path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b98305bba59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mpxl/mp-luas.mpxl
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=mp-luas.mpiv,
+%D version=2014.04.14,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
+%D subtitle=\LUA,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+if known metafun_loaded_luas : endinput ; fi ;
+% When I prototyped the runscript primitive I was just thinking of a usage like
+% the original \directlua primitive in luatex: genererate something and pipe
+% that back to metapost, and have access to some internals. Instead of compiling
+% the code a the metapost end here we delegate that to the lua end. Only strings
+% get passed. Of course in the end the real usage got a bit beyong the intended
+% usage. So, in addition to some definitions here there are and will be use in
+% other metafun modules too. Of course in retrospect I should have done this five
+% years earlier.
+newinternal boolean metafun_loaded_luas ; metafun_loaded_luas := true ; immutable metafun_loaded_luas ;
+def newscriptindex suffix t = newinternal t ; immutable t ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_scriptindex ; mfid_scriptindex := runscript("mp.mf_script_index('scriptindex')") ;
+def scriptindex = runscript mfid_scriptindex enddef ;
+string mfun_lua_bs ; mfun_lua_bs := "[===[" ;
+string mfun_lua_es ; mfun_lua_es := "]===]" ;
+vardef mlib_luas_luacall(text t) =
+ runscript("" for s = t :
+ if string s :
+ & s
+ % & mfun_lua_bs & s & mfun_lua_es
+ elseif numeric s :
+ & decimal s
+ elseif boolean s :
+ & if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ elseif pair s :
+ & mfun_pair_to_table(s)
+ elseif path s :
+ & mfun_path_to_table(s)
+ elseif rgbcolor s :
+ & mfun_rgb_to_table(s)
+ elseif cmykcolor s :
+ & mfun_cmyk_to_table(s)
+ else :
+ & ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
+ fi endfor
+ )
+enddef ;
+newinternal mfun_luas_b ;
+def mlib_luas_luadone =
+ exitif numeric begingroup mfun_luas_b := 1 ; endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mlib_luas_lualist(expr c)(text t) = % we could use mlib_luas_s instead of c
+ interim mfun_luas_b := 0 ;
+ runscript(c & for s = t :
+ if mfun_luas_b = 0 :
+ "("
+ % hide(mfun_luas_b := 1)
+ mlib_luas_luadone
+ else :
+ ","
+ fi
+ &
+ if string s :
+ mfun_lua_bs & s & mfun_lua_es
+ elseif numeric s :
+ decimal s
+ elseif boolean s :
+ if s : "true" else : "false" fi
+ elseif pair s :
+ mfun_pair_to_table(s)
+ elseif path s :
+ mfun_path_to_table(s)
+ elseif rgbcolor s :
+ mfun_rgb_to_table(s)
+ elseif cmykcolor s :
+ mfun_cmyk_to_table(s)
+ else :
+ ditto & tostring(s) & ditto
+ fi & endfor if mfun_luas_b = 0 : "()" else : ")" fi
+ )
+enddef ;
+def luacall = mlib_luas_luacall enddef ; % why no let
+vardef lualist@#(text t) = mlib_luas_lualist(str @#)(t) enddef ;
+string mlib_luas_s ; % saves save/restore
+vardef lua@#(text t) =
+ mlib_luas_s := str @# ;
+ if length(mlib_luas_s) > 0 :
+ mlib_luas_lualist(mlib_luas_s,t)
+ else :
+ mlib_luas_luacall(t)
+ fi
+enddef ;
+vardef MP@#(text t) =
+ mlib_luas_lualist("MP." & str @#,t)
+enddef ;
+def message expr t =
+ ;
+enddef ;
+permanent newscriptindex, scriptindex, luacall, lua, lualist, mp, MP ;
+% Color:
+% We do a low level runscript:
+% % conflicts with macro namedcolor
+% % okay but, can also be
+%"mf_named_color",s) % which gives expansion mess
+newscriptindex mfid_resolvedcolor ; mfid_resolvedcolor := scriptindex "namedcolor" ;
+def resolvedcolor = runscript mfid_resolvedcolor enddef ;
+permanent resolvedcolor ;
+% Modes:
+vardef texmode (expr s) ="mode", s) enddef ;
+vardef systemmode(expr s) ="systemmode",s) enddef ;
+permanent texmode, systemmode ;
+% A few helpers
+vardef isarray suffix a = (str a) enddef ;
+vardef prefix suffix a = (str a) enddef ;
+vardef dimension suffix a = a) enddef ;
+permanent isarray, prefix, dimension ;
+% More access
+newscriptindex mfid_getmacro ; mfid_getmacro := scriptindex "getmacro" ; def getmacro = runscript mfid_getmacro enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getdimen ; mfid_getdimen := scriptindex "getdimen" ; def getdimen = runscript mfid_getdimen enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getcount ; mfid_getcount := scriptindex "getcount" ; def getcount = runscript mfid_getcount enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_gettoks ; mfid_gettoks := scriptindex "gettoks" ; def gettoks = runscript mfid_gettoks enddef ;
+% todo: figure out a mixed interface: setdimen "foo" 123pt ; setdimen("foo", 123pt) ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setmacro ; mfid_setmacro := scriptindex "setmacro" ; def setmacro(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setmacro k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setdimen ; mfid_setdimen := scriptindex "setdimen" ; def setdimen(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setdimen k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setcount ; mfid_setcount := scriptindex "setcount" ; def setcount(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setcount k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_settoks ; mfid_settoks := scriptindex "settoks" ; def settoks (expr k, v) = runscript mfid_settoks k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setglobalmacro ; mfid_setglobalmacro := scriptindex "setglobalmacro" ; def setglobalmacro(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setglobalmacro k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setglobaldimen ; mfid_setglobaldimen := scriptindex "setglobaldimen" ; def setglobaldimen(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setglobaldimen k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setglobalcount ; mfid_setglobalcount := scriptindex "setglobalcount" ; def setglobalcount(expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setglobalcount k v ; enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_setglobaltoks ; mfid_setglobaltoks := scriptindex "setglobaltoks" ; def setglobaltoks (expr k, v) = runscript mfid_setglobaltoks k v ; enddef ;
+ getmacro, getdimen, getcount, gettoks,
+ setmacro, setdimen, setcount, settoks,
+ setglobalmacro, setglobaldimen, setglobalcount, setglobaltoks ;
+vardef positionpath (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positioncurve (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpxy (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionwhd (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionpage (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionregion(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef positionbox (expr name) = (name) enddef ;
+vardef positionanchor = enddef ;
+vardef positioninregion =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(positionanchor) ;
+enddef ;
+vardef positionatanchor(expr name) =
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - positionxy(name) ;
+enddef ;
+permanent positionpath, positioncurve, positionxy, positionpxy, positionwhd, positionpage,
+ positionregion, positionbox, positionanchor, positioninregion, positionatanchor ;
+let wdpart = redpart ;
+let htpart = greenpart ;
+let dppart = bluepart ;
+permanent wdpart, htpart, dppart;
+vardef texvar(expr name) = enddef ;
+vardef texstr(expr name) = enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_path_lengthof ; mfid_path_lengthof := scriptindex "pathlengthof" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_path_pointof ; mfid_path_pointof := scriptindex "pathpointof" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_path_leftof ; mfid_path_leftof := scriptindex "pathleftof" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_path_rightof ; mfid_path_rightof := scriptindex "pathrightof" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_path_reset ; mfid_path_reset := scriptindex "pathreset" ;
+% 25 pct gain
+ def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
+vardef pointof primary i = runscript mfid_path_pointof i enddef ;
+vardef leftof primary i = runscript mfid_path_leftof i enddef ;
+vardef rightof primary i = runscript mfid_path_rightof i enddef ;
+permanent inpath, pointof, leftof, rightof ;
+% another 10 pct gain
+% def inpath = = 1 step 1 until runscript mfid_path_lengthof enddef ;
+% def pointof = runscript mfid_path_pointof enddef ;
+% def leftof = runscript mfid_path_leftof enddef ;
+% def rightof = runscript mfid_path_rightof enddef ;
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " runscript mfid_path_reset ; " ;
+newscriptindex mfid_utfnum ; mfid_utfnum := scriptindex "utfnum" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_utflen ; mfid_utflen := scriptindex "utflen" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_utfsub ; mfid_utfsub := scriptindex "utfsub" ;
+% def utfnum = runscript mfid_utfnum enddef ;
+% def utflen = runscript mfid_utflen enddef ;
+% def utfsub = runscript mfid_utfsub enddef ;
+vardef utfnum expr s = runscript mfid_utfnum s enddef ; % str
+vardef utflen expr s = runscript mfid_utflen s enddef ; % str
+vardef utfsub(text t) = runscript mfid_utfsub t enddef ; % str, first, (optional) last
+permanent utfnum, utflen, utfsub ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparameters ; mfid_getparameters := scriptindex "getparameters" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_presetparameters ; mfid_presetparameters := scriptindex "presetparameters" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_hasparameter ; mfid_hasparameter := scriptindex "hasparameter" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_hasoption ; mfid_hasoption := scriptindex "hasoption" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparameter ; mfid_getparameter := scriptindex "getparameter" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparameterdefault ; mfid_getparameterdefault := scriptindex "getparameterdefault" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparametercount ; mfid_getparametercount := scriptindex "getparametercount" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getmaxparametercount ; mfid_getmaxparametercount := scriptindex "getmaxparametercount" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparameterpath ; mfid_getparameterpath := scriptindex "getparameterpath" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparameterpen ; mfid_getparameterpen := scriptindex "getparameterpen" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_getparametertext ; mfid_getparametertext := scriptindex "getparametertext" ;
+% mfid_getparameteroption ; mfid_getparameteroption := scriptindex "getparameteroption" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_applyparameters ; mfid_applyparameters := scriptindex "applyparameters" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_pushparameters ; mfid_pushparameters := scriptindex "pushparameters" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_popparameters ; mfid_popparameters := scriptindex "popparameters" ;
+def getparameters = runscript mfid_getparameters enddef ;
+def presetparameters = runscript mfid_presetparameters enddef ;
+def hasparameter = runscript mfid_hasparameter enddef ;
+def hasoption = runscript mfid_hasoption enddef ;
+def getparameter = runscript mfid_getparameter enddef ;
+def getparameterdefault = runscript mfid_getparameterdefault enddef ;
+def getparametercount = runscript mfid_getparametercount enddef ;
+def getmaxparametercount = runscript mfid_getmaxparametercount enddef ;
+def getparameterpath = runscript mfid_getparameterpath enddef ;
+def getparameterpen = runscript mfid_getparameterpen enddef ;
+def getparametertext = runscript mfid_getparametertext enddef ;
+% getparameteroption = runscript mfid_getparameteroption enddef ;
+def applyparameters = runscript mfid_applyparameters enddef ;
+def pushparameters = runscript mfid_pushparameters enddef ;
+def popparameters = runscript mfid_popparameters enddef ;
+permanent getparameters, presetparameters, hasparameter, hasoption, getparameter, getparameterdefault,
+ getparametercount, getmaxparametercount, getparameterpath, getparameterpen, getparametertext, % getparameteroption,
+ applyparameters, pushparameters, popparameters ;
+% No vardef's because we need to scan for an assignment too and we'll see
+% an endgroup otherwise.
+newscriptindex mfid_year ; mfid_year := scriptindex "year" ; def year = runscript mfid_year enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_month ; mfid_month := scriptindex "month" ; def month = runscript mfid_month enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_day ; mfid_day := scriptindex "day" ; def day = runscript mfid_day enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_hour ; mfid_hour := scriptindex "hour" ; def hour = runscript mfid_hour enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_minute ; mfid_minute := scriptindex "minute" ; def minute = runscript mfid_minute enddef ;
+newscriptindex mfid_second ; mfid_second := scriptindex "second" ; def second = runscript mfid_second enddef ;
+permanent year, month, day, hour, minute, second ; % overloaded
+% You cannot overload a local color bu using a prefix works ok:
+% \definecolor [ name = "mp:myred", r = .9 ] ;
+newscriptindex mfid_definecolor ; mfid_definecolor := scriptindex "definecolor" ;
+def definecolor = runscript mfid_definecolor ; enddef ; % the semicolon prevents lookahead
+permanent definecolor ;
+% showproperty fullcircle ;
+% showhashentry "fullcircle" ;
+newscriptindex mfid_showproperty ; mfid_showproperty := scriptindex("showproperty") ;
+newscriptindex mfid_showhashentry ; mfid_showhashentry := scriptindex("showhashentry") ;
+def showproperty = runscript mfid_showproperty enddef ;
+def showhashentry = runscript mfid_showhashentry enddef ;
+permanent showproperty, showhashentry ;
+newscriptindex mfid_textextanchor ; mfid_textextanchor := scriptindex("textextanchor") ;
+def textextanchor = runscript mfid_textextanchor enddef ;
+vardef textextanchor(expr p) =
+ runscript mfid_textextanchor (prescriptpart p)
+enddef ;
+permanent textextanchor ;