path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs')
1 files changed, 5932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f45ffee8d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/ketcindy/ketlib/ketcindylibbasic1r.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5932 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014 Setsuo Takato, KETCindy Japan project team
+//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>
+println("KETCindy V.3.2.0(20180409)");
+println("ketcindylibbasic1(20180408) loaded");
+Ch=[0]; ChNum=1;
+ regional(pt,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,letterc,boxc,shadowc,mboxc);
+ PenThickInit=8;
+ ULEN="1cm";
+ MEMORI=0.05;//18.01.15from
+ MARKLEN=0.05;
+ GENTEN=[0,0];//18.01.15until
+ MilliIn=1/2.54*1000;
+ PenThick=round(MilliIn*0.02);
+ PenThickInit=PenThick;
+ TenSizeInit=0.02;
+ TenSize=TenSizeInit;
+ YaSize=1; YaAngle=18; YaPosition=1;
+ YaThick=1; YaStyle='tf';
+ KCOLOR=[0,0,0];
+ GLIST=[];
+ GCLIST=[];
+ VLIST=[];
+ LETTERlist=[];
+ COM0thlist=[];
+ COM1stlist=[];
+ COM2ndlist=[];
+ ADDAXES="1";
+ LFmark=unicode("000a");
+ CRmark=unicode("000d");//16.12.13
+ Dq=unicode("0022");
+ WaitUnit=10;
+ OutComList=[];
+ OutFileLIst=[]; // 15.10.22
+ FigPdfList=[]; // 16.04.08
+ ADDPACK=[]; // 16.05.16
+ ErrFlag=0;
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ if(!isstring(Fhead), // 17.10.13from, 17.11.12
+ Fhead=text(curkernel());
+ Fhead=replace(Fhead,".cdy","");
+ Slidename=Fhead; //17.10.24
+ );//17.11.12
+ Dircdy=replace(Dircdy,"%E3%80%80"," ");//180405
+ tmp1=Indexall(Dircdy,"%"); //180329from
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,length(Dircdy));
+ tmp2=substring(Dircdy,0,tmp1_1-1);
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)-1),
+ tmp=substring(Dircdy,tmp1_#,tmp1_#+2);
+ tmp2=tmp2+unicode(tmp);
+ tmp2=tmp2+substring(Dircdy,tmp1_#+2,tmp1_(#+1)-1);
+ );
+ Dircdy=tmp2;
+ ); //180329to
+ if(iswindows(), //17.12.01
+ Dircdy=replace(Dircdy,"/",pathsep());
+ if(substring(Dircdy,0,1)==pathsep(),
+ Dircdy=substring(Dircdy,1,length(Dircdy));
+ );
+ Changesetting([gethome(), gethome()+"\Desktop","C:"]); //180405
+ ,
+ Changesetting([gethome(),gethome()+"/Desktop"]);
+ );
+ Changework(Dircdy+pathsep()+"fig"); //180329to
+ Fnametex=Fhead+".tex";
+ FnameR=Fhead+".r";
+ FnamebodyR=Fhead+"body.r";
+ Fnameout=Fhead+".txt"; // 17.10.13until
+ if(!isstring(Mackc),// 16.06.07
+ Mackc="sh";
+ );
+ if(iswindows(),
+ Batparent="\kc.bat";
+ ,
+ Shellparent="/";
+ if(!isexists(Dirwork,""),
+ println(Dirwork+" not exists");
+ ,
+ if(!iskcexists(Dirwork),
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile(Shellparent);
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(Shellparent+" generated");
+ );
+ println(setexec(Dirwork,Shellparent));
+ );
+ );
+ ArrowlineNumber=1; // 15.01.05
+ ArrowheadNumber=1;
+ BezierNumber=1; //15.01.03
+ SCALEY=sy;
+// Setscaling(sy);
+ XMIN=rangex_1/SCALEX;
+ XMAX=rangex_2/SCALEX;
+ YMIN=rangey_1/SCALEY;
+ YMAX=rangey_2/SCALEY;
+ Setwindow("Msg=n"); // 16.05.31
+ // for Presentation
+ letterc=[0.98,0.13,0,0.43]; boxc=[0,0.32,0.52,0];
+ shadowc=[0,0,0,0.5]; mboxc="yellow"; //17.03.02 regional debugged
+ SlideColorList=[letterc,boxc,boxc,boxc,shadowc,shadowc,6,1.3,
+ letterc,mboxc,mboxc,mboxc,62,2,letterc];
+ ThinDense=0.1;//17.01.08
+ if(indexof(PathS,"-5.")>0,//17.12.03from
+ LibnameS=Dirlib+pathsep()+"ketpicsciL5";
+ ,
+ LibnameS=Dirlib+pathsep()+"ketpicscifiles6";
+ );
+ if(indexof(PathT,"pdflatex")+indexof(PathT,"lualatex")>0,
+ LibnameS=replace(LibnameS,"ketpic","ketpic2e");
+ );//17.12.03until
+Changesetting(dirL):=( //180329
+ regional(fname,tmp1,flg);
+ fname="changesetting.txt";
+ tmp1=apply(dirL,#+pathsep()+"ketcindy");
+ tmp1=prepend(Dircdy,tmp1);
+ flg=0;
+ forall(tmp1,
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(isexists(#,fname),
+ setdirectory(#);
+ import(fname);
+ println(fname+" imported from "+#);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ println(fname+" not exists in "+text(tmp1));
+ println(" Put "+fname+" in one of folders above");
+ );
+Getcdyname():=( //17.12.27
+ regional(out);
+ out=text(curkernel());
+ out=replace(out,".cdy","");
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,msg);
+ msg="y";
+ tmp=indexof(str,"="); // 16.02.10
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(str,tmp,tmp+1));
+ if(tmp1=="N",msg="n");
+ if((ispoint(SW) & ispoint(NE)),
+ tmp1=Lcrd(SW);
+ tmp2=Lcrd(NE);
+ XMIN=tmp1_1; XMAX=tmp2_1;
+ YMIN=tmp1_2; YMAX=tmp2_2;
+ ,
+// XMIN=-5; XMAX=5;
+// YMIN=Lcrdy(-5); YMAX=Lcrdy(5);
+// createpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));
+// createpoint("NE", Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));
+ Putpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));
+ Putpoint("NE", Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));
+ );
+ if(msg=="y",
+ println("Setwindow(["+XMIN+","+XMAX+"],["+YMIN+","+YMAX+"])");
+ );
+ autoclearlayer(KETPICLAYER,true);
+ drawpoly([Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]), Pcrd([XMAX,YMIN]),
+ Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]),Pcrd([XMIN,YMAX])],color->[1,1,1]);
+ XMIN=xrange_1;
+ XMAX=xrange_2;
+ YMIN=yrange_1;
+ YMAX=yrange_2;
+ Putpoint("SW",Pcrd([XMIN,YMIN]));//17.05.30
+ Putpoint("NE",Pcrd([XMAX,YMAX]));//17.05.30
+// Ketinit();
+Setfiles(file):=( // 17.01.16
+ Fhead=file;
+ Fnametex=Fhead+".tex";
+ FnameR=Fhead+".r"; //17.10.14
+ FnamebodyR=Fhead+"body.sce";
+ Fnameout=Fhead+".txt";
+Setparent(file):=( // 17.11.27
+ Texparent=file;
+Dqq(str):=DqDq(str); //18.02.11
+//help(Dqq("ab"); => Dq+"ab"+Dq)
+ unicode("0022")+str+unicode("0022");
+ regional(dtstr,dtall,dt,rep,out,crm,lfm,htm,first,eqL,sep,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ crm=unicode("000d");
+ lfm=unicode("000a");
+ htm=unicode("0009");
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ rep="";
+ sep=htm;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(tmp1=="B",
+ tmp1="0123456789+-."; // 16.09.28from
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,0,1);
+ if(indexof(tmp1,tmp)>0,rep=parse(tmp2),rep=tmp2); // 16.09.28until
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="S", // 16.12.04
+ if(tmp2!="tab",sep=tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ first=lfm; // 16.09.05from
+ if(indexof(dtstr,crm)>0,
+ first=crm;
+ if(indexof(dtstr,crm+lfm)>0,
+ first=first+lfm;
+ ); // 16.09.05until
+ );
+ dtstr=dtstrorg;// 16.09.19from
+ tmp=substring(dtstr,length( dtstr)-1,length(dtstr));
+ if(tmp!=lfm,
+ dtstr=dtstr+first;
+ );// 16.09.19until
+ tmp1=Indexall(dtstr,first);
+ tmp1=prepend(0,tmp1);
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,length(dtstr));
+ dtall=[];
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)-1),
+ tmp=substring(dtstr,tmp1_#,tmp1_(#+1)-1);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ dtall=append(dtall,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ out=[];
+ forall(dtall,dt,
+ tmp1=tokenize(dt,sep); //16.12.04
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(tmp1,
+ if(isstring(#),tmp=parse(#),tmp=#);
+ if(!isreal(tmp),
+ if(length(#)>0,tmp=#,tmp=rep);
+ );
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ out=append(out,tmp2);
+ );
+ out;
+Columnlist(dt,list):=( // 16.09.04
+ apply(dt,#_list);
+Dispmat(dt):=( // 16.09.16
+ regional(htm,crm,lfm,row,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ htm=unicode("0009");
+ crm=unicode("000d");
+ lfm=unicode("000a");
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(dt,row,
+ tmp1="";
+ forall(row,
+ if(isstring(#),
+ tmp1=tmp1+#+htm;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp1+text(#)+htm;
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp1+lfm;
+ tmp2=tmp2+tmp1;
+ );
+ print(tmp2);
+ println();
+Sep1000(va):=( //17.07.18
+ regional(str,nall,out);
+ if(islist(va),
+ out=apply(va,Sep1000(#));
+ ,
+ str=text(va);
+ nall=length(str);
+ out="";
+ forall(1..nall,
+ out=str_(nall+1-#)+out;
+ if((#<nall)&(mod(#,3)==0),
+ out=","+out;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(out);
+ out=1;
+ forall(1..n,
+ out=out*#;
+ );
+ out;
+norm(v1):=( // 16.09.01
+ regional(out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ out=0;
+ forall(1..(length(v1)),
+ out=out+(v1_#)^2;
+ );
+ out=sqrt(out);
+ out;
+ norm(v2-v1);
+// 16.03.28
+//help:Removespace(" a b c ");
+ regional(tmp,flg,out);
+ tmp=length(str)+1;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(str)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ if((str_#)!=" ",
+ tmp=#;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out=substring(str,tmp-1,length(str));
+ flg=0;
+ tmp=0;
+ forall(reverse(1..(length(out))),
+ if(flg==0,
+ if((out_#)!=" ",
+ tmp=#;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out=substring(out,0,tmp);
+ regional(rest,out,flg,tmp,tmp1,);
+ out=[];
+ rest=str;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(str)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=indexof(rest,key);
+ if(tmp>0,
+ tmp1=tmp+length(str)-length(rest);
+ out=append(out,tmp1);
+ rest=substring(rest,tmp,length(rest));
+ ,
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+Parlevel(str):=Bracket(str); // 16.05.22from
+ regional(ph,pt,out,noL,ncL,nall,level,tmp);
+ ph=substring(br,0,1);
+ pt=substring(br,1,2);
+ noL=Indexall(str,ph);
+ ncL=Indexall(str,pt); // 16.05.22until
+ nall=sort(concat(noL,ncL));
+ level=0;
+ out=[];
+ forall(nall,
+ if(contains(noL,#),
+ level=level+1;
+ tmp=[#,level];
+ ,
+ tmp=[#,-level];
+ level=level-1;
+ );
+ out=append(out,tmp);
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(reL,eqL,len,disp,scheme,bra,nn,sta,out,
+ opos,cpos,all,dx,dh,mxh,start,nn,p1,p2,p3,p4,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ len=20;
+ disp=1;
+ scheme=1;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=Toupper(substring(#,tmp,tmp+1));
+ if(tmp1=="D",
+ if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",disp=0);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="F",
+ if(tmp2=="N" % tmp2=="F",scheme=0);
+ );
+ );
+ forall(reL,
+ len=#;
+ );
+ bra=Bracket(str);
+ tmp1=select(bra,#_2>0);
+ tmp2=select(bra,#_2<0);
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),nn,
+ sta=tmp1_nn;
+ tmp=select(tmp2,#_2==-sta_2 & #_1>sta_1);
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ out=append(out, [substring(str,sta_1-1,tmp_1),
+ nn,sta_2,sta_1,tmp_1,
+ substring(str,sta_1-1,sta_1+len-1),
+ substring(str,tmp_1-len,tmp_1)] );
+ );
+ if(disp==1,
+ println("Printing from 2 to 7. (Extract full string using _1)");
+ apply(out,println(#_(2..7)));
+ );
+ if(scheme==1,
+ opos=sort(apply(out,#_4));
+ cpos=sort(apply(out,#_5));
+ tmp=concat(opos,cpos);
+ all=sort(tmp);
+ mxh=max(apply(out,#_3));
+ dx=1;
+ dh=1;
+ start=[-5,5];
+ forall(1..(length(all)),nn,
+ tmp=select(out,#_4==all_nn);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ tmp1=tmp_1_3;
+ tmp2=tmp_1_4;
+ tmp3=tmp_1_5;
+ tmp=select(1..(length(all)),all_#==tmp3);
+ tmp4=tmp_1;
+ p1=start+[(nn-1)*dx,-0.5];
+ p2=p1+[0,(tmp1-mxh-1)*dh];
+ p3=p2+[(tmp4-nn)*dx,0];
+ p4=p3+[0,(mxh+1-tmp1)*dh];
+ Listplot("ch"+text(nn),[p1,p2,p3,p4],["Message=n"]);
+ Letter([p2,"s",text(tmp2),p3,"s",text(tmp3)]);
+ tmp=select(1..(length(opos)),opos_#==tmp2);
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ if(tmp==1,
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp2-1,tmp2);
+ ,
+ if(opos_(tmp-1)==opos_tmp-1,
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp2-1,tmp2);
+ ,
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp2-2,tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"^","**");
+ Expr(p1,"n",tmp);
+ tmp=select(1..(length(cpos)),cpos_#==tmp3);
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ if(tmp==length(cpos),
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3);
+ ,
+ if(cpos_(tmp+1)==cpos_tmp+1,
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3);
+ ,
+ tmp=substring(str,tmp3-1,tmp3+1);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"^","**");
+ Expr(p4,"n",tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+Changework(dirorg):=( //16.10.21
+ regional(dir,subdir,tmp);
+ dir=replace(dirorg,"/",pathsep());//17.11.20from
+ dir=replace(dir,"\",pathsep());
+ dir=replace(dir,pathsep()+pathsep(),pathsep());//17.11.24
+ tmp=length(dir);
+ if(substring(dir,tmp-1,tmp)==pathsep(),
+ dir=substring(dir,0,tmp-1);
+ );//17.11.20until
+ tmp=Indexall(dir,pathsep()); //17.11.24from
+ subdir="";
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ tmp=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ subdir=substring(dir,tmp,length(dir));
+ dir=substring(dir,0,tmp-1);
+ ); //17.11.24until
+ if(dir=="" % !isexists(dir,""),
+ println("Directory "+dir+" not exist, so set to "+Dirwork);
+ ErrFlag=-1;
+ ,
+ if(length(subdir)>0, //17.11.24from
+ println(makedir(dir,subdir));
+ Dirwork=dir+pathsep()+subdir;
+ ,
+ Dirwork=dir;
+ ); //17.11.24until
+ setdirectory(Dirwork);
+ if(!iswindows(), //17.04.11
+ if(!iskcexists(Dirwork),
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("/");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ println(setexec(Dirwork,"/"));
+ );
+ ,
+ if(isincludefull(Dirwork),//180408from
+ SCEOUTPUT = openfile("utf8.txt");
+ println(SCEOUTPUT,"tmp="+Dqq(Dirwork)+";");
+ closefile(SCEOUTPUT);
+ nkfwin("C:",Dirwork,"utf8.txt","sjis.txt");//180408to
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ regional(nmL,name,Ltype,Ltypeorg,Noflg,opcindy,tmp);
+ tmp=Divoptions(style);
+ Ltypeorg=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ if(islist(nameL),nmL=nameL,nmL=[nameL]);
+ forall(nmL,name,
+ Ltype=Ltypeorg;
+ GCLIST=select(GCLIST,#_1!=name);
+ COM2ndlist=select(COM2ndlist,
+ (indexof(#,"("+name)==0)%(indexof(#,"Shade")>0)); // 15.05.23,16.12.13
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ );
+Op(n,object):=( // 16.05.25
+ regional(out);
+ if(islist(object),
+ out=object_n;
+ ,
+ if(isstring(object),
+ out=substring(object,n-1,n);
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(def,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ if(isstring(G),tmp=parse(G),tmp=G);
+ def=text(inspect(tmp,"definition"));
+ tmp1=indexof(def,"(");
+ tmp2=indexof(def,";");
+ tmp3=indexof(def,")");
+ tmp=[substring(def,0,tmp1-1)];
+ if(tmp2>0,
+ tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp1,tmp2-1));
+ if(indexof(def,")",tmp3+1)==0,
+ tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp2,tmp3-1));
+ ,
+ tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp2,tmp3));
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp=append(tmp,substring(def,tmp1-1,tmp3));
+ );
+ tmp;
+ regional(out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp=Finddef(geo);
+ if(ispoint(parse(tmp_2)),
+ out=[tmp_2,tmp_3];
+ ,
+ tmp1=Findgeoinfo(parse(tmp_2));
+ if(ispoint(parse(tmp1_1)),
+ out=[tmp1_1,tmp1_2];
+ ,
+ tmp2=Findgeoinfo(parse(tmp1_2));
+ out=[tmp2_1,tmp2_2];
+ );
+ );
+ if(ispoint(geo),
+ if(!ispoint(parse(tmp_2)),
+ tmp1=Finddef(parse(tmp_2));
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp;
+ );
+ out=append(out,tmp1_3);
+ ,
+ out=append(out,tmp_3);
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
+ tmp=Finddef(geo);
+ if(!iscircle(geo),
+ out=[text(geo)];
+ ,
+ out=[geo];
+ );
+ if(length(tmp)<3,
+ out=concat(out,[tmp_1,[]]);
+ ,
+ out=concat(out,[tmp_1]);
+ tmp1=[tmp_2,tmp_3];
+ tmp=parse(tmp1_2);
+ if(islist(tmp) % isreal(tmp),
+ tmp1=[tmp1_1];
+ );
+ out=append(out,tmp1);
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(All,added,remain,out,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp=remove(allpoints(),[NE,SW,TH,FI]);
+ tmp1=select(tmp,
+ substring(text(#),length(text(#))-1,length(text(#)))!="z");
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,alllines());
+// tmp1=concat(tmp1,allcircles());
+ All=apply(tmp1,Dependgeo(#));
+ added=select(All,length(#_3)==0);
+ out=sort(apply(added,#_1));
+ remain=remove(All,added);
+ flg=0;
+ repeat(nn,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=select(remain,remove(#_3,out)==[]);
+ tmp2=sort(apply(tmp1,#_1));
+ out=concat(out,tmp2);
+ remain=remove(remain,tmp1);
+ if(length(remain)==0,flg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ println("Process of drawing");
+ forall(out,
+ println(Dependgeo(parse(#)));
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(plist,ilist,jj,kk,flg,p1,p2,in1,in2,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2,out);
+ out=list;
+ plist=list_1;
+ ilist=list_2;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(plist)),jj,
+ p1=plist_jj;
+ in1=ilist_jj;
+ forall((jj+1)..(length(plist)),kk,
+ if(flg==0,
+ p2=plist_kk;
+ in2=ilist_kk;
+ if(contains(in1,p2),
+ tmp1=plist_(1..(jj-1));
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,p2);
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,plist_((jj+1)..(kk-1)));
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,p1);
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,plist_((kk+1)..(length(plist))));
+ tmp2=ilist_(1..(jj-1));
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,in2);
+ tmp2=concat(tmp2,ilist_((jj+1)..(kk-1)));
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,in1);
+ tmp2=concat(tmp2,ilist_((kk+1)..(length(plist))));
+ out=Sortpointlist([tmp1,tmp2]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(alphabet,out,tmp,tmp1);
+ alphabet="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ out="";
+ forall(1..(length(str)),
+ tmp=substring(str,#-1,#);
+ tmp1=indexof(alphabet,tmp);
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ out=out+unicode(text(tmp1+64),base->10);
+ ,
+ out=out+tmp;
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(vv,tmp,tmp1);
+ if(islist(value),
+ tmp1="[";
+ forall(value,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Textformat(#,dig)+",";
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)>1, //18.01.29from
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ );
+ tmp1=tmp1+"]"; //18.01.29until
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(value) % isstring(value),
+// vv=Lcrd(value);
+// tmp1=Textformat(vv,dig);
+// tmp1=text(value); // 15.04.07
+ if(isstring(value),tmp1=Dq+value+Dq,tmp1=text(value)); // 15.10.02
+ ,
+ tmp1=format(value,dig);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1;
+ regional(vv,tmp,tmp1);
+ if(!islist(value), // 17.03.12from
+ if(isstring(value),
+ vv=value;
+ ,
+ vv=Textformat(value,dig);
+ ); // 17.03.12from
+ if(indexof(vv,".")==0,vv=vv+".");
+ vv=vv+"0000000000000000";
+ tmp=indexof(vv,".")+dig;
+ vv=substring(vv,0,tmp);
+ ,
+ vv=apply(value,Sprintf(#,dig));
+ );
+ vv;
+Assign(str):=( // old
+ regional(out);
+ out=str;
+ forall(VLIST,
+ tmp=substring(#_1,0,length(#_1)-1);
+ out=replace(out,tmp,"("+#_2+")");
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(nn,out,tmp,tmp1);
+ nn=length(vrL)/2;
+ out=funstr;
+ forall(1..nn,
+ out=Assign(out,vrL_(2*#-1),vrL_(2*#));
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(repstr,ii,jj,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Notvar,Flg);
+ if(isstring(rep),repstr=rep,repstr="("+Textformat(rep,6)+")");
+ // 15.02.09, 07.06,17.08.24
+ tmp=[46]; // 12.20
+ tmp=concat(tmp,48..57);
+ tmp=concat(tmp,65..90);
+ tmp=concat(tmp,97..122);
+ Notvar=apply(tmp,unicode(text(#),base->10));
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(1..100,
+ ii=indexof(funstr,varname);
+ if(ii>0,
+ Flg=0;
+ if(ii>1,
+ tmp=substring(funstr,ii-2,ii-1);
+ if(contains(Notvar,tmp),
+ tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,ii);
+ funstr=substring(funstr,ii,length(funstr));
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ jj=ii-1+length(varname);
+ if(jj<length(funstr),
+ tmp=substring(funstr,jj,jj+1));
+ if(contains(Notvar,tmp),
+ tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,jj);
+ funstr=substring(funstr,jj,length(funstr));
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ tmp2=tmp2+substring(funstr,0,ii-1)+repstr;
+ funstr=substring(funstr,jj,length(funstr));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ funstr=tmp2+funstr;
+ funstr;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,Depth,Flg);
+ Flg=0;
+ Depth=0;
+ if(ispoint(list), // 15.01.22
+ Depth=0;
+ Flg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=select(1..(length(list)),length(list_#)>0);//17.05.21from
+ tmp=list_(tmp1_1);//17.05.21until
+ );
+ repeat(4,
+ if(Flg==0,
+ if(islist(tmp),
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ Depth=Depth+1;
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(tmp),Depth=Depth+1);
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Depth;
+ regional(Out,nn,Dt,ii,tmp,flg);
+ Out=[];
+ if(MeasureDepth(pltlist)==1,
+ Out=[pltlist];
+ ,
+ forall(1..(length(pltlist)),nn,
+ Dt=pltlist_nn;
+ if(MeasureDepth(Dt)<2,
+ Out=append(Out,Dt);
+ ,
+ forall(1..(length(Dt)),ii,
+ tmp=Flattenlist(Dt_ii);
+ Out=concat(Out,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,eqL,realL,strL,opstr,opcindy,flg,tmp,tmp1);
+ Ltype="dr"; // 2015.01.13
+ Noflg=0;
+ Inflg=0;
+ Outflg=0;
+ eqL=[];
+ realL=[];
+ strL=[];
+ opstr="";
+ opcindy="";
+ forall(options,
+ flg=0;
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(isreal(#) % ispoint(#) % islist(#),
+ realL=append(realL,#);
+ opstr=opstr+","+text(#);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(indexof(#,"=")>0,
+ eqL=append(eqL,#);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(indexof(#,"no")+indexof(#,"No")>0,
+ if(indexof(#,"tex")>0,Noflg=1);
+ if(indexof(#,"disp")>0,Noflg=2);
+ if(indexof(#,"data")>0,Noflg=3);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(indexof(#,"->")>0,
+ opcindy=opcindy+","+#;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(indexof(#,"out")+indexof(#,"Out")>0,
+ if(indexof(#,"-")==0,
+ Outflg=1;
+ ,
+ Outflg=2;
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(indexof(#,"in")+indexof(#,"In")>0,
+ if(indexof(#,"-")==0,
+ Inflg=1;
+ ,
+ Inflg=2;
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(#,0,2);
+ tmp1=indexof(tmp,"dr")+indexof(tmp,"Dr");
+ tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"da")+indexof(tmp,"Da");
+ tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"id")+indexof(tmp,"Id");
+ tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"do")+indexof(tmp,"Do");
+ tmp1=tmp1+indexof(tmp,"dp")+indexof(tmp,"Dp");
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ Ltype=#;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(length(#)>0, //180408
+ strL=append(strL,#);
+ opstr=opstr+","+Dq+#+Dq;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(indexof(opcindy,"color->")==0,// 16.10.07from
+ opcindy=opcindy+",color->[0,0,0]";
+ );
+ [Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,eqL,realL,strL,opstr,opcindy];
+ regional(v1,v2,tmp);
+ if(ispoint(vec1),v1=vec1.xy,v1=vec1);
+ if(ispoint(vec2),v2=vec2.xy,v2=vec2);
+ v1*v2;
+ regional(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Out);
+ if(length(a)==3,
+ tmp1=a_2*b_3-a_3*b_2;
+ tmp2=a_3*b_1-a_1*b_3;
+ tmp3=a_1*b_2-a_2*b_1;
+ Out=[tmp1,tmp2,tmp3];
+ ,
+ Out=a_1*b_2-a_2*b_1;
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 16.01.21
+ tmp_1;
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig);
+ tmp_(length(tmp)); // 15.04.12
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 15.12.23
+ length(tmp);
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig);
+ tmp_Num;
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(Fig),tmp=parse(Fig),tmp=Fig); // 16.01.27
+ reverse(tmp);
+Invert(nm,Fig):=Invert(nm,Fig,["nodisp"]); // from 16.01.27
+ regional(name,tmp);
+ name="-inv"+nm;
+ tmp=Invert(Fig);
+ Listplot(name,tmp,options);
+);// until 16.01.27
+ regional(Tmp,PtL);
+// Eps=10^(-8);
+ if(isstring(Gdata),PtL=parse(Gdata),PtL=Gdata);
+ Tmp=Nearestpt(pP,PtL);
+ Tmp_2;
+ regional(PtL,Out,Pa,Pb,vV,vW,sS);
+ if(isstring(plist),PtL=parse(plist),PtL=plist);
+ PtL=apply(PtL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.16
+ if(nN==length(PtL),
+ Out=nN;
+ ,
+ Pa=PtL_nN;
+ Pb=PtL_(nN+1);
+ vV=Pb-Pa;
+ vW=pP-Pa;
+ sS=vV*vW/|vV|^2;
+ sS=min([max([sS,0]),1]);
+ Out=nN+sS;
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(tT,Out,Eps,nN,sS,Pa,Pb,PtL);
+ if(isstring(Gdata),PtL=parse(Gdata),PtL=Gdata);
+ if(length(PtL)==1,PtL=PtL_1);
+ tT=max([tTorg,1]); //18.01.04
+ tT=min([tT,length(PtL)]); //18.01.04
+ Eps=10^(-5); //18.01.04
+ nN=floor(tT+Eps);
+ sS=max([tT-nN,0]);
+ if(nN==length(PtL),
+ Out=PtL_nN;
+ ,
+ Pa=PtL_nN;
+ Pb=PtL_(nN+1);
+ Out=(1-sS)*Pa+sS*Pb;
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(Eps0,Eps,Eps2,pV,Sv2,Out,pP,pQ,Flg,p1,p2,q1,q2,
+ em1,eM1,em2,eM2,rT,Tmp1,Tmp2);
+ Eps0=10^(-4);
+ pV=pB-pA;
+ Sv2=|pV|;
+ pP=pC-pA; pQ=pD-pA;
+ Eps=10^(-3);
+ Eps2=0.2;
+ Tmp1=0;
+ forall(options,
+ if(Tmp1==0,
+ Eps=#;
+ Tmp1=1;
+ ,
+ Eps2=#;
+ );
+ );
+ Flg=0;
+ if(Sv2<10^(-3),
+ Out=["inf","inf"];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ Eps=min([Eps2,Eps/Sv2]);
+ p1=pP*pV/Sv2^2;
+ p2=[pP_2,-pP_1]*pV/Sv2^2;
+ q1=pQ*pV/Sv2^2;
+ q2=[pQ_2,-pQ_1]*pV/Sv2^2;
+ em1=-Eps; eM1=1+Eps;
+ em2=-Eps; eM2=Eps;
+ if(max([p1,q1])<em1 % min([p1,q1])>eM1,
+ Out=["inf","inf"];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(max([p2,q2])<em2 % min([p2,q2])>eM2,
+ Out=["inf","inf"];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & p2*q2<0,
+ rT=p1-(q1-p1)/(q2-p2)*p2;
+ if(rT>em1 & rT<eM1,
+ if(rT>-Eps0 & rT<1+Eps0,
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Tmp2=min([max([rT,0]),1]);
+ Out=[Tmp1,Tmp2,0];
+ ,
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Tmp2=min([max([rT,0]),1]);
+ Out=[Tmp1,Tmp2,1];
+ );
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & (p1<em1 % p1>eM1 % p2<em2 % p2>eM2),
+ if(q1<em1 % q1>eM1 % q2<em2 % q2>eM2,
+ Out=["inf","inf"];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & (p1 > -Eps0 & p1 < 1 + Eps0 & p2 > -Eps0 & p2 < Eps0),
+ rT= p1;
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out= [Tmp1, rT, 0];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & (q1 > -Eps0 & q1 < 1 + Eps0 & q2 > -Eps0 & q2 < Eps0),
+ rT= q1;
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out=[Tmp1,rT,0];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & (p1<em1 % p1>eM1 % p2<em2 % p2>eM2),
+ if(q1<em1 % q1>eM1 % q2<em2 % q2>eM2,
+ Out=["inf","inf"];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ rT=min([max([q1,0]),1]);
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0 & (q1<em1 % q1>eM1% q2<em2 % q2>eM2),
+ rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ if(abs(p2)<abs(q2),
+ rT=min([max([p1,0]),1]);
+ ,
+ rT=min([max([q1,0]),1]);
+ );
+ Tmp1=pA+rT*pV;
+ Out=[Tmp1,rT,1];
+ );
+ Out;
+///////// Start of old Intersect ////////////
+ regional(Out,Eps,Eps2,Eps0,Flg,Data1,Data2,
+ Tmp1,Tmp2,Tmp3,Tmp,KL1,KL2,pA,pB,Ni,Nj,
+ pP,pQ,rT,Flg,eqL,realL,opstr,Dif);
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ Eps2=0.1;
+ Dif=0.05; // 2015.05.31
+ Flg=0;
+ Tmp1=Divoptions(options); //
+ eqL=Tmp1_5;
+ realL=Tmp1_6;
+ opstr=Tmp1_(length(Tmp1));
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
+ Tmp1=indexof(#,"=");
+ Dif=parse(substring(#,Tmp1,length(#)));
+ );
+ );
+ Tmp1=length(realL);
+ if(Tmp1>0,
+ Eps=realL_1;
+ if(Tmp1>1,
+ Eps2=realL_2;
+ );
+ );
+ Flg=0;
+ if(isstring(Gr1),Data1=parse(Gr1),Data1=Gr1);
+ if(isstring(Gr2),Data2=parse(Gr2),Data2=Gr2);
+ if(MeasureDepth(Data1)==2,Data1=Data1_1);
+ if(MeasureDepth(Data2)==2,Data2=Data2_1);
+ Data1=apply(Data1,LLcrd(#));
+ Data2=apply(Data2,LLcrd(#));
+ if(length(Data1)==length(Data2),
+ Tmp1=Reverse(Data2);
+ Eps0=10^(-6);
+ Tmp2=0;
+ forall(1..(length(Data1)),
+ Tmp2=Tmp2+abs(Data1_#-Data2_#);
+ );
+ Tmp3=0;
+ forall(1..(length(Data1)),
+ Tmp3=Tmp3+abs(Data1_#-Tmp1_#);
+ );
+ if(Tmp2<Eps0 % Tmp3<Eps0,
+ Out=[];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ KL1=[];
+ KL2=[];
+ forall(1..(length(Data1)-1),Ni,
+ pA=Data1_Ni;
+ pB=Data1_(Ni+1);
+ forall(1..(length(Data2)-1),
+ pP=Data2_#; pQ=Data2_(#+1);
+ Tmp=Koutenseg(pA,pB,pP,pQ,[Eps,Eps2]);
+ if(Tmp!=["inf","inf"],
+ if(Tmp_3==0,
+ Tmp1=[Tmp_1,Tmp_2,Ni,#];
+ KL1=concat(KL1,[Tmp1]);
+ ,
+ Tmp2=[Tmp_1,Tmp_2,Ni,#];
+ KL2=concat(KL2,[Tmp2]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Out=[];
+ if(length(KL1)>0,
+ Tmp=KL1_1;
+ pP=Tmp_1;
+ rT=Tmp_2;
+ Ni=Tmp_3;
+ Nj=Tmp_4;
+ Tmp=[pP,Ni+rT,Nj];
+ Out=[Tmp];
+ );
+ forall(2..(length(KL1)),Ni,
+ Tmp=KL1_Ni;
+ pP=Tmp_1;
+ Tmp2=0;
+ Flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(Out)),Nj,
+ if(Flg==0,
+ Tmp=Out_Nj;
+ if(|pP-Tmp_1|<Eps,
+ Tmp2=1;
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Tmp2==0,
+ Tmp=KL1_Ni;
+ pP=Tmp_1;
+ rT=Tmp_2;
+ Tmp1=Tmp_3;
+ Tmp2=Tmp_4;
+ Tmp=[pP,Tmp1+rT,Tmp2];
+ Out=concat(Out,[Tmp]);
+ );
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(KL2)),Ni,
+ Tmp=KL2_Ni; // 15.11.21 Usui
+ pP=Tmp_1;
+ Tmp2=0;
+ Flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(Out)),Nj,
+ if(Flg==0,
+ Tmp=Out_Nj;
+ if(|pP-Tmp_1|<Eps,
+ Tmp2=1;
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Tmp2==0,
+ Tmp=KL2_Ni;
+ rT=Tmp_2;
+ rT=min([max([rT,0]),1]); // 15.11.21 Usui
+ Tmp=[pP,Tmp_3+rT,Tmp_4];
+ Out=concat(Out,[Tmp]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Tmp1=Out; // 15.04.06 from
+ Out=[];
+ forall(Tmp1,Tmp2,
+ Tmp3=select(1..(length(Out)),//16.11.27,
+ |Out_#_1-Tmp2_1|<Dif & |Out_#_2-Tmp2_2|<=1& |Out_#_3-Tmp2_3|<=1);
+ //17.04.13
+ if(length(Tmp3)==0,
+ Out=append(Out,Tmp2);
+ ,
+ forall(Tmp3, //16.11.27
+ Out_#_1=(Out_#_1+Tmp2_1)/2;//17.04.14
+ );
+ );
+ ); // 15.04.06 until
+ Out;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp1=IntersectcrvsPp(Gr1,Gr2,options);
+ apply(tmp1,#_1);
+///////// End of old Intersect ////////////
+/////////// Start of new Intersect //////////////
+ regional(Eps,d,dt,ds,t,s,pt,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ Eps=10^(-5);
+ out=[];
+ tmp=Dotprod(v1,v2);
+ tmp1=[tmp,|v1|^2];
+ tmp2=[-|v2|^2,-tmp];
+ tmp3=[Dotprod(p2-p1,v2),Dotprod(p2-p1,v1)];
+ d=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp=abs(Crossprod(v1,v2));
+ if(tmp>Eps,
+ dt=Crossprod(tmp3,tmp2);
+ ds=Crossprod(tmp1,tmp3);
+ t=dt/d;
+ s=ds/d;
+ pt=p1+v1*t;
+ out=[pt,t,s];
+ ,
+ tmp1=Crossprod(p2-p1,v1)/|v1|; //18.01.05
+ out=[abs(tmp1)]; //18.01.05
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(Eps,seg1,seg2,p1,p2,q1,q2,t,s,pt,n,pts,out,dist,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ //Eps1=0.01;
+ seg1=seg1org;
+ seg2=seg2org;
+ if(isstring(seg1),seg1=parse(seg1));
+ if(isstring(seg2),seg2=parse(seg2));
+ out=[];
+ p1=seg1_1; q1=seg1_2;
+ p2=seg2_1; q2=seg2_2;
+ if((|q1-p1|<Eps)%(|q2-p2|<Eps),
+ out=[-1];
+ ,
+ tmp=Intersectline(p1,q1-p1,p2,q2-p2);
+ if(islist(tmp_1),
+ pt=tmp_1; t=tmp_2; s=tmp_3;
+ if((t*(t-1)<Eps)&(s*(s-1)<Eps),
+ out=[0,pt,t,s];
+ ,
+ t=min([max([t,0]),1]);
+ s=min([max([s,0]),1]);
+ tmp3=[|p1-p2|,|p1-q2|,|q1-p2|,|q1-q2|]; //18.01.30from
+ tmp1=[Op(2,q2-p2),-Op(1,q2-p2)];
+ tmp=Intersectline(p1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2);
+ if(islist(tmp_1),
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-p1|);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=Intersectline(q1,tmp1,p2,q2-p2);
+ if(islist(tmp_1),
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-q1|);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=[Op(2,q1-p1),-Op(1,q1-p1)];
+ tmp=Intersectline(p2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
+ if(islist(tmp_1),
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-p2|);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=Intersectline(q2,tmp1,p1,q1-p1);
+ if(islist(tmp_1),
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp3=append(tmp3,|tmp_1-q2|);
+ );
+ );
+ out=[min(tmp3),pt,t,s]; //18.01.30until
+ );
+ ,
+ dist=tmp_1;
+ tmp1=q1-p1;
+ n=[tmp1_2,-tmp1_1]/|tmp1|;
+ pts=[];
+ tmp=Intersectline(p1,n,p2,q2-p2);
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p2+tmp_3*q2;
+ pts=append(pts,[tmp1,0,tmp_3]);
+ );
+ tmp=Intersectline(q1,n,p2,q2-p2);
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p2+tmp_3*q2;
+ pts=append(pts,[tmp1,1,tmp_3]);
+ );
+ tmp=Intersectline(p2,n,p1,q1-p1);
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p1+tmp_3*q1;
+ pts=append(pts,[tmp1,tmp_3,0]);
+ );
+ tmp=Intersectline(q2,n,p1,q1-p1);
+ if(tmp_3*(tmp_3-1)<Eps,
+ tmp1=(1-tmp_3)*p1+tmp_3*q1;
+ pts=append(pts,[tmp1,tmp_3,2]);
+ );
+ if(length(pts)==0,
+ tmp1=min([|p2-p1|,|q2-p1|,|p2-q1|,|q2-q1|]);
+ out=[tmp1];
+ ,
+ if(dist>Eps1,
+ out=[dist];
+ ,
+ tmp=apply(pts,#_1_1);
+ tmp1=sum(tmp)/(length(pts));
+ tmp=apply(pts,#_1_2);
+ tmp2=sum(tmp)/(length(pts));
+ tmp3=[tmp1,tmp2];
+ tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg1);
+ tmp1=tmp_2;
+ tmp=Nearestpt(tmp3,seg2);
+ tmp2=tmp_2;
+ out=[dist,tmp3,tmp1,tmp2];
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,list,ptL,ctrL,Eps,Eps0,
+ p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32,out);
+ Eps=10^(-2);
+ Eps0=10^(-6);
+ if(isstring(ptlist),list=parse(ptlist),list=ptlist);
+ p0=list_1; p1=list_2; p2=list_3; p3=list_4;
+ tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
+ cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
+ pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0); // 15.09.21 // 16.08.16
+ pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3); // 16.08.16
+ ctrL=[pQ,pR];
+ options=optionorg;
+ options=concat(options,["Num=20","nodata"]);
+ out=Bezier("",[p1,p2],ctrL,options);
+ out;
+ Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,10*Eps2);
+ regional(crv1,crv2,Eps,dst,kk,ll,seg1,seg2,snang,
+ p0,p1,p2,p3,os1,os2,out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,flg);
+ crv1=crv1org; crv2=crv2org;
+ if(isstring(crv1),crv1=parse(crv1));
+ if(isstring(crv2),crv2=parse(crv2));
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+// Eps1=0.01;
+// Eps2=0.1;
+// Dist=10*Eps2;
+ out=[];
+ seg1=[crv1_ii,crv1_(ii+1)];
+ seg2=[crv2_jj,crv2_(jj+1)];
+ tmp1=seg1_2-seg1_1;
+ tmp2=seg2_2-seg2_1;
+ snang=abs(Crossprod(tmp1,tmp2))/(norm(tmp1)*norm(tmp2));
+ tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1);
+ dst=tmp_1;
+ if(dst<Eps,
+ out=[tmp_2,ii+tmp_3,jj+tmp_4,dst,snang];
+ ,
+ if(dst<Eps2,
+ if((length(crv1)==2)%(|seg1_2-seg1_1|>Dist-Eps),
+ os1=seg1;
+ ,
+ p1=seg1_1; p2=seg1_2;
+ if(ii==1,
+ p3=crv1_3;
+ tmp=p2-p1;
+ tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
+ p0=Reflectpoint(p3,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
+ ,
+ if(ii==length(crv1)-1,
+ p0=crv1_(ii-1);
+ tmp=p2-p1;
+ tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
+ p3=Reflectpoint(p0,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
+ ,
+ p0=crv1_(ii-1); p3=crv1_(ii+2);
+ );
+ );
+ os1=Osplineseg([p0,p1,p2,p3]);
+ );
+ if((length(crv2)==2)%(|seg2_2-seg2_1|>Dist-Eps), //18.01.05
+ os2=seg2;
+ ,
+ p1=seg2_1; p2=seg2_2;
+ if(jj==1,
+ p3=crv2_3;
+ tmp=p2-p1;
+ tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
+ p0=Reflectpoint(p3,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
+ ,
+ if(jj==length(crv2)-1,
+ p0=crv2_(jj-1);
+ tmp=p2-p1;
+ tmp=(p1+p2)/2+[tmp_2,-tmp_1];
+ p3=Reflectpoint(p0,[(p1+p2)/2,tmp]);
+ ,
+ p0=crv2_(jj-1); p3=crv2_(jj+2);
+ );
+ );
+ os2=Osplineseg([p0,p1,p2,p3]);
+ );
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(1..(length(os1)-1),kk,
+ forall(1..(length(os2)-1),ll,
+ seg1=[os1_kk,os1_(kk+1)];
+ seg2=[os2_ll,os2_(ll+1)];
+ tmp=Intersectseg(seg1,seg2,Eps1);
+ if((tmp_1<Eps1)&(length(tmp)>1), //18.02.06
+ if(tmp_1<dst+Eps,
+ dst=tmp_1;
+ tmp2=select(tmp2,#_1<dst);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,[dst,tmp_2]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(tmp2)>0,
+ tmp=apply(tmp2,#_2_1);
+ tmp1=[sum(tmp)/length(tmp2)];
+ tmp=apply(tmp2,#_2_2);
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,sum(tmp)/length(tmp2));
+ out=[tmp1];
+ p1=crv1_ii; p2=crv1_(ii+1);
+ tmp=[Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1)];
+ tmp=Intersectline(out_1,tmp,p1,p2-p1);
+ tmp=min([max([tmp_3,0]),1]);
+ out=[tmp1,ii+tmp];
+ p1=crv2_jj; p2=crv2_(jj+1);
+ tmp=[Op(2,p2-p1),-Op(1,p2-p1)];
+ tmp=Intersectline(out_1,tmp,p1,p2-p1);
+ tmp=min([max([tmp_3,0]),1]);
+ out=concat(out,[jj+tmp,dst,snang]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(Eps,gL,rL,numL,ii,jj,flg,tmp,tmp1);
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ gL=[ptdL_1];
+ rL=ptdL_(2..(length(ptdL)));
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(ptdL)-1),ii,
+ if(flg==0,
+ numL=[];
+ forall(1..(length(rL)),jj,
+ tmp1=100;
+ forall(gL,
+ tmp=|#_1-rL_jj_1|;
+ if(tmp<tmp1,tmp1=tmp);
+ );
+ if(tmp1<Eps2,numL=append(numL,jj));
+ );
+ if(length(numL)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ ,
+ gL=concat(gL,rL_(numL));
+ rL=remove(rL,rL_(numL));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ [gL,rL];
+ regional(Eps,gL,rL,numL,ii,jj,flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp1md,
+ dst,kk,s1,e1,s2,e2);
+ Eps00=10^(-8);
+ if(length(ptdL)==0,
+ gL=[];rL=[];
+ ,
+ tmp1md=[ptdL_1];
+ rL=ptdL_(2..(length(ptdL)));
+ tmp1=tmp1md_1;
+ kk=floor(tmp1_2);
+ if(tmp1_2<kk+Eps00,
+ s1=kk-1-Eps00; e1=s1+2+2*Eps00;
+ ,
+ s1=kk-Eps00; e1=s1+1+2*Eps00;
+ );
+ kk=floor(tmp1_3);
+ if(tmp1_3<kk+Eps00,
+ s2=kk-1-Eps00; e2=s2+2+2*Eps00;
+ ,
+ s2=kk-Eps00; e2=s2+1+2*Eps00;
+ );
+ numL=[];
+ forall(1..(length(rL)),ii,
+ tmp=rL_ii;
+ tmp1=tmp_2;tmp2=tmp_3;
+ if((tmp1>s1)&(tmp1<e1)&(tmp2>s2)&(tmp2<e2),
+ tmp1md=append(tmp1md,tmp);
+ numL=append(numL,ii);
+ );
+ );
+ gL=[];
+ tmp=apply(tmp1md,#_4);
+ dst=min(tmp);
+ forall(tmp1md,
+ if(#_4<dst+Eps00,
+ gL=append(gL,#);
+ );
+ );
+ rL=remove(rL,rL_(numL));
+ );
+ [gL,rL];
+ regional(Eps,Eps1,Eps2,Dist,crv1,crv2,ii,jj,seg1,seg2,self,loopL,out,
+ flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ Eps1=0.01;
+ Eps2=0.1;
+ Dist=10*Eps2;
+ if(length(options)>0,
+ Eps1=options_1;
+ if(length(options)>1,
+ Eps2=options_2;
+ Dist=10*Eps2;
+ if(length(options)>2,
+ Dist=options_3;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(isstring(crv1org),tmp1=parse(crv1org),tmp1=crv1org);//18.01.05from
+ if(isstring(crv2org),tmp2=parse(crv2org),tmp2=crv2org);
+ tmp1=apply(tmp1,LLcrd(#));
+ tmp2=apply(tmp2,LLcrd(#));
+ crv1=[tmp1_1];
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp=crv1_(length(crv1));
+ if(|tmp-#|>Eps,
+ crv1=append(crv1,#);
+ );
+ );
+ crv2=[tmp2_1];
+ forall(tmp2,
+ tmp=crv2_(length(crv2));
+ if(|tmp-#|>Eps,
+ crv2=append(crv2,#);
+ );
+ );//18.01.05until
+ if(crv1==crv2,
+ self=1;
+ ,
+ self=0;
+ );
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..(length(crv1)-1),ii,
+ if(self==0,
+ loopL=1..(length(crv2)-1);
+ ,
+ loopL=(ii+2)..(length(crv2)-1);
+ );
+ forall(loopL,jj,
+ tmp=Intersectpartseg(crv1,crv2,ii,jj,Eps1,Eps2,Dist);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ if(length(out)==0,
+ out=[tmp];
+ ,
+ tmp1=out_(length(out));
+ if(|tmp1_1-tmp_1|>Eps1,
+ out=append(out,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ if(self==1,
+ tmp=[tmp_1,tmp_3,tmp_2,tmp_4,tmp_5];
+ out=append(out,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp2=out;
+ out=[];
+ tmp1=tmp2;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(tmp2)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=Collectsameseg(tmp1);
+ out=append(out,tmp_1);
+ if(length(tmp_2)==0,
+ flg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp_2;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(out)),ii,
+ tmp1=out_ii;
+ if(length(tmp1)==1,
+ out_ii=tmp1_1;
+ ,
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,#_4);
+ dst=min(tmp);
+ tmp1=select(tmp1,#_4<dst+Eps);
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,#_1);
+ tmp=sum(tmp)/length(tmp);
+ tmp2=[tmp];
+ tmp=Nearestpt(tmp2_1,crv1org);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_2);
+ tmp=Nearestpt(tmp2_1,crv2org);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_2);
+ tmp2=concat(tmp2,[dst,tmp1_1_5]);
+ out_ii=tmp2;
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(tmp);
+ tmp=IntersectcurvesPp(crv1org,crv2org,options);
+ tmp=apply(tmp,#_1);
+///////////End of new Intersect //////////////
+ regional(tmp,pP,plist);
+ pP=Pcrd(point);
+ if(isstring(PL),plist=parse(PL),plist=PL);
+ if(MeasureDepth(plist)==2,plist=plist_1);
+ plist=apply(plist,#); // 14.12.18
+ tmp=Nearestpt(pP,plist);
+ tmp=tmp_1;
+ [tmp_1/SCALEX,tmp_2/SCALEY];
+ regional(tmp);
+ tmp=Nearestpt(point,plist);
+ tmp_1;
+ regional(PL1,PL,Ans,Flg,Eps,pA,Pm,Im,Sm,Nn,Ni,
+ a1,b1,a2,b2,v1,v2,x1,x2,Tmp,rT,pP,sS,Lm,Pm,Sm,Flg);
+ if(isstring(point),PL1=parse(point),PL1=point);
+ if(MeasureDepth(PL1)==2,PL1=PL1_1);
+ if(!islist(PL1_1),
+ PL1=[PL1];
+ Flg=0;
+ ,
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(isstring(PL2),PL=parse(PL2),PL=PL2);
+ if(MeasureDepth(PL)==2,PL=PL_1);
+ Eps=10^(-6);
+ Ans=[PL1_1,1,PL_1,1,|PL1_1-PL_1|];
+ forall(1..(length(PL1)),Nn, // 16.05.04
+ pA=PL1_Nn;
+ Pm=PL_1;
+ Im=1;
+ Sm=|Pm-pA|;
+ forall(1..(length(PL)-1),Ni,
+ a1=PL_Ni_1; a2=PL_Ni_2;
+ b1=PL_(Ni+1)_1; b2=PL_(Ni+1)_2;
+ v1=b1-a1; v2=b2-a2;
+ x1=pA_1; x2=pA_2;
+ Tmp=v2^2+v1^2;
+ if(abs(Tmp)>Eps,
+ rT=(-a2*v2-v1*a1+v1*x1+x2*v2)/Tmp;
+ if(rT<-Eps,
+ pP=[a1,a2];
+ ,
+ if(rT>1+Eps,
+ pP=[b1,b2];
+ ,
+ pP=[a1+rT*v1,a2+rT*v2];
+ );
+ );
+ sS=|pP-pA|;
+ if(sS<Sm-Eps,
+ Tmp=ParamonCurve(pP,Ni,PL);
+ Pm=pP; Lm=Tmp; Sm=sS;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Sm<Ans_5, // 16.05.03from
+ Ans=[pA,Nn,Pm,Lm,Sm];
+ );
+ ); // 16.05.03until
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ Ans=Ans_(3..5);
+ );
+ Ans;
+ regional(eqL,method,eps,str,x1,x2,y1,y2,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ method="N";
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=substring(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
+ if(tmp1=="M",
+ method=Toupper(tmp2);
+ );
+ );
+ if(method=="D",
+ str="d(";
+ str=str+replace(fun,var,"#")+",";
+ str=str+value+")";
+ tmp=Pcrd([1,parse(str)]); // 14.11.08
+ tmp_2;
+ );
+ if(method=="N",
+ eps=10^(-6);
+ x1=max(XMIN,value-eps);
+ x2=min(XMAX,value+eps);
+ tmp=Assign(fun,[var,"("+format(x1,6)+")"]);//180408
+ y1=parse(tmp);
+ tmp=Assign(fun,[var,"("+format(x2,6)+")"]);//180408
+ y2=parse(tmp);
+ (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
+ );
+ regional(pltdata,range,options,fnstr,vartr);
+ if(islist(Arg2),
+ pltdata=Arg1;
+ range=Arg2;
+ options=Arg3;
+ Integrate(pltdata,range,options);
+ ,
+ fnstr=Arg1;
+ vastr=Arg2;
+ range=Arg3;
+ Integrate(fnstr,vastr,range,[]);
+ );
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,eqL,Rule,pdata,Sm,ptP,ptQ,list,va1,va2);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ Rule="o";
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ Rule=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
+ );
+ );
+ if(Rule=="o",
+ Sm= IntegrateO(pltdata,range);
+ ,
+ if(isstring(pltdata),pdata=parse(pltdata),pdata=pltdata);
+ if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==2,pdata=pdata_1);
+ va1=MeetCurve(pdata,range_1,0);
+ va2=MeetCurve(pdata,range_2,0);
+ list=select(pdata,(#_1>range_1 & #_1<range_2));
+ list=apply(list,LLcrd(#)); // 15.09.14
+ list=concat([va1],list);
+ list=concat(list,[va2]);
+ Sm=0;
+ forall(1..(length(list)-1),
+ ptP=list_#; // 15.09.14
+ ptQ=list_(#+1);
+ Sm=Sm+(ptP_2+ptQ_2)*(ptQ_1-ptP_1)/2;
+ );
+ Sm;
+ );
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,Sm,Lx,Rx,va1,va2,Num,Waysx,ex,dx,xn,yn,x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2);
+ Num=100;
+ Way="t";
+ forall(options,
+ if(indexof(#,"=")>0,
+ if(indexof(#,"N=")>0,
+ Num=parse(substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#)));
+ );
+ if(indexof(#,"Num=")>0,
+ Num=parse(substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#)));
+ );
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="R",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ Way=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Sm=0;
+ if(Way=="t",
+ forall(1..Num,
+ Lx=range_1+(range_2-range_1)*(#-1)/Num;
+ Rx=range_1+(range_2-range_1)*#/Num;
+ va1=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(Lx,5)));
+ va2=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(Rx,5)));
+ Sm=Sm+(va1+va2)*(Rx-Lx)/2;
+ );
+ ,
+ sx=range_1;
+ ex=range_2;
+ dx=(ex-sx)/Num;
+ xn=apply(0..Num,sx+#*dx);
+ yn=apply(xn,parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(#,5))));
+ dx=dx/2;
+ repeat(Num,s,
+ x0=xn_s;
+ x1=(xn_s+xn_(s+1))/2;
+ x2=xn_(s+1);
+ y0=yn_s;
+ y1=parse(replace(fnstr,vastr,textformat(x1,5)));
+ y2=yn_(s+1);
+ Sm=Sm+dx*(y0+4*y1+y2)/3;
+ );
+ );
+ Sm;
+ regional(p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,
+ p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32, tmp);
+ if(ispoint(p0org),p0=p0org.xy,p0=p0org); // 16.03.10
+ if(ispoint(p1org),p1=p1org.xy,p1=p1org); // 16.03.16
+ if(ispoint(p2org),p2=p2org.xy,p2=p2org);
+ if(ispoint(p3org),p3=p3org.xy,p3=p3org);
+ tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
+ cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
+ pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0);
+ pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3);
+ p01=p1_1; p02=p1_2;
+ p31=p2_1; p32=p2_2;
+ p11=pQ_1; p12=pQ_2;
+ p21=pR_1; p22=pR_2;
+ tmp=-6*p12*p01+3*p12*p21+3*p12*p31+6*p02*p11-
+ 10*p02*p01+3*p02*p21+p02*p31-3*p22*p11-
+ 3*p22*p01+6*p22*p31-3*p32*p11-p32*p01-
+ 6*p32*p21+10*p32*p31;
+ tmp=tmp/20;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pdata,va1,va2,list,Bzk,Bzc,range,pmflg,
+ Sm,p0,p1,p2,p3,pQ,pR,cc,p01,p02,p11,p12,p21,p22,p31,p32);
+ if(isstring(pltdata),
+ pdata=parse(pltdata);
+ ,
+ pdata=pltdata;
+ );
+ if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==2,pdata=pdata_1);
+ range=rangeorg;
+ pmflg=1;
+ if(range_2<range_1,
+ range=reverse(range);
+ pmflg=-1;
+ );
+ va1=MeetCurve(pdata,range_1,0);
+ va2=MeetCurve(pdata,range_2,0);
+ list=select(pdata,(#_1>range_1 & #_1<range_2));
+ if(length(list)>0, // 16.09.25
+ if(list_1_1>list_(length(list))_1, //16.11.03
+ list=reverse(list);
+// pmflg=pmflg*(-1);
+ );
+ );
+ list=apply(list,LLcrd(#));
+ list=concat([va1],list);
+ list=concat(list,[va2]);
+ Sm=0;
+ forall(1..(length(list)-1),
+ p1=list_#;
+ p2=list_(#+1);
+ if(#==1 % #==length(list)-1,
+ tmp1=(p1_2+p2_2)*(p2_1-p1_1)/2;
+ Sm=Sm+tmp1;
+ ,
+ p0=list_(#-1);
+ p3=list_(#+2);
+ tmp=1+sqrt((1+Dotprod(p2-p0,p3-p1)/|p2-p0|/|p3-p1|)/2);
+ cc=4*|p2-p1|/3/(|p2-p0|+|p3-p1|)/tmp;
+ pQ=p1+cc*(p2-p0);
+ pR=p2+cc*(p1-p3);
+ p01=p1_1; p02=p1_2;
+ p31=p2_1; p32=p2_2;
+ p11=pQ_1; p12=pQ_2;
+ p21=pR_1; p22=pR_2;
+ tmp1=-6*p12*p01+3*p12*p21+3*p12*p31+6*p02*p11-
+ 10*p02*p01+3*p02*p21+p02*p31-3*p22*p11-
+ 3*p22*p01+6*p22*p31-3*p32*p11-p32*p01-
+ 6*p32*p21+10*p32*p31;
+ tmp1=tmp1/20;
+ Sm=Sm+tmp1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(pmflg==-1,
+ Sm=-Sm;
+ );
+ Sm;
+ regional(pd,p1,p2,s,tmp);
+ if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
+ s=0;
+ forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
+ p1=Lcrd(pd_#);
+ p2=Lcrd(pd_(#+1));
+ tmp=(p1_2+p2_2)*(p2_1-p1_1)/2;
+ s=s+tmp;
+ );
+ if(s<0,s=-s);
+ s;
+Findarea(pdstr):=( // 15.11.27
+ regional(pd,p0,p1,p2,p3,s,tmp);
+ if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
+ s=0;
+ forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
+ p1=pd_#;
+ p2=pd_(#+1);
+ if(#==1,p0=pd_(length(pd)-1),p0=pd_(#-1));
+ if(#==length(pd)-1,p3=pd_2,p3=pd_(#+2));
+ tmp=IntegrateO(p0,p1,p2,p3);
+ s=s+tmp;
+ );
+ if(s<0,s=-s);
+ s;
+ regional(pd,p1,p2,s,tmp);
+ if(isstring(pdstr),pd=parse(pdstr),pd=pdstr);
+ s=0;
+ forall(1..(length(pd)-1),
+ p1=Lcrd(pd_#);
+ p2=Lcrd(pd_(#+1));
+ tmp=|p2-p1|;
+ s=s+tmp;
+ );
+ s;
+ regional(tmp,varstr,range,x1,x2,x3,va1,va2);
+ tmp=indexof(rngstr,"=");
+ varstr=substring(rngstr,0,tmp-1);
+ range=parse(substring(rngstr,tmp,length(rngstr)));
+ x1=range_1; x2=range_2;
+ repeat(15,
+ x3=(x1+x2)/2;
+ va1=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x1,5)));
+ va2=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x3,5)));
+ if((va1>value & va2>value) % (va1<value & va2<value),
+ x1=x3;
+ ,
+ x2=x3;
+ );
+ );
+ va1=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x1,5)))-value;
+ va2=parse(replace(fnstr,varstr,textformat(x2,5)))-value;
+ if(x1==range_1 % x2==range_2,
+ println("not found in ("+textformat(range_1,5)
+ +","+textformat(range_2,5)+")");
+ );
+ if(abs(va1)<=abs(va2),x1,x2);
+ regional(str);
+ str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
+ COM0thlist=append(COM0thlist,str);
+ regional(str);
+ str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,str); // 15.05.27
+// COM1stlist=append(COM1stlist,str);
+// help:Com2nd("");
+ regional(str);
+ str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
+ COM2ndlist=append(COM2ndlist,str);
+ regional(str);
+ str=replace(String,LFmark,"");
+ COM2ndlist=prepend(str,COM2ndlist);
+Texcom(strorg):=( //17.09.22
+ regional(str);
+ str=replace(strorg,"\","\\");
+ str=replace(str,"\\\\","\\");
+ str="Texcom("+Dq+str+Dq+")";
+ Com2nd(str);
+ Com2nd("Texcom("+Dq+"\def\ketcindy{{K\kern-.20em
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em{TCindy}}}"+Dq+")");
+ Com2nd("Drwline("+gstr+")");
+ Com2nd("Dashline("+gstr+")");
+ Com2nd("Invdashline("+gstr+")");
+ Com2nd("Dottedline("+gstr+")");
+ Com0th("setlanguage('en')");
+ regional(Dop,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Dop="";
+ tmp1=indexof(type,",");
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ Dop=","+substring(type,tmp1,length(type));
+ );
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(type,0,3));
+ if(tmp1=="DR",
+ Drwline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="DA",
+ Dashline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="ID",
+ Invdashline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="DO",
+ Dottedline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ println(ULEN);
+ regional(Dx,Dy,Sym,SL,OL,Is,VL,Ucode,ii,cha,
+ str,Unit,Valu,flg,tmp);
+ Sym=".0123456789 +-*/";
+ SL=Sym;
+ OL="+-*/";
+ if(length(UI)>0,
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,"Setunitlen("+Dq+string+Dq+")");
+ );
+ Is=1;
+ VL="";
+ Ucode=ULEN;
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(Ucode)),ii,
+ if(flg==0,
+ cha=substring(Ucode,ii-1,ii);
+ if(indexof(SL,cha)>0,
+ if(indexof(OL,cha)>0,
+ tmp=substring(Ucode,Is-1,ii);
+ str=VL+tmp+cha;
+ VL=str;
+ Is=ii+1;
+ );
+ ,
+ Unit=substring(Ucode,ii-1,ii+1);
+ str=substring(Ucode,Is-1,ii-1);
+ VL=VL+str;
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Valu=parse(VL);
+ str=format(Valu,6);
+ ULEN=str+Unit;
+ if(Unit=="cm",MilliIn=1000/2.54*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="mm",MilliIn=1000/2.54*Valu/10);
+ if(Unit=="in",MilliIn=1000*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="pt",MilliIn=1000/72.27*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="pc",MilliIn=000/6.022*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="bp",MilliIn=1000/72*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="dd2",MilliIn=1000/1238/1157/72.27*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="cc",MilliIn=1000/1238/1157/72.27*12*Valu);
+ if(Unit=="sp",MilliIn=1000/72.27/65536*Valu/10);
+ MARKLEN=MARKLENNow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
+ MEMORI=MEMORINow*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
+ MARKLEN=ratio*0.2;//16.11.01
+ Com2nd("Setmarklen("+textformat(ratio,5)+")");
+ Com2nd("Setorigin("+textformat(point,5)+")");
+ Com2nd("Fontsize('"+sizestr+"')");
+ PenThick=PenThickInit*width; // 16.04.09
+ Com2nd("Setpen("+text(width)+")");
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(ispoint(pt),
+ tmp=[pt.x/SCALEX,pt.y/SCALEY];
+ ,
+ tmp=pt;
+ );
+ tmp;
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(ispoint(pt),
+ tmp=re(pt.xy); // 15.07.24
+ ,
+ tmp=[pt_1*SCALEX,pt_2*SCALEY];
+ );
+ tmp;
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(ispoint(pt),
+ tmp=pt.xy
+ ,
+ tmp=pt;
+ );
+ tmp=[tmp_1/SCALEX,tmp_2/SCALEY];
+ tmp;
+ regional(Level,Out,gL,gr,tmp);
+ if(ispoint(pltdata) % isreal(pltdata_1),
+ gL=[[pltdata]];
+ Level=0;
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(pltdata_1) % isreal(pltdata_1_1),
+ gL=[pltdata];
+ Level=1;
+ ,
+ gL=pltdata;
+ Level=2;
+ );
+ );
+ Out=[];
+ forall(gL,gr,
+ tmp=apply(gr,Lcrd(#));
+ tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
+ Out=concat(Out,[tmp]);
+ );
+ if(Level==0,
+ Out=Out_1_1;
+ );
+ if(Level==1,
+ Out=Out_1;
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(Level,Out,gL,gr,tmp);
+ if(ispoint(pltdata) % isreal(pltdata_1),
+ gL=[[pltdata]];
+ Level=0;
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(pltdata_1) % isreal(pltdata_1_1),
+ gL=[pltdata];
+ Level=1;
+ ,
+ gL=pltdata;
+ Level=2;
+ );
+ );
+ Out=[];
+ forall(gL,gr,
+ tmp=apply(gr,Lcrd(#));
+ tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
+ Out=concat(Out,[tmp]);
+ );
+ if(Level==0,
+ Out=Out_1_1;
+ );
+ if(Level==1,
+ Out=Out_1;
+ );
+ Out;
+ println("Setpt("+text(n)+")");
+ TenSize=TenSizeInit*n;
+ Com2nd("Setpt("+text(n)+")"); // 14.01.19
+ regional(type,tmp);
+ if(length(data)>3,type="cmyk",type="rgb");
+ tmp=text(data);
+ tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp="\definecolor{"+name+"}{"+type+"}{"+tmp+"}";
+ Texcom(tmp);
+ if(islist(Par),
+ if(length(Par)==3,
+ Setcolorrgb(Par); // 2015.04.28
+// KCOLOR=Par;
+ );
+ if(length(Par)==4,
+ Setcolor(Par,[]);
+ );
+ ,
+ Setcolor(Par,[]);
+ );
+ regional(tmp);
+ if(isstring(colorname),
+ tmp="Setcolor("+Dq+colorname+Dq;
+ if(length(options)>0,
+ tmp=tmp+","+text(options_1);
+ );
+ Com2nd(tmp+")");
+ );
+ if(islist(colorname),
+ tmp=text(colorname);
+ tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ Texcom("\color[cmyk]{"+tmp+"}"); //17.09.22
+ );
+// help:Setcolorrgb([0.5,0.3,0.4]);
+ regional(tmp);
+ tmp=text(colorlist);
+ tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp="Texcom("+Dq+"\\color[rgb]{"+tmp+"}"+Dq+")"; //17.10.07
+ Com2nd(tmp);
+// help:ColorRgb([0.2,0.5,0.1]);
+ regional(clrnew,tmp,black);
+ tmp=apply(clr,1-#);
+ black=min(tmp);
+ tmp=apply(clr,(1-#-black)/(1-black));
+ clrnew=append(tmp,black);
+ clrnew;
+// help:ColorRgb([0.2,0.5,0.1,0.2]);
+ regional(clrnew,tmp,black);
+ black=clr_4;
+ tmp=apply(clr,1-min(1,#*(1-black)+black));
+ clrnew=tmp_(1..3);
+ clrnew;
+ regional(varR,varG,varB,varMin,varMax,delMax,hh,ss,vv,delR,delG,delB);
+ varR = rgb_1;
+ varG = rgb_2;
+ varB = rgb_3;
+ varMin = min( [varR, varG, varB] );
+ varMax = max( [varR, varG, varB] );
+ delMax = varMax - varMin ;
+ vv = varMax;
+ if ( delMax == 0 ,
+ hh = 0 ;
+ ss = 0 ;
+ ,
+ ss = delMax / varMax;
+ delR = ( ( ( varMax - varR ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
+ delG = ( ( ( varMax - varG ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
+ delB = ( ( ( varMax - varB ) / 6 ) + ( delMax / 2 ) ) / delMax;
+ if( varR == varMax ,
+ hh = delB - delG;
+ ,
+ if ( varG == varMax,
+ hh = ( 1 / 3 ) + delR - delB;
+ ,
+ if ( varB == varMax ,
+ hh = ( 2 / 3 ) + delG - delR;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if ( hh < 0 ,hh = hh+1);
+ if ( hh > 1 ,hh = hh-1);
+ );
+ [hh*360,ss,vv];
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,hi,ff,dL);
+ tmp=[sL_1/60,sL_2,sL_3];
+ hi=mod(floor(tmp_1),6);
+ ff=tmp_1-floor(tmp_1);
+ tmp2=tmp_3*[1-tmp_2,1-tmp_2*ff,1-tmp_2*(1-ff)];
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp_3);
+ if(hi==0,dL=tmp2_[4,3,1]);
+ if(hi==1,dL=tmp2_[2,4,1]);
+ if(hi==2,dL=tmp2_[1,4,3]);
+ if(hi==3,dL=tmp2_[1,2,4]);
+ if(hi==4,dL=tmp2_[3,1,4]);
+ if(hi==5,dL=tmp2_[4,1,2]);
+ dL;
+ regional(rr,gg,bb,mn,mx,delta,deltaR,deltaG,deltaB,hh,ss,ll);
+ rr = rgb_1 ;
+ gg = rgb_2 ;
+ bb = rgb_3 ;
+ mn = min([rr, gg, bb]);
+ mx = max([rr, gg, bb]);
+ delta = mx - mn;
+ ll = (mx + mn) / 2;
+ if (delta == 0,
+ hh=0;
+ ss=0;
+ ,
+ if (ll < 0.5,
+ ss = delta/ (mx + mn);
+ ,
+ ss = delta / (2 - mx - mn);
+ );
+ deltaR = (((mx - rr) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ deltaG = (((mx - gg) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ deltaB = (((mx - bb) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ if (rr == mx,
+ hh = deltaB - deltaG;
+ ,
+ if (gg == mx,
+ hh = (1 / 3) + deltaR - deltaB;
+ ,
+ if (bb == mx,
+ hh = (2 / 3) + deltaG - deltaR;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if ( hh < 0, hh = hh+1);
+ if ( hh > 1, hh = hh-1);
+ );
+ [hh*360,ss,ll];
+ regional(hh,ss,ll,rr,gg,bb,var1,var2);
+ hh=hsl_1/360;
+ ss=hsl_2;
+ ll=hsl_3;
+ if ( ss == 0.0,
+ rr = ll ;
+ gg = ll ;
+ bb = ll ;
+ ,
+ if ( ll < 0.5 ,
+ var2 = ll * ( 1.0 + ss );
+ ,
+ var2 = ( ll + ss ) - ( ss * ll );
+ );
+ var1 = 2.0 * ll - var2;
+ rr = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh + ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) );
+ gg = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh );
+ bb = hue2rgb( var1, var2, hh - ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) );
+ );
+ [rr,gg,bb];
+ regional(out);
+ if ( vh < 0.0 ,vh =vh+1);
+ if ( vh > 1.0 ,vh =vh-1);
+ if ( 6.0*vh < 1.0 ,
+ out = vv1 + ( vv2 - vv1 ) * 6.0 * vh ;
+ ,
+ if( 2.0*vh < 1.0 ,
+ out = vv2;
+ ,
+ if ( 3.0*vh < 2.0 ,
+ out = vv1 + ( vv2 - vv1 ) * ( ( 2.0 / 3.0 ) - vh ) * 6.0 ;
+ ,
+ out= vv1 ;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(dl1,dl2,dl3);
+ dl1 = Colorrgbhsl(sL)_1;//Colorcode("rgb","hsl",sL)_1;
+ dl2 = min(sL);
+ dl3 = 1 - max(sL);
+ dL= [dl1, dl2 , dl3 ];
+ regional(sL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,ratio,ff,ii,vv,nn,dL,flg);
+ sL=sLorg;
+ sL=[sL_1/360,sL_2,sL_3];
+ ratio = sL_2 + sL_3;
+ // sL_2 + sL_3 cant be > 1
+ if (ratio > 1.,
+ sL_2 =sL_2 / ratio;
+ sL_3 = sL_3 / ratio;
+ );
+ ii = floor(6 * sL_1);
+ vv = 1 - sL_3;
+ ff = 6 * sL_1 - ii;
+ if(mod(ii,2)==1,ff = 1 - ff);
+ nn = sL_2 + ff * (vv - sL_2); // linear interpolation
+ tmp=[[vv,nn,sL_2],[nn,vv,sL_2],[sL_2,vv,nn],
+ [sL_2,nn,vv],[nn,sL_2,vv],[vv,sL_2,nn],[vv,nn,sL_2]];
+ flg=0;
+ forall(0..6,
+ if(flg==0 & ii == # ,
+ dL=tmp_(#+1);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ dL;
+ regional(dl1,dl2,dl3,dL);
+ dl1=sL_1;
+ if(sL_3 == 0,
+ // no need to do calc on black
+ // also avoids divide by 0 error
+ dL= [0, 0, 0];
+ ,
+ sL_3 = sL_3 * 2;
+ if(sL_3 <= 1,sL_2 = sL_2 * sL_3,sL_2 = sL_2 * (2 - sL_3));
+ dl3 = (sL_3 + sL_2) / 2;
+ dl2 = (2 * sL_2) / (sL_3 + sL_2);
+ dL = [dl1, dl2, dl3];
+ );
+ dL;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,mn,mx,delta,black,dL,flg);
+ regional(dl1,dl2,dl3);
+ if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsv", dL=Colorrgbhsv(sL));
+ if(src=="hsv" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhsvrgb(sL));
+ if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsl", dL=Colorrgbhsl(sL));
+ if(src=="hsl" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhslrgb(sL));
+ if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hwb", dL=Colorrgbhwb(sL));
+ if(src=="hwb" & dest=="rgb", dL=Colorhwbrgb(sL));
+ if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hsv", dL=Colorhslhsv(sL));
+ if(src=="hsv" & dest=="hsl",
+ dl1 = sL_1;
+ dl3 = (2 - sL_2) * sL_3;
+ dl2 = sL_2 * sL_3;
+ if(dl3 <= 1,dl2 = dl2/dl3,dl2=dl2/(2 - dl3));
+ dl3 =d l3/ 2;
+ dL = [dl1, dl2 , dl3 ];
+ );
+ if(src=="rgb" & dest=="cmyk",
+ tmp=apply(sL,1-#);
+ black=min(tmp);
+ tmp=apply(sL,(1-#-black)/(1-black));
+ dL=append(tmp,black);
+ );
+ if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="rgb",
+ black=sL_4;
+ tmp=apply(sL,1-min(1,#*(1-black)+black));
+ dL=tmp_(1..3);
+ );
+ if(src=="hsv" & dest=="cmyk",
+ tmp=Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL);
+ dL=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsv",
+ tmp=Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
+ dL=Colorcode("rgb","hsv",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hsv" & dest=="hwb",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsv",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsv",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hwb",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hsl","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsl",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsl",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hsl" & dest=="cmyk",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hsl","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hwb" & dest=="cmyk",
+ tmp = Colorcode("hwb","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsl",
+ tmp = Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hsl",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hwb",
+ tmp = Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",sL);
+ dL = Colorcode("rgb","hwb",tmp);
+ );
+ if(src=="hsb" & dest=="rgb",dL=Colorcode("hsv","rgb",sL));
+ if(src=="rgb" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("rgb","hsv",sL));
+ if(src=="hsb" & dest=="hsl",dL=Colorcode("hsv","hsl",sL));
+ if(src=="hsl" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("hsl","hsv",sL));
+ if(src=="hsb" & dest=="hwb",dL=Colorcode("hsv","hwb",sL));
+ if(src=="hwb" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("hwb","hsv",sL));
+ if(src=="hsb" & dest=="cmyk",dL=Colorcode("hsv","cmyk",sL));
+ if(src=="cmyk" & dest=="hsb",dL=Colorcode("cmyk","hsv",sL));
+ dL;
+ regional(rgb,cmyk,cmd,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
+ cmd=replace(cmdorg,"'",Dq);
+ if(length(list)==3,
+ rgb=list;
+ cmyk=Colorcode("rgb","cmyk",list);
+ ,
+ cmyk=list;
+ rgb=Colorcode("cmyk","rgb",list);
+ );
+ tmp1="color->"+text(rgb);
+ tmp2="Setcolor("+text(cmyk)+");";
+ tmp3=substring(cmd,0,length(cmd)-2);
+ tmp=substring(tmp3,length(tmp3)-1,length(tmp3));
+ if(tmp!="[",
+ tmp3=tmp3+",";
+ );
+ tmp3=tmp3+Dq+tmp1+Dq+"])";
+ parse(tmp2);
+ parse(tmp3);
+ Setcolor("black");
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,head,cstrL,chstrL,head,body);
+ if(length(clrf_1)==3,
+ head="[rgb]{";
+ ,
+ head="[cmyk]{";
+ );
+ tmp=apply(clrf,text(#));
+ cstrL=apply(tmp,head+substring(#,1,length(#)-1)+"}");
+ if(length(clrt_1)==3,
+ head="[rgb]{";
+ ,
+ head="[cmyk]{";
+ );
+ tmp=apply(clrt,text(#));
+ chstrL=apply(tmp,head+substring(#,1,length(#)-1)+"}");
+ tmp1=load(filename);
+ tmp=tokenize(tmp1,"{\unitlength");
+ head=tokenize(tmp_1,"%%%");
+ head=head_(2..(length(head)));
+ head=apply(head,"%%%"+#);
+ tmp2=tmp_2;
+ forall(1..5,
+ tmp2=replace(tmp2,cstrL_#,chstrL_#);
+ );
+ body=tokenize(tmp2,"%");
+ body_1="{\unitlength"+body_1;
+ body=apply(body,#+"%");
+ body=body_(1..(length(body)-1));
+ tmp=replace(filename,".tex","new.tex");
+ SCEOUT=openfile(tmp);
+ forall(head,
+ println(SCEOUT,#);
+ );
+ forall(1..(length(body)),
+ tmp=body_#;
+ if(#<length(body),
+ println(SCEOUT,tmp);
+ ,
+ print(SCEOUT,tmp)
+ );
+ );
+ closefile(SCEOUT);
+ regional(noflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Dop,Ltype,subflg);
+ Ltype=-1;
+ Dop="";
+ tmp1=indexof(str,",");
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ Dop=","+substring(str,tmp1,length(str));
+ );
+ noflg=parse(substring(str,0,1));
+ if(substring(name,0,3)=="sub",subflg=1,subflg=0); // 16.02.29
+ tmp1=substring(str,1,3);
+ if(tmp1=="dr" % tmp1=="Dr",
+ Ltype=0;
+ if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
+ Drwline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="da" % tmp1=="Da",
+ Ltype=1;
+ if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
+ Dashline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="id" % tmp1=="Id",
+ Ltype=2; // 15.11.09
+ if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
+ Invdashline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="do" % tmp1=="Do",
+ Ltype=3;
+ if(noflg==0 & subflg==0, // 16.02.29
+ Dottedline(name+Dop);
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="dp" % tmp1=="Dp",
+ Ltype=0;
+ tmp1=parse(name);
+ tmp2="";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp2=tmp2+textformat(#_1,5)+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1);
+ if(noflg==0,
+ Drwpt(tmp2+Dop);
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp1=="no" % tmp1=="No",
+ Ltype=10;
+ );
+ Ltype;
+ regional(flg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ if(indexof(str,"]")>0,
+ tmp1=replace(str,"]",",]");
+ ,
+ tmp1=str+",";
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp2=[];
+ tmp3=0;
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp,"_");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ flg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp;
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1));
+ tmp=indexof(tmp,",")-1;
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,tmp3+tmp);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ forall(tmp2,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"_"+#,"("+#+")");
+ );
+ if(indexof(str,"]")>0,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,",]",")");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"[","list(");
+ ,
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ );
+ tmp1;
+// if(isstring(Arg2),
+// AddGraph(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+// ,
+// if(MeasureDepth(Arg2)>0,
+// Addgraph(Arg1,Arg2,[]);
+// ,
+// Addgraph("-"+Arg1,Arg1,Arg2);
+// );
+// );
+//help:AddGraph("1","imp1"); // 16.04.04
+ regional(name,Ltype,Noflg,opcindy,pdata,fname,flg,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3);
+ if(substring(nm,0,1)=="-",
+ name=substring(nm,1,length(nm));
+ ,
+ name="ad"+nm;
+ );
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_9;
+ if(isstring(pltdata),
+ pdata=parse(pltdata)
+ ,
+ if(!islist(pltdata),pdata=[pltdata],pdata=pltdata);
+ pdata=apply(pdata,parse(#));
+ ); // 15.01.22
+ pdata=Flattenlist(pdata);
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(pdata,tmp2,
+ tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
+ );
+ if(length(tmp1)==1,tmp1=tmp1_1);
+ pdata=tmp1;
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate addgraph "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(pdata,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ if(isstring(pltdata), // 16.04.04 from
+ if(indexof(pltdata,"]")>0,
+ tmp1="list(Listplot("+substring(pltdata,1,length(pltdata));
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"]",",]");
+ ,
+ tmp1="Listplot("+substring(pltdata,0,length(pltdata))+",]";
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ tmp2=[];
+ tmp3=0;
+ forall(1..(length(tmp1)),
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=indexof(substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1)),"_");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ flg=1;
+ ,
+ tmp3=tmp3+tmp;
+ tmp=indexof(substring(tmp1,tmp3,length(tmp1)),",")-1;
+ tmp=substring(tmp1,tmp3,tmp3+tmp);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ forall(tmp2,
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,"_"+#,"("+#+")");
+ );
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,",]",")");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp1,",","),Listplot(");
+ if(indexof(pltdata,"[")>0,
+ tmp1=tmp1+")";
+ );
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"="+tmp1);
+ ,
+ if(MeasureDepth(pdata)==1,
+ tmp1=name+"=Listplot("+textformat(pdata,5)+")";
+ ,
+ tmp1="list(";
+ forall(1..(length(pdata)),
+ tmp=name+"p"+textformat(#,5)+"=";
+ if(length(pdata_#)>1, // 15.01.22
+ tmp=tmp+"Listplot("+textformat(pdata_#,5)+")";
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp+"Pointdata("+textformat(pdata_#_1,5)+")";
+ );
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ tmp1=tmp1+name+"p"+textformat(#,5)+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=name+"="+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")";
+ );
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp1);
+ );
+ ); // 16.04.04 until
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ regional(plotlist,PtL,Eps,QdL,Flg,Ni,Qd,pP,pS,pQ,pR,rMN,
+ opcindy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,str,name,Ltype,Noflg);
+ name="join"+nm;
+ plotlist=[];
+ forall(plotstrL,str,
+ if(isstring(str),
+ tmp=parse(str);
+ tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
+ ,
+ tmp=str;
+ );
+ plotlist=append(plotlist,tmp);
+ );
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ tmp1=tmp_6;
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,Eps=tmp1_1);
+ QdL=[];
+ forall(plotlist,Qd,
+ if(ispoint(Qd_1) % !islist(Qd_1_1),
+ QdL=concat(QdL,[Qd]);
+ ,
+ forall(Qd,
+ QdL=concat(QdL,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Flg=0;
+ if(length(QdL)==0,
+ PtL=[];
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ PtL=QdL_1;
+ forall(2..(length(QdL)),Ni,
+ Qd=QdL_Ni;
+ if(Numptcrv(Qd)>1,
+ pP=Ptend(PtL);
+ pS=Ptstart(PtL);
+ pQ=Ptstart(Qd);
+ pR=Ptend(Qd);
+ rMN=min([|pP-pQ|,|pP-pR|,|pS-pQ|,|pS-pR|]);
+ if(rMN==|pP-pR|,
+ Qd=reverse(Qd);
+ ,
+ if(rMN==|pS-pQ|,
+ PtL=reverse(PtL);
+ ,
+ if(rMN==|pS-pR|,
+ PtL=reverse(PtL);
+ Qd=reverse(Qd);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(rMN>Eps,
+ PtL=concat(PtL,Qd);
+ ,
+ PtL=concat(PtL,Qd_(2..(length(Qd))));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate joincurve "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(PtL,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1="";
+ forall(plotstrL,
+ tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
+ );
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Joincrvs("+tmp1+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ PtL;
+ regional(PkL,Ans,Eps,Npt,Out1,Out2,tmp,tmp1,Flg,nS,nE,PPL,pP,
+ opcindy,Ta,Tb,name,Ltype,Noflg,DepthFlg);
+ name="part"+nm;
+ if(isstring(PkLstr),PkL=parse(PkLstr),PkL=PkLstr);
+ DepthFlg=0;
+ if(MeasureDepth(PkL)==2,
+ PkL=PkL_1;
+ DepthFlg=1;
+ );
+ PkL=apply(PkL,LLcrd(#));
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Eps=10^(-3);
+ Flg=0;
+ if(isreal(pA),
+ if(pA>pB+Eps,
+ Npt=Numptcrv(PkL);
+ Out1=Partcrv("",pA,Npt,PkLstr,["nodata"]);
+ Out2=Partcrv("",1,pB,PkLstr,["nodata"]);
+ tmp=Ptstart(PkL)-Ptend(PkL);
+ if(|tmp|<Eps,
+ Ans=Joincrvs("",[Out1,Out2],["nodata"]);
+ ,
+ Ans=[apply(Out1,Pcrd(#)),apply(Out2,Pcrd(#))];
+ );
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ nS=ceil(pA);
+ nE=floor(pB);
+ PPL=[];
+ if(pA<nS-Eps,
+ pP=(nS-pA)*PkL_(nS-1)+(1-nS+pA)*PkL_nS;
+ PPL=[pP];
+ );
+ PPL=concat(PPL,PkL_(nS..nE));
+ if(pB>nE+Eps,
+ pP=(1-pB+nE)*PkL_nE+(pB-nE)*PkL_(nE+1);
+ PPL=concat(PPL,[pP]);
+ );
+ Ans=PPL;
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg==0,
+ tmp=Nearestpt(LLcrd(Pcrd(pA)),PkL);
+ Ta=tmp_2;
+ tmp=Nearestpt(LLcrd(Pcrd(pB)),PkL); // 15.09.12
+ Tb=tmp_2;
+ Ans=Partcrv("",Ta,Tb,PkL,["nodata"] );
+ Ans=apply(Ans,Pcrd(#));
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate partcrv "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Ans,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+// GLIST=append(GLIST, // 16.04.03
+ if(DepthFlg==0,
+ tmp=PkLstr;
+ ,
+ tmp=PkLstr+"(1)";
+ );
+ tmp1=name+"=Partcrv("+textformat(Lcrd(pA),5)
+ +","+textformat(Lcrd(pB),5)+","+tmp+")"; // 16.04.03
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp1);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Ans;
+ //help:Subgraph(2,"grfs");
+ regional(name,tmp,tmp1);
+ name="-"+Fig+text(num);
+ tmp=Fig+"_"+text(num);
+ tmp1=parse(tmp);
+ Listplot(name,tmp1,options);
+ regional(list,name,nameL,ptlist,opstr,opcindy,
+ eqL,size,thick,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Ltype,Noflg);
+ name="pt"+nm;
+ nameL=name+"L";
+ println("generate pointdata "+name);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ size="";
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ if(length(eqL)>0,
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=substring(#,0,1);
+ if(tmp=="s" % tmp=="S",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ size=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(isstring(listorg),list=parse(listorg),list=listorg); //17.10.23
+ tmp=MeasureDepth(list);
+ if(tmp>0, // 2015.02.21
+ if(tmp==1,ptlist=list,ptlist=list_1);
+ tmp=apply(ptlist,[textformat(Pcrd(#),5)]);
+ tmp1=text(tmp);
+ tmp2=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ tmp3=tmp1;
+ ,
+ ptlist=list;
+ tmp1=textformat(Pcrd(ptlist),5);
+ tmp2=tmp1;
+ tmp3="["+tmp1+"]";
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+tmp1;
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=nameL+"="+tmp3;
+ parse(tmp);
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ if(isstring(listorg), //17.10.23
+ tmp2=listorg;
+ ,
+ tmp2="list("; //17.10.10from
+ forall(list,
+ if(isstring(#),
+ tmp=#;
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(#),tmp=text(#),tmp=textformat(#,6));
+ );
+ tmp2=tmp2+tmp+",";
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(tmp2,0,length(tmp2)-1)+")"; //17.10.10until
+ );
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Pointdata("+tmp2+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ tmp=[nameL,0,opcindy];
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,tmp);
+ if(Noflg==0,
+ if(length(size)>0,
+ Com2nd("Setpt("+size+")");
+ );
+ thick=PenThick/PenThickInit; // 16.04.09 from
+ if(length(size)>0,tmp1=parse(size),tmp1=1);
+ tmp1=max(tmp1,1)/8;
+ Setpen(tmp1); // 16.04.09 until
+ Com2nd("Drwpt(list("+name+")"+opstr+")");
+ Setpen(thick); // 16.04.09
+ if(length(size)>0,
+ Com2nd("Setpt("+textformat(TenSize/TenSizeInit,1)+")");
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ ptlist;
+// help:Listplot(["A","B"]);
+ regional(name,tmp,tmp1,ptlist,Ltype,opcindy,Noflg,eqL,Msg);
+ if(substring(nm,0,1)=="-", // 16.01.27 from
+ name=substring(nm,1,length(nm));
+ ,
+ name="sg"+nm;
+ ); // until
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Msg=1; // 15.09.17
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=substring(#,0,1);
+ if(Toupper(tmp)=="M",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,tmp+1); // 16.06.28
+ if(Toupper(tmp1)=="N", // 16.06.28
+ Msg=0;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ if(Msg==1,
+ println("generate Listplot "+name);
+ );
+ if(isstring(list_1),tmp=apply(list,parse(#)),tmp=list); // 15.03.24
+ ptlist=apply(tmp,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(ptlist,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+textformat(list,5)+")"); // 15.12.23
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ tmp1=apply(list,Lcrd(#));
+ tmp1;
+ regional(name,list,options,str);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ name=Arg1;
+ list=Arg2;
+ Listplot(name,list,[]);
+ ,
+ list=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ name="";
+ forall(list, // 16.10.07from
+ );// 16.10.07until
+ Listplot(name,list,options);
+ );
+ regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,opstr,opcindy,Mag,Semi,
+ Vec,pA,pB,Ltype,Noflg);
+ name="ln"+nm;
+ Mag=100;
+ Semi="";
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp1=tmp_6;
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,Mag=tmp1_1);
+ tmp1=tmp_7;
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,Semi=tmp1_1);
+ pA=Lcrd(list_1); pB=Lcrd(list_2);
+ Vec= Mag/dist(pA,pB)*(pB-pA);
+ if(length(Semi)==0,
+ Out=[pA-Vec,pA+Vec];
+ ,
+ if(Semi=="+",
+ Out=[pA,pA+Vec];
+ ,
+ Out=[pA-Vec,pA];
+ );
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Lineplot "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Lineplot("+textformat(list,5)+opstr+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(name,list,options,str);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ name=Arg1;
+ list=Arg2;
+ Lineplot(name,list,[]);
+ ,
+ list=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ name="";
+ forall(list, // 16.10.07from
+ );// 16.10.07until
+ Lineplot(name,list,options);
+ );
+ regional(Fn,Va,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,eqL,name,Vname,x1,x2,dx,
+ PdL,QdL,Num,Ec,Dc,Fun,Exfun,x,Ke,Eps,Pa,
+ Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,opstr,opcindy);
+ name="gr"+name1;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ Inflg=tmp_3;
+ Outflg=tmp_4;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ Num=50;
+ Ec=[];
+ Exfun="";
+ Dc=1000;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ Ec=parse(tmp1);
+ ,
+ Exfun=tmp1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
+ Dc=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ );
+ if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0,
+ Eps=10^(-3);
+ tmp=replace(func,LFmark,"");
+ tmp=tokenize(variable,"=");
+ Vname=tmp_1;
+ if(length(tmp)>1,
+ tmp=tmp_2;
+ tmp=parse(tmp);
+ x1=tmp_1;
+ x2=tmp_2;
+ ,
+ x1=XMIN;
+ x2=XMAX;
+ );
+ // dx=(x2-x2)/Num;
+ Ec=append(sort(Ec),10000);
+ Fun=Assign(func,Vname, "xx");
+ Exfun=Assign(Exfun,Vname, "xx");
+ PdL=[];
+ Ke=1;
+ forall(0..Num,
+ xx=x1+#*(x2-x1)/Num; // differs from Scilab ( / Num-1)
+ if(length(Exfun)>0,
+ tmp=parse(Exfun);
+ if(abs(tmp)<Eps,
+ if(length(Pdt)>0,
+ PdL=concat(PdL,["inf"]);
+ );
+ );
+ ,
+ Pa=[];
+ if(xx-Ec_Ke<-Eps,
+ Pa=[xx,parse(Fun)];
+ );
+ if(abs(xx-Ec_Ke)<=Eps,
+ if(length(PdL)>0,
+ if(PdL_(length(PdL))_1!="inf",
+ Pa=["inf"];
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(xx-Ec_Ke>Eps,
+ Pa=[xx,parse(Fun)];
+ Ke=Ke+1;
+ );
+ if(length(Pa)>0,
+ if(Pa_1=="inf",
+ PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
+ ,
+ if(length(PdL)==0,
+ PdL=[Pa];
+ ,
+ tmp=PdL_(length(PdL));
+ if(tmp_1=="inf",
+ PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
+ ,
+ if(dist(tmp,Pa)<Dc,
+ PdL=concat(PdL,[Pa]);
+ ,
+ PdL=concat(PdL,[["inf"],Pa]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=[];
+ tmp2=select(1..(length(PdL)),PdL_#==["inf"]);
+ tmp=1;
+ forall(tmp2,
+ if(#>tmp,
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,[PdL_(tmp..(#-1))])
+ );
+ tmp=#+1;
+ );
+ if(tmp<length(PdL),
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,[PdL_(tmp..(length(PdL)))]);
+ );
+ PdL=tmp1;
+ if(length(PdL)==1,
+ PdL=PdL_1;
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Plotdata "+name);
+ if(MeasureDepth(PdL)==1,
+ tmp1=apply(PdL,Pcrd(#));
+ ,
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(PdL,tmp2,
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=replace(func,LFmark,"");
+ tmp2=replace(variable,LFmark,"");
+ tmp=name+"=Plotdata('"+tmp1+"','"+tmp2+"'"+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ PdL;
+ ,
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ if(Inflg==1,
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,vname,func,str,Rng,Num,
+ Ec,Exfun,Dc,eqL,Fntmp,Vatmp,t1,t2,dt,tt,pa,ke,
+ Ltype,Noflg,Inflg,Outflg,opstr,opcindy);
+ name="gp"+name1;
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ Inflg=tmp_3;
+ Outflg=tmp_4;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ Num=50;
+ Ec=[];
+ Exfun="";
+ Dc=1000;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",
+ if(substring(tmp1,0,1)=="[",
+ Ec=parse(tmp1);
+ ,
+ Exfun=tmp1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="D",
+ Dc=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ );
+ if(Inflg==0 & Outflg==0,
+ tmp=indexof(variable,"=");
+ vname=substring(variable,0,tmp-1);
+ str=substring(variable,tmp,length(variable));
+ Rng=parse(str);
+ t1=Rng_1; t2=Rng_2;
+ dt=(t2-t1)/Num;// differs from Scilab ( / Num-1)
+ func=Assign(funstr,vname,"tt");
+ Out=[];
+ Ec=append(sort(Ec),10000);
+ ke=1;
+ forall(0..Num,
+ pt=[];
+ tt=Rng_1+#*dt;
+ if(tt-Ec_ke<-Eps,
+ pa=parse(func);
+ );
+ if(abs(tt-Ec_ke)<=Eps,
+ if(length(Out)>0,
+ if(Out_(length(Out))_1!="inf",
+ pa=["inf"];
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(tt-Ec_ke>Eps,
+ pa=parse(func);
+ ke=ke+1;
+ );
+ if(length(pa)>0,
+ if(pa_1=="inf",
+ Out=append(Out,pa);
+ ,
+ if(length(Out)==0,
+ Out=[pa];
+ ,
+ tmp=Out_(length(Out));
+ if(tmp_1=="inf",
+ Out=append(Out,pa);
+ ,
+ if(|tmp-pa|<Dc,
+ Out=append(Out,pa);
+ ,
+ Out=concat(Out,[["inf"],pa]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp1=[];
+ tmp2=select(1..(length(Out)),Out_#==["inf"]);
+ tmp=1;
+ forall(tmp2,
+ if(#>tmp,
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..(#-1))])
+ );
+ tmp=#+1;
+ );
+ if(tmp<length(Out),
+ tmp1=concat(tmp1,[Out_(tmp..(length(Out)))]);
+ );
+ Out=tmp1;
+ if(length(Out)==1,
+ Out=Out_1;
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Paramplot "+name);
+ if(MeasureDepth(Out)==1,
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ ,
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(Out,tmp2,
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=replace(funstr,LFmark,""); // 15.11.13
+ tmp2=replace(variable,LFmark,"");
+ tmp=name+"=Paramplot('"+tmp1+"','"+tmp2+"'"+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ ,
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ if(Inflg==1,
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ regional(Eps,PlotL,vL,ctr,qd,ah,ao,flg,jj,
+ pp,qq,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ PlotL=[Pdata_1];
+ vL=2..(length(Pdata));
+ ctr=0;
+ while((length(vL)>0)&(ctr<1000),
+ ctr=ctr+1;
+ qd=PlotL_(length(PlotL));
+ ah=qd_1; ao=qd_(length(qd));
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..(length(vL)),jj,
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp1=Pdata_(vL_jj);
+ pp=tmp1_1; qq=tmp1_(length(tmp1));
+ if(Norm(pp-ao)<Eps,
+ tmp=tmp1_(2..(length(tmp1)));
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ qd=concat(qd,tmp);
+ );
+ PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
+ vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(Norm(qq-ao)<Eps,
+ tmp=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ tmp=reverse(tmp);
+ qd=concat(qd,tmp);
+ PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
+ vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(Norm(pp-ah)<Eps,
+ tmp=tmp1_(2..(length(tmp1)));
+ qd=concat(tmp,qd);
+ PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
+ vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(Norm(qq-ah)<Eps,
+ tmp=tmp1_(1..(length(tmp1)-1));
+ tmp=reverse(tmp);
+ qd=concat(tmp,qd);
+ PlotL_(length(PlotL))=qd;
+ vL=remove(vL,[vL_jj]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ PlotL=concat(PlotL,Pdata_(vL_1));
+ vL=remove(vL,[vL_1]);
+ );
+ );
+ PlotL;
+ regional(name,Fn,varx,vary,rngx,rngy,Mdv,Ndv,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,
+ Eps,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,opsr,opcindy,dx,dy,out,jj,ii,kk,
+ yval1,yval2,xval1,xval2,eval11,eva12,eval21,eval22,pL,vL,qL);
+ name="imp"+name1;
+ Eps=10^(-4);
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Mdv=50;Ndv=50;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=Toupper(substring(#,0,tmp-1));
+ tmp2=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
+ Mdv=parse(tmp2);
+ if(!islist(Mdv),
+ Ndv=Mdv;
+ ,
+ Ndv=Mdv_2;
+ Mdv=Mdv_1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(func,"=");
+ if(tmp==0,
+ Fn=func;
+ ,
+ tmp1=substring(func,0,tmp-1);
+ tmp2=substring(func,tmp,length(func));
+ Fn=tmp1+"-("+tmp2+")";
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(xrng,"=");
+ varx=substring(xrng,0,tmp-1);
+ rngx=parse(substring(xrng,tmp,length(xrng)));
+ tmp=indexof(yrng,"=");
+ vary=substring(yrng,0,tmp-1);
+ rngy=parse(substring(yrng,tmp,length(yrng)));
+ tmp="Impfun("+varx+","+vary+"):="+Fn;
+ parse(tmp);
+ dx=(rngx_2-rngx_1)/Mdv;
+ dy=(rngy_2-rngy_1)/Ndv;
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..Ndv,jj,
+ yval1=rngy_1+(jj-1)*dy;
+ yval2=rngy_1+jj*dy;
+ xval1=rngx_1;
+ eval11=Impfun(xval1,yval1);
+ eval12=Impfun(xval1,yval2);
+ forall(1..Mdv,ii,
+ xval2=rngx_1+ii*dx;
+ eval21=Impfun(xval2,yval1);
+ eval22=Impfun(xval2,yval2);
+ pL=[[xval1,yval1]];vL=[eval11];
+ pL=append(pL,[xval2,yval1]);vL=append(vL,eval21);
+ pL=append(pL,[xval2,yval2]);vL=append(vL,eval22);
+ pL=append(pL,[xval1,yval2]);vL=append(vL,eval12);
+ pL=append(pL,[xval1,yval1]);vL=append(vL,eval11);
+ qL=[];
+ forall(1..4,kk,
+ if(abs(vL_kk)<=Eps,
+ qL=append(qL,pL_kk);
+ ,
+ if(vL_kk>Eps,
+ if(vL_(kk+1)< -Eps,
+ tmp=1/(vL_kk-vL_(kk+1))*
+ (-vL_(kk+1)*pL_kk+vL_kk*pL_(kk+1));
+ qL=append(qL,tmp);
+ );
+ ,
+ if(vL_(kk+1)>Eps,
+ tmp=1/(-vL_kk+vL_(kk+1))*
+ (vL_(kk+1)*pL_kk-vL_kk*pL_(kk+1));
+ qL=append(qL,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ xval1=xval2;
+ eval11=eval21;
+ eval12=eval22;
+ if(length(qL)==2,
+ out=append(out,qL);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(out)>0,
+ out=Connectseg(out);
+ );
+ if(length(out)==1,
+ out=out_1;
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Implicitplotdata "+name);
+ if(MeasureDepth(out)==1,
+ tmp1=apply(out,Pcrd(#));
+ ,
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(out,tmp2,
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#)));
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=name+"=Implicitplot('"+func+"','"+xrng+"','"+yrng+"'"+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ out;
+ regional(name,cenrad,options,str,n);
+ if(isstring(para1),
+ name=para1;
+ cenrad=para2;
+ options=[];
+ ,
+ cenrad=para1;
+ options=para2;
+ name="";// 16.10.07from
+ forall(cenrad,
+ );// 16.10.07until
+ );
+ Circledata(name,cenrad,options);
+ regional(name,Out,Ctr,Ptcir,ra,Num,Rg,opstr,opcindy,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp1,Th,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,pA,pB,pC,d1,d2,Eps);
+ name="cr"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ Num=50;
+ Rg=[0,2*pi];
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ opstr=opstr+",'"+#+"'";
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="R",
+ Rg=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(cenrad)==2,
+ Ctr=Lcrd(cenrad_1);
+ Ptcir=Lcrd(cenrad_2);
+ ra=dist(Ctr,Ptcir);
+ ,
+ Eps=10^(-1);
+ pA=Lcrd(cenrad_1);
+ pB=Lcrd(cenrad_2);
+ pC=Lcrd(cenrad_3);
+ tmp=pB-pA;
+ tmp1=(tmp_2,-tmp_1);
+ tmp=pC-pB;
+ tmp2=(tmp_2,-tmp_1);
+ d1=det([tmp1,tmp2]);
+ d2=det([pC-pA,tmp2]);
+ if(abs(d1)<Eps & abs(d2)>10*Eps,
+ println("points are in a line");
+ ra=0;
+ ,
+ Ctr=1/2*(pA+pB)+1/2*d2/d1*tmp1;
+ ra=|pA-Ctr|;
+ tmp=name+"center="+Ctr;
+ parse(tmp);
+ Defvar(name+"center",Ctr);
+ );
+ );
+ if(ra>0,
+ Out=[];
+ forall(0..Num,
+ Th=Rg_1+#*(Rg_2-Rg_1)/Num;
+ Out=append(Out,Ctr+ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)]);
+ );
+ ,
+ Out=Lineplot("1",[pA,pB],["nodata"]);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Circledata "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ if(length(cenrad)==2,
+ tmp=name+"=Circledata("+cenrad+opstr+")";
+ ,
+ if(ra>0,
+ tmp=name+"=Circledata(["+Ctr+","+cenrad_1+"]"+opstr+")";
+ ,
+ tmp=name+"=Lineplot("+cenrad_1+","+cenrad_2+")";
+ );
+ );
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(pA,pB);
+ if(MeasureDepth(list)==0,
+ pA=LLcrd((SW+NE)/2); // 15.09.17
+ pB=LLcrd(NE);
+ Framedata("win",[pA,pB],list);
+ ,
+ Framedata(list,[]);
+ );
+ regional(name,list,options,str);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ name=Arg1;
+ list=Arg2;
+ Framedata(name,list,[]);
+ ,
+ list=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ name="";// 16.10.07from
+ forall(list,
+ );// 16.10.07until
+ Framedata(name,list,options);
+ );
+ regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,pB,x1,x2,y1,y2,dx,dy,
+ opcindy,Ltype,Noflg,cent,dx,dy);
+ name="fr"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ if(length(list)==2, // 15.05.12
+ pA=Lcrd(list_1); pB=Lcrd(list_2);
+ dx=abs(pB_1-pA_1); dy=abs(pB_2-pA_2);
+ ,
+ pA=Lcrd(list_1);
+ dx=list_2; dy=list_3;
+ );
+ x1=pA_1-dx; x2=pA_1+dx;
+ y1=pA_2-dy; y2=pA_2+dy;
+ Out=[[x1,y1],[x2,y1],[x2,y2],[x1,y2],[x1,y1]];
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Framedata "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Framedata("+pA+","+dx+","+dy+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(name,Out,tmp,tmp1,x1,y1,x2,y2,Ltype,opcindy,Noflg);
+ name="fr"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ x1=cent.x-dx; x2=cent.x+dx;
+ y1=cent.y-dy; y2=cent.y+dy;
+ Out=[[x1,y1],[x2,y1],[x2,y2],[x1,y2],[x1,y1]];
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Framedata "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Framedata("+cent.xy+","+dx+","+dy+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,pC,pB);
+ pC=(Lcrd(list_1)+Lcrd(list_2))/2;
+ pB=Lcrd(list_2);
+ Framedata(nm,[pC,pB],options);
+ regional(name,Graph,Ctr,Dx,Dy,Rc,Out,Point,Graph,
+ opstr,opcindy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,Ltype,Noflg);
+ name="ov"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ Rc=0.2;
+ tmp1=tmp_6;
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,Rc=tmp1_1*Rc);
+// if(length(tmp1)>0,Rc=tmp1_1); //15.11.15
+ Ctr=Lcrd(Pdata_1);
+ if(ispoint(Pdata_2) % islist(Pdata_2),
+ tmp1=Lcrd(Pdata_2);
+ Dx=abs(tmp1_1-Ctr_1);
+ Dy=abs(tmp1_2-Ctr_2);
+ ,
+ Dx=Pdata_2;
+ Dy=Pdata_3;
+ );
+ Point=Ctr+[Dx-Rc,Dy-Rc];
+ tmp1=Circledata("1",[Point,Point+[Rc,0]],
+ ["Rng=[0,pi/2]","Num=10","nodata"]);
+ tmp2=Listplot("1",[Ctr+[Dx-Rc,Dy],Ctr+[0,Dy]],
+ ["nodata"]);
+ tmp3=Listplot("2",[Ctr+[Dx,0],Ctr+[Dx,Dy-Rc]],
+ ["nodata"]);
+ Graph=Joincrvs("1",[tmp3,tmp1,tmp2],["nodata"]);
+ tmp1=Reflectdata("1",[Graph],[Ctr,Ctr+[0,1]],["nodata"]);
+ Graph=Joincrvs("1",[Graph,tmp1],["nodata"]);
+ tmp2=Reflectdata("2",[Graph],[Ctr,Ctr+[1,0]],
+ ["nodata"]);
+ Graph=Joincrvs("2",[Graph,tmp2],["nodata"]);
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Ovaldata "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Graph,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,
+ name+"=Ovaldata("+Ctr+","+Dx+","+Dy+opstr+")");//16.01.30
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ tmp1=apply(Graph,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=textformat(Ctr,5)+","+textformat(Dx,5)+","+textformat(Dy,5);
+ );
+ Graph;
+ regional(name,pA,pB,wid,mid,size,tp,dir,nor,eqL,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ name="mrk"+nm;
+ pA=ptlist_1;
+ pB=ptlist_2;
+ size=0.15;
+ wid=0.05;
+ tp=1;
+ tmp1=Divoptions(options);
+ eqL=tmp1_5;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ tmp1=parse(tmp1);
+ tmp=substring(#,0,1);
+ if(tmp=="S" % tmp=="s",
+ size=size*tmp1;
+ );
+ if(tmp=="W" % tmp=="w",
+ wid=wid*tmp1;
+ );
+ if(tmp=="T" % tmp=="t",
+ tp=tmp1;
+ );
+ );
+ mid=(pA+pB)/2;
+ dir=(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|;
+ nor=[-dir_2,dir_1];
+// nor=nor/|nor|;
+ if(tp==1,
+ tmp1=mid+size*nor;
+ tmp2=mid-size*nor;
+ Listplot(name,[tmp1,tmp2]);
+ );
+ if(tp==2,
+ tmp1=mid+wid*dir+size*nor;
+ tmp2=mid+wid*dir-size*nor;
+ Listplot(name+"r",[tmp1,tmp2]);
+ tmp1=mid-wid*dir+size*nor;
+ tmp2=mid-wid*dir-size*nor;
+ Listplot(name+"l",[tmp1,tmp2]);
+ );
+ if(tp==3,
+ tmp1=mid;
+ tmp2=mid+size*dir;
+ Circledata(name,[tmp1,tmp2]);
+ );
+ if(tp==4,
+ tmp=mid+size*2/sqrt(3)*nor;
+ tmp1=mid+size*dir-size/sqrt(3)*nor;
+ tmp2=mid-size*dir-size/sqrt(3)*nor;
+ Listplot(name,[tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp]);
+ );
+ regional(rng,options);
+ if(isstring(Arg),
+ rng=Arg;
+ options=[];
+ ,
+ rng="[-5,5]";
+ options=Arg;
+ );
+ Parabolaplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
+ regional(pA,pB,pC,angle,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
+ tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
+ pB=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
+ tmp=(tmp2-pB)/|tmp2-pB|;
+ if(tmp_2>=0,
+ angle=arccos(tmp_1);
+ ,
+ if(tmp_1>=0,
+ angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
+ ,
+ angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
+ );
+ );
+ pA=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pB);
+ pC=Rotatepoint(tmp2,-angle,pB);
+ tmp1=1/(2*(pA_2-pB_2));
+ tmp2=1/2*(pA_2+pB_2);
+ tmp="("+format(tmp1,5)+")*(x-("+format(pA_1,5)+"))^2";
+ tmp=tmp+"+("+format(tmp2,5)+")";
+ tmp1=parse(rng);
+ tmp1=[pA_1-(tmp1_2-tmp1_1)/2,pA_1+(tmp1_2-tmp1_1)/2];
+ tmp2="x="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ Plotdata(nm+"para",tmp,tmp2,append(options,"nodisp"));
+ Rotatedata(nm+"para","gr"+nm+"para",angle,append(options,pB));
+ regional(rng,options);
+ if(isstring(Arg),
+ rng=Arg;
+ options=[];
+ ,
+ rng="[0,2*pi]";
+ options=Arg;
+ );
+ Ellipseplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
+ regional(pA,pB,d,angle,f,a,b,pM,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
+ tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
+ if(ispoint(ptlist_3),
+ tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
+ d=|tmp2-pA|+|tmp2-tmp1|;
+ ,
+ d=ptlist_3;
+ );
+ tmp=(tmp1-pA)/|tmp1-pA|;
+ if(tmp_2>=0,
+ angle=arccos(tmp_1);
+ ,
+ if(tmp_1>=0,
+ angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
+ ,
+ angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
+ );
+ );
+ pB=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pA);
+ f=|pB_1-pA_1|/2;
+ a=d/2;
+ b=sqrt(d^2/4-f^2);
+ pM=(pA+pB)/2;
+ tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+","+format(pM_2,5)+"]";
+ tmp=tmp+"+["+format(a,5)+"*cos(t),"+format(b,5)+"*sin(t)]";
+ Paramplot(nm+"elp",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
+ Rotatedata(nm+"elp","gp"+nm+"elp",angle,append(options,pA));
+ regional(rng,options);
+ if(isstring(Arg),
+ rng=Arg;
+ options=[];
+ ,
+ rng="[-5/2,5/2]";
+ options=Arg;
+ );
+ Hyperbolaplot(nm,ptlist,rng,options);
+ regional(pA,pB,d,angle,f,a,b,pM,eqL,options,opasy,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ tmp=Divoptions(optionsorg);
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ options=optionsorg;
+ opasy=[];
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="A",
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ opasy=[substring(#,tmp,length(#))];
+ options=remove(options,[#]);
+ );
+ );
+ pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
+ tmp1=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
+ if(ispoint(ptlist_3),
+ tmp2=Lcrd(ptlist_3);
+ d=abs(|tmp2-pA|-|tmp2-tmp1|);
+ ,
+ d=ptlist_3;
+ );
+ tmp=(tmp1-pA)/|tmp1-pA|;
+ if(tmp_2>=0,
+ angle=arccos(tmp_1);
+ ,
+ if(tmp_1>=0,
+ angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
+ ,
+ angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
+ );
+ );
+ pB=Rotatepoint(tmp1,-angle,pA);
+ f=|pB_1-pA_1|/2;
+ a=d/2;
+ b=sqrt(f^2-d^2/4);
+ pM=(pA+pB)/2;
+ tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+"+"+format(a,5)+"*(exp(t)+exp(-t))/2,";
+ tmp=tmp+format(pM_2,5)+"+"+format(b,5)+"*(exp(t)-exp(-t))/2]";
+ Paramplot(nm+"hyp1",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
+ tmp="["+format(pM_1,5)+"-"+format(a,5)+"*(exp(t)+exp(-t))/2,";
+ tmp=tmp+format(pM_2,5)+"+"+format(b,5)+"*(exp(t)-exp(-t))/2]";
+ Paramplot(nm+"hyp2",tmp,"t="+rng,append(options,"nodisp"));
+ Rotatedata(nm+"hyp1","gp"+nm+"hyp1",angle,append(options,pA));//180408
+ Rotatedata(nm+"hyp2","gp"+nm+"hyp2",angle,append(options,pA));//180408
+ if(length(opasy)>0,
+ Lineplot(nm+"asy1",[pM+[a,b],pM+[-a,-b]],["nodisp"]);
+ Lineplot(nm+"asy2",[pM+[-a,b],pM+[a,-b]],["nodisp"]);
+ Rotatedata(nm+"asy1","ln"+nm+"asy1",angle,append(opasy,pA));//180408
+ Rotatedata(nm+"asy2","ln"+nm+"asy2",angle,append(opasy,pA));//180408
+ );
+ regional(rr,pA,pB,ptL,angle,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ pA=Lcrd(ptlist_1);
+ pB=Lcrd(ptlist_2);
+ rr=|pB-pA|;
+ tmp=(pB-pA)/rr;
+ if(tmp_2>=0,
+ angle=arccos(tmp_1);
+ ,
+ if(tmp_1>=0,
+ angle=arcsin(tmp_2);
+ ,
+ angle=-arccos(tmp_1);
+ );
+ );
+ ptL=[];
+ forall(0..number,
+ tmp=angle+#*2*pi/number;
+ tmp1=pA+rr*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)];
+ if(#>0 & #<number,
+ Putpoint((ptlist_2).name+text(#),tmp1);//16.10.07
+ //Pointdata(nm,ptL);
+ );
+ tmp2=tmp1;
+ ptL=append(ptL,tmp1);
+ );
+ Listplot(nm+"ply",ptL,options);
+ regional(pd1,pd2,tmp);
+ if(isstring(pdata1),pd1=parse(pdata1),pd1=pdata1);
+ if(isstring(pdata2),pd2=parse(pdata2),pd2=pdata2);
+ tmp=Intersectcrvs(pd1,pd2);
+ if(length(tmp)==1,
+ Putpoint(nm,tmp_1);
+ ,
+ if(length(tmp)==0,
+ err("No intersect point");
+ ,
+ err("Multiple intersect points");
+ println(tmp);
+ err("Choose point number");
+ );
+ );
+ regional(pd1,pd2,tmp);
+ if(isstring(pdata1),pd1=parse(pdata1),pd1=pdata1);
+ if(isstring(pdata2),pd2=parse(pdata2),pd2=pdata2);
+ tmp=Intersectcrvs(pd1,pd2);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ Putpoint(nm,tmp_ptno);
+ ,
+ err("No intersect point");
+ );
+ regional(list,Ookisa,Hiraki,Futosa,Houkou,Str,Flg,tmp,Ev,Nv,pA,pB,
+ pP,rF,gG,Flg,Nj,Eps,tmp1,scx,scy);
+ Eps=10^(-3);
+ pP=point;
+ Ookisa=0.2*YaSize;
+ Hiraki=YaAngle;
+ Futosa=0;
+ Str=YaStyle;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ tmp1=tmp_6;
+ if(length(tmp1)>0,Ookisa=Ookisa*tmp1_1);
+ if(length(tmp1)>1,
+ tmp=tmp1_2;
+ if(tmp<5,
+ Hiraki=Hiraki*tmp;
+ ,
+ Hiraki=tmp;
+ );
+ );
+ Flg=0;
+ Hiraki=Hiraki*pi/180;
+ if(isstring(direction),Houkou=parse(direction),Houkou=direction);
+ if(MeasureDepth(Houkou)==2,Houkou=Houkou_1);
+ if(islist(Houkou_1),
+// pP=Lcrd(pP);
+// pP=Doscaling(pP);
+// Houkou=Dosscaling(Houkou);
+ pP=Pcrd(pP);
+ scy=SCALEY;
+ tmp=Nearestpt(pP,Houkou);
+ pA=tmp_1;
+ rF=floor(tmp_2);
+ if(rF==1,
+ if(|Ptend(Houkou)-Ptstart(Houkou)|<Eps,
+ rF=Numptcrv(Houkou);
+ );
+ );
+ gG=apply(0..10,pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*[cos(2*pi/10*#),sin(2*pi/10*#)]);
+ Flg=0;
+ forall(1..rF,Nj,
+ if(Flg==0,
+ pB=Ptcrv(rF+1-Nj,Houkou);
+ tmp=IntersectcrvsPp([pA,pB],gG);
+ if(length(tmp)>0,
+ Houkou=pP-tmp_1_1;
+ Flg=1;
+ );
+ pA=pB;
+ );
+ );
+ SCALEY=scy;
+ if(Flg==0,
+ println("Arrowhead may be too large (no intersect)");
+ Flg=2;
+ );
+ if(Flg==1,
+ Houkou=Unscaling(Houkou);
+ pP=Unscaling(pP);
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg<2,
+// pP=Doscaling(pP);
+// Houkou=Doscaling(Houkou);
+ pP=Pcrd(pP);
+ if(!ispoint(point),
+ Houkou=Pcrd(Houkou);
+ );
+// if(MeasureDepth(Houkou)==0,Houkou=Pcrd(Houkou));
+ Ev=-1/|Houkou|*Houkou;
+ Ev=Lcrd(Ev);
+ Nv=[-Ev_2, Ev_1];
+ if(indexof(Str,"c")>0,
+ pP=pP-0.5*Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev;
+ );
+ if(indexof(Str,"b")>0,
+ pP=pP-Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev;
+ );
+ pA=pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev+Ookisa*sin(Hiraki)*Nv;
+ pB=pP+Ookisa*cos(Hiraki)*Ev-Ookisa*sin(Hiraki)*Nv;
+ list=[pA,pP,pB];
+ list=apply(list,LLcrd(#));
+// Out=Unscaling(Out);
+ list;
+ );
+ // global ArrowheadNumber
+ regional(name,Ltype,Noflg,reL,opstr,opcindy,ptstr,hostr,tmp,tmp1,list);
+ name="arh"+text(ArrowheadNumber);
+ ArrowheadNumber=ArrowheadNumber+1;
+ ptstr=textformat(point,5);
+ if(isstring(Houkou), // 15.01.11
+ tmp=parse(Houkou);
+ if(MeasureDepth(tmp)<2,
+ hostr=Houkou;
+ ,
+ hostr=Houkou+"(1)";
+ );
+ ,
+ if(ispoint(point),
+ hostr=textformat(LLcrd(Houkou),5);
+ ,
+ hostr=textformat(Houkou,5);
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ list=Arrowheaddata(point,Houkou,options);
+ if(Noflg<3,
+// println("generate Arrowhead "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(list,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+// GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+list+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(1)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+// if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ Ltype=0;
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ if(Noflg==0,
+ if(length(reL)<3, // 16.04.09 from
+ forall(1..(2-length(reL)),
+ opstr=opstr+",1";
+ );
+ tmp=PenThick/PenThickInit;
+ opstr=opstr+","+text(tmp);
+ ); // 16.04.09 until
+ Com2nd("Arrowhead("+ptstr+","+hostr+opstr+")");
+ );
+ regional(tmp,nm,ptlist,flg,pA,pB,options);
+ flg=0;
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ nm=Arg1;
+ ptlist=Arg2;
+ Arrowdata(nm,ptlist,[]);
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=MeasureDepth(Arg1);
+ if(tmp==0,
+ pA=Arg1;
+ pB=Arg2;
+ Arrowdata(pA,pB,[]);
+ ,
+ ptlist=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ nm=text(ArrowlineNumber);
+ ArrowlineNumber=ArrowlineNumber+1;
+ Arrowdata(nm,ptlist,options);
+ );
+ );
+ regional(Retflg,nm,ptlist,name,opstr,opcindy,realL,strL,size,
+ flg,Ltype,Noflg,lineflg,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,pA,pB,segpos);
+ Retflg=0;
+ Noflg=0;
+ Ltype=0;
+ if(!isstring(Arg1),
+ pA=Arg1;
+ pB=Arg2;
+ Arrowdata(pA,pB,options,"old");
+ Retflg=1;
+ ptlist=[pA,pB];
+ );
+ if(Retflg==0,
+ nm=Arg1;
+ ptlist=Arg2;
+ name="ar"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ strL=tmp_7;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ size=1; // 15.06.11
+ if(length(realL)>0,
+ size=realL_1;
+ );
+ tmp2=select(strL,indexof(#,"l")>0); // 16.04.09
+ if(length(tmp2)>0,lineflg=1,lineflg=0); // 16.04.09
+ segpos=1;
+ tmp1=tmp_5;
+ if(length(tmp1)>2,
+ segpos=tmp1_3;
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+// println("generate Arrowdata "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(ptlist,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=Pcrd(ptlist_1);//16.10.20
+ tmp2=Pcrd(ptlist_2);//16.10.20
+ if(lineflg==0, // 16.04.09 from
+ tmp=tmp2-0.2*size/2*(tmp2-tmp1)/|tmp2-tmp1|; // 15.06.11
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp2;
+ ); // 16.04.09 until
+ tmp=[LLcrd(tmp1),LLcrd(tmp)];//16.10.20
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot("+textformat(tmp,5)+")");
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ tmp=textformat(ptlist,5);
+ tmp=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp1=indexof(tmp,"],[");
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ pA=substring(tmp,0,tmp1);
+ pB=substring(tmp,tmp1+1,length(tmp));
+ ,
+ tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
+ pA=substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1);
+ pB=substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp));
+ );
+ tmp1="Lcrd("+pA+")+"
+ +textformat(segpos,5)+"*(Lcrd("+pB+")-"+"Lcrd("+pA+"))";
+ tmp1=parse(tmp1);
+ tmp2="Lcrd("+pB+")-Lcrd("+pA+")";
+ tmp2=parse(tmp2);
+ Arrowhead(tmp1,tmp2,options);
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ );
+ ptlist;
+ regional(ptA,ptB,opstr,Astr,Bstr,name,tmp,opcindy);
+ Astr=textformat(pA,5);
+ Bstr=textformat(pB,5);
+ name="ar";
+ println("generate Arrow "+name);
+ opstr="";
+ opcindy="";
+ forall(options,
+ if(isstring(#),
+ if(indexof(#,"->")>0,
+ opcindy=opcindy+","+#;
+ ,
+ tmp="'"+#+"'";
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp=text(#);
+ );
+ opstr=opstr+","+tmp;
+ );
+ ptA=Lcrd(pA);
+ ptB=Lcrd(pB);
+ Arrowheaddata(ptB,ptB-ptA,options);
+ tmp="connect("+textformat([ptA,ptB],5)
+ +",linecolor->"+text(KCOLOR)+opcindy+");";
+ parse(tmp); // 14.11.17
+ Com2nd("Arrowline("+Astr+","+Bstr+opstr+")"); // 14.10.04
+Anglemark(Arg1,Arg2):=( // 2015.04.28 from
+ regional(nm,plist,options,tmp);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ nm=Arg1;
+ plist=Arg2;
+ Anglemark(nm,plist,[]);
+ ,
+ plist=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ tmp=textformat(plist,5);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
+ nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ Anglemark(nm,plist,options);
+ );
+); // until
+ regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,Ctr,ra,sab,sac,ratio,opstr,Bname,Bpos,
+ Brat,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Num,opcindy,Ltype,eqL,realL,Rg,Th,Noflg);
+ name="ag"+nm;
+ Bpos="md"+name;
+ ra=0.5;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ Bname="";
+ Brat=1.5;
+ Num=20;
+ if(length(realL)>0,
+ ra=realL_1*ra;
+ opstr=opstr+","+text(realL_1);
+ );
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="L",Bname="Letter(");
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",Bname="Expr(");
+ Bname=Bname+Bpos+","+Dq+"c"+Dq+","+Dq;//16.10.29
+ tmp=substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#));
+ tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
+ Bname=Bname+substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp))+Dq+")";
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ Brat=parse(substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1));
+ );
+ );
+ pB=Lcrd(plist_1); pA=Lcrd(plist_2); pC=Lcrd(plist_3);
+ Ctr=Lcrd(pA);
+ sab=pB-pA;
+ sac=pC-pA;
+ Rg=[arctan2(sab)+0,arctan2(sac)+0];
+ if(Rg_2<Rg_1,Rg_2=Rg_2+2*pi);
+ Out=[];
+ if(ra>min(|sab|,|sac|), // 16.12.29
+ println(" segments too short");
+ ,
+ forall(0..Num,
+ Th=Rg_1+#*(Rg_2-Rg_1)/Num;
+ Out=append(Out,Ctr+ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)]);
+ );
+ Th=(Rg_1+Rg_2)/2; //16.10.31from(moved)
+ tmp1=Ctr+Brat*ra*[cos(Th),sin(Th)];
+ tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"=";
+ tmp=tmp+textformat(tmp1,5)+Dq+");";
+ parse(tmp);//16.10.31until(moved)
+ if(length(Bname)>0,
+ parse(Bname);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate anglemark "+name+" and "+Bpos);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=textformat(plist,5);
+ tmp1=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ tmp=name+"=Anglemark("+tmp1+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ );
+ Out;
+Paramark(Arg1,Arg2):=( // 17.03.27 from
+ regional(nm,plist,options,tmp);
+ if(isstring(Arg1),
+ nm=Arg1;
+ plist=Arg2;
+ Paramark(nm,plist,[]);
+ ,
+ plist=Arg1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ tmp=textformat(plist,5);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
+ nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ Paramark(nm,plist,options);
+ );
+);// until
+ regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,ra,sab,sac,ratio,opstr,Bname,Bpos,
+ Brat,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,realL,opcindy);
+ name="pm"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ ra=0.5;
+ Bname="";
+ Brat=1.2;
+ if(length(realL)>0,
+ tmp=realL_1;
+ ra=tmp*ra;
+ opstr=opstr+","+text(tmp);
+ );
+ forall(eqL,
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="L",Bname="Letter(");
+ if(substring(#,0,1)=="E",Bname="Expr(");
+ Bpos="md"+name;
+ Bname=Bname+Dq+Bpos+Dq+","+Dq+"c"+Dq+","+Dq;
+ tmp=substring(#,indexof(#,"="),length(#));
+ tmp1=indexof(tmp,",");
+ Bname=Bname+substring(tmp,tmp1,length(tmp))+Dq+")";
+ if(tmp1>0,
+ Brat=parse(substring(tmp,0,tmp1-1));
+ );
+ );
+ pB=Lcrd(plist_1); pA=Lcrd(plist_2); pC=Lcrd(plist_3);
+ Ctr=Lcrd(pA);
+ Out=[];
+ Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|);
+ Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|+ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|);
+ Out=append(Out,pA+ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|);
+ if(length(Bname)>0,
+ tmp1=pA+Brat*ra*(pB-pA)/|pB-pA|+Brat*ra*(pC-pA)/|pC-pA|;
+ tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"="+textformat(tmp1,5)+Dq+");";
+ parse(tmp);
+ parse(Bname);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate paramark "+name);
+ tmp1=apply(Out,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=substring(textformat(plist,5),1,length(textformat(plist,5))-1);
+ tmp=name+"=Paramark("+tmp1+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Out;
+ regional(angle,pB2,pH2,pC2,pC,tmp,Th1,Th2,ra,dMA);
+ angle=arctan2(pB-pA)+0;
+ pB2=Rotatepoint(pB,-angle,pA);
+ tmp=Lcrd(pA);
+ pH2=[(tmp_1+pB2_1)/2,tmp_2-Hgt];
+ dMA=|tmp-pB2|/2;
+ ra=(dMA^2+Hgt^2)/(2*Hgt);
+ pC2=[pH2_1,pB2_2+(ra-Hgt)];
+ pC=Rotatepoint(pC2,angle,pA);
+ Th1=arctan2(pA-pC2)+angle;
+ Th2=arctan2(pB2-pC2)+angle;
+ [pC,ra,Th1,Th2];
+ regional(nm,tmp);
+ if(islist(plist), // 16.12.04from
+ tmp=textformat(plist,5);
+ tmp=replace(tmp,",","");
+ nm=substring(tmp,1,length(tmp)-1);
+ Bowdata(nm,plist,options);
+ ,
+ nm=plist;
+ tmp=options;
+ Bowdata(nm,tmp,[]);
+ ); // 16.12.04until
+ regional(name,Out,pB,pA,pC,ra,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,eqL,realL,
+ Bname,Bpos,Th,Cut,Num,Hgt,opstr,opcindy,Ydata,pC,
+ Th1,Th2,Noflg,Bops,Bmov,Tmov,Nmov,rev);
+ name="bw"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ pA=Lcrd(plist_1); pB=Lcrd(plist_2);
+ Hgt=1/2*|pB-pA|*0.2;
+ Cut=0;
+ Num=24;
+ Bname="";
+ Tmov=0;//16.11.01from
+ Nmov=0;
+ Bmov="";
+ rev=0;//16.11.01until
+ if(length(realL)>0,
+ Hgt=realL_1*Hgt; // 15.04.12
+ if(length(realL)>1,Cut=realL_2);
+ );
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=substring(#,0,1);
+ if(tmp=="L" % tmp=="l",
+ if(indexof(#,"rot")>0,
+ Bname="Letterrot(";
+ ,
+ Bname="Letter(";
+ );
+ );
+ if(tmp=="E" % tmp=="e",
+ if(indexof(#,"rot")>0,
+ Bname="Exprrot(";
+ ,
+ Bname="Expr(";
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ Bops=substring(#,tmp,length(#)); // 16.11.01
+ );
+ Ydata=MakeBowdata(pA,pB,Hgt);
+ pC=Ydata_1;
+ ra=Ydata_2;
+ Th=(Ydata_3+Ydata_4)*0.5;
+ BOWMIDDLE=[pC_1+ra*cos(Th),pC_2+ra*sin(Th)];
+ Bpos="md"+name; // 16.10.31from(moved)
+ tmp="Defvar("+Dq+Bpos+"="+textformat(BOWMIDDLE,5)+Dq+");";
+ parse(tmp);// 16.10.31until(moved)
+ if(length(Bname)>0, //16.11.01from
+ tmp=indexof(Bops,",");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ tmp1=substring(Bops,0,tmp-1);
+ if(length(tmp1)>=4 & substring(tmp1,0,1)=="t" & indexof(tmp1,"n")>0,
+ Bmov=tmp1;
+ Bops=substring(Bops,tmp,length(Bops));
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(Bmov)>0,
+ tmp=indexof(Bmov,"t");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ tmp1=indexof(Bmov,"n");
+ Tmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp,tmp1-1));
+ tmp=indexof(Bmov,"r");
+ if(tmp>0,
+ Nmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp1,tmp-1));
+ rev=1;
+ ,
+ Nmov=parse(substring(Bmov,tmp1,length(Bmov)));
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ Bname=Bname+Bpos;//16.11.01
+ if(abs(Tmov)+abs(Nmov)>0,
+ tmp=Pcrd(pA)-Pcrd(pB);
+ tmp1=1/norm(tmp)*tmp;
+ tmp2=[-tmp1_2,tmp1_1];
+ tmp=MARKLEN*(Tmov*tmp1+Nmov*tmp2);
+ tmp=LLcrd(tmp);
+ Bname=Bname+"+"+text(tmp);
+ );
+ Bname=Bname+",";
+ if(indexof(Bname,"rot")>0,
+ if(rev==1,tmp=pB-pA,tmp=pA-pB);
+ Bname=Bname+textformat(tmp,5)+",";
+ ,
+ Bname=Bname+Dq+"c"+Dq+",";
+ );
+ Bname=Bname+Dq+Bops+Dq+")";
+ parse(Bname);
+ );//16.11.01until
+ if(Cut==0,
+ Th1=Ydata_3;
+ Th2=Ydata_4;
+ Out=[];
+ forall(0..Num,
+ tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/Num;
+ Out=append(Out,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
+ );
+ ,
+ Th1=Ydata_3;
+ Th2=Th-Cut/(2*ra);
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(0..Num/2,
+ tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/(Num/2);
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
+ );
+ Th1=Th+Cut/(2*ra);
+ Th2=Ydata_4;
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(0..Num/2,
+ tmp=Th1+#*(Th2-Th1)/(Num/2);
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,pC+ra*[cos(tmp),sin(tmp)]);
+ );
+ Out=[tmp1,tmp2];
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate bowdata "+name+" and "+Bpos);//16.10.31
+ if(MeasureDepth(Out)==1,Out=[Out]);
+ tmp1=[];
+ forall(Out,tmp2,
+ tmp=apply(tmp2,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp1=append(tmp1,tmp);
+ );
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp1=substring(textformat(plist,5),1,length(textformat(plist,5))-1);
+ tmp=name+"=Bowdata("+tmp1+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ Expr([BOWMIDDLE,dir,str]);
+ regional(bdata,tmp);
+ tmp=MeasureDepth(bwdata);
+ if(tmp==1,bdata=[bwdata],bdata=bwdata);
+ if(length(bdata)>1,
+ tmp=Ptend(bdata_2)-Ptstart(bdata_1);
+ ,
+ tmp=Ptend(bdata_1)-Ptstart(bdata_1);
+ );
+ if(updown<0,tmp=-tmp);
+ Exprrot(BOWMIDDLE,tmp,tmov,nmov,str);
+Deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num):=( //17.10.04
+// Deqdata("[x1,...xn]`=[f1,...fn]","t=[0,20]",0,[...],50);
+ regional(Eps,Inf,tname,Xname,func,t1,t2,dt,tt,X0,flg,
+ kl1,kl2,kl3,kl4,pdL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Eps=10^(-3);
+ Inf=10^3;
+ tmp=tokenize(deq,"=");
+ tmp1=replace(tmp_1,"`","");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,1,length(tmp1)-1);
+ Xname=tokenize(tmp1,",");
+ func=tmp_2;
+ forall(1..(length(Xname)),
+ func=replace(func,Xname_#,"X_"+text(#));
+ );
+ tmp=tokenize(rng,"=");
+ tname=tmp_1;
+ tmp=parse(tmp_2);
+ t1=tmp_1;
+ t2=tmp_2;
+ tmp="funP("+tname+",X):="+func+";";
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp="funN("+tname+",X):=-"+func+";";
+ parse(tmp);
+ dt=(t2-t1)/Num;
+ tt=initt;
+ X0=Lcrd(initf);
+ pdL=[flatten([tt,X0])];
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..floor((t2-initt)/dt),
+ if(flg==0,
+ kl1=dt*funP(tt,X0);
+ kl2=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2);
+ kl3=dt*funP(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2);
+ kl4=dt*funP(tt+dt,X0+kl3);
+ X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6;
+ tt=initt+#*dt;
+ tmp=flatten([tt,X0]);
+ pdL=append(pdL,tmp);
+ if(|tmp|>Inf,flg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ tt=initt;
+ X0=Lcrd(initf);
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..floor((initt-t1)/dt),
+ if(flg==0,
+ kl1=dt*funN(tt,X0);
+ kl2=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl1/2);
+ kl3=dt*funN(tt+dt/2,X0+kl2/2);
+ kl4=dt*funN(tt+dt,X0+kl3);
+ X0=X0+(kl1+2*kl2+2*kl3+kl4)/6;
+ tt=initt-#*dt;
+ tmp=flatten([tt,X0]);
+ pdL=prepend(tmp,pdL);
+ if(|tmp1|>Inf,flg=1);
+ );
+ );
+ pdL;
+ regional(initt,initf,options);
+ if(isreal(Arg1) & !islist(Arg1),
+ initt=Arg1;
+ initf=Arg2;
+ options=[];
+ ,
+ initf=Lcrd(Arg1);
+ initt=initf_1;
+ options=Arg2;
+ );
+ Deqplot(nm,deq,rng,initt,initf,options);
+Deqplot(nm,deqorg,rngorg,initt,initf,options):=( //17.10.06
+//help:Deqplot("2","y`=y*(1-y)","x",0, 0.5,["Num=100"]);
+//help:Deqplot("1","y``=-y","x",0, [1,0]);
+ regional(deq,rng,Ltype,Noflg,eqL,opcindy,Num,name,nn,pdL,phase,
+ sel,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ name="de"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Num=50;
+ forall(eqL,
+ tmp=indexof(#,"=");
+ tmp2=substring(#,0,1);
+ tmp2=Toupper(tmp2);
+ tmp1=substring(#,tmp,length(#));
+ if(Toupper(substring(#,0,1))=="N",
+ Num=parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ );
+ rng=rngorg;
+ if(indexof(rng,"=")==0,
+ rng=rng+"="+textformat([XMIN,XMAX],6);
+ );
+ deq=deqorg;
+ tmp=indexof(deq,"=");
+ tmp1=substring(deq,0,tmp-1);
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"[")==0,
+ phase=0;
+ sel=[1,2];
+ ,
+ phase=1;
+ sel=[2,3];
+ );
+ tmp2=substring(deq,tmp,length(deq));
+ nn=length(Indexall(tmp1,"`"));
+ if(nn==1,
+ if(indexof(tmp1,"[")==0,
+ tmp1="["+replace(tmp1,"`","]`");
+ deq=tmp1+"="+tmp2;
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp=indexof(tmp1,"`");
+ tmp1=substring(tmp1,0,tmp-1);
+ deq="[";
+ forall(1..nn,
+ deq=deq+tmp1+"N"+text(#)+",";
+ );
+ deq=substring(deq,0,length(deq)-1)+"]`=[";
+ forall(1..(nn-1),
+ deq=deq+tmp1+"N"+text(#+1)+",";
+ );
+ forall(reverse(1..(nn)),jj,
+ tmp=tmp1;
+ forall(1..jj,
+ tmp=tmp+"`";
+ tmp2=replace(tmp2,tmp,tmp1+"N"+text(#+1));
+ );
+ );
+ tmp2=tmp2+"]";
+ forall(1..(length(tmp2)-1),
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#-1,#);
+ if(tmp!=tmp1,
+ deq=deq+tmp;
+ ,
+ tmp=substring(tmp2,#,#+1);
+ if(tmp=="N",
+ deq=deq+tmp1;
+ ,
+ deq=deq+tmp1+"N1"
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ deq=deq+"]";
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ pdL=deqdata(deq,rng,initt,initf,Num);
+ if(phase==1,
+ pdL=apply(pdL,#_(2..3));
+ );
+ tmp1=apply(pdL,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(tmp1,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<1,
+ tmp=Assign(deq);
+ tmp=replace(deq,"'","`");
+ tmp=name+"=Deqplot('"+tmp+"','"+rng+"',";
+ tmp=tmp+format(initt,6)+","+textformat(initf,6);
+ tmp=tmp+","+text(sel)+",'Num="+text(Num)+"')";
+ tmp=RSform(tmp);
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+////////// old enclosing ///////////////
+ regional(name,AnsL,Start,Eps,EEps,S,Flg,Fdata,Gdata,KL,pt,qt,
+ t1,t2,t3,ii,nn,tmp,tmp1,tmp2,Ltype,Noflg,realL,eqL,opstr,opcindy);
+ name="en"+nm;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Eps=10^(-5); // 16.12.05
+ EEps=0.05;
+ Start=[];
+ Flg=0;
+ forall(realL,
+ if(isList(#) % ispoint(#),
+ Start=Lcrd(#); // 15.09.12
+ ,
+ Flg=Flg+1;
+ if(Flg==1,Eps=#);
+ if(Flg==2,EEps=#);
+ );
+ );
+// tmp1=concat([Eps,EEps],eqL); // 15.04.06
+ Fdata=plist_1;
+ Gdata=plist_(length(plist));
+ KL=IntersectcrvsPp(Fdata,Gdata);
+ if(length(KL)==1,
+ pt=KL_1_1;
+ t1=KL_1_2;
+ );
+ if(length(KL)==0,
+ if(Numptcrv(Fdata)>Numptcrv(Gdata),
+ tmp=Nearestpt(Fdata,Gdata);
+ pt=tmp_1;
+ t1=tmp_2;
+ ,
+ tmp=Nearestpt(Gdata,Fdata);
+ pt=tmp_3;
+ t1=tmp_4;
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(KL)>1,
+ if(Start==[],
+ err("No Start Point");
+ ,
+ pt=KL_1_1;
+ t1=KL_1_2;
+ tmp=|pt-Start|;
+ forall(2..(length(KL)),ii, // 15.04.20
+ tmp1=KL_ii_1;
+ tmp2=|tmp1-Start|; // 15.04.20
+ if(tmp2<tmp,
+ pt=tmp1;
+ t1=KL_ii_2;
+ tmp=tmp2;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+// pt=Pcrd(pt); // 15.09.12
+ Start=pt;
+ AnsL=[];
+ forall(1..(length(plist)),nn,
+ Fdata=plist_nn;
+ if(nn>1, pt=qt);
+ if(nn==length(plist),
+ qt=Start;
+ ,
+ Flg=0;
+ Gdata=plist_(nn+1);
+// tmp1=concat([Eps,EEps],eqL); // 15.04.06
+ KL=IntersectcrvsPp(Gdata,Fdata);
+ if(length(KL)==1,
+ tmp=KL_1;
+ qt=KL_1_1;
+ t3=KL_1_2;
+ Flg=10;
+ );
+ if(length(KL)==0,Flg=1);
+ if(length(KL)>1,
+ tmp1=KL_1_1;
+ tmp2=KL_2_1;
+ tmp=|tmp1-tmp2|;
+ if(tmp<Eps*10, Flg=1);
+ );
+ if(Flg==1,
+ if(Numptcrv(Fdata)>Numptcrv(Gdata),
+ tmp=Nearestpt(Fdata,Gdata);
+ qt=tmp_1;
+ t3=tmp_4;
+ Flg=10;
+ ,
+ tmp=Nearestpt(Gdata,Fdata);
+ qt=tmp_3;
+ t3=tmp_2;
+ Flg=10;
+ );
+ );
+ if(Flg<10,
+ t2=10^6; //%inf;
+ forall(1..(length(KL)),ii,
+ tmp1=KL_ii_1;
+ tmp=KL_ii_3;
+ tmp2=ParamonCurve(tmp1,tmp,Fdata);
+ tmp3=KL_ii_2;
+ if(tmp2>t1+Eps & tmp2<t2+Eps,
+ qt=tmp1;
+ t2=tmp2;
+ t3=tmp3;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ tmp=Partcrv("",pt,qt,Fdata,["nodata"]);
+ t1=t3;
+ if(nn==1,
+ AnsL=tmp;
+ ,
+ AnsL=concat(AnsL,tmp_(2..(length(tmp))));
+ );
+ );
+ AnsL=apply(AnsL,Pcrd(#)); // 15.09.12
+ AnsL_(length(AnsL))=AnsL_1;//16.10.20
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Enclosing "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=name+"=Enclosing(";//16.11.07from
+ tmp1="list(";
+ forall(plist,
+ tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
+ );
+ tmp=tmp+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")"+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);//16.11.07until
+ // GLIST=append(GLIST,"Tmp=[]"); // 16.11.05from
+// nn=floor(length(AnsL)/20);
+// forall(1..nn,ii,
+// tmp=AnsL_(((ii-1)*20+1)..(ii*20));
+// tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
+// tmp="Tmp=[Tmp,"+textformat(tmp,5)+"]";
+// GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+// );
+// if(length(AnsL)>nn*20,
+// tmp=AnsL_((nn*20+1)..(length(AnsL)));
+// tmp=apply(tmp,LLcrd(#));
+// tmp="Tmp=[Tmp,"+textformat(tmp,5)+"]";
+// GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);
+// );
+// GLIST=append(GLIST,name+"=Listplot(Tmp)"); // 16.11.05until
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ tmp=apply(AnsL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.20
+ tmp;
+/////////// new enclosing ///////////
+ regional(name,plist,AnsL,Start,Eps,Eps1,Eps2,flg,Fdata,Gdata,KL,
+ t1,t2,tst,ss,ii,nn,nxtno,Ltype,Noflg,realL,eqL,opstr,opcindy,
+ tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ name="en"+nm;
+ plist=plistorg;
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ eqL=tmp_5;
+ realL=tmp_6;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ Eps=10^(-5); // 16.12.05
+ Eps1=0.01;
+ Eps2=0.1;
+ Start=[];
+ flg=0;
+ forall(realL,
+ if(isList(#) % ispoint(#),
+// Start=Lcrd(#); // 18.02.02
+ ,
+ if(flg==0,Eps1=#);
+ if(flg==1,Eps2=#);
+ flg=flg+1;
+ );
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ AnsL=[];
+ if(length(plist)==1,
+ Fdata=parse(plist_1);
+ tmp1=Fdata_1;
+ tmp2=Fdata_(length(Fdata));
+ if(|tmp1-tmp2|<Eps,
+ AnsL=Fdata;
+ ,
+ AnsL=append(Fdata,tmp1);
+ );
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ Fdata=plist_1;
+ Gdata=plist_(length(plist));
+ KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata);
+ if(length(KL)==0,
+ tmp=parse(Gdata);
+ tmp1=LLcrd(Op(length(tmp),tmp)); //18.02.02from
+ tmp=parse(Fdata);
+ tmp2=LLcrd(Op(1,tmp));
+ tmp=Listplot(name,[tmp1,tmp2],["nodisp"]);
+ plist=append(plist,"sg"+name);
+ Start=tmp2;
+ tst=1; //18.02.02until
+ ,
+ if(length(KL)==1,
+ tst=KL_1_2;
+ Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
+ );
+ if(length(KL)>1,
+ KL=sort(KL,[#_2]);
+ if(Start==[],
+ tst=KL_1_2;
+ Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
+ ,
+ tmp=apply(KL,|#_1-Start|);
+ tmp=min(tmp);
+ tmp1=select(KL,|#_1-Start|==tmp);
+ tst=tmp1_1_2;
+ Start=Pointoncurve(tst,Fdata);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ t1=tst;
+ println("Start point of enclosing is "+text(Start));
+ forall(1..(length(plist)),nn,
+ Fdata=plist_nn;
+ if(nn==length(plist),nxtno=1,nxtno=nn+1);
+ Gdata=plist_nxtno;
+ KL=IntersectcurvesPp(Fdata,Gdata);
+ if(length(KL)==0,
+ tmp1=parse(Fdata); //18.02.02from
+ tmp2=parse(Gdata);
+ tmp2=Prepend(Op(length(tmp1),tmp),tmp2);
+ Gdata=replace(Gdata,"(","");
+ Gdata=replace(Gdata,")","");
+ tmp=Gdata+"="+textformat(tmp2,6);
+ parse(tmp);
+ plist_nxtno=Gdata;
+ t2=Length(tmp1);
+ ss=1; //18.02.02until
+ ,
+ t2=KL_1_2;
+ ss=KL_1_3;
+ if(abs(t2-t1)<Eps,
+ if(length(KL)>1,
+ t2=KL_2_2;
+ ss=KL_2_3;
+ ,
+ println(text(nn)+" and "+text(nxtno)+" not intersect");
+ flg=1;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ tmp=Partcrv("",t1,t2,Fdata,["nodata"]);
+ if(nn==1,
+ AnsL=tmp;
+ ,
+ AnsL=concat(AnsL,tmp_(2..(length(tmp))));
+ );
+ t1=ss;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==0,
+ AnsL=apply(AnsL,Pcrd(#));
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Enclosing "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ tmp=name+"=Enclosing2(";//16.11.07from
+ tmp1="list(";
+ forall(plistorg, //18.02.02
+ tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
+ );
+ tmp=tmp+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+"))";//18.02.02
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp);//16.11.07until
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ tmp=apply(AnsL,LLcrd(#));//16.10.20
+ tmp;
+/////////// end of new enclosing ///////////
+/////////// new Hatchdata(cindy) ///////////
+ regional(Eps,iolist,sg,bdy,out,nb,tenL,ns,ne,ioL,
+ ii,jj,kk,nvec,nbdy,sgn1,sgn2,flg,rmL,p0,p1,p2,pL,
+ Scalebkup,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ Eps=10^(-6);
+ nvec=[-vec_2,vec_1];
+ nvec=nvec/|nvec|;
+ if(!islist(iolistorg),iolist=[iolistorg],iolist=iolistorg);
+ forall(1..(length(iolist)),
+ tmp=replace(iolist_#,"i","1,");
+ tmp=replace(tmp,"o","0,");
+ tmp="["+substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+"]";
+ iolist_#=parse(tmp);
+ );
+ Scalebkup=SCALEY;
+ sg=Lineplot("",[pt,pt+vec],["nodata"]);
+ nb=length(bdylist);
+ if(nb>0,
+ tenL=[];
+ forall(1..nb,ii,
+ rmL=[];
+ bdy=bdylist_ii;
+ nbdy=length(bdy)-1;
+ pL=[];
+ forall(1..nbdy,jj,
+ p1=bdy_jj;
+ p2=bdy_(mod(jj+1-1,nbdy)+1);
+ tmp=Intersectseg(sg,[p1,p2],Eps);
+ if(abs(tmp_1)<Eps, //18.02.01
+ p0=tmp_2; t=tmp_3; s=tmp_4;
+ pL=append(pL,[p0,t,s,ii]);
+ );
+ );
+ if(length(pL)>0,
+ pL=sort(pL,[#_2]);
+ pL=apply(1..(length(pL)),append(pL_#,mod(#,2)));
+ tenL=concat(tenL,pL);
+ );
+ );
+ tenL=sort(tenL,[#_2]);
+ ioL=apply(1..nb,0);
+ ns=1;
+ ne=length(tenL);
+ if(ne>0,tmp=tenL_1_1,tmp=sg_2);
+ if(|sg_1-tmp|>Eps,
+ tmp=[sg_1,-1,1,ioL];
+ tenL=prepend(tmp,tenL);
+ ns=ns+1;
+ ne=ne+1;
+ );
+ if(|sg_2-tenL_(length(tenL))_1|>Eps,
+ tmp=[sg_2,-1,2,ioL];
+ tenL=append(tenL,tmp);
+ );
+ forall(,ii,
+ tmp=tenL_ii;
+ tmp1=tmp_4;
+ tmp2=tmp_5;
+ ioL_tmp1=tmp2;
+ tmp=[tmp_1,tmp_2,tmp_4,ioL];
+ tenL_ii=tmp;
+ );
+ out=[];
+ forall(1..(length(tenL)-1),ii,
+ tmp1=tenL_ii;
+ if(contains(iolist,tmp1_4),
+ tmp2=tenL_(ii+1);
+ tmp=Listplot("",[tmp1_1,tmp2_1],["nodata"]);
+ out=append(out,tmp);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ SCALEY=Scalebkup;
+ out;
+ regional(name,bdylist,bdynameL,bname,Ltype,Noflg,opstr,opcindy,reL,startP,angle,
+ interval,vec,nvec,flg,pt,kk,delta,sha,AnsL,tmp,tmp1,tmp2);
+ name="ha"+nm;
+ bdylist=[];
+ bdynameL=[];
+ forall(1..(length(bdylistorg)),kk,
+ tmp1=bdylistorg_kk;
+ if(length(tmp1)==1,
+ bname=tmp1_1;
+ ,
+ tmp=tmp1_(length(tmp1));
+ if(contains(["n","s","e","w"],tmp),
+ tmp2=parse(tmp1_1);
+ if(tmp=="s",
+ Listplot(name,[LLcrd(tmp2_1),[tmp2_1_1,YMIN],
+ [tmp2_(length(tmp2))_1,YMIN],LLcrd(tmp2_(length(tmp2)))],["nodisp"]);
+ Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
+ bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
+ );
+ if(tmp=="n",
+ Listplot(name,[LLcrd(tmp2_1),[tmp2_1_1,YMAX],
+ [tmp2_(length(tmp2))_1,YMAX],LLcrd(tmp2_(length(tmp2)))],["nodisp"]);
+ Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
+ bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
+ );
+ if(tmp=="e",
+ Listplot(name,apply([tmp2_1,[XMAX,tmp2_1_2],
+ [XMAX,tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2],tmp2_(length(tmp2))],LLcrd(#)),["nodisp"]);
+ Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
+ bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
+ );
+ if(tmp=="w",
+ Listplot(name,apply( [tmp2_1,[XMIN,tmp2_1_2],
+ [XMIN,tmp2_(length(tmp2))_2],tmp2_(length(tmp2))],LLcrd(#)),["nodisp"]);
+ Joincrvs(text(kk)+name,[tmp1_1,"sg"+name],["nodisp"]);
+ bname="join"+text(kk)+name;
+ );
+ ,
+ Enclosing2(text(#)+name,tmp,["nodisp"]);
+ bname="en"+text(#)+name;
+ );
+ );
+ bdylist=append(bdylist,parse(bname));
+ bdynameL=append(bdynameL,bname);
+ );
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ Ltype=tmp_1;
+ Noflg=tmp_2;
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ reL=tmp_6;
+ angle=45;
+ interval=0.125*1000/2.54/MilliIn;
+ startP=[(XMIN+XMAX)/2, (YMIN+YMAX)/2];
+ tmp1=1;
+ forall(reL,
+ if(islist(#),
+ startP=#;
+ ,
+ if(tmp1==1,
+ angle=#;
+ tmp1=tmp1+1;
+ ,
+ interval= interval*#;
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ angle=angle*pi/180;
+ vec=[cos(angle),sin(angle)];
+ nvec=[-sin(angle),cos(angle)];
+ AnsL=[];
+ flg=0;
+ forall(0..100,kk,
+ pt=startP+kk*interval*nvec;
+ if(flg==0,
+ sha=Makehatch(iostr,pt,vec,bdylist);
+ if((sha==-1)%(length(sha)==0),
+// flg=1;
+ ,
+ AnsL=concat(AnsL,sha);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ flg=0;
+ forall(1..100,kk,
+ pt=startP-kk*interval*nvec;
+ if(flg==0,
+ sha=Makehatch(iostr,pt,vec,bdylist);
+ if((sha==-1)%(length(sha)==0),
+// flg=1;
+ ,
+ AnsL=concat(AnsL,sha);
+ );
+ );
+ );
+ if(Noflg<3,
+ println("generate Hatchdata "+name);
+ tmp=name+"="+textformat(AnsL,5);
+ parse(tmp);
+ if(!islist(iostr),tmp1=[iostr],tmp1=iostr);
+ tmp="c(";
+ forall(tmp1,
+ tmp=tmp+Dq+#+Dq+",";
+ );
+ tmp=substring(tmp,0,length(tmp)-1)+")";
+ tmp2=name+"=Hatchdata("+tmp;
+ forall(bdynameL,
+ tmp2=tmp2+",list("+#+")";
+ );
+ tmp2=tmp2+opstr+")";
+ GLIST=append(GLIST,tmp2);
+ );
+ if(Noflg<2,
+ if(isstring(Ltype),
+ Ltype=GetLinestyle(text(Noflg)+Ltype,name);
+ ,
+ if(Noflg==1,Ltype=0);
+ );
+ GCLIST=append(GCLIST,[name,Ltype,opcindy]);
+ );
+ tmp2=[];
+ forall(AnsL,tmp1,
+ tmp=apply(tmp1,LLcrd(#));
+ tmp2=append(tmp2,tmp);
+ );
+ tmp2;
+/////////// end of new Hatchdata(cindy) ///////////
+//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],["red" /pict2e]);
+//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],[[0,0,0,0.5] /pict2e]);
+//help:Shade(["gr2","sg1"],[[1,0,0] /pict2e]);
+ regional(tmp,tmp1,tmp2,opstr,opcindy,Str,G2,flg);
+ if(isstring(plist_1), // 16.01.24
+ println("output Shade of "+plist);
+ ,
+ println("output Shade of lists");
+ );
+ tmp=Divoptions(options);
+ opstr=tmp_(length(tmp)-1);
+ opcindy=tmp_(length(tmp));
+ flg=0;
+ forall(plist,
+ if(flg==0,
+ if(isstring(#),tmp=parse(#),tmp=#); // from 16.01.24
+ if(!islist(tmp),flg=1); until
+ );
+ );
+ if(flg==1,
+// err("some data not defined yet");
+ ,
+ G2=Joincrvs("1",plist,["nodata"]);
+ G2=apply(G2,Pcrd(#));
+ tmp1="fillpoly("+textformat(G2,5)+opcindy+");";
+ parse(tmp1);
+ );
+ Str="Shade(";
+ tmp1="list(";
+ forall(plist,
+ if(isstring(#), // from 16.01.24
+ if(length(#)>1,
+ tmp1=tmp1+#+",";
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp1+Dq+#+Dq+",";
+ );
+ ,
+ tmp1=tmp1+"Listplot("+textformat(#,5)+"),";
+ ); // until 16.01.24
+ );
+ Str=Str+substring(tmp1,0,length(tmp1)-1)+")"+opstr+")";
+ Com2nd(Str);