path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
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1 files changed, 266 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
index 5b53dcdef91..4ca2ea0f93d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/context/base/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -64,6 +64,24 @@ vardef ddecimal primary p =
decimal xpart p & " " & decimal ypart p
enddef ;
+%D Plain compatibility:
+string plain_compatibility_data ; plain_compatibility_data := "" ;
+def startplaincompatibility =
+ begingroup ;
+ scantokens plain_compatibility_data ;
+enddef ;
+def stopplaincompatibility =
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+%D More neutral:
+let triplet = rgbcolor ;
+let quadruplet = cmykcolor ;
%D Colors:
newinternal nocolormodel ; nocolormodel := 1 ;
@@ -192,32 +210,32 @@ def newpair text v = forsuffixes i=v : save i ; pair i ; endfor ; endd
%D box, draw the graphics that may not count, and restore the
%D bounding box.
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D push_boundingbox currentpicture;
%D pop_boundingbox currentpicture;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
%D The bounding box can be called with:
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D boundingbox currentpicture
%D inner_boundingbox currentpicture
%D outer_boundingbox currentpicture
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
%D Especially the latter one can be of use when we include
%D the graphic in a document that is clipped to the bounding
%D box. In such occasions one can use:
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D set_outer_boundingbox currentpicture;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
%D Its counterpart is:
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D set_inner_boundingbox p
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
path mfun_boundingbox_stack ;
numeric mfun_boundingbox_stack_depth ;
@@ -271,10 +289,14 @@ vardef set_outer_boundingbox text q = % obsolete
setbounds q to outerboundingbox q;
-%D Some missing functions can be implemented rather
-%D straightforward:
+%D Some missing functions can be implemented rather straightforward (thanks to
+%D Taco and others):
+pi := 3.14159265358979323846 ; radian := 180/pi ; % 2pi*radian = 360 ;
+% let +++ = ++ ;
-numeric Pi ; Pi := 3.1415926 ;
+numeric Pi ; Pi := pi ; % for some old compatibility reasons i guess
vardef sqr primary x = x*x enddef ;
vardef log primary x = if x=0: 0 else: mlog(x)/mlog(10) fi enddef ;
@@ -284,15 +306,6 @@ vardef inv primary x = if x=0: 0 else: x**-1 fi enddef ;
vardef pow (expr x,p) = x**p enddef ;
-vardef asin primary x = x+(x**3)/6+3(x**5)/40 enddef ;
-vardef acos primary x = asin(-x) enddef ;
-vardef atan primary x = x-(x**3)/3+(x**5)/5-(x**7)/7 enddef ;
-vardef tand primary x = sind(x)/cosd(x) enddef ;
-%D Here are Taco Hoekwater's alternatives (but vardef'd and primaried).
-pi := 3.1415926 ; radian := 180/pi ; % 2pi*radian = 360 ;
vardef tand primary x = sind(x)/cosd(x) enddef ;
vardef cotd primary x = cosd(x)/sind(x) enddef ;
@@ -303,9 +316,11 @@ vardef cot primary x = cos(x)/sin(x) enddef ;
vardef asin primary x = angle((1+-+x,x)) enddef ;
vardef acos primary x = angle((x,1+-+x)) enddef ;
+vardef atan primary x = angle(1,x) enddef ;
vardef invsin primary x = (asin(x))/radian enddef ;
vardef invcos primary x = (acos(x))/radian enddef ;
+vardef invtan primary x = (atan(x))/radian enddef ;
vardef acosh primary x = ln(x+(x+-+1)) enddef ;
vardef asinh primary x = ln(x+(x++1)) enddef ;
@@ -313,6 +328,12 @@ vardef asinh primary x = ln(x+(x++1)) enddef ;
vardef sinh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx-1/xx)/2 enddef ;
vardef cosh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx+1/xx)/2 enddef ;
+%D Sometimes this is handy:
+def undashed =
+ dashed nullpicture
+enddef ;
%D We provide two macros for drawing stripes across a shape.
%D The first method (with the n suffix) uses another method,
%D slower in calculation, but more efficient when drawn. The
@@ -321,67 +342,209 @@ vardef cosh primary x = save xx ; xx = exp x ; (xx+1/xx)/2 enddef ;
%D the second argument identifier the way the shape is to be
%D drawn.
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D stripe_path_n
%D (dashed evenly withcolor blue)
%D (filldraw)
%D fullcircle xscaled 100 yscaled 40 shifted (50,50) withpen pencircle scaled 4;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
%D The a (or angle) alternative supports arbitrary angles and
%D is therefore more versatile.
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D stripe_path_a
%D (withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red)
%D (draw)
%D fullcircle xscaled 100 yscaled 40 withcolor blue;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
-%D The first alternative obeys:
+%D We have two alternatives, controlled by arguments or defaults (when arguments
+%D are zero).
+%D The newer and nicer interface is used as follows (triggered by a question by Mari):
+%D \starttyping
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,0cm) withcolor green) numberstriped (1,10,3) withcolor red ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (3cm,0cm) withcolor green) numberstriped (2,20,3) withcolor green ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (3cm,3cm) withcolor green) numberstriped (3,10,5) withcolor blue ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,3cm) withcolor green) numberstriped (4,20,5) withcolor yellow ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (6cm,0cm) withcolor green) anglestriped (1,20,2) withcolor red ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (9cm,0cm) withcolor green) anglestriped (2,40,2) withcolor green ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (9cm,3cm) withcolor green) anglestriped (3,60,2) withcolor blue ;
+%D draw image (draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (6cm,3cm) withcolor green) anglestriped (4,80,2) withcolor yellow ;
+%D draw image (
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,0cm) withcolor green withpen pencircle scaled 2mm ;
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0cm,1cm) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 3mm ;
+%D ) shifted (9cm,0cm) numberstriped (1,10,3) withcolor red ;
+%D draw image (
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,0cm) withcolor green withpen pencircle scaled 2mm ;
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0cm,1cm) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 3mm ;
+%D ) shifted (12cm,0cm) numberstriped (2,10,3) withcolor red ;
+%D draw image (
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,0cm) withcolor green withpen pencircle scaled 2mm ;
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0cm,1cm) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 3mm ;
+%D ) shifted (9cm,5cm) numberstriped (3,10,3) withcolor red ;
+%D draw image (
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (0cm,0cm) withcolor green withpen pencircle scaled 2mm ;
+%D draw fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0cm,1cm) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 3mm ;
+%D ) shifted (12cm,5cm) numberstriped (4,10,3) withcolor red ;
+%D \stoptyping
stripe_n := 10;
stripe_slot := 3;
+stripe_gap := 5;
+stripe_angle := 45;
-%D When no pen dimensions are passed, the slot determines
-%D the spacing.
-%D The angle alternative is influenced by:
+def mfun_tool_striped_number_action text extra =
+ for i = 1/used_n step 1/used_n until 1 :
+ draw point (1+i) of bounds -- point (3-i) of bounds withpen pencircle scaled penwidth extra ;
+ endfor ;
+ for i = 0 step 1/used_n until 1 :
+ draw point (3+i) of bounds -- point (1-i) of bounds withpen pencircle scaled penwidth extra ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
-% to be redone: use image
+def mfun_tool_striped_set_options(expr option) =
+ save isinner, swapped ;
+ boolean isinner, swapped ;
+ if option = 1 :
+ isinner := false ;
+ swapped := false ;
+ elseif option = 2 :
+ isinner := true ;
+ swapped := false ;
+ elseif option = 3 :
+ isinner := false ;
+ swapped := true ;
+ elseif option = 4 :
+ isinner := true ;
+ swapped := true ;
+ else :
+ isinner := false ;
+ swapped := false ;
+ fi ;
+enddef ;
-stripe_gap := 5;
-stripe_angle := 45;
+vardef mfun_tool_striped_number(expr option, p, s_n, s_slot) text extra =
+ image (
+ begingroup ;
+ save pattern, shape, bounds, penwidth, used_n, used_slot ;
+ picture pattern, shape ; path bounds ; numeric used_s, used_slot ;
+ mfun_tool_striped_set_options(option) ;
+ used_slot := if s_slot = 0 : stripe_slot else : s_slot fi ;
+ used_n := if s_n = 0 : stripe_n else : s_n fi ;
+ shape := image(draw p) ;
+ bounds := boundingbox shape ;
+ penwidth := min(ypart urcorner shape - ypart llcorner shape, xpart urcorner shape - xpart llcorner shape) / (used_slot * used_n) ;
+ pattern := image (
+ if isinner :
+ mfun_tool_striped_number_action extra ;
+ for s within shape :
+ if stroked s or filled s :
+ clip currentpicture to pathpart s ;
+ fi
+ endfor ;
+ else :
+ for s within shape :
+ if stroked s or filled s :
+ draw image (
+ mfun_tool_striped_number_action extra ;
+ clip currentpicture to pathpart s ;
+ ) ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ ) ;
+ if swapped :
+ addto currentpicture also shape ;
+ addto currentpicture also pattern ;
+ else :
+ addto currentpicture also pattern ;
+ addto currentpicture also shape ;
+ fi ;
+ endgroup ;
+ )
+enddef ;
+def mfun_tool_striped_angle_action text extra =
+ for i = minimum -.5used_gap step used_gap until maximum :
+ draw (minimum,i) -- (maximum,i) extra ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture rotated used_angle ;
+enddef ;
+vardef mfun_tool_striped_angle(expr option, p, s_angle, s_gap) text extra =
+ image (
+ begingroup ;
+ save pattern, shape, mask, maximum, minimum, centrum, used_angle, used_gap ;
+ picture pattern, shape, mask ; numeric maximum, minimum ; pair centrum ; numeric used_angle, used_gap ;
+ mfun_tool_striped_set_options(option) ;
+ used_angle := if s_angle = 0 : stripe_angle else : s_angle fi ;
+ used_gap := if s_gap = 0 : stripe_gap else : s_gap fi ;
+ shape := image(draw p) ;
+ centrum := center shape ;
+ shape := shape shifted - centrum ;
+ mask := shape rotated used_angle ;
+ maximum := max (xpart llcorner mask, xpart urcorner mask, ypart llcorner mask, ypart urcorner mask) ;
+ minimum := min (xpart llcorner mask, xpart urcorner mask, ypart llcorner mask, ypart urcorner mask) ;
+ pattern := image (
+ if isinner :
+ mfun_tool_striped_angle_action extra ;
+ for s within shape :
+ if stroked s or filled s :
+ clip currentpicture to pathpart s ;
+ fi
+ endfor ;
+ else :
+ for s within shape :
+ if stroked s or filled s :
+ draw image (
+ mfun_tool_striped_angle_action extra ;
+ clip currentpicture to pathpart s ;
+ ) ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ fi ;
+ ) ;
+ if swapped :
+ addto currentpicture also shape ;
+ addto currentpicture also pattern ;
+ else :
+ addto currentpicture also pattern ;
+ addto currentpicture also shape ;
+ fi ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - centrum ;
+ endgroup ;
+ )
+newinternal striped_normal_inner ; striped_normal_inner := 1 ;
+newinternal striped_reverse_inner ; striped_reverse_inner := 2 ;
+newinternal striped_normal_outer ; striped_normal_outer := 3 ;
+newinternal striped_reverse_outer ; striped_reverse_outer := 4 ;
+secondarydef p anglestriped s =
+ mfun_tool_striped_angle(redpart s,p,greenpart s,bluepart s)
+enddef ;
+secondarydef p numberstriped s =
+ mfun_tool_striped_number(redpart s,p,greenpart s,bluepart s)
+enddef ;
+% for old times sake:
def stripe_path_n (text s_spec) (text s_draw) expr s_path =
do_stripe_path_n (s_spec) (s_draw) (s_path)
def do_stripe_path_n (text s_spec) (text s_draw) (expr s_path) text s_text =
- begingroup ;
- save curpic, newpic, bb, pp, ww ;
- picture curpic, newpic ;
- path bb, pp ;
- pp := s_path ;
- curpic := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- s_draw pp s_text ;
- bb := boundingbox currentpicture ;
- newpic := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture;
- ww := min(ypart urcorner newpic - ypart llcorner newpic,xpart urcorner newpic - xpart llcorner newpic) ;
- ww := ww/(stripe_slot*stripe_n) ;
- for i=1/stripe_n step 1/stripe_n until 1 :
- draw point (1+i) of bb -- point (3-i) of bb withpen pencircle scaled ww s_spec ;
- endfor ;
- for i=0 step 1/stripe_n until 1 :
- draw point (3+i) of bb -- point (1-i) of bb withpen pencircle scaled ww s_spec;
- endfor ;
- clip currentpicture to pp ;
- addto newpic also currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := curpic ;
- addto currentpicture also newpic ;
- endgroup ;
+ draw image(s_draw s_path s_text) numberstriped(3,0,0) s_spec ;
enddef ;
def stripe_path_a (text s_spec) (text s_draw) expr s_path =
@@ -389,33 +552,8 @@ def stripe_path_a (text s_spec) (text s_draw) expr s_path =
def do_stripe_path_a (text s_spec) (text s_draw) (expr s_path) text s_text =
- begingroup ;
- save curpic, newpic, pp; picture curpic, newpic; path pp ;
- pp := s_path ;
- curpic := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- s_draw pp s_text ;
- def do_stripe_rotation (expr p) =
- (currentpicture rotatedaround(center p,stripe_angle))
- enddef ;
- s_max := max (
- xpart llcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture),
- xpart urcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture),
- ypart llcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture),
- ypart urcorner do_stripe_rotation(currentpicture)
- ) ;
- newpic := currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := nullpicture ;
- for i=-s_max-.5stripe_gap step stripe_gap until s_max :
- draw (-s_max,i)--(s_max,i) s_spec ;
- endfor ;
- currentpicture := do_stripe_rotation(newpic) ;
- clip currentpicture to pp ;
- addto newpic also currentpicture ;
- currentpicture := curpic ;
- addto currentpicture also newpic ;
- endgroup ;
+ draw image(s_draw s_path s_text) anglestriped(3,0,0) s_spec ;
+enddef ;
%D A few normalizing macros:
@@ -763,32 +901,32 @@ primarydef p randomized s = (
p randomshifted s
elseif cmykcolor p :
if color s :
- (uniformdeviate cyanpart s * cyanpart p,
- uniformdeviate magentapart s * magentapart p,
- uniformdeviate yellowpart s * yellowpart p,
- uniformdeviate blackpart s * blackpart p)
+ ((uniformdeviate cyanpart s) * cyanpart p,
+ (uniformdeviate magentapart s) * magentapart p,
+ (uniformdeviate yellowpart s) * yellowpart p,
+ (uniformdeviate blackpart s) * blackpart p)
elseif pair s :
- ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p)
+ ((xpart s + (uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s))) * p)
else :
- (uniformdeviate s * p)
+ ((uniformdeviate s) * p)
elseif rgbcolor p :
if color s :
- (uniformdeviate redpart s * redpart p,
- uniformdeviate greenpart s * greenpart p,
- uniformdeviate bluepart s * bluepart p)
+ ((uniformdeviate redpart s) * redpart p,
+ (uniformdeviate greenpart s) * greenpart p,
+ (uniformdeviate bluepart s) * bluepart p)
elseif pair s :
- ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p)
+ ((xpart s + (uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s))) * p)
else :
- (uniformdeviate s * p)
+ ((uniformdeviate s) * p)
elseif color p :
if color s :
- (uniformdeviate greypart s * greypart p)
+ ((uniformdeviate greypart s) * greypart p)
elseif pair s :
- ((xpart s + uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s)) * p)
+ ((xpart s + (uniformdeviate (ypart s - xpart s))) * p)
else :
- (uniformdeviate s * p)
+ ((uniformdeviate s) * p)
else :
p + uniformdeviate s
@@ -966,7 +1104,7 @@ def mfun_draw_pointlabels text t =
pair _p_ ; _p_ := (point _i_ of _c_) ;
_u_ := 12 * defaultscale * _u_ ;
normaldraw thelabel ( decimal _i_, _p_ shifted if cycle _c_ and (_i_=0) : - fi _u_ ) _lab_opt_ t ;
- endfor ;
+ endfor ;
%D Bounding box.
@@ -1082,7 +1220,7 @@ enddef ;
extra_endfig := extra_endfig & " naturalizepaths ; " ;
-%D Noce tracer:
+%D Nice tracer:
def drawboundary primary p =
draw p dashed evenly withcolor white ;
@@ -1137,12 +1275,12 @@ def _finarr text t =
draw arrowhead _apth t ;
-def _findarr text t =
+def _finarr text t =
if autoarrows : set_ahlength (t) fi ;
- draw arrowpath _apth t ;
- fill arrowhead _apth withpen currentpen t ;
- fill arrowhead reverse _apth withpen currentpen t ;
-enddef ;
+ draw arrowpath _apth t ; % arrowpath added
+ fill arrowhead _apth t ;
+ draw arrowhead _apth t undashed ;
%D Handy too ......
@@ -1165,10 +1303,10 @@ def centerarrow (expr pat,tim,len) = pointarrow(pat,tim,len, 0) enddef ;
%D The \type {along} and \type {on} operators can be used
%D as follows:
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D drawdot point .5 along somepath ;
%D drawdot point 3cm on somepath ;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
%D The number denotes a percentage (fraction).
@@ -1225,9 +1363,9 @@ vardef freedotlabel (expr str, loc, ori) =
draw thefreelabel(str,loc,ori) ;
enddef ;
-%D \starttypen
+%D \starttyping
%D drawarrow anglebetween(line_a,line_b,somelabel) ;
-%D \stoptypen
+%D \stoptyping
newinternal angleoffset ; angleoffset := 0pt ;
newinternal anglelength ; anglelength := 20pt ;
@@ -2308,6 +2446,24 @@ enddef ;
% )
% enddef ;
+%D New helpers:
+def beginglyph(expr unicode, width, height, depth) =
+ beginfig(unicode) ; % the number is irrelevant
+ charcode := unicode ;
+ charwd := width ;
+ charht := height ;
+ chardp := depth ;
+enddef ;
+def endglyph =
+ setbounds currentpicture to (boundingbox unitsquare xscaled charwd yscaled (charht + chardp) shifted (0,-chardp)) ;
+ if known charscale :
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled charscale ;
+ fi ;
+ endfig ;
+enddef ;
%D Dimensions have bever been an issue as traditional MP can't make that large
%D pictures, but with double mode we need a catch:
@@ -2322,3 +2478,5 @@ def mfun_apply_max_dimensions = % not a generic helper, we want to protect this
extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "mfun_apply_max_dimensions ;" ;
+let dump = relax ;