path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/cmarrows/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/cmarrows/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/cmarrows/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/cmarrows/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a1ac779709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/cmarrows/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+%% Copyright 2006 Tommy Ekola <>
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
+% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+% license is in
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current
+% Maintainer of this work is Tommy Ekola. The Base Interpreter is
+% MetaPost.
+vardef setup_mapstoarrow (expr source_file, cmdname) =
+ scantokens ("input tgbx0000");
+ scantokens ("input " & source_file);
+ expandafter def scantokens cmdname expr p =
+ scantokens (cmdname & "__sgbxww")(p)
+ enddef;
+ expandafter vardef scantokens (cmdname & "__sgbxww " & "(expr apth) " &
+ "text text_ = " &
+ "save math_spread, x_height, u, rule_thickness, bar, math_axis," &
+ " asc_height, eps, monospace, fudge, crisp, hair;" &
+ "boolean monospace;" &
+ "math_spread :=" & decimal math_spread & ";" &
+ "x_height# :=" & decimal x_height# & ";" &
+ "u# :=" & decimal u# & ";" &
+ "rule_thickness# :=" & decimal rule_thickness# & ";" &
+ "bar# :=" & decimal bar# & ";" &
+ "math_axis# :=" & decimal math_axis# & ";" &
+ "asc_height# :=" & decimal asc_height# & ";" &
+ "eps :=" & decimal eps & ";" &
+ "monospace :=" & if monospace: "true" else: "false" fi & ";" &
+ "fudge :=" & decimal fudge & ";" &
+ "crisp# :=" & decimal crisp# & ";" &
+ "hair# :=" & decimal hair# & ";")
+ save prevpen;
+ prevpen:=savepen;
+ save x,y;
+ numeric x[], x[]', x[]l, x[]'l, x[]r, x[]'r,
+ y[], y[]', y[]l, y[]'l, y[]r, y[]'r;
+ save spread, w;
+ numeric spread, w;
+ if crisp#>fudge*hair#:
+ crisp#:=fudge*hair#;
+ fi
+ pickup if crisp#=0: nullpen else: pencircle scaled crisp# fi;
+ spread = math_spread[.45x_height#, .55x_height#];
+ w = 18u#;
+ penpos1(rule_thickness#, 90); penpos2(rule_thickness#, 90);
+ penpos3(rule_thickness#, 0); penpos4(rule_thickness#, 0);
+ y0=y1=y2=math_axis#; x1-.5rule_thickness#=u#; rt x0=w-u#;
+ y3-y0=y0-y4=.36asc_height#+eps;
+ x3=x4=x0-4u#-eps;
+ penpos5(rule_thickness#, angle(z4-z0)); z5l=z0;
+ penpos6(rule_thickness#, angle(z3-z0)); z6l=z0;
+ z9=.2[.5[z3,z4],z0];
+ save pp; path pp; pp = z4l{z9-z4}..z6r;
+ save t; numeric t; t = xpart(pp intersectiontimes ((0,y2l)--(w,y2l)));
+ x2=xpart point t of pp;
+ save mapto, n;
+ vardef mapto(text t) =
+ hide(numeric n; n:=0;
+ numeric x,x_[],y,y_[];
+ for z=t: z_[incr n]:=z; endfor;
+ transform T;
+ z_2 = z_1 transformed T;
+ z_4 = z_3 transformed T;
+ z_6 = z_5 transformed T;)
+ T
+ enddef;
+ save T; transform T;
+ save tt; numeric tt; tt = arctime(arclength apth - (x0-x9)) of apth;
+ save ttt; numeric ttt; ttt = arctime(arclength apth - (x0-x2)) of apth;
+ % Draw the right half of the arrow head
+ save right_texarrowhead, pa;
+ vardef right_texarrowhead(expr T, s) =
+ (subpath(0, xpart ((z0..{z4-z9}z4r) intersectiontimes
+ (point s of pp -- point s of pp + (2rule_thickness#,0))))
+ of (z0..{z4-z9}z4r)--subpath(s,t) of pp--z2l) transformed T
+ enddef;
+ if arclength apth = 0:
+ T:=identity shifted (point (length apth) of apth - z0);
+ elseif arclength apth < x0-x3l:
+ T:=identity rotatedaround(z0,angle (direction (length apth) of apth))
+ shifted (point (length apth) of apth -z0);
+ else:
+ T:=mapto(z0,
+ point (length apth) of apth,
+ z2,
+ point ttt of apth,
+ z9+(0,3rule_thickness#),
+ point tt of apth + 3rule_thickness#
+ *(unitvector (direction tt of apth)
+ rotated 90));
+ fi
+ save f,s;
+ vardef f(expr s) =
+ length(point s of (pp transformed T) - point tt of apth)
+ < length(point 0 of pp - z9)
+ enddef;
+ if f(0) or (arclength apth < x0-x3l): s := 0;
+ else: s := solve f(length pp, 0);
+ fi
+ path pa;
+ pa := right_texarrowhead(T,s);
+ % Draw the left part of the arrow head
+ pp := (z3l{z9-z3}..z5r);
+ save pq; path pq; pq := (z3r{z9-z3}..z0);
+ save left_texarrowhead, pb;
+ vardef left_texarrowhead(expr T, s) =
+ (z2r--subpath(t,s) of pp
+ --subpath(xpart ( pq intersectiontimes
+ (point s of pp -- point s of pp + (2rule_thickness#,0)))
+ ,length pq) of pq) transformed T
+ enddef;
+ if arclength apth = 0:
+ T:=identity shifted (point (length apth) of apth - z0);
+ elseif arclength apth < x0-x3l:
+ T:=identity rotatedaround(z0,angle (direction (length apth) of apth))
+ shifted (point (length apth) of apth - z0);
+ else:
+ T:=mapto(z0,
+ point (length apth) of apth,
+ z2,
+ point ttt of apth,
+ z9+(0,3rule_thickness#),
+ point tt of apth + 3rule_thickness#
+ *(unitvector (direction tt of apth)
+ rotated 90));
+ fi
+ vardef f(expr s) =
+ length(point s of (pp transformed T) - point tt of apth)
+ < length(point 0 of pp - z9)
+ enddef;
+ if f(0) or (arclength apth < x0-x3l): s := 0;
+ else: s := solve f(length pp, 0);
+ fi
+ path pb;
+ pb := left_texarrowhead(T,s);
+ filldraw pa--pb--cycle text_;
+ % Draw the tail
+ if arclength apth > x0-x2:
+ draw point 0 of apth + (.24asc_height#+eps)*
+ (unitvector (direction 0 of apth) rotated 90)--
+ point 0 of apth - (.24asc_height#+eps)*
+ (unitvector (direction 0 of apth) rotated 90)
+ withpen pencircle scaled rule_thickness#
+ text_;
+ fi
+ % Draw the path
+ if arclength apth > x0-x2:
+ draw subpath(0,ttt) of apth withpen pencircle scaled rule_thickness#
+ text_;
+ fi
+ pickup prevpen;
+ enddef;