path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/base/exa.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/base/exa.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/base/exa.rb b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/base/exa.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba990cf900..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/base/exa.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-# \setuplayout[width=3cm]
-# tex.setup.setuplayout.width.[integer|real|dimension|string|key]
-# tex.[mp]var.whatever.width.[integer|real|dimension|string|key]
-require 'fileutils'
-# require 'ftools'
-require 'digest/md5'
-# this can become a lua thing
-# no .*? but 0-9a-z\:\. because other too slow (and greedy)
-class Hash
- def subset(pattern)
- h =
- r = /^#{pattern.gsub('.','\.')}/
- self.keys.each do |k|
- h[k] = self[k].dup if k =~ r
- end
- return h
- end
-module ExaEncrypt
- def ExaEncrypt.encrypt_base(logger, oldfilename, newfilename)
- if FileTest.file?(oldfilename) then
-"checking #{oldfilename}") if logger
- if data = then
- done = false
- # cfg file:
- #
- # banner : exa configuration file
- # user : domain, name = password, projectlist
- #
- if data =~ /^\s*banner\s*\:\s*exa\s*configuration\s*file/ then
- data.gsub!(/^(\s*user\s*\:\s*.+?\s*\,\s*.+?\s*\=\s*)(.+?)(\s*\,\s*.+\s*)$/) do
- pre, password, post = $1, $2, $3
- unless password =~ /MD5:/i then
- done = true
- password = "MD5:" + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password).upcase
- end
- "#{pre}#{password}#{post}"
- end
- else
- data.gsub!(/<exa:password([^>]*?)>(.*?)<\/exa:password>/moi) do
- attributes, password = $1, $2
- unless password =~ /^([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])+$/ then
- done = true
- password = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password).upcase
- attributes = " encryption='md5'#{attributes}"
- end
- "<exa:password#{attributes}>#{password}</exa:password>"
- end
- end
- begin
-,'w') do |f|
- f.puts(data)
- end
- rescue
-"#{newfilename} cannot be written") if logger
- else
-"#{oldfilename} encrypted into #{newfilename}") if done and logger
- end
- end
- end
- end
-module ExaModes
- @@modefile = 'examodes.tex'
- @@request = /(<exa:request.*?)(>.*?<\/exa:request>)/mo
- @@redone = /<exa:request[^>]*?texified=([\'\"])yes\1.*?>/mo
- @@reload = /<(exa:variable)([^>]+?label\=)([\"\'])([0-9A-Za-z\-\.\:]+?)(\3[^\/]*?)>(.*?)<(\/exa:variable)>/mo
- @@recalc = /<(exa:variable)([^>]+?label\=)([\"\'])([0-9A-Za-z\-\.\:]+?)([\.\:]calcmath)(\3[^\/]*?)>(.*?)<(\/exa:variable)>/mo
- @@rename = /<(exa:variable)([^>]+?label\=)([\"\'])([0-9A-Za-z\-\.\:]+?)(\3[^\/]*?)>(.*?)<(\/exa:variable)>/mo
- @@refile = /<(exa:filename|exa:filelist)>(.*?)<(\/\1)>/mo
- def ExaModes.cleanup_request(logger,filename='request.exa',modefile=@@modefile)
- begin File.delete(filename+'.raw') ; rescue ; end
- begin File.delete(modefile) ; rescue ; end
- if FileTest.file?(filename) then
- data, done = nil, false
- begin
- data =
- rescue
- data = nil
- end
- if data =~ @@request and data !~ @@redone then
- data.gsub!(@@rename) do
- done = true
- '<' + $1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + $5 + '>' +
- texifiedstr($4,$6) +
- '<' + $7 + '>'
- end
- data.gsub!(@@refile) do
- done = true
- '<' + $1 + '>' +
- cleanpath($2) +
- '<' + $3 + '>'
- end
- data.gsub!(@@recalc) do
- done = true
- '<' + $1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + ":raw" + $6 + '>' + $7 + '<' + $8 + '>' +
- '<' + $1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + $6 + '>' +
- calculatortexmath($7,false) +
- '<' + $8 + '>'
- end
- if done then
- data.gsub!(@@request) do
- $1 + " texified='yes'" + $2
- end
- begin File.copy(filename, filename+'.raw') ; rescue ; end
- begin
-"rewriting #{filename}") if logger
-,'w') do |f|
- f.puts(data)
- end
- rescue
-"#{filename} cannot be rewritten") if logger
- end
- end
- else
-"#{filename} is already ok") if logger
- end
- @variables =
- data.scan(@@reload) do
- @variables[$4] = $5
- end
- vars = @variables.subset('data.tex.var')
- mpvars = @variables.subset('data.tex.mpvar')
- modes = @variables.subset('data.tex.mode')
- setups = @variables.subset('data.tex.setup')
- if not (modes.empty? and setups.empty? and vars.empty? and mpvars.empty?) then
- begin
-,'w') do |mod|
-"saving modes and setups in #{modefile}") if logger
- if not modes.empty? then
- for key in modes.keys do
- k = key.dup
- k.gsub!(/\./,'-')
- mod.puts("\\enablemode[#{k}-#{modes[key]}]\n")
- if modes[key] =~ /(on|yes|start)/o then # ! ! ! ! !
- mod.puts("\\enablemode[#{k}]\n")
- end
- end
- mod.puts("\n\\readfile{cont-mod}{}{}\n")
- end
- if not setups.empty? then
- for key in setups.keys
- if key =~ /^(.+?)\.(.+?)\.(.+?)$/o then
- command, key, type, value = $1, $2, $3, setups[key]
- value = cleanedup(key,type,value)
- mod.puts("\\#{$1}[#{key}=#{value}]\n")
- elsif key =~ /^(.+?)\.(.+?)$/o then
- command, type, value = $1, $2, setups[key]
- mod.puts("\\#{$1}[#{value}]\n")
- end
- end
- end
- savevaroptions(vars, 'setvariables', mod)
- savevaroptions(mpvars,'setMPvariables',mod)
- end
- rescue
-"#{modefile} cannot be saved") if logger
- end
- else
-"#{modefile} is not created") if logger
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def ExaModes.autoparenthesis(str)
- if str =~ /[\+\-]/o then '[1]' + str + '[1]' else str end
- end
- def ExaModes.cleanedup(key,type,value)
- if type == 'dimension' then
- unless value =~ /(cm|mm|in|bp|sp|pt|dd|em|ex)/o
- value + 'pt'
- else
- value
- end
- elsif type == 'calcmath' then
- '{' + calculatortexmath(value,true) + '}'
- elsif type =~ /^filename|filelist$/ or key =~ /^filename|filelist$/ then
- cleanpath(value)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- def ExaModes.cleanpath(str)
- (str ||'').gsub(/\\/o,'/')
- end
- def ExaModes.texifiedstr(key,val)
- case key
- when 'filename' then
- cleanpath(val)
- when 'filelist' then
- cleanpath(val)
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def ExaModes.savevaroptions(vars,setvariables,mod)
- if not vars.empty? then
- for key in vars.keys do
- # var.whatever.width.dimension.value
- if key =~ /^(.+?)\.(.+?)\.(.+?)$/o then
- tag, key, type, value = $1, $2, $3, vars[key]
- value = cleanedup(key,type,value)
- mod.puts("\\#{setvariables}[#{tag}][#{key}=#{value}]\n")
- elsif key =~ /^(.+?)\.(.+?)$/o then
- tag, key, value = $1, $2, vars[key]
- mod.puts("\\#{setvariables}[#{tag}][#{key}=#{value}]\n")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def ExaModes.calculatortexmath(str,tx=true)
- if tx then
- bdisp, edisp = "\\displaymath\{", "\}"
- binln, einln = "\\inlinemath\{" , "\}"
- egraf = "\\endgraf"
- else
- bdisp, edisp = "<displaytexmath>", "</displaytexmath>"
- binln, einln = "<inlinetexmath>" , "</inlinetexmath>"
- egraf = "<p/>"
- end
- str.gsub!(/\n\s*\n+/moi, "\\ENDGRAF ")
- str.gsub!(/(\[\[)\s*(.*?)\s*(\]\])/mos) do
- $1 + docalculatortexmath($2) + $3
- end
- str.gsub!(/(\\ENDGRAF)+\s*(\[\[)\s*(.*?)\s*(\]\])/moi) do
- $1 + bdisp + $3 + edisp
- end
- str.gsub!(/(\[\[)\s*(.*?)\s*(\]\])/o) do
- binln + $2 + einln
- end
- str.gsub!(/\\ENDGRAF/mos, egraf)
- str
- end
- def ExaModes.docalculatortexmath(str)
- str.gsub!(/\n/o) { ' ' }
- str.gsub!(/\s+/o) { ' ' }
- str.gsub!(/&gt;/o) { '>' }
- str.gsub!(/&lt;/o) { '<' }
- str.gsub!(/&.*?;/o) { }
- level = 0
- str.gsub!(/([\(\)])/o) do |chr|
- if chr == '(' then
- level = level + 1
- chr = '[' + level.to_s + ']'
- elsif chr == ')' then
- chr = '[' + level.to_s + ']'
- level = level - 1
- end
- chr
- end
- # ...E...
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/([\d\.]+)E([\-\+]{0,1}[\d\.]+)/o) do
- "\{\\SCINOT\{#{$1}\}\{#{$2}\}\}"
- end
- end
- # ^-..
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/\^([\-\+]*\d+)/o) do
- "\^\{#{$1}\}"
- end
- end
- # ^(...)
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/\^(\[\d+\])(.*?)\1/o) do
- "\^\{#{$2}\}"
- end
- end
- # 1/x^2
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/([\d\w\.]+)\/([\d\w\.]+)\^([\d\w\.]+)/o) do
- "@\{#{$1}\}\{#{$2}\^\{#{$3}\}\}"
- end
- end
- # int(a,b,c)
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(int|sum|prod)(\[\d+\])(.*?),(.*?),(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\\#{$1.upcase}\^\{#{$4}\}\_\{#{$5}\}\{#{autoparenthesis($3)}\}"
- end
- end
- # int(a,b)
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(int|sum|prod)(\[\d+\])(.*?),(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\\#{$1.upcase}\_\{#{$4}\}\{#{autoparenthesis($3)}\}"
- end
- end
- # int(a)
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(int|sum|prod)(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\\#{$1.upcase}\{#{autoparenthesis($3)}\}"
- end
- end
- # sin(x) => {\sin(x)}
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(median|min|max|round|sqrt|sin|cos|tan|sinh|cosh|tanh|ln|log)\s*(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\#{$1.upcase}\{#{$2}#{$3}#{$2}\}\}"
- end
- end
- # mean
- str.gsub!(/(mean)(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\OVERLINE\{#{$3}\}\}"
- end
- # sin x => {\sin(x)}
- # ...
- # (1+x)/(1+x) => \frac{1+x}{1+x}
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(\[\d+\])(.*?)\1\/(\[\d+\])(.*?)\3/o) do
- "@\{#{$2}\}\{#{$4}\}"
- end
- end
- # (1+x)/x => \frac{1+x}{x}
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(\[\d+\])(.*?)\1\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/o) do
- "@\{#{$2}\}\{#{$3}\}"
- end
- end
- # 1/(1+x) => \frac{1}{1+x}
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "@\{#{$1}\}\{#{$3}\}"
- end
- end
- # 1/x => \frac{1}{x}
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/o) do
- "@\{#{$1}\}\{#{$2}\}"
- end
- end
- #
- str.gsub!(/\@/o) do
- "\\FRAC "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\*/o) do
- " "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\<\=/o) do
- "\\LE "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\>\=/o) do
- "\\GE "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\=/o) do
- "\\EQ "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\</o) do
- "\\LT "
- end
- str.gsub!(/\>/) do
- "\\GT "
- end
- str.gsub!(/(D)(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\FRAC\{\\MBOX{d}\}\{\\MBOX{d}x\}\{#{$2}#{$3}#{$2}\}\}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/(exp)(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{e^\{#{$3}\}\}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/(abs)(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\left\|#{$3}\\right\|\}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/D([x|y])/o) do
- "\\FRAC\{\{\\rm d\}#{$1}\}\{\{\\rm d\}x\}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/D([f|g])(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\rm #{$1}\}'#{$2}#{$3}#{$2}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/([f|g])(\[\d+\])(.*?)\2/o) do
- "\{\\rm #{$1}\}#{$2}#{$3}#{$2}"
- end
- str.gsub!(/(pi|inf)/io) do
- "\\#{$1} "
- end
- loop do
- break unless str.gsub!(/(\[\d+?\])(.*?)\1/o) do
- "\\left(#{$2}\\right)"
- end
- end
- str.gsub!(/\\([A-Z]+?)([\s\{\^\_\\])/io) do
- "\\#{$1.downcase}#{$2}"
- end
- str
- end
-# ExaModes.cleanup_request()