path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/perl/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/perl/')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/perl/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/perl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49fd9bbd21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/perl/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
+ if 0;
+#D \module
+#D [,
+#D version=2000.12.14,
+#D title=\METAFUN,
+#D subtitle=\METAPOST\ Text Graphics,
+#D author=Hans Hagen,
+#D date=\currentdate,
+#D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+#C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+#C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
+#C details.
+# Tobias Burnus provided the code needed to proper testing
+# of binaries on UNIX as well as did some usefull suggestions
+# to improve the functionality.
+# This script uses GhostScript and PStoEdit as well as
+# pdfTeX, and if requested TeXEdit and ConTeXt.
+# todo: we can nowadays do without the intermediate step, because GS
+# can now handle PDF quite good
+use Getopt::Long ;
+use Config ;
+use strict ;
+$Getopt::Long::passthrough = 1 ; # no error message
+$Getopt::Long::autoabbrev = 1 ; # partial switch accepted
+my $help = 0 ;
+my $silent = 0 ;
+my $force = 0 ;
+my $noclean = 0 ;
+my $amethod = my $pmethod = my $gmethod = 0 ;
+my $format = "plain" ; # can be "context" for plain users too
+ ( "help" => \$help ,
+ "silent" => \$silent ,
+ "force" => \$force ,
+ "pdftops" => \$pmethod ,
+ "xpdf" => \$pmethod ,
+# "acrobat" => \$amethod , # nowadays the reader is not that clear about this being permitted
+ "reader" => \$amethod ,
+ "gs" => \$gmethod ,
+ "ghostscript" => \$gmethod ,
+ "noclean" => \$noclean ) ;
+my $mpochecksum = 0 ;
+my %tex ; my %start ; my %stop ;
+$tex{plain} = "pdftex" ;
+$tex{latex} = "pdflatex" ;
+$tex{context} = "texexec --batch --once --interface=en --pdf" ;
+$start{plain} = '' ;
+$stop{plain} = '\end' ;
+$start{latex} = '\begin{document}' ;
+$stop{latex} = '\end{document}' ;
+$start{context} = '\starttext' ;
+$stop{context} = '\stoptext' ;
+my $ghostscript = "" ;
+my $pstoedit = "" ;
+my $pdftops = "" ;
+my $acroread = "" ;
+my $wereondos = ($Config{'osname'} =~ /dos|mswin/io) ;
+# Unix only: assume that "gs" in the path. We could also
+# use $ghostscipt = system "which gs" but this would require
+# that which is installedd on the system.
+sub checkenv
+ { my ($var, $env) = @_ ;
+ if ($var)
+ { return $var }
+ elsif ($ENV{$env})
+ { return $ENV{$env} }
+ else
+ { return $var } }
+$ghostscript = checkenv ($ghostscript, "GS_PROG" ) ;
+$ghostscript = checkenv ($ghostscript, "GS" ) ;
+$pstoedit = checkenv ($pstoedit , "PSTOEDIT") ;
+$pdftops = checkenv ($pdftops , "PDFTOPS" ) ;
+$acroread = checkenv ($acroread , "ACROREAD") ;
+sub setenv
+ { my ($var, $unix, $win) = @_ ;
+ if ($var)
+ { return $var }
+ elsif ($wereondos)
+ { return $win }
+ else
+ { return $unix } }
+$ghostscript = setenv($ghostscript, "gs" , "gswin32c") ;
+$pstoedit = setenv($pstoedit , "pstoedit", "pstoedit") ;
+$pdftops = setenv($pdftops , "pdftops" , "pdftops" ) ;
+$acroread = setenv($acroread , "acroread", "" ) ;
+# Force a method if unknown.
+unless ($pmethod||$amethod||$gmethod)
+ { if ($wereondos) { $pmethod = 1 } else { $amethod = 1 } }
+# Set the error redirection used under Unix:
+# stderr -> stdout
+my $logredirection = '>>' ;
+# This unfortunally doesn't work with the ksh and simple sh
+# if (!$wereondos)
+# { $logredirection = '2>&1 >>' ; # Bash
+# $logredirection = '>>&' ; # tcsh, Bash
+# default $logredirection. }
+# Some TeX Code Snippets.
+my $macros = '
+% auxiliary macros
+\input supp-mis.tex
+ {\output{}
+ \batchmode
+ \pdfoutput=1
+ \pdfcompresslevel=9
+ \hoffset=-1in
+ \voffset=\hoffset
+ \scratchcounter=#1
+ \divide\scratchcounter1000
+ \edef\TEXscale{\the\scratchcounter\space}
+ \forgetall
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup}
+ {\egroup
+ \dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 \dp0
+ \setbox2=\vbox to 10\dimen0
+ {\pdfliteral{\TEXscale 0 0 \TEXscale 0 0 cm}
+ \copy0
+ \pdfliteral{1 0 0 1 0 0 cm}
+ \vfill}
+ \wd2=10\wd0
+ \pdfpageheight=\ht2
+ \pdfpagewidth=\wd2
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\pdfpageheight}\pdfcropheight
+ \ScaledPointsToBigPoints{\number\pdfpagewidth }\pdfcropwidth
+ \expanded{\pdfpageattr{/CropBox [0 0 \pdfcropwidth \space \pdfcropheight]}}
+ \shipout\hbox{\box2}}
+% end of auxiliary macros' ;
+sub report
+ { return if $silent ;
+ my $str = shift ;
+ if ($str =~ /(.*?)\s+([\:\/])\s+(.*)/o)
+ { if ($1 eq "") { $str = " " } else { $str = $2 }
+ print sprintf("%22s $str %s\n",$1,$3) } }
+sub error
+ { report("processing aborted : " . shift) ;
+ exit }
+sub process
+ { report("generating : " . shift) }
+sub banner
+ { return if $silent ;
+ print "\n" ;
+ report ("MakeMPY 1.1 - MetaFun / PRAGMA ADE 2000-2004") ;
+ print "\n" }
+my $metfile = "" ; # main metapost file
+my $mpofile = "" ; # metapost text specifiation file (provided)
+my $mpyfile = "" ; # metapost text picture file (generated)
+my $texfile = "" ; # temporary tex file
+my $pdffile = "" ; # temporary pdf file
+my $tmpfile = "" ; # temporary metapost file
+my $posfile = "" ; # temporary postscript file
+my $logfile = "" ; # temporary log file
+my $errfile = "" ; # final log file (with suffix log)
+sub show_help_info
+ { banner ;
+ report ("--help : this message" ) ;
+ report ("--noclean : don't remove temporary files" ) ;
+ report ("--force : force processing (ignore checksum)" ) ;
+ report ("--silent : don't show messages" ) ;
+ print "\n" ;
+ report ("--acrobat : use acrobat (reader) for pdf->ps (on unix)") ;
+ report ("--pdftops : use pdftops (xpdf) pdf->ps") ;
+ report ("--ghostscript : use ghostscript (gs) for pdf->ps") ;
+ print "\n" ;
+ report ("input file : metapost file with graphics") ;
+ report ("programs needed : texexec and english context") ;
+ report (" : pdftops from the xpdf suite, or") ; # page size buggy
+ report (" : pdf2ps and ghostscript, or") ;
+ report (" : acrobat reader for unix, and") ;
+ report (" : pstoedit and ghostscript") ;
+ report ("output file : metapost file with pictures") ;
+ exit }
+sub check_input_file
+ { my $file = $ARGV[0] ;
+ if ((!defined($file))||($file eq ""))
+ { banner ; error("no filename given") }
+ else
+ { $file =~ s/\.mp.*$//o ;
+ $metfile = "$" ;
+ $mpofile = "$file.mpo" ;
+ $mpyfile = "$file.mpy" ;
+ $logfile = "$file.log" ;
+ $texfile = "mpy-$file.tex" ;
+ $pdffile = "mpy-$file.pdf" ;
+ $posfile = "mpy-$file.pos" ;
+ $tmpfile = "mpy-$file.tmp" ;
+ $errfile = "mpy-$file.log" ;
+ if (! -f $metfile)
+ { banner ; error("$metfile is empty") }
+ elsif (-s $mpofile < 32)
+ { unlink $mpofile ; # may exist with zero length
+ unlink $mpyfile ; # get rid of left overs
+ exit }
+ else
+ { banner ; report("processing file : $mpofile") } } }
+sub verify_check_sum # checksum calculation from perl documentation
+ { return unless (open (MPO,"$mpofile")) ;
+ $mpochecksum = do { local $/ ; unpack("%32C*",<MPO>) % 65535 } ;
+ close (MPO) ;
+ return unless open (MPY,"$mpyfile") ;
+ my $str = <MPY> ; chomp $str ;
+ close (MPY) ;
+ if ($str =~ /^\%\s*mpochecksum\s*\:\s*(\d+)/o)
+ { if ($mpochecksum eq $1)
+ { report("mpo checksum : $mpochecksum / unchanged") ;
+ exit unless $force }
+ else
+ { report("mpo checksum : $mpochecksum / changed") } } }
+sub cleanup_files
+ { my @files = <mpy-*.*> ;
+ foreach (@files) { unless (/\.log/o) { unlink $_ } } }
+sub construct_tex_file
+ { my $n = 0 ;
+ unless (open (MPO, "<$mpofile"))
+ { error("unable to open $mpofile") }
+ unless (open (TEX, ">$texfile"))
+ { error("unable to open $texfile") }
+ my $textext = "" ;
+ while (<MPO>)
+ { s/\s*$//mois ;
+ if (/\%\s*format=(\w+)/)
+ { $format = $1 }
+ else # if (!/^\%/)
+ { if (/startTEXpage/o)
+ { ++$n ;
+ $textext .= "$start{$format}\n" ;
+ $start{$format} = "" }
+ $textext .= "$_\n" } }
+ unless (defined($tex{$format})) { $format = "plain" }
+ if ($format eq "context") { $macros = "" }
+ # print TEX "$start{$format}\n$macros\n$textext\n$stop{$format}\n" ;
+ print TEX "$start{$format}\n\n" if $start{$format} ;
+ print TEX "$macros\n" if $macros ;
+ print TEX "$textext\n" if $textext ;
+ print TEX "$stop{$format}\n" if $stop{$format} ;
+ close (MPO) ;
+ close (TEX) ;
+ report("tex format : $format") ;
+ report("requested texts : $n") }
+sub construct_mpy_file
+ { unless (open (TMP, "<$tmpfile"))
+ { error("unable to open $tmpfile file") }
+ unless (open (MPY, ">$mpyfile"))
+ { error("unable to open $mpyfile file") }
+ print MPY "% mpochecksum : $mpochecksum\n" ;
+ my $copying = my $n = 0 ;
+ while (<TMP>)
+ { if (s/beginfig/begingraphictextfig/o)
+ { print MPY $_ ; $copying = 1 ; ++$n }
+ elsif (s/endfig/endgraphictextfig/o)
+ { print MPY $_ ; $copying = 0 }
+ elsif ($copying)
+ { print MPY $_ } }
+ close (TMP) ;
+ close (MPY) ;
+ report("processed texts : $n") ;
+ report("produced file : $mpyfile") }
+sub run
+ { my ($resultfile, $program,$arguments) = @_ ;
+ my $result = system("$program $arguments $logredirection $logfile") ;
+ unless (-f $resultfile) { error("invalid `$program' run") } }
+sub make_pdf_pages
+ { process ("pdf file") ;
+ run ($pdffile, "$tex{$format}", "$texfile") }
+sub make_mp_figures
+ { process ("postscript file") ;
+ if ($pmethod) { run($posfile, "$pdftops",
+ "-paper match $pdffile $posfile") }
+ if ($gmethod) { run($posfile, "$ghostscript",
+ "-q -sOutputFile=$posfile -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pswrite $pdffile") }
+ if ($amethod) { run($posfile, "$acroread",
+ "-toPostScript -pairs $pdffile $posfile") } }
+sub make_mp_pictures_ps
+ { process ("metapost file") ;
+ run ($tmpfile, "$pstoedit", "-ssp -dt -f mpost $posfile $tmpfile") }
+sub make_mp_pictures_pdf
+ { process ("metapost file") ;
+ run ($tmpfile, "$pstoedit", "-ssp -dt -f mpost $pdffile $tmpfile") }
+if ($help) { show_help_info }
+check_input_file ;
+verify_check_sum ;
+cleanup_files ;
+construct_tex_file ;
+make_pdf_pages ;
+if (1)
+ { make_mp_pictures_pdf ; }
+ { make_mp_figures ;
+ make_mp_pictures_ps ; }
+construct_mpy_file ; # less save : rename $tmpfile, $mpyfile ;
+unless ($noclean) { cleanup_files }
+# a simple test file (needs context)
+# % output=pdftex
+# \starttext
+# \startMPpage
+# graphictext
+# "\bf MAKE"
+# scaled 8
+# zscaled (1,2)
+# withdrawcolor \MPcolor{blue}
+# withfillcolor \MPcolor{gray}
+# withpen pencircle scaled 5pt ;
+# \stopMPpage
+# \stoptext