path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/wwwwatch.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/wwwwatch.rb')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/wwwwatch.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/wwwwatch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0afb9a39291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/wwwwatch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+banner = ['WWWWatch', 'version 1.0.0', '2003-2006', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD']
+$: << File.dirname(File.expand_path($0))
+require 'base/switch'
+require 'base/logger'
+require 'www/common'
+require 'monitor'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'ftools'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'timeout'
+require 'thread'
+class Watch < Monitor
+ include Common
+ @@session_prefix = ''
+ @@check_factor = 4
+ @@process_timeout = 1*60*60
+ @@fast_wait_loop = false
+ @@session_line = /^\s*(?![\#\%])(.*?)\s*\=\s*(.*?)\s*$/o
+ @@session_begin = 'begin exa session'
+ @@session_end = 'end exa session'
+ attr_accessor :root_path, :work_path, :create, :cache_path, :delay, :max_threads, :max_age, :verbose
+ def initialize(logger) # we need to register all @vars here becase of the monitor
+ @threads =
+ @files =
+ @stats =
+ @skips =
+ @root_path = ''
+ @work_path = Dir.tmpdir
+ @cache_path = @work_path
+ @last_action =
+ @delay = 1
+ @max_threads = 5
+ @max_age = @@process_timeout
+ @logger = logger
+ @verbose = false
+ @create = false
+ # [:INT, :TERM, :EXIT].each do |signal|
+ # trap(signal) do
+ # kill
+ # exit # rescue false
+ # end
+ # end
+ # at_exit do
+ # kill
+ # end
+ end
+ def trace
+ if @verbose && @logger then
+"exception: #{$!})")
+ $@.each do |t|
+">> #{t}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def report(str)
+ if @logger
+ end
+ def setup
+ @threads =
+ @files =
+ @stats =
+ @skips =
+ @root_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(Dir.pwd),'.')) if @root_path.empty?
+ @work_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path,'work','watch')) if @work_path.empty?
+ # @cache_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path,'work','cache')) if @cache_path.empty?
+ @cache_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(@work_path),'cache')) if @cache_path.empty?
+ if @create then
+ begin File.makedirs(@work_path) ; rescue ; end
+ begin File.makedirs(@cache_path) ; rescue ; end
+ end
+ unless File.writable?(@work_path) then
+ @work_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir,'work','watch'))
+ if @create then
+ begin File.makedirs(@work_path) ; rescue ; end
+ end
+ end
+ unless File.writable?(@cache_path) then
+ @cache_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.tmpdir,'work','cache'))
+ if @create then
+ begin File.makedirs(@cache_path) ; rescue ; end
+ end
+ end
+ unless File.writable?(@work_path) then
+ puts "no valid work path: #{@work_path}"
+ exit! rescue false # no checking, no at_exit done
+ end
+ unless File.writable?(@cache_path) then
+ puts "no valid work path: #{@work_path}" ; # no reason to exit
+ end
+ @last_action =
+ report("watching path #{@work_path}") if @verbose
+ end
+ def lock(lck)
+ begin
+ report("watchdog: locking #{lck}") if @verbose
+,'w') do |f|
+ f <<
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ def unlock(lck)
+ begin
+ report("watchdog: unlocking #{lck}") if @verbose
+ File.delete(lck)
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ def kill
+ @threads.each do |t|
+ t.kill rescue false
+ end
+ end
+ def restart
+ @files =
+ @skips =
+ @stats =
+ kill # threads
+ end
+ def collect
+ begin
+ @files =
+ Dir.glob("#{@work_path}/#{@@session_prefix}*.ses").each do |sessionfile|
+ sessionfile = File.expand_path(sessionfile)
+ begin
+ if @threads.key?(sessionfile) then
+ # leave alone
+ elsif ( - File.mtime(sessionfile)) > @max_age.to_i then
+ # delete
+ FileUtils::rm_r(sessionfile) rescue false
+ FileUtils::rm_r(sessionfile.sub(/ses$/,'dir')) rescue false
+ FileUtils::rm_r(sessionfile.sub(/ses$/,'lck')) rescue false
+ begin
+ FileUtils::rm_r(File.join(@cache_path, File.basename(sessionfile.sub(/ses$/,'dir'))))
+ rescue
+ report("watchdog: problems in cache cleanup #{$!}") # if @verbose
+ end
+ @stats.delete(sessionfile) rescue false
+ @skips.delete(sessionfile) rescue false
+ report("watchdog: removing session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ elsif ! @skips.key?(sessionfile) then
+ @files << sessionfile
+ report("watchdog: checking session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ end
+ rescue
+ # maybe purged in the meantime
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ if then
+ @files =
+ else
+ # maybe dir is deleted (manual cleanup)
+ restart
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.glob("#{@cache_path}/*.dir").each do |dirname|
+ begin
+ if ( - File.mtime(dirname)) > @max_age.to_i then
+ begin
+ FileUtils::rm_r(dirname)
+ rescue
+ report("watchdog: problems in cache cleanup #{$!}") # if @verbose
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ # maybe purged in the meantime
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def purge
+ begin
+ Dir.glob("#{@work_path}/#{@@session_prefix}*").each do |sessionfile|
+ sessionfile = File.expand_path(sessionfile)
+ begin
+ if ( - File.mtime(sessionfile)) > @max_age.to_i then
+ begin
+ if then
+ FileUtils::rm_r(sessionfile)
+ else
+ File.delete(sessionfile)
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ @stats.delete(sessionfile)
+ @skips.delete(sessionfile)
+ rescue
+ end
+ report("watchdog: purging session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ end
+ rescue
+ # maybe purged in the meantime
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def loaded_session_data(filename)
+ begin
+ if data = IO.readlines(filename) then
+ return data if (data.first =~ /^[\#\%]\s*#{@@session_begin}/o) && (data.last =~ /^[\#\%]\s*#{@@session_end}/o)
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def load(sessionfile)
+ # we assume that we get an exception when the file is locked
+ begin
+ if data = loaded_session_data(sessionfile) then
+ report("watchdog: loading session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ vars =
+ data.each do |line|
+ begin
+ if line.chomp =~ /^(.*?)\s*\=\s*(.*?)\s*$/o then
+ key, value = $1, $2
+ vars[key] = value
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ return vars
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def save(sessionfile, vars)
+ begin
+ report("watchdog: saving session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ if @stats.key?(sessionfile) then
+ @stats[sessionfile] = File.mtime(sessionfile)
+ elsif @stats[sessionfile] == File.mtime(sessionfile) then
+ else
+ # construct data first
+ str = "\# #{@@session_begin}\n"
+ for k,v in vars do
+ str << "#{k}=#{v}\n"
+ end
+ str << "\# #{@@session_end}\n"
+ # save as fast as possible
+,'w') do |f|
+ f.puts(str)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("watchdog: unable to save session #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ trace
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def launch
+ begin
+ @files.each do |sessionfile|
+ if @threads.length < @max_threads then
+ begin
+ if ! @skips.key?(sessionfile) && (vars = load(sessionfile)) then
+ if (id = vars['id']) && vars['status'] then
+ if vars['status'] == 'running: background' then
+ @last_action =
+ @threads[sessionfile] =, sessionfile) do |vars, sessionfile|
+ begin
+ report("watchdog: starting thread #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ dir = File.expand_path(sessionfile.sub(/ses$/,'dir'))
+ lck = File.expand_path(sessionfile.sub(/ses$/,'lck'))
+ start_of_run =
+ start_of_job = start_of_run.dup
+ max_runtime = @max_age
+ begin
+ start_of_job = vars['starttime'].to_i || start_of_run
+ start_of_job = start_of_run if start_of_job == 0
+ rescue
+ start_of_job =
+ end
+ begin
+ max_runtime = vars['maxtime'].to_i || @max_age
+ max_runtime = @max_age if max_runtime == 0
+ max_runtime = max_runtime - ( - start_of_job.to_i)
+ rescue
+ max_runtime = @max_age
+ end
+ lock(lck)
+ if max_runtime > 0 then
+ command = vars['command'] || ''
+ if ! command.empty? then
+ vars['status'] = 'running: busy'
+ vars['timeout'] = max_runtime.to_s
+ save(sessionfile,vars)
+ timeout(max_runtime) do
+ begin
+ command = command_string(dir,command,'process.log')
+ report("watchdog: #{command}") if @verbose
+ system(command)
+ rescue TimeoutError
+ vars['status'] = 'running: timeout'
+ rescue
+ trace
+ vars['status'] = 'running: aborted'
+ else
+ vars['status'] = 'running: finished'
+ vars['runtime'] = sprintf("%.02f",( - start_of_run))
+ vars['endtime'] =
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ vars['status'] = 'running: aborted' # no command
+ end
+ else
+ vars['status'] = 'running: aborted' # not enough time
+ end
+ save(sessionfile,vars)
+ unlock(lck)
+ report("watchdog: ending thread #{sessionfile}") if @verbose
+ @threads.delete(sessionfile)
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("watchdog: skipping - id (#{vars['id']}) / status (#{vars['status']})") if @verbose
+ end
+ @skips[sessionfile] = true
+ else
+ # not yet ok
+ end
+ else
+ # maybe a lock
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ def wait
+ begin
+ # report( if @verbose
+ loop do
+ if @threads.length == @max_threads then
+ if @delay > @max_threads then
+ sleep(@delay)
+ else
+ sleep(@max_threads)
+ end
+ break if @@fast_wait_loop
+ else
+ sleep(@delay)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ def check
+ begin
+ time =
+ if (time - @last_action) > @@check_factor*@max_age then
+ report("watchdog: cleanup") if @verbose
+ @stats =
+ @last_action = time
+ kill
+ end
+ rescue
+ trace
+ end
+ end
+ def cycle
+ loop do
+ begin
+ collect
+ launch
+ wait
+ check
+ rescue
+ trace
+ report("watchdog: some problem, restarting loop")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ def watch
+ if watch = setup then
+ watch.cycle
+ else
+ report("provide valid work path")
+ end
+ end
+ def main
+ watch
+ end
+ private
+ def setup
+ if watch = then
+ watch.root_path = @commandline.option('root')
+ watch.work_path = @commandline.option('work')
+ watch.cache_path = @commandline.option('cache')
+ watch.create = @commandline.option('create')
+ watch.verbose = @commandline.option('verbose')
+ begin
+ watch.max_threads = @commandline.option('threads').to_i
+ rescue
+ watch.max_threads = 5
+ end
+ watch.setup
+ end
+ return watch
+ end
+logger =
+commandline =
+commandline.registervalue('root', '')
+commandline.registervalue('work', '')
+commandline.registervalue('cache', '')
+commandline.registervalue('threads', '5')
+commandline.registeraction('watch', '[--work=path] [--root=path] [--create]')
+,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'main')