)>0, DsizeS=tmp_4);
+ )
+ );//17.05.21until
+ );
+ tmp1=text(fdc_5_1);
+ tmp2=text(fdc_5_2);
+ tmp="const int Mdv="+text(Mdv)+", Ndv="+text(Ndv);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ tmp="#define DsizeLL "+text(DsizeLL);//17.05.21
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeL "+text(DsizeL);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeM "+text(DsizeM);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeS "+text(DsizeS);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ tmp="const double Eps="+format(Eps,7);
+ tmp=tmp+", Eps1="+format(Eps1,7);
+ tmp=tmp+", Eps2="+format(Eps2,7);
+ tmp=tmp+", Eps3= "+format(Eps3,7);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp+";");
+ tmp="void surffun(double u, double v, double pt[3]){";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ forall(fdc_1,
+ tmp1=replace(#,"x=","pt[0]=");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"y=","pt[1]=");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"z=","pt[2]=");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," "+tmp1+";");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+//help:MainC(writewire("wire" (,2), [10,10]);)
+//help:MainC(writewire("wire", [[0.5,1],[0,1,2]]]);)
+//help:MainC(skeleton("sk",[objlist],[pltlist] (,width));)
+//help:MainC(writewire ptincrease (=2) are optional);)
+ regional(cmdL, tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,nL, nn,kk,jj, num, en,cmd,
+ ax1,ax2,ax3,path, var,varh,file,fileh, flg, cutctr);
+ path=Dirwork+"/"; //17.05.29from
+ path=replace(path,"\","/");
+ cmdL=cmdLorg;// 17.05.26from
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writeax");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
+ tmp=tmp2_1; // 17.06.08(5lines)
+ if(substring(tmp,length(tmp)-2,length(tmp))!="3d",
+ tmp=tmp+"3d";
+ );
+ tmp1=parse(tmp);
+ tmp="axx="+textformat(tmp1_1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp="axy="+textformat(tmp1_2,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp="axz="+textformat(tmp1_3,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.07(2lines)
+ "double axx[3][3], axy[3][3], axz[3][3];",[],
+ "spaceline",["axx"],
+ "spaceline",["axy"],
+ "spaceline",["axz"],
+ tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
+ "appendd3(2,1,2,axx,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
+ "appendd3(2,1,2,axy,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
+ "appendd3(2,1,2,axz,"+tmp2_1+");",[],
+ "writecrv",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2] //17.06.07
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writesc");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,
+ tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf"];
+ );
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.07(2lines)
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"h[DsizeL][3];",[],
+ "spaceline",[tmp2_1],
+ "writecrv",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2] //17.06.07
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writesfbd");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq;
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ fileh=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+"h.txt"+Dq;
+ tmp="Borderhiddendata";
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[], //17.06.09(6lines)
+ "sfbdparadata",[tmp2_1],
+ "output3h",[var, varh,file,tmp2_1],
+ "dataindexd3",[3,tmp2_1,"din"],
+ tmp2_2+"[0][0]=0;",[],
+ "appendd3",[2,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp2_1,tmp2_2]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writecrv");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq;
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "crvsfparadata",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2,1,"Crvdata"],
+ tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[], //17.06.09(3lines)
+ "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
+ "output3h",[var, varh, file,tmp2_1]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writescrvonsf");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==1,tmp2=append(tmp2,"Surf"));
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09(8lines)
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[],
+ " crv3onsfparadata",[tmp2_1,tmp2_2,1,"Crvdata"],
+ tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
+ "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
+ "output3h",[var,varh, file ,tmp2_1]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writecut");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ cutctr=0;
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ cutctr=#;
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(length(tmp2)==2,
+ tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf",tmp2_2];
+ );
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09(10lines)
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "cutfun",[tmp2_3],
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeL][3];",[],
+ "sfcutdata",[text(cutctr),"out"], //17.06.02
+ "crv3onsfparadata",["out",tmp2_2,"Crvdata"],
+ tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
+ "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Crvdata)","Crvdata",tmp2_1],
+ "output3h",[var, varh, file, tmp2_1]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(nL_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="writewire");
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1)),tmp3=[]);
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_#+1);
+ if(!isstring(tmp2_2),
+ tmp2=[tmp2_1,"Surf",tmp2_2,tmp2_3];
+ );
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ varh=Dq+tmp2_1+"h3d"+Dq; //17.06.09
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ tmp4=tmp2_(length(tmp2)); num=2;
+ if(!islist(tmp4),
+ num=tmp4; tmp4=tmp2_(length(tmp2)-1);
+ );
+ if(!islist(tmp4_1),
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double udv[2]={-1,"+text(tmp4_1)+"};",[]
+ ]);
+ ,
+ len=length(tmp4_1);
+ tmp="double udv["+text(len+1)+"]={"+text(len)+",";
+ forall(tmp4_1,
+ tmp=tmp+format(#,5)+",";
+ );
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"};";
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[tmp,[]]);
+ );
+ if(!islist(tmp4_2),
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double vdv[2]={-1,"+text(tmp4_2)+"};",[]
+ ]);
+ ,
+ len=length(tmp4_2);
+ tmp="double vdv["+text(len+1)+"]={"+text(len)+",";
+ forall(tmp4_2,
+ tmp=tmp+format(#,5)+",";
+ );
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"};";
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[tmp,[]]);
+ );
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "double "+tmp2_1+"[DsizeLL][3];",[], //17.06.09(5lines)
+ "wireparadata",["Surf", "udv","vdv", num, "Wiredata"],
+ tmp2_1+"[0][0]=0;",[],
+ "appendd3",[0,1,"length3(Wiredata)","Wiredata",tmp2_1],
+ "output3h",[var, varh, file, tmp2_1]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(#<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(tmp_(#+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_#+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );
+ );// 17.05.29until
+ nL=select(1..(length(cmdL)),cmdL_#=="skeleton");// 17.06.05from
+ cmd=[];
+ if(length(nL)>0,
+ tmp3=cmdL_(1..(nL_1-1));
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,["double sk[DsizeLL][3];",[]]);//17.06.13
+ ,
+ tmp3=[];
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(nL)),nn,
+ tmp2=cmdL_(nL_nn+1);
+ var=Dq+tmp2_1+"3d"+Dq;
+ file=Dq+path+FheadC+tmp2_1+".txt"+Dq;
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[ //17.06.08from
+ "data[0][0]=0;",[]
+ ]);
+ forall(tmp2_2,
+ if(substring(#,length(#)-1,length(#))!="h",
+ tmp1=#;
+ tmp=[0,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp1,"data"];
+ ,
+ tmp1=substring(#,0,length(#)-1);
+ tmp=[0,"din[2][0]","din[2][1]",tmp1,"data"];
+ );
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "dataindexd3",[3,tmp1,"din"],
+ "appendd3",tmp
+ ]);
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(tmp2_3)),
+ if(substring(tmp2_3_#,length(tmp2_3_#)-1,length(tmp2_3_#))!="h",
+ tmp1=tmp2_3_#;
+ tmp=[0,"din[1][0]","din[1][1]",tmp1,"data"];
+ ,
+ tmp1=substring(tmp2_3_#,0,length(tmp2_3_#)-1);
+ tmp=[0,"din[2][0]","din[2][1]",tmp1,"data"];
+ );
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "push3",["Inf",3,0,"data"],
+ "dataindexd3",[3,tmp1,"din"],
+ "appendd3",tmp
+ ]);
+ );
+ if(length(tmp2)<=3,tmp=1,tmp=tmp2_4);
+ tmp3=concat(tmp3,[
+ "skeletondata3",["data", tmp, "Eps1","Eps2","sk"],//17.06.13
+ "output3",[var, file, 2, "sk"]
+ ]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ if(nn<length(nL),
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_nn+2)..(nL_(nn+1)-1));
+ ,
+ tmp3=cmdL_((nL_nn+2)..(length(cmdL)));
+ cmdL=concat(cmd,tmp3);
+ );//17.06.08until
+ );// 17.06.05until
+ path=DirlibC+"/";
+ path=replace(path,"\","/");
+ cmd=[
+ "#include <stdio.h>", "#include <math.h>",
+ "#include "+Dq+FheadC+"header.h"+Dq,
+ "#include "+Dq+path+"ketcommon.h"+Dq,
+ "#include "+Dq+path+"surflibhead.h"+Dq,
+ "#include "+Dq+path+"surflib.h"+Dq,
+ "int main(void){",
+ " double out[DsizeL][3], data[DsizeLL][3];", //17.06.10
+ " int i, j, nall, din[DsizeS][2];" //17.06.09
+ ];
+// tmp=select(cmdL,#=="cutfun");
+// if(length(tmp)==0,
+ if(cutctr==0, //17.06.02
+ cmdL=prepend(["1"],cmdL);
+ cmdL=prepend("cutfun",cmdL);
+ );// 17.05.26until
+ cutctr=0;
+ forall(1..(floor(length(cmdL))/2),nn,
+ tmp1=cmdL_(2*nn-1); tmp2=cmdL_(2*nn);
+ flg=0; // 17.05.26from
+ if(tmp1=="cutfun",
+ cutctr=cutctr+1;
+ tmp=select(1..(length(cmd)), indexof(cmd_#,"main")>0);
+ tmp3=cmd_((tmp_1)..(length(cmd)));
+ cmd=cmd_(1..(tmp_1-1));
+ cmd=append(cmd,"double cutfun"+text(cutctr)+"(double u, double v){");
+ cmd=append(cmd," double p[3],val;");
+ cmd=append(cmd," surffun(u,v,p);");
+ tmp=" val="+assign(tmp2_1,["x","p[0]","y","p[1]","z","p[2]"])+";";
+ cmd=concat(cmd, [tmp," return val;", "}"]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd, tmp3);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="xyzax3data",
+ tmp=" "+tmp1+"(";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_1_1_1,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_1_2_1,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_2_1_2,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_2_2_2,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_3_1_3,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_1_3_2_3,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+tmp2_2+");";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="spaceline",
+ if(!isstring(tmp2_1),
+ println(tmp2_1+" should be assgined as a string");
+ ,
+ tmp3=parse(tmp2_1);
+ tmp=text(length(tmp3)+1);
+// cmd=append(cmd, " double "+tmp2_1+"["+tmp+"][3];");
+ tmp=text(length(tmp3));
+ cmd=append(cmd, " "+tmp2_1+"[0][0]="+tmp+";");
+ forall(1..(length(tmp3)),
+ tmp=" "+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][0]="+textformat(tmp3_#_1,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][1]="+textformat(tmp3_#_2,5)+",";
+ tmp=tmp+tmp2_1+"["+text(#)+"][2]="+textformat(tmp3_#_3,5)+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=" "+tmp1;
+ if(length(tmp2)>0,
+ tmp=tmp+"(";
+ forall(1..length(tmp2),kk,
+ if(isstring(tmp2_kk),
+ if((kk==1)&(substring(tmp1,0,5)=="write"),
+ file=path+FheadC+tmp2_kk+".txt";
+ fileh=path+FheadC+tmp2_kk+"h.txt";
+ tmp=tmp+Dq+tmp2_kk+Dq+","+Dq+file+Dq+","+Dq+fileh+Dq;
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp+tmp2_kk;
+ );
+ ,
+ if(!islist(tmp2_kk),
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp2_kk,5);
+ ,
+ );
+ );
+ if(kk<length(tmp2),
+ tmp=tmp+",";
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp+");";
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd, tmp);// 17.05.26until
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=select(1..(length(cmd)), indexof(cmd_#,"main")>0);//17.06.02from
+ tmp3=cmd_((tmp_1)..(length(cmd)));
+ cmd=cmd_(1..(tmp_1-1));
+ cmd=append(cmd,"double cutfun(int ch, double u, double v){");
+ cmd=append(cmd," double val;");
+ forall(1..cutctr,
+ tmp=text(#);
+ cmd=append(cmd," if(ch=="+tmp+"){val=cutfun"+tmp+"(u,v);}");
+ );
+ cmd=concat(cmd,[" return val;", "}"]);
+ cmd=concat(cmd, tmp3);//17.06.02until
+ cmd=concat(cmd, [" return 0;", "}"]);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(fname);
+ forall(cmd,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=fileslist(Dirwork); // 17.05.20from
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp,",");
+ tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,".txt")>0);
+ tmp=select(tmp,indexof(#,FheadC)>0);
+ forall(tmp,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(#);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ ); // 17.05.20until
+ regional(tmp, tmp1,flg,rfile);
+ rfile="resultC"+cname+".txt";
+ if(iswindows(),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("kc.bat");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"set path="+Dirwork);
+ tmp=Indexall(PathC,"\");
+ if(length(tmp)==0, tmp=ndexall(PathC,"/"));
+ tmp1=substring(PathC,0,tmp_(length(tmp))-1);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+tmp1);
+ tmp=PathC+" %path%\"+cname+".c";
+ tmp=tmp+" -o %path%\main.exe";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"%path%\main.exe");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"echo //// > %path%\"+rfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=cname+".txt";
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Batparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));
+ ,
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"#!/bin/sh");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"cd "+Dq+Dirwork+Dq);
+ tmp=PathC+" "+cname+".c -o main.out";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"./main.out");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"echo //// >"+rfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"exit 0");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ tmp=cname+".txt";
+ println(kc(Dirwork+Shellparent,Mackc+Dirlib,tmp));
+ );
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ flg=0;
+ repeat(floor(10*1000/WaitUnit),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=load(wfile);
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,4)=="////",
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ println("Ckc not completed");
+ ,
+ println("Ckc succeeded");
+ );
+ReadCdataold(var, fname):=ReadCdata(var, fname,[]);
+ReadCdata(var, fname,options):=(
+ regional(file,dt,name,str,tmp,tmp1,opstr,gout, out3,out2);
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0,
+ file=fname+".txt";
+ name=fname;
+ ,
+ file=fname;
+ tmp=indexof(fname,".");
+ name=substring(fname,0,tmp-1);
+ );
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ opstr=tmp_8;
+ gout=ReadOutData(file);
+ GLIST=Append(GLIST,"Tmpstr=ReadOutData("+Dq+file+Dq+")");
+ if(substring(var,length(var)-1,length(var))!="h",
+ if(length(parse(gout_1))>0,
+ Projpara(var+"3d",options);
+ );
+ ,
+ if(length(parse(gout_2))>0,
+ Projpara(var+"3d",options);
+ );
+ );//17.06.16until
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,fname,data,out);
+ fname=fnameorg;
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0, fname=fname+".txt");
+ data=load(fname);
+ data=tokenize(data," -99999");
+ out=[];
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(1..(length(data)-1),
+ tmp=replace(data_#," ",",");
+ if(indexof(tmp,"99999.")==0,
+ tmp="["+replace(data_#," ",",")+"]";
+ tmp=parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
+ ,
+ out=append(out,tmp1);
+ tmp1=[];
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,out=append(out,tmp1));
+ out;
+//help:WriteCdata(filename, 3ddata);
+ regional(tmp,fname,data,kk,nn,pt);
+ data=dataorg;
+ if(isstring(data),data=parse(data));
+ if(MeasureDepth(data)==1,data=[data]);
+ fname=fnameorg;
+ if(indexof(fname,".")==0, fname=fname+".txt");
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(fname);
+ forall(1..(length(data)),kk,
+ forall(1..(length(data_kk)),nn,
+ pt=apply(1..3,Sprintf(data_kk_nn_#,5));
+ tmp=pt_1+" "+pt_2+" "+pt_3+" -99999";
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,tmp);
+ );
+ if(kk<length(data),
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"99999.00000 2.00000 0.00000 -99999");
+ );
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+//help:DispC(options=["dr", "Color=[0,0,0]"])
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,cflg,var, file,options,eqL,opcindy,color);
+ forall(1..(floor(length(dispc)/2)), //17.05.18
+ var=dispc_(2*#-1); // 17.05.24
+ if(substring(var,length(var)-1,length(var))!="h",//17.06.09(5lines)
+ file=FheadC+var+".txt";
+ ,
+ file=FheadC+substring(var,0,length(var)-1)+".txt";
+ );
+ options=dispc_(2*#);
+ cflg=0;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);//17.06.18from
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ opcindy=tmp_9;
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,2))=="CO",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ color=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(substring(color,0,1)=="[",
+ color=parse(color);
+ if(length(color)==3,
+ tmp1="color->"+text(color);
+ ,
+ tmp=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",color);
+ tmp1="color->"+text(tmp);
+ );
+ options=append(options,tmp1);
+ );
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ cflg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(cflg==1,
+ Texcom("{");
+ Setcolor(color);
+ );
+ ReadCdata(var,file,options);// 17.05.24
+ if(cflg==1,
+ Texcom("}");
+ );
+ );
+ regional(cmd,jj,divL,sizeL,epsL,nf,var1,var2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ divL=ConstantListC_1;
+ sizeL=ConstantListC_2;
+ epsL=ConstantListC_3;
+ cmd=[];
+ tmp="const double XMIN="+Sprintf(XMIN,6);
+ tmp=tmp+",XMAX="+Sprintf(XMAX,6)+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp="const double THETA="+Sprintf(THETA,6);
+ tmp=tmp+",PHI="+Sprintf(PHI,6)+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp=" //THETA:"+Sprintf(THETA*180/pi,2);
+ tmp=tmp+", PHI:"+Sprintf(PHI*180/pi,2)+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(divL,text(#));
+ tmp="const int Mdv="+tmp1_1+",Ndv="+tmp1_2+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(sizeL,text(#));
+ tmp="#define DsizeLL "+tmp1_1;
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeL "+tmp1_2;
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeM "+tmp1_3;
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp="#define DsizeS "+tmp1_4;
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp1=apply(epsL,format(#,7));
+ tmp="const double Eps="+tmp1_1;
+ tmp=tmp+", Eps1="+tmp1_2;
+ tmp=tmp+", Eps2="+tmp1_3+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ tmp="const char dirname[]="+Dq+Dirwork+"/"+Dq+";";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ cmd=append(cmd,"double Urng[2],Vrng[2];");
+ cmd=append(cmd, "int DrawE,DrawW,DrawS,DrawN;");
+ cmd=append(cmd,"void rangeUV(short ch){");
+ cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
+ forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
+ tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
+ forall(4..5,
+ tmp1=FuncListC_nf_#; tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp+1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ tmp1=tokenize(tmp1,",");
+ if(#==4,tmp="Urng",tmp="Vrng");
+ tmp2=tmp2+tmp+"[0]="+tmp1_1+";"+tmp+"[1]="+tmp1_2+";";
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd," }");
+ cmd=append(cmd, "}");
+ cmd=append(cmd,"void boundary(short ch){");
+ cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
+ forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
+ tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
+ tmp=FuncListC_nf_6;
+ tmp2=tmp2+"DrawE=";
+ if(indexof(tmp,"e")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
+ tmp2=tmp2+"DrawW=";
+ if(indexof(tmp,"w")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
+ tmp2=tmp2+"DrawS=";
+ if(indexof(tmp,"s")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
+ tmp2=tmp2+"DrawN=";
+ if(indexof(tmp,"n")>0,tmp2=tmp2+"1;",tmp2=tmp2+"0;");
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd," }");
+ cmd=append(cmd,"}");
+ tmp="void surffun(short ch,double u, double v, double p[3]){";
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp);
+ cmd=append(cmd," switch(ch){");
+ forall(1..(length(FuncListC)),nf,
+ tmp2=" case "+text(nf)+" : ";
+ forall(1..3,
+ tmp1=FuncListC_nf_#; tmp=indexof(tmp1,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,tmp,length(tmp1));
+ tmp2=tmp2+"p["+text(#-1)+"]="+tmp1+";";
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd,tmp2);
+ );
+ cmd=append(cmd," }");
+ cmd=append(cmd,"}");
+ cmd;
+ regional(path,cmd);
+ path=DirlibC+"/";
+ path=replace(path,"\","/");
+ cmd=[
+ "#include <stdio.h>", "#include <math.h>",
+ "#include "+Dqq(Fhead+name+"header.h"),
+ "#include "+Dqq(path+"ketcommonhead.h"),
+ "#include "+Dqq(path+"ketcommon.h"),
+ "#include "+Dq+path+"surflibhead.h"+Dq,
+ "#include "+Dq+path+"surflib.h"+Dq,
+ "double cutfun1(short ch,double u, double v){",
+ " double p[3],val;",
+ " surffun(ch,u,v,p);",
+ " val=1;",
+ " return val;",
+ "}",
+ "double cutfun(short ch, int chcut, double u, double v){",
+ " double p[3],val;",
+ " switch(chcut){",
+ " case 1: val=cutfun1(ch,u,v);",
+ " }",
+ " return val;",
+ "}",
+ "int main(void){",
+ " double out[DsizeL][3], data[DsizeLL][3];",
+ " int i, j, nall, din[DsizeS][2];",
+ " char dirfname[256] = {'\0'};"
+ ];
+ cmd;
+ regional(hfile,mfile,top,body,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ hfile=Fhead+nm+"header.h";
+ mfile=Fhead+nm+".c";
+ top=main_1;
+ body=main_2;
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(hfile);
+ forall(header,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"/**/");
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(mfile);
+ forall(top,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#);
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"/**/");
+ forall(body,
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,#+"/**/");
+ );
+ println(SCEOUTPUT," return 0;");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"}");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ CalcbyC(name,Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+ ,
+ CalcbyC(name,PathC,Arg1,Arg2);
+ );
+ regional(options,eqL,strL,waiting,wflg,header,top,body,
+ wfile,hfile,mfile,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ header=cmd_1;
+ top=cmd_2;
+ body=cmd_3;
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=divoptions(options);
+// eqL=tmp_5;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=30;
+ wfile="resultC"+Fhead+name+".txt";
+ hfile=Fhead+name+"header.h";
+ println(Dirwork);
+ println(hfile);
+ mfile=Fhead+name+".c";
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=header;
+ if(!isexists(Dirwork,hfile),wflg=1);
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp2=load(hfile);
+ tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"/**/");
+ tmp2=tmp2_(1..(length(tmp2)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),wflg=1);
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
+ if(tmp1_#!=tmp2_#,wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp1=body;
+ if(!isexists(Dirwork+"/",mfile),wflg=1);
+ if(wflg==0,
+ tmp2=load(mfile);
+ tmp2=tokenize(tmp2,"/**/");
+ tmp2=tmp2_(2..(length(tmp2)-1));
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),wflg=1);
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
+ if(tmp1_#!=tmp2_#,wflg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(wflg==0,wflg=-1);
+ );
+ if(wflg==1,
+ WritetoC(name,header,[top,body]);
+ SCEOUTPUT=openfile(wfile);
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ kcC(Fhead+name);
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp1=floor(waiting*1000/WaitUnit);
+ repeat(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=load(wfile);
+ if(length(tmp)>=4,
+ tmp2=substring(tmp,length(tmp)-4,length(tmp));
+ if(tmp2=="////",
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-4);
+ flg=1;
+ tmp2=#*WaitUnit/1000;
+ );
+ ,
+ if(wflg==-1,
+ flg=-1;
+ ,
+ wait(WaitUnit);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg<=0,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ if(flg==-1,
+ println(wfile+" does not exist");
+ ,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp="("+text(waiting)+" s )";
+ println(wfile+" not generated "+tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ SfbdparadataC(nm,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
+ SfbdparadataC(nm,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
+ regional(funnm,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,waiting,
+ eqL,reL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg);
+ if(ChNumber==0,ChNumber=Ch);
+ fd=ConvertFdtoC(fdorg);
+ FuncListC=append(FuncListC,fd);
+ funnm=text(length(FuncListC));
+ name2="sfbd2d"+nm;
+ name3="sfbd3d"+nm;
+ name2h="sfbdh2d"+nm;
+ name3h="sfbdh3d"+nm;
+ fname=Fhead+"sfbd"+nm+".txt";
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=120;
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ options=remove(options,eqL);
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ options=select(options,length(#)>0);
+ cmdL=[
+ " double sfbd"+funnm+"[DsizeL][3];",
+ " char fname"+funnm+"[]="+Dqq(fname)+";",
+ " rangeUV("+funnm+");",
+ " boundary("+funnm+");",
+ " sfbdparadata("+funnm+",sfbd"+funnm+");",
+ " sprintf(dirfname,"+Dqq("%s%s")+",dirname,fname"+funnm+");",
+ " output3h("+Dqq("sfbd3d"+nm)+","+Dqq("sfbdh3d"+nm)+",dirfname,sfbd"+funnm+");";
+ ];
+ if(wflg==1,tmp1=append(options,"m"));
+ if(wflg==-1,tmp1=append(options,"r"));
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ tmp="sfbd"+nm;
+ CalcbyC(tmp,[Cheadsurf(),Ctopsurf(tmp),cmdL],tmp1);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ err("Sfbdparadata not completed");
+ ,
+ ReadOutData(fname);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,"ReadOutData("+Dqq(fname)+")");
+ if(islist(parse(name3)),
+ tmp1=name2+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3)+",[";
+ tmp2="";
+ if(length(options)>0,
+ forall(options,
+ tmp2=tmp2+Dqq(#)+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+tmp2+"]);";
+ parse(tmp1);
+ if(length(optionsh)==0,tmp2=["nodisp"],tmp2=optionsh);
+ tmp1=name2h+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3h)+",[";
+ forall(tmp2,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Dqq(#)+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]);";
+ parse(tmp1);
+ ,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ );
+ );
+ CrvsfparadataC(nm,fk,fbdy,fd,[],["nodisp"]);
+ SfbdparadataC(nm,fk,fbdy,fd,options,["nodisp"]);
+ regional(funnm,fd,options,name2,name3,name2h,name3h,waiting,
+ eqL,reL,strL,fname,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg,wflg,flg,ii,jj,eps);
+ eps=10^(-5);
+ fd=ConvertFdtoC(fdorg);
+ tmp=select(1..(length(FuncListC)),FuncListC_#==fd);
+ funcnum=tmp_1;
+ name2="crvsf2d"+nm;
+ name3="crvsf3d"+nm;
+ name2h="crvsfh2d"+nm;
+ name3h="crvsfh3d"+nm;
+ fname=Fhead+"crvsf"+nm+".txt";
+ options=optionorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ waiting=120;
+ wflg=0;
+ forall(strL,
+ tmp=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ if(tmp=="M",
+ wflg=1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ if(tmp=="R",
+ wflg=-1;
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ options=remove(options,eqL);
+ options=remove(options,reL);
+ options=select(options,length(#)>0);
+// tmp1=[Dqq(fname),Dqq(name3),name3,Dqq(name2),name2];
+// tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Dqq(name3h),name3h,Dqq(name2h),name2h]);
+ tmp2=parse(Fbdy);
+ flg=0;
+ tmp=Fhead+Fbdy+".dat";
+ if(!isexists(Dirwork,tmp),flg=1);
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=ReadCdata(tmp);
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),flg=1);
+ if(flg==0,
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),ii,
+ if(length(tmp1_ii)!=length(tmp2_ii),flg=1);
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1_ii)),jj,
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(Norm(tmp1_ii_jj-tmp2_ii_jj)>eps,flg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,WriteCdata(tmp,Fbdy));
+ tmp2=parse(Fk);
+ flg=0;
+ tmp=Fhead+Fk+".dat";
+ if(!isexists(Dirwork,tmp),flg=1);
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=ReadCdata(tmp);
+ if(length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2),flg=1);
+ if(flg==0,
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),ii,
+ if(length(tmp1_ii)!=length(tmp2_ii),flg=1);
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1_ii)),jj,
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(Norm(tmp1_ii_jj-tmp2_ii_jj)>eps,flg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,WriteCdata(tmp,Fk));
+ cmdL=[
+ " double fbdy[DsizeL][3],fk[DsizeL][3];",
+ " char fname"+nm+"[]="+Dqq(fname)+";",
+ " rangeUV("+funnm+");",
+ " boundary("+funnm+");",
+ " readdata3("+Dqq(Fhead+Fbdy+".dat")+",fbdy);",
+ " readdata3("+Dqq(Fhead+Fk+".dat")+",fk);",
+ " crvsfparadata(fk,fbdy, 0, out);",
+ " sprintf(dirfname,"+Dqq("%s%s")+",dirname,fname"+nm+");",
+ " output3h("+Dqq("crvsf3d"+nm)+","+Dqq("crvsfh3d"+nm)+",dirfname,out);"
+ ];
+ if(wflg==1,tmp1=append(options,"m"));
+ if(wflg==-1,tmp1=append(options,"r"));
+ if(ErrFlag==0,
+ tmp="crvsf"+nm;
+ CalcbyC(tmp,[Cheadsurf(),Ctopsurf(tmp),cmdL],tmp1);
+ );
+ if(ErrFlag==1,
+ err("Crvsfparadata not completed");
+ ,
+ ReadOutData(fname);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,"ReadOutData("+Dqq(fname)+")");
+ if(islist(parse(name3)),
+ tmp1=name2+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3)+",[";
+ tmp2="";
+ if(length(options)>0,
+ forall(options,
+ tmp2=tmp2+Dqq(#)+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+tmp2+"]);";
+ parse(tmp1);
+ if(length(optionsh)==0,tmp2=["nodisp"],tmp2=optionsh);
+ tmp1=name2h+"=Projpara("+Dqq(name3h)+",[";
+ forall(tmp2,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Dqq(#)+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"]);";
+ parse(tmp1);
+ ,
+ ErrFlag=1;
+ );
+ );