path: root/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c53d9f6e0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/mtx-server-ctx-help.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-server-ctx-help'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "Basic Definition Browser",
+ author = "Hans Hagen",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+--~ dofile(resolvers.find_file("l-xml.lua","tex"))
+-- problem ... serialize parent stack
+local format = string.format
+local concat = table.concat
+-- -- -- make this a module: cont-xx.lua
+document = document or { }
+document.setups = document.setups or { }
+document.setups.div = {
+ pe = "<div dir='rtl' lang='arabic'>%s</div>"
+document.setups.span = {
+ pe = "<span dir='rtl' lang='arabic'>%s</span>"
+document.setups.translations = document.setups.translations or {
+ nl = {
+ ["title"] = "setup",
+ ["formula"] = "formule",
+ ["number"] = "getal",
+ ["list"] = "lijst",
+ ["dimension"] = "maat",
+ ["mark"] = "markering",
+ ["reference"] = "verwijzing",
+ ["command"] = "commando",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["name"] = "naam",
+ ["identifier"] = "naam",
+ ["text"] = "tekst",
+ ["section"] = "sectie",
+ ["singular"] = "naam enkelvoud",
+ ["plural"] = "naam meervoud",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "zie",
+ ["inherits"] = "erft van",
+ ["optional"] = "optioneel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formule",
+ ["index"] = "ingang",
+ ["math"] = "formule",
+ ["nothing"] = "leeg",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "positie",
+ ["reference"] = "verwijzing",
+ ["csname"] = "naam",
+ ["destination"] = "bestemming",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "woord",
+ ["content"] = "tekst",
+ },
+ en = {
+ ["title"] = "setup",
+ ["formula"] = "formula",
+ ["number"] = "number",
+ ["list"] = "list",
+ ["dimension"] = "dimension",
+ ["mark"] = "mark",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["command"] = "command",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["name"] = "name",
+ ["identifier"] = "identifier",
+ ["text"] = "text",
+ ["section"] = "section",
+ ["singular"] = "singular name",
+ ["plural"] = "plural name",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "see",
+ ["inherits"] = "inherits from",
+ ["optional"] = "optional",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formula",
+ ["index"] = "entry",
+ ["math"] = "formula",
+ ["nothing"] = "empty",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["csname"] = "name",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "word",
+ ["content"] = "text",
+ ["noargument"] = "\\cs",
+ ["oneargument"] = "\\cs#1{..}",
+ ["twoarguments"] = "\\cs#1#2{..}{..}",
+ ["threearguments"] = "\\cs#1#2#3{..}{..}{..}",
+ },
+ de = {
+ ["title"] = "Setup",
+ ["formula"] = "Formel",
+ ["number"] = "Nummer",
+ ["list"] = "Liste",
+ ["dimension"] = "Dimension",
+ ["mark"] = "Beschriftung",
+ ["reference"] = "Referenz",
+ ["command"] = "Befehl",
+ ["file"] = "Datei",
+ ["name"] = "Name",
+ ["identifier"] = "Name",
+ ["text"] = "Text",
+ ["section"] = "Abschnitt",
+ ["singular"] = "singular",
+ ["plural"] = "plural",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "siehe",
+ ["inherits"] = "inherits from",
+ ["optional"] = "optioneel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formula",
+ ["index"] = "entry",
+ ["math"] = "formula",
+ ["nothing"] = "empty",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["csname"] = "name",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "word",
+ ["content"] = "text",
+ },
+ cz = {
+ ["title"] = "setup",
+ ["formula"] = "rovnice",
+ ["number"] = "cislo",
+ ["list"] = "seznam",
+ ["dimension"] = "dimenze",
+ ["mark"] = "znacka",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["command"] = "prikaz",
+ ["file"] = "soubor",
+ ["name"] = "jmeno",
+ ["identifier"] = "jmeno",
+ ["text"] = "text",
+ ["section"] = "sekce",
+ ["singular"] = "jmeno v singularu",
+ ["plural"] = "jmeno v pluralu",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "viz",
+ ["inherits"] = "inherits from",
+ ["optional"] = "optioneel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formula",
+ ["index"] = "entry",
+ ["math"] = "formula",
+ ["nothing"] = "empty",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["csname"] = "name",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "word",
+ ["content"] = "text",
+ },
+ it = {
+ ["title"] = "setup",
+ ["formula"] = "formula",
+ ["number"] = "number",
+ ["list"] = "list",
+ ["dimension"] = "dimension",
+ ["mark"] = "mark",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["command"] = "command",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["name"] = "name",
+ ["identifier"] = "name",
+ ["text"] = "text",
+ ["section"] = "section",
+ ["singular"] = "singular name",
+ ["plural"] = "plural name",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "see",
+ ["inherits"] = "inherits from",
+ ["optional"] = "optioneel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formula",
+ ["index"] = "entry",
+ ["math"] = "formula",
+ ["nothing"] = "empty",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["csname"] = "name",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "word",
+ ["content"] = "text",
+ },
+ ro = {
+ ["title"] = "setari",
+ ["formula"] = "formula",
+ ["number"] = "numar",
+ ["list"] = "lista",
+ ["dimension"] = "dimensiune",
+ ["mark"] = "marcaj",
+ ["reference"] = "referinta",
+ ["command"] = "comanda",
+ ["file"] = "fisier",
+ ["name"] = "nume",
+ ["identifier"] = "nume",
+ ["text"] = "text",
+ ["section"] = "sectiune",
+ ["singular"] = "nume singular",
+ ["plural"] = "nume pluram",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "vezi",
+ ["inherits"] = "inherits from",
+ ["optional"] = "optioneel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formula",
+ ["index"] = "entry",
+ ["math"] = "formula",
+ ["nothing"] = "empty",
+ ["file"] = "file",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["csname"] = "name",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "word",
+ ["content"] = "text",
+ },
+ fr = {
+ ["title"] = "réglage",
+ ["formula"] = "formule",
+ ["number"] = "numéro",
+ ["list"] = "liste",
+ ["dimension"] = "dimension",
+ ["mark"] = "marquage",
+ ["reference"] = "reference",
+ ["command"] = "commande",
+ ["file"] = "fichier",
+ ["name"] = "nom",
+ ["identifier"] = "identificateur",
+ ["text"] = "texte",
+ ["section"] = "section",
+ ["singular"] = "nom singulier",
+ ["plural"] = "nom pluriel",
+ ["matrix"] = "n*m",
+ ["see"] = "vois",
+ ["inherits"] = "herite de",
+ ["optional"] = "optionel",
+ ["displaymath"] = "formule",
+ ["index"] = "entrée",
+ ["math"] = "formule",
+ ["nothing"] = "vide",
+ ["file"] = "fichier",
+ ["position"] = "position",
+ ["reference"] = "réference",
+ ["csname"] = "nom",
+ ["destination"] = "destination",
+ ["triplet"] = "triplet",
+ ["word"] = "mot",
+ ["content"] = "texte",
+ }
+document.setups.formats = {
+ interface = [[<a href='mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?interface=%s'>%s</a>]],
+ href = [[<a href='mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?command=%s'>%s</a>]],
+ source = [[<a href='mtx-server-ctx-help.lua?source=%s'>%s</a>]],
+ optional_single = "[optional string %s]",
+ optional_list = "[optional list %s]",
+ mandate_single = "[mandate string %s]",
+ mandate_list = "[mandate list %s]",
+ parameter = [[<tr><td width='15%%'>%s</td><td width='15%%'>%s</td><td width='70%%'>%s</td></tr>]],
+ parameters = [[<table width='100%%'>%s</table>]],
+ listing = [[<pre><t>%s</t></listing>]],
+ special = "<i>%s</i>",
+ default = "<u>%s</u>",
+local function translate(tag,int,noformat)
+ local t = document.setups.translations
+ local te = t["en"]
+ local ti = t[int] or te
+ if noformat then
+ return ti[tag] or te[tag] or tag
+ else
+ return document.setups.formats.special:format(ti[tag] or te[tag] or tag)
+ end
+local function translated(e,int)
+ local attributes =
+ local s = attributes.type or "?"
+ local tag = s:match("^cd:(.*)$")
+ if attributes.default == "yes" then
+ return document.setups.formats.default:format(tag)
+ elseif tag then
+ return translate(tag,int)
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+document.setups.loaded = document.setups.loaded or { }
+document.setups.current = { }
+document.setups.showsources = false
+function document.setups.load(filename)
+ filename = resolvers.find_file(filename) or ""
+ if filename ~= "" then
+ local current = document.setups.loaded[filename]
+ if not current then
+ local loaded = xml.load(filename)
+ if loaded then
+ -- xml.inject(document.setups.root,"/",loaded)
+ current = {
+ file = filename,
+ root = loaded,
+ names = { },
+ used = { },
+ }
+ document.setups.loaded[filename] = current
+ end
+ end
+ document.setups.current = current or { }
+ end
+ local at =
+ local name =
+ if at.type == 'environment' then
+ name = "start" .. name
+ end
+ if at.variant then
+ name = name .. ":" .. at.variant
+ end
+ if at.generated == "yes" then
+ name = name .. "*"
+ end
+ return name:lower()
+function document.setups.csname(ek,int)
+ local cs = ""
+ local at =
+ if at.type == 'environment' then
+ cs = translate("start",int,true) .. cs
+ end
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(ek,'cd:sequence/(cd:string|variable)') do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ if == "string" then
+ cs = cs ..
+ else
+ cs = cs .. -- to be translated
+ end
+ end
+ return cs
+function document.setups.names()
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ local names = current.names
+ if not names or #names == 0 then
+ names = { }
+ local name =
+ local csname = document.setups.csname
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(current.root,'cd:command') do
+ local dk = d[k]
+ names[#names+1] = {, csname(dk,int) }
+ end
+ table.sort(names, function(a,b) return a[2]:lower() < b[2]:lower() end)
+ current.names = names
+ end
+ return names
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ if current.root then
+ local name = name:gsub("[<>]","")
+ local setup = xml.first(current.root,"cd:command[@name='" .. name .. "']")
+ current.used[#current.used+1] = setup
+ xml.sprint(setup)
+ end
+function document.setups.showused()
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ if current.root and next(current.used) then
+ for k,v in ipairs(table.sortedkeys(current.used)) do
+ xml.sprint(current.used[v])
+ end
+ end
+function document.setups.showall()
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ if current.root then
+ local list = { }
+ xml.each_element(current.root,"cd:command", function(r,d,t)
+ local ek = d[t]
+ list[] = ek
+ end )
+ for k,v in ipairs(table.sortedkeys(list)) do
+ xml.sprint(list[v])
+ end
+ end
+function document.setups.resolve(name)
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ if current.root then
+ local e = xml.filter(current.root,format("cd:define[@name='%s']/text()",name))
+ if e then
+ xml.sprint(e)
+ end
+ end
+function document.setups.collect(name,int)
+ local current = document.setups.current
+ local formats = document.setups.formats
+ local command = xml.filter(current.root,format("cd:command[@name='%s']",name))
+ if command then
+ local attributes =
+ local data = {
+ command = command,
+ category = attributes.category or "",
+ }
+ if document.setups.showsources then
+ data.source = (attributes.file and formats.source:format(attributes.file,attributes.file)) or ""
+ else
+ data.source = attributes.file or ""
+ end
+ local sequence, n = { "\\" .. document.setups.csname(command,int) }, 0
+ local arguments = { }
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"(cd:keywords|cd:assignments)") do
+ n = n + 1
+ local attributes = d[k].at
+ if attributes.optional == 'yes' then
+ if attributes.list == 'yes' then
+ sequence[#sequence+1] = formats.optional_list:format(n)
+ else
+ sequence[#sequence+1] = formats.optional_single:format(n)
+ end
+ else
+ if attributes.list == 'yes' then
+ sequence[#sequence+1] = formats.mandate_list:format(n)
+ else
+ sequence[#sequence+1] = formats.mandate_single:format(n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ data.sequence = concat(sequence, " ")
+ local parameters, n = { }, 0
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(command,"(cd:keywords|cd:assignments)") do
+ n = n + 1
+ if d[k].tg == "keywords" then
+ local left = sequence[n+1]
+ local right = { }
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(d[k],"(cd:constant|cd:resolve)") do
+ local tag = d[k].tg
+ if tag == "resolve" then
+ local name = d[k] or ""
+ if name ~= "" then
+ local resolved = xml.filter(current.root,format("cd:define[@name='%s']",name))
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(resolved,"cd:constant") do
+ right[#right+1] = translated(d[k],int)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ right[#right+1] = translated(d[k],int)
+ end
+ end
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = formats.parameter:format(left,"",concat(right, ", "))
+ else
+ local what = sequence[n+1]
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(d[k],"(cd:parameter|cd:inherit)") do
+ local tag = d[k].tg
+ local left, right = d[k] or "?", { }
+ if tag == "inherit" then
+ local name = d[k] or "?"
+ local goto = document.setups.formats.href:format(name,"\\"
+ if #parameters > 0 and not parameters[#parameters]:find("<br/>") then
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = formats.parameter:format("<br/>","","")
+ end
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = formats.parameter:format(what,formats.special:format(translate("inherits",int)),goto)
+ else
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(d[k],"(cd:constant|cd:resolve)") do
+ local tag = d[k].tg
+ if tag == "resolve" then
+ local name = d[k] or ""
+ if name ~= "" then
+ local resolved = xml.filter(current.root,format("cd:define[@name='%s']",name))
+ for r, d, k in xml.elements(resolved,"cd:constant") do
+ right[#right+1] = translated(d[k],int)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ right[#right+1] = translated(d[k],int)
+ end
+ end
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = formats.parameter:format(what,left,concat(right, ", "))
+ end
+ what = ""
+ end
+ end
+ parameters[#parameters+1] = formats.parameter:format("<br/>","","")
+ end
+ data.parameters = parameters
+ return data
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+-- -- --
+tex = tex or { }
+lmx.variables['color-background-green'] = '#4F6F6F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-blue'] = '#6F6F8F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-yellow'] = '#8F8F6F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-purple'] = '#8F6F8F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-body'] = '#808080'
+lmx.variables['color-background-main'] = '#3F3F3F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-main-left'] = '#3F3F3F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-main-right'] = '#5F5F5F'
+lmx.variables['color-background-one'] = lmx.variables['color-background-green']
+lmx.variables['color-background-two'] = lmx.variables['color-background-blue']
+lmx.variables['title-default'] = 'ConTeXt Help Information'
+lmx.variables['title'] = lmx.variables['title-default']
+function lmx.loadedfile(filename)
+ return io.loaddata(resolvers.find_file(filename)) -- return resolvers.texdatablob(filename)
+-- -- --
+local interfaces = {
+ czech = 'cz',
+ dutch = 'nl',
+ english = 'en',
+ french = 'fr',
+ german = 'de',
+ italian = 'it',
+ persian = 'pe',
+ romanian = 'ro',
+local lastinterface, lastcommand, lastsource = "en", "", ""
+local function doit(configuration,filename,hashed)
+ local formats = document.setups.formats
+ local start = os.clock()
+ local detail = aux.settings_to_hash(hashed.query or "")
+ lastinterface, lastcommand, lastsource = detail.interface or lastinterface, detail.command or lastcommand, detail.source or lastsource
+ if lastinterface then
+ logs.simple("checking interface: %s",lastinterface)
+ document.setups.load(format("cont-%s.xml",lastinterface))
+ end
+ local div = document.setups.div[lastinterface]
+ local span = document.setups.span[lastinterface]
+ local result = { content = "error" }
+ local names, refs, ints = document.setups.names(lastinterface), { }, { }
+ for k,v in ipairs(names) do
+ refs[k] = document.setups.formats.href:format(v[1],v[2])
+ end
+ for k,v in ipairs(table.sortedkeys(interfaces)) do
+ ints[k] = document.setups.formats.interface:format(interfaces[v],v)
+ end
+ lmx.restore()
+ lmx.set('title', 'ConTeXt Help Information')
+ lmx.set('color-background-one', lmx.get('color-background-green'))
+ lmx.set('color-background-two', lmx.get('color-background-blue'))
+ local n = concat(refs,"<br/>")
+ local i = concat(ints,"<br/><br/>")
+ if div then
+ lmx.set('names',div:format(n))
+ lmx.set('interfaces',div:format(i))
+ else
+ lmx.set('names', n)
+ lmx.set('interfaces', i)
+ end
+ -- first we need to add information about mkii/mkiv
+ if document.setups.showsources and lastsource and lastsource ~= "" then
+ -- todo: mkii, mkiv, tex (can be different)
+ local data = io.loaddata(resolvers.find_file(lastsource))
+ lmx.set('maintitle', lastsource)
+ lmx.set('maintext', formats.listing:format(data))
+ lastsource = ""
+ elseif lastcommand and lastcommand ~= "" then
+ local data = document.setups.collect(lastcommand,lastinterface)
+ if data then
+ lmx.set('maintitle', data.sequence)
+ local extra = { }
+ for k, v in ipairs { "environment", "category", "source" } do
+ if data[v] and data[v] ~= "" then
+ lmx.set(v, data[v])
+ extra[#extra+1] = v .. ": " .. data[v]
+ end
+ end
+ lmx.set('extra', concat(extra,", "))
+ lmx.set('maintext', formats.parameters:format(concat(data.parameters)))
+ else
+ lmx.set('maintext', "select command")
+ end
+ else
+ lmx.set('maintext', "no definition")
+ end
+ local content = lmx.convert('context-help.lmx')
+ logs.simple("time spent on page: %0.03f seconds",os.clock()-start)
+ return { content = content }
+return doit, true