path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb')
1 files changed, 1405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..94e6e735a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1405 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# program : ctxtools
+# copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering
+# version : 2004-2005
+# author : Hans Hagen
+# project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe
+# concept : Hans Hagen
+# info :
+# www :
+# This script will harbor some handy manipulations on context
+# related files.
+# todo: move scite here
+# todo: move kpse call to kpse class/module
+banner = ['CtxTools', 'version 1.2.2', '2004/2005', 'PRAGMA ADE/POD']
+unless defined? ownpath
+ ownpath = $0.sub(/[\\\/][a-z0-9\-]*?\.rb/i,'')
+ $: << ownpath
+require 'base/switch'
+require 'base/logger'
+require 'base/system'
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'ftools'
+require 'kconv'
+exit if defined?(REQUIRE2LIB)
+class String
+ def i_translate(element, attribute, category)
+ self.gsub!(/(<#{element}.*?#{attribute}=)([\"\'])(.*?)\2/) do
+ if category.key?($3) then
+ # puts "#{element} #{$3} -> #{category[$3]}\n" if element == 'cd:inherit'
+ # puts "#{element} #{$3} => #{category[$3]}\n" if element == 'cd:command'
+ "#{$1}#{$2}#{category[$3]}#{$2}"
+ else
+ # puts "#{element} #{$3} -> ?\n" if element == 'cd:inherit'
+ # puts "#{element} #{$3} => ?\n" if element == 'cd:command'
+ "#{$1}#{$2}#{$3}#{$2}" # unchanged
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def i_load(element, category)
+ self.scan(/<#{element}.*?name=([\"\'])(.*?)\1.*?value=\1(.*?)\1/) do
+ category[$2] = $3
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def touchcontextfile
+ dowithcontextfile(1)
+ end
+ def contextversion
+ dowithcontextfile(2)
+ end
+ private
+ def dowithcontextfile(action)
+ maincontextfile = 'context.tex'
+ unless FileTest.file?(maincontextfile) then
+ begin
+ maincontextfile = `kpsewhich -progname=context #{maincontextfile}`.chomp
+ rescue
+ maincontextfile = ''
+ end
+ end
+ unless maincontextfile.empty? then
+ case action
+ when 1 then touchfile(maincontextfile)
+ when 2 then reportversion(maincontextfile)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def touchfile(filename)
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ if data = then
+ timestamp ='%Y.%m.%d')
+ prevstamp = ''
+ begin
+ data.gsub!(/\\contextversion\{(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\}/) do
+ prevstamp = $1
+ "\\contextversion{#{timestamp}}"
+ end
+ rescue
+ else
+ begin
+ File.delete(filename+'.old')
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ File.copy(filename,filename+'.old')
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ if f =,'w') then
+ f.puts(data)
+ f.close
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ if prevstamp.empty? then
+ report("#{filename} is not updated, no timestamp found")
+ else
+ report("#{filename} is updated from #{prevstamp} to #{timestamp}")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("#{filename} is not found")
+ end
+ end
+ def reportversion(filename)
+ version = 'unknown'
+ begin
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) &&\\contextversion\{(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\}/) then
+ version = $1
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ if @commandline.option("pipe") then
+ print version
+ else
+ report("context version: #{version}")
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def jeditinterface
+ editinterface('jedit')
+ end
+ def bbeditinterface
+ editinterface('bbedit')
+ end
+ def sciteinterface
+ editinterface('scite')
+ end
+ def rawinterface
+ editinterface('raw')
+ end
+ private
+ def editinterface(type='raw')
+ return unless FileTest.file?("cont-en.xml")
+ interfaces = @commandline.arguments
+ if interfaces.empty? then
+ interfaces = ['en', 'cz','de','it','nl','ro']
+ end
+ interfaces.each do |interface|
+ begin
+ collection =
+ mappings =
+ if f = open("keys-#{interface}.xml") then
+ while str = f.gets do
+ if str =~ /\<cd\:command\s+name=\"(.*?)\"\s+value=\"(.*?)\".*?\>/o then
+ mappings[$1] = $2
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ if f = open("cont-en.xml") then
+ while str = f.gets do
+ if str =~ /\<cd\:command\s+name=\"(.*?)\"\s+type=\"environment\".*?\>/o then
+ collection["start#{mappings[$1]}"] = ''
+ collection["stop#{mappings[$1]}"] = ''
+ elsif str =~ /\<cd\:command\s+name=\"(.*?)\".*?\>/o then
+ collection["#{mappings[$1]}"] = ''
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
+ case type
+ when 'jedit' then
+ if f = open("context-jedit-#{interface}.xml", 'w') then
+ f.puts("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n\n")
+ f.puts("<!DOCTYPE MODE SYSTEM 'xmode.dtd'>\n\n")
+ f.puts("<MODE>\n")
+ f.puts(" <RULES>\n")
+ f.puts(" <KEYWORDS>\n")
+ collection.keys.sort.each do |name|
+ f.puts(" <KEYWORD2>\\#{name}</KEYWORD2>\n") unless name.empty?
+ end
+ f.puts(" </KEYWORDS>\n")
+ f.puts(" </RULES>\n")
+ f.puts("</MODE>\n")
+ f.close
+ end
+ when 'bbedit' then
+ if f = open("context-bbedit-#{interface}.xml", 'w') then
+ f.puts("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n\n")
+ f.puts("<key>BBLMKeywordList</key>\n")
+ f.puts("<array>\n")
+ collection.keys.sort.each do |name|
+ f.puts(" <string>\\#{name}</string>\n") unless name.empty?
+ end
+ f.puts("</array>\n")
+ f.close
+ end
+ when 'scite' then
+ if f = open("cont-#{interface}", 'w') then
+ i = 0
+ f.write("keywordclass.macros.context.#{interface}=")
+ collection.keys.sort.each do |name|
+ unless name.empty? then
+ if i==0 then
+ f.write("\\\n ")
+ i = 5
+ else
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ f.write("#{name} ")
+ end
+ end
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close
+ end
+ else # raw
+ collection.keys.sort.each do |name|
+ puts("\\#{name}\n") unless name.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def translateinterface
+ # since we know what kind of file we're dealing with,
+ # we do it quick and dirty instead of using rexml or
+ # xslt
+ interfaces = @commandline.arguments
+ if interfaces.empty? then
+ interfaces = ['cz','de','it','nl','ro']
+ else
+ interfaces.delete('en')
+ end
+ interfaces.flatten.each do |interface|
+ variables, constants, strings, list, data =,,, '', ''
+ keyfile, intfile, outfile = "keys-#{interface}.xml", "cont-en.xml", "cont-#{interface}.xml"
+ report("generating #{keyfile}")
+ begin
+ one = "texexec --make --alone --all #{interface}"
+ two = "texexec --batch --silent --interface=#{interface} x-set-01"
+ if @commandline.option("force") then
+ system(one)
+ system(two)
+ elsif not system(two) then
+ system(one)
+ system(two)
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ unless File.file?(keyfile) then
+ report("no #{keyfile} generated")
+ next
+ end
+ report("loading #{keyfile}")
+ begin
+ list =
+ rescue
+ list = empty
+ end
+ if list.empty? then
+ report("error in loading #{keyfile}")
+ next
+ end
+ list.i_load('cd:variable', variables)
+ list.i_load('cd:constant', constants)
+ list.i_load('cd:command' , strings)
+ # list.i_load('cd:element' , strings)
+ report("loading #{intfile}")
+ begin
+ data =
+ rescue
+ data = empty
+ end
+ if data.empty? then
+ report("error in loading #{intfile}")
+ next
+ end
+ report("translating interface en to #{interface}")
+ data.i_translate('cd:string' , 'value', strings)
+ data.i_translate('cd:variable' , 'value', variables)
+ data.i_translate('cd:parameter', 'name' , constants)
+ data.i_translate('cd:constant' , 'type' , variables)
+ data.i_translate('cd:variable' , 'type' , variables)
+ data.i_translate('cd:inherit' , 'name' , strings)
+ # data.i_translate('cd:command' , 'name' , strings)
+ report("saving #{outfile}")
+ begin
+ if f =, 'w') then
+ f.write(data)
+ f.close
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def purgefiles(all=false)
+ pattern = @commandline.arguments
+ purgeall = @commandline.option("all") || all
+ recurse = @commandline.option("recurse")
+ $dontaskprefixes.push(Dir.glob("mpx-*"))
+ $dontaskprefixes.flatten!
+ $dontaskprefixes.sort!
+ if purgeall then
+ $forsuresuffixes.push($texnonesuffixes)
+ $texnonesuffixes = []
+ $forsuresuffixes.flatten!
+ end
+ if ! pattern || pattern.empty? then
+ globbed = if recurse then "**/*.*" else "*.*" end
+ files = Dir.glob(globbed)
+ report("purging files : #{globbed}")
+ else
+ pattern.each do |pat|
+ globbed = if recurse then "**/#{pat}-*.*" else "#{pat}-*.*" end
+ files = Dir.glob(globbed)
+ globbed = if recurse then "**/#{pat}.*" else "#{pat}.*" end
+ files.push(Dir.glob(globbed))
+ end
+ report("purging files : #{pattern.join(' ')}")
+ end
+ files.flatten!
+ files.sort!
+ $dontaskprefixes.each do |file|
+ removecontextfile(file)
+ end
+ $dontasksuffixes.each do |suffix|
+ files.each do |file|
+ removecontextfile(file) if file =~ /#{suffix}$/i
+ end
+ end
+ $forsuresuffixes.each do |suffix|
+ files.each do |file|
+ removecontextfile(file) if file =~ /\.#{suffix}$/i
+ end
+ end
+ files.each do |file|
+ if file =~ /(.*?)\.\d+$/o then
+ basename = $1
+ if file =~ /mp(graph|run)/o || FileTest.file?("#{basename}.mp") then
+ removecontextfile($file)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ $texnonesuffixes.each do |suffix|
+ files.each do |file|
+ if file =~ /(.*)\.#{suffix}$/i then
+ if FileTest.file?("#{$1}.tex") || FileTest.file?("#{$1}.xml") || FileTest.file?("#{$1}.fo") then
+ keepcontextfile(file)
+ else
+ strippedname = $1.gsub(/\-[a-z]$/io, '')
+ if FileTest.file?("#{strippedname}.tex") || FileTest.file?("#{strippedname}.xml") then
+ keepcontextfile("#{file} (potential result file)")
+ else
+ removecontextfile(file)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ files = Dir.glob("*.*")
+ $dontasksuffixes.each do |suffix|
+ files.each do |file|
+ removecontextfile(file) if file =~ /^#{suffix}$/i
+ end
+ end
+ if $removedfiles || $keptfiles || $persistentfiles then
+ report("removed files : #{$removedfiles}")
+ report("kept files : #{$keptfiles}")
+ report("persistent files : #{$persistentfiles}")
+ report("reclaimed bytes : #{$reclaimedbytes}")
+ end
+ end
+ def purgeallfiles
+ purgefiles(true) # for old times sake
+ end
+ private
+ $removedfiles = 0
+ $keptfiles = 0
+ $persistentfiles = 0
+ $reclaimedbytes = 0
+ $dontaskprefixes = [
+ # "tex-form.tex", "tex-edit.tex", "tex-temp.tex",
+ "texexec.tex", "", "texexec.tuo",
+ "", "texexec.pdf", "texexec.dvi",
+ "cont-opt.tex", "cont-opt.bak"
+ ]
+ $dontasksuffixes = [
+ "mp(graph|run)\\.mp", "mp(graph|run)\\.mpd", "mp(graph|run)\\.mpo", "mp(graph|run)\\.mpy",
+ "mp(graph|run)\\.\\d+",
+ "xlscript\\.xsl"
+ ]
+ $forsuresuffixes = [
+ "tui", "tup", "ted", "tes", "top",
+ "log", "tmp", "run", "bck", "rlg",
+ "mpt", "mpx", "mpd", "mpo"
+ ]
+ $texonlysuffixes = [
+ "dvi", "ps", "pdf"
+ ]
+ $texnonesuffixes = [
+ "tuo", "tub", "top"
+ ]
+ def removecontextfile (filename)
+ if filename && FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ begin
+ filesize = FileTest.size(filename)
+ File.delete(filename)
+ rescue
+ report("problematic : #{filename}")
+ else
+ if FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ $persistentfiles += 1
+ report("persistent : #{filename}")
+ else
+ $removedfiles += 1
+ $reclaimedbytes += filesize
+ report("removed : #{filename}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def keepcontextfile (filename)
+ if filename && FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ $keptfiles += 1
+ report("not removed : #{filename}")
+ end
+ end
+#D Documentation can be woven into a source file. The next
+#D routine generates a new, \TEX\ ready file with the
+#D documentation and source fragments properly tagged. The
+#D documentation is included as comment:
+#D \starttypen
+#D %D ...... some kind of documentation
+#D %M ...... macros needed for documenation
+#D %S B begin skipping
+#D %S E end skipping
+#D \stoptypen
+#D The most important tag is \type {%D}. Both \TEX\ and \METAPOST\
+#D files use \type{%} as a comment chacacter, while \PERL, \RUBY\
+#D and alike use \type{#}. Therefore \type{#D} is also handled.
+#D The generated file gets the suffix \type{ted} and is
+#D structured as:
+#D \starttypen
+#D \startmodule[type=suffix]
+#D \startdocumentation
+#D \stopdocumentation
+#D \startdefinition
+#D \stopdefinition
+#D \stopmodule
+#D \stoptypen
+#D Macro definitions specific to the documentation are not
+#D surrounded by start||stop commands. The suffix specifaction
+#D can be overruled at runtime, but defaults to the file
+#D extension. This specification can be used for language
+#D depended verbatim typesetting.
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def documentation
+ files = @commandline.arguments
+ processtype = @commandline.option("type")
+ files.each do |fullname|
+ if fullname =~ /(.*)\.(.+?)$/o then
+ filename, filesuffix = $1, $2
+ else
+ filename, filesuffix = fullname, 'tex'
+ end
+ filesuffix = 'tex' if filesuffix.empty?
+ fullname, resultname = "#{filename}.#{filesuffix}", "#{filename}.ted"
+ if ! FileTest.file?(fullname)
+ report("empty input file #{fullname}")
+ elsif ! tex =
+ report("invalid input file #{fullname}")
+ elsif ! ted =,'w') then
+ report("unable to openresult file #{resultname}")
+ else
+ report("input file : #{fullname}")
+ report("output file : #{resultname}")
+ nofdocuments, nofdefinitions, nofskips = 0, 0, 0
+ skiplevel, indocument, indefinition, skippingbang = 0, false, false, false
+ if processtype.empty? then
+ filetype = filesuffix.downcase
+ else
+ filetype = processtype.downcase
+ end
+ report("filetype : #{filetype}")
+ # we need to signal to texexec what interface to use
+ firstline = tex.gets
+ if firstline =~ /^\%.*interface\=/ then
+ ted.puts(firstline)
+ else
+ tex.rewind # seek(0)
+ end
+ ted.puts("\\startmodule[type=#{filetype}]\n")
+ while str = tex.gets do
+ if skippingbang then
+ skippingbang = false
+ else
+ str.chomp!
+ str.sub!(/\s*$/o, '')
+ case str
+ when /^[%\#]D/io then
+ if skiplevel == 0 then
+ someline = if str.length < 3 then "" else str[3,str.length-1] end
+ if indocument then
+ ted.puts("#{someline}\n")
+ else
+ if indefinition then
+ ted.puts("\\stopdefinition\n")
+ indefinition = false
+ end
+ unless indocument then
+ ted.puts("\n\\startdocumentation\n")
+ end
+ ted.puts("#{someline}\n")
+ indocument = true
+ nofdocuments += 1
+ end
+ end
+ when /^[%\#]M/io then
+ if skiplevel == 0 then
+ someline = if str.length < 3 then "" else str[3,str.length-1] end
+ ted.puts("#{someline}\n")
+ end
+ when /^[%\%]S B/io then
+ skiplevel += 1
+ nofskips += 1
+ when /^[%\%]S E/io then
+ skiplevel -= 1
+ when /^[%\#]/io then
+ #nothing
+ when /^eval \'\(exit \$\?0\)\' \&\& eval \'exec perl/o then
+ skippingbang = true
+ else
+ if skiplevel == 0 then
+ inlocaldocument = indocument
+ someline = str
+ if indocument then
+ ted.puts("\\stopdocumentation\n")
+ indocument = false
+ end
+ if someline.empty? && indefinition then
+ ted.puts("\\stopdefinition\n")
+ indefinition = false
+ elsif indefinition then
+ ted.puts("#{someline}\n")
+ elsif ! someline.empty? then
+ ted.puts("\n\\startdefinition\n")
+ indefinition = true
+ unless inlocaldocument then
+ nofdefinitions += 1
+ ted.puts("#{someline}\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if indocument then
+ ted.puts("\\stopdocumentation\n")
+ end
+ if indefinition then
+ ted.puts("\\stopdefinition\n")
+ end
+ ted.puts("\\stopmodule\n")
+ ted.close
+ if nofdocuments == 0 && nofdefinitions == 0 then
+ begin
+ File.delete(resultname)
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ report("documentation sections : #{nofdocuments}")
+ report("definition sections : #{nofdefinitions}")
+ report("skipped sections : #{nofskips}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+#D This feature was needed when \PDFTEX\ could not yet access page object
+#D numbers (versions prior to 1.11).
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ def filterpages # temp feature / no reporting
+ filename = @commandline.argument('first')
+ filename.sub!(/\.([a-z]+?)$/io,'')
+ pdffile = "#{filename}.pdf"
+ tuofile = "#{filename}.tuo"
+ if FileTest.file?(pdffile) then
+ begin
+ prevline, n = '', 0
+ if (pdf = && (tuo =,'a')) then
+ report('filtering page object numbers')
+ pdf.binmode
+ while line = pdf.gets do
+ line.chomp
+ # typical pdftex search
+ if (line =~ /\/Type \/Page/o) && (prevline =~ /^(\d+)\s+0\s+obj/o) then
+ p = $1
+ n += 1
+ tuo.puts("\\objectreference{PDFP}{#{n}}{#{p}}{#{n}}\n")
+ else
+ prevline = line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ pdf.close
+ tuo.close
+ report("number of pages : #{n}")
+ rescue
+ report("fatal error in filtering pages")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# This script is used to generate hyphenation pattern files
+# that suit ConTeXt. One reason for independent files is that
+# over the years too many uncommunicated changes took place
+# as well that inconsistency in content, naming, and location
+# in the texmf tree takes more time than I'm willing to spend
+# on it. Pattern files are normally shipped for LaTeX (and
+# partially plain). A side effect of independent files is that
+# we can make them encoding independent.
+# Maybe I'll make this hyptools.tex
+class Language
+ include CommandBase
+ def initialize(commandline=nil, language='en', filenames=nil, encoding='ec')
+ @commandline= commandline
+ @language = language
+ @filenames = filenames
+ @remapping =
+ @unicode =
+ @encoding = encoding
+ @data = ''
+ @read = ''
+ preload_accents()
+ preload_unicode() if @commandline.option('utf8')
+ case @encoding.downcase
+ when 't1', 'ec', 'cork' then preload_vector('ec')
+ when 'y', 'texnansi' then preload_vector('texnansi')
+ end
+ end
+ def report(str)
+ if @commandline then
+ else
+ puts("#{str}\n")
+ end
+ end
+ def remap(from, to)
+ @remapping.push([from,to])
+ end
+ def load(filenames=@filenames)
+ begin
+ if filenames then
+ @filenames.each do |fileset|
+ [fileset].flatten.each do |filename|
+ begin
+ if fname = located(filename) then
+ data =
+ @data += data.gsub(/\%.*$/, '')
+ data.gsub!(/(\\patterns|\\hyphenation)\s*\{.*/mo) do '' end
+ @read += "\n% preamble of file #{fname}\n\n#{data}\n"
+ report("file #{fname} is loaded")
+ break # next fileset
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("file #{filename} is not readable")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def valid?
+ ! @data.empty?
+ end
+ def convert
+ if @data then
+ n = 0
+ @remapping.each do |k|
+ @data.gsub!(k[0]) do
+ # report("#{k[0]} => #{k[1]}")
+ n += 1
+ k[1]
+ end
+ end
+ report("#{n} changes in patterns and exceptions")
+ if @commandline.option('utf8') then
+ n = 0
+ @data.gsub!(/\[(.*?)\]/o) do
+ n += 1
+ @unicode[$1] || $1
+ end
+ report("#{n} unicode utf8 entries")
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ def comment(str)
+ str.gsub!(/^\n/o, '')
+ str.chomp!
+ if @commandline.option('xml') then
+ "<!-- #{str.strip} -->\n\n"
+ else
+ "% #{str.strip}\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def content(tag, str)
+ lst = str.split(/\s+/)
+ lst.collect! do |l|
+ l.strip
+ end
+ if lst.length>0 then
+ lst = "\n#{lst.join("\n")}\n"
+ else
+ lst = ""
+ end
+ if @commandline.option('xml') then
+ lst.gsub!(/\[(.*?)\]/o) do
+ "&#{$1};"
+ end
+ "<#{tag}>#{lst}</#{tag}>\n\n"
+ else
+ "\\#{tag} \{#{lst}\}\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def banner
+ if @commandline.option('xml') then
+ "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def triggerunicode
+ if @commandline.option('utf8') then
+ "% xetex needs utf8 encoded patterns and for patterns\n" +
+ "% coded as such we need to enable this regime when\n" +
+ "% not in xetex; this code will be moved into context\n" +
+ "% as soon as we've spread the generic patterns\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "\\ifx\\XeTeXversion\\undefined \\else\n" +
+ " \\ifx\\enableregime\\undefined \\else\n" +
+ " \\enableregime[utf]\n" +
+ " \\fi\n" +
+ "\\fi\n" +
+ "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def save
+ xml = @commandline.option("xml")
+ patname = "lang-#{@language}.pat"
+ hypname = "lang-#{@language}.hyp"
+ rmename = "lang-#{@language}.rme"
+ logname = "lang-#{@language}.log"
+ desname = "lang-all.xml"
+ @data.gsub!(/\\[nc]\{(.+?)\}/) do $1 end
+ @data.gsub!(/\{\}/) do '' end
+ @data.gsub!(/\n+/mo) do "\n" end
+ @read.gsub!(/\n+/mo) do "\n" end
+ description = ''
+ commentfile = rmename.dup
+ begin
+ desfile = `kpsewhich -progname=context #{desname}`.chomp
+ if f = then
+ if doc = then
+ if e = REXML::XPath.first(doc.root,"/descriptions/description[@language='#{@language}']") then
+ description = e.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ description = ''
+ else
+ unless description.empty? then
+ commentfile = desname.dup
+ str = "<!-- copied from lang-all.xml\n\n"
+ str << "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n\n"
+ str << description.chomp
+ str << "\n\nend of copy -->\n"
+ str.gsub!(/^/io, "% ") unless @commandline.option('xml')
+ description = comment("begin description data")
+ description << str + "\n"
+ description << comment("end description data")
+ report("description found for language #{@language}")
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ if description.empty? || @commandline.option('log') then
+ if f =,'w') then
+ report("saving #{@remapping.length} remap patterns in #{logname}")
+ @remapping.each do |m|
+ f.puts("#{m[0].inspect} => #{m[1]}\n")
+ end
+ f.close
+ end
+ else
+ File.delete(logname) if FileTest.file?(logname)
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ if description.empty? || @commandline.option('log') then
+ if f =,'w') then
+ data = @read.dup
+ data.gsub!(/(\s*\n\s*)+/mo, "\n")
+ f << comment("comment copied from public hyphenation files}")
+ f << comment("source of data: #{@filenames.join(' ')}")
+ f << comment("begin original comment")
+ f << "#{data}\n"
+ f << comment("end original comment")
+ f.close
+ report("comment saved in file #{rmename}")
+ else
+ report("file #{rmename} is not writable")
+ end
+ else
+ File.delete(rmename) if FileTest.file?(rmename)
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ if f =,'w') then
+ data = ''
+ @data.scan(/\\patterns\s*\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/m) do
+ report("merging patterns")
+ data += $1 + "\n"
+ end
+ data.gsub!(/(\s*\n\s*)+/mo, "\n")
+ f << banner
+ f << comment("context pattern file, see #{commentfile} for original comment")
+ f << comment("source of data: #{@filenames.join(' ')}")
+ f << description
+ f << comment("begin pattern data")
+ f << triggerunicode
+ f << content('patterns', data)
+ f << comment("end pattern data")
+ f.close
+ report("patterns saved in file #{patname}")
+ else
+ report("file #{patname} is not writable")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("problems with file #{patname}")
+ end
+ begin
+ if f =,'w') then
+ data = ''
+ @data.scan(/\\hyphenation\s*\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/m) do
+ report("merging exceptions")
+ data += $1 + "\n"
+ end
+ data.gsub!(/(\s*\n\s*)+/mo, "\n")
+ f << banner
+ f << comment("context hyphenation file, see #{commentfile} for original comment")
+ f << comment("source of data: #{@filenames.join(' ')}")
+ f << description
+ f << comment("begin hyphenation data")
+ f << triggerunicode
+ f << content('hyphenation', data)
+ f << comment("end hyphenation data")
+ f.close
+ report("exceptions saved in file #{hypname}")
+ else
+ report("file #{hypname} is not writable")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("problems with file #{hypname}")
+ end
+ end
+ def process
+ load
+ if valid? then
+ convert
+ save
+ else
+ report("aborted due to missing files")
+ end
+ end
+ def Language::generate(commandline, language='', filenames='', encoding='ec')
+ if ! language.empty? && ! filenames.empty? then
+"processing language #{language}")
+ language =,language,filenames,encoding)
+ language.load
+ language.convert
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def located(filename)
+ begin
+ fname = `kpsewhich -progname=context #{filename}`.chomp
+ if FileTest.file?(fname) then
+ report("using file #{fname}")
+ return fname
+ else
+ report("file #{filename} is not present")
+ return nil
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("file #{filename} cannot be located using kpsewhich")
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def preload_accents
+ begin
+ if filename = located("enco-acc.tex") then
+ if data = then
+ report("preloading accent conversions")
+ data.scan(/\\defineaccent\s*\\*(.+?)\s*\{*(.+?)\}*\s*\{\\(.+?)\}/o) do
+ one, two, three = $1, $2, $3
+ one.gsub!(/[\`\~\!\^\*\_\-\+\=\:\;\"\'\,\.\?]/o) do
+ "\\#{one}"
+ end
+ remap(/\\#{one} #{two}/, "[#{three}]")
+ remap(/\\#{one}#{two}/, "[#{three}]") unless one =~ /[a-zA-Z]/o
+ remap(/\\#{one}\{#{two}\}/, "[#{three}]")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ def preload_unicode
+ # \definecharacter Agrave {\uchar0{192}}
+ begin
+ if filename = located("enco-uc.tex") then
+ if data = then
+ report("preloading unicode conversions")
+ data.scan(/\\definecharacter\s*(.+?)\s*\{\\uchar\{*(\d+)\}*\s*\{(\d+)\}/o) do
+ one, two, three = $1, $2.to_i, $3.to_i
+ @unicode[one] = [(two*256 + three)].pack("U")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in loading unicode mapping (#{$!})")
+ end
+ end
+ def preload_vector(encoding='')
+ # funny polish
+ case @language
+ when 'pl' then
+ remap(/\/a/, "[aogonek]") ; remap(/\/A/, "[Aogonek]")
+ remap(/\/c/, "[cacute]") ; remap(/\/C/, "[Cacute]")
+ remap(/\/e/, "[eogonek]") ; remap(/\/E/, "[Eogonek]")
+ remap(/\/l/, "[lstroke]") ; remap(/\/L/, "[Lstroke]")
+ remap(/\/n/, "[nacute]") ; remap(/\/N/, "[Nacute]")
+ remap(/\/o/, "[oacute]") ; remap(/\/O/, "[Oacute]")
+ remap(/\/s/, "[sacute]") ; remap(/\/S/, "[Sacute]")
+ remap(/\/x/, "[zacute]") ; remap(/\/X/, "[Zacute]")
+ remap(/\/z/, "[zdotaccent]") ; remap(/\/Z/, "[Zdotaccent]")
+ when 'sl' then
+ remap(/\"c/,"[ccaron]") ; remap(/\"C/,"[Ccaron]")
+ remap(/\"s/,"[scaron]") ; remap(/\"S/,"[Scaron]")
+ remap(/\"z/,"[zcaron]") ; remap(/\"Z/,"[Zcaron]")
+ when 'da' then
+ remap(/X/, "[aeligature]")
+ remap(/Y/, "[ostroke]")
+ remap(/Z/, "[aring]")
+ when 'ca' then
+ remap(/\\c\{.*?\}/, "")
+ when 'de', 'deo' then
+ remap(/\\c\{.*?\}/, "")
+ remap(/\\n\{\}/, "")
+ remap(/\\3/, "[ssharp]")
+ remap(/\\9/, "[ssharp]")
+ remap(/\"a/, "[adiaeresis]")
+ remap(/\"o/, "[odiaeresis]")
+ remap(/\"u/, "[udiaeresis]")
+ when 'fr' then
+ remap(/\\ae/, "[adiaeresis]")
+ remap(/\\oe/, "[odiaeresis]")
+ when 'la' then
+ # \lccode`'=`' somewhere else, todo
+ remap(/\\c\{.*?\}/, "")
+ remap(/\\a\s*/, "[aeligature]")
+ remap(/\\o\s*/, "[oeligature]")
+ else
+ end
+ if ! encoding.empty? then
+ begin
+ filename = `kpsewhich -progname=context enco-#{encoding}.tex`
+ if data = then
+ report("preloading #{encoding} character mappings")
+ data.scan(/\\definecharacter\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*(\d+)\s*/o) do
+ name, number = $1, $2
+ remap(/\^\^#{sprintf("%02x",number)}/, "[#{name}]")
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ public
+ @@languagedata =
+ def patternfiles
+ language = @commandline.argument('first')
+ if (language == 'all') || language.empty? then
+ languages = @@languagedata.keys.sort
+ elsif @@languagedata.key?(language) then
+ languages = [language]
+ else
+ languages = []
+ end
+ languages.each do |language|
+ encoding = @@languagedata[language][0] || ''
+ files = @@languagedata[language][1] || []
+ Language::generate(self,language,files,encoding)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # todo: filter the fallback list from context
+ # The first entry in the array is the encoding which will be used
+ # when interpreting th eraw patterns. The second entry is a list of
+ # filesets (string|aray), each first match of a set is taken.
+ @@languagedata['ba' ] = [ 'ec' , ['bahyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['ca' ] = [ 'ec' , ['cahyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['cy' ] = [ 'ec' , ['cyhyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['cz' ] = [ 'ec' , ['czhyphen.tex','czhyphen.ex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['de' ] = [ 'ec' , ['dehyphn.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['deo'] = [ 'ec' , ['dehypht.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['da' ] = [ 'ec' , ['dkspecial.tex','dkcommon.tex'] ]
+ # elhyph.tex
+ @@languagedata['es' ] = [ 'ec' , ['eshyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['fi' ] = [ 'ec' , ['ethyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['fi' ] = [ 'ec' , ['fihyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['fr' ] = [ 'ec' , ['frhyph.tex'] ]
+ # ghyphen.readme ghyph31.readme grphyph
+ @@languagedata['hr' ] = [ 'ec' , ['hrhyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['hu' ] = [ 'ec' , ['huhyphn.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['en' ] = [ 'default' , [['ushyphmax.tex','ushyph.tex','hyphen.tex']] ]
+ # inhyph.tex
+ @@languagedata['is' ] = [ 'ec' , ['ishyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['it' ] = [ 'ec' , ['ithyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['la' ] = [ 'ec' , ['lahyph.tex'] ]
+ # mnhyph
+ @@languagedata['nl' ] = [ 'ec' , ['nehyph96.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['no' ] = [ 'ec' , ['nohyph.tex'] ]
+ # oldgrhyph.tex
+ @@languagedata['pl' ] = [ 'ec' , ['plhyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['pt' ] = [ 'ec' , ['pthyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['ro' ] = [ 'ec' , ['rohyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['sl' ] = [ 'ec' , ['sihyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['sk' ] = [ 'ec' , ['skhyphen.tex','skhyphen.ex'] ]
+ # sorhyph.tex / upper sorbian
+ # srhyphc.tex / cyrillic
+ @@languagedata['sv' ] = [ 'ec' , ['svhyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['tr' ] = [ 'ec' , ['tkhyph.tex'] ]
+ @@languagedata['uk' ] = [ 'default' , [['ukhyphen.tex','ukhyph.tex']] ]
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ def dpxmapfiles
+ force = @commandline.option("force")
+ texmfroot = @commandline.argument('first')
+ texmfroot = '.' if texmfroot.empty?
+ maproot = "#{texmfroot}/fonts/map/pdftex/context"
+ if then
+ if files = Dir.glob("#{maproot}/*.map") and files.size > 0 then
+ files.each do |pdffile|
+ next if File.basename(pdffile) == ''
+ pdffile = File.expand_path(pdffile)
+ dpxfile = File.expand_path(pdffile.sub(/pdftex/i,'dvipdfm'))
+ unless pdffile == dpxfile then
+ begin
+ if data = then
+ report("< #{File.basename(pdffile)} - pdf(e)tex")
+ n = 0
+ data = data.collect do |line|
+ if line =~ /^[\%\#]+/mo then
+ ''
+ else
+ encoding = if line =~ /([a-z0-9\-]+)\.enc/io then $1 else '' end
+ fontfile = if line =~ /([a-z0-9\-]+)\.(pfb|ttf)/io then $1 else nil end
+ metrics = if line =~ /^([a-z0-9\-]+)[\s\<]+/io then $1 else nil end
+ slant = if line =~ /\"([\d\.]+)\s+SlantFont\"/io then "-s #{$1}" else '' end
+ if metrics && encoding && fontfile then
+ n += 1
+ "#{metrics} #{encoding} #{fontfile} #{slant}"
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ data.delete_if do |line|
+ line.gsub(/\s+/,'').empty?
+ end
+ begin
+ if force then
+ if n > 0 then
+ File.makedirs(File.dirname(dpxfile))
+ if f =,'w') then
+ report("> #{File.basename(dpxfile)} - dvipdfm(x) - #{n}")
+ f.puts(data)
+ f.close
+ else
+ report("? #{File.basename(dpxfile)} - dvipdfm(x)")
+ end
+ else
+ report("- #{File.basename(dpxfile)} - dvipdfm(x)")
+ begin File.delete(dpxname) ; rescue ; end
+ end
+ else
+ report(". #{File.basename(dpxfile)} - dvipdfm(x) - #{n}")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in saving dvipdfm file")
+ end
+ else
+ report("error in loading pdftex file")
+ end
+ rescue
+ report("error in processing pdftex file")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if force then
+ begin
+ report("regenerating database for #{texmfroot}")
+ system("mktexlsr #{texmfroot}")
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report("no mapfiles found in #{maproot}")
+ end
+ else
+ report("provide proper texmfroot")
+ end
+ end
+class Commands
+ include CommandBase
+ # usage : ctxtools --listentities entities.xml
+ # document: <!DOCTYPE something SYSTEM "entities.xml">
+ def flushentities(handle,entities,doctype=nil) # 'stylesheet'
+ tab = if doctype then "\t" else "" end
+ handle.puts("<!DOCTYPE #{doctype} [") if doctype
+ entities.keys.sort.each do |k|
+ handle.puts("#{tab}<!ENTITY #{k} \"\&\##{entities[k]};\">")
+ end
+ handle.puts("]>") if doctype
+ end
+ def listentities
+ # filename = `texmfstart tmftools.rb --progname=context enco-uc.tex`.chomp
+ filename = `kpsewhich --progname=context enco-uc.tex`.chomp
+ outputname = @commandline.argument('first')
+ if filename and not filename.empty? and FileTest.file?(filename) then
+ entities =
+ IO.readlines(filename).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /\\definecharacter\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\s+\{\\uchar\{*(\d+)\}*\{(\d+)\}\}/o then
+ name, low, high = $1, $2.to_i, $3.to_i
+ entities[name] = low*256 + high
+ end
+ end
+ if outputname and not outputname.empty? then
+ if f =,'w') then
+ flushentities(f,entities)
+ f.close
+ else
+ flushentities($stdout,entities)
+ end
+ else
+ flushentities($stdout,entities)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+logger =
+commandline =
+commandline.registeraction('touchcontextfile', 'update context version')
+commandline.registeraction('contextversion', 'report context version')
+commandline.registeraction('jeditinterface', 'generate jedit syntax files [--pipe]')
+commandline.registeraction('bbeditinterface', 'generate bbedit syntax files [--pipe]')
+commandline.registeraction('sciteinterface', 'generate scite syntax files [--pipe]')
+commandline.registeraction('rawinterface', 'generate raw syntax files [--pipe]')
+commandline.registeraction('translateinterface', 'generate interface files (xml) [nl de ..]')
+commandline.registeraction('purgefiles', 'remove temporary files [--all --recurse] [basename]')
+commandline.registeraction('documentation', 'generate documentation [--type=] [filename]')
+commandline.registeraction('filterpages') # no help, hidden temporary feature
+commandline.registeraction('purgeallfiles') # no help, compatibility feature
+commandline.registeraction('patternfiles', 'generate pattern files [--all --xml --utf8] [languagecode]')
+commandline.registeraction('dpxmapfiles', 'convert pdftex mapfiles to dvipdfmx [--force] [texmfroot]')
+commandline.registeraction('listentities', 'create doctype entity definition from enco-uc.tex')
+# general
+,logger,banner).send(commandline.action || 'help')