path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/mp3d/
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1 files changed, 931 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/mp3d/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/mp3d/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22a30315b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/mp3d/
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+%%\input epsf
+%% version 1.34, 17 August 2003
+%% {\bf Denis Roegel} ({\tt})
+% This package provides useful definitions for geometrical drawings.
+% It contains functions dealing with lines, planes, etc.
+if known three_d_geom_version:
+ expandafter endinput % avoids loading this package twice
+% First, we load the 3D package
+input 3d
+% and some utilities
+input 3dutil
+message "*** 3dgeom, v1.34 (c) D. Roegel 17 August 2003 ***";
+numeric three_d_geom_version; three_d_geom_version:=1.34;
+% Known bugs: unnecessary overflows can occur, especially when
+% computing the intersection of two planes.
+% Among other things, this file defines so-called ``structures.''
+% These structures are different from the ``objects'' manipulated
+% by the main 3d package. For some explanations, see the article
+% Denis Roegel: La géométrie dans l'espace avec METAPOST,
+% Cahiers GUTenberg number 39-40, 2001, pages 107-138.
+% (in French, conference proceedings of GUT2001)
+% Future versions of this module will consider the following structures,
+% not all of which are currently implemented:
+% structure name standard abreviation
+% point p
+% line l
+% plane pl
+% circle c
+% triangle tr
+% sphere s
+% cone co
+% cylinder cy
+% tetrahedron te
+% These names are considered reserved and should not be used for classes.
+% The left column names are used when defining a structure with |def|,
+% |set| or freeing it with |free|.
+% When a function using parameters of these types is defined,
+% the abreviations of the types are part of the function name.
+% For instance, the function giving the intersection between a
+% line and a plane is named |def_inter_l_pl|.
+% Functions computing intersections should be named |def_inter|
+% and should be followed by the resulting type. For instance,
+% the intersection of two lines is |def_inter_p_l_l|,
+% the intersection of two planes is |def_inter_l_pl_pl|
+% Functions computing inscriptions (like a circle inscribed
+% in a triangle) should be named |def_ins|.
+% For instance, |def_ins_c_tr|.
+% Functions computing circumscriptions (like a circle circumscribing
+% a triangle) should be named |def_circums|.
+% For instance, |def_circums_c_tr|.
+% Functions computing exinscriptions (like a circle exinscribed
+% in a triangle) should be named |def_exins|.
+% For instance, |def_exins_c_tr|.
+% Functions computing tangencies (like a tangent to a circle)
+% should be named |def_tang|.
+% For instance, |def_tang_l_c|.
+% Functions computing orthogonal planes, lines, etc. should
+% be named |def_orth|.
+% All these functions can have more parameters than what the name
+% implies.
+% These rules are guidelines, not a standard. If you have some idea
+% on naming conventions, please let me know at
+% Possibly, more thought should be given in
+% order to distinguish pseudo-objects like ``circle''
+% from the other objects of (like the polyhedra, etc.).
+% Structures can be allocated, set and freed.
+% Our first structure is the line. A line is defined by two points.
+% This is not an object in the usual sense of the 3d package.
+% It is just made of two points.
+% |l| is the line name: it must be different from already known variables
+% |i| and |j| are point numbers
+% (absolute version)
+def new_line_(text l)(expr i,j)=
+ new_points(l)(2);
+ set_line_(l)(i,j);
+% The following version takes local point numbers instead of absolute ones.
+def new_line(text l)(expr i,j)=new_line_(l)(pnt(i),pnt(j)) enddef;
+% This is used to set a line:
+% (absolute version)
+def set_line_(text l)(expr i,j)=
+ vec_def_vec_(l1,i);
+ vec_def_vec_(l2,j); % l[2]=l[1]+1 (this is assumed elsewhere,
+ % so should never change)
+% (local version)
+def set_line(text l)(expr i,j)=set_line_(l)(pnt(i),pnt(j)) enddef;
+def free_line(text l)=
+ free_points(l)(2);
+% A circle |c| of center |i|, radius |r| and in plane |p|.
+% We store the center as a point, and (r,p[1]) in another point.
+def new_circle(text c)(expr i,r)(text p)=
+ new_points(c)(2);
+ vec_def_vec(c1,i);
+ vec_def(c2,r,p1,0);
+% should |set_circle| be defined?
+def free_circle(text c)=
+ free_points(c)(2);
+% Planes are similar to lines. A plane is just a triple of points.
+% (absolute version)
+def new_plane_(text p)(expr i,j,k)=
+ new_points(p)(3);
+ set_plane_(p)(i,j,k);
+% (local version)
+def new_plane(text p)(expr i,j,k)=new_plane_(p)(pnt(i),pnt(j),pnt(k)) enddef;
+% (absolute version)
+def set_plane_(text p)(expr i,j,k)=
+ vec_def_vec_(p1,i);
+ vec_def_vec_(p2,j); % p[2]=p[1]+1 (this is assumed elsewhere,
+ % so should never change)
+ vec_def_vec_(p3,k); % p[3]=p[3]+1 (this is assumed elsewhere,
+ % so should never change)
+% (local version)
+def set_plane(text p)(expr i,j,k)=set_plane_(p)(pnt(i),pnt(j),pnt(k)) enddef;
+def free_plane(text p)=
+ free_points(p)(3);
+% Spheres are not yet used, but here is how they will be allocated and freed.
+% A sphere is defined with a center |c| and a radius |r|.
+% We store it using two points.
+def new_sphere(text s)(expr c,r)=
+ new_points(s)(2);
+ vec_def_vec(s1,c);
+ vec_def(s2,r,0,0);
+% Should |set_sphere| be defined?
+def free_sphere(text s)=
+ free_points(s)(2);
+% Lines and planes may be used locally or globally to define
+% new points or new lines.
+% In order to define a line which is given by a point and a vector,
+% compute a second point before defining the line.
+% In order to define a line which is given by two planes,
+% define the planes and compute the intersection.
+% If a plane is given by a parametric equation (1 point, 2 vectors),
+% compute two additional points and define the plane.
+% If a plane is given by an equation ax+by+cz+d=0, compute three
+% points and define the plane.
+% Currently, plane equations are not handled separately.
+% Projection of a vector |j| on a plane |p|, along a line |l|.
+% The projection, if it exists, is vector |i|.
+% Returns |true| is there is a projection, and |false| if there is none.
+vardef proj_v_v_l_pl_(expr i,j)(text l)(text p)=
+ save pa,pb,int; boolean int;
+ hide(
+ new_point(pa);new_point(pb);
+ % we project two points: the origin, and origin+v(j):
+ if def_proj_pl_(pa)(p)(point_null)(l):
+ if def_proj_pl_(pb)(p)(j)(l):
+ vec_diff_(i,pb,pa);
+ int=true;
+ else:
+ message "Second point can not be projected";
+ int=false;
+ fi;
+ else: int=false;
+ message "Origin can not be projected";
+ fi;
+ free_point(pb);free_point(pa);
+ )
+ int
+% The next function checks if a point is part of a plane.
+% Returns |true| is point |i| is in the plane |p|.
+vardef point_in_plane_p_pl_(expr i)(text p)=
+ save v_a;boolean res;
+ hide(
+ new_vec(v_a);new_vec(v_b);
+ def_normal_p_(v_a)(p);
+ vec_diff_(v_b,p1,i);
+ if vec_dprod_(v_a,v_b)=0: res=true;else: res=false;fi;
+ free_vec(v_b);free_vec(v_a);
+ )
+ res
+% The next function finds the angle of a vector with respect to a plane.
+% Returns the angle of a vector |v| with respect to a plane |p|.
+vardef vangle_v_pl_(expr v)(text p)=
+ save v_a,an_;
+ hide(
+ new_vec(v_a);
+ % we compute a vector normal to the plane:
+ def_normal_p_(v_a)(p);
+ an_=90-vangle_v_v_(v,v_a);
+ free_vec(v_a);
+ )
+ an_
+% Compute the angle between two vectors
+% The angle is always between 0 and 180,
+% since this is the best one can do with two vectors.
+% If we had a third vector, we could be more accurate.
+vardef vangle_v_v_(expr va,vb)=
+ save cosa_,sina_;
+ hide(
+ cosa_=vec_dprod_(va,vb)/vec_mod_(va)/vec_mod_(vb);
+ if cosa_>1: % sometimes, this happens with rounding errors
+ sina_=0;
+ else:
+ sina_= 1 +-+ cosa_; % sqrt(1-cosa_**2)
+ fi;
+ )
+ angle((cosa_,sina_))
+% Define a plane with two lines:
+def def_plane_pl_l_l(text p)(text l)(text m)=
+ set_plane_(p)(l1,l2,1); % the last value is irrelevant
+ vec_diff_(p3,m2,m1);vec_sum_(p3,p3,l1);
+% Define the plane orthogonal to a line and going through a point
+% (not necessarily belonging to the plane):
+% the plane must already have been defined
+% |p|=plane, |l|=line, |i|=point
+% (absolute version)
+vardef def_orth_pl_l_p_(text p)(text l)(expr i)=
+ new_vec(va);new_vec(vb);new_vec(vc);new_vec(h);
+ vec_def_vec_(p1,i); % this is the first point of the plane
+ vec_diff_(va,l2,l1);
+ vec_def_vec_(vb,i);
+ if abs(xval(va))<absmin(yval(va),zval(va)):
+ vec_sum_(vb,vb,vec_I);
+ elseif abs(yval(va))<absmin(xval(va),zval(va)):
+ vec_sum_(vb,vb,vec_J);
+ else:vec_sum_(vb,vb,vec_K);
+ fi;
+ % now, |vb| is a point not on the line and not too close to it
+ % we compute a vertical to the line
+ def_vert_l_(h,vb)(l);
+ vec_diff_(vb,vb,h);vec_unit_(vb,vb);
+ vec_sum_(p2,vb,p1);
+ % |p[2]| is now a point of the plane
+ % a third point is obtained by cross product
+ vec_prod_(vc,va,vb);vec_unit_(vc,vc);vec_sum_(p3,vc,p1);
+ free_vec(h);free_vec(vc);free_vec(vb);free_vec(va);
+% (local version)
+vardef def_orth_pl_l_p(text p)(text l)(expr i)=
+ def_orth_pl_l_p_(p)(l)(pnt(i))
+% Line orthogonal to a plane and going through a point
+% (not necessarily belonging to the plane);
+% from the three points defining the plane, compute a normal,
+% and add it to the point, this gives a second point,
+% and make a line out of it
+% (absolute version)
+vardef def_orth_l_pl_p_(text l)(text p)(expr i)=
+ new_vec(va);new_vec(vb);
+ vec_def_vec_(l1,i);
+ def_normal_p_(l2)(p);
+ vec_sum_(l2,l2,l1);
+ free_vec(vb);free_vec(va);
+% (local version)
+vardef def_orth_l_pl_p(text l)(text p)(expr i)=
+ def_orth_l_pl_p_(l)(p)(pnt(i))
+% Unitary vector normal to a plane.
+% |v| is a vector that must have been defined
+% (absolute version)
+vardef def_normal_p_(expr v)(text p)=
+ new_vec(va);new_vec(vb);
+ vec_diff_(va,p2,p1);vec_diff_(vb,p3,p1);vec_prod_(v,va,vb);
+ vec_unit_(v,v);
+ free_vec(vb);free_vec(va);
+% Unitary vector normal to a plane (local version)
+vardef def_normal_p(expr v)(text p)=def_normal_p_(pnt(v))(p) enddef;
+% The following two functions are old versions of the
+% line/plane intersection. They are not used anymore.
+% Intersection line/plane
+% Point |i| is the intersection
+% The return value is |true| if the intersection is a point,
+% |false| otherwise
+% (absolute version)
+vardef old_def_inter_p_l_pl_(expr i)(text l)(text p)=
+ save d,t,int;boolean int;
+ hide(
+ new_vec(va);new_vec(vb);new_vec(vc);
+ % first, we compute a vector normal to the plane
+ vec_diff_(va,p2,p1);
+ vec_diff_(vb,p3,p2);
+ vec_prod_(vc,va,vb);
+ % we want the plane equation as ax+by+cz+d=0
+ % the normal vector gives us (a,b,c)
+ % d is then easy to compute
+ d=-xval(vc)*xval(p1)-yval(vc)*yval(p1)-zval(vc)*zval(p1);
+ vec_diff_(i,l2,l1);
+ if vec_dprod_(i,vc)=0: % the line is parallel to the plane
+ int:=false;
+ else:
+ int:=true;
+ t=-(d+xval(vc)*xval(l1)+yval(vc)*yval(l1)+zval(vc)*zval(l1))
+ /vec_dprod_(i,vc);
+ vec_mult_(i,i,t);vec_sum_(i,i,l1);
+ fi;
+ free_vec(vc);free_vec(vb);free_vec(va);
+ )
+ int
+% same (local version)
+vardef old_def_inter_p_l_pl(expr i)(text l)(text p)=
+ def_inter_p_l_pl_(pnt(i))(l)(p)
+% Intersection line/plane (absolute version)
+% Point |i| is the intersection.
+% The return value is |true| if the intersection is a point,
+% |false| otherwise
+vardef def_inter_p_l_pl_(expr i)(text l)(text p)=
+ save int;boolean int;
+ hide(
+ new_points(loc)(3);
+ vec_diff_(loc1,p2,p1);vec_diff_(loc2,p3,p1);vec_prod_(loc3,loc1,loc2);
+ vec_diff_(loc1,p1,l1);vec_diff_(loc2,l2,l1);
+ if vec_dprod_(loc2,loc3)<>0:
+ vec_mult_(loc2,loc2,vec_dprod_(loc1,loc3)/vec_dprod_(loc2,loc3));
+ vec_sum_(i,l1,loc2);
+ int:=true;
+ % Remark: in order to prove that point |i| is on the plane, it
+ % suffices to compute vec(ci).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))
+ % =(-vec(ac)+vec(ai)).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))
+ % =-vec(ac).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))
+ % +(vec(ab).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))) vec(ac).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))
+ % ----------------------------
+ % vec(ab).(vec(cd) /\ vec(ce))
+ % =0
+ else: % the line is parallel to the plane
+ int:=false;
+ fi;
+ free_points(loc)(3);
+ )
+ int
+% Intersection line/plane (local version)
+vardef def_inter_p_l_pl(expr i)(text l)(text p)=
+ def_inter_p_l_pl_(pnt(i))(l)(p)
+% The following function is used in |def_inter_l_pl_pl|.
+% We could simplify it by breaking it in two.
+vardef def_inter_l_pl_pl_base_case_(text l)(expr pa,pb,pc)(text q)=
+ save trial;
+ new_line_(trial)(pa,pb);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(l1)(trial)(q):
+ else: % there is no intersection or the intersection is the line
+ vec_def_vec_(trial1,pa);
+ mid_point_(trial2,pb,pc);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(l1)(trial)(q):
+ else:
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ set_line_(trial)(pa,pc);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(l2)(trial)(q):
+ else: % there is no intersection or the intersection is the line
+ vec_def_vec_(trial1,pa);
+ mid_point_(trial2,pb,pc);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(l2)(trial)(q):
+ else:
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ free_line(trial);
+% Intersection of two planes.
+% TO DO: this function is not yet robust enough, because
+% unnecessary overflows can occur.
+% A boolean is set if there is no intersection.
+% The line |l| must already have been defined.
+vardef def_inter_l_pl_pl(text l)(text p)(text q)=
+ save trial,da,db,dc,int;boolean int;
+ hide(
+ % we first search the point of p1, p2, p3 which is the farthest
+ % from q;
+ da=dist_pl_(p1)(q);db=dist_pl_(p2)(q);dc=dist_pl_(p3)(q);
+ if (da=db) and (db=dc): % the two planes are parallel
+ int:=false;
+ else:
+ int:=true;
+ if (da>=db) and (da>=dc):
+ def_inter_l_pl_pl_base_case_(l)(p1,p2,p3)(q);
+ elseif (db>=da) and (db>=dc):
+ def_inter_l_pl_pl_base_case_(l)(p2,p1,p3)(q);
+ else:
+ def_inter_l_pl_pl_base_case_(l)(p3,p1,p2)(q);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ )
+ int
+% Visual intersection between lines (jk) and (lm).
+% The computed intersection lies on (jk).
+% Returns true if there is an intersection, false otherwise.
+% (absolute version)
+vardef def_visual_inter_(expr i)(expr j,k,l,m)=
+ save pla,plb,la,lb,d,int;boolean int;
+ hide(
+ new_plane_(pla)(Obs,l,m);new_plane_(plb)(Obs,j,k);
+ new_line_(la)(0,0);new_line_(lb)(j,k);
+ if def_inter_l_pl_pl(la)(pla)(plb):
+ int:=true;
+ % |d| is the closest distance between lines |la| and |lb|
+ % We don't use |d| here, and are only interested in point |i|.
+ d=def_inter_p_l_l_(i)(la)(lb);
+ else:
+ int:=false;
+ fi;
+ free_line(lb);free_line(la);free_plane(plb);free_plane(pla);
+ ) int
+% same (local version)
+vardef def_visual_inter(expr i)(expr j,k,l,m)=
+ def_visual_inter_(pnt(i),pnt(j),pnt(k),pnt(l),pnt(m))
+% Point of a line at a given distance from a given point.
+% |i| = new point |d|=distance |j|=point |l|=line
+% $|d|>0$ or $|d|<0$ give two different points.
+% If there is an intersection, the function returns |true|;
+% otherwise it returns |false|.
+% (absolute version)
+vardef def_point_at_(expr i)(expr d)(expr j)(text l)=
+ save dj,ld,int;boolean int;
+ hide(
+ new_point(h);new_point(hc);
+ def_vert_l_(h,j)(l);
+ vec_diff_(hc,j,h);
+ if d*d-vec_dprod_(hc,hc)>=0: int:=true;
+ ld=sign(d)*sqrt(d*d-vec_dprod_(hc,hc));
+ vec_diff_(i,l1,l2);
+ vec_unit_(i,i);
+ vec_mult_(i,i,ld);
+ vec_sum_(i,i,h);
+ else: int:=false;
+ fi;
+ free_point(hc);
+ free_point(h);
+ )
+ int
+% same (local version)
+vardef def_point_at(expr i)(expr d)(expr j)(text l)=
+ def_point_at_(pnt(i))(d)(pnt(j))(l)
+% Define a vertical of a line.
+% Point |i| is obtained as the intersection of a vertical
+% starting from point |j| and reaching the line |l|.
+vardef def_vert_l_(expr i,j)(text l)=
+ new_points(loc)(3);
+ vec_diff_(loc1,j,l1);vec_diff_(loc2,l2,l1);
+ vec_mult_(loc3,loc2,vec_dprod_(loc1,loc2)/vec_dprod_(loc2,loc2));
+ vec_sum_(i,loc3,l1);
+ free_points(loc)(3);
+% Define a vertical. (local version)
+vardef def_vert_l(expr i,j)(text l)=
+ def_vert_l_(pnt(i),pnt(j))(l);
+% Vertical falling on a plane.
+% Point |j| falls on plane |p| at point |i| (absolute version)
+vardef def_vert_pl_(expr i)(expr j)(text p)=
+ save d;
+ new_vec(va);new_vec(vb);
+ def_normal_p_(va)(p);
+ vec_diff_(vb,j,p1);
+ d=-vec_dprod_(vb,va);
+ vec_mult_(va,va,d);
+ vec_sum_(vb,vb,va);
+ vec_sum_(i,p1,vb);
+ free_vec(vb);free_vec(va);
+% same (local version)
+vardef def_vert_pl(expr i)(expr j)(text p)=
+ def_vert_pl_(pnt(i))(pnt(j))(p)
+% Distance to a plane.
+% (absolute version)
+vardef dist_pl_(expr i)(text p)=
+ save d;
+ hide(
+ new_vec(va);
+ def_vert_pl_(va)(i)(p);
+ vec_diff_(va,va,i);
+ d=vec_mod_(va);
+ free_vec(va);
+ )
+ d
+% (local version)
+def dist_pl(expr i)(text p)=dist_pl_(pnt(i))(p) enddef;
+% Projections on planes or lines, according to a direction.
+% This one is very hazardous: use epsilon
+% Find point |i| on |l| from point |j| using direction |d|
+def def_proj_l_(expr i)(text l)(expr j)(text d)=
+def def_proj_l(expr i)(text l)(expr j)(text d)=
+ def_proj_l_(pnt(i))(l)(pnt(j))(d)
+% Find point |i| on |p| from point |j| using direction |d|.
+vardef def_proj_pl_(expr i)(text p)(expr j)(text d)=
+ save l_,int; boolean int;
+ hide(
+ % we compute the intersection between line (|j|+|d|) and plane |p|
+ new_line_(l_)(1,1); % we must take a name that cannot
+ % conflict with the text replacement of |d|
+ vec_diff_(l_2,d2,d1);vec_sum_(l_2,l_2,j);
+ vec_def_vec_(l_1,j);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(i)(l_)(p):int=true;
+ else: int=false;
+ fi;
+ free_line(l_);
+ )
+ int
+def def_proj_pl(expr i)(text p)(expr j)(text d)=
+ def_proj_pl_(pnt(i))(p)(pnt(j))(d)
+% Central projection on a plane.
+def def_cproj_pl_(expr i)(text p)(expr j)(expr k)=
+% use |def_proj_p|
+% Central projection on a plane.
+def def_cproj_pl(expr i)(text p)(expr j)(expr k)=
+ def_cproj_pl_(pnt(i))(p)(pnt(j))(pnt(k))
+% Intersection of two lines (hazardous).
+% Due to rounding errors, two lines that should intersect
+% may not do so in reality. Therefore,
+% we compute the point which is the middle of the two
+% closest points between the lines and return the distance
+% between the two lines. If the lines are parallel (possibly
+% identical), we return -1.
+vardef def_inter_p_l_l_(expr i)(text l)(text m)=
+ save ga,gb,gc,gd,ge,gf,t,u,d,mx;
+ hide(
+ new_point(va);new_point(vb);new_point(vc);new_point(h);new_point(k);
+ vec_diff_(va,m1,l1);
+ vec_diff_(vb,l2,l1);
+ vec_diff_(vc,m2,m1);
+ ga=vec_dprod_(vc,vb);gb=-vec_dprod_(vb,vb);
+ gc=vec_dprod_(va,vb);gd=vec_dprod_(vc,vc);
+ ge=-ga;gf=vec_dprod_(va,vc);
+ % compute the max of ga,gb,...
+ mx:=absmax(ga,gb);mx:=absmax(mx,gc);mx:=absmax(mx,gd);mx:=absmax(mx,ge);
+ mx:=absmax(mx,gf);
+ ga:=ga/mx;gb:=gb/mx;gc:=gc/mx;gd:=gd/mx;ge:=ge/mx;gf:=gf/mx;
+ if ga*ge=gb*gd: % the lines are parallel
+ % we return -1
+ d=-1;
+ else:
+ t=(gc*gd-ga*gf)/(ga*ge-gb*gd);u=(gb*gf-gc*ge)/(ga*ge-gb*gd);
+ vec_diff_(h,l2,l1);vec_mult_(h,h,t);vec_sum_(h,h,l1);
+ vec_diff_(k,m2,m1);vec_mult_(k,k,u);vec_sum_(k,k,m1);
+ % |h| and |k| are now the closest points
+ % we set |i| to the middle of |h| and |k| and return the distance |hk|
+ mid_point_(i,h,k);
+ vec_diff_(h,h,k);d=vec_mod_(h);
+ fi;
+ free_point(k);free_point(h);free_point(vc);free_point(vb);free_point(va);
+ )
+ d
+def def_inter_p_l_l(expr i)(text l)(text m)=
+ def_inter_p_l_l_(pnt(i))(l)(m)
+% Find point |i| symmetric of point |j| with respect to point |k|
+def def_sym_(expr i)(expr j)(expr k)=
+def def_sym(expr i)(expr j)(expr k)=
+ def_sym_(pnt(i))(pnt(j))(pnt(k))
+% Find point |i| symmetric of point |j| with respect to plane |p|
+def def_sym_pl_(expr i)(expr j)(text p)=
+def def_sym_pl(expr i)(expr j)(text p)=
+ def_sym_pl_(pnt(i))(pnt(j))(p)
+% Find point |i| symmetric of point |j| with respect to line |l|.
+% That's a mere 180 degrees rotation around the line.
+def def_sym_l_(expr i)(expr j)(text l)=
+def def_sym_l(expr i)(expr j)(text l)=
+ def_sym_l_(pnt(i))(pnt(j))(l)
+% Intersection circle/line (hazardous).
+% If some intersection does not exist, |infty| is put for its values
+def def_inter_p_p_c_l_(expr i,j)(text c)(text l)=
+def def_inter_p_p_c_l(expr i,j)(text c)(text l)=
+ def_inter_p_p_c_l_(pnt(i),pnt(j))(c)(l)
+% circle/plane
+% A similar coding will distinguish the four cases:
+% one point, two points, the full circle, nothing
+def def_inter_p_p_c_pl_(expr i,j)(text c)(text p)=
+def def_inter_p_p_c_pl(expr i,j)(text c)(text p)=
+ def_inter_p_p_c_pl_(pnt(i),pnt(j))(c)(p)
+% circle/circle
+% A similar coding will distinguish the four cases:
+% one point, two points, the full circle, nothing
+def def_inter_p_p_c_c_(expr i,j)(text ca)(text cb)=
+def def_inter_p_p_c_c(expr i,j)(text ca)(text cb)=
+ def_inter_p_p_c_c_(pnt(i),pnt(j))(ca)(cb)
+% Computation of tangent lines and planes.
+% Tangent line to a circle at a given point.
+def def_tang_l_c_p_(text l)(text c)(expr i)=
+def def_tang_l_c_p(text l)(text c)(expr i)=
+ def_tang_l_c_p_(l)(c)(pnt(i))
+% Tangent plane to a sphere at a given point.
+def def_tang_pl_s_p_(text p)(text s)(expr i)=
+def def_tang_pl_s_p(text p)(text s)(expr i)=
+ def_tang_pl_s_p_(p)(s)(pnt(i))
+% Sphere defined by four non-coplanar points.
+def def_sphere_through_(text s)(expr i,j,k,l)=
+def def_sphere_through(text s)(expr i,j,k,l)=
+ def_sphere_through_(s)(pnt(i),pnt(j),pnt(k),pnt(l))
+% Line going through a point and parallel to another line.
+def def_parallel_l_p_pl_(text l)(expr i)(text m)=
+def def_parallel_l_p_pl(text l)(expr i)(text m)=
+ def_parallel_l_p_pl_(l)(pnt(i))(m)
+% Plane going through a point and parallel to another plane.
+def def_parallel_pl_p_pl_(text p)(expr i)(text q)=
+def def_parallel_pl_p_pl(text p)(expr i)(text q)=
+ def_parallel_pl_p_pl_(p)(pnt(i))(q)
+def def_rectangle_one_side_(expr p)(text l)(text pa)(text pb)(text pc)=
+ if def_inter_l_pl_pl(l)(pb)(pc):
+ else:
+ fi;
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(p)(l)(pa):
+ else:
+ fi;
+% A rectangle (for instance representing a plane) can be defined
+% from five planes; the rectangle is made of four points (corners)
+% |pa| is the plane containing the rectangle
+vardef def_rectangle_pl_pl_pl_pl_pl_(expr ca,cb,cc,cd)
+ (text pa)(text pb)(text pc)(text pd)(text pe)=
+ save l;
+ new_line_(l)(1,1);
+ def_rectangle_one_side_(ca)(l)(pa)(pb)(pc);
+ def_rectangle_one_side_(cb)(l)(pa)(pc)(pd);
+ def_rectangle_one_side_(cc)(l)(pa)(pd)(pe);
+ def_rectangle_one_side_(cd)(l)(pa)(pe)(pb);
+ free_line(l);
+% Instead of using four additional planes, one can also use eight points:
+% the order of the point is important.
+vardef def_rectangle_pl_(expr ca,cb,cc,cd)
+ (text pa)(expr pta,ptb,ptc,ptd,pte,ptf,ptg,pth)=
+ save pb,pc,pd,pe;
+ % we create the four additionnal planes
+ new_plane_(pb)(pta,ptb,pte);new_plane_(pc)(ptb,ptc,ptf);
+ new_plane_(pd)(ptc,ptd,ptg);new_plane_(pe)(ptd,pta,pth);
+ def_rectangle_pl_pl_pl_pl_pl_(ca,cb,cc,cd)(pa)(pb)(pc)(pd)(pe);
+ free_plane(pe);free_plane(pd);free_plane(pc);free_plane(pb);
+def draw_rectangle(expr i,j,k,l)=
+ draw_line(i,j);draw_line(j,k);draw_line(k,l);draw_line(l,i);
+numeric mark_h,mark_l;mark_h=2mm;mark_l=1mm;
+def draw_one_mark(expr p,a)=
+ draw (p+unitvector(dir(a))*mark_h/2)--(p-unitvector(dir(a))*mark_h/2);
+% Draw |n| marks between points |i| and |j|.
+% |i| and |j| are local points and there is no absolute version
+% since this is a drawing function.
+vardef draw_equal_marks(expr i,j,n)=
+ save a,k,l,start;
+ a=angle(z[ipnt_(j)]-z[ipnt_(i)])+90;
+ l=(x[ipnt_(j)]-x[ipnt_(i)])++(y[ipnt_(j)]-y[ipnt_(i)]);
+ if n=1:
+ draw_one_mark(.5[z[ipnt_(i)],z[ipnt_(j)]],a);
+ elseif n>1:
+ start=0.5-(n-1)*mark_l/(2*l);
+ for k:=0 upto n-1:
+ draw_one_mark((start+k*mark_l/l)[z[ipnt_(i)],z[ipnt_(j)]],a);
+ endfor;
+ else: message "parameter " & decimal n & " should be positive";
+ fi;
+numeric square_angle_size;
+% (absolute version)
+def def_right_angle_(expr pi,pj,pk,i,j,k)=
+ vec_diff_(pj,j,i);vec_diff_(pk,k,i);
+ if vec_mod_(pj)>0:
+ vec_mult_(pj,pj,square_angle_size/vec_mod_(pj));
+ fi;
+ if vec_mod_(pk)>0:
+ vec_mult_(pk,pk,square_angle_size/vec_mod_(pk));
+ fi;
+ vec_sum_(pi,i,pj);vec_sum_(pi,pi,pk);
+ vec_sum_(pj,pj,i);vec_sum_(pk,pk,i);
+% (local version)
+def def_right_angle(expr pi,pj,pk,i,j,k)=
+ def_right_angle_(pnt(pi),pnt(pj),pnt(pk),pnt(i),pnt(j),pnt(k));
+% Right angle on a plane projection.
+% Similar to |def_right_angle_|.
+% This also defines the vertical projection as |vp|.
+vardef def_right_angle_p_(expr pi,pj,pk,vp)(expr i)(text p)=
+ def_vert_pl_(vp)(i)(p);
+ new_vec(va);
+ vec_diff_(va,p1,p2);
+ vec_sum_(va,va,vp); % va is now a second point on the plane,
+ % different from the projection
+ def_right_angle_(pi,pj,pk,vp,va,i);
+ free_vec(va);
+def draw_right_angle(expr pi,pj,pk)=
+ draw z[ipnt_(pj)]--z[ipnt_(pi)]--z[ipnt_(pk)];
+def draw_double_right_angle(expr pi,pj,pk,pl)=
+ draw z[ipnt_(pj)]--z[ipnt_(pi)]--z[ipnt_(pk)]--z[ipnt_(pl)]--cycle;
+% |draw_line| with extra drawing in either directions
+def draw_line_extra(expr i,j)(expr exi,exj)=
+ draw exi[z[ipnt_(i)],z[ipnt_(j)]]--exj[z[ipnt_(i)],z[ipnt_(j)]];
+% defines point |i| at position |t| on segment |a|-|b| (absolute version)
+def set_extra_point_(expr i,a,b,t)=
+ vec_diff_(i,b,a);vec_mult_(i,i,t);vec_sum_(i,i,a);
+% defines point |i| at position |t| on segment |a|-|b| (local version)
+def set_extra_point(expr i,a,b,t)=
+ set_extra_point_(pnt(i),pnt(a),pnt(b),t);
+% labels with local points
+vardef thelabel_obj@#(expr s,n) =
+ thelabel.@#(s,z[ipnt_(n)])
+def label_obj = draw thelabel_obj enddef;
+% The plane |p| (which must have been initialized) is defined
+% as the screen plane. This is useful for computing vanishing points
+def def_screen_pl(text p)=
+ vec_mult_(p1,ObsI_,Obs_dist);vec_sum_(p1,p1,Obs); % center of screen
+ vec_sum_(p2,p1,ObsJ_);vec_sum_(p3,p1,ObsK_);
+% |i| is the resulting point, |l| defines a line in space,
+% |s| is the screen plane
+% Returns |true| is there is a vanishing point, otherwise |false|.
+vardef def_vanishing_point_p_l_pl_(expr i)(text l)(text s)=
+ save vp;boolean vp;
+ hide(
+ new_vec(v);
+ vec_diff_(v,l2,l1);vec_sum_(v,Obs,v);
+ new_line_(obsl)(Obs,v);
+ if def_inter_p_l_pl_(i)(obsl)(s):vp=true;else:vp=false;fi;
+ free_line(obsl);
+ free_vec(v);
+ )
+ vp
+def def_vanishing_point_p_l_pl(expr i)(text l)(text s)=
+ def_vanishing_point_p_l_pl_(pnt(i))(l)(s)