path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua')
1 files changed, 8549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..040214178b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8549 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtxrun'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "runner, lua replacement for texmfstart.rb",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- one can make a stub:
+-- #!/bin/sh
+-- env LUATEXDIR=/....../texmf/scripts/context/lua luatex --luaonly mtxrun.lua "$@"
+-- filename : mtxrun.lua
+-- comment : companion to context.tex
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+-- This script is based on texmfstart.rb but does not use kpsewhich to
+-- locate files. Although kpse is a library it never came to opening up
+-- its interface to other programs (esp scripting languages) and so we
+-- do it ourselves. The lua variant evolved out of an experimental ruby
+-- one. Interesting is that using a scripting language instead of c does
+-- not have a speed penalty. Actually the lua variant is more efficient,
+-- especially when multiple calls to kpsewhich are involved. The lua
+-- library also gives way more ocntrol.
+-- to be done / considered
+-- support for --exec or make it default
+-- support for jar files (or maybe not, never used, too messy)
+-- support for $RUBYINPUTS cum suis (if still needed)
+-- remember for subruns: _CTX_K_V_#{original}_
+-- remember for subruns: _CTX_K_S_#{original}_
+-- remember for subruns: TEXMFSTART.#{original} [tex.rb texmfstart.rb]
+banner = "version 1.0.2 - 2007+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT"
+texlua = true
+-- begin library merge
+-- filename : l-string.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-string'] = 1.001
+--~ function string.split(str, pat) -- taken from the lua wiki
+--~ local t = {n = 0} -- so this table has a length field, traverse with ipairs then!
+--~ local fpat = "(.-)"..pat
+--~ local last_end = 1
+--~ local s, e, cap = string.find(str, fpat, 1)
+--~ while s ~= nil do
+--~ if s~=1 or cap~="" then
+--~ table.insert(t,cap)
+--~ end
+--~ last_end = e+1
+--~ s, e, cap = string.find(str, fpat, last_end)
+--~ end
+--~ if last_end<=string.len(str) then
+--~ table.insert(t,(string.sub(str,last_end)))
+--~ end
+--~ return t
+--~ end
+--~ function string:split(pat) -- taken from the lua wiki but adapted
+--~ local t = { } -- self and colon usage (faster)
+--~ local fpat = "(.-)"..pat
+--~ local last_end = 1
+--~ local s, e, cap = self:find(fpat, 1)
+--~ while s ~= nil do
+--~ if s~=1 or cap~="" then
+--~ t[#t+1] = cap
+--~ end
+--~ last_end = e+1
+--~ s, e, cap = self:find(fpat, last_end)
+--~ end
+--~ if last_end <= #self then
+--~ t[#t+1] = self:sub(last_end)
+--~ end
+--~ return t
+--~ end
+--~ a piece of brilliant code by Rici Lake (posted on lua list) -- only names changed
+--~ function string:splitter(pat)
+--~ local st, g = 1, self:gmatch("()"..pat.."()")
+--~ local function splitter(self)
+--~ if st then
+--~ local s, f = g()
+--~ local rv = self:sub(st, (s or 0)-1)
+--~ st = f
+--~ return rv
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ return splitter, self
+--~ end
+function string:splitter(pat)
+ -- by Rici Lake (posted on lua list) -- only names changed
+ -- p 79 ref man: () returns position of match
+ local st, g = 1, self:gmatch("()("..pat..")")
+ local function strgetter(self, segs, seps, sep, cap1, ...)
+ st = sep and seps + #sep
+ return self:sub(segs, (seps or 0) - 1), cap1 or sep, ...
+ end
+ local function strsplitter(self)
+ if st then return strgetter(self, st, g()) end
+ end
+ return strsplitter, self
+function string:split(separator)
+ local t = {}
+ for k in self:splitter(separator) do t[#t+1] = k end
+ return t
+-- faster than a string:split:
+function string:splitchr(chr)
+ if #self > 0 then
+ local t = { }
+ for s in string.gmatch(self..chr,"(.-)"..chr) do
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+--~ function string.piecewise(str, pat, fnc) -- variant of split
+--~ local fpat = "(.-)"..pat
+--~ local last_end = 1
+--~ local s, e, cap = string.find(str, fpat, 1)
+--~ while s ~= nil do
+--~ if s~=1 or cap~="" then
+--~ fnc(cap)
+--~ end
+--~ last_end = e+1
+--~ s, e, cap = string.find(str, fpat, last_end)
+--~ end
+--~ if last_end <= #str then
+--~ fnc((string.sub(str,last_end)))
+--~ end
+--~ end
+function string.piecewise(str, pat, fnc) -- variant of split
+ for k in string.splitter(str,pat) do fnc(k) end
+--~ function string.piecewise(str, pat, fnc) -- variant of split
+--~ for k in str:splitter(pat) do fnc(k) end
+--~ end
+--~ do if lpeg then
+--~ -- this alternative is 30% faster esp when we cache them
+--~ -- problem: no expressions
+--~ splitters = { }
+--~ function string:split(separator)
+--~ if #self > 0 then
+--~ local split = splitters[separator]
+--~ if not split then
+--~ -- based on code by Roberto
+--~ local p = lpeg.P(separator)
+--~ local c = lpeg.C((1-p)^0)
+--~ split = lpeg.Ct(c*(p*c)^0)
+--~ splitters[separator] = split
+--~ end
+--~ return split:match(self)
+--~ else
+--~ return { }
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ string.splitchr = string.split
+--~ function string:piecewise(separator,fnc)
+--~ for _,v in pairs(self:split(separator)) do
+--~ fnc(v)
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ end end
+string.chr_to_esc = {
+ ["%"] = "%%",
+ ["."] = "%.",
+ ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-", ["*"] = "%*",
+ ["^"] = "%^", ["$"] = "%$",
+ ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]",
+ ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)",
+ ["{"] = "%{", ["}"] = "%}"
+function string:esc() -- variant 2
+ return (self:gsub("(.)",string.chr_to_esc))
+function string.unquote(str)
+ return (str:gsub("^([\"\'])(.*)%1$","%2"))
+function string.quote(str)
+ return '"' .. str:unquote() .. '"'
+function string:count(pattern) -- variant 3
+ local n = 0
+ for _ in self:gmatch(pattern) do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ return n
+function string:limit(n,sentinel)
+ if #self > n then
+ sentinel = sentinel or " ..."
+ return self:sub(1,(n-#sentinel)) .. sentinel
+ else
+ return self
+ end
+function string:strip()
+ return (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+--~ function string.strip(str) -- slightly different
+--~ return (string.gsub(string.gsub(str,"^%s*(.-)%s*$","%1"),"%s+"," "))
+--~ end
+function string:is_empty()
+ return not self:find("%S")
+function string:enhance(pattern,action)
+ local ok, n = true, 0
+ while ok do
+ ok = false
+ self = self:gsub(pattern, function(...)
+ ok, n = true, n + 1
+ return action(...)
+ end)
+ end
+ return self, n
+--~ function string:enhance(pattern,action)
+--~ local ok, n = 0, 0
+--~ repeat
+--~ self, ok = self:gsub(pattern, function(...)
+--~ n = n + 1
+--~ return action(...)
+--~ end)
+--~ until ok == 0
+--~ return self, n
+--~ end
+--~ function string:to_hex()
+--~ if self then
+--~ return (self:gsub("(.)",function(c)
+--~ return string.format("%02X",c:byte())
+--~ end))
+--~ else
+--~ return ""
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ function string:from_hex()
+--~ if self then
+--~ return (self:gsub("(..)",function(c)
+--~ return string.char(tonumber(c,16))
+--~ end))
+--~ else
+--~ return ""
+--~ end
+--~ end
+string.chr_to_hex = { }
+string.hex_to_chr = { }
+for i=0,255 do
+ local c, h = string.char(i), string.format("%02X",i)
+ string.chr_to_hex[c], string.hex_to_chr[h] = h, c
+--~ function string:to_hex()
+--~ if self then return (self:gsub("(.)",string.chr_to_hex)) else return "" end
+--~ end
+--~ function string:from_hex()
+--~ if self then return (self:gsub("(..)",string.hex_to_chr)) else return "" end
+--~ end
+function string:to_hex()
+ return ((self or ""):gsub("(.)",string.chr_to_hex))
+function string:from_hex()
+ return ((self or ""):gsub("(..)",string.hex_to_chr))
+if not string.characters then
+ local function nextchar(str, index)
+ index = index + 1
+ return (index <= #str) and index or nil, str:sub(index,index)
+ end
+ function string:characters()
+ return nextchar, self, 0
+ end
+ local function nextbyte(str, index)
+ index = index + 1
+ return (index <= #str) and index or nil, string.byte(str:sub(index,index))
+ end
+ function string:bytes()
+ return nextbyte, self, 0
+ end
+--~ function string:padd(n,chr)
+--~ return self .. self.rep(chr or " ",n-#self)
+--~ end
+function string:rpadd(n,chr)
+ local m = n-#self
+ if m > 0 then
+ return self .. self.rep(chr or " ",m)
+ else
+ return self
+ end
+function string:lpadd(n,chr)
+ local m = n-#self
+ if m > 0 then
+ return self.rep(chr or " ",m) .. self
+ else
+ return self
+ end
+string.padd = string.rpadd
+function is_number(str)
+ return str:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1
+--~ print(is_number("1"))
+--~ print(is_number("1.1"))
+--~ print(is_number(".1"))
+--~ print(is_number("-0.1"))
+--~ print(is_number("+0.1"))
+--~ print(is_number("-.1"))
+--~ print(is_number("+.1"))
+function string:split_settings() -- no {} handling, see l-aux for lpeg variant
+ if self:find("=") then
+ local t = { }
+ for k,v in self:gmatch("(%a+)=([^%,]*)") do
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+local patterns_escapes = {
+ ["-"] = "%-",
+ ["."] = "%.",
+ ["+"] = "%+",
+ ["*"] = "%*",
+ ["%"] = "%%",
+ ["("] = "%)",
+ [")"] = "%)",
+ ["["] = "%[",
+ ["]"] = "%]",
+function string:pattesc()
+ return (self:gsub(".",patterns_escapes))
+function string:tohash()
+ local t = { }
+ for s in self:gmatch("([^, ]+)") do -- lpeg
+ t[s] = true
+ end
+ return t
+-- filename : l-lpeg.lua
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-lpeg'] = 1.001
+--~ l-lpeg.lua :
+--~ lpeg.digit = lpeg.R('09')^1
+--~ lpeg.sign = lpeg.S('+-')^1
+--~ lpeg.cardinal = lpeg.P(lpeg.sign^0 * lpeg.digit^1)
+--~ lpeg.integer = lpeg.P(lpeg.sign^0 * lpeg.digit^1)
+--~ lpeg.float = lpeg.P(lpeg.sign^0 * lpeg.digit^0 * lpeg.P('.') * lpeg.digit^1)
+--~ lpeg.number = lpeg.float + lpeg.integer
+--~ lpeg.oct = lpeg.P("0") * lpeg.R('07')^1
+--~ lpeg.hex = lpeg.P("0x") * (lpeg.R('09') + lpeg.R('AF'))^1
+--~ lpeg.uppercase = lpeg.P("AZ")
+--~ lpeg.lowercase = lpeg.P("az")
+--~ lpeg.eol = lpeg.S('\r\n\f')^1 -- includes formfeed
+--~ = lpeg.S(' ')^1
+--~ lpeg.nonspace = lpeg.P(^1
+--~ lpeg.whitespace = lpeg.S(' \r\n\f\t')^1
+--~ lpeg.nonwhitespace = lpeg.P(1-lpeg.whitespace)^1
+local hash = { }
+function lpeg.anywhere(pattern) --slightly adapted from website
+ return lpeg.P { lpeg.P(pattern) + 1 * lpeg.V(1) }
+function lpeg.startswith(pattern) --slightly adapted
+ return lpeg.P(pattern)
+--~ g = lpeg.splitter(" ",function(s) ... end) -- gmatch:lpeg = 3:2
+function lpeg.splitter(pattern, action)
+ return (((1-lpeg.P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
+local crlf = lpeg.P("\r\n")
+local cr = lpeg.P("\r")
+local lf = lpeg.P("\n")
+local space = lpeg.S(" \t\f\v")
+local newline = crlf + cr + lf
+local spacing = space^0 * newline
+local empty = spacing * lpeg.Cc("")
+local nonempty = lpeg.Cs((1-spacing)^1) * spacing^-1
+local content = (empty + nonempty)^1
+local capture = lpeg.Ct(content^0)
+function string:splitlines()
+ return capture:match(self)
+-- filename : l-table.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-table'] = 1.001
+table.join = table.concat
+function table.strip(tab)
+ local lst = { }
+ for k, v in ipairs(tab) do
+ -- s = string.gsub(v, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
+ s = v:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
+ if s == "" then
+ -- skip this one
+ else
+ lst[#lst+1] = s
+ end
+ end
+ return lst
+--~ function table.sortedkeys(tab)
+--~ local srt = { }
+--~ for key,_ in pairs(tab) do
+--~ srt[#srt+1] = key
+--~ end
+--~ table.sort(srt)
+--~ return srt
+--~ end
+function table.sortedkeys(tab)
+ local srt, kind = { }, 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
+ for key,_ in pairs(tab) do
+ srt[#srt+1] = key
+ if kind == 3 then
+ -- no further check
+ else
+ local tkey = type(key)
+ if tkey == "string" then
+ -- if kind == 2 then kind = 3 else kind = 1 end
+ kind = (kind == 2 and 3) or 1
+ elseif tkey == "number" then
+ -- if kind == 1 then kind = 3 else kind = 2 end
+ kind = (kind == 1 and 3) or 2
+ else
+ kind = 3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if kind == 0 or kind == 3 then
+ table.sort(srt,function(a,b) return (tostring(a) < tostring(b)) end)
+ else
+ table.sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+function table.append(t, list)
+ for _,v in pairs(list) do
+ table.insert(t,v)
+ end
+function table.prepend(t, list)
+ for k,v in pairs(list) do
+ table.insert(t,k,v)
+ end
+function table.merge(t, ...) -- first one is target
+ t = t or {}
+ local lst = {...}
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ for k, v in pairs(lst[i]) do
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.merged(...)
+ local tmp, lst = { }, {...}
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ for k, v in pairs(lst[i]) do
+ tmp[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return tmp
+function table.imerge(t, ...)
+ local lst = {...}
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ local nst = lst[i]
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ t[#t+1] = nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.imerged(...)
+ local tmp, lst = { }, {...}
+ for i=1,#lst do
+ local nst = lst[i]
+ for j=1,#nst do
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = nst[j]
+ end
+ end
+ return tmp
+if not table.fastcopy then do
+ local type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable = type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable
+ local function fastcopy(old) -- fast one
+ if old then
+ local new = { }
+ for k,v in pairs(old) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ new[k] = fastcopy(v) -- was just table.copy
+ else
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(old)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(new,mt)
+ end
+ return new
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ table.fastcopy = fastcopy
+end end
+if not table.copy then do
+ local type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable = type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable
+ local function copy(t, tables) -- taken from lua wiki, slightly adapted
+ tables = tables or { }
+ local tcopy = {}
+ if not tables[t] then
+ tables[t] = tcopy
+ end
+ for i,v in pairs(t) do -- brrr, what happens with sparse indexed
+ if type(i) == "table" then
+ if tables[i] then
+ i = tables[i]
+ else
+ i = copy(i, tables)
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v) ~= "table" then
+ tcopy[i] = v
+ elseif tables[v] then
+ tcopy[i] = tables[v]
+ else
+ tcopy[i] = copy(v, tables)
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(t)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
+ end
+ return tcopy
+ end
+ table.copy = copy
+end end
+-- rougly: copy-loop : unpack : sub == 0.9 : 0.4 : 0.45 (so in critical apps, use unpack)
+function table.sub(t,i,j)
+ return { unpack(t,i,j) }
+function table.replace(a,b)
+ for k,v in pairs(b) do
+ a[k] = v
+ end
+-- slower than #t on indexed tables (#t only returns the size of the numerically indexed slice)
+function table.is_empty(t)
+ return not t or not next(t)
+function table.one_entry(t)
+ local n = next(t)
+ return n and not next(t,n)
+function table.starts_at(t)
+ return ipairs(t,1)(t,0)
+ -- one of my first exercises in lua ...
+ -- 34.055.092 32.403.326 arabtype.tma
+ -- 1.620.614 1.513.863 lmroman10-italic.tma
+ -- 1.325.585 1.233.044 lmroman10-regular.tma
+ -- 1.248.157 1.158.903 lmsans10-regular.tma
+ -- 194.646 153.120 lmtypewriter10-regular.tma
+ -- 1.771.678 1.658.461 palatinosanscom-bold.tma
+ -- 1.695.251 1.584.491 palatinosanscom-regular.tma
+ -- 13.736.534 13.409.446 zapfinoextraltpro.tma
+ -- 13.679.038 11.774.106 arabtype.tmc
+ -- 886.248 754.944 lmroman10-italic.tmc
+ -- 729.828 466.864 lmroman10-regular.tmc
+ -- 688.482 441.962 lmsans10-regular.tmc
+ -- 128.685 95.853 lmtypewriter10-regular.tmc
+ -- 715.929 582.985 palatinosanscom-bold.tmc
+ -- 669.942 540.126 palatinosanscom-regular.tmc
+ -- 1.560.588 1.317.000 zapfinoextraltpro.tmc
+ table.serialize_functions = true
+ table.serialize_compact = true
+ table.serialize_inline = true
+ local function key(k)
+ if type(k) == "number" then -- or k:find("^%d+$") then
+ return "["..k.."]"
+ elseif noquotes and k:find("^%a[%a%d%_]*$") then
+ return k
+ else
+ return '["'..k..'"]'
+ end
+ end
+ local function simple_table(t)
+ if #t > 0 then
+ local n = 0
+ for _,v in pairs(t) do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ if n == #t then
+ local tt = { }
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" or tv == "boolean" then
+ tt[#tt+1] = tostring(v)
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ tt[#tt+1] = ("%q"):format(v)
+ else
+ tt = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local function serialize(root,name,handle,depth,level,reduce,noquotes,indexed)
+ handle = handle or print
+ reduce = reduce or false
+ if depth then
+ depth = depth .. " "
+ if indexed then
+ handle(("%s{"):format(depth))
+ else
+ handle(("%s%s={"):format(depth,key(name)))
+ end
+ else
+ depth = ""
+ local tname = type(name)
+ if tname == "string" then
+ if name == "return" then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle(name .. "={")
+ end
+ elseif tname == "number" then
+ handle("[" .. name .. "]={")
+ elseif tname == "boolean" then
+ if name then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle("{")
+ end
+ else
+ handle("t={")
+ end
+ end
+ if root and next(root) then
+ local compact = table.serialize_compact
+ local inline = compact and table.serialize_inline
+ local first, last = nil, 0 -- #root cannot be trusted here
+ if compact then
+ for k,v in ipairs(root) do -- NOT: for k=1,#root do (why)
+ if not first then first = k end
+ last = last + 1
+ end
+ end
+ for _,k in pairs(table.sortedkeys(root)) do
+ local v = root[k]
+ local t = type(v)
+ if compact and first and type(k) == "number" and k >= first and k <= last then
+ if t == "number" then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,v))
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ if reduce and (v:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1) then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,v))
+ else
+ handle(("%s %q,"):format(depth,v))
+ end
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ if not next(v) then
+ handle(("%s {},"):format(depth))
+ elseif inline then
+ local st = simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ handle(("%s { %s },"):format(depth,table.concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes,true)
+ end
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes,true)
+ end
+ elseif t == "boolean" then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,tostring(v)))
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ if table.serialize_functions then
+ handle(('%s loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,string.dump(v)))
+ else
+ handle(('%s "function",'):format(depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s %q,"):format(depth,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif k == "__p__" then -- parent
+ if false then
+ handle(("%s __p__=nil,"):format(depth))
+ end
+ elseif t == "number" then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ if reduce and (v:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1) then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ else
+ handle(("%s %s=%q,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ end
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ if not next(v) then
+ handle(("%s %s={},"):format(depth,key(k)))
+ elseif inline then
+ local st = simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ handle(("%s %s={ %s },"):format(depth,key(k),table.concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes)
+ end
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes)
+ end
+ elseif t == "boolean" then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),tostring(v)))
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ if table.serialize_functions then
+ handle(('%s %s=loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,key(k),string.dump(v)))
+ else
+ handle(('%s %s="function",'):format(depth,key(k)))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s %s=%q,"):format(depth,key(k),tostring(v)))
+ -- handle(('%s %s=loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,key(k),string.dump(function() return v end)))
+ end
+ end
+ if level > 0 then
+ handle(("%s},"):format(depth))
+ else
+ handle(("%s}"):format(depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s}"):format(depth))
+ end
+ end
+ --~ name:
+ --~
+ --~ true : return { }
+ --~ false : { }
+ --~ nil : t = { }
+ --~ string : string = { }
+ --~ 'return' : return { }
+ --~ number : [number] = { }
+ function table.serialize(root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ local t = { }
+ local function flush(s)
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ return table.concat(t,"\n")
+ end
+ function table.tohandle(handle,root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ serialize(root, name, handle, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ end
+ -- sometimes tables are real use (zapfino extra pro is some 85M) in which
+ -- case a stepwise serialization is nice; actually, we could consider:
+ --
+ -- for line in table.serializer(root,name,reduce,noquotes) do
+ -- ...(line)
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- so this is on the todo list
+ table.tofile_maxtab = 2*1024
+ function table.tofile(filename,root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ local concat = table.concat
+ local maxtab = table.tofile_maxtab
+ if maxtab > 1 then
+ local t = { }
+ local function flush(s)
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ if #t > maxtab then
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n") -- hm, write(sometable) should be nice
+ t = { }
+ end
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
+ else
+ local function flush(s)
+ f:write(s,"\n")
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+--~ t = {
+--~ b = "123",
+--~ a = "x",
+--~ c = 1.23,
+--~ d = "1.23",
+--~ e = true,
+--~ f = {
+--~ d = "1.23",
+--~ a = "x",
+--~ b = "123",
+--~ c = 1.23,
+--~ e = true,
+--~ f = {
+--~ e = true,
+--~ f = {
+--~ e = true
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ g = function() end
+--~ }
+--~ print(table.serialize(t), "\n")
+--~ print(table.serialize(t,"name"), "\n")
+--~ print(table.serialize(t,false), "\n")
+--~ print(table.serialize(t,true), "\n")
+--~ print(table.serialize(t,"name",true), "\n")
+--~ print(table.serialize(t,"name",true,true), "\n")
+ local function flatten(t,f,complete)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local v = t[i]
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ if complete or type(v[1]) == "table" then
+ flatten(v,f,complete)
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function table.flatten(t)
+ local f = { }
+ flatten(t,f,true)
+ return f
+ end
+ function table.unnest(t) -- bad name
+ local f = { }
+ flatten(t,f,false)
+ return f
+ end
+ table.flatten_one_level = table.unnest
+function table.insert_before_value(t,value,str)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ table.insert(t,i,str)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(t,1,str)
+function table.insert_after_value(t,value,str)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ table.insert(t,i+1,str)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = str
+function table.are_equal(a,b,n,m)
+ if #a == #b then
+ n = n or 1
+ m = m or #a
+ for i=n,m do
+ local ai, bi = a[i], b[i]
+ if (ai==bi) or (type(ai)=="table" and type(bi)=="table" and table.are_equal(ai,bi)) then
+ -- continue
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function table.compact(t)
+ if t then
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if not next(v) then
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function table.tohash(t)
+ local h = { }
+ for _, v in pairs(t) do -- no ipairs here
+ h[v] = true
+ end
+ return h
+function table.fromhash(t)
+ local h = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do -- no ipairs here
+ if v then h[#h+1] = k end
+ end
+ return h
+function table.contains(t, v)
+ if t then
+ for i=1, #t do
+ if t[i] == v then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function table.count(t)
+ local n, e = 0, next(t)
+ while e do
+ n, e = n + 1, next(t,e)
+ end
+ return n
+function table.swapped(t)
+ local s = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ s[v] = k
+ end
+ return s
+--~ function table.are_equal(a,b)
+--~ return table.serialize(a) == table.serialize(b)
+--~ end
+function table.clone(t,p) -- t is optional or nil or table
+ if not p then
+ t, p = { }, t or { }
+ elseif not t then
+ t = { }
+ end
+ setmetatable(t, { __index = function(_,key) return p[key] end })
+ return t
+function table.hexed(t,seperator)
+ local tt = { }
+ for i=1,#t do tt[i] = string.format("0x%04X",t[i]) end
+ return table.concat(tt,seperator or " ")
+function table.reverse_hash(h)
+ local r = { }
+ for k,v in pairs(h) do
+ r[v] = (k:gsub(" ","")):lower()
+ end
+ return r
+function table.reverse(t)
+ local tt = { }
+ if #t > 0 then
+ for i=#t,1,-1 do
+ tt[#tt+1] = t[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+-- filename : l-io.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-io'] = 1.001
+if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "\\", ";"
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator = "/" , ":"
+function io.loaddata(filename)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read('*all')
+ f:close()
+ return data
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+ local f =, "wb")
+ if f then
+ if type(data) == "table" then
+ f:write(table.join(data,joiner or ""))
+ elseif type(data) == "function" then
+ data(f)
+ else
+ f:write(data)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+function io.exists(filename)
+ local f =
+ if f == nil then
+ return false
+ else
+ assert(f:close())
+ return true
+ end
+function io.size(filename)
+ local f =
+ if f == nil then
+ return 0
+ else
+ local s = f:seek("end")
+ assert(f:close())
+ return s
+ end
+function io.noflines(f)
+ local n = 0
+ for _ in f:lines() do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ f:seek('set',0)
+ return n
+ local sb = string.byte
+ local nextchar = {
+ [ 4] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 2] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1,1)
+ end,
+ [ 1] = function(f)
+ return f:read(1)
+ end,
+ [-2] = function(f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ return b, a
+ end,
+ [-4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ return d, c, b, a
+ end
+ }
+ function io.characters(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextchar[n or 1], f
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ end
+ local sb = string.byte
+--~ local nextbyte = {
+--~ [4] = function(f)
+--~ local a = f:read(1)
+--~ local b = f:read(1)
+--~ local c = f:read(1)
+--~ local d = f:read(1)
+--~ if d then
+--~ return sb(a), sb(b), sb(c), sb(d)
+--~ else
+--~ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+--~ end
+--~ end,
+--~ [2] = function(f)
+--~ local a = f:read(1)
+--~ local b = f:read(1)
+--~ if b then
+--~ return sb(a), sb(b)
+--~ else
+--~ return nil, nil
+--~ end
+--~ end,
+--~ [1] = function (f)
+--~ local a = f:read(1)
+--~ if a then
+--~ return sb(a)
+--~ else
+--~ return nil
+--~ end
+--~ end,
+--~ [-2] = function (f)
+--~ local a = f:read(1)
+--~ local b = f:read(1)
+--~ if b then
+--~ return sb(b), sb(a)
+--~ else
+--~ return nil, nil
+--~ end
+--~ end,
+--~ [-4] = function(f)
+--~ local a = f:read(1)
+--~ local b = f:read(1)
+--~ local c = f:read(1)
+--~ local d = f:read(1)
+--~ if d then
+--~ return sb(d), sb(c), sb(b), sb(a)
+--~ else
+--~ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ }
+ local nextbyte = {
+ [4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return sb(a), sb(b), sb(c), sb(d)
+ else
+ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+ end
+ end,
+ [2] = function(f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return sb(a), sb(b)
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ end,
+ [1] = function (f)
+ local a = f:read(1)
+ if a then
+ return sb(a)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end,
+ [-2] = function (f)
+ local a, b = f:read(1,1)
+ if b then
+ return sb(b), sb(a)
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ end,
+ [-4] = function(f)
+ local a, b, c, d = f:read(1,1,1,1)
+ if d then
+ return sb(d), sb(c), sb(b), sb(a)
+ else
+ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ function io.bytes(f,n)
+ if f then
+ return nextbyte[n or 1], f
+ else
+ return nil, nil
+ end
+ end
+function io.ask(question,default,options)
+ while true do
+ io.write(question)
+ if options then
+ io.write(string.format(" [%s]",table.concat(options,"|")))
+ end
+ if default then
+ io.write(string.format(" [%s]",default))
+ end
+ io.write(string.format(" "))
+ local answer =
+ answer = answer:gsub("^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
+ if answer == "" and default then
+ return default
+ elseif not options then
+ return answer
+ else
+ for _,v in pairs(options) do
+ if v == answer then
+ return answer
+ end
+ end
+ local pattern = "^" .. answer
+ for _,v in pairs(options) do
+ if v:find(pattern) then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- filename : l-md5.lua
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-md5'] = 1.001
+if md5 then do
+ local function convert(str,fmt)
+ return (string.gsub(md5.sum(str),".",function(chr) return string.format(fmt,string.byte(chr)) end))
+ end
+ if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
+ if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
+ if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
+end end
+-- filename : l-number.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-number'] = 1.001
+if not number then number = { } end
+-- a,b,c,d,e,f = number.toset(100101)
+function number.toset(n)
+ return (tostring(n)):match("(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)")
+local format = string.format
+function number.toevenhex(n)
+ local s = format("%X",n)
+ if #s % 2 == 0 then
+ return s
+ else
+ return "0" .. s
+ end
+-- the lpeg way is slower on 8 digits, but faster on 4 digits, some 7.5%
+-- on
+-- for i=1,1000000 do
+-- local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = number.toset(12345678)
+-- local a,b,c,d = number.toset(1234)
+-- local a,b,c = number.toset(123)
+-- end
+-- of course dedicated "(.)(.)(.)(.)" matches are even faster
+ local one = lpeg.C(1-lpeg.S(''))^1
+ function number.toset(n)
+ return one:match(tostring(n))
+ end
+-- filename : l-set.lua
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-set'] = 1.001
+if not set then set = { } end
+ local nums = { }
+ local tabs = { }
+ local concat = table.concat
+ set.create = table.tohash
+ function set.tonumber(t)
+ if next(t) then
+ local s = ""
+ -- we could save mem by sorting, but it slows down
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ if v then
+ -- why bother about the leading space
+ s = s .. " " .. k
+ end
+ end
+ if not nums[s] then
+ tabs[#tabs+1] = t
+ nums[s] = #tabs
+ end
+ return nums[s]
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+ end
+ function set.totable(n)
+ if n == 0 then
+ return { }
+ else
+ return tabs[n] or { }
+ end
+ end
+ function set.contains(n,s)
+ if type(n) == "table" then
+ return n[s]
+ elseif n == 0 then
+ return false
+ else
+ local t = tabs[n]
+ return t and t[s]
+ end
+ end
+--~ local c = set.create{'aap','noot','mies'}
+--~ local s = set.tonumber(c)
+--~ local t = set.totable(s)
+--~ print(t['aap'])
+--~ local c = set.create{'zus','wim','jet'}
+--~ local s = set.tonumber(c)
+--~ local t = set.totable(s)
+--~ print(t['aap'])
+--~ print(t['jet'])
+--~ print(set.contains(t,'jet'))
+--~ print(set.contains(t,'aap'))
+-- filename : l-os.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-os'] = 1.001
+function os.resultof(command)
+ return io.popen(command,"r"):read("*all")
+if not os.exec then os.exec = os.execute end
+if not os.spawn then os.spawn = os.execute end
+--~ os.type : windows | unix (new, we already guessed os.platform)
+--~ : windows | msdos | linux | macosx | solaris | .. | generic (new)
+if not io.fileseparator then
+ if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.platform = "\\", ";", os.type or "windows"
+ else
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.platform = "/" , ":", os.type or "unix"
+ end
+os.platform = os.platform or os.type or (io.pathseparator == ";" and "windows") or "unix"
+function os.launch(str)
+ if os.platform == "windows" then
+ os.execute("start " .. str) -- os.spawn ?
+ else
+ os.execute(str .. " &") -- os.spawn ?
+ end
+if not os.setenv then
+ function os.setenv() return false end
+if not os.times then
+ -- utime = user time
+ -- stime = system time
+ -- cutime = children user time
+ -- cstime = children system time
+ function os.times()
+ return {
+ utime = os.gettimeofday(), -- user
+ stime = 0, -- system
+ cutime = 0, -- children user
+ cstime = 0, -- children system
+ }
+ end
+os.gettimeofday = os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+ local startuptime = os.gettimeofday()
+ function os.runtime()
+ return os.gettimeofday() - startuptime
+ end
+--~ print(os.gettimeofday()-os.time())
+--~ os.sleep(1.234)
+--~ print (">>",os.runtime())
+--~ print("%H:%M:%S",os.gettimeofday()))
+--~ print("%H:%M:%S",os.time()))
+-- filename : l-file.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-file'] = 1.001
+if not file then file = { } end
+function file.removesuffix(filename)
+ return filename:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$", "")
+function file.addsuffix(filename, suffix)
+ if not filename:find("%.[%a%d]+$") then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return filename
+ end
+function file.replacesuffix(filename, suffix)
+ if not filename:find("%.[%a%d]+$") then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return (filename:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$","."..suffix))
+ end
+function file.dirname(name)
+ return name:match("^(.+)[/\\].-$") or ""
+function file.basename(name)
+ return name:match("^.+[/\\](.-)$") or name
+function file.nameonly(name)
+ return ((name:match("^.+[/\\](.-)$") or name):gsub("%..*$",""))
+function file.extname(name)
+ return name:match("^.+%.([^/\\]-)$") or ""
+file.suffix = file.extname
+function file.stripsuffix(name)
+ return (name:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$",""))
+--~ function file.join(...)
+--~ local t = { ... }
+--~ for i=1,#t do
+--~ t[i] = (t[i]:gsub("\\","/")):gsub("/+$","")
+--~ end
+--~ return table.concat(t,"/")
+--~ end
+--~ print(file.join("x/","/y"))
+--~ print(file.join("http://","/y"))
+--~ print(file.join("http://a","/y"))
+--~ print(file.join("http:///a","/y"))
+--~ print(file.join("//nas-1","/y"))
+function file.join(...)
+ local pth = table.concat({...},"/")
+ pth = pth:gsub("\\","/")
+ local a, b = pth:match("^(.*://)(.*)$")
+ if a and b then
+ return a .. b:gsub("//+","/")
+ end
+ a, b = pth:match("^(//)(.*)$")
+ if a and b then
+ return a .. b:gsub("//+","/")
+ end
+ return (pth:gsub("//+","/"))
+function file.is_writable(name)
+ local f =, 'w')
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function file.is_readable(name)
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+--~ function file.split_path(str)
+--~ if str:find(';') then
+--~ return str:splitchr(";")
+--~ else
+--~ return str:splitchr(io.pathseparator)
+--~ end
+--~ end
+-- todo: lpeg
+function file.split_path(str)
+ local t = { }
+ str = str:gsub("\\", "/")
+ str = str:gsub("(%a):([;/])", "%1\001%2")
+ for name in str:gmatch("([^;:]+)") do
+ if name ~= "" then
+ name = name:gsub("\001",":")
+ t[#t+1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function file.join_path(tab)
+ return table.concat(tab,io.pathseparator) -- can have trailing //
+--~ print('test' .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("test"))
+--~ print("test/test" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("test/test"))
+--~ print("test/test/test" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("test/test/test"))
+--~ print("test/test" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("test/../test/test"))
+--~ print("test" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("test/../test"))
+--~ print("../test" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("../test"))
+--~ print("../test/" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("../test/"))
+--~ print("a/a" .. " == " .. file.collapse_path("a/b/c/../../a"))
+--~ function file.collapse_path(str)
+--~ local ok, n = false, 0
+--~ while not ok do
+--~ ok = true
+--~ str, n = str:gsub("[^%./]+/%.%./", function(s)
+--~ ok = false
+--~ return ""
+--~ end)
+--~ end
+--~ return (str:gsub("/%./","/"))
+--~ end
+function file.collapse_path(str)
+ local n = 1
+ while n > 0 do
+ str, n = str:gsub("([^/%.]+/%.%./)","")
+ end
+ return (str:gsub("/%./","/"))
+function file.robustname(str)
+ return (str:gsub("[^%a%d%/%-%.\\]+","-"))
+file.readdata = io.loaddata
+file.savedata = io.savedata
+function file.copy(oldname,newname)
+ file.savedata(newname,io.loaddata(oldname))
+-- filename : l-dir.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-dir'] = 1.001
+dir = { }
+-- optimizing for no string.find (*) does not save time
+if lfs then do
+--~ local attributes = lfs.attributes
+--~ local walkdir = lfs.dir
+--~ local function glob_pattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
+--~ local ok, scanner = xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end, function() end) -- kepler safe
+--~ if ok and type(scanner) == "function" then
+--~ if not path:find("/$") then path = path .. '/' end
+--~ for name in scanner do
+--~ local full = path .. name
+--~ local mode = attributes(full,'mode')
+--~ if mode == 'file' then
+--~ if name:find(patt) then
+--~ action(full)
+--~ end
+--~ elseif recurse and (mode == "directory") and (name ~= '.') and (name ~= "..") then
+--~ glob_pattern(full,patt,recurse,action)
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ dir.glob_pattern = glob_pattern
+--~ local function glob(pattern, action)
+--~ local t = { }
+--~ local action = action or function(name) t[#t+1] = name end
+--~ local path, patt = pattern:match("^(.*)/*%*%*/*(.-)$")
+--~ local recurse = path and patt
+--~ if not recurse then
+--~ path, patt = pattern:match("^(.*)/(.-)$")
+--~ if not (path and patt) then
+--~ path, patt = '.', pattern
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ patt = patt:gsub("([%.%-%+])", "%%%1")
+--~ patt = patt:gsub("%*", ".*")
+--~ patt = patt:gsub("%?", ".")
+--~ patt = "^" .. patt .. "$"
+--~ -- print('path: ' .. path .. ' | pattern: ' .. patt .. ' | recurse: ' .. tostring(recurse))
+--~ glob_pattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
+--~ return t
+--~ end
+--~ dir.glob = glob
+ local attributes = lfs.attributes
+ local walkdir = lfs.dir
+ local function glob_pattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
+ local ok, scanner
+ if path == "/" then
+ ok, scanner = xpcall(function() return walkdir(path..".") end, function() end) -- kepler safe
+ else
+ ok, scanner = xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end, function() end) -- kepler safe
+ end
+ if ok and type(scanner) == "function" then
+ if not path:find("/$") then path = path .. '/' end
+ for name in scanner do
+ local full = path .. name
+ local mode = attributes(full,'mode')
+ if mode == 'file' then
+ if full:find(patt) then
+ action(full)
+ end
+ elseif recurse and (mode == "directory") and (name ~= '.') and (name ~= "..") then
+ glob_pattern(full,patt,recurse,action)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dir.glob_pattern = glob_pattern
+ --~ local function glob(pattern, action)
+ --~ local t = { }
+ --~ local path, rest, patt, recurse
+ --~ local action = action or function(name) t[#t+1] = name end
+ --~ local pattern = pattern:gsub("^%*%*","./**")
+ --~ local pattern = pattern:gsub("/%*/","/**/")
+ --~ path, rest = pattern:match("^(/)(.-)$")
+ --~ if path then
+ --~ path = path
+ --~ else
+ --~ path, rest = pattern:match("^([^/]*)/(.-)$")
+ --~ end
+ --~ if rest then
+ --~ patt = rest:gsub("([%.%-%+])", "%%%1")
+ --~ end
+ --~ patt = patt:gsub("%*", "[^/]*")
+ --~ patt = patt:gsub("%?", "[^/]")
+ --~ patt = patt:gsub("%[%^/%]%*%[%^/%]%*", ".*")
+ --~ if path == "" then path = "." end
+ --~ recurse = patt:find("%.%*/") ~= nil
+ --~ glob_pattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
+ --~ return t
+ --~ end
+ local P, S, R, C, Cc, Cs, Ct, Cv, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cv, lpeg.V
+ local pattern = Ct {
+ [1] = (C(P(".") + P("/")^1) + C(R("az","AZ") * P(":") * P("/")^0) + Cc("./")) * V(2) * V(3),
+ [2] = C(((1-S("*?/"))^0 * P("/"))^0),
+ [3] = C(P(1)^0)
+ }
+ local filter = Cs ( (
+ P("**") / ".*" +
+ P("*") / "[^/]*" +
+ P("?") / "[^/]" +
+ P(".") / "%%." +
+ P("+") / "%%+" +
+ P("-") / "%%-" +
+ P(1)
+ )^0 )
+ local function glob(str,t)
+ if type(str) == "table" then
+ local t = t or { }
+ for _, s in ipairs(str) do
+ glob(s,t)
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ local split = pattern:match(str)
+ if split then
+ local t = t or { }
+ local action = action or function(name) t[#t+1] = name end
+ local root, path, base = split[1], split[2], split[3]
+ local recurse = base:find("**")
+ local start = root .. path
+ local result = filter:match(start .. base)
+ glob_pattern(start,result,recurse,action)
+ return t
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dir.glob = glob
+ --~ list = dir.glob("**/*.tif")
+ --~ list = dir.glob("/**/*.tif")
+ --~ list = dir.glob("./**/*.tif")
+ --~ list = dir.glob("oeps/**/*.tif")
+ --~ list = dir.glob("/oeps/**/*.tif")
+ local function globfiles(path,recurse,func,files) -- func == pattern or function
+ if type(func) == "string" then
+ local s = func -- alas, we need this indirect way
+ func = function(name) return name:find(s) end
+ end
+ files = files or { }
+ for name in walkdir(path) do
+ if name:find("^%.") then
+ --- skip
+ elseif attributes(name,'mode') == "directory" then
+ if recurse then
+ globfiles(path .. "/" .. name,recurse,func,files)
+ end
+ elseif func then
+ if func(name) then
+ files[#files+1] = path .. "/" .. name
+ end
+ else
+ files[#files+1] = path .. "/" .. name
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+ end
+ dir.globfiles = globfiles
+ -- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/context/sources/**/????-*.tex")
+ -- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/tex/texmf/**/*.tex")
+ -- t = dir.glob("c:/data/develop/context/texmf/**/*.tex")
+ -- t = dir.glob("f:/minimal/tex/**/*")
+ -- print("f:/minimal/tex/**/*"))
+ -- print("*.tex"))
+ function
+ return table.concat(glob(pattern),"\n")
+ end
+ --~ mkdirs("temp")
+ --~ mkdirs("a/b/c")
+ --~ mkdirs(".","/a/b/c")
+ --~ mkdirs("a","b","c")
+ local make_indeed = true -- false
+ if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local str, pth = "", ""
+ for _, s in ipairs({...}) do
+ if s ~= "" then
+ if str ~= "" then
+ str = str .. "/" .. s
+ else
+ str = s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local first, middle, last
+ local drive = false
+ first, middle, last = str:match("^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ -- empty network path == local path
+ else
+ first, last = str:match("^(//)/*(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ middle, last = str:match("([^/]+)/+(.-)$")
+ if middle then
+ pth = "//" .. middle
+ else
+ pth = "//" .. last
+ last = ""
+ end
+ else
+ first, middle, last = str:match("^([a-zA-Z]:)(/*)(.-)$")
+ if first then
+ pth, drive = first .. middle, true
+ else
+ middle, last = str:match("^(/*)(.-)$")
+ if not middle then
+ last = str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for s in last:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ if pth == "" then
+ pth = s
+ elseif drive then
+ pth, drive = pth .. s, false
+ else
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not lfs.isdir(pth) then
+ lfs.mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ return pth, (lfs.isdir(pth) == true)
+ end
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("","","a","c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a:"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a:/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a:b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a:/bbb/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("/a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("/aaa/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("//a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("///a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a/bbb//ccc/"))
+ function dir.expand_name(str)
+ local first, nothing, last = str:match("^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
+ if first then
+ first = lfs.currentdir() .. "/"
+ first = first:gsub("\\","/")
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = str:match("^(//)/*(.*)$")
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = str:match("^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)$")
+ if first and not last:find("^/") then
+ local d = lfs.currentdir()
+ if lfs.chdir(first) then
+ first = lfs.currentdir()
+ first = first:gsub("\\","/")
+ end
+ lfs.chdir(d)
+ end
+ end
+ if not first then
+ first, last = lfs.currentdir(), str
+ first = first:gsub("\\","/")
+ end
+ last = last:gsub("//","/")
+ last = last:gsub("/%./","/")
+ last = last:gsub("^/*","")
+ first = first:gsub("/*$","")
+ if last == "" then
+ return first
+ else
+ return first .. "/" .. last
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ function dir.mkdirs(...)
+ local str, pth = "", ""
+ for _, s in ipairs({...}) do
+ if s ~= "" then
+ if str ~= "" then
+ str = str .. "/" .. s
+ else
+ str = s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ str = str:gsub("/+","/")
+ if str:find("^/") then
+ pth = "/"
+ for s in str:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ local first = (pth == "/")
+ if first then
+ pth = pth .. s
+ else
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ end
+ if make_indeed and not first and not lfs.isdir(pth) then
+ lfs.mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ pth = "."
+ for s in str:gmatch("[^/]+") do
+ pth = pth .. "/" .. s
+ if make_indeed and not lfs.isdir(pth) then
+ lfs.mkdir(pth)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return pth, (lfs.isdir(pth) == true)
+ end
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("","","a","c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("/a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("/aaa/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("//a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("///a/b/c"))
+--~ print(dir.mkdirs("a/bbb//ccc/"))
+ function dir.expand_name(str)
+ if not str:find("^/") then
+ str = lfs.currentdir() .. "/" .. str
+ end
+ str = str:gsub("//","/")
+ str = str:gsub("/%./","/")
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ dir.makedirs = dir.mkdirs
+end end
+-- filename : l-boolean.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-boolean'] = 1.001
+if not boolean then boolean = { } end
+function boolean.tonumber(b)
+ if b then return 1 else return 0 end
+function toboolean(str,tolerant)
+ if tolerant then
+ local tstr = type(str)
+ if tstr == "string" then
+ return str == "true" or str == "yes" or str == "on" or str == "1"
+ elseif tstr == "number" then
+ return tonumber(str) ~= 0
+ elseif tstr == "nil" then
+ return false
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ elseif str == "true" then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "false" then
+ return false
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function string.is_boolean(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ if str == "true" or str == "yes" or str == "on" then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "false" or str == "no" or str == "off" then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function boolean.alwaystrue()
+ return true
+function boolean.falsetrue()
+ return false
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-xml'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+-- RJ: key=value ... lpeg.Ca(lpeg.Cc({}) * (pattern-producing-key-and-value / rawset)^0)
+-- some code may move to l-xmlext
+<p>The parser used here is inspired by the variant discussed in the lua book, but
+handles comment and processing instructions, has a different structure, provides
+parent access; a first version used different tricky but was less optimized to we
+went this route. First we had a find based parser, now we have an <l n='lpeg'/> based one.
+The find based parser can be found in l-xml-edu.lua along with other older code.</p>
+<p>Expecially the lpath code is experimental, we will support some of xpath, but
+only things that make sense for us; as compensation it is possible to hook in your
+own functions. Apart from preprocessing content for <l n='context'/> we also need
+this module for process management, like handling <l n='ctx'/> and <l n='rlx'/>
+a/b/c /*/c
+a/b/c/first() a/b/c/last() a/b/c/index(n) a/b/c/index(-n)
+a/b/c/text() a/b/c/text(1) a/b/c/text(-1) a/b/c/text(n)
+<p>Beware, the interface may change. For instance at, ns, tg, dt may get more
+verbose names. Once the code is stable we will also remove some tracing and
+optimize the code.</p>
+xml = xml or { }
+tex = tex or { }
+xml.trace_lpath = false
+xml.trace_print = false
+xml.trace_remap = false
+local format, concat = string.format, table.concat
+--~ local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
+-- todo: some things per xml file, liek namespace remapping
+<p>First a hack to enable namespace resolving. A namespace is characterized by
+a <l n='url'/>. The following function associates a namespace prefix with a
+pattern. We use <l n='lpeg'/>, which in this case is more than twice as fast as a
+find based solution where we loop over an array of patterns. Less code and
+much cleaner.</p>
+xml.xmlns = xml.xmlns or { }
+ local check = lpeg.P(false)
+ local parse = check
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>The next function associates a namespace prefix with an <l n='url'/>. This
+ normally happens independent of parsing.</p>
+ <typing>
+ xml.registerns("mml","mathml")
+ </typing>
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.registerns(namespace, pattern) -- pattern can be an lpeg
+ check = check + lpeg.C(lpeg.P(pattern:lower())) / namespace
+ parse = lpeg.P { lpeg.P(check) + 1 * lpeg.V(1) }
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>The next function also registers a namespace, but this time we map a
+ given namespace prefix onto a registered one, using the given
+ <l n='url'/>. This used for attributes like <t>xmlns:m</t>.</p>
+ <typing>
+ xml.checkns("m","")
+ </typing>
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.checkns(namespace,url)
+ local ns = parse:match(url:lower())
+ if ns and namespace ~= ns then
+ xml.xmlns[namespace] = ns
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>Next we provide a way to turn an <l n='url'/> into a registered
+ namespace. This used for the <t>xmlns</t> attribute.</p>
+ <typing>
+ resolvedns = xml.resolvens("")
+ </typing>
+ This returns <t>mml</t>.
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.resolvens(url)
+ return parse:match(url:lower()) or ""
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>A namespace in an element can be remapped onto the registered
+ one efficiently by using the <t>xml.xmlns</t> table.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+<p>This version uses <l n='lpeg'/>. We follow the same approach as before, stack and top and
+such. This version is about twice as fast which is mostly due to the fact that
+we don't have to prepare the stream for cdata, doctype etc etc. This variant is
+is dedicated to Luigi Scarso, who challenged me with 40 megabyte <l n='xml'/> files that
+took 12.5 seconds to load (1.5 for file io and the rest for tree building). With
+the <l n='lpeg'/> implementation we got that down to less 7.3 seconds. Loading the 14
+<l n='context'/> interface definition files (2.6 meg) went down from 1.05 seconds to 0.55.</p>
+<p>Next comes the parser. The rather messy doctype definition comes in many
+disguises so it is no surprice that later on have to dedicate quite some
+<l n='lpeg'/> code to it.</p>
+<!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] >
+<!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." >
+<!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] >
+<!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." >
+<!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] >
+<!DOCTYPE Something >
+<p>The code may look a bit complex but this is mostly due to the fact that we
+resolve namespaces and attach metatables. There is only one public function:</p>
+local x = xml.convert(somestring)
+<p>An optional second boolean argument tells this function not to create a root
+xml.strip_cm_and_dt = false -- an extra global flag, in case we have many includes
+ -- not just one big nested table capture (lpeg overflow)
+ local remove, nsremap, resolvens = table.remove, xml.xmlns, xml.resolvens
+ local stack, top, dt, at, xmlns, errorstr, entities = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, nil, {}
+ local mt = { __tostring = xml.text }
+ function xml.check_error(top,toclose)
+ return ""
+ end
+ local strip = false
+ local cleanup = false
+ function xml.set_text_cleanup(fnc)
+ cleanup = fnc
+ end
+ local function add_attribute(namespace,tag,value)
+ if tag == "xmlns" then
+ xmlns[#xmlns+1] = resolvens(value)
+ at[tag] = value
+ elseif namespace == "xmlns" then
+ xml.checkns(tag,value)
+ at["xmlns:" .. tag] = value
+ else
+ at[tag] = value
+ end
+ end
+ local function add_begin(spacing, namespace, tag)
+ if #spacing > 0 then
+ dt[#dt+1] = spacing
+ end
+ local resolved = (namespace == "" and xmlns[#xmlns]) or nsremap[namespace] or namespace
+ top = { ns=namespace or "", rn=resolved, tg=tag, at=at, dt={}, __p__ = stack[#stack] }
+ setmetatable(top, mt)
+ dt = top.dt
+ stack[#stack+1] = top
+ at = { }
+ end
+ local function add_end(spacing, namespace, tag)
+ if #spacing > 0 then
+ dt[#dt+1] = spacing
+ end
+ local toclose = remove(stack)
+ top = stack[#stack]
+ if #stack < 1 then
+ errorstr = format("nothing to close with %s %s", tag, xml.check_error(top,toclose) or "")
+ elseif ~= tag then -- no namespace check
+ errorstr = format("unable to close %s with %s %s",, tag, xml.check_error(top,toclose) or "")
+ end
+ dt = top.dt
+ dt[#dt+1] = toclose
+ if at.xmlns then
+ remove(xmlns)
+ end
+ end
+ local function add_empty(spacing, namespace, tag)
+ if #spacing > 0 then
+ dt[#dt+1] = spacing
+ end
+ local resolved = (namespace == "" and xmlns[#xmlns]) or nsremap[namespace] or namespace
+ top = stack[#stack]
+ dt = top.dt
+ local t = { ns=namespace or "", rn=resolved, tg=tag, at=at, dt={}, __p__ = top }
+ dt[#dt+1] = t
+ setmetatable(t, mt)
+ at = { }
+ if at.xmlns then
+ remove(xmlns)
+ end
+ end
+ local function add_text(text)
+ if cleanup and #text > 0 then
+ dt[#dt+1] = cleanup(text)
+ else
+ dt[#dt+1] = text
+ end
+ end
+ local function add_special(what, spacing, text)
+ if #spacing > 0 then
+ dt[#dt+1] = spacing
+ end
+ if strip and (what == "@cm@" or what == "@dt@") then
+ -- forget it
+ else
+ dt[#dt+1] = { special=true, ns="", tg=what, dt={text} }
+ end
+ end
+ local function set_message(txt)
+ errorstr = "garbage at the end of the file: " .. txt:gsub("([ \n\r\t]*)","")
+ end
+ local P, S, R, C, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V
+ local space = S(' \r\n\t')
+ local open = P('<')
+ local close = P('>')
+ local squote = S("'")
+ local dquote = S('"')
+ local equal = P('=')
+ local slash = P('/')
+ local colon = P(':')
+ local valid = R('az', 'AZ', '09') + S('_-.')
+ local name_yes = C(valid^1) * colon * C(valid^1)
+ local name_nop = C(P(true)) * C(valid^1)
+ local name = name_yes + name_nop
+ local utfbom = P('\000\000\254\255') + P('\255\254\000\000') +
+ P('\255\254') + P('\254\255') + P('\239\187\191') -- no capture
+ local spacing = C(space^0)
+ local justtext = C((1-open)^1)
+ local somespace = space^1
+ local optionalspace = space^0
+ local value = (squote * C((1 - squote)^0) * squote) + (dquote * C((1 - dquote)^0) * dquote)
+ local attribute = (somespace * name * optionalspace * equal * optionalspace * value) / add_attribute
+ local attributes = attribute^0
+ local text = justtext / add_text
+ local balanced = P { "[" * ((1 - S"[]") + V(1))^0 * "]" } -- taken from lpeg manual, () example
+ local emptyelement = (spacing * open * name * attributes * optionalspace * slash * close) / add_empty
+ local beginelement = (spacing * open * name * attributes * optionalspace * close) / add_begin
+ local endelement = (spacing * open * slash * name * optionalspace * close) / add_end
+ local begincomment = open * P("!--")
+ local endcomment = P("--") * close
+ local begininstruction = open * P("?")
+ local endinstruction = P("?") * close
+ local begincdata = open * P("![CDATA[")
+ local endcdata = P("]]") * close
+ local someinstruction = C((1 - endinstruction)^0)
+ local somecomment = C((1 - endcomment )^0)
+ local somecdata = C((1 - endcdata )^0)
+ function entity(k,v) entities[k] = v end
+ local begindoctype = open * P("!DOCTYPE")
+ local enddoctype = close
+ local beginset = P("[")
+ local endset = P("]")
+ local doctypename = C((1-somespace)^0)
+ local elementdoctype = optionalspace * P("<!ELEMENT") * (1-close)^0 * close
+ local entitydoctype = optionalspace * P("<!ENTITY") * somespace * (doctypename * somespace * value)/entity * optionalspace * close
+ local publicdoctype = doctypename * somespace * P("PUBLIC") * somespace * value * somespace * value * somespace
+ local systemdoctype = doctypename * somespace * P("SYSTEM") * somespace * value * somespace
+ local definitiondoctype= doctypename * somespace * beginset * P(elementdoctype + entitydoctype)^0 * optionalspace * endset
+ local simpledoctype = (1-close)^1 -- * balanced^0
+ local somedoctype = C((somespace * (publicdoctype + systemdoctype + definitiondoctype + simpledoctype) * optionalspace)^0)
+ local instruction = (spacing * begininstruction * someinstruction * endinstruction) / function(...) add_special("@pi@",...) end
+ local comment = (spacing * begincomment * somecomment * endcomment ) / function(...) add_special("@cm@",...) end
+ local cdata = (spacing * begincdata * somecdata * endcdata ) / function(...) add_special("@cd@",...) end
+ local doctype = (spacing * begindoctype * somedoctype * enddoctype ) / function(...) add_special("@dt@",...) end
+ -- nicer but slower:
+ --
+ -- local instruction = (lpeg.Cc("@pi@") * spacing * begininstruction * someinstruction * endinstruction) / add_special
+ -- local comment = (lpeg.Cc("@cm@") * spacing * begincomment * somecomment * endcomment ) / add_special
+ -- local cdata = (lpeg.Cc("@cd@") * spacing * begincdata * somecdata * endcdata ) / add_special
+ -- local doctype = (lpeg.Cc("@dt@") * spacing * begindoctype * somedoctype * enddoctype ) / add_special
+ local trailer = space^0 * (justtext/set_message)^0
+ -- comment + emptyelement + text + cdata + instruction + V("parent"), -- 6.5 seconds on 40 MB database file
+ -- text + comment + emptyelement + cdata + instruction + V("parent"), -- 5.8
+ -- text + V("parent") + emptyelement + comment + cdata + instruction, -- 5.5
+ local grammar = P { "preamble",
+ preamble = utfbom^0 * instruction^0 * (doctype + comment + instruction)^0 * V("parent") * trailer,
+ parent = beginelement * V("children")^0 * endelement,
+ children = text + V("parent") + emptyelement + comment + cdata + instruction,
+ }
+ -- todo: + properties like entities and strip and such (store in root)
+ function xml.convert(data, no_root, strip_cm_and_dt, given_entities) -- maybe use table met k/v (given_entities may disapear)
+ strip = strip_cm_and_dt or xml.strip_cm_and_dt
+ stack, top, at, xmlns, errorstr, result, entities = {}, {}, {}, {}, nil, nil, given_entities or {}
+ stack[#stack+1] = top
+ top.dt = { }
+ dt = top.dt
+ if not data or data == "" then
+ errorstr = "empty xml file"
+ elseif not grammar:match(data) then
+ errorstr = "invalid xml file"
+ else
+ errorstr = ""
+ end
+ if errorstr and errorstr ~= "" then
+ result = { dt = { { ns = "", tg = "error", dt = { errorstr }, at={}, er = true } }, error = true }
+ setmetatable(stack, mt)
+ if xml.error_handler then xml.error_handler("load",errorstr) end
+ else
+ result = stack[1]
+ end
+ if not no_root then
+ result = { special = true, ns = "", tg = '@rt@', dt = result.dt, at={}, entities = entities }
+ setmetatable(result, mt)
+ local rdt = result.dt
+ for k=1,#rdt do
+ local v = rdt[k]
+ if type(v) == "table" and not v.special then -- always table -)
+ result.ri = k -- rootindex
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>Packaging data in an xml like table is done with the following
+ function. Maybe it will go away (when not used).</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.is_valid(root)
+ return root and root.dt and root.dt[1] and type(root.dt[1]) == "table" and not root.dt[1].er
+ end
+ function xml.package(tag,attributes,data)
+ local ns, tg = tag:match("^(.-):?([^:]+)$")
+ local t = { ns = ns, tg = tg, dt = data or "", at = attributes or {} }
+ setmetatable(t, mt)
+ return t
+ end
+ function xml.is_valid(root)
+ return root and not root.error
+ end
+ xml.error_handler = (logs and or (input and or print
+<p>We cannot load an <l n='lpeg'/> from a filehandle so we need to load
+the whole file first. The function accepts a string representing
+a filename or a file handle.</p>
+function xml.load(filename)
+ if type(filename) == "string" then
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ local root = xml.convert(f:read("*all"))
+ f:close()
+ return root
+ else
+ return xml.convert("")
+ end
+ elseif filename then -- filehandle
+ return xml.convert(filename:read("*all"))
+ else
+ return xml.convert("")
+ end
+<p>When we inject new elements, we need to convert strings to
+valid trees, which is what the next function does.</p>
+function xml.toxml(data)
+ if type(data) == "string" then
+ local root = { xml.convert(data,true) }
+ return (#root > 1 and root) or root[1]
+ else
+ return data
+ end
+<p>For copying a tree we use a dedicated function instead of the
+generic table copier. Since we know what we're dealing with we
+can speed up things a bit. The second argument is not to be used!</p>
+ function copy(old,tables)
+ if old then
+ tables = tables or { }
+ local new = { }
+ if not tables[old] then
+ tables[old] = new
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(old) do
+ new[k] = (type(v) == "table" and (tables[v] or copy(v, tables))) or v
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(old)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(new,mt)
+ end
+ return new
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ xml.copy = copy
+<p>In <l n='context'/> serializing the tree or parts of the tree is a major
+actitivity which is why the following function is pretty optimized resulting
+in a few more lines of code than needed. The variant that uses the formatting
+function for all components is about 15% slower than the concatinating
+ -- todo: add <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> when not present
+ local fallbackhandle = (tex and tex.sprint) or io.write
+ local function serialize(e, handle, textconverter, attributeconverter, specialconverter, nocommands)
+ if not e then
+ return
+ elseif not nocommands then
+ local ec = e.command
+ if ec ~= nil then -- we can have all kind of types
+if e.special then -- todo test for true/false
+ local etg, edt =, e.dt
+ local spc = specialconverter and specialconverter[etg]
+ if spc then
+--~ print("SPECIAL",etg,table.serialize(specialconverter), spc)
+ local result = spc(edt[1])
+ if result then
+ handle(result)
+ return
+ else
+ -- no need to handle any further
+ end
+ end
+ local xc = xml.command
+ if xc then
+ xc(e,ec)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ handle = handle or fallbackhandle
+ local etg =
+ if etg then
+ if e.special then
+ local edt = e.dt
+ local spc = specialconverter and specialconverter[etg]
+ if spc then
+ local result = spc(edt[1])
+ if result then
+ handle(result)
+ else
+ -- no need to handle any further
+ end
+ elseif etg == "@pi@" then
+ -- handle(format("<?%s?>",edt[1]))
+ handle("<?" .. edt[1] .. "?>")
+ elseif etg == "@cm@" then
+ -- handle(format("<!--%s-->",edt[1]))
+ handle("<!--" .. edt[1] .. "-->")
+ elseif etg == "@cd@" then
+ -- handle(format("<![CDATA[%s]]>",edt[1]))
+ handle("<![CDATA[" .. edt[1] .. "]]>")
+ elseif etg == "@dt@" then
+ -- handle(format("<!DOCTYPE %s>",edt[1]))
+ handle("<!DOCTYPE " .. edt[1] .. ">")
+ elseif etg == "@rt@" then
+ serialize(edt,handle,textconverter,attributeconverter,specialconverter,nocommands)
+ end
+ else
+ local ens, eat, edt, ern = e.ns,, e.dt, e.rn
+ local ats = eat and next(eat) and { } -- type test maybe faster
+ if ats then
+ if attributeconverter then
+ for k,v in pairs(eat) do
+ ats[#ats+1] = format('%s=%q',k,attributeconverter(v))
+ end
+ else
+ for k,v in pairs(eat) do
+ ats[#ats+1] = format('%s=%q',k,v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ern and xml.trace_remap and ern ~= ens then
+--~ if ats then
+--~ ats[#ats+1] = format("xmlns:remapped='%s'",ern)
+--~ else
+--~ ats = { format("xmlns:remapped='%s'",ern) }
+--~ end
+--~ if ats then
+--~ ats[#ats+1] = format("remappedns='%s'",ens or '-')
+--~ else
+--~ ats = { format("remappedns='%s'",ens or '-') }
+--~ end
+ens = ern
+ end
+ if ens ~= "" then
+ if edt and #edt > 0 then
+ if ats then
+ -- handle(format("<%s:%s %s>",ens,etg,concat(ats," ")))
+ handle("<" .. ens .. ":" .. etg .. " " .. concat(ats," ") .. ">")
+ else
+ -- handle(format("<%s:%s>",ens,etg))
+ handle("<" .. ens .. ":" .. etg .. ">")
+ end
+ for i=1,#edt do
+ local e = edt[i]
+ if type(e) == "string" then
+ if textconverter then
+ handle(textconverter(e))
+ else
+ handle(e)
+ end
+ else
+ serialize(e,handle,textconverter,attributeconverter,specialconverter,nocommands)
+ end
+ end
+ -- handle(format("</%s:%s>",ens,etg))
+ handle("</" .. ens .. ":" .. etg .. ">")
+ else
+ if ats then
+ -- handle(format("<%s:%s %s/>",ens,etg,concat(ats," ")))
+ handle("<" .. ens .. ":" .. etg .. " " .. concat(ats," ") .. "/>")
+ else
+ -- handle(format("<%s:%s/>",ens,etg))
+ handle("<" .. ens .. ":" .. etg .. "/>")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if edt and #edt > 0 then
+ if ats then
+ -- handle(format("<%s %s>",etg,concat(ats," ")))
+ handle("<" .. etg .. " " .. concat(ats," ") .. ">")
+ else
+ -- handle(format("<%s>",etg))
+ handle("<" .. etg .. ">")
+ end
+ for i=1,#edt do
+ serialize(edt[i],handle,textconverter,attributeconverter,specialconverter,nocommands)
+ end
+ -- handle(format("</%s>",etg))
+ handle("</" .. etg .. ">")
+ else
+ if ats then
+ -- handle(format("<%s %s/>",etg,concat(ats," ")))
+ handle("<" .. etg .. " " .. concat(ats," ") .. "/>")
+ else
+ -- handle(format("<%s/>",etg))
+ handle("<" .. etg .. "/>")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif type(e) == "string" then
+ if textconverter then
+ handle(textconverter(e))
+ else
+ handle(e)
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#e do
+ serialize(e[i],handle,textconverter,attributeconverter,specialconverter,nocommands)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xml.serialize = serialize
+ function xml.checkbom(root) -- can be made faster
+ if root.ri then
+ local dt, found = root.dt, false
+ for k,v in ipairs(dt) do
+ if type(v) == "table" and v.special and == "@pi" and v.dt:find("xml.*version=") then
+ found = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ table.insert(dt, 1, { special=true, ns="", tg="@pi@", dt = { "xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'"} } )
+ table.insert(dt, 2, "\n" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>At the cost of some 25% runtime overhead you can first convert the tree to a string
+ and then handle the lot.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.tostring(root) -- 25% overhead due to collecting
+ if root then
+ if type(root) == 'string' then
+ return root
+ elseif next(root) then -- next is faster than type (and >0 test)
+ local result = { }
+ serialize(root,function(s) result[#result+1] = s end)
+ return concat(result,"")
+ end
+ end
+ return ""
+ end
+<p>The next function operated on the content only and needs a handle function
+that accepts a string.</p>
+function xml.string(e,handle)
+ if not handle or (e.special and ~= "@rt@") then
+ -- nothing
+ elseif then
+ local edt = e.dt
+ if edt then
+ for i=1,#edt do
+ xml.string(edt[i],handle)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ handle(e)
+ end
+<p>How you deal with saving data depends on your preferences. For a 40 MB database
+file the timing on a 2.3 Core Duo are as follows (time in seconds):</p>
+1.3 : load data from file to string
+6.1 : convert string into tree
+5.3 : saving in file using xmlsave
+6.8 : converting to string using xml.tostring
+3.6 : saving converted string in file
+<p>The save function is given below.</p>
+ local f =,"w")
+ if f then
+ xml.serialize(root,function(s) f:write(s) end)
+ f:close()
+ end
+<p>A few helpers:</p>
+function xml.body(root)
+ return (root.ri and root.dt[root.ri]) or root
+function xml.text(root)
+ return (root and xml.tostring(root)) or ""
+function xml.content(root) -- bugged
+ return (root and root.dt and xml.tostring(root.dt)) or ""
+<p>The next helper erases an element but keeps the table as it is,
+and since empty strings are not serialized (effectively) it does
+not harm. Copying the table would take more time. Usage:</p>
+dt[k] = xml.empty() or xml.empty(dt,k)
+function xml.empty(dt,k)
+ if dt and k then
+ dt[k] = ""
+ return dt[k]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+<p>The next helper assigns a tree (or string). Usage:</p>
+dt[k] = xml.assign(root) or xml.assign(dt,k,root)
+function xml.assign(dt,k,root)
+ if dt and k then
+ dt[k] = (type(root) == "table" and xml.body(root)) or root
+ return dt[k]
+ else
+ return xml.body(root)
+ end
+<p>We've now arrived at an intersting part: accessing the tree using a subset
+of <l n='xpath'/> and since we're not compatible we call it <l n='lpath'/>. We
+will explain more about its usage in other documents.</p>
+ xml.functions = xml.functions or { }
+ local functions = xml.functions
+ local actions = {
+ [10] = "stay",
+ [11] = "parent",
+ [12] = "subtree root",
+ [13] = "document root",
+ [14] = "any",
+ [15] = "many",
+ [16] = "initial",
+ [20] = "match",
+ [21] = "match one of",
+ [22] = "match and attribute eq",
+ [23] = "match and attribute ne",
+ [24] = "match one of and attribute eq",
+ [25] = "match one of and attribute ne",
+ [27] = "has attribute",
+ [28] = "has value",
+ [29] = "fast match",
+ [30] = "select",
+ [31] = "expression",
+ [40] = "processing instruction",
+ }
+ --~ local function make_expression(str) --could also be an lpeg
+ --~ str = str:gsub("@([a-zA-Z%-_]+)", "(a['%1'] or '')")
+ --~ str = str:gsub("position%(%)", "i")
+ --~ str = str:gsub("text%(%)", "t")
+ --~ str = str:gsub("!=", "~=")
+ --~ str = str:gsub("([^=!~<>])=([^=!~<>])", "%1==%2")
+ --~ str = str:gsub("([a-zA-Z%-_]+)%(", "functions.%1(")
+ --~ return str, loadstring(format("return function(functions,i,a,t) return %s end", str))()
+ --~ end
+ -- a rather dumb lpeg
+ local P, S, R, C, V, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc
+ local lp_position = P("position()") / "id"
+ local lp_text = P("text()") / "tx"
+ local lp_name = P("name()") / "((rt.ns~='' and rt.ns..':' or '')"
+ local lp_tag = P("tag()") / "( or '')"
+ local lp_ns = P("ns()") / "(rt.ns or '')"
+ local lp_noequal = P("!=") / "~=" + P("<=") + P(">=") + P("==")
+ local lp_doequal = P("=") / "=="
+ local lp_attribute = P("@") / "" * Cc("(at['") * R("az","AZ","--","__")^1 * Cc("'] or '')")
+ local lp_function = C(R("az","AZ","--","__")^1) * P("(") / function(t)
+ if functions[t] then
+ return "functions." .. t .. "("
+ else
+ return "functions.error("
+ end
+ end
+ local lparent = lpeg.P("(")
+ local rparent = lpeg.P(")")
+ local noparent = 1 - (lparent+rparent)
+ local nested = lpeg.P{lparent * (noparent + lpeg.V(1))^0 * rparent}
+ local value = lpeg.P(lparent * lpeg.C((noparent + nested)^0) * rparent)
+--~ local value = P { "(" * C(((1 - S("()")) + V(1))^0) * ")" }
+ local lp_special = (C(P("name")+P("text")+P("tag"))) * value / function(t,s)
+ if functions[t] then
+ if s then
+ return "functions." .. t .. "(rt,k," .. s ..")"
+ else
+ return "functions." .. t .. "(rt,k)"
+ end
+ else
+ return "functions.error(" .. t .. ")"
+ end
+ end
+ local converter = lpeg.Cs ( (
+ lp_position +
+ lp_text + lp_name + -- fast one
+ lp_special +
+ lp_noequal + lp_doequal +
+ lp_attribute +
+ lp_function +
+ 1 )^1 )
+ local function make_expression(str)
+ str = converter:match(str)
+ return str, loadstring(format("return function(functions,id,at,tx,rt,k) return %s end", str))()
+ end
+ local map = { }
+ local space = S(' \r\n\t')
+ local squote = S("'")
+ local dquote = S('"')
+ local lparent = P('(')
+ local rparent = P(')')
+ local atsign = P('@')
+ local lbracket = P('[')
+ local rbracket = P(']')
+ local exclam = P('!')
+ local period = P('.')
+ local eq = P('==') + P('=')
+ local ne = P('<>') + P('!=')
+ local star = P('*')
+ local slash = P('/')
+ local colon = P(':')
+ local bar = P('|')
+ local hat = P('^')
+ local valid = R('az', 'AZ', '09') + S('_-')
+--~ local name_yes = C(valid^1 + star) * colon * C(valid^1 + star) -- permits ns:* *:tg *:*
+--~ local name_nop = C(P(true)) * C(valid^1)
+ local name_yes = C(valid^1 + star) * colon * C(valid^1 + star) -- permits ns:* *:tg *:*
+ local name_nop = Cc("*") * C(valid^1)
+ local name = name_yes + name_nop
+ local number = C((S('+-')^0 * R('09')^1)) / tonumber
+ local names = (bar^0 * name)^1
+ local morenames = name * (bar^0 * name)^1
+ local instructiontag = P('pi::')
+ local spacing = C(space^0)
+ local somespace = space^1
+ local optionalspace = space^0
+ local text = C(valid^0)
+ local value = (squote * C((1 - squote)^0) * squote) + (dquote * C((1 - dquote)^0) * dquote)
+ local empty = 1-slash
+ local is_eq = lbracket * atsign * name * eq * value * rbracket
+ local is_ne = lbracket * atsign * name * ne * value * rbracket
+ local is_attribute = lbracket * atsign * name * rbracket
+ local is_value = lbracket * value * rbracket
+ local is_number = lbracket * number * rbracket
+ local nobracket = 1-(lbracket+rbracket) -- must be improved
+ local is_expression = lbracket * C(((C(nobracket^1))/make_expression)) * rbracket
+ local is_expression = lbracket * (C(nobracket^1))/make_expression * rbracket
+ local is_one = name
+ local is_none = exclam * name
+ local is_one_of = ((lparent * names * rparent) + morenames)
+ local is_none_of = exclam * ((lparent * names * rparent) + morenames)
+ local stay = (period )
+ local parent = (period * period ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 11 } end
+ local subtreeroot = (slash + hat ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 12 } end
+ local documentroot = (hat * hat ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 13 } end
+ local any = (star ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 14 } end
+ local many = (star * star ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 15 } end
+ local initial = (hat * hat * hat ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 16 } end
+ local match = (is_one ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 20, true , ... } end
+ local match_one_of = (is_one_of ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 21, true , ... } end
+ local dont_match = (is_none ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 20, false, ... } end
+ local dont_match_one_of = (is_none_of ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 21, false, ... } end
+ local match_and_eq = (is_one * is_eq ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 22, true , ... } end
+ local match_and_ne = (is_one * is_ne ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 23, true , ... } end
+ local dont_match_and_eq = (is_none * is_eq ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 22, false, ... } end
+ local dont_match_and_ne = (is_none * is_ne ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 23, false, ... } end
+ local match_one_of_and_eq = (is_one_of * is_eq ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 24, true , ... } end
+ local match_one_of_and_ne = (is_one_of * is_ne ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 25, true , ... } end
+ local dont_match_one_of_and_eq = (is_none_of * is_eq ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 24, false, ... } end
+ local dont_match_one_of_and_ne = (is_none_of * is_ne ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 25, false, ... } end
+ local has_attribute = (is_one * is_attribute) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 27, true , ... } end
+ local has_value = (is_one * is_value ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 28, true , ... } end
+ local dont_has_attribute = (is_none * is_attribute) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 27, false, ... } end
+ local dont_has_value = (is_none * is_value ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 28, false, ... } end
+ local position = (is_one * is_number ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 30, true, ... } end
+ local dont_position = (is_none * is_number ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 30, false, ... } end
+ local expression = (is_one * is_expression)/ function(...) map[#map+1] = { 31, true, ... } end
+ local dont_expression = (is_none * is_expression)/ function(...) map[#map+1] = { 31, false, ... } end
+ local self_expression = ( is_expression) / function(...) if #map == 0 then map[#map+1] = { 11 } end
+ map[#map+1] = { 31, true, "*", "*", ... } end
+ local dont_self_expression = (exclam * is_expression) / function(...) if #map == 0 then map[#map+1] = { 11 } end
+ map[#map+1] = { 31, false, "*", "*", ... } end
+ local instruction = (instructiontag * text ) / function(...) map[#map+1] = { 40, ... } end
+ local nothing = (empty ) / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 15 } end -- 15 ?
+ local crap = (1-slash)^1
+ -- a few ugly goodies:
+ local docroottag = P('^^') / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 12 } end
+ local subroottag = P('^') / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 13 } end
+ local roottag = P('root::') / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 12 } end
+ local parenttag = P('parent::') / function( ) map[#map+1] = { 11 } end
+ local childtag = P('child::')
+ local selftag = P('self::')
+ -- there will be more and order will be optimized
+ local selector = (
+ instruction +
+ many + any +
+ parent + stay +
+ dont_position + position +
+ dont_match_one_of_and_eq + dont_match_one_of_and_ne +
+ match_one_of_and_eq + match_one_of_and_ne +
+ dont_match_and_eq + dont_match_and_ne +
+ match_and_eq + match_and_ne +
+ dont_expression + expression +
+ dont_self_expression + self_expression +
+ has_attribute + has_value +
+ dont_match_one_of + match_one_of +
+ dont_match + match +
+ crap + empty
+ )
+ local grammar = P { "startup",
+ startup = (initial + documentroot + subtreeroot + roottag + docroottag + subroottag)^0 * V("followup"),
+ followup = ((slash + parenttag + childtag + selftag)^0 * selector)^1,
+ }
+ local function compose(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ -- wildcard
+ return true
+ elseif str == '/' then
+ -- root
+ return false
+ else
+ map = { }
+ grammar:match(str)
+ if #map == 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ local m = map[1][1]
+ if #map == 1 then
+ if m == 14 or m == 15 then
+ -- wildcard
+ return true
+ elseif m == 12 then
+ -- root
+ return false
+ end
+ elseif #map == 2 and m == 12 and map[2][1] == 20 then
+ -- return { { 29, map[2][2], map[2][3], map[2][4], map[2][5] } }
+ map[2][1] = 29
+ return { map[2] }
+ end
+ if m ~= 11 and m ~= 12 and m ~= 13 and m ~= 14 and m ~= 15 and m ~= 16 then
+ table.insert(map, 1, { 16 })
+ end
+ -- print((table.serialize(map)):gsub("[ \n]+"," "))
+ return map
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local cache = { }
+ function xml.lpath(pattern,trace)
+ if type(pattern) == "string" then
+ local result = cache[pattern]
+ if not result then
+ result = compose(pattern)
+ cache[pattern] = result
+ end
+ if trace or xml.trace_lpath then
+ xml.lshow(result)
+ end
+ return result
+ else
+ return pattern
+ end
+ end
+ local fallbackreport = (texio and texio.write) or io.write
+ function xml.lshow(pattern,report)
+ report = report or fallbackreport
+ local lp = xml.lpath(pattern)
+ if lp == false then
+ report(" -: root\n")
+ elseif lp == true then
+ report(" -: wildcard\n")
+ else
+ if type(pattern) == "string" then
+ report(format("pattern: %s\n",pattern))
+ end
+ for k,v in ipairs(lp) do
+ if #v > 1 then
+ local t = { }
+ for i=2,#v do
+ local vv = v[i]
+ if type(vv) == "string" then
+ t[#t+1] = (vv ~= "" and vv) or "#"
+ elseif type(vv) == "boolean" then
+ t[#t+1] = (vv and "==") or "<>"
+ end
+ end
+ report(format("%2i: %s %s -> %s\n", k,v[1],actions[v[1]],concat(t," ")))
+ else
+ report(format("%2i: %s %s\n", k,v[1],actions[v[1]]))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.xshow(e,...) -- also handy when report is given, use () to isolate first e
+ local t = { ... }
+ local report = (type(t[#t]) == "function" and t[#t]) or fallbackreport
+ if e == nil then
+ report("<!-- no element -->\n")
+ elseif type(e) ~= "table" then
+ report(tostring(e))
+ elseif then
+ report(tostring(e) .. "\n")
+ else
+ for i=1,#e do
+ report(tostring(e[i]) .. "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+<p>An <l n='lpath'/> is converted to a table with instructions for traversing the
+tree. Hoever, simple cases are signaled by booleans. Because we don't know in
+advance what we want to do with the found element the handle gets three arguments:</p>
+<t>r</t> : the root element of the data table
+<t>d</t> : the data table of the result
+<t>t</t> : the index in the data table of the result
+<p> Access to the root and data table makes it possible to construct insert and delete
+ local functions = xml.functions
+ functions.contains = string.find
+ functions.find = string.find
+ functions.upper = string.upper
+ functions.lower = string.lower
+ functions.number = tonumber
+ functions.boolean = toboolean
+ functions.oneof = function(s,...) -- slow
+ local t = {...} for i=1,#t do if s == t[i] then return true end end return false
+ end
+ functions.error = function(str)
+ xml.error_handler("unknown function in lpath expression",str)
+ return false
+ end
+ functions.text = function(root,k,n) -- unchecked, maybe one deeper
+ local t = type(t)
+ if t == "string" then
+ return t
+ else -- todo n
+ local rdt = root.dt
+ return (rdt and rdt[k]) or root[k] or ""
+ end
+ end
+ = function(root,k,n)
+ -- way too fuzzy
+ local found
+ if not k or not n then
+ local ns, tg = root.rn or root.ns or "",
+ if not tg then
+ for i=1,#root do
+ local e = root[i]
+ if type(e) == "table" then
+ found = e
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ elseif ns ~= "" then
+ return ns .. ":" .. tg
+ else
+ return tg
+ end
+ elseif n == 0 then
+ local e = root[k]
+ if type(e) ~= "table" then
+ found = e
+ end
+ elseif n < 0 then
+ for i=k-1,1,-1 do
+ local e = root[i]
+ if type(e) == "table" then
+ if n == -1 then
+ found = e
+ break
+ else
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+--~ print(k,n,#root)
+ for i=k+1,#root,1 do
+ local e = root[i]
+ if type(e) == "table" then
+ if n == 1 then
+ found = e
+ break
+ else
+ n = n - 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if found then
+ local ns, tg = found.rn or found.ns or "",
+ if ns ~= "" then
+ return ns .. ":" .. tg
+ else
+ return tg
+ end
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+ end
+ local function traverse(root,pattern,handle,reverse,index,parent,wildcard) -- multiple only for tags, not for namespaces
+ if not root then -- error
+ return false
+ elseif pattern == false then -- root
+ handle(root,root.dt,root.ri)
+ return false
+ elseif pattern == true then -- wildcard
+ local rootdt = root.dt
+ if rootdt then
+ local start, stop, step = 1, #rootdt, 1
+ if reverse then
+ start, stop, step = stop, start, -1
+ end
+ for k=start,stop,step do
+ if handle(root,rootdt,root.ri or k) then return false end
+ if not traverse(rootdt[k],true,handle,reverse) then return false end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ elseif root.dt then
+ index = index or 1
+ local action = pattern[index]
+ local command = action[1]
+ if command == 29 then -- fast case /oeps
+ local rootdt = root.dt
+ for k=1,#rootdt do
+ local e = rootdt[k]
+ local tg =
+ if then
+ local ns = e.rn or e.ns
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ local matched = (ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a) and (tg_a == "*" or tg == tg_a)
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ if matched then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,k) then return false end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif command == 11 then -- parent
+ local ep = root.__p__ or parent
+ if index < #pattern then
+ if not traverse(ep,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ elseif handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ if (command == 16 or command == 12) and index == 1 then -- initial
+ -- wildcard = true
+ wildcard = command == 16 -- ok?
+ index = index + 1
+ action = pattern[index]
+ command = action and action[1] or 0 -- something is wrong
+ end
+ if command == 11 then -- parent
+ local ep = root.__p__ or parent
+ if index < #pattern then
+ if not traverse(ep,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ elseif handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ local rootdt = root.dt
+ local start, stop, step, n, dn = 1, #rootdt, 1, 0, 1
+ if command == 30 then
+ if action[5] < 0 then
+ start, stop, step = stop, start, -1
+ dn = -1
+ end
+ elseif reverse and index == #pattern then
+ start, stop, step = stop, start, -1
+ end
+ local idx = 0
+ for k=start,stop,step do -- we used to have functions for all but a case is faster
+ local e = rootdt[k]
+ local ns, tg = e.rn or e.ns,
+ if tg then
+ idx = idx + 1
+ if command == 30 then
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ if matched then
+ n = n + dn
+ if n == action[5] then
+ if index == #pattern then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,root.ri or k) then return false end
+ else
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ elseif wildcard then
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index,root,true) then return false end
+ end
+ else
+ local matched, multiple = false, false
+ if command == 20 then -- match
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ elseif command == 21 then -- match one of
+ multiple = true
+ for i=3,#action,2 do
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[i], action[i+1]
+ if (ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a) and (tg == "*" or tg == tg_a) then
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ elseif command == 22 then -- eq
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ matched = matched and[action[6]] == action[7]
+ elseif command == 23 then -- ne
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ matched = mached and[action[6]] ~= action[7]
+ elseif command == 24 then -- one of eq
+ multiple = true
+ for i=3,#action-2,2 do
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[i], action[i+1]
+ if (ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a) and (tg == "*" or tg == tg_a) then
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ matched = matched and[action[#action-1]] == action[#action]
+ elseif command == 25 then -- one of ne
+ multiple = true
+ for i=3,#action-2,2 do
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[i], action[i+1]
+ if (ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a) and (tg == "*" or tg == tg_a) then
+ matched = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ matched = matched and[action[#action-1]] ~= action[#action]
+ elseif command == 27 then -- has attribute
+ local ns_a, tg_a = action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ matched = matched and[action[5]]
+ elseif command == 28 then -- has value
+ local edt, ns_a, tg_a = e.dt, action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ matched = matched and edt and edt[1] == action[5]
+ elseif command == 31 then
+ local edt, ns_a, tg_a = e.dt, action[3], action[4]
+ if tg == tg_a then
+ matched = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a
+ elseif tg_a == '*' then
+ matched, multiple = ns_a == "*" or ns == ns_a, true
+ else
+ matched = false
+ end
+ if not action[2] then matched = not matched end
+ if matched then
+ matched = action[6](functions,idx, or { },edt[1],rootdt,k)
+ end
+ end
+ if matched then -- combine tg test and at test
+ if index == #pattern then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,root.ri or k) then return false end
+ if wildcard then
+ if multiple then
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index,root,true) then return false end
+ else
+ -- maybe or multiple; anyhow, check on (section|title) vs just section and title in example in lxml
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index,root) then return false end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ end
+ elseif command == 14 then -- any
+ if index == #pattern then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,root.ri or k) then return false end
+ else
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ end
+ elseif command == 15 then -- many
+ if index == #pattern then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,root.ri or k) then return false end
+ else
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root,true) then return false end
+ end
+ -- not here : 11
+ elseif command == 11 then -- parent
+ local ep = e.__p__ or parent
+ if index < #pattern then
+ if not traverse(ep,pattern,handle,reverse,root,index+1) then return false end
+ elseif handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ elseif command == 40 and e.special and tg == "@pi@" then -- pi
+ local pi = action[2]
+ if pi ~= "" then
+ local pt = e.dt[1]
+ if pt and pt:find(pi) then
+ if handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ elseif handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ elseif wildcard then
+ if not traverse(e,pattern,handle,reverse,index,root,true) then return false end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- not here : 11
+ if command == 11 then -- parent
+ local ep = e.__p__ or parent
+ if index < #pattern then
+ if not traverse(ep,pattern,handle,reverse,index+1,root) then return false end
+ elseif handle(root,rootdt,k) then
+ return false
+ end
+ break -- else loop
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ xml.traverse = traverse
+<p>Next come all kind of locators and manipulators. The most generic function here
+is <t>xml.filter(root,pattern)</t>. All registers functions in the filters namespace
+can be path of a search path, as in:</p>
+local r, d, k = xml.filter(root,"/a/b/c/position(4)"
+ local traverse, lpath, convert = xml.traverse, xml.lpath, xml.convert
+ xml.filters = { }
+ function xml.filters.default(root,pattern)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt,dt,dk = r,d,k return true end)
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ function xml.filters.attributes(root,pattern,arguments)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt, dt, dk = r, d, k return true end)
+ local ekat = (dt and dt[dk] and dt[dk].at) or (rt and
+ if ekat then
+ if arguments then
+ return ekat[arguments] or "", rt, dt, dk
+ else
+ return ekat, rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ else
+ return { }, rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.filters.reverse(root,pattern)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt,dt,dk = r,d,k return true end, 'reverse')
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ function xml.filters.count(root,pattern,everything)
+ local n = 0
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,t)
+ if everything or type(d[t]) == "table" then
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ end)
+ return n
+ end
+ function xml.filters.elements(root, pattern) -- == all
+ local t = { }
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local e = d[k]
+ if e then
+ t[#t+1] = e
+ end
+ end)
+ return t
+ end
+ function xml.filters.texts(root, pattern)
+ local t = { }
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local e = d[k]
+ if e and e.dt then
+ t[#t+1] = e.dt
+ end
+ end)
+ return t
+ end
+ function xml.filters.first(root,pattern)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt,dt,dk = r,d,k return true end)
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ function xml.filters.last(root,pattern)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt,dt,dk = r,d,k return true end, 'reverse')
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ function xml.filters.index(root,pattern,arguments)
+ local rt, dt, dk, reverse, i = nil, nil, nil, false, tonumber(arguments or '1') or 1
+ if i and i ~= 0 then
+ if i < 0 then
+ reverse, i = true, -i
+ end
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt, dt, dk, i = r, d, k, i-1 return i == 0 end, reverse)
+ if i == 0 then
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+ end
+ function xml.filters.attribute(root,pattern,arguments)
+ local rt, dt, dk
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) rt, dt, dk = r, d, k return true end)
+ local ekat = (dt and dt[dk] and dt[dk].at) or (rt and
+ return (ekat and (ekat[arguments] or ekat[arguments:gsub("^([\"\'])(.*)%1$","%2")])) or ""
+ end
+ function xml.filters.text(root,pattern,arguments) -- ?? why index, tostring slow
+ local dtk, rt, dt, dk = xml.filters.index(root,pattern,arguments)
+ if dtk then -- n
+ local dtkdt = dtk.dt
+ if not dtkdt then
+ return "", rt, dt, dk
+ elseif #dtkdt == 1 and type(dtkdt[1]) == "string" then
+ return dtkdt[1], rt, dt, dk
+ else
+ return xml.tostring(dtkdt), rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ else
+ return "", rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.filters.tag(root,pattern,n)
+ local tag = ""
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ tag = xml.functions.tag(d,k,n and tonumber(n))
+ return true
+ end)
+ return tag
+ end
+ function,pattern,n)
+ local tag = ""
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ tag =,k,n and tonumber(n))
+ return true
+ end)
+ return tag
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>For splitting the filter function from the path specification, we can
+ use string matching or lpeg matching. Here the difference in speed is
+ neglectable but the lpeg variant is more robust.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ -- not faster but hipper ... although ... i can't get rid of the trailing / in the path
+ local P, S, R, C, V, Cc = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc
+ local slash = P('/')
+ local name = (R("az","AZ","--","__"))^1
+ local path = C(((1-slash)^0 * slash)^1)
+ local argument = P { "(" * C(((1 - S("()")) + V(1))^0) * ")" }
+ local action = Cc(1) * path * C(name) * argument
+ local attribute = Cc(2) * path * P('@') * C(name)
+ local direct = Cc(3) * Cc("../*") * slash^0 * C(name) * argument
+ local parser = direct + action + attribute
+ local filters = xml.filters
+ local attribute_filter = xml.filters.attributes
+ local default_filter = xml.filters.default
+ -- todo: also hash, could be gc'd
+ function xml.filter(root,pattern)
+ local kind, a, b, c = parser:match(pattern)
+--~ if xml.trace_lpath then
+--~ print(pattern,kind,a,b,c)
+--~ end
+ if kind == 1 or kind == 3 then
+ return (filters[b] or default_filter)(root,a,c)
+ elseif kind == 2 then
+ return attribute_filter(root,a,b)
+ else
+ return default_filter(root,pattern)
+ end
+ end
+ --~ slightly faster, but first we need a proper test file
+ --~
+ --~ local hash = { }
+ --~
+ --~ function xml.filter(root,pattern)
+ --~ local h = hash[pattern]
+ --~ if not h then
+ --~ local kind, a, b, c = parser:match(pattern)
+ --~ if kind == 1 then
+ --~ h = { kind, filters[b] or default_filter, a, b, c }
+ --~ elseif kind == 2 then
+ --~ h = { kind, attribute_filter, a, b, c }
+ --~ else
+ --~ h = { kind, default_filter, a, b, c }
+ --~ end
+ --~ hash[pattern] = h
+ --~ end
+ --~ local kind = h[1]
+ --~ if kind == 1 then
+ --~ return h[2](root,h[2],h[4])
+ --~ elseif kind == 2 then
+ --~ return h[2](root,h[2],h[3])
+ --~ else
+ --~ return h[2](root,pattern)
+ --~ end
+ --~ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>The following functions collect elements and texts.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ -- still somewhat bugged
+ function xml.collect_elements(root, pattern, ignorespaces)
+ local rr, dd = { }, { }
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dk = d and d[k]
+ if dk then
+ if ignorespaces and type(dk) == "string" and dk:find("[^%S]") then
+ -- ignore
+ else
+ local n = #rr+1
+ rr[n], dd[n] = r, dk
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return dd, rr
+ end
+ function xml.collect_texts(root, pattern, flatten)
+ local t = { } -- no r collector
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ if d then
+ local ek = d[k]
+ local tx = ek and ek.dt
+ if flatten then
+ if tx then
+ t[#t+1] = xml.tostring(tx) or ""
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = ""
+ end
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = tx or ""
+ end
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = ""
+ end
+ end)
+ return t
+ end
+ function xml.collect_tags(root, pattern, nonamespace)
+ local t = { }
+ xml.traverse(root, xml.lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dk = d and d[k]
+ if dk and type(dk) == "table" then
+ local ns, tg = e.ns,
+ if nonamespace then
+ t[#t+1] = tg -- if needed we can return an extra table
+ elseif ns == "" then
+ t[#t+1] = tg
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = ns .. ":" .. tg
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return #t > 0 and {}
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>Often using an iterators looks nicer in the code than passing handler
+ functions. The <l n='lua'/> book describes how to use coroutines for that
+ purpose (<url href=''/>). This permits
+ code like:</p>
+ <typing>
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(xml.load('text.xml'),"title") do
+ print(d[k])
+ end
+ </typing>
+ <p>Which will print all the titles in the document. The iterator variant takes
+ 1.5 times the runtime of the function variant which is due to the overhead in
+ creating the wrapper. So, instead of:</p>
+ <typing>
+ function xml.filters.first(root,pattern)
+ for rt,dt,dk in xml.elements(root,pattern)
+ return dt and dt[dk], rt, dt, dk
+ end
+ return nil, nil, nil, nil
+ end
+ </typing>
+ <p>We use the function variants in the filters.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ local wrap, yield = coroutine.wrap, coroutine.yield
+ function xml.elements(root,pattern,reverse)
+ return wrap(function() traverse(root, lpath(pattern), yield, reverse) end)
+ end
+ function xml.elements_only(root,pattern,reverse)
+ return wrap(function() traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) yield(d[k]) end, reverse) end)
+ end
+ function xml.each_element(root, pattern, handle, reverse)
+ local ok
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k) ok = true handle(r,d,k) end, reverse)
+ return ok
+ end
+ function xml.process_elements(root, pattern, handle)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dkdt = d[k].dt
+ if dkdt then
+ for i=1,#dkdt do
+ local v = dkdt[i]
+ if then handle(v) end
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.process_attributes(root, pattern, handle)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local ek = d[k]
+ local a = or { }
+ handle(a)
+ if next(a) then -- next is faster than type (and >0 test)
+ = a
+ else
+ = nil
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ --[[ldx--
+ <p>We've now arrives at the functions that manipulate the tree.</p>
+ --ldx]]--
+ function xml.inject_element(root, pattern, element, prepend)
+ if root and element then
+ local matches, collect = { }, nil
+ if type(element) == "string" then
+ element = convert(element,true)
+ end
+ if element then
+ collect = function(r,d,k) matches[#matches+1] = { r, d, k, element } end
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), collect)
+ for i=1,#matches do
+ local m = matches[i]
+ local r, d, k, element, edt = m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], nil
+ if element.ri then
+ element = element.dt[element.ri].dt
+ else
+ element = element.dt
+ end
+ if r.ri then
+ edt = r.dt[r.ri].dt
+ else
+ edt = d and d[k] and d[k].dt
+ end
+ if edt then
+ local be, af
+ if prepend then
+ be, af = xml.copy(element), edt
+ else
+ be, af = edt, xml.copy(element)
+ end
+ for i=1,#af do
+ be[#be+1] = af[i]
+ end
+ if r.ri then
+ r.dt[r.ri].dt = be
+ else
+ d[k].dt = be
+ end
+ else
+ -- r.dt = element.dt -- todo
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- todo: copy !
+ function xml.insert_element(root, pattern, element, before) -- todo: element als functie
+ if root and element then
+ if pattern == "/" then
+ xml.inject_element(root, pattern, element, before)
+ else
+ local matches, collect = { }, nil
+ if type(element) == "string" then
+ element = convert(element,true)
+ end
+ if element and element.ri then
+ element = element.dt[element.ri]
+ end
+ if element then
+ collect = function(r,d,k) matches[#matches+1] = { r, d, k, element } end
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), collect)
+ for i=#matches,1,-1 do
+ local m = matches[i]
+ local r, d, k, element = m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]
+ if not before then k = k + 1 end
+ if then
+ table.insert(d,k,element) -- untested
+ elseif element.dt then
+ for _,v in ipairs(element.dt) do -- i added
+ table.insert(d,k,v)
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xml.insert_element_after = xml.insert_element
+ xml.insert_element_before = function(r,p,e) xml.insert_element(r,p,e,true) end
+ xml.inject_element_after = xml.inject_element
+ xml.inject_element_before = function(r,p,e) xml.inject_element(r,p,e,true) end
+ function xml.delete_element(root, pattern)
+ local matches, deleted = { }, { }
+ local collect = function(r,d,k) matches[#matches+1] = { r, d, k } end
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), collect)
+ for i=#matches,1,-1 do
+ local m = matches[i]
+ deleted[#deleted+1] = table.remove(m[2],m[3])
+ end
+ return deleted
+ end
+ function xml.replace_element(root, pattern, element)
+ if type(element) == "string" then
+ element = convert(element,true)
+ end
+ if element and element.ri then
+ element = element.dt[element.ri]
+ end
+ if element then
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(rm, d, k)
+ d[k] = element.dt -- maybe not clever enough
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ local function load_data(name) -- == io.loaddata
+ local f, data =, ""
+ if f then
+ data = f:read("*all",'b') -- 'b' ?
+ f:close()
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ function xml.include(xmldata,pattern,attribute,recursive,loaddata)
+ -- parse="text" (default: xml), encoding="" (todo)
+ -- attribute = attribute or 'href'
+ pattern = pattern or 'include'
+ loaddata = loaddata or load_data
+ local function include(r,d,k)
+ local ek, name = d[k], nil
+ if not attribute or attribute == "" then
+ local ekdt = ek.dt
+ name = (type(ekdt) == "table" and ekdt[1]) or ekdt
+ end
+ if not name then
+ if then
+ for a in (attribute or "href"):gmatch("([^|]+)") do
+ name =[a]
+ if name then break end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local data = (name and name ~= "" and loaddata(name)) or ""
+ if data == "" then
+ xml.empty(d,k)
+ elseif["parse"] == "text" then -- for the moment hard coded
+ d[k] = xml.escaped(data)
+ else
+ local xi = xml.convert(data)
+ if not xi then
+ xml.empty(d,k)
+ else
+ if recursive then
+ xml.include(xi,pattern,attribute,recursive,loaddata)
+ end
+ xml.assign(d,k,xi)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xml.each_element(xmldata, pattern, include)
+ end
+ function xml.strip_whitespace(root, pattern)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dkdt = d[k].dt
+ if dkdt then -- can be optimized
+ local t = { }
+ for i=1,#dkdt do
+ local str = dkdt[i]
+ if type(str) == "string" and str:find("^[ \n\r\t]*$") then
+ -- stripped
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = str
+ end
+ end
+ d[k].dt = t
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.rename_space(root, oldspace, newspace) -- fast variant
+ local ndt = #root.dt
+ local rename = xml.rename_space
+ for i=1,ndt or 0 do
+ local e = root[i]
+ if type(e) == "table" then
+ if e.ns == oldspace then
+ e.ns = newspace
+ if e.rn then
+ e.rn = newspace
+ end
+ end
+ local edt = e.dt
+ if edt then
+ rename(edt, oldspace, newspace)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.remap_tag(root, pattern, newtg)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ d[k].tg = newtg
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.remap_namespace(root, pattern, newns)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ d[k].ns = newns
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.check_namespace(root, pattern, newns)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if (not dk.rn or dk.rn == "") and dk.ns == "" then
+ dk.rn = newns
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.remap_name(root, pattern, newtg, newns, newrn)
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ local dk = d[k]
+ = newtg
+ dk.ns = newns
+ dk.rn = newrn
+ end)
+ end
+ function xml.filters.found(root,pattern,check_content)
+ local found = false
+ traverse(root, lpath(pattern), function(r,d,k)
+ if check_content then
+ local dk = d and d[k]
+ found = dk and dk.dt and next(dk.dt) and true
+ else
+ found = true
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+ return found
+ end
+<p>Here are a few synonyms.</p>
+xml.filters.position = xml.filters.index
+xml.count = xml.filters.count
+xml.index = xml.filters.index
+xml.position = xml.filters.index
+xml.first = xml.filters.first
+xml.last = xml.filters.last
+xml.found = xml.filters.found
+xml.each = xml.each_element
+xml.process = xml.process_element
+xml.strip = xml.strip_whitespace
+xml.collect = xml.collect_elements
+xml.all = xml.collect_elements
+xml.insert = xml.insert_element_after
+xml.inject = xml.inject_element_after
+xml.after = xml.insert_element_after
+xml.before = xml.insert_element_before
+xml.delete = xml.delete_element
+xml.replace = xml.replace_element
+<p>The following helper functions best belong to the <t>lmxl-ini</t>
+module. Some are here because we need then in the <t>mk</t>
+document and other manuals, others came up when playing with
+this module. Since this module is also used in <l n='mtxrun'/> we've
+put them here instead of loading mode modules there then needed.</p>
+function xml.gsub(t,old,new)
+ if t.dt then
+ for k,v in ipairs(t.dt) do
+ if type(v) == "string" then
+ t.dt[k] = v:gsub(old,new)
+ else
+ xml.gsub(v,old,new)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function xml.strip_leading_spaces(dk,d,k) -- cosmetic, for manual
+ if d and k and d[k-1] and type(d[k-1]) == "string" then
+ local s = d[k-1]:match("\n(%s+)")
+ xml.gsub(dk,"\n"..string.rep(" ",#s),"\n")
+ end
+function xml.serialize_path(root,lpath,handle)
+ local dk, r, d, k = xml.first(root,lpath)
+ dk = xml.copy(dk)
+ xml.strip_leading_spaces(dk,d,k)
+ xml.serialize(dk,handle)
+--~ xml.escapes = { ['&'] = '&amp;', ['<'] = '&lt;', ['>'] = '&gt;', ['"'] = '&quot;' }
+--~ xml.unescapes = { } for k,v in pairs(xml.escapes) do xml.unescapes[v] = k end
+--~ function xml.escaped (str) return str:gsub("(.)" , xml.escapes ) end
+--~ function xml.unescaped(str) return str:gsub("(&.-;)", xml.unescapes) end
+--~ function xml.cleansed (str) return str:gsub("<.->" , '' ) end -- "%b<>"
+ local P, S, R, C, V, Cc, Cs = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs
+ -- 100 * 2500 * "oeps< oeps> oeps&" : gsub:lpeg|lpeg|lpeg
+ --
+ -- 1021:0335:0287:0247
+ -- 10 * 1000 * "oeps< oeps> oeps& asfjhalskfjh alskfjh alskfjh alskfjh ;al J;LSFDJ"
+ --
+ -- 1559:0257:0288:0190 (last one suggested by roberto)
+ -- escaped = Cs((S("<&>") / xml.escapes + 1)^0)
+ -- escaped = Cs((S("<")/"&lt;" + S(">")/"&gt;" + S("&")/"&amp;" + 1)^0)
+ local normal = (1 - S("<&>"))^0
+ local special = P("<")/"&lt;" + P(">")/"&gt;" + P("&")/"&amp;"
+ local escaped = Cs(normal * (special * normal)^0)
+ -- 100 * 1000 * "oeps&lt; oeps&gt; oeps&amp;" : gsub:lpeg == 0153:0280:0151:0080 (last one by roberto)
+ -- unescaped = Cs((S("&lt;")/"<" + S("&gt;")/">" + S("&amp;")/"&" + 1)^0)
+ -- unescaped = Cs((((P("&")/"") * (P("lt")/"<" + P("gt")/">" + P("amp")/"&") * (P(";")/"")) + 1)^0)
+ local normal = (1 - S"&")^0
+ local special = P("&lt;")/"<" + P("&gt;")/">" + P("&amp;")/"&"
+ local unescaped = Cs(normal * (special * normal)^0)
+ -- 100 * 5000 * "oeps <oeps bla='oeps' foo='bar'> oeps </oeps> oeps " : gsub:lpeg == 623:501 msec (short tags, less difference)
+ local cleansed = Cs(((P("<") * (1-P(">"))^0 * P(">"))/"" + 1)^0)
+ function xml.escaped (str) return escaped :match(str) end
+ function xml.unescaped(str) return unescaped:match(str) end
+ function xml.cleansed (str) return cleansed :match(str) end
+function xml.join(t,separator,lastseparator)
+ if #t > 0 then
+ local result = { }
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ result[k] = xml.tostring(v)
+ end
+ if lastseparator then
+ return concat(result,separator or "",1,#result-1) .. (lastseparator or "") .. result[#result]
+ else
+ return concat(result,separator)
+ end
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+<p>We provide (at least here) two entity handlers. The more extensive
+resolver consults a hash first, tries to convert to <l n='utf'/> next,
+and finaly calls a handler when defines. When this all fails, the
+original entity is returned.</p>
+do if unicode and unicode.utf8 then
+ xml.entities = xml.entities or { } -- xml.entities.handler == function
+ function xml.entities.handler(e)
+ return format("[%s]",e)
+ end
+ local char = unicode.utf8.char
+ local function toutf(s)
+ return char(tonumber(s,16))
+ end
+ local entities = xml.entities -- global entities
+ function utfize(root)
+ local d = root.dt
+ for k=1,#d do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if type(dk) == "string" then
+ -- test prevents copying if no match
+ if dk:find("&#x.-;") then
+ d[k] = dk:gsub("&#x(.-);",toutf)
+ end
+ else
+ utfize(dk)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xml.utfize = utfize
+ local function resolve(e) -- hex encoded always first, just to avoid mkii fallbacks
+ if e:find("#x") then
+ return char(tonumber(e:sub(3),16))
+ else
+ local ee = entities[e]
+ if ee then
+ return ee
+ else
+ local h = xml.entities.handler
+ return (h and h(e)) or "&" .. e .. ";"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function resolve_entities(root)
+ if not root.special or == "@rt@" then
+ local d = root.dt
+ for k=1,#d do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if type(dk) == "string" then
+ if dk:find("&.-;") then
+ d[k] = dk:gsub("&(.-);",resolve)
+ end
+ else
+ resolve_entities(dk)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ xml.resolve_entities = resolve_entities
+ function xml.utfize_text(str)
+ if str:find("&#") then
+ return (str:gsub("&#x(.-);",toutf))
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.resolve_text_entities(str) -- maybe an lpeg. maybe resolve inline
+ if str:find("&") then
+ return (str:gsub("&(.-);",resolve))
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ function xml.show_text_entities(str)
+ if str:find("&") then
+ return (str:gsub("&(.-);","[%1]"))
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+ end
+ -- experimental, this will be done differently
+ function xml.merge_entities(root)
+ local documententities = root.entities
+ local allentities = xml.entities
+ if documententities then
+ for k, v in pairs(documententities) do
+ allentities[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end end
+-- xml.set_text_cleanup(xml.show_text_entities)
+-- xml.set_text_cleanup(xml.resolve_text_entities)
+--~ xml.lshow("/../../../a/(b|c)[@d='e']/f")
+--~ xml.lshow("/../../../a/!(b|c)[@d='e']/f")
+--~ xml.lshow("/../../../a/!b[@d!='e']/f")
+--~ x = xml.convert([[
+--~ <a>
+--~ <b n='01'>01</b>
+--~ <b n='02'>02</b>
+--~ <b n='03'>03</b>
+--~ <b n='04'>OK</b>
+--~ <b n='05'>05</b>
+--~ <b n='06'>06</b>
+--~ <b n='07'>ALSO OK</b>
+--~ </a>
+--~ ]])
+--~ xml.trace_lpath = true
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[position() > 2 and position() < 5 and text() == 'ok']"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[position() > 2 and position() < 5 and text() == upper('ok')]"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[@n=='03' or @n=='08']"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.all (x,"b[number(@n)>2 and number(@n)<6]"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[find(text(),'ALSO')]"))
+--~ str = [[
+--~ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+--~ <story line='mojca'>
+--~ <windows>my secret</mouse>
+--~ </story>
+--~ ]]
+--~ x = xml.convert([[
+--~ <a><b n='01'>01</b><b n='02'>02</b><x>xx</x><b n='03'>03</b><b n='04'>OK</b></a>
+--~ ]])
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[tag(2) == 'x']"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[tag(1) == 'x']"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[tag(-1) == 'x']"))
+--~ xml.xshow(xml.first(x,"b[tag(-2) == 'x']"))
+--~ print(xml.filter(x,"b/tag(2)"))
+--~ print(xml.filter(x,"b/tag(1)"))
+-- filename : l-utils.lua
+-- comment : split off from luat-lib
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['l-utils'] = 1.001
+if not utils then utils = { } end
+if not utils.merger then utils.merger = { } end
+if not utils.lua then utils.lua = { } end
+utils.merger.m_begin = "begin library merge"
+utils.merger.m_end = "end library merge"
+utils.merger.pattern =
+ "%c+" ..
+ "%-%-%s+" .. utils.merger.m_begin ..
+ "%c+(.-)%c+" ..
+ "%-%-%s+" .. utils.merger.m_end ..
+ "%c+"
+function utils.merger._self_fake_()
+ return
+ "-- " .. "created merged file" .. "\n\n" ..
+ "-- " .. utils.merger.m_begin .. "\n\n" ..
+ "-- " .. utils.merger.m_end .. "\n\n"
+ print(...)
+function utils.merger._self_load_(name)
+ local f, data =, ""
+ if f then
+ data = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ end
+ return data or ""
+function utils.merger._self_save_(name, data)
+ if data ~= "" then
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ f:write(data)
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+function utils.merger._self_swap_(data,code)
+ if data ~= "" then
+ return (data:gsub(utils.merger.pattern, function(s)
+ return "\n\n" .. "-- "..utils.merger.m_begin .. "\n" .. code .. "\n" .. "-- "..utils.merger.m_end .. "\n\n"
+ end, 1))
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function utils.merger._self_libs_(libs,list)
+ local result, f = { }, nil
+ if type(libs) == 'string' then libs = { libs } end
+ if type(list) == 'string' then list = { list } end
+ for _, lib in ipairs(libs) do
+ for _, pth in ipairs(list) do
+ local name = string.gsub(pth .. "/" .. lib,"\\","/")
+ f =
+ if f then
+ --"merging library",name)
+ result[#result+1] = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ list = { pth } -- speed up the search
+ break
+ else
+ --"no library",name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(result, "\n\n")
+function utils.merger.selfcreate(libs,list,target)
+ if target then
+ utils.merger._self_save_(
+ target,
+ utils.merger._self_swap_(
+ utils.merger._self_fake_(),
+ utils.merger._self_libs_(libs,list)
+ )
+ )
+ end
+function utils.merger.selfmerge(name,libs,list,target)
+ utils.merger._self_save_(
+ target or name,
+ utils.merger._self_swap_(
+ utils.merger._self_load_(name),
+ utils.merger._self_libs_(libs,list)
+ )
+ )
+function utils.merger.selfclean(name)
+ utils.merger._self_save_(
+ name,
+ utils.merger._self_swap_(
+ utils.merger._self_load_(name),
+ ""
+ )
+ )
+utils.lua.compile_strip = true
+function utils.lua.compile(luafile, lucfile)
+ --"compiling",luafile,"into",lucfile)
+ os.remove(lucfile)
+ local command = "-o " .. string.quote(lucfile) .. " " .. string.quote(luafile)
+ if utils.lua.compile_strip then
+ command = "-s " .. command
+ end
+ if os.spawn("texluac " .. command) == 0 then
+ return true
+ elseif os.spawn("luac " .. command) == 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+-- filename : luat-lib.lua
+-- comment : companion to luat-lib.tex
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['luat-lib'] = 1.001
+-- mostcode moved to the l-*.lua and other luat-*.lua files
+-- os / io
+os.setlocale(nil,nil) -- useless feature and even dangerous in luatex
+-- os.platform
+-- mswin|bccwin|mingw|cygwin windows
+-- darwin|rhapsody|nextstep macosx
+-- netbsd|unix unix
+-- linux linux
+if not io.fileseparator then
+ if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.platform = "\\", ";", os.type or "windows"
+ else
+ io.fileseparator, io.pathseparator, os.platform = "/" , ":", os.type or "unix"
+ end
+os.platform = os.platform or os.type or (io.pathseparator == ";" and "windows") or "unix"
+-- arg normalization
+-- for k,v in pairs(arg) do print(k,v) end
+-- environment
+if not environment then environment = { } end
+environment.ownbin = environment.ownbin or arg[-2] or arg[-1] or arg[0] or "luatex"
+local ownpath = nil -- we could use a metatable here
+function environment.ownpath()
+ if not ownpath then
+ for p in string.gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^""]+") do
+ local b = file.join(p,environment.ownbin)
+ if lfs.isfile(b..".exe") or lfs.isfile(b) then
+ ownpath = p
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not ownpath then ownpath = '.' end
+ end
+ return ownpath
+if arg and (arg[0] == 'luatex' or arg[0] == 'luatex.exe') and arg[1] == "--luaonly" then
+ arg[-1]=arg[0] arg[0]=arg[2] for k=3,#arg do arg[k-2]=arg[k] end arg[#arg]=nil arg[#arg]=nil
+environment.arguments = { }
+environment.files = { }
+environment.sorted_argument_keys = nil
+environment.platform = os.platform
+function environment.initialize_arguments(arg)
+ environment.arguments = { }
+ environment.files = { }
+ environment.sorted_argument_keys = nil
+ for index, argument in pairs(arg) do
+ if index > 0 then
+ local flag, value = argument:match("^%-+(.+)=(.-)$")
+ if flag then
+ environment.arguments[flag] = string.unquote(value or "")
+ else
+ flag = argument:match("^%-+(.+)")
+ if flag then
+ environment.arguments[flag] = true
+ else
+ environment.files[#environment.files+1] = argument
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ environment.ownname = environment.ownname or arg[0] or 'unknown.lua'
+function environment.showarguments()
+ for k,v in pairs(environment.arguments) do
+ print(k .. " : " .. tostring(v))
+ end
+ if #environment.files > 0 then
+ print("files : " .. table.concat(environment.files, " "))
+ end
+function environment.setargument(name,value)
+ environment.arguments[name] = value
+function environment.argument(name)
+ if environment.arguments[name] then
+ return environment.arguments[name]
+ else
+ if not environment.sorted_argument_keys then
+ environment.sorted_argument_keys = { }
+ for _,v in pairs(table.sortedkeys(environment.arguments)) do
+ table.insert(environment.sorted_argument_keys, "^" .. v)
+ end
+ end
+ for _,v in pairs(environment.sorted_argument_keys) do
+ if name:find(v) then
+ return environment.arguments[v:sub(2,#v)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function environment.split_arguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
+ local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
+ for _,v in ipairs(environment.original_arguments) do
+ if not done and v == separator then
+ done = true
+ elseif done then
+ after[#after+1] = v
+ else
+ before[#before+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return before, after
+function environment.reconstruct_commandline(arg)
+ if not arg then arg = environment.original_arguments end
+ local result = { }
+ for _,a in ipairs(arg) do -- ipairs 1 .. #n
+ local kk, vv = a:match("^(%-+.-)=(.+)$")
+ if kk and vv then
+ if vv:find(" ") then
+ result[#result+1] = kk .. "=" .. string.quote(vv)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = a
+ end
+ elseif a:find(" ") then
+ result[#result+1] = string.quote(a)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = a
+ end
+ end
+ return table.join(result," ")
+if arg then
+ environment.initialize_arguments(arg)
+ environment.original_arguments = arg
+ arg = { } -- prevent duplicate handling
+-- filename : luat-inp.lua
+-- comment : companion to luat-lib.tex
+-- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
+-- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
+-- license : see context related readme files
+-- This lib is multi-purpose and can be loaded again later on so that
+-- additional functionality becomes available. We will split this
+-- module in components when we're done with prototyping.
+-- TODO: os.getenv -> os.env[]
+-- TODO: instances.[hashes,cnffiles,configurations,522] -> ipairs (alles check, sneller)
+-- TODO: check escaping in find etc, too much, too slow
+-- This is the first code I wrote for LuaTeX, so it needs some cleanup.
+-- To be considered: hash key lowercase, first entry in table filename
+-- (any case), rest paths (so no need for optimization). Or maybe a
+-- separate table that matches lowercase names to mixed case when
+-- present. In that case the lower() cases can go away. I will do that
+-- only when we run into problems with names ... well ... Iwona-Regular.
+-- Beware, loading and saving is overloaded in luat-tmp!
+if not versions then versions = { } end versions['luat-inp'] = 1.001
+if not environment then environment = { } end
+if not file then file = { } end
+if environment.aleph_mode == nil then environment.aleph_mode = true end -- temp hack
+if not input then input = { } end
+if not input.suffixes then input.suffixes = { } end
+if not input.formats then input.formats = { } end
+if not input.aux then input.aux = { } end
+if not input.suffixmap then input.suffixmap = { } end
+if not input.locators then input.locators = { } end -- locate databases
+if not input.hashers then input.hashers = { } end -- load databases
+if not input.generators then input.generators = { } end -- generate databases
+if not input.filters then input.filters = { } end -- conversion filters
+local format = string.format
+input.locators.notfound = { nil }
+input.hashers.notfound = { nil }
+input.generators.notfound = { nil }
+input.cacheversion = '1.0.1'
+input.banner = nil
+input.verbose = false
+input.debug = false
+input.cnfname = 'texmf.cnf'
+input.luaname = 'texmfcnf.lua'
+input.lsrname = 'ls-R'
+input.luasuffix = '.tma'
+input.lucsuffix = '.tmc'
+-- we use a cleaned up list / format=any is a wildcard, as is *name
+input.formats['afm'] = 'AFMFONTS' input.suffixes['afm'] = { 'afm' }
+input.formats['enc'] = 'ENCFONTS' input.suffixes['enc'] = { 'enc' }
+input.formats['fmt'] = 'TEXFORMATS' input.suffixes['fmt'] = { 'fmt' }
+input.formats['map'] = 'TEXFONTMAPS' input.suffixes['map'] = { 'map' }
+input.formats['mp'] = 'MPINPUTS' input.suffixes['mp'] = { 'mp' }
+input.formats['ocp'] = 'OCPINPUTS' input.suffixes['ocp'] = { 'ocp' }
+input.formats['ofm'] = 'OFMFONTS' input.suffixes['ofm'] = { 'ofm', 'tfm' }
+input.formats['otf'] = 'OPENTYPEFONTS' input.suffixes['otf'] = { 'otf' } -- 'ttf'
+input.formats['opl'] = 'OPLFONTS' input.suffixes['opl'] = { 'opl' }
+input.formats['otp'] = 'OTPINPUTS' input.suffixes['otp'] = { 'otp' }
+input.formats['ovf'] = 'OVFFONTS' input.suffixes['ovf'] = { 'ovf', 'vf' }
+input.formats['ovp'] = 'OVPFONTS' input.suffixes['ovp'] = { 'ovp' }
+input.formats['tex'] = 'TEXINPUTS' input.suffixes['tex'] = { 'tex' }
+input.formats['tfm'] = 'TFMFONTS' input.suffixes['tfm'] = { 'tfm' }
+input.formats['ttf'] = 'TTFONTS' input.suffixes['ttf'] = { 'ttf', 'ttc' }
+input.formats['pfb'] = 'T1FONTS' input.suffixes['pfb'] = { 'pfb', 'pfa' }
+input.formats['vf'] = 'VFFONTS' input.suffixes['vf'] = { 'vf' }
+input.formats['fea'] = 'FONTFEATURES' input.suffixes['fea'] = { 'fea' }
+input.formats['cid'] = 'FONTCIDMAPS' input.suffixes['cid'] = { 'cid', 'cidmap' }
+input.formats ['texmfscripts'] = 'TEXMFSCRIPTS' -- new
+input.suffixes['texmfscripts'] = { 'rb', 'pl', 'py' } -- 'lua'
+input.formats ['lua'] = 'LUAINPUTS' -- new
+input.suffixes['lua'] = { 'lua', 'luc', 'tma', 'tmc' }
+-- here we catch a few new thingies (todo: add these paths to context.tmf)
+-- FONTFEATURES = .;$TEXMF/fonts/fea//
+-- FONTCIDMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/cid//
+function input.checkconfigdata(instance) -- not yet ok, no time for debugging now
+ local function fix(varname,default)
+ local proname = varname .. "." .. instance.progname or "crap"
+ local p = instance.environment[proname]
+ local v = instance.environment[varname]
+ if not ((p and p ~= "") or (v and v ~= "")) then
+ instance.variables[varname] = default -- or environment?
+ end
+ end
+-- backward compatible ones
+input.alternatives = { }
+input.alternatives['map files'] = 'map'
+input.alternatives['enc files'] = 'enc'
+input.alternatives['cid files'] = 'cid'
+input.alternatives['fea files'] = 'fea'
+input.alternatives['opentype fonts'] = 'otf'
+input.alternatives['truetype fonts'] = 'ttf'
+input.alternatives['truetype collections'] = 'ttc'
+input.alternatives['type1 fonts'] = 'pfb'
+-- obscure ones
+input.formats ['misc fonts'] = ''
+input.suffixes['misc fonts'] = { }
+input.formats ['sfd'] = 'SFDFONTS'
+input.suffixes ['sfd'] = { 'sfd' }
+input.alternatives['subfont definition files'] = 'sfd'
+function input.reset()
+ local instance = { }
+ instance.rootpath = ''
+ instance.treepath = ''
+ instance.progname = environment.progname or 'context'
+ instance.engine = environment.engine or 'luatex'
+ instance.format = ''
+ instance.environment = { }
+ instance.variables = { }
+ instance.expansions = { }
+ instance.files = { }
+ instance.remap = { }
+ instance.configuration = { }
+ instance.setup = { }
+ instance.order = { }
+ instance.found = { }
+ instance.foundintrees = { }
+ instance.kpsevars = { }
+ instance.hashes = { }
+ instance.cnffiles = { }
+ instance.luafiles = { }
+ instance.lists = { }
+ instance.remember = true
+ instance.diskcache = true
+ instance.renewcache = false
+ instance.scandisk = true
+ instance.cachepath = nil
+ instance.loaderror = false
+ instance.smallcache = false
+ instance.savelists = true
+ instance.cleanuppaths = true
+ instance.allresults = false
+ instance.pattern = nil -- lists
+ instance.kpseonly = false -- lists
+ instance.cachefile = 'tmftools'
+ instance.loadtime = 0
+ instance.starttime = 0
+ instance.stoptime = 0
+ instance.validfile = function(path,name) return true end
+ = { } -- only for loading
+ instance.force_suffixes = true
+ instance.dummy_path_expr = "^!*unset/*$"
+ instance.fakepaths = { }
+ instance.lsrmode = false
+ if os.env then
+ -- store once, freeze and faster
+ for k,v in pairs(os.env) do
+ instance.environment[k] = input.bare_variable(v)
+ end
+ else
+ -- we will access os.env frequently
+ for k,v in pairs({'HOME','TEXMF','TEXMFCNF'}) do
+ local e = os.getenv(v)
+ if e then
+ --"setting",v,"to",input.bare_variable(e))
+ instance.environment[v] = input.bare_variable(e)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- cross referencing
+ for k, v in pairs(input.suffixes) do
+ for _, vv in pairs(v) do
+ if vv then
+ input.suffixmap[vv] = k
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return instance
+function input.reset_hashes(instance)
+ instance.lists = { }
+ instance.found = { }
+function input.bare_variable(str) -- assumes str is a string
+ -- return string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(str,"%s+$",""),'^"(.+)"$',"%1"),"^'(.+)'$","%1")
+ return (str:gsub("\s*([\"\']?)(.+)%1\s*", "%2"))
+if texio then
+ input.log = texio.write_nl
+ input.log = print
+function input.simple_logger(kind, name)
+ if name and name ~= "" then
+ if input.banner then
+ input.log(input.banner..kind..": "
+ else
+ input.log("<<"..kind..": "">>")
+ end
+ else
+ if input.banner then
+ input.log(input.banner..kind..": no name")
+ else
+ input.log("<<"..kind..": no name>>")
+ end
+ end
+function input.dummy_logger()
+function input.settrace(n)
+ input.trace = tonumber(n or 0)
+ if input.trace > 0 then
+ input.logger = input.simple_logger
+ input.verbose = true
+ else
+ input.logger = function() end
+ end
+function -- inefficient
+ if input.verbose then
+ if input.banner then
+ input.log(input.banner .. table.concat({...},' '))
+ elseif input.logmode() == 'xml' then
+ input.log("<t>"..table.concat({...},' ').."</t>")
+ else
+ input.log("<<"..table.concat({...},' ')..">>")
+ end
+ end
+function input.reportlines(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ str = str:split("\n")
+ end
+ for _,v in pairs(str) do end
+input.settrace(tonumber(os.getenv("MTX.INPUT.TRACE") or os.getenv("MTX_INPUT_TRACE") or input.trace or 0))
+-- These functions can be used to test the performance, especially
+-- loading the database files.
+ local clock = os.gettimeofday or os.clock
+ function input.starttiming(instance)
+ if instance then
+ instance.starttime = clock()
+ if not instance.loadtime then
+ instance.loadtime = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function input.stoptiming(instance, report)
+ if instance then
+ local starttime = instance.starttime
+ if starttime then
+ local stoptime = clock()
+ local loadtime = stoptime - starttime
+ instance.stoptime = stoptime
+ instance.loadtime = instance.loadtime + loadtime
+ if report then
+'load time', format("%0.3f",loadtime))
+ end
+ return loadtime
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+function input.elapsedtime(instance)
+ return format("%0.3f",(instance and instance.loadtime) or 0)
+function input.report_loadtime(instance)
+ if instance then
+'total load time', input.elapsedtime(instance))
+ end
+input.loadtime = input.elapsedtime
+function input.env(instance,key)
+ return instance.environment[key] or input.osenv(instance,key)
+function input.osenv(instance,key)
+ local ie = instance.environment
+ local value = ie[key]
+ if value == nil then
+ -- local e = os.getenv(key)
+ local e = os.env[key]
+ if e == nil then
+ -- value = "" -- false
+ else
+ value = input.bare_variable(e)
+ end
+ ie[key] = value
+ end
+ return value or ""
+-- we follow a rather traditional approach:
+-- (1) texmf.cnf given in TEXMFCNF
+-- (2) texmf.cnf searched in TEXMF/web2c
+-- for the moment we don't expect a configuration file in a zip
+function input.identify_cnf(instance)
+ -- we no longer support treepath and rootpath (was handy for testing);
+ -- also we now follow the stupid route: if not set then just assume *one*
+ -- cnf file under texmf (i.e. distribution)
+ if #instance.cnffiles == 0 then
+ if input.env(instance,'TEXMFCNF') == "" then
+ local ownpath = environment.ownpath() or "."
+ if ownpath then
+ -- beware, this is tricky on my own system because at that location I do have
+ -- the raw tree that ends up in the zip; i.e. I cannot test this kind of mess
+ local function locate(filename,list)
+ local ownroot = input.normalize_name(file.join(ownpath,"../.."))
+ if not lfs.isdir(file.join(ownroot,"texmf")) then
+ ownroot = input.normalize_name(file.join(ownpath,".."))
+ if not lfs.isdir(file.join(ownroot,"texmf")) then
+ input.verbose = true
+"error", "unable to identify cnf file")
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local texmfcnf = file.join(ownroot,"texmf-local/web2c",filename) -- for minimals and myself
+ if not lfs.isfile(texmfcnf) then
+ texmfcnf = file.join(ownroot,"texmf/web2c",filename)
+ if not lfs.isfile(texmfcnf) then
+ input.verbose = true
+"error", "unable to locate",filename)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(list,texmfcnf)
+ local ie = instance.environment
+ if not ie['SELFAUTOPARENT'] then ie['SELFAUTOPARENT'] = ownroot end
+ if not ie['TEXMFCNF'] then ie['TEXMFCNF'] = file.dirname(texmfcnf) end
+ end
+ locate(input.luaname,instance.luafiles)
+ locate(input.cnfname,instance.cnffiles)
+ if #instance.luafiles == 0 and instance.cnffiles == 0 then
+ input.verbose = true
+"error", "unable to locate",filename)
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ -- here we also assume then TEXMF is set in the distribution, if this trickery is
+ -- used in the minimals, then users who don't use setuptex are on their own with
+ -- regards to extra trees
+ else
+ input.verbose = true
+"error", "unable to identify own path")
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ else
+ local t = input.split_path(input.env(instance,'TEXMFCNF'))
+ t = input.aux.expanded_path(instance,t)
+ input.aux.expand_vars(instance,t)
+ local function locate(filename,list)
+ for _,v in ipairs(t) do
+ local texmfcnf = input.normalize_name(file.join(v,filename))
+ if lfs.isfile(texmfcnf) then
+ table.insert(list,texmfcnf)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ locate(input.luaname,instance.luafiles)
+ locate(input.cnfname,instance.cnffiles)
+ end
+ end
+function input.load_cnf(instance)
+ local function loadoldconfigdata()
+ for _, fname in ipairs(instance.cnffiles) do
+ input.aux.load_cnf(instance,fname)
+ end
+ end
+ -- instance.cnffiles contain complete names now !
+ if #instance.cnffiles == 0 then
+"no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known)")
+ else
+ instance.rootpath = instance.cnffiles[1]
+ for k,fname in ipairs(instance.cnffiles) do
+ instance.cnffiles[k] = input.normalize_name(fname:gsub("\\",'/'))
+ end
+ for i=1,3 do
+ instance.rootpath = file.dirname(instance.rootpath)
+ end
+ instance.rootpath = input.normalize_name(instance.rootpath)
+ instance.environment['SELFAUTOPARENT'] = instance.rootpath -- just to be sure
+ if instance.lsrmode then
+ loadoldconfigdata()
+ elseif instance.diskcache and not instance.renewcache then
+ input.loadoldconfig(instance,instance.cnffiles)
+ if instance.loaderror then
+ loadoldconfigdata()
+ input.saveoldconfig(instance)
+ end
+ else
+ loadoldconfigdata()
+ if instance.renewcache then
+ input.saveoldconfig(instance)
+ end
+ end
+ input.aux.collapse_cnf_data(instance)
+ end
+ input.checkconfigdata(instance)
+function input.load_lua(instance)
+ if #instance.luafiles == 0 then
+ -- yet harmless
+ else
+ instance.rootpath = instance.luafiles[1]
+ for k,fname in ipairs(instance.luafiles) do
+ instance.luafiles[k] = input.normalize_name(fname:gsub("\\",'/'))
+ end
+ for i=1,3 do
+ instance.rootpath = file.dirname(instance.rootpath)
+ end
+ instance.rootpath = input.normalize_name(instance.rootpath)
+ instance.environment['SELFAUTOPARENT'] = instance.rootpath -- just to be sure
+ input.loadnewconfig(instance)
+ input.aux.collapse_cnf_data(instance)
+ end
+ input.checkconfigdata(instance)
+function input.aux.collapse_cnf_data(instance) -- potential optmization: pass start index (setup and configuration are shared)
+ for _,c in ipairs(instance.order) do
+ for k,v in pairs(c) do
+ if not instance.variables[k] then
+ if instance.environment[k] then
+ instance.variables[k] = instance.environment[k]
+ else
+ instance.kpsevars[k] = true
+ instance.variables[k] = input.bare_variable(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function input.aux.load_cnf(instance,fname)
+ fname = input.clean_path(fname)
+ local lname = fname:gsub("%.%a+$",input.luasuffix)
+ local f =
+ if f then -- this will go
+ f:close()
+ local dname = file.dirname(fname)
+ if not instance.configuration[dname] then
+ input.aux.load_configuration(instance,dname,lname)
+ instance.order[#instance.order+1] = instance.configuration[dname]
+ end
+ else
+ f =
+ if f then
+"loading", fname)
+ local line, data, n, k, v
+ local dname = file.dirname(fname)
+ if not instance.configuration[dname] then
+ instance.configuration[dname] = { }
+ instance.order[#instance.order+1] = instance.configuration[dname]
+ end
+ local data = instance.configuration[dname]
+ while true do
+ local line, n = f:read(), 0
+ if line then
+ while true do -- join lines
+ line, n = line:gsub("\\%s*$", "")
+ if n > 0 then
+ line = line .. f:read()
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not line:find("^[%%#]") then
+ local k, v = (line:gsub("%s*%%.*$","")):match("%s*(.-)%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$")
+ if k and v and not data[k] then
+ data[k] = (v:gsub("[%%#].*",'')):gsub("~", "$HOME")
+ instance.kpsevars[k] = true
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ else
+"skipping", fname)
+ end
+ end
+-- database loading
+function input.load_hash(instance)
+ input.locatelists(instance)
+ if instance.lsrmode then
+ input.loadlists(instance)
+ elseif instance.diskcache and not instance.renewcache then
+ input.loadfiles(instance)
+ if instance.loaderror then
+ input.loadlists(instance)
+ input.savefiles(instance)
+ end
+ else
+ input.loadlists(instance)
+ if instance.renewcache then
+ input.savefiles(instance)
+ end
+ end
+function input.aux.append_hash(instance,type,tag,name)
+ input.logger("= hash append",tag)
+ table.insert(instance.hashes, { ['type']=type, ['tag']=tag, ['name']=name } )
+function input.aux.prepend_hash(instance,type,tag,name)
+ input.logger("= hash prepend",tag)
+ table.insert(instance.hashes, 1, { ['type']=type, ['tag']=tag, ['name']=name } )
+function input.aux.extend_texmf_var(instance,specification) -- crap
+ if instance.environment['TEXMF'] then
+"extending environment variable TEXMF with", specification)
+ instance.environment['TEXMF'] = instance.environment['TEXMF']:gsub("^%{", function()
+ return "{" .. specification .. ","
+ end)
+ elseif instance.variables['TEXMF'] then
+"extending configuration variable TEXMF with", specification)
+ instance.variables['TEXMF'] = instance.variables['TEXMF']:gsub("^%{", function()
+ return "{" .. specification .. ","
+ end)
+ else
+"setting configuration variable TEXMF to", specification)
+ instance.variables['TEXMF'] = "{" .. specification .. "}"
+ end
+ if instance.variables['TEXMF']:find("%,") and not instance.variables['TEXMF']:find("^%{") then
+"adding {} to complex TEXMF variable, best do that yourself")
+ instance.variables['TEXMF'] = "{" .. instance.variables['TEXMF'] .. "}"
+ end
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+ input.reset_hashes(instance)
+-- locators
+function input.locatelists(instance)
+ for _, path in pairs(input.simplified_list(input.expansion(instance,'TEXMF'))) do
+ path = file.collapse_path(path)
+"locating list of",path)
+ input.locatedatabase(instance,input.normalize_name(path))
+ end
+function input.locatedatabase(instance,specification)
+ return input.methodhandler('locators', instance, specification)
+function input.locators.tex(instance,specification)
+ if specification and specification ~= '' and lfs.isdir(specification) then
+ input.logger('! tex locator', specification..' found')
+ input.aux.append_hash(instance,'file',specification,filename)
+ else
+ input.logger('? tex locator', specification..' not found')
+ end
+-- hashers
+function input.hashdatabase(instance,tag,name)
+ return input.methodhandler('hashers',instance,tag,name)
+function input.loadfiles(instance)
+ instance.loaderror = false
+ instance.files = { }
+ if not instance.renewcache then
+ for _, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ input.hashdatabase(instance,hash.tag,
+ if instance.loaderror then break end
+ end
+ end
+function input.hashers.tex(instance,tag,name)
+ input.aux.load_files(instance,tag)
+-- generators:
+function input.loadlists(instance)
+ for _, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ input.generatedatabase(instance,hash.tag)
+ end
+function input.generatedatabase(instance,specification)
+ return input.methodhandler('generators', instance, specification)
+ local weird = lpeg.anywhere(lpeg.S("~`!#$%^&*()={}[]:;\"\'||<>,?\n\r\t"))
+ function input.generators.tex(instance,specification)
+ local tag = specification
+ if not instance.lsrmode and lfs and lfs.dir then
+"scanning path",specification)
+ instance.files[tag] = { }
+ local files = instance.files[tag]
+ local n, m, r = 0, 0, 0
+ local spec = specification .. '/'
+ local attributes = lfs.attributes
+ local directory = lfs.dir
+ local small = instance.smallcache
+ local function action(path)
+ local mode, full
+ if path then
+ full = spec .. path .. '/'
+ else
+ full = spec
+ end
+ for name in directory(full) do
+ if name:find("^%.") then
+ -- skip
+ -- elseif name:find("[%~%`%!%#%$%%%^%&%*%(%)%=%{%}%[%]%:%;\"\'%|%<%>%,%?\n\r\t]") then -- too much escaped
+ elseif weird:match(name) then
+ -- texio.write_nl("skipping " .. name)
+ -- skip
+ else
+ mode = attributes(,'mode')
+ if mode == "directory" then
+ m = m + 1
+ if path then
+ action(path..'/'
+ else
+ action(name)
+ end
+ elseif path and mode == 'file' then
+ n = n + 1
+ local f = files[name]
+ if f then
+ if not small then
+ if type(f) == 'string' then
+ files[name] = { f, path }
+ else
+ f[#f+1] = path
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ files[name] = path
+ local lower = name:lower()
+ if name ~= lower then
+ files["remap:"..lower] = name
+ r = r + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ action()
+"%s files found on %s directories with %s uppercase remappings",n,m,r))
+ else
+ local fullname = file.join(specification,input.lsrname)
+ local path = '.'
+ local f =
+ if f then
+ instance.files[tag] = { }
+ local files = instance.files[tag]
+ local small = instance.smallcache
+"loading lsr file",fullname)
+ -- for line in f:lines() do -- much slower then the next one
+ for line in (f:read("*a")):gmatch("(.-)\n") do
+ if line:find("^[%a%d]") then
+ local fl = files[line]
+ if fl then
+ if not small then
+ if type(fl) == 'string' then
+ files[line] = { fl, path } -- table
+ else
+ fl[#fl+1] = path
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ files[line] = path -- string
+ local lower = line:lower()
+ if line ~= lower then
+ files["remap:"..lower] = line
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ path = line:match("%.%/(.-)%:$") or path -- match could be nil due to empty line
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- savers, todo
+function input.savefiles(instance)
+ input.aux.save_data(instance, 'files', function(k,v)
+ return instance.validfile(k,v) -- path, name
+ end)
+-- A config (optionally) has the paths split in tables. Internally
+-- we join them and split them after the expansion has taken place. This
+-- is more convenient.
+function input.splitconfig(instance)
+ for i,c in ipairs(instance) do
+ for k,v in pairs(c) do
+ if type(v) == 'string' then
+ local t = file.split_path(v)
+ if #t > 1 then
+ c[k] = t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function input.joinconfig(instance)
+ for i,c in ipairs(instance.order) do
+ for k,v in pairs(c) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ c[k] = file.join_path(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function input.split_path(str)
+ if type(str) == 'table' then
+ return str
+ else
+ return file.split_path(str)
+ end
+function input.join_path(str)
+ if type(str) == 'table' then
+ return file.join_path(str)
+ else
+ return str
+ end
+function input.splitexpansions(instance)
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.expansions) do
+ local t, h = { }, { }
+ for _,vv in pairs(file.split_path(v)) do
+ if vv ~= "" and not h[vv] then
+ t[#t+1] = vv
+ h[vv] = true
+ end
+ end
+ if #t > 1 then
+ instance.expansions[k] = t
+ else
+ instance.expansions[k] = t[1]
+ end
+ end
+-- end of split/join code
+function input.saveoldconfig(instance)
+ input.splitconfig(instance)
+ input.aux.save_data(instance, 'configuration', nil)
+ input.joinconfig(instance)
+input.configbanner = [[
+-- This is a Luatex configuration file created by 'luatools.lua' or
+-- 'luatex.exe' directly. For comment, suggestions and questions you can
+-- contact the ConTeXt Development Team. This configuration file is
+-- not copyrighted. [HH & TH]
+function input.serialize(files)
+ -- This version is somewhat optimized for the kind of
+ -- tables that we deal with, so it's much faster than
+ -- the generic serializer. This makes sense because
+ -- luatools and mtxtools are called frequently. Okay,
+ -- we pay a small price for properly tabbed tables.
+ local t = { }
+ local concat = table.concat
+ local sorted = table.sortedkeys
+ local function dump(k,v,m)
+ if type(v) == 'string' then
+ return m .. "['" .. k .. "']='" .. v .. "',"
+ elseif #v == 1 then
+ return m .. "['" .. k .. "']='" .. v[1] .. "',"
+ else
+ return m .. "['" .. k .. "']={'" .. concat(v,"','").. "'},"
+ end
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = "return {"
+ if instance.sortdata then
+ for _, k in pairs(sorted(files)) do
+ local fk = files[k]
+ if type(fk) == 'table' then
+ t[#t+1] = "\t['" .. k .. "']={"
+ for _, kk in pairs(sorted(fk)) do
+ t[#t+1] = dump(kk,fk[kk],"\t\t")
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = "\t},"
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = dump(k,fk,"\t")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for k, v in pairs(files) do
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ t[#t+1] = "\t['" .. k .. "']={"
+ for kk,vv in pairs(v) do
+ t[#t+1] = dump(kk,vv,"\t\t")
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = "\t},"
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = dump(k,v,"\t")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ t[#t+1] = "}"
+ return concat(t,"\n")
+if not texmf then texmf = {} end -- no longer needed, at least not here
+function input.aux.save_data(instance, dataname, check, makename) -- untested without cache overload
+ for cachename, files in pairs(instance[dataname]) do
+ local name = (makename or file.join)(cachename,dataname)
+ local luaname, lucname = name .. input.luasuffix, name .. input.lucsuffix
+"preparing " .. dataname .. " for", luaname)
+ for k, v in pairs(files) do
+ if not check or check(v,k) then -- path, name
+ if type(v) == "table" and #v == 1 then
+ files[k] = v[1]
+ end
+ else
+ files[k] = nil -- false
+ end
+ end
+ local data = {
+ type = dataname,
+ root = cachename,
+ version = input.cacheversion,
+ date ="%Y-%m-%d"),
+ time ="%H:%M:%S"),
+ content = files,
+ }
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+"saving " .. dataname .. " in", luaname)
+ f:write(input.serialize(data))
+ f:close()
+"compiling " .. dataname .. " to", lucname)
+ if not utils.lua.compile(luaname,lucname) then
+"compiling failed for " .. dataname .. ", deleting file " .. lucname)
+ os.remove(lucname)
+ end
+ else
+"unable to save " .. dataname .. " in " .. name..input.luasuffix)
+ end
+ end
+function input.aux.load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename,makename) -- untested without cache overload
+ filename = ((not filename or (filename == "")) and dataname) or filename
+ filename = (makename and makename(dataname,filename)) or file.join(pathname,filename)
+ local blob = loadfile(filename .. input.lucsuffix) or loadfile(filename .. input.luasuffix)
+ if blob then
+ local data = blob()
+ if data and data.content and data.type == dataname and data.version == input.cacheversion then
+ instance[dataname][pathname] = data.content
+ else
+ instance[dataname][pathname] = { }
+ instance.loaderror = true
+ end
+ else
+ end
+-- some day i'll use the nested approach, but not yet (actually we even drop
+-- engine/progname support since we have only luatex now)
+-- first texmfcnf.lua files are located, next the cached texmf.cnf files
+-- return {
+-- TEXMFBOGUS = 'effe checken of dit werkt',
+-- }
+function input.aux.load_texmfcnf(instance,dataname,pathname)
+ local filename = file.join(pathname,input.luaname)
+ local blob = loadfile(filename)
+ if blob then
+ local data = blob()
+ if data then
+"loading","configuration file",filename)
+ if true then
+ -- flatten to variable.progname
+ local t = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(data) do -- v = progname
+ if type(v) == "string" then
+ t[k] = v
+ else
+ for kk, vv in pairs(v) do -- vv = variable
+ if type(vv) == "string" then
+ t[vv.."."..v] = kk
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ instance[dataname][pathname] = t
+ else
+ instance[dataname][pathname] = data
+ end
+ else
+"skipping","configuration file",filename)
+ instance[dataname][pathname] = { }
+ instance.loaderror = true
+ end
+ else
+"skipping","configuration file",filename)
+ end
+function input.aux.load_configuration(instance,dname,lname)
+ input.aux.load_data(instance,dname,'configuration',lname and file.basename(lname))
+function input.aux.load_files(instance,tag)
+ input.aux.load_data(instance,tag,'files')
+function input.resetconfig(instance)
+ instance.configuration, instance.setup, instance.order, instance.loaderror = { }, { }, { }, false
+function input.loadnewconfig(instance)
+ for _, cnf in ipairs(instance.luafiles) do
+ local dname = file.dirname(cnf)
+ input.aux.load_texmfcnf(instance,'setup',dname)
+ instance.order[#instance.order+1] = instance.setup[dname]
+ if instance.loaderror then break end
+ end
+function input.loadoldconfig(instance)
+ if not instance.renewcache then
+ for _, cnf in ipairs(instance.cnffiles) do
+ local dname = file.dirname(cnf)
+ input.aux.load_configuration(instance,dname)
+ instance.order[#instance.order+1] = instance.configuration[dname]
+ if instance.loaderror then break end
+ end
+ end
+ input.joinconfig(instance)
+function input.expand_variables(instance)
+ instance.expansions = { }
+--~ instance.environment['SELFAUTOPARENT'] = instance.environment['SELFAUTOPARENT'] or instance.rootpath
+ if instance.engine ~= "" then instance.environment['engine'] = instance.engine end
+ if instance.progname ~= "" then instance.environment['progname'] = instance.progname end
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.environment) do
+ local a, b = k:match("^(%a+)%_(.*)%s*$")
+ if a and b then
+ instance.expansions[a..'.'..b] = v
+ else
+ instance.expansions[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.environment) do -- move environment to expansions
+ if not instance.expansions[k] then instance.expansions[k] = v end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.variables) do -- move variables to expansions
+ if not instance.expansions[k] then instance.expansions[k] = v end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local busy = false
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.expansions) do
+ local s, n = v:gsub("%$([%a%d%_%-]+)", function(a)
+ busy = true
+ return instance.expansions[a] or input.env(instance,a)
+ end)
+ local s, m = s:gsub("%$%{([%a%d%_%-]+)%}", function(a)
+ busy = true
+ return instance.expansions[a] or input.env(instance,a)
+ end)
+ if n > 0 or m > 0 then
+ instance.expansions[k]= s
+ end
+ end
+ if not busy then break end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(instance.expansions) do
+ instance.expansions[k] = v:gsub("\\", '/')
+ end
+function input.aux.expand_vars(instance,lst) -- simple vars
+ for k,v in pairs(lst) do
+ lst[k] = v:gsub("%$([%a%d%_%-]+)", function(a)
+ return instance.variables[a] or input.env(instance,a)
+ end)
+ end
+function input.aux.expanded_var(instance,var) -- simple vars
+ return var:gsub("%$([%a%d%_%-]+)", function(a)
+ return instance.variables[a] or input.env(instance,a)
+ end)
+function input.aux.entry(instance,entries,name)
+ if name and (name ~= "") then
+ name = name:gsub('%$','')
+ local result = entries[name..'.'..instance.progname] or entries[name]
+ if result then
+ return result
+ else
+ result = input.env(instance,name)
+ if result then
+ instance.variables[name] = result
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+ return instance.expansions[name] or ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ""
+function input.variable(instance,name)
+ return input.aux.entry(instance,instance.variables,name)
+function input.expansion(instance,name)
+ return input.aux.entry(instance,instance.expansions,name)
+function input.aux.is_entry(instance,entries,name)
+ if name and name ~= "" then
+ name = name:gsub('%$','')
+ return (entries[name..'.'..instance.progname] or entries[name]) ~= nil
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function input.is_variable(instance,name)
+ return input.aux.is_entry(instance,instance.variables,name)
+function input.is_expansion(instance,name)
+ return input.aux.is_entry(instance,instance.expansions,name)
+function input.simplified_list(str)
+ if type(str) == 'table' then
+ return str -- troubles ; ipv , in texmf
+ elseif str == '' then
+ return { }
+ else
+ local t = { }
+ for _,v in ipairs(string.splitchr(str:gsub("^\{(.+)\}$","%1"),",")) do
+ t[#t+1] = (v:gsub("^[%!]*(.+)[%/\\]*$","%1"))
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+function input.unexpanded_path_list(instance,str)
+ local pth = input.variable(instance,str)
+ local lst = input.split_path(pth)
+ return input.aux.expanded_path(instance,lst)
+function input.unexpanded_path(instance,str)
+ return file.join_path(input.unexpanded_path_list(instance,str))
+ local done = { }
+ function input.reset_extra_path(instance)
+ local ep = instance.extra_paths
+ if not ep then
+ ep, done = { }, { }
+ instance.extra_paths = ep
+ elseif #ep > 0 then
+ instance.lists, done = { }, { }
+ end
+ end
+ function input.register_extra_path(instance,paths,subpaths)
+ local ep = instance.extra_paths or { }
+ local n = #ep
+ if paths and paths ~= "" then
+ if subpaths and subpaths ~= "" then
+ for p in paths:gmatch("[^,]+") do
+ -- we gmatch each step again, not that fast, but used seldom
+ for s in subpaths:gmatch("[^,]+") do
+ local ps = p .. "/" .. s
+ if not done[ps] then
+ ep[#ep+1] = input.clean_path(ps)
+ done[ps] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for p in paths:gmatch("[^,]+") do
+ if not done[p] then
+ ep[#ep+1] = input.clean_path(p)
+ done[p] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif subpaths and subpaths ~= "" then
+ for i=1,n do
+ -- we gmatch each step again, not that fast, but used seldom
+ for s in subpaths:gmatch("[^,]+") do
+ local ps = ep[i] .. "/" .. s
+ if not done[ps] then
+ ep[#ep+1] = input.clean_path(ps)
+ done[ps] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #ep > 0 then
+ instance.extra_paths = ep -- register paths
+ end
+ if #ep > n then
+ instance.lists = { } -- erase the cache
+ end
+ end
+function input.expanded_path_list(instance,str)
+ local function made_list(list)
+ local ep = instance.extra_paths
+ if not ep or #ep == 0 then
+ return list
+ else
+ local done, new = { }, { }
+ -- honour . .. ../.. but only when at the start
+ for k, v in ipairs(list) do
+ if not done[v] then
+ if v:find("^[%.%/]$") then
+ done[v] = true
+ new[#new+1] = v
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- first the extra paths
+ for k, v in ipairs(ep) do
+ if not done[v] then
+ done[v] = true
+ new[#new+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ -- next the formal paths
+ for k, v in ipairs(list) do
+ if not done[v] then
+ done[v] = true
+ new[#new+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return new
+ end
+ end
+ if not str then
+ return ep or { }
+ elseif instance.savelists then
+ -- engine+progname hash
+ str = str:gsub("%$","")
+ if not instance.lists[str] then -- cached
+ local lst = made_list(input.split_path(input.expansion(instance,str)))
+ instance.lists[str] = input.aux.expanded_path(instance,lst)
+ end
+ return instance.lists[str]
+ else
+ local lst = input.split_path(input.expansion(instance,str))
+ return made_list(input.aux.expanded_path(instance,lst))
+ end
+function input.expand_path(instance,str)
+ return file.join_path(input.expanded_path_list(instance,str))
+--~ function input.first_writable_path(instance,name)
+--~ for _,v in pairs(input.expanded_path_list(instance,name)) do
+--~ if file.is_writable(file.join(v,'luatex-cache.tmp')) then
+--~ return v
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ return "."
+--~ end
+function input.expanded_path_list_from_var(instance,str) -- brrr
+ local tmp = input.var_of_format_or_suffix(str:gsub("%$",""))
+ if tmp ~= "" then
+ return input.expanded_path_list(instance,str)
+ else
+ return input.expanded_path_list(instance,tmp)
+ end
+function input.expand_path_from_var(instance,str)
+ return file.join_path(input.expanded_path_list_from_var(instance,str))
+function input.format_of_var(str)
+ return input.formats[str] or input.formats[input.alternatives[str]] or ''
+function input.format_of_suffix(str)
+ return input.suffixmap[file.extname(str)] or 'tex'
+function input.variable_of_format(str)
+ return input.formats[str] or input.formats[input.alternatives[str]] or ''
+function input.var_of_format_or_suffix(str)
+ local v = input.formats[str]
+ if v then
+ return v
+ end
+ v = input.formats[input.alternatives[str]]
+ if v then
+ return v
+ end
+ v = input.suffixmap[file.extname(str)]
+ if v then
+ return input.formats[isf]
+ end
+ return ''
+function input.expand_braces(instance,str) -- output variable and brace expansion of STRING
+ local ori = input.variable(instance,str)
+ local pth = input.aux.expanded_path(instance,input.split_path(ori))
+ return file.join_path(pth)
+-- {a,b,c,d}
+-- a,b,c/{p,q,r},d
+-- a,b,c/{p,q,r}/d/{x,y,z}//
+-- a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},r},d/{p,q,r}
+-- a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},r},d/{p,q,r}
+-- a{b,c}{d,e}f
+-- {a,b,c,d}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q,r},d}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q,r}/d/{x,y,z}//}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z}},d/{p,q,r}}
+-- {a,b,c/{p,q/{x,y,z},w}v,d/{p,q,r}}
+-- this one is better and faster, but it took me a while to realize
+-- that this kind of replacement is cleaner than messy parsing and
+-- fuzzy concatenating we can probably gain a bit with selectively
+-- applying lpeg, but experiments with lpeg parsing this proved not to
+-- work that well; the parsing is ok, but dealing with the resulting
+-- table is a pain because we need to work inside-out recursively
+-- get rid of piecewise here, just a gmatch is ok
+function input.aux.splitpathexpr(str, t, validate)
+ -- no need for optimization, only called a few times, we can use lpeg for the sub
+ t = t or { }
+ local concat = table.concat
+ while true do
+ local done = false
+ while true do
+ local ok = false
+ str = str:gsub("([^{},]+){([^{}]-)}", function(a,b)
+ local t = { }
+ b:piecewise(",", function(s) t[#t+1] = a .. s end)
+ ok, done = true, true
+ return "{" .. concat(t,",") .. "}"
+ end)
+ if not ok then break end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local ok = false
+ str = str:gsub("{([^{}]-)}([^{},]+)", function(a,b)
+ local t = { }
+ a:piecewise(",", function(s) t[#t+1] = s .. b end)
+ ok, done = true, true
+ return "{" .. concat(t,",") .. "}"
+ end)
+ if not ok then break end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local ok = false
+ str = str:gsub("([,{]){([^{}]+)}([,}])", function(a,b,c)
+ ok, done = true, true
+ return a .. b .. c
+ end)
+ if not ok then break end
+ end
+ if not done then break end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local ok = false
+ str = str:gsub("{([^{}]-)}{([^{}]-)}", function(a,b)
+ local t = { }
+ a:piecewise(",", function(sa)
+ b:piecewise(",", function(sb)
+ t[#t+1] = sa .. sb
+ end)
+ end)
+ ok = true
+ return "{" .. concat(t,",") .. "}"
+ end)
+ if not ok then break end
+ end
+ while true do
+ local ok = false
+ str = str:gsub("{([^{}]-)}", function(a)
+ ok = true
+ return a
+ end)
+ if not ok then break end
+ end
+ if validate then
+ str:piecewise(",", function(s)
+ s = validate(s)
+ if s then t[#t+1] = s end
+ end)
+ else
+ str:piecewise(",", function(s)
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ end)
+ end
+ return t
+function input.aux.expanded_path(instance,pathlist) -- maybe not a list, just a path
+ -- a previous version fed back into pathlist
+ local newlist, ok = { }, false
+ for _,v in ipairs(pathlist) do
+ if v:find("[{}]") then
+ ok = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ok then
+ for _, v in ipairs(pathlist) do
+ input.aux.splitpathexpr(v, newlist, function(s)
+ s = file.collapse_path(s)
+ return s ~= "" and not s:find(instance.dummy_path_expr) and s
+ end)
+ end
+ else
+ for _,v in ipairs(pathlist) do
+ for vv in string.gmatch(v..',',"(.-),") do
+ vv = file.collapse_path(v)
+ if vv ~= "" then newlist[#newlist+1] = vv end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return newlist
+input.is_readable = { }
+function input.aux.is_readable(readable, name)
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ if readable then
+ input.logger("+ readable", name)
+ else
+ input.logger("- readable", name)
+ end
+ end
+ return readable
+function input.is_readable.file(name)
+ -- return input.aux.is_readable(file.is_readable(name), name)
+ return input.aux.is_readable(input.aux.is_file(name), name)
+input.is_readable.tex = input.is_readable.file
+-- name
+-- name/name
+function input.aux.collect_files(instance,names)
+ local filelist = { }
+ for _, fname in pairs(names) do
+ if fname then
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger("? blobpath asked",fname)
+ end
+ local bname = file.basename(fname)
+ local dname = file.dirname(fname)
+ if dname == "" or dname:find("^%.") then
+ dname = false
+ else
+ dname = "/" .. dname .. "$"
+ end
+ for _, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ local blobpath = hash.tag
+ local files = blobpath and instance.files[blobpath]
+ if files then
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger('? blobpath do',blobpath .. " (" .. bname ..")")
+ end
+ local blobfile = files[bname]
+ if not blobfile then
+ local rname = "remap:"..bname
+ blobfile = files[rname]
+ if blobfile then
+ bname = files[rname]
+ blobfile = files[bname]
+ end
+ end
+ if blobfile then
+ if type(blobfile) == 'string' then
+ if not dname or blobfile:find(dname) then
+ filelist[#filelist+1] = {
+ hash.type,
+ file.join(blobpath,blobfile,bname), -- search
+ input.concatinators[hash.type](blobpath,blobfile,bname) -- result
+ }
+ end
+ else
+ for _, vv in pairs(blobfile) do
+ if not dname or vv:find(dname) then
+ filelist[#filelist+1] = {
+ hash.type,
+ file.join(blobpath,vv,bname), -- search
+ input.concatinators[hash.type](blobpath,vv,bname) -- result
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif input.trace > 1 then
+ input.logger('! blobpath no',blobpath .. " (" .. bname ..")" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #filelist > 0 then
+ return filelist
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function input.suffix_of_format(str)
+ if input.suffixes[str] then
+ return input.suffixes[str][1]
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+function input.suffixes_of_format(str)
+ if input.suffixes[str] then
+ return input.suffixes[str]
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+ -- called about 700 times for an empty doc (font initializations etc)
+ -- i need to weed the font files for redundant calls
+ local letter = lpeg.R("az","AZ")
+ local separator = lpeg.P("://")
+ local qualified = lpeg.P(".")^0 * lpeg.P("/") + letter*lpeg.P(":") + letter^1*separator
+ local rootbased = lpeg.P("/") + letter*lpeg.P(":")
+ -- ./name ../name /name c: ://
+ function input.aux.qualified_path(filename)
+ return qualified:match(filename)
+ end
+ function input.aux.rootbased_path(filename)
+ return rootbased:match(filename)
+ end
+ function input.normalize_name(original)
+ return original
+ end
+ input.normalize_name = file.collapse_path
+function input.aux.register_in_trees(instance,name)
+ if not name:find("^%.") then
+ instance.foundintrees[name] = (instance.foundintrees[name] or 0) + 1 -- maybe only one
+ end
+-- split the next one up, better for jit
+function input.aux.find_file(instance,filename) -- todo : plugin (scanners, checkers etc)
+ local result = { }
+ local stamp = nil
+ filename = input.normalize_name(filename) -- elsewhere
+ filename = file.collapse_path(filename:gsub("\\","/")) -- elsewhere
+ -- speed up / beware: format problem
+ if instance.remember then
+ stamp = filename .. "--" .. instance.engine .. "--" .. instance.progname .. "--" .. instance.format
+ if instance.found[stamp] then
+ input.logger('! remembered', filename)
+ return instance.found[stamp]
+ end
+ end
+ if filename:find('%*') then
+ input.logger('! wildcard', filename)
+ result = input.find_wildcard_files(instance,filename)
+ elseif input.aux.qualified_path(filename) then
+ if input.is_readable.file(filename) then
+ input.logger('! qualified', filename)
+ result = { filename }
+ else
+ local forcedname, ok = "", false
+ if file.extname(filename) == "" then
+ if instance.format == "" then
+ forcedname = filename .. ".tex"
+ if input.is_readable.file(forcedname) then
+ input.logger('! no suffix, forcing standard filetype tex')
+ result, ok = { forcedname }, true
+ end
+ else
+ for _, s in pairs(input.suffixes_of_format(instance.format)) do
+ forcedname = filename .. "." .. s
+ if input.is_readable.file(forcedname) then
+ input.logger('! no suffix, forcing format filetype', s)
+ result, ok = { forcedname }, true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not ok then
+ input.logger('? qualified', filename)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- search spec
+ local filetype, extra, done, wantedfiles, ext = '', nil, false, { }, file.extname(filename)
+ if ext == "" then
+ if not instance.force_suffixes then
+ wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename
+ end
+ else
+ wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename
+ end
+ if instance.format == "" then
+ if ext == "" then
+ local forcedname = filename .. '.tex'
+ wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = forcedname
+ filetype = input.format_of_suffix(forcedname)
+ input.logger('! forcing filetype',filetype)
+ else
+ filetype = input.format_of_suffix(filename)
+ input.logger('! using suffix based filetype',filetype)
+ end
+ else
+ if ext == "" then
+ for _, s in pairs(input.suffixes_of_format(instance.format)) do
+ wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1] = filename .. "." .. s
+ end
+ end
+ filetype = instance.format
+ input.logger('! using given filetype',filetype)
+ end
+ local typespec = input.variable_of_format(filetype)
+ local pathlist = input.expanded_path_list(instance,typespec)
+ if not pathlist or #pathlist == 0 then
+ -- no pathlist, access check only / todo == wildcard
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger('? filename',filename)
+ input.logger('? filetype',filetype or '?')
+ input.logger('? wanted files',table.concat(wantedfiles," | "))
+ end
+ for _, fname in pairs(wantedfiles) do
+ if fname and input.is_readable.file(fname) then
+ filename, done = fname, true
+ result[#result+1] = file.join('.',fname)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- this is actually 'other text files' or 'any' or 'whatever'
+ local filelist = input.aux.collect_files(instance,wantedfiles)
+ local fl = filelist and filelist[1]
+ if fl then
+ filename = fl[3]
+ result[#result+1] = filename
+ done = true
+ end
+ else
+ -- list search
+ local filelist = input.aux.collect_files(instance,wantedfiles)
+ local doscan, recurse
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger('? filename',filename)
+ -- if pathlist then input.logger('? path list',table.concat(pathlist," | ")) end
+ -- if filelist then input.logger('? file list',table.concat(filelist," | ")) end
+ end
+ -- a bit messy ... esp the doscan setting here
+ for _, path in pairs(pathlist) do
+ if path:find("^!!") then doscan = false else doscan = true end
+ if path:find("//$") then recurse = true else recurse = false end
+ local pathname = path:gsub("^!+", '')
+ done = false
+ -- using file list
+ if filelist and not (done and not instance.allresults) and recurse then
+ -- compare list entries with permitted pattern
+ pathname = pathname:gsub("([%-%.])","%%%1") -- this also influences
+ pathname = pathname:gsub("/+$", '/.*') -- later usage of pathname
+ pathname = pathname:gsub("//", '/.-/') -- not ok for /// but harmless
+ local expr = "^" .. pathname
+ -- input.debug('?',expr)
+ for _, fl in ipairs(filelist) do
+ local f = fl[2]
+ if f:find(expr) then
+ -- input.debug('T',' '..f)
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger('= found in hash',f)
+ end
+ --- todo, test for readable
+ result[#result+1] = fl[3]
+ input.aux.register_in_trees(instance,f) -- for tracing used files
+ done = true
+ if not instance.allresults then break end
+ else
+ -- input.debug('F',' '..f)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not done and doscan then
+ -- check if on disk / unchecked / does not work at all / also zips
+ if input.method_is_file(pathname) then -- ?
+ local pname = pathname:gsub("%.%*$",'')
+ if not pname:find("%*") then
+ local ppname = pname:gsub("/+$","")
+ if input.aux.can_be_dir(instance,ppname) then
+ for _, w in pairs(wantedfiles) do
+ local fname = file.join(ppname,w)
+ if input.is_readable.file(fname) then
+ if input.trace > 2 then
+ input.logger('= found by scanning',fname)
+ end
+ result[#result+1] = fname
+ done = true
+ if not instance.allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- no access needed for non existing path, speedup (esp in large tree with lots of fake)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not done and doscan then
+ -- todo: slow path scanning
+ end
+ if done and not instance.allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(result) do
+ result[k] = file.collapse_path(v)
+ end
+ if instance.remember then
+ instance.found[stamp] = result
+ end
+ return result
+input.aux._find_file_ = input.aux.find_file
+function input.aux.find_file(instance,filename) -- maybe make a lowres cache too
+ local result = input.aux._find_file_(instance,filename)
+ if #result == 0 then
+ local lowered = filename:lower()
+ if filename ~= lowered then
+ return input.aux._find_file_(instance,lowered)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+if lfs and lfs.isfile then
+ input.aux.is_file = lfs.isfile -- to be done: use this
+ input.aux.is_file = file.is_readable
+if lfs and lfs.isdir then
+ function input.aux.can_be_dir(instance,name)
+ if not instance.fakepaths[name] then
+ if lfs.isdir(name) then
+ instance.fakepaths[name] = 1 -- directory
+ else
+ instance.fakepaths[name] = 2 -- no directory
+ end
+ end
+ return (instance.fakepaths[name] == 1)
+ end
+ function input.aux.can_be_dir()
+ return true
+ end
+if not input.concatinators then input.concatinators = { } end
+input.concatinators.tex = file.join
+input.concatinators.file = input.concatinators.tex
+function input.find_files(instance,filename,filetype,mustexist)
+ if type(mustexist) == boolean then
+ -- all set
+ elseif type(filetype) == 'boolean' then
+ filetype, mustexist = nil, false
+ elseif type(filetype) ~= 'string' then
+ filetype, mustexist = nil, false
+ end
+ instance.format = filetype or ''
+ local t = input.aux.find_file(instance,filename,true)
+ instance.format = ''
+ return t
+function input.find_file(instance,filename,filetype,mustexist)
+ return (input.find_files(instance,filename,filetype,mustexist)[1] or "")
+function input.find_given_files(instance,filename)
+ local bname, result = file.basename(filename), { }
+ for k, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ local files = instance.files[hash.tag]
+ local blist = files[bname]
+ if not blist then
+ local rname = "remap:"..bname
+ blist = files[rname]
+ if blist then
+ bname = files[rname]
+ blist = files[bname]
+ end
+ end
+ if blist then
+ if type(blist) == 'string' then
+ result[#result+1] = input.concatinators[hash.type](hash.tag,blist,bname) or ""
+ if not instance.allresults then break end
+ else
+ for kk,vv in pairs(blist) do
+ result[#result+1] = input.concatinators[hash.type](hash.tag,vv,bname) or ""
+ if not instance.allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+function input.find_given_file(instance,filename)
+ return (input.find_given_files(instance,filename)[1] or "")
+function input.find_wildcard_files(instance,filename) -- todo: remap:
+ local result = { }
+ local bname, dname = file.basename(filename), file.dirname(filename)
+ local path = dname:gsub("^*/","")
+ path = path:gsub("*",".*")
+ path = path:gsub("-","%%-")
+ if dname == "" then
+ path = ".*"
+ end
+ local name = bname
+ name = name:gsub("*",".*")
+ name = name:gsub("-","%%-")
+ path = path:lower()
+ name = name:lower()
+ local function doit(blist,bname,hash,allresults)
+ local done = false
+ if blist then
+ if type(blist) == 'string' then
+ -- make function and share code
+ if (blist:lower()):find(path) then
+ result[#result+1] = input.concatinators[hash.type](hash.tag,blist,bname) or ""
+ done = true
+ end
+ else
+ for kk,vv in pairs(blist) do
+ if (vv:lower()):find(path) then
+ result[#result+1] = input.concatinators[hash.type](hash.tag,vv,bname) or ""
+ done = true
+ if not allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return done
+ end
+ local files, allresults, done = instance.files, instance.allresults, false
+ if name:find("%*") then
+ for k, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ for kk, hh in pairs(files[hash.tag]) do
+ if not kk:find("^remap:") then
+ if (kk:lower()):find(name) then
+ if doit(hh,kk,hash,allresults) then done = true end
+ if done and not allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for k, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ if doit(files[hash.tag][bname],bname,hash,allresults) then done = true end
+ if done and not allresults then break end
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+function input.find_wildcard_file(instance,filename)
+ return (input.find_wildcard_files(instance,filename)[1] or "")
+-- main user functions
+function input.save_used_files_in_trees(instance, filename,jobname)
+ if not filename then filename = 'luatex.jlg' end
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ f:write("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n")
+ f:write("<rl:job>\n")
+ if jobname then
+ f:write("\t<rl:name>" .. jobname .. "</rl:name>\n")
+ end
+ f:write("\t<rl:files>\n")
+ for _,v in pairs(table.sortedkeys(instance.foundintrees)) do
+ f:write("\t\t<rl:file n='" .. instance.foundintrees[v] .. "'>" .. v .. "</rl:file>\n")
+ end
+ f:write("\t</rl:files>\n")
+ f:write("</rl:usedfiles>\n")
+ f:close()
+ end
+function input.automount(instance)
+ -- implemented later
+function input.load(instance)
+ input.starttiming(instance)
+ input.resetconfig(instance)
+ input.identify_cnf(instance)
+ input.load_lua(instance)
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+ input.load_cnf(instance)
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+ input.load_hash(instance)
+ input.automount(instance)
+ input.stoptiming(instance)
+function input.for_files(instance, command, files, filetype, mustexist)
+ if files and #files > 0 then
+ local function report(str)
+ if input.verbose then
+ -- has already verbose
+ else
+ print(str)
+ end
+ end
+ if input.verbose then
+ report('')
+ end
+ for _, file in pairs(files) do
+ local result = command(instance,file,filetype,mustexist)
+ if type(result) == 'string' then
+ report(result)
+ else
+ for _,v in pairs(result) do
+ report(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- strtab
+function input.var_value(instance,str) -- output the value of variable $STRING.
+ return input.variable(instance,str)
+function input.expand_var(instance,str) -- output variable expansion of STRING.
+ return input.expansion(instance,str)
+function input.show_path(instance,str) -- output search path for file type NAME
+ return file.join_path(input.expanded_path_list(instance,input.format_of_var(str)))
+-- input.find_file(filename)
+-- input.find_file(filename, filetype, mustexist)
+-- input.find_file(filename, mustexist)
+-- input.find_file(filename, filetype)
+function input.aux.register_file(files, name, path)
+ if files[name] then
+ if type(files[name]) == 'string' then
+ files[name] = { files[name], path }
+ else
+ files[name] = path
+ end
+ else
+ files[name] = path
+ end
+if not input.finders then input.finders = { } end
+if not input.openers then input.openers = { } end
+if not input.loaders then input.loaders = { } end
+input.finders.notfound = { nil }
+input.openers.notfound = { nil }
+input.loaders.notfound = { false, nil, 0 }
+function input.splitmethod(filename)
+ if not filename then
+ return { } -- safeguard
+ elseif type(filename) == "table" then
+ return filename -- already split
+ elseif not filename:find("://") then
+ return { scheme="file", path = filename, original=filename } -- quick hack
+ else
+ return url.hashed(filename)
+ end
+function input.method_is_file(filename)
+ return input.splitmethod(filename).scheme == 'file'
+function table.sequenced(t,sep) -- temp here
+ local s = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ s[#s+1] = k .. "=" .. v
+ end
+ return table.concat(s, sep or " | ")
+function input.methodhandler(what, instance, filename, filetype) -- ...
+ local specification = (type(filename) == "string" and input.splitmethod(filename)) or filename -- no or { }, let it bomb
+ local scheme = specification.scheme
+ if input[what][scheme] then
+ input.logger('= handler',specification.original .." -> " .. what .. " -> " .. table.sequenced(specification))
+ return input[what][scheme](instance,filename,filetype) -- todo: specification
+ else
+ return input[what].tex(instance,filename,filetype) -- todo: specification
+ end
+-- also inside next test?
+function input.findtexfile(instance, filename, filetype)
+ return input.methodhandler('finders',instance, input.normalize_name(filename), filetype)
+function input.opentexfile(instance,filename)
+ return input.methodhandler('openers',instance, input.normalize_name(filename))
+function input.findbinfile(instance, filename, filetype)
+ return input.methodhandler('finders',instance, input.normalize_name(filename), filetype)
+function input.openbinfile(instance,filename)
+ return input.methodhandler('loaders',instance, input.normalize_name(filename))
+function input.loadbinfile(instance, filename, filetype)
+ local fname = input.findbinfile(instance, input.normalize_name(filename), filetype)
+ if fname and fname ~= "" then
+ return input.openbinfile(instance,fname)
+ else
+ return unpack(input.loaders.notfound)
+ end
+function input.texdatablob(instance, filename, filetype)
+ local ok, data, size = input.loadbinfile(instance, filename, filetype)
+ return data or ""
+input.loadtexfile = input.texdatablob
+function input.openfile(filename) -- brrr texmf.instance here / todo ! ! ! ! !
+ local fullname = input.findtexfile(texmf.instance, filename)
+ if fullname and (fullname ~= "") then
+ return input.opentexfile(texmf.instance, fullname)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function input.logmode()
+ return (os.getenv("MTX.LOG.MODE") or os.getenv("MTX_LOG_MODE") or "tex"):lower()
+-- this is a prelude to engine/progname specific configuration files
+-- in which case we can omit files meant for other programs and
+-- packages
+--- ctx
+-- maybe texinputs + font paths
+-- maybe positive selection tex/context fonts/tfm|afm|vf|opentype|type1|map|enc
+input.validators = { }
+input.validators.visibility = { }
+function input.validators.visibility.default(path, name)
+ return true
+function input.validators.visibility.context(path, name)
+ path = path[1] or path -- some day a loop
+ return not (
+ path:find("latex") or
+-- path:find("doc") or
+ path:find("tex4ht") or
+ path:find("source") or
+-- path:find("config") or
+-- path:find("metafont") or
+ path:find("lists$") or
+ name:find("%.tpm$") or
+ name:find("%.bak$")
+ )
+-- todo: describe which functions are public (maybe input.private. ... )
+-- beware: i need to check where we still need a / on windows:
+function input.clean_path(str)
+--~ return (((str:gsub("\\","/")):gsub("^!+","")):gsub("//+","//"))
+ if str then
+ return ((str:gsub("\\","/")):gsub("^!+",""))
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function input.do_with_path(name,func)
+ for _, v in pairs(input.expanded_path_list(instance,name)) do
+ func("^"..input.clean_path(v))
+ end
+function input.do_with_var(name,func)
+ func(input.aux.expanded_var(name))
+function input.with_files(instance,pattern,handle)
+ for _, hash in ipairs(instance.hashes) do
+ local blobpath = hash.tag
+ local blobtype = hash.type
+ if blobpath then
+ local files = instance.files[blobpath]
+ if files then
+ for k,v in pairs(files) do
+ if k:find("^remap:") then
+ k = files[k]
+ v = files[k] -- chained
+ end
+ if k:find(pattern) then
+ if type(v) == "string" then
+ handle(blobtype,blobpath,v,k)
+ else
+ for _,vv in pairs(v) do
+ handle(blobtype,blobpath,vv,k)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--~ function input.update_script(oldname,newname) -- oldname ->, not per se a suffix
+--~ newname = file.addsuffix(newname,"lua")
+--~ local newscript = input.clean_path(input.find_file(instance, newname))
+--~ local oldscript = input.clean_path(oldname)
+--~"old script", oldscript)
+--~"new script", newscript)
+--~ if oldscript ~= newscript and (oldscript:find(file.removesuffix(newname).."$") or oldscript:find(newname.."$")) then
+--~ local newdata = io.loaddata(newscript)
+--~ if newdata then
+--~"old script content replaced by new content")
+--~ io.savedata(oldscript,newdata)
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ end
+function input.update_script(instance,oldname,newname) -- oldname ->, not per se a suffix
+ local scriptpath = "scripts/context/lua"
+ newname = file.addsuffix(newname,"lua")
+ local oldscript = input.clean_path(oldname)
+"to be replaced old script", oldscript)
+ local newscripts = input.find_files(instance, newname) or { }
+ if #newscripts == 0 then
+"unable to locate new script")
+ else
+ for _, newscript in ipairs(newscripts) do
+ newscript = input.clean_path(newscript)
+"checking new script", newscript)
+ if oldscript == newscript then
+"old and new script are the same")
+ elseif not newscript:find(scriptpath) then
+"new script should come from",scriptpath)
+ elseif not (oldscript:find(file.removesuffix(newname).."$") or oldscript:find(newname.."$")) then
+"invalid new script name")
+ else
+ local newdata = io.loaddata(newscript)
+ if newdata then
+"old script content replaced by new content")
+ io.savedata(oldscript,newdata)
+ break
+ else
+"unable to load new script")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--~ print(table.serialize(input.aux.splitpathexpr("/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}", {})))
+-- command line resolver:
+--~ print(input.resolve("abc env:tmp file:cont-en.tex path:cont-en.tex full:cont-en.tex rel:zapf/one/p-chars.tex"))
+ local resolvers = { }
+ resolvers.environment = function(instance,str)
+ return input.clean_path(os.getenv(str) or os.getenv(str:upper()) or os.getenv(str:lower()) or "")
+ end
+ resolvers.relative = function(instance,str,n)
+ if io.exists(str) then
+ -- nothing
+ elseif io.exists("./" .. str) then
+ str = "./" .. str
+ else
+ local p = "../"
+ for i=1,n or 2 do
+ if io.exists(p .. str) then
+ str = p .. str
+ break
+ else
+ p = p .. "../"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return input.clean_path(str)
+ end
+ resolvers.locate = function(instance,str)
+ local fullname = input.find_given_file(instance,str) or ""
+ return input.clean_path((fullname ~= "" and fullname) or str)
+ end
+ resolvers.filename = function(instance,str)
+ local fullname = input.find_given_file(instance,str) or ""
+ return input.clean_path(file.basename((fullname ~= "" and fullname) or str))
+ end
+ resolvers.pathname = function(instance,str)
+ local fullname = input.find_given_file(instance,str) or ""
+ return input.clean_path(file.dirname((fullname ~= "" and fullname) or str))
+ end
+ resolvers.env = resolvers.environment
+ resolvers.rel = resolvers.relative
+ resolvers.loc = resolvers.locate
+ resolvers.kpse = resolvers.locate
+ resolvers.full = resolvers.locate
+ resolvers.file = resolvers.filename
+ resolvers.path = resolvers.pathname
+ local function resolve(instance,str)
+ if type(str) == "table" then
+ for k, v in pairs(str) do
+ str[k] = resolve(instance,v) or v
+ end
+ elseif str and str ~= "" then
+ str = str:gsub("([a-z]+):([^ ]+)", function(method,target)
+ if resolvers[method] then
+ return resolvers[method](instance,target)
+ else
+ return method .. ":" .. target
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+ input.resolve = resolve
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-tmp'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+<p>This module deals with caching data. It sets up the paths and
+implements loaders and savers for tables. Best is to set the
+following variable. When not set, the usual paths will be
+checked. Personally I prefer the (users) temporary path.</p>
+<p>Currently we do no locking when we write files. This is no real
+problem because most caching involves fonts and the chance of them
+being written at the same time is small. We also need to extend
+luatools with a recache feature.</p>
+caches = caches or { }
+dir = dir or { }
+texmf = texmf or { }
+caches.path = caches.path or nil
+caches.base = caches.base or "luatex-cache"
+caches.more = caches.more or "context" = false -- true is faster but may need huge amounts of memory
+caches.trace = false
+caches.tree = false
+caches.paths = caches.paths or nil
+caches.force = false
+input.usecache = not toboolean(os.getenv("TEXMFSHARECACHE") or "false",true) -- true
+function caches.temp(instance)
+ local function checkpath(cachepath)
+ if not cachepath or cachepath == "" then
+ return nil
+ elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory" then -- lfs.isdir(cachepath) then
+ return cachepath
+ elseif caches.force or io.ask(string.format("Should I create the cache path %s?",cachepath), "no", { "yes", "no" }) == "yes" then
+ dir.mkdirs(cachepath)
+ return (lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory") and cachepath
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ local cachepath = input.expanded_path_list(instance,"TEXMFCACHE")
+ cachepath = cachepath and #cachepath > 0 and checkpath(cachepath[1])
+ if not cachepath then
+ cachepath = os.getenv("TEXMFCACHE") or os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("HOMEPATH") or os.getenv("TMP") or os.getenv("TEMP") or os.getenv("TMPDIR") or nil
+ cachepath = checkpath(cachepath)
+ end
+ if not cachepath then
+ print("\nfatal error: there is no valid cache path defined\n")
+ os.exit()
+ elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") ~= "directory" then
+ print(string.format("\nfatal error: cache path %s is not a directory\n",cachepath))
+ os.exit()
+ end
+ function caches.temp(instance)
+ return cachepath
+ end
+ return cachepath
+function caches.configpath(instance)
+ return table.concat(instance.cnffiles,";")
+function caches.hashed(tree)
+ return md5.hex((tree:lower()):gsub("[\\\/]+","/"))
+function caches.treehash(instance)
+ local tree = caches.configpath(instance)
+ if not tree or tree == "" then
+ return false
+ else
+ return caches.hashed(tree)
+ end
+function caches.setpath(instance,...)
+ if not caches.path then
+ if not caches.path then
+ caches.path = caches.temp(instance)
+ end
+ caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path) -- to be sure
+ if lfs then
+ caches.tree = caches.tree or caches.treehash(instance)
+ if caches.tree then
+ caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more,caches.tree)
+ else
+ caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not caches.path then
+ caches.path = '.'
+ end
+ caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path)
+ if lfs and not table.is_empty({...}) then
+ local pth = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,...)
+ return pth
+ end
+ caches.path = dir.expand_name(caches.path)
+ return caches.path
+function caches.definepath(instance,category,subcategory)
+ return function()
+ return caches.setpath(instance,category,subcategory)
+ end
+function caches.setluanames(path,name)
+ return path .. "/" .. name .. ".tma", path .. "/" .. name .. ".tmc"
+function caches.loaddata(path,name)
+ local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name)
+ local loader = loadfile(tmcname) or loadfile(tmaname)
+ if loader then
+ return loader()
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename)
+ local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
+ return file.is_writable(tmaname)
+function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw) -- raw needed for file cache
+ local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
+ local reduce, simplify = true, true
+ if raw then
+ reduce, simplify = false, false
+ end
+ if then
+ file.savedata(tmaname, table.serialize(data,'return',true,true))
+ else
+ table.tofile (tmaname, data,'return',true,true) -- maybe not the last true
+ end
+ utils.lua.compile(tmaname, tmcname)
+-- here we use the cache for format loading (texconfig.[formatname|jobname])
+--~ if tex and texconfig and texconfig.formatname and texconfig.formatname == "" then
+if tex and texconfig and (not texconfig.formatname or texconfig.formatname == "") and texmf.instance then
+ if not texconfig.luaname then texconfig.luaname = "cont-en.lua" end -- or luc
+ texconfig.formatname = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,"formats") .. "/" .. texconfig.luaname:gsub("$",".fmt")
+<p>Once we found ourselves defining similar cache constructs
+several times, containers were introduced. Containers are used
+to collect tables in memory and reuse them when possible based
+on (unique) hashes (to be provided by the calling function).</p>
+<p>Caching to disk is disabled by default. Version numbers are
+stored in the saved table which makes it possible to change the
+table structures without bothering about the disk cache.</p>
+<p>Examples of usage can be found in the font related code.</p>
+containers = { }
+containers.trace = false
+do -- local report
+ local function report(container,tag,name)
+ if caches.trace or containers.trace or container.trace then
+"%s cache",container.subcategory),string.format("%s: %s",tag,name or 'invalid'))
+ end
+ end
+ local allocated = { }
+ -- tracing
+ function containers.define(category, subcategory, version, enabled)
+ return function()
+ if category and subcategory then
+ local c = allocated[category]
+ if not c then
+ c = { }
+ allocated[category] = c
+ end
+ local s = c[subcategory]
+ if not s then
+ s = {
+ category = category,
+ subcategory = subcategory,
+ storage = { },
+ enabled = enabled,
+ version = version or 1.000,
+ trace = false,
+ path = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,category,subcategory),
+ }
+ c[subcategory] = s
+ end
+ return s
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function containers.is_usable(container, name)
+ return container.enabled and caches.is_writable(container.path, name)
+ end
+ function containers.is_valid(container, name)
+ if name and name ~= "" then
+ local storage =[name]
+ return storage and not table.is_empty(storage) and storage.cache_version == container.version
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ function,name)
+ if container.enabled and not[name] then
+[name] = caches.loaddata(container.path,name)
+ if containers.is_valid(container,name) then
+ report(container,"loaded",name)
+ else
+[name] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if[name] then
+ report(container,"reusing",name)
+ end
+ return[name]
+ end
+ function containers.write(container, name, data)
+ if data then
+ data.cache_version = container.version
+ if container.enabled then
+ local unique, shared = data.unique, data.shared
+ data.unique, data.shared = nil, nil
+ caches.savedata(container.path, name, data)
+ report(container,"saved",name)
+ data.unique, data.shared = unique, shared
+ end
+ report(container,"stored",name)
+[name] = data
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ function containers.content(container,name)
+ return[name]
+ end
+-- since we want to use the cache instead of the tree, we will now
+-- reimplement the saver.
+local save_data = input.aux.save_data
+input.cachepath = nil
+function input.aux.save_data(instance, dataname, check)
+ input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees")
+ save_data(instance, dataname, check, function(cachename,dataname)
+ if input.usecache then
+ return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(cachename))
+ else
+ return file.join(cachename,dataname)
+ end
+ end)
+local load_data = input.aux.load_data
+function input.aux.load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename)
+ input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees")
+ load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename,function(dataname,filename)
+ if input.usecache then
+ return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(pathname))
+ else
+ if not filename or (filename == "") then
+ filename = dataname
+ end
+ return file.join(pathname,filename)
+ end
+ end)
+-- we will make a better format, maybe something xml or just text or lua
+input.automounted = input.automounted or { }
+function input.automount(instance,usecache)
+ local mountpaths = input.simplified_list(input.expansion(instance,'TEXMFMOUNT'))
+ if table.is_empty(mountpaths) and usecache then
+ mountpaths = { caches.setpath(instance,"mount") }
+ end
+ if not table.is_empty(mountpaths) then
+ input.starttiming(instance)
+ for k, root in pairs(mountpaths) do
+ local f ="/url.tmi")
+ if f then
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ if line then
+ if line:find("^[%%#%-]") then -- or %W
+ -- skip
+ elseif line:find("^zip://") then
+ table.insert(input.automounted,line)
+ input.usezipfile(instance,line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ input.stoptiming(instance)
+ end
+-- store info in format
+ = { } = { } = 0 -- 500 = - 1 = false -- true = 0 = { }
+-- (evaluate,message,names)
+[] = { ... }
+[] = name
+function -- we can prepend the string with "evaluate:"
+ for _, t in ipairs( do
+ for i, v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == "string" then
+ t[i] = loadstring(v)()
+ elseif type(v) == "table" then
+ for _, vv in pairs(v) do
+ if type(vv) == "string" then
+ t[i] = loadstring(vv)()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for name, data in ipairs( do
+ local evaluate, message, original, target = data[1], data[2], data[3] ,data[4]
+ local name, initialize, finalize, code = nil, "", "", ""
+ for str in target:gmatch("([^%.]+)") do
+ if name then
+ name = name .. "." .. str
+ else
+ name = str
+ end
+ initialize = string.format("%s %s = %s or {} ", initialize, name, name)
+ end
+ if evaluate then
+ finalize = "" .. name .. ")"
+ end
+ = + 1
+ if then
+'storage',string.format('saving %s in slot %s',message,
+ code =
+ initialize ..
+ string.format("'storage','restoring %s from slot %s') ",message, ..
+ table.serialize(original,name) ..
+ finalize
+ else
+ code = initialize .. table.serialize(original,name) .. finalize
+ end
+ lua.bytecode[] = loadstring(code)
+ end
+if lua.bytecode then -- from 0 upwards
+ local i =
+ while lua.bytecode[i] do
+ lua.bytecode[i]()
+ lua.bytecode[i] = nil
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ = i
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-log'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.tex",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+<p>This is a prelude to a more extensive logging module. For the sake
+of parsing log files, in addition to the standard logging we will
+provide an <l n='xml'/> structured file. Actually, any logging that
+is hooked into callbacks will be \XML\ by default.</p>
+input = input or { }
+logs = logs or { }
+<p>This looks pretty ugly but we need to speed things up a bit.</p>
+logs.levels = {
+ ['error'] = 1,
+ ['warning'] = 2,
+ ['info'] = 3,
+ ['debug'] = 4
+logs.functions = {
+ 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'report',
+ 'start', 'stop', 'push', 'pop'
+logs.callbacks = {
+ 'start_page_number',
+ 'stop_page_number',
+ 'report_output_pages',
+ 'report_output_log'
+logs.xml = logs.xml or { }
+logs.tex = logs.tex or { }
+logs.level = 0
+ local write_nl, write, format = texio.write_nl or print, texio.write or io.write, string.format
+ if texlua then
+ write_nl = print
+ write = io.write
+ end
+ function logs.xml.debug(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 3 then write_nl(format("<d category='%s'>%s</d>",category,str)) end
+ end
+ function,str)
+ if logs.level > 2 then write_nl(format("<i category='%s'>%s</i>",category,str)) end
+ end
+ function logs.xml.warning(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 1 then write_nl(format("<w category='%s'>%s</w>",category,str)) end
+ end
+ function logs.xml.error(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 0 then write_nl(format("<e category='%s'>%s</e>",category,str)) end
+ end
+ function,str)
+ write_nl(format("<r category='%s'>%s</r>",category,str))
+ end
+ function logs.xml.start() if logs.level > 0 then tw("<%s>" ) end end
+ function logs.xml.stop () if logs.level > 0 then tw("</%s>") end end
+ function logs.xml.push () if logs.level > 0 then tw("<!-- ") end end
+ function logs.xml.pop () if logs.level > 0 then tw(" -->" ) end end
+ function logs.tex.debug(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 3 then write_nl(format("debug >> %s: %s" ,category,str)) end
+ end
+ function,str)
+ if logs.level > 2 then write_nl(format("info >> %s: %s" ,category,str)) end
+ end
+ function logs.tex.warning(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 1 then write_nl(format("warning >> %s: %s",category,str)) end
+ end
+ function logs.tex.error(category,str)
+ if logs.level > 0 then write_nl(format("error >> %s: %s" ,category,str)) end
+ end
+ function,str)
+ write_nl(format("report >> %s: %s" ,category,str))
+ end
+ function logs.set_level(level)
+ logs.level = logs.levels[level] or level
+ end
+ function logs.set_method(method)
+ for _, v in pairs(logs.functions) do
+ logs[v] = logs[method][v] or function() end
+ end
+ if callback and input[method] then
+ for _, cb in pairs(logs.callbacks) do
+ callback.register(cb, input[method][cb])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function logs.xml.start_page_number()
+ write_nl(format("<p real='%s' page='%s' sub='%s'", tex.count[0], tex.count[1], tex.count[2]))
+ end
+ function logs.xml.stop_page_number()
+ write("/>")
+ write_nl("")
+ end
+ function logs.xml.report_output_pages(p,b)
+ write_nl(format("<v k='pages' v='%s'/>", p))
+ write_nl(format("<v k='bytes' v='%s'/>", b))
+ write_nl("")
+ end
+ function logs.xml.report_output_log()
+ end
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-sta'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+states = states or { } = or { }
+states.hash = states.hash or { }
+states.tag = states.tag or ""
+states.filename = states.filename or ""
+ tag = tag or states.tag
+ filename = file.addsuffix(filename or states.filename,'lus')
+ io.savedata(filename,
+ "-- generator : luat-sta.lua\n" ..
+ "-- state tag : " .. tag .. "\n\n" ..
+ table.serialize([tag or states.tag] or {},true)
+ )
+function states.load(filename,tag)
+ states.filename = filename
+ states.tag = tag or "whatever"
+ states.filename = file.addsuffix(states.filename,'lus')
+[states.tag], states.hash[states.tag] = (io.exists(filename) and dofile(filename)) or { }, { }
+function states.set_by_tag(tag,key,value,default,persistent)
+ local d, h =[tag], states.hash[tag]
+ if d then
+ local dkey, hkey = key, key
+ local pre, post = key:match("(.+)%.([^%.]+)$")
+ if pre and post then
+ for k in pre:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if not dk then
+ dk = { }
+ d[k] = dk
+ end
+ d = dk
+ end
+ dkey, hkey = post, key
+ end
+ if type(value) == nil then
+ value = value or default
+ elseif persistent then
+ value = value or d[dkey] or default
+ else
+ value = value or default
+ end
+ d[dkey], h[hkey] = value, value
+ end
+function states.get_by_tag(tag,key,default)
+ local h = states.hash[tag]
+ if h and h[key] then
+ return h[key]
+ else
+ local d =[tag]
+ if d then
+ for k in key:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if dk then
+ d = dk
+ else
+ return default
+ end
+ end
+ return d or default
+ end
+ end
+function states.set(key,value,default,persistent)
+ states.set_by_tag(states.tag,key,value,default,persistent)
+function states.get(key,default)
+ return states.get_by_tag(states.tag,key,default)
+--~ = {
+--~ ["version"] = {
+--~ ["major"] = 0,
+--~ ["minor"] = 1,
+--~ },
+--~ ["rsync"] = {
+--~ ["server"] = "",
+--~ ["module"] = "minimals",
+--~ ["repository"] = "current",
+--~ ["flags"] = "-rpztlv --stats",
+--~ },
+--~ ["tasks"] = {
+--~ ["update"] = true,
+--~ ["make"] = true,
+--~ ["delete"] = false,
+--~ },
+--~ ["platform"] = {
+--~ ["host"] = true,
+--~ ["other"] = {
+--~ ["mswin"] = false,
+--~ ["linux"] = false,
+--~ ["linux-64"] = false,
+--~ ["osx-intel"] = false,
+--~ ["osx-ppc"] = false,
+--~ ["sun"] = false,
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ ["context"] = {
+--~ ["available"] = {"current", "beta", "alpha", "experimental"},
+--~ ["selected"] = "current",
+--~ },
+--~ ["formats"] = {
+--~ ["cont-en"] = true,
+--~ ["cont-nl"] = true,
+--~ ["cont-de"] = false,
+--~ ["cont-cz"] = false,
+--~ ["cont-fr"] = false,
+--~ ["cont-ro"] = false,
+--~ },
+--~ ["engine"] = {
+--~ ["pdftex"] = {
+--~ ["install"] = true,
+--~ ["formats"] = {
+--~ ["pdftex"] = true,
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ ["luatex"] = {
+--~ ["install"] = true,
+--~ ["formats"] = {
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ ["xetex"] = {
+--~ ["install"] = true,
+--~ ["formats"] = {
+--~ ["xetex"] = false,
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ ["metapost"] = {
+--~ ["install"] = true,
+--~ ["formats"] = {
+--~ ["mpost"] = true,
+--~ ["metafun"] = true,
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ },
+--~ ["fonts"] = {
+--~ },
+--~ ["doc"] = {
+--~ },
+--~ ["modules"] = {
+--~ ["f-urwgaramond"] = false,
+--~ ["f-urwgothic"] = false,
+--~ ["t-bnf"] = false,
+--~ ["t-chromato"] = false,
+--~ ["t-cmscbf"] = false,
+--~ ["t-cmttbf"] = false,
+--~ ["t-construction-plan"] = false,
+--~ ["t-degrade"] = false,
+--~ ["t-french"] = false,
+--~ ["t-lettrine"] = false,
+--~ ["t-lilypond"] = false,
+--~ ["t-mathsets"] = false,
+--~ ["t-tikz"] = false,
+--~ ["t-typearea"] = false,
+--~ ["t-vim"] = false,
+--~ },
+--~ }
+--~"teststate", "update")
+--~ states.load("teststate", "update")
+--~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown"))
+--~ states.set_by_tag("update","rsync.server","oeps")
+--~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown"))
+--~"teststate", "update")
+--~ states.load("teststate", "update")
+--~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown"))
+-- end library merge
+own = { }
+own.libs = { -- todo: check which ones are really needed
+ 'l-string.lua',
+ 'l-lpeg.lua',
+ 'l-table.lua',
+ 'l-io.lua',
+ 'l-md5.lua',
+ 'l-number.lua',
+ 'l-set.lua',
+ 'l-os.lua',
+ 'l-file.lua',
+ 'l-dir.lua',
+ 'l-boolean.lua',
+ 'l-xml.lua',
+-- 'l-unicode.lua',
+ 'l-utils.lua',
+-- 'l-tex.lua',
+ 'luat-lib.lua',
+ 'luat-inp.lua',
+-- 'luat-zip.lua',
+-- 'luat-tex.lua',
+-- 'luat-kps.lua',
+ 'luat-tmp.lua',
+ 'luat-log.lua',
+ 'luat-sta.lua',
+-- We need this hack till luatex is fixed.
+-- for k,v in pairs(arg) do print(k,v) end
+if arg and (arg[0] == 'luatex' or arg[0] == 'luatex.exe') and arg[1] == "--luaonly" then
+ arg[-1]=arg[0] arg[0]=arg[2] for k=3,#arg do arg[k-2]=arg[k] end arg[#arg]=nil arg[#arg]=nil
+-- End of hack.
+ = (environment and environment.ownname) or arg[0] or 'luatools.lua'
+own.path = string.match(,"^(.+)[\\/].-$") or "."
+own.list = { '.' }
+if own.path ~= '.' then
+ table.insert(own.list,own.path)
+function locate_libs()
+ for _, lib in pairs(own.libs) do
+ for _, pth in pairs(own.list) do
+ local filename = string.gsub(pth .. "/" .. lib,"\\","/")
+ local codeblob = loadfile(filename)
+ if codeblob then
+ codeblob()
+ own.list = { pth } -- speed up te search
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not input then
+ locate_libs()
+if not input then
+ print("")
+ print("Mtxrun is unable to start up due to lack of libraries. You may")
+ print("try to run 'lua mtxrun.lua --selfmerge' in the path where this")
+ print("script is located (normally under ..../scripts/context/lua) which")
+ print("will make this script library independent.")
+ os.exit()
+instance = input.reset()
+input.verbose = environment.argument("verbose") or false
+input.banner = 'MtxRun | ' =
+instance.engine = environment.argument("engine") or 'luatex'
+instance.progname = environment.argument("progname") or 'context'
+instance.lsrmode = environment.argument("lsr") or false
+-- use os.env or environment when available
+--~ function input.check_environment(tree)
+--~ os.setenv('TMP', os.getenv('TMP') or os.getenv('TEMP') or os.getenv('TMPDIR') or os.getenv('HOME'))
+--~ if os.platform == 'linux' then
+--~ os.setenv('TEXOS', os.getenv('TEXOS') or 'texmf-linux')
+--~ elseif os.platform == 'windows' then
+--~ os.setenv('TEXOS', os.getenv('TEXOS') or 'texmf-windows')
+--~ elseif os.platform == 'macosx' then
+--~ os.setenv('TEXOS', os.getenv('TEXOS') or 'texmf-macosx')
+--~ end
+--~ os.setenv('TEXOS', string.gsub(string.gsub(os.getenv('TEXOS'),"^[\\\/]*", ''),"[\\\/]*$", ''))
+--~ os.setenv('TEXPATH', string.gsub(tree,"\/+$",''))
+--~ os.setenv('TEXMFOS', os.getenv('TEXPATH') .. "/" .. os.getenv('TEXOS'))
+--~"preset : TEXPATH => " .. os.getenv('TEXPATH'))
+--~"preset : TEXOS => " .. os.getenv('TEXOS'))
+--~"preset : TEXMFOS => " .. os.getenv('TEXMFOS'))
+--~"preset : TMP => " .. os.getenv('TMP'))
+--~ end
+function input.check_environment(tree)
+ os.setenv('TMP', os.getenv('TMP') or os.getenv('TEMP') or os.getenv('TMPDIR') or os.getenv('HOME'))
+ os.setenv('TEXOS', os.getenv('TEXOS') or ("texmf-" .. os.currentplatform()))
+ os.setenv('TEXPATH', (tree or "tex"):gsub("\/+$",''))
+ os.setenv('TEXMFOS', os.getenv('TEXPATH') .. "/" .. os.getenv('TEXOS'))
+"preset : TEXPATH => " .. os.getenv('TEXPATH'))
+"preset : TEXOS => " .. os.getenv('TEXOS'))
+"preset : TEXMFOS => " .. os.getenv('TEXMFOS'))
+"preset : TMP => " .. os.getenv('TMP'))
+function input.load_environment(name) -- todo: key=value as well as lua
+ local f =
+ if f then
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ if line:find("^[%%%#]") then
+ -- skip comment
+ else
+ local key, how, value = line:match("^(.-)%s*([<=>%?]+)%s*(.*)%s*$")
+ if how then
+ value = value:gsub("%%(.-)%%", function(v) return os.getenv(v) or "" end)
+ if how == "=" or how == "<<" then
+ os.setenv(key,value)
+ elseif how == "?" or how == "??" then
+ os.setenv(key,os.getenv(key) or value)
+ elseif how == "<" or how == "+=" then
+ if os.getenv(key) then
+ os.setenv(key,os.getenv(key) .. io.fileseparator .. value)
+ else
+ os.setenv(key,value)
+ end
+ elseif how == ">" or how == "=+" then
+ if os.getenv(key) then
+ os.setenv(key,value .. io.pathseparator .. os.getenv(key))
+ else
+ os.setenv(key,value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+function input.load_tree(tree)
+ if tree and tree ~= "" then
+ local setuptex = 'setuptex.tmf'
+ if lfs.attributes(tree, "mode") == "directory" then -- check if not nil
+ setuptex = tree .. "/" .. setuptex
+ else
+ setuptex = tree
+ end
+ if io.exists(setuptex) then
+ input.check_environment(tree)
+ input.load_environment(setuptex)
+ end
+ end
+-- md5 extensions
+-- maybe md.md5 md.md5hex md.md5HEX
+if not md5 then md5 = { } end
+if not md5.sum then
+ function md5.sum(k)
+ return string.rep("x",16)
+ end
+function md5.hexsum(k)
+ return (string.gsub(md5.sum(k), ".", function(c) return string.format("%02x", string.byte(c)) end))
+function md5.HEXsum(k)
+ return (string.gsub(md5.sum(k), ".", function(c) return string.format("%02X", string.byte(c)) end))
+-- file extensions
+file.needs_updating_threshold = 1
+function file.needs_updating(oldname,newname) -- size modification access change
+ local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname, modification)
+ local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname, modification)
+ if newtime >= oldtime then
+ return false
+ elseif oldtime - newtime < file.needs_updating_threshold then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+function file.mdchecksum(name)
+ if md5 then
+ local data = io.loadall(name)
+ if data then
+ return md5.HEXsum(data)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.loadchecksum(name)
+ if md then
+ local data = io.loadall(name .. ".md5")
+ if data then
+ return string.gsub(md5.HEXsum(data),"%s$","")
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function file.savechecksum(name, checksum)
+ if not checksum then checksum = file.mdchecksum(name) end
+ if checksum then
+ local f = .. ".md5","w")
+ if f then
+ f:write(checksum)
+ f:close()
+ return checksum
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+os.arch = os.arch or function()
+ return os.resultof("uname -m") or "linux"
+function os.currentplatform(name, default)
+ local name = or os.platform or name -- is built in, os.platform is mine
+ if name then
+ if name == "windows" or name == "mswin" or name == "win32" or name == "msdos" then
+ return "mswin"
+ elseif name == "linux" then
+ local architecture = os.arch()
+ if architecture:find("x86_64") then
+ return "linux-64"
+ else
+ return "linux"
+ end
+ elseif name == "macosx" then
+ local architecture = os.arch()
+ if architecture:find("i386") then
+ return "osx-intel"
+ else
+ return "osx-ppc"
+ end
+ elseif name == "freebsd" then
+ return "freebsd"
+ end
+ end
+ return default or name
+-- it starts here
+input.runners = { }
+input.runners.applications = { }
+input.runners.applications.lua = "luatex --luaonly" = "perl" = "python"
+input.runners.applications.rb = "ruby"
+input.runners.suffixes = {
+ 'rb', 'lua', 'py', 'pl'
+input.runners.registered = {
+ texexec = { 'texexec.rb', true },
+ texutil = { 'texutil.rb', true },
+ texfont = { '', true },
+ texshow = { '', false },
+ makempy = { '', true },
+ mptopdf = { '', true },
+ pstopdf = { 'pstopdf.rb', true },
+ examplex = { 'examplex.rb', false },
+ concheck = { 'concheck.rb', false },
+ runtools = { 'runtools.rb', true },
+ textools = { 'textools.rb', true },
+ tmftools = { 'tmftools.rb', true },
+ ctxtools = { 'ctxtools.rb', true },
+ rlxtools = { 'rlxtools.rb', true },
+ pdftools = { 'pdftools.rb', true },
+ mpstools = { 'mpstools.rb', true },
+ exatools = { 'exatools.rb', true },
+ xmltools = { 'xmltools.rb', true },
+ luatools = { 'luatools.lua', true },
+ mtxtools = { 'mtxtools.rb', true },
+ pdftrimwhite = { '', false }
+if not messages then messages = { } end
+ = [[
+--script run an mtx script
+--execute run a script or program
+--resolve resolve prefixed arguments
+--ctxlua run internally (using preloaded libs)
+--locate locate given filename
+--autotree use texmf tree cf. env 'texmfstart_tree' or 'texmfstarttree'
+--tree=pathtotree use given texmf tree (default file: 'setuptex.tmf')
+--environment=name use given (tmf) environment file
+--path=runpath go to given path before execution
+--ifchanged=filename only execute when given file has changed (md checksum)
+--iftouched=old,new only execute when given file has changed (time stamp)
+--make create stubs for (context related) scripts
+--remove remove stubs (context related) scripts
+--stubpath=binpath paths where stubs wil be written
+--windows create windows (mswin) stubs
+--unix create unix (linux) stubs
+--verbose give a bit more info
+--engine=str target engine
+--progname=str format or backend
+--edit launch editor with found file
+--launch (--all) launch files (assume os support)
+--intern run script using built in libraries
+function input.runners.my_prepare_a(instance)
+ input.resetconfig(instance)
+ input.identify_cnf(instance)
+ input.load_lua(instance)
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+ input.load_cnf(instance)
+ input.expand_variables(instance)
+function input.runners.my_prepare_b(instance)
+ input.runners.my_prepare_a(instance)
+ input.load_hash(instance)
+ input.automount(instance)
+function input.runners.prepare(instance)
+ local checkname = environment.argument("ifchanged")
+ if checkname and checkname ~= "" then
+ local oldchecksum = file.loadchecksum(checkname)
+ local newchecksum = file.checksum(checkname)
+ if oldchecksum == newchecksum then
+ report("file '" .. checkname .. "' is unchanged")
+ return "skip"
+ else
+ report("file '" .. checkname .. "' is changed, processing started")
+ end
+ file.savechecksum(checkname)
+ end
+ local oldname, newname = string.split(environment.argument("iftouched") or "", ",")
+ if oldname and newname and oldname ~= "" and newname ~= "" then
+ if not file.needs_updating(oldname,newname) then
+ report("file '" .. oldname .. "' and '" .. newname .. "'have same age")
+ return "skip"
+ else
+ report("file '" .. newname .. "' is older than '" .. oldname .. "'")
+ end
+ end
+ local tree = environment.argument('tree') or ""
+ if environment.argument('autotree') then
+ tree = os.getenv('TEXMFSTART_TREE') or os.getenv('TEXMFSTARTTREE') or tree
+ end
+ if tree and tree ~= "" then
+ input.load_tree(tree)
+ end
+ local env = environment.argument('environment') or ""
+ if env and env ~= "" then
+ for _,e in pairs(string.split(env)) do
+ -- maybe force suffix when not given
+ input.load_tree(e)
+ end
+ end
+ local runpath = environment.argument("path")
+ if runpath and not dir.chdir(runpath) then
+"unable to change to path '" .. runpath .. "'")
+ return "error"
+ end
+ return "run"
+function input.runners.execute_script(instance,fullname,internal)
+ if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
+ local state = input.runners.prepare(instance)
+ if state == 'error' then
+ return false
+ elseif state == 'skip' then
+ return true
+ elseif state == "run" then
+ instance.progname = environment.argument("progname") or instance.progname
+ instance.format = environment.argument("format") or instance.format
+ local path, name, suffix, result = file.dirname(fullname), file.basename(fullname), file.extname(fullname), ""
+ if path ~= "" then
+ result = fullname
+ elseif name then
+ name = name:gsub("^int[%a]*:",function()
+ internal = true
+ return ""
+ end )
+ name = name:gsub("^script:","")
+ if suffix == "" and input.runners.registered[name] and input.runners.registered[name][1] then
+ name = input.runners.registered[name][1]
+ suffix = file.extname(name)
+ end
+ if suffix == "" then
+ -- loop over known suffixes
+ for _,s in pairs(input.runners.suffixes) do
+ result = input.find_file(instance, name .. "." .. s, 'texmfscripts')
+ if result ~= "" then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ elseif input.runners.applications[suffix] then
+ result = input.find_file(instance, name, 'texmfscripts')
+ else
+ -- maybe look on path
+ result = input.find_file(instance, name, 'other text files')
+ end
+ end
+ if result and result ~= "" then
+ if internal then
+ local before, after = environment.split_arguments(fullname)
+ arg = { } for _,v in pairs(after) do arg[#arg+1] = v end
+ dofile(result)
+ else
+ local binary = input.runners.applications[file.extname(result)]
+ if binary and binary ~= "" then
+ result = binary .. " " .. result
+ end
+ local before, after = environment.split_arguments(fullname)
+ local command = result .. " " .. environment.reconstruct_commandline(after)
+"executing: " .. command)
+"\n \n")
+ io.flush()
+ local code = os.exec(command) -- maybe spawn
+ return code == 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function input.runners.execute_program(instance,fullname)
+ if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
+ local state = input.runners.prepare(instance)
+ if state == 'error' then
+ return false
+ elseif state == 'skip' then
+ return true
+ elseif state == "run" then
+ local before, after = environment.split_arguments(fullname)
+ environment.initialize_arguments(after)
+ fullname = fullname:gsub("^bin:","")
+ local command = fullname .. " " .. environment.reconstruct_commandline(after)
+"executing: " .. command)
+"\n \n")
+ io.flush()
+ local code = os.exec(command) -- (fullname,unpack(after)) does not work / maybe spawn
+ return code == 0
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function input.runners.handle_stubs(instance,create)
+ local stubpath = environment.argument('stubpath') or '.' -- 'auto' no longer supported
+ local windows = environment.argument('windows') or environment.argument('mswin') or false
+ local unix = environment.argument('unix') or environment.argument('linux') or false
+ if not windows and not unix then
+ if environment.platform == "unix" then
+ unix = true
+ else
+ windows = true
+ end
+ end
+ for _,v in pairs(input.runners.registered) do
+ local name, doit = v[1], v[2]
+ if doit then
+ local base = string.gsub(file.basename(name), "%.(.-)$", "")
+ if create then
+ -- direct local command = input.runners.applications[file.extname(name)] .. " " .. name
+ local command = "luatex --luaonly mtxrun.lua " .. name
+ if windows then
+ io.savedata(base..".bat", {"@echo off", command.." %*"}, "\013\010")
+"windows stub for '" .. base .. "' created")
+ end
+ if unix then
+ io.savedata(base, {"#!/bin/sh", command..' "$@"'}, "\010")
+"unix stub for '" .. base .. "' created")
+ end
+ else
+ if windows and (os.remove(base..'.bat') or os.remove(base..'.cmd')) then
+"windows stub for '" .. base .. "' removed")
+ end
+ if unix and (os.remove(base) or os.remove(base..'.sh')) then
+"unix stub for '" .. base .. "' removed")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function input.runners.resolve_string(instance,filename)
+ if filename and filename ~= "" then
+ input.runners.report_location(instance,input.resolve(instance,filename))
+ end
+function input.runners.locate_file(instance,filename)
+ if filename and filename ~= "" then
+ input.runners.report_location(instance,input.find_given_file(instance,filename))
+ end
+function input.runners.locate_platform(instance)
+ input.runners.report_location(instance,os.currentplatform())
+function input.runners.report_location(instance,result)
+ if input.verbose then
+ if result and result ~= "" then
+ else
+"not found")
+ end
+ else
+ io.write(result)
+ end
+function input.runners.edit_script(instance,filename)
+ local editor = os.getenv("MTXRUN_EDITOR") or os.getenv("TEXMFSTART_EDITOR") or os.getenv("EDITOR") or 'scite'
+ local rest = input.resolve(instance,filename)
+ if rest ~= "" then
+ os.launch(editor .. " " .. rest)
+ end
+function input.runners.save_script_session(filename, list)
+ local t = { }
+ for _, key in ipairs(list) do
+ t[key] = environment.arguments[key]
+ end
+ io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,true))
+function input.runners.load_script_session(filename)
+ if lfs.isfile(filename) then
+ local t = io.loaddata(filename)
+ if t then
+ t = loadstring(t)
+ if t then t = t() end
+ for key, value in pairs(t) do
+ environment.arguments[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+input.runners.launchers = {
+ windows = { },
+ unix = { }
+function input.launch(str)
+ -- maybe we also need to test on mtxrun.launcher.suffix environment
+ -- variable or on windows consult the assoc and ftype vars and such
+ local launchers = input.runners.launchers[os.platform] if launchers then
+ local suffix = file.extname(str) if suffix then
+ local runner = launchers[suffix] if runner then
+ str = runner .. " " .. str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ os.launch(str)
+function input.runners.launch_file(instance,filename)
+ instance.allresults = true
+ input.verbose = true
+ local pattern = environment.arguments["pattern"]
+ if not pattern or pattern == "" then
+ pattern = filename
+ end
+ if not pattern or pattern == "" then
+"provide name or --pattern=")
+ else
+ local t = input.find_files(instance,pattern)
+ -- local t = input.aux.find_file(instance,"*/" .. pattern,true)
+ if t and #t > 0 then
+ if environment.arguments["all"] then
+ for _, v in pairs(t) do
+"launching", v)
+ input.launch(v)
+ end
+ else
+"launching", t[1])
+ input.launch(t[1])
+ end
+ else
+"no match for", pattern)
+ end
+ end
+function input.runners.execute_ctx_script(instance,filename,arguments)
+ local function found(name)
+ local path = file.dirname(name)
+ if path and path ~= "" then
+ return false
+ else
+ local fullname = own and own.path and file.join(own.path,name)
+ return io.exists(fullname) and fullname
+ end
+ end
+ local suffix = ""
+ if not filename:find("%.lua$") then suffix = ".lua" end
+ local fullname = filename
+ -- just <filename>
+ fullname = filename .. suffix
+ fullname = input.find_file(instance,fullname)
+ -- mtx-<filename>
+ if not fullname or fullname == "" then
+ fullname = "mtx-" .. filename .. suffix
+ fullname = found(fullname) or input.find_file(instance,fullname)
+ end
+ -- mtx-<filename>s
+ if not fullname or fullname == "" then
+ fullname = "mtx-" .. filename .. "s" .. suffix
+ fullname = found(fullname) or input.find_file(instance,fullname)
+ end
+ -- mtx-<filename minus trailing s>
+ if not fullname or fullname == "" then
+ fullname = "mtx-" .. filename:gsub("s$","") .. suffix
+ fullname = found(fullname) or input.find_file(instance,fullname)
+ end
+ -- that should do it
+ if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
+ local state = input.runners.prepare(instance)
+ if state == 'error' then
+ return false
+ elseif state == 'skip' then
+ return true
+ elseif state == "run" then
+ -- load and save ... kind of undocumented
+ arg = { } for _,v in pairs(arguments) do arg[#arg+1] = v end
+ environment.initialize_arguments(arg)
+ local loadname = environment.arguments['load']
+ if loadname then
+ if type(loadname) ~= "string" then loadname = file.basename(fullname) end
+ loadname = file.replacesuffix(loadname,"cfg")
+ input.runners.load_script_session(loadname)
+ end
+ filename = environment.files[1]
+ if input.verbose then
+"using script: " .. fullname)
+ end
+ dofile(fullname)
+ local savename = environment.arguments['save']
+ if savename and input.runners.save_list and not table.is_empty(input.runners.save_list or { }) then
+ if type(savename) ~= "string" then savename = file.basename(fullname) end
+ savename = file.replacesuffix(savename,"cfg")
+ input.runners.save_script_session(savename, input.runners.save_list)
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ input.verbose = true
+"unknown script: " .. filename)
+ return false
+ end
+ if not input.verbose then
+ input.verbose = true
+ end
+ input.reportlines(message)
+-- this is a bit dirty ... first we store the first filename and next we
+-- split the arguments so that we only see the ones meant for this script
+-- ... later we will use the second half
+local filename = environment.files[1] or ""
+local ok = true
+local before, after = environment.split_arguments(filename)
+before = input.resolve(instance,before) -- experimental here
+after = input.resolve(instance,after) -- experimental here
+if environment.argument("selfmerge") then
+ -- embed used libraries
+ utils.merger.selfmerge(,own.libs,own.list)
+elseif environment.argument("selfclean") then
+ -- remove embedded libraries
+ utils.merger.selfclean(
+elseif environment.argument("selfupdate") then
+ input.verbose = true
+ input.update_script(instance,,"mtxrun")
+elseif environment.argument("ctxlua") or environment.argument("internal") then
+ -- run a script by loading it (using libs)
+ ok = input.runners.execute_script(instance,filename,true)
+elseif environment.argument("script") then
+ -- run a script by loading it (using libs), pass args
+ ok = input.runners.execute_ctx_script(instance,filename,after)
+elseif environment.argument("execute") then
+ -- execute script
+ ok = input.runners.execute_script(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("direct") then
+ -- equals bin:
+ ok = input.runners.execute_program(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("edit") then
+ -- edit file
+ input.runners.edit_script(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("launch") then
+ input.runners.launch_file(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("make") then
+ -- make stubs
+ input.runners.handle_stubs(instance,true)
+elseif environment.argument("remove") then
+ -- remove stub
+ input.runners.handle_stubs(instance,false)
+elseif environment.argument("resolve") then
+ -- resolve string
+ input.runners.resolve_string(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("locate") then
+ -- locate file
+ input.runners.locate_file(instance,filename)
+elseif environment.argument("platform")then
+ -- locate platform
+ input.runners.locate_platform(instance)
+elseif environment.argument("help") or filename=='help' or filename == "" then
+ -- execute script
+ if filename:find("^bin:") then
+ ok = input.runners.execute_program(instance,filename)
+ else
+ ok = input.runners.execute_script(instance,filename)
+ end
+--~ if input.verbose then
+--~"runtime: %0.3f seconds",os.runtime()))
+--~ end
+--~ if ok then
+--~"exit code: 0") os.exit(0)
+--~ else
+--~"exit code: 1") os.exit(1)
+--~ end
+if environment.platform == "unix" then
+ io.write("\n")