path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/www/dir.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/www/dir.rb')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/www/dir.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/www/dir.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09e088d772d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/www/dir.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+require 'www/lib'
+# dir handling
+class WWW
+ # borrowed code from webrick demo, patched
+ @@dir_name_width = 25
+ def handle_dir(dirpath=@variables.get('path'),hidden=[],showdirs=true)
+ check_template_file('dir','text-template.htm')
+ docroot = @interface.get('path:docroot')
+ dirpath = dirpath || ''
+ hidden = [] unless hidden
+ local_path = dirpath.dup
+ title, str = "Index of #{escaped(dirpath)}", ''
+ begin
+ local_path.gsub!(/[\/\\]+/,'/')
+ local_path.gsub!(/\/$/, '')
+ if local_path !~ /^(\.|\.\.|\/|[a-zA-Z]\:)$/io then # maybe also /...
+ full_path = File.join(docroot,local_path)
+ @interface.set('log:dir', full_path)
+ begin
+ list = Dir::entries(full_path)
+ rescue
+ str << "unable to parse #{local_path}"
+ else
+ if list then
+ list.collect! do |name|
+ if name =~ /^\.+/o then
+ nil # no . and ..
+ else
+ st = (File::stat(File.join(docroot,local_path,name)) rescue nil)
+ if st.nil? then
+ [name, nil, -1, false]
+ elsif then
+ if showdirs then [name + "/", st.mtime, -1, true] else nil end
+ elsif hidden.length > 0 then
+ if hidden.include?(name) then nil else [name, st.mtime, st.size, false] end
+ else
+ [name, st.mtime, st.size, false]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ list.compact!
+ n, m, s = @variables.get('n'), @variables.get('m'), @variables.get('s')
+ if ! n.empty? then
+ idx, d0 = 0, n
+ elsif ! m.empty? then
+ idx, d0 = 1, m
+ elsif ! s.empty? then
+ idx, d0 = 2, s
+ else
+ idx, d0 = 0, 'a'
+ end
+ d1 = if d0 == 'a' then 'd' else 'a' end
+ if d0 == 'a' then
+ list.sort! do |a,b| a[idx] <=> b[idx] end
+ else
+ list.sort! do |a,b| b[idx] <=> a[idx] end
+ end
+ u = dir_uri(@variables.get('path') || '.')
+ str << "<div class='dir-view'>\n<pre>\n"
+ str << "<a href=\"#{u}&n=#{d1}\">name</A>".ljust(49+u.length)
+ str << "<a href=\"#{u}&m=#{d1}\">last modified</A>".ljust(41+u.length)
+ str << "<a href=\"#{u}&s=#{d1}\">size</A>".rjust(31+u.length) << "\n" << "\n"
+ # parent path
+ if showdirs && ! hidden.include?('..') then
+ dname = "parent directory"
+ fname = "#{File.dirname(dirpath)}"
+ time = File::mtime(File.join(docroot,local_path,"/.."))
+ str << dir_entry(fname,dname,time,-1,true)
+ str << "\n"
+ end
+ # directories
+ done = false
+ list.each do |name, time, size, dir|
+ if dir then
+ if name.size > @@dir_name_width then
+ dname = name.sub(/^(.#{@@dir_name_width-2})(.*)/) do $1 + ".." end
+ else
+ dname = name
+ end
+ fname = "#{escaped(dirpath)}/#{escaped(name)}"
+ str << dir_entry(fname,dname,time,size,dir)
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ str << "\n" if done
+ # files
+ list.each do |name, time, size, dir|
+ unless dir then
+ if name.size > @@dir_name_width then
+ dname = name.sub(/^(.#{@@dir_name_width-2})(.*)/) do $1 + ".." end
+ else
+ dname = name
+ end
+ fname = "#{escaped(dirpath)}/#{escaped(name)}"
+ str << dir_entry(fname,dname,time,size,dir)
+ end
+ end
+ str << "\n"
+ str << '</pre></div>'
+ else
+ str << 'no info'
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ str << 'no access'
+ end
+ rescue
+ str << "error #{$!}<br/><pre>"
+ str << $@.join("\n")
+ str << "</pre>"
+ end
+ message(title,str)
+ end
+ def dir_uri(f='.')
+ u, t, o = @interface.get('dir:uri'), @interface.get('dir:task'), @interface.get('dir:option') # takes precedence, in case we run under cgi control
+ if u.empty? then
+ u, t, o = @interface.get('process:uri'), '', ''
+ elsif ! t.empty? then
+ t = "task=#{t}&"
+ o = "option=#{o}&"
+ end
+ if u && ! u.empty? then
+ u = u.sub(/\?.*$/,'') # frozen string
+ if f =~ /^\.+$/ then
+ "#{u}?#{t}#{o}path="
+ else
+ "#{u}?#{t}#{o}path=#{f}"
+ end
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ def dir_entry(fname,dname,time,size,dir=false)
+ if dir then
+ f = fname.sub(/\/+$/,'').sub(/^\/+/,'')
+ s = "<a href=\"#{dir_uri(f)}\">#{dname}</a>"
+ elsif ! @interface.get('dir:uri').empty? then # takes precedence, in case we run under cgi control
+ s = "<a href=\"#{dir_uri(fname.gsub(/\/+/,'/'))}\">#{dname}</a>"
+ else
+ s = "<a href=\"#{fname.gsub(/\/+/,'/')}\">#{dname}</a>"
+ end
+ # s << " " * (30 - dname.size)
+ s << " " * (@@dir_name_width + 5 - dname.size)
+ s << (time ? time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M ") : " " * 22)
+ s << (size >= 0 ? size.to_s : "-").rjust(12) << "\n"
+ return s
+ end