path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/slideshow/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/slideshow/')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/slideshow/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/slideshow/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7dd856ec52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/slideshow/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+%% A quick presentation about the macros
+input pathalong;
+input slideshow;
+author("Patrick TJ McPhee");
+title("Introducing slide-show macros");
+keywords("presentations metapost");
+copyright("Copyright 2001 Patrick TJ McPhee. You may redistribute and modify for any purpose, but must acknowledge significant quotation.");
+ defaultscale := 2;
+ draw textunder((0,.5in){up}..{right}(2in,1in), "Introducing") shifted (1in,3in) withcolor textcolour;
+ blabel.rt("Slide Show Macros", (2in,2in));
+defaultscale := 1;
+ draw pathalong((0,.5in){up}..{right}(2in,1in), "by Patrick TJ McPhee") shifted (1in,3in) withcolor textcolour;
+ hyperdest("Start");
+bpoint("Primarily an intellectual exercise");
+bpoint("But may be useful for graphics-intensive presentations which don't use much text");
+bpoint("Slideshow provides support for this irritating style of bullet presentation");
+bpoint("And writes out some pdfmarks, which you would otherwise have to look up yourself");
+picture dimtieb;
+dimtieb := image(draw pathalong((0,.5in){up}..(.5in,1in){right}..(.5in, 0in){-1,-1}..{.1,-1}(.5in,-.5in),
+ "Did I mention the intellectual exercise bit?") withcolor textcolour;);
+dimtieb := dimtieb rotatedaround(center dimtieb, 90);
+dimtieb := dimtieb shifted - llcorner dimtieb;
+header("Current practice");
+bpoint("A presentation might have several components:");
+vardef procbox(expr s) =
+ save p;
+ picture p;
+ p := s infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale;
+ pickup thin nib;
+ addto p doublepath bbox p withpen currentpen;
+ p
+vardef resultbox(expr s) =
+ save p;
+ picture p;
+ p := s infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale;
+ pickup thin nib;
+ addto p doublepath (ulcorner p)..tension 2..(urcorner p)..(lrcorner p)..
+ tension 2..(llcorner p)..cycle
+ withpen currentpen;
+ p
+picture lt, mp, dvi, gs, postp, vres, pres, fpres;
+lt := procbox("laTeX") shifted (.05 lawidth, .2laheight);
+mp := procbox("metapost") shifted (.05 lawidth, .1laheight);
+dvi := procbox("DVI processor") shifted (.2 lawidth, .15laheight);
+vres := resultbox("viewable result") shifted (.4 lawidth, .15 laheight);
+gs := procbox("distiller") shifted (.65 lawidth, .15laheight);
+pres := resultbox("presentation") shifted (.8 lawidth, .15laheight);
+postp := procbox("post-processor") shifted (.7 lawidth, .3laheight);
+fpres := resultbox("final presentation") shifted (.45 lawidth, .3laheight);
+"text prepared with laTeX");
+ draw lt withcolor white;
+"graphics prepared with metapost (okay, 2 components)");
+ draw mp withcolor red;
+"which are combined with dvi processing software");
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner mp,urcorner mp]){right}..{right}(.5[llcorner dvi,ulcorner dvi])
+ withcolor .25[red,white];
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner lt,urcorner lt]){right}..{right}(.5[llcorner dvi,ulcorner dvi])
+ withcolor .25[white,red];
+ draw dvi withcolor .5[white,red];
+"the resulting postscript is viewable, but must be distilled into the presentation");
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner dvi,urcorner dvi])..(.5[llcorner vres,ulcorner vres])
+ withcolor .1[.5[red,white],green];
+ draw vres withcolor .5[.5[white,red],green];
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner vres,urcorner vres])..(.5[llcorner gs,ulcorner gs])
+ withcolor .6[.5[red,white],green];
+ draw gs withcolor .75[.5[white,red],green];
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner gs,urcorner gs])..(.5[llcorner pres,ulcorner pres])
+ withcolor .75[.5[white,red],green];
+ draw pres withcolor green;
+ pickup thin nib;
+"and it's often post-processed to make it slick and professional-looking like this one");
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner pres,urcorner pres]){right}..{left}(.5[lrcorner postp,urcorner postp])
+ withcolor .5[green,white];
+ draw postp withcolor .75[green,white];
+ pickup thin nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[llcorner postp,ulcorner postp])..(.5[lrcorner fpres,urcorner fpres])
+ withcolor .95[green,white];
+ draw fpres withcolor white;
+header("The slideshow advantage");
+bpoint("With the slideshow macros:");
+"Only one input format is possible");
+ draw mp withcolor red;
+"Which converts rapidly into viewable output");
+ pickup thick nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner mp,urcorner mp]){right}..{right}(.5[llcorner vres,ulcorner vres])
+ withcolor .5[red,.5[.5[white,red],green]];
+ % I hope it's clear by this point that I'm playing this for laughs
+ draw vres withcolor .5[.5[white,red],green];
+"And then distills into the presentation");
+ pickup thick nib;
+ drawarrow (.5[lrcorner vres,urcorner vres]){right}
+ ..{right}(.5[llcorner fpres,ulcorner fpres])
+ withcolor .5[.5[.5[white,red],green],white];
+ draw fpres withcolor white;
+"From which no post-processing is needed, since there are no post-processors supporting these macros");
+bpoint("Metapost doesn't handle text very well");
+bpoint("It's difficult to include non-metapost graphics (e.g., bit-maps)");
+bpoint("There's no provision for producing print-only versions of the information");
+bpoint("There's no concept of presentation styles");
+bpoint("It generally requires some configuration of ghostscript and metapost, especially if you use math");
+bpoint("The other methods for producing presentations using TeX-family tools aren't as complicated as I suggested");"I personally use my own plain-TeX style with just TeX, metapost, and dvipdfm");
+bpoint("Measurably less complex than metaobj");
+bpoint("Small and simple, so shouldn't conflict with too many truly useful metapost packages");
+bpoint("The ability to build up drawings can be helpful");
+bpoint("And so are the pdfmarks");
+bpoint("It's useful for cases where laTeX is used as a framework for a bunch of metapost slides");
+bpoint("So it was worth uploading to CTAN, but it's not going to change the world");
+ hyperlabel(breaktowidth("Thanks for sticking to the end. Click on this text to start over.", .5lawidth)(ignore), (.5lawidth, .5laheight), "Start");