path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost')
20 files changed, 2338 insertions, 558 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-core.mpii b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-core.mpii
index 33e9b386e5b..79b5d2ab7a3 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-core.mpii
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-core.mpii
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ enddef ;
save_multipar (i,3,multipar) ;
- elseif multi_column_first_page_hack and ((nxy[fpos]=RealPageNumber) and (nxy[tpos]>=RealPageNumber) : % and (NOfTextColumns>1)) :
+ elseif multi_column_first_page_hack and ((nxy[fpos]=RealPageNumber) and (nxy[tpos]>=RealPageNumber)) : % and (NOfTextColumns>1)) :
save_multipar (i,2,multipar) ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-symb.mpii b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-symb.mpii
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40681adf171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-symb.mpii
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+%D \module
+%D [,
+%D version=very old,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=navigation symbol macros,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Instead of these symbols, you can use the \type {contnav}
+%D font by Taco Hoekwater that is derived form this file.
+u := 3;
+h := 5u;
+wt := 5u;
+wb := .25wt;
+o := .1u;
+pw := .5u;
+drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled pw);
+path lefttriangle, righttriangle, sublefttriangle, subrighttriangle;
+pair s ; s = (2wb,0) ;
+x1t = x2t = 0;
+x3t = wt;
+y3t = .5h;
+z1t-z2t = (z3t-z2t) rotated 60;
+z4t = (z2t--z3t) intersectionpoint ((z1t--z2t) shifted s) ;
+z5t = (z3t--z1t) intersectionpoint ((z1t--z2t) shifted s) ;
+righttriangle = z1t--z2t--z3t--cycle;
+lefttriangle = righttriangle rotatedaround((0,.5h), 180) shifted (wt,0);
+subrighttriangle = z4t--((z2t--z3t--z1t) shifted s)--z5t ;
+sublefttriangle = subrighttriangle rotatedaround((0,.5h), 180) shifted (wt,0);
+path sidebar;
+x1b = x4b = 0;
+x2b = x3b = wb;
+y1b = y2b = y1t;
+y3b = y4b = y2t;
+sidebar = z1b--z2b--z3b--z4b--cycle;
+path midbar, onebar, twobar;
+hh = abs(y1t-y2t);
+%midbar := unitsquare scaled 2hh/3;
+midbar := unitsquare scaled hh;
+onebar := unitsquare xscaled (hh/3) yscaled hh;
+twobar := onebar;
+def prepareglyph =
+ drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled .5u);
+def finishglyph =
+ set_outer_boundingbox currentpicture;
+ bboxmargin := o;
+ setbounds currentpicture to bbox currentpicture;
+% draw boundingbox currentpicture withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1;
+beginfig (1);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill lefttriangle;
+ draw lefttriangle; % draw gets the bbox right, filldraw doesn't
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (2);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill righttriangle;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (3);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill sidebar;
+ draw sidebar;
+ fill lefttriangle shifted (.5s);
+ draw lefttriangle shifted (.5s);
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (4);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill righttriangle;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ fill sidebar shifted (wt,0);
+ draw sidebar shifted (wt,0);
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (5);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill lefttriangle;
+ draw lefttriangle;
+ fill lefttriangle shifted s;
+ draw lefttriangle shifted s;
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (6);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill righttriangle;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ fill righttriangle shifted s;
+ draw righttriangle shifted s;
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (7);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill midbar;
+ draw midbar;
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (8);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill onebar;
+ draw onebar;
+ finishglyph;
+beginfig (9);
+ prepareglyph;
+ fill twobar;
+ draw twobar;
+ fill twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0);
+ draw twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw lefttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw sidebar;
+ draw lefttriangle shifted (.5s);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ draw sidebar shifted (wt,0);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw lefttriangle;
+ draw lefttriangle shifted s;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ draw righttriangle shifted s;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw midbar;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw onebar;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw twobar;
+ draw twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw lefttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw sidebar;
+ draw lefttriangle shifted (.5s);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ draw sidebar shifted (wt,0);
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw sublefttriangle shifted s;
+ draw lefttriangle shifted s;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw subrighttriangle;
+ draw righttriangle;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw midbar;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw onebar;
+ finishglyph;
+ prepareglyph;
+ draw twobar;
+ draw twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0);
+ finishglyph;
+picture collection [] ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw lefttriangle ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[201] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw righttriangle ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[202] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw sidebar ;
+draw lefttriangle shifted (.5s) ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[203] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw righttriangle ;
+draw sidebar shifted (wt,0) ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[204] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw sublefttriangle shifted s ;
+draw lefttriangle shifted s ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[205] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw subrighttriangle ;
+draw righttriangle ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[206] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw midbar ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[207] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw onebar ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[208] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw twobar ;
+draw twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0) ;
+finishglyph ;
+collection[209] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+for i=201 upto 209 :
+ collection[i] := collection[i] shifted - center collection[i] ;
+endfor ;
+addto currentpicture also collection[205] shifted ( 0, 0)
+ withcolor (.3,.4,.5) ;
+addto currentpicture also collection[202] shifted ( 0,1.5h)
+ withcolor (.5,.6,.7) ;
+addto currentpicture also collection[201] shifted (1.5h, 0)
+ withcolor (.6,.7,.8) ;
+addto currentpicture also collection[206] shifted (1.5h,1.5h)
+ withcolor (.4,.5,.6) ;
+collection[210] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+bboxmargin := .25u;
+fill bbox collection[210] withcolor .95(1,1,0);
+addto currentpicture also collection[210] ;
+endfig ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-tool.mpii b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-tool.mpii
index f476361c7a5..a3300f5bb8b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-tool.mpii
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpii/mp-tool.mpii
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ let @## = @# ;
if not known mpversion : string mpversion ; mpversion := "0.641" ; fi ;
-newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := scantokens(mpversion) ;
+% newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := scantokens(mpversion) ;
+newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := 2.0 ;
% vardef mpversiongt(expr s) =
% scantokens (mpversion & " > " & if numeric s : decimal s else : s fi)
@@ -2661,41 +2663,41 @@ vardef undecorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
enddef ;
-if metapostversion < 1.770 :
- vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
- save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
- picture mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- imagedata ;
- mfun_decorated_path := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- for i within mfun_decorated_path :
- addto currentpicture
- if stroked i :
- doublepath pathpart i
- dashed dashpart i
- withpen penpart i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- elseif filled i :
- contour pathpart i
- withpen penpart i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- elseif textual i :
- also i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- else :
- also i
- fi
- ;
- endfor ;
- currentpicture
- enddef ;
+% if metapostversion < 1.770 :
+% vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
+% save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
+% picture mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
+% currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+% imagedata ;
+% mfun_decorated_path := currentpicture ;
+% currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+% for i within mfun_decorated_path :
+% addto currentpicture
+% if stroked i :
+% doublepath pathpart i
+% dashed dashpart i
+% withpen penpart i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% elseif filled i :
+% contour pathpart i
+% withpen penpart i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% elseif textual i :
+% also i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% else :
+% also i
+% fi
+% ;
+% endfor ;
+% currentpicture
+% enddef ;
+% else:
vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
@@ -2735,7 +2737,7 @@ else:
enddef ;
-fi ;
+% fi ;
vardef redecorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
index b1d4f32e7ee..ab3fa86388d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/metafun.mpiv
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ input "mp-func.mpiv" ; % under construction
% "mp-char.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
% "mp-step.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
% "mp-chem.mpiv" ; % loaded on demand
+input "mp-apos.mpiv" ;
+input "mp-abck.mpiv" ;
string metafunversion ; metafunversion =
"metafun iv" & " " &
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-abck.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-abck.mpiv
index abd7d8848ec..57c8f226b05 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-abck.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-abck.mpiv
@@ -50,17 +50,6 @@ numeric boxfilloffset ; boxfilloffset := 0 ;
numeric boxgriddistance ; boxgriddistance := .5cm ;
numeric boxgridshift ; boxgridshift := 0 ;
-def abck_show_path(expr p, r, c) =
- draw p withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor c ;
- if length(p) > 2 :
- begingroup ; save _c_ ; path _c_ ; _c_ := fullcircle scaled r ;
- for i=0 upto length(p) if cycle p : -1 fi :
- fill _c_ shifted point i of p withcolor white ;
- draw _c_ shifted point i of p withpen pencircle scaled .5pt withcolor c ;
- endfor ;
- fi ;
-enddef ;
vardef abck_draw_path(expr p) =
if (length p > 2) and (bbwidth(p) > 1) and (bbheight(p) > 1) :
save pp ; path pp ;
@@ -160,7 +149,7 @@ enddef ;
def show_multi_pars =
for i=1 upto nofmultipars :
- abck_show_path(multipars[i], 6pt, .5blue) ;
+ drawpathwithpoints multipars[i] withcolor .5blue ;
endfor ;
enddef ;
@@ -267,3 +256,43 @@ enddef ;
def anchor_box (expr n,x,y,w,h,d) =
currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-x,-y) ;
enddef ;
+def draw_box = % for old times sake
+ draw pxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxlinewidth ;
+ draw lxy -- rxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth ;
+enddef ;
+def draw_free_region(expr width, height, depth, loffset, roffset, toffset, boffset) =
+ begingroup ; save b, o, l ; path b, o, l[] ; save d ;
+ b := fullsquare
+ xysized(width,height+depth) ;
+ o := b
+ topenlarged toffset
+ bottomenlarged boffset
+ leftenlarged loffset
+ rightenlarged roffset ;
+ d := max(PaperWidth,PaperHeight) ;
+ fill o withcolor .5white ;
+ fill b withcolor .7white ;
+ interim linecap := butt ;
+ l[1] := topboundary (topboundary o leftenlarged d rightenlarged d) ;
+ l[2] := bottomboundary (bottomboundary o leftenlarged d rightenlarged d) ;
+ l[3] := leftboundary (leftboundary o topenlarged d bottomenlarged d) ;
+ l[4] := rightboundary (rightboundary o topenlarged d bottomenlarged d) ;
+ for i=1 upto 4 :
+ draw l[i] withpen pencircle scaled 1bp withcolor white ;
+ draw l[i] withpen pencircle scaled 1bp dashed (evenly scaled 1bp) withcolor black ;
+ endfor ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to b ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
index 2626e4d584e..fba182a6485 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-asnc.mpiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
if known context_asnc : endinput ; fi ;
-boolean context_av ; context_asnc := true ;
+boolean context_asnc ; context_asnc := true ;
% will be replaced
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
index 28eb57fb895..0cc209302ea 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-base.mpiv
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ def stop expr s =
gobble readstring
enddef ;
-warningcheck :=1 ;
-tracinglostchars :=1 ;
+warningcheck := 1 ;
+tracinglostchars := 1 ;
def interact = % sets up to make "show" commands stop
hide (
@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ enddef ;
% special operators
-vardef incr suffix $ = $:=$+1; $ enddef ;
-vardef decr suffix $ = $:=$-1; $ enddef ;
+vardef incr suffix $ = $ := $ + 1 ; $ enddef ;
+vardef decr suffix $ = $ := $ - 1 ; $ enddef ;
def reflectedabout(expr w,z) = % reflects about the line w..z
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-char.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-char.mpiv
index f604accd8e4..e878c2d161a 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-char.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-char.mpiv
@@ -678,14 +678,14 @@ vardef flow_valid_connection (expr xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto) =
flow_xypoints[flow_xypoint] := flow_xylast ;
for i=1 upto flow_max_x :
for j=1 upto flow_max_y : % was bug: xfrom,yto
- if not ( ( (i,j)=(xfrom,yfrom) ) or ( (i,j)=(xto,yto) ) ) :
+% if not ( ( (i,j)=(xfrom,yfrom) ) or ( (i,j)=(xto,yto) ) ) :
if not flow_xyfree[i][j] :
vc := pp intersection_point flow_xypath[i][j] ;
if intersection_found :
ok := false
fi ;
fi ;
- fi ;
+% fi ;
endfor ;
endfor ;
% if not ok: message("crossing") ; fi ;
@@ -944,20 +944,27 @@ def flow_connect_bottom_right (expr n) (expr xfrom,yfrom,zfrom) (expr xto,yto,zt
enddef ;
def flow_draw_test_shape(expr x, y) =
- flow_draw_shape(x,y,fullcircle, .7, .7) ;
+ flow_draw_shape(x,y,fullcircle,flow_shape_width/flow_grid_width,flow_shape_height/flow_grid_height) ;
enddef ;
def flow_draw_test_shapes =
+ flow_draw_test_area ;
for i=1 upto flow_max_x :
for j=1 upto flow_max_y :
flow_draw_test_shape(i,j) ;
+ flow_chart_draw_label(i,j,"",textext("\ttx(" & decimal i & "," & decimal j & ")"))
endfor ;
endfor ;
def flow_draw_test_area =
pickup pencircle scaled .5flow_shape_line_width ;
- draw (unitsquare xscaled flow_max_x yscaled flow_max_y shifted (1,1)) flow_scaled_to_grid withcolor blue ;
+ for i=1 upto flow_max_x + 1 :
+ draw ((i,1) -- (i,flow_max_y+1)) flow_scaled_to_grid withcolor white/2 ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=1 upto flow_max_y + 1 :
+ draw ((1,i) -- (flow_max_x+1,i)) flow_scaled_to_grid withcolor white/2 ;
+ endfor ;
enddef ;
def flow_show_connection(expr n, m) =
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-chem.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-chem.mpiv
index b861d3f123e..4ed9eaa8fe5 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-chem.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-chem.mpiv
@@ -48,26 +48,34 @@ path
chem_origin, chem_mirror,
chem_pair[], % scratch
- chem_sb_pair, chem_sb_pair.m, chem_sb_pair.p, chem_sb_pair.b ;
+ chem_sb_pair, chem_sb_pair.m,, chem_sb_pair.p, chem_sb_pair.pp, chem_sb_pair.b ;
- chem_pic, % scratch
+ chem_pic; % scratch
% The use of dashpattern is found to dot the starting point with chem_sb_dash.m...
%chem_sb_dash, chem_sb_dash.m, chem_sb_dash.p, chem_sb_dash.b,
+% nice hack but now redone
+% picture chem_axis_color ;
+% chem_axis_color := image(draw origin withcolor axiscolor) ; % so we handle all color models
+% withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
chem_axis_color ;
chem_t ; % scratch
-color lightblue ; lightblue := (173/255,216/255,230/255) ;
% debugging
boolean chem_trace_nesting ; chem_trace_nesting := false ;
boolean chem_trace_text ; chem_trace_text := false ;
boolean chem_trace_boundingbox ; chem_trace_boundingbox := false ;
-chem_axis_color := image(draw origin withcolor lightblue) ;
+chem_axis_color := "lightblue" ;
chem_setting_axis := false ;
chem_axis_rulethickness := 1pt ;
chem_emwidth := 10pt ; % EmWidth or \the\emwidth does not work...
@@ -81,7 +89,9 @@ chem_text_max := 1.25 ;
chem_dot_factor := 2 ; % *linewidth
chem_sb_pair := (0.25,0.75) ; %chem_sb_dash := dashpattern(off 0.25 on 0.5 off 0.25) ;
chem_sb_pair.m := (0.25,1 ) ; %chem_sb_dash.m := dashpattern(off 0.25 on 0.75) ; := (0.50,1 ) ; %chem_sb_dash.m := dashpattern(off 0.25 on 0.75) ;
chem_sb_pair.p := (0 ,0.75) ; %chem_sb_dash.p := dashpattern(on 0.75 off 0.25) ;
+chem_sb_pair.pp := (0 ,0.50) ; %chem_sb_dash.p := dashpattern(on 0.75 off 0.25) ;
chem_sb_pair.b := (0 ,1 ) ; %chem_sb_dash.b := dashpattern(on 1) ;
chem_bd_wedge := true ; % according to IUPAC 2005
@@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ def chem_start_structure(expr i, l, r, t, b, rotation, unit, bond, scale, offset
chem_setting_offset := offset ;
chem_setting_axis := if boolean axis : axis else : (axis<>0) fi ;
chem_axis_rulethickness := .75*(rulethickness) ; % axis 50% thinner than frame and bonds.
- chem_axis_color := image(draw origin withcolor axiscolor) ; % so we handle all color models
+ chem_axis_color := axiscolor ;
chem_reset ;
enddef ;
@@ -367,24 +377,24 @@ vardef chem_stop_structure =
% draw the axes to the bounding box of the entire structure,
% not necessarily the bounding box of the final figure
draw (l,0) -- (r,0)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
draw (0,b) -- (0,t)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
for i = 0 step chem_num0 until r :
draw (i,-chem_num1) -- (i,chem_num1)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
for i = 0 step -chem_num0 until l :
draw (i,-chem_num1) -- (i,chem_num1)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
for i = 0 step chem_num0 until t :
draw (-chem_num1,i) -- (chem_num1,i)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
for i = 0 step -chem_num0 until b :
draw (-chem_num1,i) -- (chem_num1,i)
- withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ withpen pencircle scaled chem_axis_rulethickness withcolor chem_axis_color ;
addto currentpicture also chem_pic ;
fi ;
@@ -406,9 +416,8 @@ vardef chem_stop_component = enddef ;
vardef chem_pb = % PB :
if chem_trace_nesting :
- draw boundingbox currentpicture
- withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
- draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2mm withcolor colorpart(chem_axis_color) ;
+ draw boundingbox currentpicture withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor chem_axis_color ;
+ draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2mm withcolor chem_axis_color ;
fi ;
chem_doing_pb := true ;
enddef ;
@@ -507,21 +516,21 @@ enddef ;
vardef chem_draw (expr what, r, c) (text extra) =
draw what
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
extra ;
enddef ;
vardef chem_fill (expr what, r, c) (text extra) =
fill what
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
extra ;
enddef ;
vardef chem_drawarrow (expr what, r, c) (text extra) =
drawarrow what
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
extra ;
enddef ;
@@ -1372,7 +1381,7 @@ vardef chem_bw@# (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % BW
enddef ;
vardef chem_bd@# (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % BD
- if chem_star[$] : chem_rbd#@($,f,t,r,c) ; fi
+ if chem_star[$] : chem_rbd@#($,f,t,r,c) ; fi
enddef ;
vardef chem_rbd@# (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % RBD
@@ -1691,14 +1700,14 @@ vardef chem_line (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % LINE
draw if f=t : origin else : chem_marked(f) fi -- chem_marked(t)
% no chem_transformed
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
enddef ;
vardef chem_dash (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % DASH
draw if f=t : origin else : chem_marked(f) fi -- chem_marked(t)
% no chem_transformed
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
dashed evenly ;
enddef ;
@@ -1706,7 +1715,7 @@ vardef chem_arrow (suffix $) (expr f, t, r, c) = % ARROW
drawarrow if f=t : origin else : chem_marked(f) fi -- chem_marked(t)
% no chem_transformed
withpen pencircle scaled r
- withcolor c %\MPcolor{c}
+ withcolor c
enddef ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-core.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-core.mpiv
index 9b7182908ab..0ef24e57e98 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-core.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-core.mpiv
@@ -513,9 +513,6 @@ def do_initialize_par (expr fpos, tpos, mpos, ppos, rw,rl,rr,rh,ra,ri) =
enddef ;
-TopSkip := 0 ; % will move
-StrutHeight := 0 ; % will move
pair last_multi_par_shift ; last_multi_par_shift := origin ;
def relocate_multipars (expr xy) =
@@ -1187,10 +1184,10 @@ numeric boxfilloffset ; boxfilloffset := 0pt ;
numeric boxgriddistance ; boxgriddistance := .5cm ;
numeric boxgridshift ; boxgridshift := 0pt ;
-def draw_box =
- draw pxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxlinewidth ;
- draw lxy -- rxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth ;
-enddef ;
+% def draw_box =
+% draw pxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxlinewidth ;
+% draw lxy -- rxy boxlineoptions withpen pencircle scaled boxgridwidth ;
+% enddef ;
def draw_par = % 1 2 3 11 12
do_draw_par(pxy) ; do_draw_par(txy) ; do_draw_par(bxy) ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-grap.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-grap.mpiv
index 4fd8ee5bd59..3a1d7742ad6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-grap.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-grap.mpiv
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@ boolean context_grap ; context_grap := true ;
% Below is a modified
-show numbersystem, numberprecision ;
+message ("using number system " & numbersystem & " with precision " & decimal numberprecision) ;
-%if epsilon/4 = 0 :
if numbersystem <> "double" :
errmessage "The graph macros require the double precision number system." ;
endinput ;
@@ -161,7 +160,6 @@ enddef ;
% New :
save graph_background ; color graph_background ; % if defined, fill the frame.
-save graph_close_file ; boolean graph_close_file ; graph_close_file = false ;
def begingraph(expr w, h) =
@@ -475,9 +473,9 @@ enddef ;
% String manipulation routines for MetaPost
% It is harmless to input this file more than once.
-vardef isdigit primary d =
- ("0"<=d)and(d<="9")
-enddef ;
+% vardef isdigit primary d =
+% ("0"<=d)and(d<="9")
+% enddef ;
% Number of initial characters of string s where `c <character>' is true
@@ -527,15 +525,18 @@ enddef ;
% line with no data. Commands c can use line number i and tokens $1, $2, ...
% and j is the number of fields.
+% def gdata(expr f)(suffix $)(text c) =
+% for i=1 upto largestmantissa :
+% exitunless graph_read_line$(f) ;
+% c
+% endfor ;
+% enddef ;
def gdata(expr f)(suffix $)(text c) =
- %boolean flag ; % not used?
for i=1 upto largestmantissa :
exitunless graph_read_line$(f) ;
- if graph_close_file :
- closefrom f ;
- fi
enddef ;
% Read a path from file f. The path is terminated by blank line or EOF.
@@ -1259,7 +1260,6 @@ def plotsymbol(expr n, f) text t =
fg := if known graph_foreground : graph_foreground else : black fi ;
save p ; path p ; p = graph_shape[n] scaled graph_shapesize ;
draw p withcolor bg withpen currentpen scaled 2 ; % halo
- currentpen := currentpen scaled .5 ;
if cycle p :
fill p withcolor
if known f :
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-idea.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-idea.mpiv
index 462d9755359..d417ab51f1d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-idea.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-idea.mpiv
@@ -28,3 +28,17 @@ vardef somecolor = (1,1,0,0) enddef ;
fill OverlayBox withcolor (rcomponent somecolor,gcomponent somecolor,bcomponent somecolor) ;
fill OverlayBox withcolor (ccomponent somecolor,mcomponent somecolor,ycomponent somecolor,bcomponent somecolor) ;
+% def newcolor text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; color i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newnumeric text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; numeric i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newboolean text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; boolean i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newtransform text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; transform i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newpath text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; path i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newpicture text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; picture i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% def newstring text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; string i ; endfor ; enddef ;
+% width := 10 ;
+% beginfig(1) ;
+% newpath width, height ; width := origin -- cycle ;
+% endfig ;
+% width := 10 ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
index c3079824773..76d28f7f9d4 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-luas.mpiv
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ vardef mlib_luas_luacall(text t) =
& decimal s
elseif boolean s :
& if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ else :
+ & ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
fi endfor
enddef ;
@@ -75,6 +77,8 @@ vardef mlib_luas_lualist(expr c)(text t) =
& decimal s
elseif boolean s :
& if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ else :
+ & ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
fi endfor & ")"
enddef ;
@@ -97,3 +101,65 @@ enddef ;
vardef MP@#(text t) =
mlib_luas_lualist("MP." & str @#,t)
enddef ;
+def message expr t =
+ if t <> "" : fi ;
+enddef ;
+% a few helpers
+% A few helpers:
+vardef isarray suffix a =
+ a)
+enddef ;
+vardef prefix suffix a =
+ a)
+enddef ;
+vardef dimensions suffix a =
+ a)
+enddef ;
+% More access
+def getdimen(expr k) = enddef ;
+def getcount(expr k) = enddef ;
+def gettoks (expr k) = (k) enddef ;
+def setdimen(expr k, v) =,v) enddef ;
+def setcount(expr k, v) =,v) enddef ;
+def settoks (expr k, v) = (k,v) enddef ;
+% vardef getdimen(expr k) = save getdimen ; enddef ;
+% vardef getcount(expr k) = save getcount ; enddef ;
+% vardef gettoks (expr k) = save gettoks ; (k) enddef ;
+% vardef setdimen(expr k,v) = save setdimen ;,v) enddef ;
+% vardef setcount(expr k,v) = save setcount ;,v) enddef ;
+% vardef settoks (expr k,v) = save settoks ; (k,v) enddef ;
+vardef positionpath (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positioncurve (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionwhd (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpage (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionregion(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef positionbox (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionanchor = enddef ;
+let wdpart = redpart ;
+let htpart = greenpart ;
+let dppart = bluepart ;
+vardef positioninregion =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(positionanchor) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef positionatanchor(expr name) =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(name) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef texvar(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef texstr(expr name) = enddef ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
index 326342b70ba..0638ee3e1c3 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ vardef transparency_alternative_to_number(expr name) =
enddef ;
-def namedcolor (expr n) =
- 1
+def namedcolor expr n =
+ (1)
withprescript "sp_type=named"
withprescript "sp_name=" & n
enddef ;
@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@ enddef ;
% withprescript "sp_value=" & value
% enddef ;
-def spotcolor(expr n, v) =
- 1
+def spotcolor(expr name, v) =
+ (1)
withprescript "sp_type=spot"
- withprescript "sp_name=" & n
+ withprescript "sp_name=" & name
withprescript "sp_value=" & colordecimals v
enddef ;
def multitonecolor(expr name)(text t) =
- 1
+ (1)
withprescript "sp_type=multitone"
withprescript "sp_name=" & name
withprescript "sp_value=" & colordecimalslist(t)
enddef ;
def transparent(expr a, t)(text c) = % use withtransparency instead
- 1 % this permits withcolor x intoshade y
+ (1) % this permits withcolor x intoshade y
withprescript "tr_alternative=" & decimal transparency_alternative_to_number(a)
withprescript "tr_transparency=" & decimal t
withcolor c
@@ -240,6 +240,32 @@ vardef rawtextext(expr s) = % todo: avoid currentpicture
enddef ;
+vardef validtexbox(expr category, name) =
+ if category == "" :
+ false
+ elseif string name :
+ name <> ""
+ elseif numeric name :
+ name > 0
+ else :
+ true
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef rawtexbox(expr category, name) =
+ mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ;
+ if validtexbox(category,name) :
+ mfun_tt_b :=, name) ;
+ addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+ xscaled redpart mfun_tt_b
+ yscaled (greenpart mfun_tt_b + bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ shifted (0,- bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ withprescript "bx_category=" & if numeric category : decimal fi category
+ withprescript "bx_name=" & if numeric name : decimal fi name ;
+ fi
+ mfun_tt_c
+enddef ;
% More text
defaultfont := "Mono" ;
@@ -403,6 +429,88 @@ vardef onetimetextext@#(expr p) = % no draw here
enddef ;
+% formatted text
+pair mfun_tt_z ;
+vardef rawfmttext(text t) = % todo: avoid currentpicture
+ mfun_tt_n := mfun_tt_n + 1 ;
+ mfun_tt_c := nullpicture ;
+ if mfun_trial_run :
+ mfun_tt_o := nullpicture ;
+ addto mfun_tt_o doublepath origin _op_ ; % save drawoptions
+ addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+ withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+ withprescript "tx_stage=trial"
+ withprescript "tx_color=" & colordecimals colorpart mfun_tt_o
+ % begin of fmt specific
+ withprescript "tx_type=format"
+ for s = t :
+ if string s : withpostscript "s:" & s
+ elseif numeric s : withpostscript "n:" & decimal s
+ elseif boolean s : withpostscript "b:" & if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ elseif pair s : hide(mfun_tt_z := s ; )
+ fi
+ endfor ;
+ % end of fmt specific
+ if not mfun_onetime_textext :
+ addto mfun_tt_p also mfun_tt_c
+ withprescript "tx_global=yes" ;
+ fi ;
+ else :
+ mfun_tt_b := ;
+ addto mfun_tt_c doublepath unitsquare
+ xscaled redpart mfun_tt_b
+ yscaled (greenpart mfun_tt_b + bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ shifted (0,- bluepart mfun_tt_b)
+ withprescript "tx_number=" & decimal mfun_tt_n
+ withprescript "tx_stage=final" ;
+ % begin of fmt specific
+ for s = t :
+ if pair s : mfun_tt_z := s ; fi
+ endfor ;
+ % end of fmt specific
+ fi ;
+ mfun_onetime_textext := false ;
+ mfun_tt_c
+enddef ;
+vardef thefmttext@#(text t) =
+ mfun_tt_z := origin ;
+ save p ; picture p ; p := rawfmttext(t) ;
+ p
+ if (mfun_labtype@# >= 10) :
+ shifted (0,ypart center p)
+ fi
+ shifted (mfun_tt_z + textextoffset*mfun_laboff@# - (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+enddef ;
+vardef fmttext@#(text t) = % no draw here
+ thefmttext@#(t,origin)
+enddef ;
+% or just: def fmttext = thefmttext enddef ;
+vardef onetimefmttext@#(text t) = % no draw here
+ mfun_onetime_textext := true ;
+ thefmttext@#(t,origin)
+enddef ;
+% so much for formatted text
+vardef thetexbox@#(expr category, name, z) =
+ save p ; picture p ; p := rawtexbox(category,name) ;
+ p
+ if (mfun_labtype@# >= 10) :
+ shifted (0,ypart center p)
+ fi
+ shifted (z + textextoffset*mfun_laboff@# - (mfun_labxf@#*lrcorner p + mfun_labyf@#*ulcorner p + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*llcorner p))
+enddef ;
+vardef texbox@#(expr category, name) = % no draw here
+ thetexbox@#(category,name,origin)
+enddef ;
vardef thelabel@#(expr p,z) =
if string p :
thelabel@#(rawtextext("\definedfont[" & defaultfont & "]" & p) scaled defaultscale,z)
@@ -507,16 +615,52 @@ def mfun_withshadestep (text t) =
enddef ;
+numeric mfun_shade_fx, mfun_shade_fy ;
+numeric mfun_shade_lx, mfun_shade_ly ;
+numeric mfun_shade_nx, mfun_shade_ny ;
+numeric mfun_shade_dx, mfun_shade_dy ;
+numeric mfun_shade_tx, mfun_shade_ty ;
+% first
+def mfun_with_shade_method_analyze(expr p) =
+ mfun_shade_path := p ;
+ mfun_shade_step := 1 ;
+ mfun_shade_fx := xpart point 0 of p ;
+ mfun_shade_fy := ypart point 0 of p ;
+ mfun_shade_lx := mfun_shade_fx ;
+ mfun_shade_ly := mfun_shade_fy ;
+ mfun_shade_nx := 0 ;
+ mfun_shade_ny := 0 ;
+ mfun_shade_dx := abs(mfun_shade_fx - mfun_shade_lx) ;
+ mfun_shade_dy := abs(mfun_shade_fy - mfun_shade_ly) ;
+ for i=1 upto length(p) :
+ mfun_shade_tx := abs(mfun_shade_fx - xpart point i of p) ;
+ mfun_shade_ty := abs(mfun_shade_fy - ypart point i of p) ;
+ if mfun_shade_tx > mfun_shade_dx :
+ mfun_shade_nx := i + 1 ;
+ mfun_shade_lx := xpart point i of p ;
+ mfun_shade_dx := mfun_shade_tx ;
+ fi ;
+ if mfun_shade_ty > mfun_shade_dy :
+ mfun_shade_ny := i + 1 ;
+ mfun_shade_ly := ypart point i of p ;
+ mfun_shade_dy := mfun_shade_ty ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
primarydef p withshademethod m =
- hide(
- mfun_shade_path := p ;
- mfun_shade_step := 1 ;
- )
+ hide(mfun_with_shade_method_analyze(p))
withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
+ withprescript "sh_transform=yes"
withprescript "sh_color=into"
withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals white
withprescript "sh_color_b=" & colordecimals black
+ withprescript "sh_first=" & ddecimal point 0 of p % used for support scaling
+ withprescript "sh_set_x=" & ddecimal (mfun_shade_nx,mfun_shade_lx) %
+ withprescript "sh_set_y=" & ddecimal (mfun_shade_ny,mfun_shade_ly) %
if m = "linear" :
withprescript "sh_type=linear"
withprescript "sh_factor=1"
@@ -537,6 +681,16 @@ primarydef p withshademethod m =
enddef ;
+def withshaderadius expr a =
+ withprescript "sh_radius_a=" & decimal (xpart a)
+ withprescript "sh_radius_b=" & decimal (ypart a)
+enddef ;
+def withshadeorigin expr a =
+ withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal a
+ withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal a
+enddef ;
def withshadevector expr a =
withprescript "sh_center_a=" & ddecimal (point xpart a of mfun_shade_path)
withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal (point ypart a of mfun_shade_path)
@@ -547,6 +701,10 @@ def withshadedirection expr a =
withprescript "sh_center_b=" & ddecimal (point ypart a of boundingbox(mfun_shade_path))
enddef ;
+def withshadetransform expr a = % yes | no
+ withprescript "sh_transform=" & a
+enddef ;
pair shadedup ; shadedup := (0.5,2.5) ;
pair shadeddown ; shadeddown := (2.5,0.5) ;
pair shadedleft ; shadedleft := (1.5,3.5) ;
@@ -616,10 +774,47 @@ def shaded text s =
enddef ;
+% For me.
+primarydef p shownshadevector v =
+ image (
+ drawarrow (point xpart v of p) -- (point ypart v of p) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2 shifted point xpart v of p ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to center currentpicture -- cycle ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+primarydef p shownshadedirection v =
+ image (
+ drawarrow (point xpart v of boundingbox p) -- (point ypart v of boundingbox p) ;
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2 shifted (point xpart v of boundingbox p) ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to center currentpicture -- cycle ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+primarydef p shownshadecenter v =
+ image (
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2
+ shifted center p shifted (
+ xpart v * bbwidth (p)/2,
+ ypart v * bbheight(p)/2
+ ) ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to center currentpicture -- cycle ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+primarydef p shownshadeorigin v =
+ image (
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2 shifted v ;
+ setbounds currentpicture to center currentpicture -- cycle ;
+ )
+enddef ;
% Old macros:
def withcircularshade (expr a, b, ra, rb, ca, cb) =
withprescript "sh_type=circular"
+ withprescript "sh_transform=yes"
withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
withprescript "sh_factor=1"
withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
@@ -632,6 +827,7 @@ enddef ;
def withlinearshade (expr a, b, ca, cb) =
withprescript "sh_type=linear"
+ withprescript "sh_transform=yes"
withprescript "sh_domain=0 1"
withprescript "sh_factor=1"
withprescript "sh_color_a=" & colordecimals ca
@@ -830,11 +1026,17 @@ vardef mfun_do_outline_text_flush (expr kind, n, x, y) (text t) =
mfun_do_outline_text_r (n, x, y) (t)
elseif kind = "p" :
mfun_do_outline_text_p (n, x, y) (t)
+ elseif kind = "u" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_u (n, x, y) (t)
else :
mfun_do_outline_text_n (n, x, y) (t)
fi ;
enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_rule_flush (expr kind, x, y, w, h) =
+ mfun_do_outline_text_flush (kind, 1, x, y) (fullsquare xyscaled(w,h))
+enddef ;
numeric mfun_do_outline_n ; mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
vardef mfun_do_outline_text_f (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
@@ -842,7 +1044,19 @@ vardef mfun_do_outline_text_f (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
for i=t :
mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
if mfun_do_outline_n = n :
- fill i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f
+ fill i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f withpen pencircle scaled 0
+ else :
+ nofill i shifted(x,y)
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_text_u (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
+ mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
+ for i=t :
+ mfun_do_outline_n := mfun_do_outline_n + 1 ;
+ if mfun_do_outline_n = n :
+ fillup i shifted(x,y) mfun_do_outline_options_f
else :
nofill i shifted(x,y)
fi ;
@@ -935,6 +1149,9 @@ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = enddef ;
vardef outlinetext@# (expr t) text rest =
save kind ; string kind ; kind := str @# ;
currentoutlinetext := currentoutlinetext + 1 ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_d = enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_f = enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = enddef ;
image ( normaldraw image (
if mfun_trial_run :
%"set outline text",currentoutlinetext);
@@ -951,6 +1168,8 @@ vardef outlinetext@# (expr t) text rest =
mfun_do_outline_text_set_d rest ;
elseif kind = "b" :
mfun_do_outline_text_set_b rest ;
+ elseif kind = "u" :
+ mfun_do_outline_text_set_f rest ;
elseif kind = "r" :
mfun_do_outline_text_set_r rest ;
elseif kind = "p" :
@@ -1026,19 +1245,19 @@ vardef properties(text t) =
image(draw unitcircle t)
enddef ;
-if metapostversion < 1.770 :
- def withproperties expr p =
- if colormodel p = 3 :
- withcolor greypart p
- elseif colormodel p = 5 :
- withcolor (redpart p,greenpart p,bluepart p)
- elseif colormodel p = 7 :
- withcolor (cyanpart p,magentapart p,yellowpart p,blackpart p)
- fi
- enddef ;
-else :
+% if metapostversion < 1.770 :
+% def withproperties expr p =
+% if colormodel p = 3 :
+% withcolor greypart p
+% elseif colormodel p = 5 :
+% withcolor (redpart p,greenpart p,bluepart p)
+% elseif colormodel p = 7 :
+% withcolor (cyanpart p,magentapart p,yellowpart p,blackpart p)
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+% else :
def withproperties expr p =
if colormodel p = 3 :
@@ -1052,7 +1271,7 @@ else :
withpostscript postscriptpart p
enddef ;
-fi ;
+% fi ;
% Experimental:
@@ -1065,11 +1284,7 @@ primarydef t asgroup s = % s = isolated|knockout
wrappedpicture:= nullpicture ;
addto wrappedpicture contour groupbounds
withprescript "gr_state=start"
- withprescript "gr_type=" & s
- withprescript "gr_llx=" & decimal xpart llcorner groupbounds
- withprescript "gr_lly=" & decimal ypart llcorner groupbounds
- withprescript "gr_urx=" & decimal xpart urcorner groupbounds
- withprescript "gr_ury=" & decimal ypart urcorner groupbounds ;
+ withprescript "gr_type=" & s ;
addto wrappedpicture also grouppicture ;
addto wrappedpicture contour groupbounds
withprescript "gr_state=stop" ;
@@ -1166,32 +1381,31 @@ vardef mfun_boolean_to_string(expr b) =
if b : "true" else : "false" fi
enddef ;
-% def passvariable(expr key, value) =
-% special
-% if numeric value : "1:" & key & "=" & mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
-% elseif pair value : "4:" & key & "=" & mfun_pair_to_string(value)
-% elseif rgbcolor value : "5:" & key & "=" & mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(value)
-% elseif cmykcolor value : "6:" & key & "=" & mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(value)
-% elseif boolean value : "3:" & key & "=" & mfun_boolean_to_string(value)
-% elseif path value : "7:" & key & "=" & mfun_path_to_string(value)
-% elseif transform value : "8:" & key & "=" & mfun_transform_to_string(value)
-% else : "2:" & key & "=" & value
-% fi ;
-% enddef ;
-vardef tostring(expr value) =
- if numeric value : mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
- elseif pair value : mfun_pair_to_string(value)
- elseif rgbcolor value : mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(value)
- elseif cmykcolor value : mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(value)
- elseif greycolor value : mfun_greycolor_to_string(value)
- elseif boolean value : mfun_boolean_to_string(value)
- elseif path value : mfun_path_to_string(value)
- elseif transform value : mfun_transform_to_string(value)
- else : value
+vardef tostring primary v =
+ if numeric v : mfun_numeric_to_string(v)
+ elseif pair v : mfun_pair_to_string(v)
+ elseif rgbcolor v : mfun_rgbcolor_to_string(v)
+ elseif cmykcolor v : mfun_cmykcolor_to_string(v)
+ elseif greycolor v : mfun_greycolor_to_string(v)
+ elseif boolean v : mfun_boolean_to_string(v)
+ elseif path v : mfun_path_to_string(v)
+ elseif transform v : mfun_transform_to_string(v)
+ else : v
enddef ;
+vardef topair primary p =
+ if pair p : "(" & decimal xpart p & "," & decimal ypart p & ")"
+ elseif numeric p : "(" & decimal p & "," & decimal p & ")"
+ else : "" fi
+enddef ;
+string dq ; dq := char 92 & char 34 ;
+string sq ; sq := char 92 & char 39 ;
+vardef quote primary s = sq & tostring(s) & sq enddef;
+vardef quotation primary s = dq & tostring(s) & dq enddef;
vardef mfun_tagged_string(expr value) =
if numeric value : "1:" & mfun_numeric_to_string(value)
elseif pair value : "4:" & mfun_pair_to_string(value)
@@ -1204,178 +1418,106 @@ vardef mfun_tagged_string(expr value) =
enddef ;
-% amore flexible variant for passing data to context
+% A more flexible variant for passing data to context. We used to construct strings
+% but running lua is fast enough so we can gain on string construction in metapost
+% which is also not that efficient.
-vardef mfun_point_to_lua(expr p,i) =
- "{" &
- decimal xpart (point i of p) & "," &
- decimal ypart (point i of p) & "," &
- decimal xpart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
- decimal ypart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
- decimal xpart (postcontrol i of p) & "," &
- decimal ypart (postcontrol i of p)
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_key_to_lua(expr k) =
+ if numeric k : decimal k else : "'" & k & "'" fi
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_transform_to_lua(expr t) =
- "{" &
- decimal xxpart t & "," & % rx
- decimal xypart t & "," & % sx
- decimal yxpart t & "," & % sy
- decimal yypart t & "," & % ry
- decimal xpart t & "," & % tx
- decimal ypart t % ty
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_point_to_lua(expr k,p,i) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",{" &
+ decimal xpart (point i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (point i of p) & "," &
+ decimal xpart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (precontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal xpart (postcontrol i of p) & "," &
+ decimal ypart (postcontrol i of p)
+ & "})" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_numeric_to_lua(expr n) =
- decimal n
+vardef mfun_transform_to_lua(expr k,t) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",{" &
+ decimal xxpart t & "," & % rx
+ decimal xypart t & "," & % sx
+ decimal yxpart t & "," & % sy
+ decimal yypart t & "," & % ry
+ decimal xpart t & "," & % tx
+ decimal ypart t % ty
+ & "})" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_pair_to_lua(expr p) =
- "{" &
- decimal xpart p & "," &
- decimal ypart p
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_numeric_to_lua(expr k,n) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & "," & decimal n & ")" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua(expr c) =
- "{" &
- decimal redpart c & "," &
- decimal greenpart c & "," &
- decimal bluepart c
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_pair_to_lua(expr k,p) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",{" &
+ decimal xpart p & "," &
+ decimal ypart p
+ & "})" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(expr c) =
- "{" &
- decimal cyanpart c & "," &
- decimal magentapart c & "," &
- decimal yellowpart c & "," &
- decimal blackpart c
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua(expr k,c) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",{" &
+ decimal redpart c & "," &
+ decimal greenpart c & "," &
+ decimal bluepart c
+ & "})" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_path_to_lua(expr p) =
- "{" &
- mfun_point_to_lua(p,0) for i=1 upto length(p) : & "," & mfun_point_to_lua(p,i) endfor
- & "}"
+vardef mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(expr k,c) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",{" &
+ decimal cyanpart c & "," &
+ decimal magentapart c & "," &
+ decimal yellowpart c & "," &
+ decimal blackpart c
+ & "})" ) ;
enddef ;
-vardef mfun_boolean_to_lua(expr b) =
- if b : "true" else : "false" fi
-enddef ;
-vardef mfun_string_to_lua(expr s) =
- "[==[" & s & "]==]"
+vardef mfun_path_to_lua(expr k,p) =
+ runscript("metapost.pushvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ")") ;
+ for i=0 upto length(p) :
+ mfun_point_to_lua(i+1,p,i) ;
+ endfor ;
+ runscript("metapost.popvariable()") ;
enddef ;
-def mfun_to_lua(expr key)(expr value)(text t) =
- special "metapost.variables['" & key & "']=" & t(value) ;
+vardef mfun_boolean_to_lua(expr k,b) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & if b : ",true)" else : ",false)" fi ) ;
enddef ;
-def mfun_array_to_lua(expr key)(suffix value)(expr first, last, stp)(text t) =
- special
- "metapost.variables['" & key & "']={"
- for i=first step stp until last :
- & "[" & decimal i & "]=" & t(value[i]) & ","
- endfor
- & "}" ;
+vardef mfun_string_to_lua(expr k,s) =
+ runscript( "metapost.setvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ",[==[" & s & "]==])" ) ;
enddef ;
def passvariable(expr key, value) =
- if numeric value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_numeric_to_lua)
- elseif pair value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_pair_to_lua)
- elseif string value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_string_to_lua)
- elseif boolean value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_boolean_to_lua)
- elseif path value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_path_to_lua)
- elseif rgbcolor value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua)
- elseif cmykcolor value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua)
- elseif transform value : mfun_to_lua(key,value,mfun_transform_to_lua)
+ if numeric value : mfun_numeric_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif pair value : mfun_pair_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif string value : mfun_string_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif boolean value : mfun_boolean_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif path value : mfun_path_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif rgbcolor value : mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua (key,value) ;
+ elseif cmykcolor value : mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(key,value) ;
+ elseif transform value : mfun_transform_to_lua(key,value) ;
fi ;
enddef ;
def passarrayvariable(expr key)(suffix values)(expr first, last, stp) =
- if numeric values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_numeric_to_lua)
- elseif pair values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_pair_to_lua)
- elseif string values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_string_to_lua)
- elseif boolean values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_boolean_to_lua)
- elseif path values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_path_to_lua)
- elseif rgbcolor values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua)
- elseif cmykcolor values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua)
- elseif transform values[first] : mfun_array_to_lua(key,values,first,last,stp,mfun_transform_to_lua)
- fi ;
+ runscript("metapost.pushvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(key) & ")") ;
+ for i=first step stp until last :
+ passvariable(i, values[i]) ;
+ endfor
+ runscript("metapost.popvariable()") ;
enddef ;
def startpassingvariable(expr k) =
- begingroup ;
- save stoppassingvariable, startarray, stoparray, starthash, stophash, index, key, value, slot, entry ;
- let stoppassingvariable = mfun_stop_lua_variable ;
- let startarray = mfun_start_lua_array ;
- let stoparray = mfun_stop_lua_array ;
- let starthash = mfun_start_lua_hash ;
- let stophash = mfun_stop_lua_hash ;
- let index = mfun_lua_index ;
- let key = mfun_lua_key ;
- let value = mfun_lua_value ;
- let slot = mfun_lua_slot ;
- let entry = mfun_lua_entry ;
- save s ; string s ;
- s := "metapost.variables['" & k & "']="
-enddef ;
-def mfun_stop_lua_variable =
- ;
- special substring(0,length(s)-1) of s ;
- endgroup ;
+ runscript("metapost.pushvariable(" & mfun_key_to_lua(k) & ")") ;
enddef ;
-% currently there is no difference between array and hash
-def mfun_start_lua_array =
- & "{"
-enddef ;
-def mfun_stop_lua_array =
- & "},"
-enddef ;
-def mfun_start_lua_hash =
- & "{"
-enddef ;
-def mfun_stop_lua_hash =
- & "},"
-enddef ;
-def mfun_lua_key(expr k) =
- & "['" & k & "']="
-enddef ;
-def mfun_lua_index(expr k) =
- & "[" & decimal k & "]="
-enddef ;
-def mfun_lua_value(expr v) =
- if numeric v : & mfun_numeric_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif pair v : & mfun_pair_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif string v : & mfun_string_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif boolean v : & mfun_boolean_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif path v : & mfun_path_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif rgbcolor v : & mfun_rgbcolor_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif cmykcolor v : & mfun_cmykcolor_to_lua(v) & ","
- elseif transform v : & mfun_transform_to_lua(v) & ","
- fi
-enddef ;
-def mfun_lua_entry(expr k, v) =
- mfun_lua_key(k)
- mfun_lua_value(v)
-enddef ;
-def mfun_lua_slot(expr k, v) =
- mfun_lua_index(k)
- mfun_lua_value(v)
+def stoppassingvariable =
+ runscript("metapost.popvariable()") ;
enddef ;
% moved here from mp-grap.mpiv
@@ -1449,6 +1591,9 @@ vardef formatted(expr f, x) = textext(varfmt(f, x)) enddef ;
% def strfmt = format enddef ; % old
% def varfmt = formatted enddef ; % old
+% def fmttext = enddef ;
% new
def fillup text t = draw t withpostscript "both" enddef ; % we use draw because we need the proper boundingbox
@@ -1460,3 +1605,52 @@ def nofill text t = fill t withpostscript "collect" enddef ;
% def withrule expr r =
% if (t = "even-odd") or (t = "evenodd") : withpostscript "evenodd" fi
% enddef ;
+% so we can do: withcolor "red"
+vardef resolvedcolor primary s =
+ % % conflicts with macro namedcolor
+ % % okay but, can also be
+ %"NamedColor",s) % which gives expansion mess
+ if string s :
+ runscript("mp.NamedColor('" & s & "')") % faster anyway
+ else :
+ s
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% A comment will end up on top of the graphic in the output. This can be handy for
+% locating a graphic: comment("test graphic").
+def comment expr str =
+ special "metapost.comment[[" & str & "]]" ;
+enddef ;
+% This overloads a dummy:
+vardef uniquelist(suffix list) =
+ % this can be optimized by passing all values at once and returning
+ % a result but for now this is ok .. we need an undef foo
+ save i, j, h ;
+ if known lis[0] :
+ i := 0 ;
+ j := -1 ;
+ else :
+ i := 1 ;
+ j := 0 ;
+ fi ;
+ h := ;
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown list[i] ;
+ if not,list[i]) :
+ j := j + 1 ;
+ list[j] := list[i] ;
+,list[i]) ;
+ fi ;
+ i := i + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ for n = j+1 step 1 until i-1 :
+ dispose(list[n])
+ endfor ;
+ ;
+enddef ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-node.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-node.mpiv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fdd308ad1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-node.mpiv
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-node.mpiv,
+%D version=1998.02.15,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=Node Based Graphics,
+%D author=Alan Braslau,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={Alan Braslau & \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D Ths crossing macros were written as part of this module but as they
+%D can be of use elsewhere they are defined in mp-tool.
+if known context_node : endinput ; fi ;
+boolean context_node ; context_node := true ;
+% returns a pair suffix if the path is unknown
+vardef makenode@#(suffix p)(text t) =
+ save i, b ; numeric i ; string b ;
+ for a = t :
+ if unknown i : % first argument is the index
+ i = a ;
+ if isarray p :
+ %
+ % note that one needs to declare "path p[] ; picture p[]pic[] ;"
+ % before calling node() if one is to use a pseudo-array for p
+ % because "picture p1.pic[] ;" is not a valid syntax!
+ %
+ % The following works, but is a bit awkward...
+ %
+ b := prefix p ;
+ if not picture p.pic[i] : scantokens("picture " & b & "[]pic[] ;") ; fi
+ if not pair p.pos[i] : scantokens("pair " & b & "[]pos[] ;") ; fi
+ else :
+ if not picture p.pic[i] : picture p.pic[] ; fi
+ if not pair p.pos[i] : pair p.pos[] ; fi
+ fi
+ else :
+ if known p.pic[i] :
+ addto p.pic[i] also
+ else :
+ p.pic[i] :=
+ fi
+ if picture a : a
+ elseif string a : textext@#(a)
+ elseif numeric a : textext@#(decimal a)
+ elseif ((boolean a) and a) : image(draw origin)
+ else : nullpicture
+ fi ;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ p.pos[i] if known p : := point i of p ; fi
+enddef ;
+% returns a picture
+vardef node@#(suffix p)(text t) =
+ if pair makenode@#(p)(t) :
+ % nop: gobble the function return.
+ fi
+ for a = t :
+ if (unknown p) and (known p.pos[a]) :
+ makenodepath(p) ;
+ fi
+ if known p.pic[a] :
+ p.pic[a] if known p : shifted point a of p fi
+ else :
+ nullpicture
+ fi
+ exitif true ;
+ endfor
+enddef ;
+% returns a path
+vardef fromto@#(expr d)(suffix p)(expr f)(suffix q)(text s) =
+ save r, t, l ;
+ path r[] ; numeric t ; picture l ;
+ for a = s :
+ if unknown t :
+ t = a ;
+ if (unknown p) and (known p.pos[f]) :
+ makenodepath(p) ;
+ fi
+ if (unknown q) and (known q.pos[t]) :
+ makenodepath(q) ;
+ fi
+ r0 = if ((not numeric d) and
+ (point f of p = point f of q) and
+ (point t of p = point t of q)) :
+ subpath (f,t) of p
+ else :
+ point f of p -- point t of q
+ fi ;
+ save deviation ; numeric deviation ;
+ deviation := if numeric d: d else: 0 fi ;
+ r1 = if deviation=0 : r0
+ else :
+ point 0 of r0 ..
+ unitvector direction .5length r0 of r0 rotated 90
+ scaled deviation * arclength r0
+ shifted point .5length r0 of r0 ..
+ point length r0 of r0
+ fi ;
+ else :
+ if known l :
+ addto l also
+ else :
+ l :=
+ fi
+ if picture a : a
+ elseif string a : textext@#(a)
+ elseif numeric a : textext@#(decimal a)
+ elseif ((boolean a) and a) : image(draw origin withpen currentpen scaled 4)
+ else : nullpicture
+ fi ;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ r2 = r1
+ if known p.pic[f if cycle p: mod length p fi] :
+ cutbefore boundingbox (p.pic[f if cycle p: mod length p fi] shifted point f of p)
+ fi
+ if known q.pic[t if cycle q: mod length q fi] :
+ cutafter boundingbox (q.pic[t if cycle q: mod length q fi] shifted point t of q)
+ fi
+ ;
+ if known l :
+ l := l shifted point .5length r2 of r2 ;
+ draw l ;
+ (r2 if str @# = "" : crossingunder l fi)
+ else :
+ r2
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% returns pair: bounding point of the node picture
+vardef nodeboundingpoint@#(suffix p)(expr i) =
+ if known p.pic[i] :
+ boundingpoint@#(p.pic[i])
+ else :
+ origin
+ fi
+enddef ;
+% returns pair: scaled laboff direction
+vardef relative@#(expr s) =
+ (mfun_laboff@# scaled s)
+enddef ;
+% returns pair: vector between nodes (+ optional scale)
+vardef betweennodes@#(suffix p)(expr f)(suffix q)(text s) =
+ save t ; numeric t ;
+ for a = s :
+ if unknown t :
+ t = a ;
+ nodeboundingpoint@#(q,t) + nodeboundingpoint@#(p,f)
+ else :
+ + relative@#(a)
+ fi
+ endfor
+enddef ;
+% build a path from the node positions.
+% Must be continuous in index starting at 0.
+vardef makenodepath(suffix p) =
+ if unknown p :
+ save i ; i = -1 ;
+ p = forever : exitif unknown p.pos[incr i] ;
+ p.pos[i] --
+ endfor cycle ;
+ fi
+enddef ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
index 2e4a2b43785..f3299067780 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-page.mpiv
@@ -290,16 +290,24 @@ vardef CutSpace = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : PaperWidth -
vardef OuterMarginWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef InnerMarginWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef OuterMarginDistance = if not OnRightPage : () else : fi enddef ;
-vardef InnerMarginDistance = if not OnRightPage : else : () fi enddef ;
+vardef InnerMarginDistance = if not OnRightPage : else : () fi enddef ;
vardef OuterEdgeWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef InnerEdgeWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef OuterEdgeDistance = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
-vardef InnerEdgeDistance = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
+vardef InnerEdgeDistance = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef OuterSpaceWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
vardef InnerSpaceWidth = if not OnRightPage : () else : () fi enddef ;
+% indices
+vardef OuterMargin = if not OnRightPage : LeftMargin else : RightMargin fi enddef ;
+vardef InnerMargin = if not OnRightPage : RightMargin else : LeftMargin fi enddef ;
+vardef OuterEdge = if not OnRightPage : LeftEdge else : RightEdge fi enddef ;
+vardef InnerEdge = if not OnRightPage : Rightedge else : LeftEdge fi enddef ;
% vardef CurrentLayout = () enddef ;
vardef OverlayWidth = () enddef ;
@@ -670,6 +678,8 @@ string RuleOption ; RuleOption := "" ;
numeric RuleWidth ; RuleWidth := 0 ;
numeric RuleHeight ; RuleHeight := 0 ;
numeric RuleDepth ; RuleDepth := 0 ;
+numeric RuleH ; RuleH := 0 ;
+numeric RuleV ; RuleV := 0 ;
numeric RuleThickness ; RuleThickness := 0 ;
numeric RuleFactor ; RuleFactor := 0 ;
numeric RuleOffset ; RuleOffset := 0 ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-shap.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-shap.mpiv
index 7136565108d..a511ef37523 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-shap.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-shap.mpiv
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ def stop_predefined_shape_definition =
enddef ;
+% this can be delayed
start_predefined_shape_definition ;
predefined_shapes[ 0] := (origin--cycle) ;
@@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ start_predefined_shape_definition ;
stop_predefined_shape_definition ;
vardef some_shape_path (expr type) =
- if known predefined_shapes[type] : predefined_shapes[type] else : predefined_shapes[0] fi
+ if known predefined_shapes[type] : predefined_shapes[type] else : predefined_shapes[24] fi
enddef ;
def some_shape (expr shape_type, shape_width, shape_height, shape_linewidth, shape_linecolor, shape_fillcolor) =
@@ -156,14 +158,22 @@ def some_shape (expr shape_type, shape_width, shape_height, shape_linewidth, sha
endgroup ;
enddef ;
+% maybe:
+% if t>1 : % normal shape
+% path pp ; pp := some_shape_path(t) xyscaled(bbwidth(p), bbheight(p)) ;
+% pp := pp shifted - center pp shifted center p ;
+% fill pp withcolor fc ;
+% draw pp withpen pencircle scaled lw withcolor lc ;
vardef drawpredefinedshape (expr t, p, lw, lc, fc) =
save pp ;
- if t>1 : % normal shape
+ if t > 1 : % normal shape
path pp ;
pp := some_shape_path(t) xyscaled(bbwidth(p), bbheight(p)) shifted center p ;
fill pp withcolor fc ;
draw pp withpen pencircle scaled lw withcolor lc ;
- elseif t=1 : % background only
+ elseif t = 1 : % background only
path pp ;
pp := fullsquare xyscaled(bbwidth(p), bbheight(p)) shifted center p ;
fill pp withcolor fc ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-step.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-step.mpiv
index f7a7ba5debb..16d6be3a764 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-step.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-step.mpiv
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
%C details.
-% step prefixes .. no save needed
+% maybe todo: step prefixes .. no save needed
+% not todo : make it unreadable by lots of suffix compaction
-if known context_cell : endinput ; fi ;
+if known context_step : endinput ; fi ;
-boolean context_cell ; context_cell := true ;
+boolean context_step ; context_step := true ;
def initialize_step_variables =
@@ -23,14 +24,16 @@ def initialize_step_variables =
cell_fill_color, cell_line_color, cell_line_width, cell_offset,
line_line_color, line_line_width, line_alternative,
line_distance, cell_distance_y, cell_distance_x,
- nofcells, chart_vertical ;
+ nofcells, chart_vertical, chart_align, chart_category ;
- color text_line_color ; text_line_color := red ;
- color cell_line_color ; cell_line_color := blue ;
- color line_line_color ; line_line_color := green ;
+ string chart_category ; chart_category := "" ;
- color text_fill_color ; text_fill_color := white ;
- color cell_fill_color ; cell_fill_color := white ;
+ string text_line_color ; text_line_color := "red" ;
+ string cell_line_color ; cell_line_color := "blue" ;
+ string line_line_color ; line_line_color := "green" ;
+ string text_fill_color ; text_fill_color := "white" ;
+ string cell_fill_color ; cell_fill_color := "white" ;
numeric text_line_width ; text_line_width := 2pt ;
numeric cell_line_width ; cell_line_width := 2pt ;
@@ -49,6 +52,7 @@ def initialize_step_variables =
numeric text_distance_set ; text_distance_set := 4pt ;
boolean chart_vertical ; chart_vertical := false ;
+ boolean chart_align ; chart_align := false ;
numeric nofcells ; nofcells := 0 ;
@@ -56,17 +60,17 @@ enddef ;
def step_cells (expr t, b) =
nofcells := nofcells + 1 ;
- cells_t[nofcells] := textext.d(t) ;
- cells_b[nofcells] := textext.d(b) ;
+ cells_t[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,t) ;
+ cells_b[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,b) ;
texts_t[nofcells] := nullpicture ;
texts_m[nofcells] := nullpicture ;
texts_b[nofcells] := nullpicture ;
enddef ;
-def step_texts (expr t, b) =
- texts_t[nofcells] := textext.d(t) ;
- texts_m[nofcells] := textext.d(m) ;
- texts_b[nofcells] := textext.d(b) ;
+def step_texts (expr t, m, b) =
+ texts_t[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,t) ;
+ texts_m[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,m) ;
+ texts_b[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,b) ;
enddef ;
def step_begin_cell =
@@ -81,11 +85,66 @@ enddef ;
def step_end_cell =
enddef ;
-def step_cell_top (expr t) = cells_t[nofcells] := textext.d(t) ; enddef ;
-def step_cell_bot (expr b) = cells_b[nofcells] := textext.d(b) ; enddef ;
-def step_text_top (expr t) = texts_t[nofcells] := textext.d(t) ; enddef ;
-def step_text_mid (expr m) = texts_m[nofcells] := textext.d(m) ; enddef ;
-def step_text_bot (expr b) = texts_b[nofcells] := textext.d(b) ; enddef ;
+% maybe: texbox.d
+def step_cell_top (expr t, c, f, l, s) =
+ cells_t[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,t) ;
+ cell_top_colors[nofcells] := c ;
+ cell_top_fills [nofcells] := f ;
+ cell_top_lines [nofcells] := l ;
+ cell_top_shapes[nofcells] := s ;
+enddef ;
+def step_cell_bot (expr b, c, f, l, s) =
+ cells_b[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,b) ;
+ cell_bot_colors[nofcells] := c ;
+ cell_bot_fills [nofcells] := f ;
+ cell_bot_lines [nofcells] := l ;
+ cell_bot_shapes[nofcells] := s ;
+enddef ;
+def step_cell_ali (expr ca, cb, cc, c, f, l, s) =
+ cells_a[nofcells][1] := texbox.d(chart_category,ca) ;
+ cells_a[nofcells][2] := texbox.d(chart_category,cb) ;
+ cells_a[nofcells][3] := texbox.d(chart_category,cc) ;
+ cell_top_colors[nofcells] := c ;
+ cell_top_fills [nofcells] := f ;
+ cell_top_lines [nofcells] := l ;
+ cell_top_shapes[nofcells] := s ;
+enddef ;
+def step_text_top (expr t, tc, tf, tl, ts, lc, ll, ls) =
+ texts_t[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,t) ;
+ text_top_colors[nofcells] := tc ;
+ text_top_fills [nofcells] := tf ;
+ text_top_lines [nofcells] := tl ;
+ text_top_shapes[nofcells] := ts ;
+ line_top_colors[nofcells] := lc ;
+ line_top_lines [nofcells] := ll ;
+ line_top_shapes[nofcells] := ls ;
+enddef ;
+def step_text_mid (expr m, tc, tf, tl, ts, lc, ll, ls) =
+ texts_m[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,m) ;
+ text_mid_colors[nofcells] := tc ;
+ text_mid_fills [nofcells] := tf ;
+ text_mid_lines [nofcells] := tl ;
+ text_mid_shapes[nofcells] := ts ;
+ line_mid_colors[nofcells] := lc ;
+ line_mid_lines [nofcells] := ll ;
+ line_mid_shapes[nofcells] := ls ;
+enddef ;
+def step_text_bot (expr b, tc, tf, tl, ts, lc, ll, ls) =
+ texts_b[nofcells] := texbox.d(chart_category,b) ;
+ text_bot_colors[nofcells] := tc ;
+ text_bot_fills [nofcells] := tf ;
+ text_bot_lines [nofcells] := tl ;
+ text_bot_shapes[nofcells] := ts ;
+ line_bot_colors[nofcells] := lc ;
+ line_bot_lines [nofcells] := ll ;
+ line_bot_shapes[nofcells] := ls ;
+enddef ;
def step_begin_chart =
begingroup ;
@@ -93,6 +152,44 @@ def step_begin_chart =
save nofcells ; numeric nofcells ; nofcells := 0 ;
save cells_t, cells_m, cells_b ; picture cells_t[], cells_m[], cells_b[] ;
save texts_t, texts_m, texts_b ; picture texts_t[], texts_m[], texts_b[] ;
+ save start_t, start_m, start_b ; numeric start_t[], start_m[], start_b[] ;
+ save cells_a ; picture cells_a[][] ;
+ save cell_top_colors ; string cell_top_colors[] ;
+ save cell_bot_colors ; string cell_bot_colors[] ;
+ save text_top_colors ; string text_top_colors[] ;
+ save text_mid_colors ; string text_mid_colors[] ;
+ save text_bot_colors ; string text_bot_colors[] ;
+ save cell_top_fills ; string cell_top_fills[] ;
+ save cell_bot_fills ; string cell_bot_fills[] ;
+ save text_top_fills ; string text_top_fills[] ;
+ save text_mid_fills ; string text_mid_fills[] ;
+ save text_bot_fills ; string text_bot_fills[] ;
+ save cell_top_lines ; numeric cell_top_lines[] ;
+ save cell_bot_lines ; numeric cell_bot_lines[] ;
+ save text_top_lines ; numeric text_top_lines[] ;
+ save text_mid_lines ; numeric text_mid_lines[] ;
+ save text_bot_lines ; numeric text_bot_lines[] ;
+ save cell_top_shapes ; numeric cell_top_shapes[] ;
+ save cell_bot_shapes ; numeric cell_bot_shapes[] ;
+ save text_top_shapes ; numeric text_top_shapes[] ;
+ save text_mid_shapes ; numeric text_mid_shapes[] ;
+ save text_bot_shapes ; numeric text_bot_shapes[] ;
+ save line_top_lines ; numeric line_top_lines[] ;
+ save line_mid_lines ; numeric line_mid_lines[] ;
+ save line_bot_lines ; numeric line_bot_lines[] ;
+ save line_top_colors ; string line_top_colors[] ;
+ save line_mid_colors ; string line_mid_colors[] ;
+ save line_bot_colors ; string line_bot_colors[] ;
+ save line_top_shapes ; numeric line_top_shapes[] ;
+ save line_mid_shapes ; numeric line_mid_shapes[] ;
+ save line_bot_shapes ; numeric line_bot_shapes[] ;
enddef ;
def step_end_chart =
@@ -106,6 +203,7 @@ def step_end_chart =
save height_t, width_t, max_height_t, max_width_t ; numeric height_t, width_t, max_height_t, max_width_t ;
save height_m, width_m, max_height_m, max_width_m ; numeric height_m, width_m, max_height_m, max_width_m ;
save height_b, width_b, max_height_b, max_width_b ; numeric height_b, width_b, max_height_b, max_width_b ;
+ save alternative ; numeric alternative ;
% check rows
one_row_only := true ;
for i=1 upto nofcells :
@@ -113,18 +211,43 @@ def step_end_chart =
one_row_only := false ;
fi ;
endfor ;
+ %
+ if chart_align :
+ save size, delta, width ; numeric size[], delta[], width[] ;
+ for i=1 upto 3:
+ size[i] = 0 ;
+ for c=1 upto nofcells :
+ size[i] := max(size[i],bbwidth(cells_a[c][i])) ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ for c=1 upto nofcells :
+ cells_t[c] := image (
+ for i=1 upto 3:
+ width[i] := bbwidth(cells_a[c][i]);
+ delta[i] := size[i] - width[i] ;
+ endfor;
+ setbounds cells_a[c][1] to boundingbox(cells_a[c][1]) leftenlarged (delta[1]) ;
+ setbounds cells_a[c][2] to boundingbox(cells_a[c][2]) leftenlarged (delta[2]/2)
+ rightenlarged(delta[2]/2) ;
+ setbounds cells_a[c][3] to boundingbox(cells_a[c][3]) rightenlarged(delta[3]) ;
+ cells_a[c][1] := cells_a[c][1] shifted (- width[1]/2 - size[2]/2 - text_distance_set,0) ;
+ cells_a[c][3] := cells_a[c][3] shifted ( width[3]/2 + size[2]/2 + text_distance_set,0) ;
+ for i=1 upto 3:
+ draw cells_a[c][i] ;
+ % draw boundingbox cells_a[c][i] ;
+ endfor ;
+ ) ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
% swap and rotate
if chart_vertical :
if one_row_only :
% deal with mid_texts
max_width_t := max_width_m := max_width_b := 0 ;
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- width_t := bbwidth(texts_t[i]) ;
- width_m := bbwidth(texts_m[i]) ;
- width_b := bbwidth(texts_b[i]) ;
- if width_t > max_width_t : max_width_t := width_t fi ;
- if width_m > max_width_m : max_width_m := width_m fi ;
- if width_b > max_width_b : max_width_b := width_b fi ;
+ max_width_t := max(max_width_t,bbwidth(texts_t[i]));
+ max_width_m := max(max_width_m,bbwidth(texts_m[i]));
+ max_width_b := max(max_width_b,bbwidth(texts_b[i]));
endfor ;
if max_width_m > 0 :
for i=1 upto nofcells :
@@ -132,14 +255,17 @@ def step_end_chart =
text_m := texts_m[i] ; width_m := bbwidth(text_m) ;
text_b := texts_b[i] ; width_b := bbwidth(text_b) ;
if width_t < max_width_t :
- setbounds text_t to boundingbox text_t leftenlarged (max_width_t - width_t) ;
+ setbounds text_t to boundingbox text_t
+ leftenlarged (max_width_t - width_t) ;
fi ;
if width_m < max_width_m :
- setbounds text_m to boundingbox text_m leftenlarged ((max_width_m - width_m)/2) ;
- setbounds text_m to boundingbox text_m rightenlarged ((max_width_m - width_m)/2) ;
+ setbounds text_m to boundingbox text_m
+ leftenlarged ((max_width_m - width_m)/2)
+ rightenlarged ((max_width_m - width_m)/2) ;
fi ;
if width_b < max_width_b :
- setbounds text_b to boundingbox text_b rightenlarged (max_width_b - width_b) ;
+ setbounds text_b to boundingbox text_b
+ rightenlarged (max_width_b - width_b) ;
fi ;
text_t := text_t shifted (- xpart llcorner text_t, 0) ;
text_m := text_m shifted (- xpart llcorner text_m, 0) ;
@@ -161,6 +287,7 @@ def step_end_chart =
fi ;
else :
for i=1 upto nofcells :
+ % swaps so we need a scratch variable
cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
cells_t[i] := cell_b rotated 90 ;
@@ -174,39 +301,31 @@ def step_end_chart =
fi ;
% align horizontal
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- width_t := bbwidth(cell_t) ;
- width_b := bbwidth(cell_b) ;
+ width_t := bbwidth(cells_t[i]) ;
+ width_b := bbwidth(cells_b[i]) ;
if (width_t = 0) and (width_b = 0) :
% skip
elseif (width_t > 0) and (width_t < width_b) :
delta := (width_b-width_t)/2 ;
- setbounds cell_t to boundingbox cell_t leftenlarged delta rightenlarged delta ;
- cells_t[i] := cell_t ;
+ setbounds cells_t[i] to boundingbox cells_t[i] leftenlarged delta rightenlarged delta ;
elseif (width_b > 0) and (width_t > width_b) :
delta := (width_t-width_b)/2 ;
- setbounds cell_b to boundingbox cell_b leftenlarged delta rightenlarged delta ;
- cells_b[i] := cell_b ;
+ setbounds cells_b[i] to boundingbox cells_b[i] leftenlarged delta rightenlarged delta ;
fi ;
endfor ;
% analyze vertical
max_height_t := 0 ;
max_height_b := 0 ;
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- height_t := bbheight(cell_t) ;
- height_b := bbheight(cell_b) ;
+ height_t := bbheight(cells_t[i]) ;
+ height_b := bbheight(cells_b[i]) ;
if height_t > 0 :
- setbounds cell_t to boundingbox cell_t enlarged cell_offset ;
+ setbounds cells_t[i] to boundingbox cells_t[i] enlarged cell_offset ;
height_t := height_t + 2 * cell_offset ;
- cells_t[i] := cell_t ;
fi ;
if height_b > 0 :
- setbounds cell_b to boundingbox cell_b enlarged cell_offset ;
+ setbounds cells_b[i] to boundingbox cells_b[i] enlarged cell_offset ;
height_b := height_b + 2 * cell_offset ;
- cells_b[i] := cell_b ;
fi ;
if height_t > max_height_t :
max_height_t := height_t ;
@@ -217,34 +336,24 @@ def step_end_chart =
endfor ;
% align vertical
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- height_t := bbheight(cell_t) ;
- height_b := bbheight(cell_b) ;
+ height_t := bbheight(cells_t[i]) ;
+ height_b := bbheight(cells_b[i]) ;
if height_t > 0 :
delta := (max_height_t-height_t)/2 ;
- setbounds cell_t to boundingbox cell_t topenlarged delta bottomenlarged delta ;
+ setbounds cells_t[i] to boundingbox cells_t[i] topenlarged delta bottomenlarged delta ;
fi ;
if height_b > 0 :
delta := (max_height_b-height_b)/2 ;
- setbounds cell_b to boundingbox cell_b topenlarged delta bottomenlarged delta ;
+ setbounds cells_b[i] to boundingbox cells_b[i] topenlarged delta bottomenlarged delta ;
fi ;
- cells_t[i] := cell_t ;
- cells_b[i] := cell_b ;
endfor ;
% position
dx := 0 ;
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- cell_t := cell_t shifted -llcorner cell_t ;
- cell_b := cell_b shifted -llcorner cell_b ;
- cell_t := cell_t shifted (dx, 0) ;
- cell_b := cell_b shifted (dx,-cell_distance_y-max_height_b) ;
- cells_t[i] := cell_t ;
- cells_b[i] := cell_b ;
- width_t := bbwidth(cell_t) ;
- width_b := bbwidth(cell_b) ;
+ cells_t[i] := cells_t[i] shifted -llcorner cells_t[i] shifted (dx, 0) ;
+ cells_b[i] := cells_b[i] shifted -llcorner cells_b[i] shifted (dx,-cell_distance_y-max_height_b) ;
+ width_t := bbwidth(cells_t[i]) ;
+ width_b := bbwidth(cells_b[i]) ;
if width_t > 0 :
dx := dx + cell_distance_x + width_t ;
elseif width_b > 0 :
@@ -253,19 +362,27 @@ def step_end_chart =
endfor ;
% flush
for i=1 upto nofcells :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- width_t := bbwidth(cell_t) ;
- width_b := bbwidth(cell_b) ;
+ width_t := bbwidth(cells_t[i]) ;
+ width_b := bbwidth(cells_b[i]) ;
if width_t > 0 :
- fill boundingbox cell_t withcolor cell_fill_color ;
- draw boundingbox cell_t withpen pencircle scaled cell_line_width withcolor cell_line_color ;
- draw cell_t ;
+ drawpredefinedshape (
+ if known cell_top_shapes[i] : cell_top_shapes[i] else : 24 fi,
+ cells_t[i],
+ if known cell_top_lines [i] : cell_top_lines [i] else : cell_line_width fi,
+ if known cell_top_colors[i] : cell_top_colors[i] else : cell_line_color fi,
+ if known cell_top_fills [i] : cell_top_fills [i] else : cell_fill_color fi
+ ) ;
+ draw cells_t[i] ;
fi ;
if width_b > 0 :
- fill boundingbox cell_b withcolor cell_fill_color ;
- draw boundingbox cell_b withpen pencircle scaled cell_line_width withcolor cell_line_color ;
- draw cell_b ;
+ drawpredefinedshape (
+ if known cell_bot_shapes[i] : cell_bot_shapes[i] else : 24 fi,
+ cells_b[i],
+ if known cell_bot_lines [i] : cell_bot_lines [i] else : cell_line_width fi,
+ if known cell_bot_colors[i] : cell_bot_colors[i] else : cell_line_color fi,
+ if known cell_bot_fills [i] : cell_bot_fills [i] else : cell_fill_color fi
+ ) ;
+ draw cells_b[i] ;
fi ;
endfor ;
@@ -273,55 +390,71 @@ def step_end_chart =
def midbottomboundary expr p = 0.5[llcorner boundingbox p, lrcorner boundingbox p] enddef ;
% draw top and bottom text boxes
for i=1 upto nofcells-1 :
- text_t := texts_t[i] ;
- text_b := texts_b[i] ;
- if bbwidth(text_t) > 0 :
- setbounds text_t to boundingbox text_t enlarged text_offset ;
- texts_t[i] := text_t ;
+ if bbwidth(texts_t[i]) > 0 :
+ setbounds texts_t[i] to boundingbox texts_t[i] enlarged text_offset ;
fi ;
- if bbwidth(text_b) > 0 :
- setbounds text_b to boundingbox text_b enlarged text_offset ;
- texts_b[i] := text_b ;
+ if bbwidth(texts_b[i]) > 0 :
+ setbounds texts_b[i] to boundingbox texts_b[i] enlarged text_offset ;
fi ;
endfor ;
% arrows
for i=1 upto nofcells-1 :
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- next_t := cells_t[i+1] ;
- next_b := cells_b[i+1] ;
pair t_a, t_b, t_c, b_a, b_b, b_c ;
- t_a := midtopboundary cell_t ;
- t_b := midtopboundary next_t ;
- t_c := (xpart 0.5[t_a,t_b], ypart t_a+line_height+line_distance) ;
+ t_a := midtopboundary cells_t[i] ;
+ t_b := midtopboundary cells_t[i+1] ;
if one_row_only :
- b_a := midbottomboundary cell_t ;
- b_b := midbottomboundary next_t ;
+ b_a := midbottomboundary cells_t[i] ;
+ b_b := midbottomboundary cells_t[i+1] ;
else :
- b_a := midbottomboundary cell_b ;
- b_b := midbottomboundary next_b ;
+ b_a := midbottomboundary cells_b[i] ;
+ b_b := midbottomboundary cells_b[i+1] ;
fi ;
+ t_c := (xpart 0.5[t_a,t_b], ypart t_a+line_height+line_distance) ;
b_c := (xpart 0.5[b_a,b_b], ypart b_a-line_height-line_distance) ;
texts_t[i] :=[i],t_c) ;
texts_b[i] :=[i],b_c) ;
endfor ;
for i=1 upto nofcells-1 : % todo arrows when empty text
- cell_t := cells_t[i] ;
- cell_b := cells_b[i] ;
- next_t := cells_t[i+1] ;
- next_b := cells_b[i+1] ;
text_t := texts_t[i] ;
text_b := texts_b[i] ;
+ cell_t := cells_t[start_t[i]] ;
+ cell_b := cells_b[start_b[i]] ;
+ next_t := cells_t[i+1] ;
+ next_b := cells_b[i+1] ;
if bbwidth(text_t) > 0 :
if bbwidth(cell_t) > 0 :
- drawarrow midtopboundary cell_t
- shifted (if i > 1 : line_offset else : 0 fi, cell_line_width) {up} ..
- midbottomboundary text_t shifted (0,-line_distance) ..
- {down} midtopboundary next_t shifted(if i < nofcells - 1 : -line_offset else : 0 fi,cell_line_width)
- withpen pencircle scaled line_line_width
- withcolor line_line_color ;
- else :
+ alternative := if known line_top_shapes[i] : line_top_shapes[i] else : 1 fi ;
+ if alternative <> 0 :
+ if (alternative = 1) or (alternative = 2) or (alternative = 5) or (alternative = 6) :
+ drawarrow
+ elseif (alternative = 3) or (alternative = 7):
+ drawdblarrow
+ else :
+ draw
+ fi
+ if (alternative = 2) or (alternative = 6) :
+ reverse
+ fi
+ (
+ midtopboundary cell_t
+ shifted (if i > 1 : line_offset else : 0 fi, cell_line_width) {up} ..
+ midbottomboundary text_t
+ shifted (0,-line_distance) ..
+ {down} midtopboundary next_t
+ shifted (if i < nofcells - 1 : -line_offset else : 0 fi,cell_line_width)
+ )
+ withpen pencircle scaled
+ if known line_top_lines [i] : line_top_lines [i] else : line_line_width fi
+ withcolor
+ if known line_top_colors[i] : line_top_colors[i] else : line_line_color fi
+ if (alternative >= 5) and (alternative <= 8) :
+ dashed evenly scaled (
+ if known line_top_lines [i] : line_top_lines [i] else : line_line_width fi
+ )
+ fi
+ ;
+ fi ;
fi ;
fi ;
if bbwidth(text_b) > 0 :
@@ -330,29 +463,61 @@ def step_end_chart =
next_b := next_t ;
fi ;
if bbwidth(cell_b) > 0 :
- drawarrow midbottomboundary cell_b
- shifted (if i > 1 : line_offset else : 0 fi, -cell_line_width) {down} ..
- midtopboundary text_b shifted (0, line_distance) ..
- {up} midbottomboundary next_b shifted (if i < nofcells - 1 : -line_offset else : 0 fi,-cell_line_width)
- withpen pencircle scaled line_line_width
- withcolor line_line_color ;
- else :
+ alternative := if known line_bot_shapes[i] : line_bot_shapes[i] else : 1 fi ;
+ if alternative <> 0 :
+ if (alternative = 1) or (alternative = 2) or (alternative = 5) or (alternative = 6) :
+ drawarrow
+ elseif (alternative = 3) or (alternative = 7):
+ drawdblarrow
+ else :
+ draw
+ fi
+ if (alternative = 2) or (alternative = 6) :
+ reverse
+ fi
+ (
+ midbottomboundary cell_b
+ shifted (if i > 1 : line_offset else : 0 fi, -cell_line_width) {down} ..
+ midtopboundary text_b
+ shifted (0, line_distance) ..
+ {up} midbottomboundary next_b
+ shifted (if i < nofcells - 1 : -line_offset else : 0 fi,-cell_line_width)
+ )
+ withpen pencircle scaled
+ if known line_bot_lines [i] : line_bot_lines [i] else : line_line_width fi
+ withcolor
+ if known line_bot_colors[i] : line_bot_colors[i] else : line_line_color fi
+ if (alternative >= 5) and (alternative <= 8) :
+ dashed evenly scaled (
+ if known line_top_lines [i] : line_top_lines [i] else : line_line_width fi
+ )
+ fi
+ ;
+ fi ;
fi ;
fi ;
endfor ;
% draw top and bottom text boxes
for i=1 upto nofcells-1 :
- text_t := texts_t[i] ;
- text_b := texts_b[i] ;
- if bbwidth(text_t) > 0 :
- fill boundingbox text_t withcolor text_fill_color ;
- draw boundingbox text_t withpen pencircle scaled text_line_width withcolor text_line_color ;
- draw text_t ;
+ if bbwidth(texts_t[i]) > 0 :
+ drawpredefinedshape (
+ if known text_top_shapes[i] : text_top_shapes[i] else : 24 fi,
+ texts_t[i],
+ if known text_top_lines [i] : text_top_lines [i] else : text_line_width fi,
+ if known text_top_colors[i] : text_top_colors[i] else : text_line_color fi,
+ if known text_top_fills [i] : text_top_fills [i] else : text_fill_color fi
+ ) ;
+ draw texts_t[i] ;
fi ;
- if bbwidth(text_b) > 0 :
- fill boundingbox text_b withcolor text_fill_color ;
- draw boundingbox text_b withpen pencircle scaled text_line_width withcolor text_line_color ;
- draw text_b ;
+ if bbwidth(texts_b[i]) > 0 :
+ drawpredefinedshape (
+ if known text_bot_shapes[i] : text_bot_shapes[i] else : 24 fi,
+ texts_b[i],
+ if known text_bot_lines [i] : text_bot_lines [i] else : text_line_width fi,
+ if known text_bot_colors[i] : text_bot_colors[i] else : text_line_color fi,
+ if known text_bot_fills [i] : text_bot_fills [i] else : text_fill_color fi
+ ) ;
+ draw texts_b[i] ;
fi ;
endfor ;
if chart_vertical :
@@ -362,6 +527,8 @@ def step_end_chart =
endgroup ;
enddef ;
+% no longer working .. will do someday
% start_begin_step ;
% step_cells ("\strut test 0", "\strut test 0") ;
% step_cells ("\strut test 1", "\vbox{\hsize3cm \strut oeps 1\crlf oeps 1}") ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-symb.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-symb.mpiv
index a84c84e828d..40681adf171 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-symb.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-symb.mpiv
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
%C details.
%D Instead of these symbols, you can use the \type {contnav}
-%D font by Taco Hoekwater that is derived form this file.
+%D font by Taco Hoekwater that is derived form this file.
u := 3;
h := 5u;
@@ -264,88 +264,88 @@ endfig;
-picture collection [] ;
+picture collection [] ;
-prepareglyph ;
-draw lefttriangle ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw lefttriangle ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[201] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[201] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-prepareglyph ;
-draw righttriangle ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw righttriangle ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[202] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[202] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-prepareglyph ;
-draw sidebar ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw sidebar ;
draw lefttriangle shifted (.5s) ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[203] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[203] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-prepareglyph ;
-draw righttriangle ;
-draw sidebar shifted (wt,0) ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw righttriangle ;
+draw sidebar shifted (wt,0) ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[204] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[204] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-prepareglyph ;
-draw sublefttriangle shifted s ;
+prepareglyph ;
+draw sublefttriangle shifted s ;
draw lefttriangle shifted s ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[205] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[205] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
prepareglyph ;
draw subrighttriangle ;
draw righttriangle ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[206] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[206] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
prepareglyph ;
draw midbar ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[207] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[207] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
prepareglyph ;
draw onebar ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[208] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[208] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
prepareglyph ;
draw twobar ;
draw twobar shifted (pw+hh/2,0) ;
finishglyph ;
-collection[209] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[209] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-for i=201 upto 209 :
+for i=201 upto 209 :
collection[i] := collection[i] shifted - center collection[i] ;
-endfor ;
+endfor ;
-addto currentpicture also collection[205] shifted ( 0, 0)
+addto currentpicture also collection[205] shifted ( 0, 0)
withcolor (.3,.4,.5) ;
-addto currentpicture also collection[202] shifted ( 0,1.5h)
+addto currentpicture also collection[202] shifted ( 0,1.5h)
withcolor (.5,.6,.7) ;
-addto currentpicture also collection[201] shifted (1.5h, 0)
+addto currentpicture also collection[201] shifted (1.5h, 0)
withcolor (.6,.7,.8) ;
-addto currentpicture also collection[206] shifted (1.5h,1.5h)
+addto currentpicture also collection[206] shifted (1.5h,1.5h)
withcolor (.4,.5,.6) ;
-collection[210] := currentpicture ;
-currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+collection[210] := currentpicture ;
+currentpicture := nullpicture ;
-bboxmargin := .25u;
+bboxmargin := .25u;
fill bbox collection[210] withcolor .95(1,1,0);
-addto currentpicture also collection[210] ;
+addto currentpicture also collection[210] ;
-endfig ;
+endfig ;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
index 76459d25c5a..cd04b8dcbc9 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-% def loadfile(expr name) = scantokens("input " & name & ";") enddef ;
if known context_tool : endinput ; fi ;
boolean context_tool ; context_tool := true ;
@@ -28,7 +26,9 @@ let @## = @# ;
if not known mpversion : string mpversion ; mpversion := "0.641" ; fi ;
-newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := scantokens(mpversion) ;
+% newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := scantokens(mpversion) ;
+newinternal metapostversion ; metapostversion := 2.0 ;
%D We always want \EPS\ conforming output, so we say:
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ prologues := 1 ;
warningcheck := 0 ;
mpprocset := 1 ;
+%D Handy:
+def nothing = enddef ;
%D Namespace handling:
% let exclamationmark = ! ;
@@ -89,6 +93,47 @@ enddef ;
let triplet = rgbcolor ;
let quadruplet = cmykcolor ;
+%D Image redefined, for Alan:
+vardef image@#(text t) =
+ save currentpicture ;
+ picture currentpicture ;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+ t ;
+ currentpicture
+ if str @# <> "" :
+ shifted (
+ mfun_labxf@# * lrcorner p
+ + mfun_labyf@# * ulcorner p
+ + (1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#) * llcorner p
+ )
+ fi
+enddef ;
+%D Variables
+def dispose suffix s =
+ if known s :
+ begingroup ;
+ save ss ;
+ if numeric s : numeric ss
+ elseif boolean s : boolean ss
+ elseif pair s : pair ss
+ elseif path s : path ss
+ elseif picture s : picture ss
+ elseif string s : string ss
+ elseif transform s : transform ss
+ elseif color s : color ss
+ elseif rgbcolor s : rgbcolor ss
+ elseif cmykcolor s : cmykcolor ss
+ elseif pen s : pen ss
+ else s : numeric ss
+ fi ;
+ s := ss ;
+ endgroup ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
%D Colors:
newinternal nocolormodel ; nocolormodel := 1 ;
@@ -143,6 +188,8 @@ vardef colordecimals primary c =
decimal cyanpart c & ":" & decimal magentapart c & ":" & decimal yellowpart c & ":" & decimal blackpart c
elseif rgbcolor c :
decimal redpart c & ":" & decimal greenpart c & ":" & decimal bluepart c
+ elseif string c:
+ colordecimals resolvedcolor(c)
else :
decimal c
@@ -335,6 +382,42 @@ enddef;
% mfun_a_b
% enddef ;
+%D Here are some special ones, cooked up in the process of Alan's mp-node
+%D module:
+vardef boundingradius primary p =
+ if picture p :
+ max(
+ abs((llcorner p) shifted -center p),
+ abs((lrcorner p) shifted -center p),
+ abs((urcorner p) shifted -center p),
+ abs((ulcorner p) shifted -center p)
+ )
+ elseif pen p :
+ boundingradius image(draw makepath p ;)
+ elseif path p :
+ boundingradius image(draw p ;)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef boundingcircle primary p =
+ fullcircle scaled 2boundingradius p shifted center p
+enddef ;
+vardef boundingpoint@#(expr p) =
+ if picture p : % pen?
+ ( mfun_labxf@# *ulcorner p
+ + mfun_labyf@# *lrcorner p
+ +(1-mfun_labxf@#-mfun_labyf@#)*urcorner p)
+ elseif path p :
+ boundingpoint@#(image(draw p ;))
+ %elseif pair p :
+ % p
+ %else :
+ % origin
+ fi
+enddef ;
%D Some missing functions can be implemented rather straightforward (thanks to
%D Taco and others):
@@ -373,6 +456,7 @@ vardef asinh primary x = ln(x+(x++1)) enddef ;
vardef sinh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/2 enddef ;
vardef cosh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx+1/xx)/2 enddef ;
+vardef tanh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/(xx+1/xx) enddef ;
%D Like mod, but useful for anglesl it returns (-.5d,+.5d] and is used
%D in for instance mp-chem.
@@ -715,7 +799,7 @@ primarydef p xyscaled q = % secundarydef does not work out well
enddef ;
-%D Some personal code that might move to another module
+%D Some personal code that might move to another module (todo: save).
def set_grid(expr w, h, nx, ny) =
boolean grid[][] ; boolean grid_full ;
@@ -789,7 +873,7 @@ secondarydef p intersection_point q =
save x_, y_ ;
(x_,y_) = p intersectiontimes q ;
- if x_<0 :
+ if x_< 0 :
intersection_found := false ;
center p % origin
else :
@@ -817,36 +901,59 @@ enddef ;
%D Some colors.
-def colortype(expr c) =
- if cmykcolor c : cmykcolor elseif rgbcolor c : rgbcolor else : grayscale fi
+def resolvedcolor(expr s) =
+ .5white
+enddef ;
+let normalwithcolor = withcolor ;
+def withcolor expr c =
+ normalwithcolor if string c : resolvedcolor(c) else : c fi
enddef ;
-vardef whitecolor(expr c) =
- if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,0) elseif rgbcolor c : (1,1,1) else : 1 fi
+vardef colortype expr c =
+ if cmykcolor c : cmykcolor
+ elseif rgbcolor c : rgbcolor
+ elseif numeric c : grayscale
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef whitecolor expr c =
+ if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,0)
+ elseif rgbcolor c : (1,1,1)
+ elseif numeric c : 1
+ elseif string c : whitecolor resolvedcolor(c)
+ fi
enddef ;
vardef blackcolor expr c =
- if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,1) elseif rgbcolor c : (0,0,0) else : 0 fi
+ if cmykcolor c : (0,0,0,1)
+ elseif rgbcolor c : (0,0,0)
+ elseif numeric c : 0
+ elseif string c : blackcolor resolvedcolor(c)
+ fi
enddef ;
-vardef complementary expr c = (
- if cmykcolor c : (1,1,1,1) -
- elseif rgbcolor c : (1,1,1) -
- elseif pair c : (1,1) -
- elseif numeric c : 1 -
- fi c
-) enddef ;
+vardef complementary expr c =
+ if cmykcolor c : (1,1,1,1) - c
+ elseif rgbcolor c : (1,1,1) - c
+ elseif pair c : (1,1) - c
+ elseif numeric c : 1 - c
+ elseif string c : complementary resolvedcolor(c)
+ fi
+enddef ;
vardef complemented expr c =
save m ;
if cmykcolor c : m := max(cyanpart c, magentapart c, yellowpart c, blackpart c) ;
- ( (m,m,m,m) -
+ (m,m,m,m) - c
elseif rgbcolor c : m := max(redpart c, greenpart c, bluepart c) ;
- ( (m,m,m) -
+ (m,m,m) - c
elseif pair c : m := max(xpart c, ypart c) ;
- ( (m,m) -
- elseif numeric c : ( m -
- fi c )
+ (m,m) - c
+ elseif numeric c : m - c
+ elseif string c : complemented resolvedcolor(c)
+ fi
enddef ;
%D Well, this is the dangerous and naive version:
@@ -971,6 +1078,56 @@ primarydef p randomshifted s =
enddef ;
+vardef mfun_randomized_path(expr p,s) =
+ for i=0 upto length(p)-1 :
+ (point i of p) .. controls
+ ((postcontrol i of p) randomshifted s) and
+ ((precontrol (i+1) of p) randomshifted s) ..
+ endfor
+ if cycle p :
+ cycle
+ else :
+ (point length(p) of p)
+ fi
+vardef mfun_randomized_picture(expr p,s)(text rnd) =
+ save currentpicture ;
+ picture currentpicture ;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+ for i within p :
+ addto currentpicture
+ if stroked i :
+ doublepath pathpart i rnd s
+ dashed dashpart i
+ withpen penpart i
+ withcolor colorpart i
+ withprescript prescriptpart i
+ withpostscript postscriptpart i
+ elseif filled i :
+ contour pathpart i rnd s
+ withpen penpart i
+ withcolor colorpart i
+ withprescript prescriptpart i
+ withpostscript postscriptpart i
+ else :
+ also i
+ fi
+ ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture
+enddef ;
+primarydef p randomizedcontrols s = (
+ if path p :
+ mfun_randomized_path(p,s)
+ elseif picture p :
+ mfun_randomized_picture(p,s)(randomizedcontrols)
+ else :
+ p randomized s
+ fi
+) enddef ;
primarydef p randomized s = (
if path p :
for i=0 upto length(p)-1 :
@@ -1014,7 +1171,12 @@ primarydef p randomized s = (
else :
((uniformdeviate s) * p)
+ elseif string p :
+ (resolvedcolor(p)) randomized s
+ elseif picture p :
+ mfun_randomized_picture(p,s)(randomized)
else :
+ % p - s/2 + uniformdeviate s % would have been better but we want to be positive
p + uniformdeviate s
) enddef ;
@@ -1165,6 +1327,15 @@ vardef arrowheadonpath (expr p, s) =
arrowhead p if s < 1 : cutafter (point (s*arclength(p) + (ahlength/2)) on p) fi
enddef ;
+def resetarrows =
+ hide (
+ ahlength := 4 ;
+ ahangle := 45 ;
+ ahvariant := 0 ;
+ ahdimple := 1/5 ;
+ )
+enddef ;
%D Points.
def drawpoint expr c =
@@ -1384,13 +1555,12 @@ extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & " miterlimit := 10 ; " ; % restores
extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & " linejoin := rounded ; " ; % restores
extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & " linecap := rounded ; " ; % restores
-%D Normally, arrowheads don't scale well. So we provide a
-%D hack.
+%D Normally, arrowheads don't scale well. So we provide a hack.
boolean autoarrows ; autoarrows := false ;
numeric ahfactor ; ahfactor := 2.5 ;
-def set_ahlength (text t) =
+def set_ahlength (text t) = % called to often
% ahlength := (ahfactor*pen_size(_op_ t)) ; % _op_ added
% problem: _op_ can contain color so a no-go, we could apply the transform
% but i need to figure out the best way (fakepicture and take components).
@@ -1413,31 +1583,158 @@ vardef arrowpath expr p = % patch by Peter Rolf: supports squared pen and shifti
-% def _finarr text t =
-% if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ;
-% draw arrowpath _apth t ; % arrowpath added
-% filldraw arrowhead _apth t ;
-% enddef;
+% New experimental extension: also handling pictures:
+% drawarrow fullsquare scaled 2cm withcolor green ;
+% drawarrow fullcircle scaled 3cm withcolor green ;
+% drawarrow image (
+% draw fullsquare scaled 4cm withcolor red ;
+% draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor blue ;
+% ) ;
+% currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-bbwidth(currentpicture)-1cm,0) ;
+% drawdblarrow fullsquare scaled 2cm withcolor green ;
+% drawdblarrow fullcircle scaled 3cm withcolor green ;
+% drawdblarrow image (
+% draw fullsquare scaled 4cm withcolor red ;
+% draw fullcircle scaled 5cm withcolor blue ;
+% ) ;
+vardef stroked_paths(expr p) =
+ save n ; numeric n ; n := 0 ;
+ for i within p :
+ if stroked i :
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ fi
+ endfor ;
+ n
+enddef ;
-% def _finarr text t =
-% if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ;
-% draw arrowpath _apth t ; % arrowpath added
-% fill arrowhead _apth t ;
-% draw arrowhead _apth t ;
-% enddef;
+def mfun_decoration_i expr i =
+ withpen penpart i
+ withcolor colorpart i
+ withprescript prescriptpart i
+ withpostscript postscriptpart i
+enddef ;
-% def _finarr text t =
-% if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ;
-% draw arrowpath _apth t ; % arrowpath added
-% fill arrowhead _apth t ;
-% draw arrowhead _apth t undashed ;
-% enddef;
+% We could collapse all in one helper but in context we nowaways don't want
+% the added obscurity. Tokens come cheap.
-def _finarr text t =
- if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ;
- draw arrowpath _apth t ; % arrowpath added
- fillup arrowhead _apth t ;
+numeric mfun_arrow_snippets ;
+numeric mfun_arrow_count ;
+def drawarrow expr p =
+ begingroup ;
+ save mfun_arrow_path ;
+ path mfun_arrow_path ;
+ if path p :
+ mfun_arrow_path := p ;
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_path
+ elseif picture p :
+ save mfun_arrow_picture ;
+ picture mfun_arrow_picture ;
+ mfun_arrow_picture := p ;
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_picture
+ else :
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_nothing
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def drawdblarrow expr p =
+ begingroup ;
+ save mfun_arrow_path ;
+ path mfun_arrow_path ;
+ if path p :
+ mfun_arrow_path := p ;
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_path_double
+ elseif picture p :
+ save mfun_arrow_picture ;
+ picture mfun_arrow_picture ;
+ mfun_arrow_picture := p ;
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_picture_double
+ else :
+ expandafter mfun_draw_arrow_nothing
+ fi
+enddef ;
+def mfun_draw_arrow_nothing text t =
+enddef ;
+% The path is shortened so that the arrow head extends it to the original
+% length. In case of a double arrow the path gets shortened twice.
+def mfun_draw_arrow_path text t =
+ if autoarrows :
+ set_ahlength(t) ;
+ fi
+ draw arrowpath mfun_arrow_path t ;
+ fillup arrowhead mfun_arrow_path t ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+def mfun_draw_arrow_path_double text t =
+ if autoarrows :
+ set_ahlength(t) ;
+ fi
+ draw arrowpath (reverse arrowpath mfun_arrow_path) t ;
+ fillup arrowhead mfun_arrow_path t ;
+ fillup arrowhead reverse mfun_arrow_path t ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+% The picture variant is not treating each path but only the first and
+% last path. This can be somewhat counterintuitive but is needed for Alan's
+% macros. So here the last and in case of a double path first paths in a
+% picture get the shortening.
+def mfun_with_arrow_picture (text t) =
+ mfun_arrow_count := 0 ;
+ mfun_arrow_snippets := stroked_paths(mfun_arrow_picture) ;
+ for i within mfun_arrow_picture :
+ if stroked i :
+ mfun_arrow_count := mfun_arrow_count + 1 ;
+ mfun_arrow_path := pathpart i ;
+ t
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+def mfun_draw_arrow_picture text t =
+ if autoarrows :
+ set_ahlength(t) ;
+ fi
+ mfun_with_arrow_picture (
+ if mfun_arrow_count = mfun_arrow_snippets :
+ draw arrowpath mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ fillup arrowhead mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ else :
+ draw mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ fi ;
+ )
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+def mfun_draw_arrow_picture_double text t =
+ if autoarrows :
+ set_ahlength(t) ;
+ fi
+ mfun_with_arrow_picture (
+ draw
+ if mfun_arrow_count = 1 :
+ arrowpath reverse
+ fi
+ if mfun_arrow_count = mfun_arrow_snippets :
+ arrowpath
+ fi
+ mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ if mfun_arrow_count = 1 :
+ fillup arrowhead reverse mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ fi
+ if mfun_arrow_count = mfun_arrow_snippets :
+ fillup arrowhead mfun_arrow_path mfun_decoration_i i t ;
+ fi
+ )
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
%D Handy too ......
@@ -1487,9 +1784,7 @@ enddef ;
%D To be documented.
-path freesquare ;
-freesquare := (
+path freesquare ; freesquare := (
(-1,0) -- (-1,-1) -- (0,-1) -- (+1,-1) --
(+1,0) -- (+1,+1) -- (0,+1) -- (-1,+1) -- cycle
) scaled .5 ;
@@ -1637,7 +1932,7 @@ enddef ;
% nice: currentpicture := inverted currentpicture ;
-primarydef p uncolored c =
+primarydef p uncolored c = % not complete ... needs text and scripts and ...
if color p :
c - p
else :
@@ -1699,6 +1994,8 @@ vardef grayed primary p =
tripled(.30*(1-cyanpart i)+.59*(1-magentapart i)+.11*(1-yellowpart i)+blackpart i)
elseif greycolor p :
+ elseif string p :
+ grayed resolvedcolor(p)
elseif picture p :
image (
for i within p :
@@ -1854,14 +2151,16 @@ inner end ;
% this will be redone (when needed) using scripts and backend handling
-let normalwithcolor = withcolor ;
+let mfun_remap_colors_normalwithcolor = normalwithcolor ;
def remapcolors =
- def withcolor primary c = normalwithcolor remappedcolor(c) enddef ;
+ def normalwithcolor primary c =
+ mfun_remap_colors_normalwithcolor remappedcolor(c)
+ enddef ;
enddef ;
def normalcolors =
- let withcolor = normalwithcolor ;
+ let normalwithcolor = mfun_remap_colors_normalwithcolor ;
enddef ;
def resetcolormap =
@@ -1912,7 +2211,7 @@ def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes
vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
begingroup ;
if mode = 0 :
- save withcolor ;
+ save normalwithcolor ;
remapcolors ;
fi ;
save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
@@ -2138,8 +2437,22 @@ vardef mfun_straightened(expr sign, p) =
enddef ;
+% vardef mfun_straightened(expr sign, p) =
+% save lp, lq, q ; path q ; q := p ;
+% lp := length(p) ;
+% forever :
+% q := mfun_do_straightened(sign,q) ;
+% lq := length(q) ;
+% exitif lp = lq ;
+% lp := lq ;
+% endfor ;
+% q
+% enddef ;
+% can be optimized:
vardef mfun_do_straightened(expr sign, p) =
- if length(p)>2 : % was 1, but straight lines are ok
+ if length(p) > 2 : % was 1, but straight lines are ok
save pp ; path pp ;
pp := point 0 of p ;
for i=1 upto length(p)-1 :
@@ -2149,10 +2462,10 @@ vardef mfun_do_straightened(expr sign, p) =
endfor ;
save n, ok ; numeric n ; boolean ok ;
n := length(pp) ; ok := false ;
- if n>2 :
- for i=0 upto n : % evt hier ook round
+ if n > 2 :
+ for i=0 upto n :
if unitvector(round(point i of pp - point if i=0 : n else : i-1 fi of pp)) <>
- sign * unitvector(round(point if i=n : 0 else : i+1 fi of pp - point i of pp)) :
+ sign * unitvector(round(point if i=n : 0 else : i+1 fi of pp - point i of pp)) :
if ok :
else :
@@ -2198,7 +2511,7 @@ vardef unspiked expr p = (
path originpath ; originpath := origin -- cycle ;
vardef unitvector primary z =
- if abs z = abs origin : z else : z/abs z fi
+ if abs z = abs origin : z else : z/abs z fi % hm, abs origin is just origin
% also new
@@ -2523,41 +2836,41 @@ vardef undecorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
enddef ;
-if metapostversion < 1.770 :
- vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
- save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
- picture mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- imagedata ;
- mfun_decorated_path := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- for i within mfun_decorated_path :
- addto currentpicture
- if stroked i :
- doublepath pathpart i
- dashed dashpart i
- withpen penpart i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- elseif filled i :
- contour pathpart i
- withpen penpart i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- elseif textual i :
- also i
- withcolor colorpart i
- decoration
- else :
- also i
- fi
- ;
- endfor ;
- currentpicture
- enddef ;
+% if metapostversion < 1.770 :
+% vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
+% save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
+% picture mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
+% currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+% imagedata ;
+% mfun_decorated_path := currentpicture ;
+% currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+% for i within mfun_decorated_path :
+% addto currentpicture
+% if stroked i :
+% doublepath pathpart i
+% dashed dashpart i
+% withpen penpart i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% elseif filled i :
+% contour pathpart i
+% withpen penpart i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% elseif textual i :
+% also i
+% withcolor colorpart i
+% decoration
+% else :
+% also i
+% fi
+% ;
+% endfor ;
+% currentpicture
+% enddef ;
+% else:
vardef decorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
@@ -2597,7 +2910,7 @@ else:
enddef ;
-fi ;
+% fi ;
vardef redecorated (text imagedata) text decoration =
save mfun_decorated_path, currentpicture ;
@@ -2726,4 +3039,431 @@ enddef;
extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "mfun_apply_max_dimensions ;" ;
+%D Bonus shapes (need along):
+path unittriangle, fulltriangle ; % not really units but circle based
+unittriangle := point 0 along unitcircle
+ -- point 1/3 along unitcircle
+ -- point 2/3 along unitcircle
+ -- cycle ;
+fulltriangle := point 0 along fullcircle
+ -- point 1/3 along fullcircle
+ -- point 2/3 along fullcircle
+ -- cycle ;
+%D Kind of special and undocumented. On Wikipedia one can find examples
+%D of quick sort routines. Here we have a variant that permits a
+%D method.
+% vardef listsize(suffix list) =
+% numeric len ; len := 0 ;
+% forever :
+% exitif unknown list[len+1] ;
+% len := len + 1 ;
+% endfor ;
+% len
+% enddef ;
+vardef listsize(suffix list) =
+ numeric len ; len := 1 ;
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown list[len] ;
+ len := len + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ len if unknown list[0] : - 1 fi
+enddef ;
+vardef listlast(suffix list) =
+ numeric len ; len := if known list[0] : 0 else : 1 fi ;
+ forever :
+ len := len + 1 ;
+ exitif unknown list[len] ;
+ endfor ;
+ len - 1
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_quick_sort(suffix list)(expr _min_, _max_)(text what) =
+ save l, r, m ;
+ numeric l ; l := _min_ ;
+ numeric r ; r := _max_ ;
+ numeric m ; m := floor(.5[_min_,_max_]) ;
+ _mid_ := what list[m] ;
+ forever :
+ exitif l >= r ;
+ forever :
+ exitif l > _max_ ;
+ % exitif (what list[l]) >= (what list[m]) ;
+ exitif (what list[l]) >= _mid_ ;
+ l := l + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ forever :
+ exitif r < _min_ ;
+ % exitif (what list[m]) >= (what list[r]) ;
+ exitif _mid_ >= (what list[r]) ;
+ r := r - 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ if l <= r :
+ temp := list[l] ;
+ list[l] := list[r] ;
+ list[r] := temp ;
+ l := l + 1 ;
+ r := r - 1 ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ if _min_ < r :
+ mfun_quick_sort(list)(_min_,r)(what) ;
+ fi ;
+ if l < _max_ :
+ mfun_quick_sort(list)(l,_max_)(what) ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+vardef sortlist(suffix list)(text what) =
+ save _max_ ; numeric _max_ ;
+ save _mid_ ; numeric _mid_ ;
+ save temp ;
+ % _max_ := listsize(list) ;
+ _max_ := listlast(list) ;
+ if pair list[_max_] :
+ pair temp ;
+ else :
+ numeric temp ;
+ fi ;
+ if pair what list[_max_] :
+ pair _mid_ ;
+ else :
+ numeric _mid_ ;
+ fi ;
+ if _max_ > 1 :
+ % mfun_quick_sort(list)(1,_max_)(what) ;
+ mfun_quick_sort(list)(if known list[0] : 0 else : 1 fi,_max_)(what) ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+vardef uniquelist(suffix list) =
+ % this one will be defined later
+enddef ;
+vardef copylist(suffix list, target) =
+ save i ; i := 1 ;
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown list[i] ;
+ target[i] := list[i] ;
+ i := i + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef listtolines(suffix list) =
+ list[1] for i=2 upto listsize(list) : -- list[i] endfor
+enddef ;
+vardef listtocurves(suffix list) =
+ list[1] for i=2 upto listsize(list) : .. list[i] endfor
+enddef ;
+%D The sorter is used in:
+% not yet ok
+vardef shapedlist(suffix p) = % takes a list of paths
+ save l ; pair l[] ;
+ save r ; pair r[] ;
+ save i ; i := 1 ;
+ save n ; n := 0 ;
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown p[i] ;
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ l[n] := ulcorner p[i] ;
+ r[n] := urcorner p[i] ;
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ l[n] := llcorner p[i] ;
+ r[n] := lrcorner p[i] ;
+ i := i + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i = 3 upto n :
+ if xpart r[i] < xpart r[i-1] :
+ r[i] := (xpart r[i],ypart r[i-1]) ;
+ elseif xpart r[i] > xpart r[i-1] :
+ r[i-1] := (xpart r[i-1],ypart r[i]) ;
+ fi ;
+ if xpart l[i] < xpart l[i-1] :
+ l[i-1] := (xpart l[i-1],ypart l[i]) ;
+ elseif xpart l[i] > xpart l[i-1] :
+ l[i] := (xpart l[i],ypart l[i-1]) ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ if n > 0 :
+ simplified (
+ for i = 1 upto n : r[i] -- endfor
+ for i = n downto 1 : l[i] -- endfor
+ cycle
+ )
+ else :
+ origin -- cycle
+ fi
+enddef ;
+%D Dumping is fake anyway but let's keep this:
let dump = relax ;
+%D Loading modules can be done with:
+def loadmodule expr name = % no vardef
+ % input can't be used directly in a macro
+ if unknown scantokens("context_" & name) :
+ save s ; string s ;
+ % s := "mp-" & name & ".mpiv" ;
+ % message("loading module",s) ;
+ % s := "input " & s ;
+ s := "input " & "mp-" & name & ".mpiv" ;
+ expandafter scantokens expandafter s
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+%D Handy for backgrounds:
+def drawpathwithpoints expr p =
+ do_drawpathwithpoints(p)
+enddef ;
+def do_drawpathwithpoints(expr p) text t =
+ draw p t ;
+ if length(p) > 2 :
+ begingroup ;
+ save _c_ ; path _c_ ;
+ save _p_; picture _p_ ;
+ _p_ := image (
+ _c_ := if cycle p : fullsquare else : fullcircle fi scaled 6pt ;
+ for i=0 upto length(p) if cycle p : -1 fi :
+ fill _c_ shifted point i of p withcolor white ;
+ draw _c_ shifted point i of p withcolor white/2 withpen pencircle scaled .5pt ;
+ if (i = 0) and cycle p :
+ _c_ := fullcircle scaled 6pt ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i=0 upto length(p) if cycle p : -1 fi :
+ draw textext("\infofont " & decimal i) ysized 2pt shifted point i of p ;
+ endfor ;
+ ) ;
+ setbounds _p_ to boundingbox p ;
+ draw _p_ ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
+%D These new helpers are by Alan and are used in for instance the mp-node
+%D module.
+newinternal crossingdebug ; crossingdebug := 0 ;
+newinternal crossingscale ; crossingscale := 10 ;
+newinternal crossingnumbermax ; crossingnumbermax := 1000 ;
+% primary, secondary or tertiary? always hard to decide but primary makes sense
+vardef infotext@#(expr txt, ysize) =
+ textext@#("\infofont " & if numeric txt : decimal fi txt) ysized ysize
+enddef ;
+primarydef p crossingunder q =
+ begingroup
+ save pic ; picture pic ; pic := nullpicture ;
+ if picture p :
+ for i within p :
+ if stroked i :
+ addto pic also image(draw pathpart i crossingunder q) ;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ elseif path p :
+ save n, t, a, b, c, r, bcuttings, hold ;
+ numeric n, t[], hold ;
+ path a, b, c, r, bcuttings, hold[] ;
+ c := makepath(currentpen scaled crossingscale) ;
+ r := if picture q : boundingbox fi q ;
+ t[0] := n := hold := 0 ;
+ a := p ;
+ % The cutbefore/cutafter using c below prevents endless loops!
+ %forever : % find all intersections
+ for i=1 upto crossingnumbermax : % safeguard
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes r ;
+ if x < 0 :
+ exitif hold < 1 ;
+ a := hold[hold] ; hold := hold - 1 ;
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes r ;
+ fi
+ (t[incr n], whatever) = p intersectiontimes point x of a ;
+ if x = 0 :
+ a := a cutbefore c shifted point x of a ;
+ elseif x = length a :
+ a := a cutafter c shifted point x of a ;
+ else : % before or after?
+ b := subpath (0,x) of a cutafter c shifted point x of a ;
+ bcuttings := cuttings ;
+ a := subpath (x,length a) of a cutbefore c shifted point x of a ;
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes r ;
+ if x < 0 :
+ a := b ;
+ cuttings := bcuttings ;
+ else :
+ if length bcuttings > 0 :
+ clearxy ; z = b intersectiontimes r ;
+ if x >= 0 :
+ hold[incr hold] := b ;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if length cuttings = 0 : % a single point: nothing cut
+ exitif hold < 1 ;
+ a := hold[hold] ; hold := hold - 1 ;
+ fi
+ if i = crossingnumbermax :
+ message("crossingunder reached maximum " & decimal i &
+ " intersections.");
+ fi
+ endfor
+ if n = 0 : % No crossings, we return the PATH
+ save pic ; path pic ; pic := p ;
+ else : % n>0
+ sortlist(t,) ;
+ % we add too much, maybe a test is needed
+ t[incr n] = length p if cycle p : + t[1] fi ;
+% save tt[] ; numeric tt[] ; uniquelist(t,tt) ; t := tt ;
+ % Now, n>1 !
+ % t[0] is the first point of the path and t[n] is the last point
+ % (or the first intersection beyond the length if cyclic)
+ save m ; m := 0 ;
+ for i=if cycle p: 2 else: 1 fi upto n :
+ % skip the first segment if cyclic
+ % as it gets repeated (fully) at the end.
+ if crossingdebug > 0 :
+ if crossingdebug = 1 :
+ addto pic doublepath c shifted point t[i] of p
+ withpen currentpen withtransparency(1,.5) ;
+ elseif crossingdebug = 2 :
+ addto pic also
+ infotext (incr m,crossingscale/5)
+ shifted point t[i] of p ;
+ fi
+ fi
+ a := subpath (t[i-1],t[i]) of p
+ if i > 1 :
+ cutbefore (c shifted point t[i-1] of p)
+ fi
+ if (i < n) or (cycle p) :
+ cutafter (c shifted point t[i] of p)
+ fi ;
+ if (not picture q) or (a outsideof q) :
+ addto pic doublepath a withpen currentpen ;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ fi
+ fi
+ pic
+ endgroup
+enddef ;
+primarydef p insideof q =
+ begingroup
+ save pth, pic, t ;
+ path pth ; picture pic ;
+ pic := if path q : image(draw q;) else : q fi ;
+ pth := p -- center pic ;
+ (t, whatever) = pth intersectiontimes boundingbox pic ;
+ t < 0
+ endgroup
+enddef ;
+% primarydef p insideof q =
+% if (path q or picture q) :
+% if (path p or picture p) :
+% (xpart llcorner p > xpart llcorner q) and
+% (xpart urcorner p < xpart urcorner q) and
+% (ypart llcorner p > ypart llcorner q) and
+% (ypart urcorner p < ypart urcorner q)
+% elseif pair p :
+% (xpart p > xpart llcorner q) and
+% (xpart p < xpart urcorner q) and
+% (ypart p > ypart llcorner q) and
+% (ypart p < ypart urcorner q)
+% fi
+% elseif (numeric p and pair q) :
+% % range check
+% (p >= xpart q) and (p <= ypart q)
+% else : % maybe triplets and such
+% false
+% fi
+% enddef ;
+primarydef p outsideof q =
+ not (p insideof q)
+enddef ;
+%D Also handy:
+vardef circularpath primary n =
+ reverse (for i=0 step 2/n until 8-2/n+2eps: point i of fullcircle .. endfor cycle) rotated 90
+enddef ;
+vardef squarepath primary n =
+ for i=0 step 1/n until 4-1/n + 2eps: point i of fullsquare -- endfor cycle
+enddef ;
+vardef linearpath primary n =
+ origin for i=1/n step 1/n until 1-1/n + 2eps: -- point i of (origin--(1,0)) endfor
+enddef ;
+%D A nice tracing helper:
+color pensilcolor ; pensilcolor := .5red ;
+newinternal pensilstep ; pensilstep := 1/25 ;
+vardef pensilled(expr p, q) =
+ image (
+ draw p withcolor pensilcolor withpen q ;
+ for i = 0 step pensilstep until length(p) + eps:
+ draw point i of p withcolor white withtransparency (1,.5) withpen q ;
+ endfor ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+%D Easy to forget but handy for manuals:
+vardef tolist(suffix l)(text t) =
+ save n ; n := 1 ;
+ for p = t :
+ if numeric p :
+ n := p ;
+ dispose(l[n])
+ elseif pair p :
+ l[n] := p ;
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ elseif path p :
+ for i=0 step 1 until length(p) :
+ l[n] := point i of p ;
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+ else :
+ % ignore
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown l[n] ;
+ dispose(l[n])
+ n := n + 1 ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+vardef topath(suffix p)(text t) =
+ save i ; i := if known p[1] : 2 ; p[1] elseif known p[0] : 1 ; p[0] else : 0 ; origin fi
+ forever :
+ exitif unknown p[i] ;
+ t p[i]
+ hide(i := i + 1)
+ endfor
+enddef ;
+vardef tocycle(suffix p)(text t) =
+ topath(p,t) t cycle
+enddef ;