path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base')
13 files changed, 2773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06a0b451f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+% This file defines TEX <string_primary> to return the picture
+% resulting from running the string through tex. It is slow,
+% but more general than the standard btex..etex construction
+vardef TEX primary s =
+ write "btex "&s&" etex" to "";
+ write EOF to "";
+ scantokens "input mptextmp"
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ba1a6d2a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+% Macros for boxes
+% Find the length of the prefix of string s for which cond is true for each
+% character c of the prefix
+vardef str_prefix(expr s)(text cond) =
+ save i_, c; string c;
+ i_ = 0;
+ forever:
+ c := substring (i_,i_+1) of s;
+ exitunless cond;
+ exitif incr i_=length s;
+ endfor
+ i_
+% Take a string returned by the str operator and return the same string
+% with explicit numeric subscripts replaced by generic subscript symbols [].
+vardef generisize(expr ss) =
+ save res, s, l; string res, s;
+ res = ""; % result so far
+ s = ss; % left to process
+ forever: exitif s="";
+ l := str_prefix(s, (c<>"[") and ((c<"0") or (c>"9")));
+ res := res & substring (0,l) of s;
+ s := substring (l,infinity) of s;
+ if s<>"":
+ res := res & "[]";
+ l := if s>="[": 1 + str_prefix(s, c<>"]")
+ else: str_prefix(s, (c=".") or ("0"<=c) and (c<="9"))
+ fi;
+ s := substring(l,infinity) of s;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ res
+% Make sure the string _n_gen_ is generisize(_n_):
+vardef set_n_gen_ =
+ if _n_ <> _n_cur_:
+ _n_cur_:=_n_;
+ _n_gen_:=generisize(_n_);
+ fi
+string _n_, _n_cur_, _n_gen_;
+_n_cur_ := "]"; % this won't match _n_
+% Given a type t and list of variable names vars, make sure that they are
+% of type t and redeclare them as necessary. In the vars list _n represents
+% scantokens _n_, a suffix that might contain numeric subscripts.
+% This suffix needs to be replaced by scantokens _n_gen_ in order to get
+% a variable that can be declared to be of type t.
+vardef generic_declare(text t) text vars =
+ set_n_gen_;
+ forsuffixes v_=vars:
+ if forsuffixes _n=scantokens _n_: not t v_ endfor:
+ def _gdmac_ text _n = t v_ enddef;
+ expandafter _gdmac_ scantokens _n_gen_;
+ fi
+ endfor
+% Here is another version that redeclares the vars even if they are already
+% of the right type.
+vardef generic_redeclare(text t) text vars =
+ set_n_gen_;
+ def _gdmac_ text _n = t vars enddef;
+ expandafter _gdmac_ scantokens _n_gen_;
+% pp should be a string giving the name of a macro that finds the boundary path
+% sp should be a string that names a macro for fixing the size and shape
+% The suffix $ is the name of the box
+% The text t gives the box contents: either empty, a picture, or a string to
+% typeset
+def beginbox_(expr pp,sp)(suffix $)(text t) =
+ _n_ := str $;
+ generic_declare(pair), _n.c;
+ generic_declare(string) pproc_._n, sproc_._n;
+ generic_declare(picture) pic_._n;
+ pproc_$:=pp; sproc_$:=sp;
+ pic_$ = nullpicture;
+ for _p_=t:
+ pic_$:=
+ if picture _p_: _p_
+ else: _p_ infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale
+ fi;
+ endfor
+ $c = $off + .5[llcorner pic_$, urcorner pic_$]
+% The suffix cl names a vardef macro that clears box-related variables
+% The suffix $ is the name of the box being ended.
+def endbox_(suffix cl, $) =
+ if known pic_.prevbox: _dojoin(prevbox,$); fi
+ def prevbox = $ enddef;
+ expandafter def expandafter clearboxes expandafter =
+ clearboxes cl($);
+ enddef
+% Text t gives equations for joining box a to box b.
+def boxjoin(text t) =
+ def prevbox=_ enddef;
+ def _dojoin(suffix a,b) = t enddef;
+extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig
+ & "boxjoin();save pic_,sproc_,pproc_;def clearboxes=enddef;";
+extra_endfig := extra_endfig & "clearboxes";
+% Given a list of box names, give whatever default values are necessary
+% in order to fix the size and shape of each box.
+vardef fixsize(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: scantokens sproc_$($); endfor
+% Given a list of box names, give default values for any unknown positioning
+% offsets
+vardef fixpos(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t:
+ if unknown xpart $.off: xpart $.off=0; fi
+ if unknown ypart $.off: ypart $.off=0; fi
+ endfor
+% Return the boundary path for the given box
+vardef bpath suffix $ =
+ fixsize($); fixpos($);
+ scantokens pproc_$($)
+% Return the contents of the given box. First define a private version that
+% the user can't accidently clobber.
+vardef pic_mac_ suffix $ =
+ fixsize($); fixpos($);
+ pic_$ shifted $off
+vardef pic suffix $ = pic_mac_ $ enddef;
+def drawboxed(text t) = % Draw each box
+ fixsize(t); fixpos(t);
+ forsuffixes s=t: draw pic_mac_.s; draw bpath.s; endfor
+def drawunboxed(text t) = % Draw contents of each box
+ fixsize(t); fixpos(t);
+ forsuffixes s=t: draw pic_mac_.s; endfor
+def drawboxes(text t) = % Draw boundary path for each box
+ forsuffixes s=t: draw bpath.s; endfor
+% Rectangular boxes
+newinternal defaultdx, defaultdy;
+defaultdx := defaultdy := 3bp;
+vardef boxit@#(text tt) =
+ beginbox_("boxpath_","sizebox_",@#,tt);
+ generic_declare(pair) _n.sw, _n.s,, _n.e,, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w;
+ 0 = xpart (@#nw-@#sw) = ypart(@#se-@#sw);
+ 0 = xpart(@#ne-@#se) = ypart(@#ne-@#nw);
+ @#w = .5[@#nw,@#sw];
+ @#s = .5[@#sw,@#se];
+ @#e = .5[@#ne,@#se];
+ @#n = .5[@#ne,@#nw];
+ @#ne-@#c = @#c-@#sw = (@#dx,@#dy) + .5*(urcorner pic_@# - llcorner pic_@#);
+ endbox_(clearb_,@#);
+def boxpath_(suffix $) =
+ $.sw -- $.se -- $.ne -- $.nw -- cycle
+def sizebox_(suffix $) =
+ if unknown $.dx: $.dx=defaultdx; fi
+ if unknown $.dy: $.dy=defaultdy; fi
+vardef clearb_(suffix $) =
+ _n_ := str $;
+ generic_redeclare(numeric) _n.sw, _n.s,, _n.e,, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w,
+ _n.c,, _n.dx, _n.dy;
+% Circular and oval boxes
+newinternal circmargin; circmargin:=2bp; % default clearance for picture corner
+vardef circleit@#(text tt) =
+ beginbox_("thecirc_","sizecirc_",@#,tt);
+ generic_declare(pair) _n.n, _n.s, _n.e, _n.w;
+ @#e-@#c = @#c-@#w = (@#dx,0) + .5*(lrcorner pic_@#-llcorner pic_@#);
+ @#n-@#c = @#c-@#s = (0,@#dy) + .5*(ulcorner pic_@#-llcorner pic_@#);
+ endbox_(clearc_,@#);
+def thecirc_(suffix $) =
+ $.e{up} ... $.n{left} ... $.w{down} ... $.s{right} ... cycle
+vardef clearc_(suffix $) =
+ _n_ := str $;
+ generic_redeclare(numeric) _n.n, _n.s, _n.e, _n.w, _n.c,, _n.dx, _n.dy;
+vardef sizecirc_(suffix $) =
+ save a_, b_;
+ (a_,b_) = .5*(urcorner pic_$ - llcorner pic_$);
+ if unknown $dx:
+ if unknown $dy:
+ if unknown($dy-$dx): a_+$dx=b_+$dy; fi
+ if a_+$dx=b_+$dy: a_+$dx = a_++b_ + circmargin;
+ else: $dx =
+ pathsel_(max(a_,b_+$dx-$dy), (a_+d_,0){up}...(0,b_+d_+$dy-$dx){left});
+ fi
+ else: $dx = pathsel_(a_, (a_+d_,0){up}...(0,b_+$dy){left});
+ fi
+ elseif unknown $dy:
+ $dy = pathsel_(b_, (a_+$dx,0){up}...(0,b_+d_){left});
+ fi
+vardef pathsel_(expr dhi)(text tt) =
+ save f_, p_; path p_;
+ p_ = origin..(a_,b_)+circmargin*unitvector(a_,b_);
+ vardef f_(expr d_) =
+ xpart((tt) intersectiontimes p_) >= 0
+ enddef;
+ solve f_(0,dhi+1.5circmargin)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a636c62ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+% Macros for generating typeset pictures of computed numbers
+% format(f,x) typeset generalized number x using format string f
+% Mformat(f,x) like format, but x is in Mlog form (see
+% init_numbers(s,m,x,sn,e) choose typeset style given sample sign, mantissa,...
+% roundd(x,d) round numeric x to d places right of decimal point
+% Fe_base what precedes the exponent for typeset powers of 10
+% Fe_plus plus sign if any for typesetting positive exponents
+% Ten_to[] powers of ten for indices 0,1,2,3,4
+% Other than the above-documented user interface, all externally visible names
+% start with F and end with _.
+if unknown Fmfont_: % If this file has not been read yet
+begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; % Allow big numbers in token lists
+input string
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Choosing the Layout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+picture Fmneg_, Femarker_, Feneg_, Fe_base, Fe_plus;
+string Fmfont_, Fefont_;
+numeric Fmscale_, Fescale_, Feraise_;
+% Argument s is a leading minus sign; m is a 1-digit mantissa;
+% x is whatever follows the mantissa; sn is a leading minus for the exponent;
+% and e is a 1-digit exponent. Numbers in scientific notation are constructed
+% by placing these peices side-by-side; decimal numbers use only m and/or s.
+% To get exponenets with leading plus signs, assign to Fe_plus after calling
+% init_numbers. To do something special with a unit mantissa followed by x,
+% assign to Fe_base after calling init_numbers.
+vardef init_numbers(expr s, m, x, sn, e) =
+ Fmneg_ := s;
+ for p within m:
+ Fmfont_ := fontpart p;
+ Fmscale_ := xxpart p;
+ exitif true;
+ endfor
+ Femarker_ := x;
+ Feneg_ := sn;
+ for p within e:
+ Fefont_ := fontpart p;
+ Fescale_ := xxpart p;
+ Feraise_ := ypart llcorner p;
+ exitif true;
+ endfor
+ Fe_base := Fline_up_("1" infont Fmfont_ scaled Fmscale_, Femarker_);
+ Fe_plus := nullpicture;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Low-Level Typesetting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+vardef Fmant_(expr x) =
+ (decimal abs x infont Fmfont_ scaled Fmscale_)
+vardef Fexp_(expr x) =
+ (decimal x infont Fefont_ scaled Fescale_ shifted (0,Feraise_))
+vardef Fline_up_(text t_) =
+ save p_, c_;
+ picture p_; p_=nullpicture;
+ pair c_; c_=(0,0);
+ for q_=t_:
+ addto p_ also q_ if string q_: infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale fi
+ shifted c_;
+ c_ := (xpart lrcorner p_, 0);
+ endfor
+ p_
+vardef Fdec_o_(expr x) =
+ if x<0: Fline_up_(Fmneg_, Fmant_(x))
+ else: Fmant_(x)
+ fi
+vardef Fsci_o_(expr x, e) =
+ Fline_up_(if x<0: Fmneg_,fi
+ if abs x =1: Fe_base else: Fmant_(x), Femarker_ fi,
+ if e<0: Feneg_ else: Fe_plus fi,
+ Fexp_(abs e))
+% Assume prologues=1 implies troff mode. TeX users who what prologues on
+% should use some other positive value. The mpx file mechanism requires
+% separate input files here.
+if prologues=1: input troffnum
+else: input texnum
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Scaling and Rounding %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Find a pair p where x=xpart p*10**ypart p and either p=(0,0) or xpart p is
+% between 1000 and 9999.99999. This is the `exponent form' of x.
+vardef Feform_(expr x) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ if string x:
+ if unknown Mzero: scantokens "input marith"; fi
+ Meform(Mlog_str x)
+ else:
+ save b, e;
+ b=x; e=0;
+ if abs b>=10000: (b/10, 1)
+ elseif b=0: origin
+ else: forever:
+ exitif abs b>=1000;
+ b:=b*10; e:=e-1;
+ endfor
+ (b, e)
+ fi
+ fi
+% The macros include a similar macro Meform that converts from
+% `Mlog form' to exponent form.
+% In case rounding has made the xpart of an exponent form number too large,
+% fix it.
+vardef Feadj_(expr x, y) =
+ if abs x>=10000: (x/10, y+1) else: (x,y) fi
+% Round x to d places right of the decimal point. When d<0, round to the
+% nearest multiple of 10 to the -d.
+vardef roundd(expr x, d) =
+ if abs d >4:
+ if d>0: x else: 0 fi
+ elseif d>0:
+ save i; i=floor x;
+ i + round(Ten_to[d]*(x-i))/Ten_to[d]
+ else:
+ round(x/Ten_to[-d])*Ten_to[-d]
+ fi
+Ten_to0=1; Ten_to1=10; Ten_to2=100; Ten_to3=1000; Ten_to4=10000;
+% Round an exponent form number p to k significant figures.
+primarydef p Fprec_ k =
+ Feadj_ (roundd(xpart p,k-4), ypart p) enddef;
+% Round an exponent form number p to k digits right of the decimal point.
+primarydef p Fdigs_ k =
+ Feadj_ (roundd(xpart p,k+ypart p), ypart p) enddef;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% High-Level Routines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% The following operators convert z from exponent form and produce typeset
+% output: Formsci_ generates scientific notation; Formdec_ generates decimal
+% notation; and Formgen_ generates whatever is likely to be most compact.
+vardef Formsci_(expr z) = Fsci_o_(xpart z/1000, ypart z +3) enddef;
+vardef Formdec_(expr z) =
+ if ypart z>0: Formsci_(z)
+ else:
+ Fdec_o_(xpart z
+ if ypart z>=-4: /Ten_to[-ypart z]
+ else: for i=ypart z upto -5: /(10) endfor/10000 fi)
+ fi
+vardef Formgen_(expr q) =
+ clearxy; (x,y)=q;
+ if x=0: Formdec_
+ elseif y>=-6: Formdec_
+ else: Formsci_
+ fi (q)
+def Fset_item_(expr s) =
+ if s<>"": s infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale, fi
+% For each format letter, the table below tells how to round and typeset
+% a quantity z in exponent form.
+string fmt_[];
+fmt_[ASCII "e"] = "Formsci_(z Fprec_ p)"; % scientific, p significant figures
+fmt_[ASCII "f"] = "Formdec_(z Fdigs_ p)"; % decimal, p digits right of the point
+fmt_[ASCII "g"] = "Formgen_(z Fprec_ p)"; % decimal or scientific, p sig. figs.
+fmt_[ASCII "G"] = "Formgen_(z Fdigs_ p)"; % decimal or scientific, p digits
+% The format and Mformat macros take a format string f and generate typeset
+% output for a numeric quantity x. String f should contain a `%' followed by
+% an optional number and one of the format letters defined above. The number
+% should be an integer giving the precision (default 3).
+vardef dofmt_@#(expr f, x) =
+ if f="": nullpicture
+ else:
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save k, l, s, p, z;
+ pair z; z=@#(x);
+ k = 1 + cspan(f, "%"<>);
+ l-k = cspan(substring(k,infinity)of f, isdigit);
+ p = if l>k: scantokens substring(k,l)of f else: 3 fi;
+ string s; s=fmt_[ASCII substring (l,l+1) of f];
+ if unknown s:
+ if k<=length f: errmessage("No valid format letter found in "&f); fi
+ s = "nullpicture";
+ fi
+ Fline_up_(
+ Fset_item_(substring (0,k-1) of f)
+ scantokens s,
+ Fset_item_(substring (l+1,infinity) of f)
+ nullpicture)
+ fi
+vardef format(expr f, x) = dofmt_.Feform_(f,x) enddef;
+vardef Mformat(expr f, x) = dofmt_.Meform(f,x) enddef;
+endgroup; % restore warningcheck to previous value
+fi % end the that encloses this file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de3ee74c087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+% Macros for drawing graphs
+% begingraph(width,height) begin a new graph
+% setcoords(xtype,ytype) sets up a new coordinate system (log,-linear..)
+% setrange(lo,hi) set coord ranges (numeric and string args OK)
+% gdraw <file or path> [with...] draw a line in current coord system
+% gfill <file or path> [with...] fill a region using current coord system
+% gdrawarrow .., gdrawdblarrow.. like gdraw, but with 1 or 2 arrowheads
+% Mreadpath(<filename>) read path from file and return it in Mlog form
+% augment<path name>(loc) append given coordinates to a polygonal path
+% glabel<suffix>(pic,loc) place label pic near graph coords or time loc
+% gdotlabel<suffix>(pic,loc) same with dot
+% OUT loc value for labels relative to whole graph
+% gdata(file,s,text) read coords from file; evaluate t w/ tokens s[]
+% auto.<x or y> default x or y tick locations (for interation)
+% itick.<bot|top|..>(fmt,u) draw inward tick from given side at u w/ format
+% otick.<bot|top|..>(fmt,u) draw outward tick at coord u; label format fmt
+% grid.<bot|top|..>(fmt,u) draw grid line at u with given side labelled
+% autogrid([itick|.. bot|..],..) iterate over auto.x, auto.y, drawing tick/grids
+% frame.[bot|top..] draw frame (or one side of the frame)
+% endgraph end of graph--the result is a picture
+% option `plot <picture>' draws picture at each path knot, turns off pen
+% Gtemplate.<tickcmd> template paths for tick marks and grid lines
+% Gmargin.low, Gmargin.high fractions determining margins when no setrange
+% Glmarks[], Gumarks, Gemarks loop text strings used by auto.<x or y>
+% Gmarks, Gminlog numeric parameters used by auto.<x or y>
+% Gpaths tells how to interpret paths: log or linear
+% Autoform is the format string used by autogrid
+% Other than the above-documented user interface, all externally visible names
+% are of the form X_.<suffix>, Y_.<suffix>, or Z_.<suffix>, or they start
+% with `G' and end with `_'.
+if unknown Mzero:
+ begingroup interim % starts with `warningcheck:=0'
+ input marith
+ endgroup; % restore warningcheck; we zero it when necessary
+if unknown mant_font:
+ input format
+vardef Gerr_(expr x,s) =
+ interim showstopping:=0;
+ show x; errmessage s;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Data structures, begingraph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+vardef Z_@# = (X_@#,Y_@#) enddef; % used in place of's z convention
+def Gsuf_(suffix $) = % convert from x or y to X_ or Y_
+ if str$="x": X_ else: Y_ fi
+def begingraph(expr w, h) =
+ begingroup
+ save X_, Y_, Gfin_, Gcur_, Gcbb_, Gneedgr_, Gneedfr_, Gdidsc_;
+ save Gdpic_, Gppic_, Ggl_, Garw_;
+ picture Gfin_, Gcur_, Gcbb_, Gdpic_, Gppic_, Ggl_[];
+ boolean Gneedgr_, Gneedfr_, Gdidsc_;
+ Gfin_ = nullpicture; % the finished part of the graph
+ Gcur_ = nullpicture; % what has been drawn in current coords
+ Gcbb_ = nullpicture; % picture whose bbox is Gcur_'s w/ linewidths 0
+ X_.ctyp = Y_.ctyp = linear; % coordinate system for each axis
+ Z_.gdim = (w,h); % dimensions of graph not counting axes etc.
+ = = 0; % Mlog(the amount Gcur_ has been descaled by)
+ Gneedgr_ = true; % whether autogrid is needed
+ Gneedfr_ = true; % whether frame needs to be drawn
+ Gdidsc_ = false; % set when Glinsc_ rescales coordinates
+ Gdpic_ = nullpicture; % result of last gdraw or gfill
+ Garw_ = 0; % number of arrowheads for next gdraw
+% Additional variables not explained above:
+% Z_.low, Z_.high user-specified coordinate ranges in units used in Gcur_
+% Gppic_ a picture from the `plot' option known when plot allowed
+% Gmll_, Gmhh_ pairs giving bounds used in auto<x or y>
+% Gme_, Gcma_ variables and macros used in auto<x or y>
+% Gc_ temporary macro used in auto<x or y>
+% Gbias_ an offset to Gmll_ and Gmhh_ to ease computing exponents
+% Ggl_[] labels to place around the whole graph when it is done
+% Some additional variables function as constants. Most can be modified by the
+% user to alter the behavior of these macros.
+% Not very modifiable: log, linear, Gboff_, Gfra_, Gfrb_, Gmarg_
+% Modifiable: Gtemplate.suffix, Glmarks[], Gumarks, Gemarks, Gmarks,
+% Gminlog, Gpaths, Autoform
+newinternal log, linear; % coordinate system codes
+newinternal Gpaths; % path interpretation parameter
+log:=1; linear:=2;
+Gpaths := linear;
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Coordinates: setcoords, setrange %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Graph-related usr input is `user graph coordinates' as specified by arguments
+% to setcoords.
+% `Internal graph coordinates' are used for Gcur_, Gcbb_, Z_.low, Z_.high.
+% Their meaning depends on the appropriate component of Z_.ctyp:
+% log means internal graph coords = Mlog(user graph coords)
+% -log means internal graph coords = -Mlog(user graph coords)
+% linear means internal graph coords = Mexp(Mlog(user graph coords) Mdiv ?sc)
+% -linear means internal graph coords = -Mexp(Mlog(user graph coords) Mdiv ?sc)
+% (In the last two lines, `?sc' means or as appropriate.)
+vardef Gsetp_ = % Set default Z_.low, Z_.high
+ forsuffixes $=low,high:
+ (if known X_$: whatever else: X_$ fi, if known Y_$: whatever else: Y_$ fi)
+ = Gmargin$[llcorner Gcbb_,urcorner Gcbb_] + Gmarg_$;
+ endfor
+pair Gmarg_.low, Gmarg_.high;
+% Set $, $$, $$$ so that shifting by $ then transforming by $$ and then $$$
+% maps the essential bounding box of Gcur_ into (0,0)..Z_.gdim. The
+% `essential bounding box' is either what Z_.low and Z_.high imply or the
+% result of ignoring pen widths in Gcur_.
+vardef Gsetsc_(suffix $,$$,$$$) =
+ save p_;
+ Gsetp_;
+ pair p_, $; $=Gboff_-Z_.low;
+ p_ = (max(X_.high-X_.low,.9), max(Y_.high-Y_.low,.9));
+ transform $$, $$$;
+ forsuffixes #=$$,$$$: xpart#=ypart#=xypart#=yxpart#=0; endfor
+ (Z_.high+Gboff_+$) transformed $$ = p_;
+ p_ transformed $$$ = Z_.gdim;
+Gmargin.low=-.07; % bbox fraction for default range start
+Gmargin.high=1.07; % bbox fraction for default range stop
+pair Gboff_; Gboff_=epsilon*(3,3); % allowance to avoid numerical trouble
+def Gwithpc_(expr q) =
+ withpen penpart q withcolor (redpart q, greenpart q, bluepart q)
+% Add picture component q to picture @# and change part p to tp, where p is
+% something from q that needs coordinate transformation. The type of p is pair
+% or path.
+% Pair o is the value of p that makes tp (0,0). This implements the trick
+% whereby using 1 instead of 0 for th the width or height or the setbounds path
+% for a label picture supresses shifting in x or y.
+vardef Gpconv_@#(expr q, o)(text tp) =
+ save p;
+ if stroked q:
+ path p; p=pathpart q;
+ addto @# doublepath tp Gwithpc_(q) dashed dashpart q;
+ elseif filled q:
+ path p; p=pathpart q;
+ addto @# contour tp Gwithpc_(q);
+ else:
+ interim truecorners:=0;
+ pair p; p=llcorner q;
+ if urcorner q<>p: p:=p+Gcmul_(o-p,urcorner q-p); fi
+ addto @# also q shifted ((tp)-llcorner q);
+ fi
+def Gcmul_(expr a,b) = (xpart a*xpart b, ypart a*ypart b) enddef;
+vardef Gclbnds_@# = numeric @#.low, @#.high; enddef;
+% Finalize anything drawn in the present coordinate system and set up a new
+% system as requested
+vardef setcoords(expr tx, ty) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ if length Gcur_>0:
+ save s, S, T;
+ Gsetsc_(s, S, T);
+ for q within Gcur_:
+ Gpconv_.Gfin_(q, -s, p shifted s transformed S transformed T);
+ endfor
+ Gcur_ := Gcbb_ := nullpicture;
+ fi
+ Gclbnds_.X_; Gclbnds_.Y_;
+ X_.ctyp:=tx; Y_.ctyp:=ty;
+% Use scaling command cc to rescale everything in internal graph coords so that
+% if Mlog(user graph coords) is u then the internal graph coord value becomes
+% 10000/128. Assume u>=$sc+4Mten where $ is X_ or Y_, depending on whether cc
+% is xscaled or yscaled.
+vardef Glinsc_@#(expr u)(text cc) =
+ save v, P;
+ v = mexp(4Mten + (@#sc-u));
+ picture P; P=nullpicture;
+ for q within Gcur_: Gpconv_.P(q, origin, p cc v cc 1/128); endfor
+ Gcur_ := P;
+ Gcbb_ := Gcbb_ cc v cc 1/128;
+ forsuffixes $=low, high:
+ if known @#.$: @#.$:=@#.$*v/128; fi
+ endfor
+ @#sc:= Mabs u -1115.72742; % @#sc:=Mabs u+Mlog(128)-4Mten
+ Gdidsc_ := true;
+% Convert x coordinate u from Mlog(user graph coords) to ctyp=linear internal
+% graph coords. If the result would be uncomfortably large, use Glinsc_ to
+% descale as needed.
+vardef Gxcvlin_ primary u =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ if unknown u: u
+ elseif u>
+ Glinsc_.X_(u,xscaled);
+ 78.125
+ else: Mexp(u Mdiv
+ fi
+vardef Gycvlin_ primary u = % same as Gxcvlin_ but u is a y coordinate
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ if unknown u: u
+ elseif u>
+ Glinsc_.Y_(u,yscaled);
+ 78.125
+ else: Mexp(u Mdiv
+ fi
+% Set Z_.low and Z_.high to correspond to given range of user graph
+% coordinates. The text argument should be a sequence of pairs and/or strings
+% with 4 components in all.
+vardef setrange(text t) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save r_; r_=0;
+ string r_[]s;
+ for x_=
+ for p_=t: if pair p_: xpart p_, ypart fi p_, endfor:
+ r_[incr r_] if string x_: s fi = x_;
+ if r_>2:
+ Gsetr_ if r_=3: X_(Gxcvlin_) else: Y_(Gycvlin_) fi(
+ r_[r_-2] if unknown r_[r_-2]: s fi, x_);
+ fi
+ exitif r_=4;
+ endfor
+% @# is X_ or Y_; $ is Gxcvlin_ or Gycvlin_; l and h are numeric or string
+% It would not be OK to set (@#low,@#high) to a pair expression because $ might
+% try to rescale @#low when evaluating the right-hand side for @#high.
+vardef Gsetr_@#(suffix $)(expr l, h) =
+ Gclbnds_@#;
+ if @#ctyp>0:
+ @#low = if abs @#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str l;
+ @#high = if abs @#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str h;
+ else:
+ -@#high = if abs @#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str l;
+ -@#low = if abs @#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str h;
+ fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Converting path coordinates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Find the result of scanning path p and using macros tx and ty to adjust the
+% x and y parts of each coordinate pair. Boolean paramter c tells whether to
+% force the result to be polygonal.
+vardef Gscan_(expr p, c)(suffix tx, ty) =
+ if (str tx="") and (str ty=""): p
+ else:
+ save r_; path r_;
+ forever:
+ Gdidsc_ := false;
+ r_ := Gpp_(point 0 of p, tx, ty)
+ if path p:
+ for t=1 upto length p:
+ if c: --
+ else: ..controls Gpp_(postcontrol(t-1) of p, tx, ty)
+ and Gpp_(precontrol t of p, tx, ty) ..
+ fi
+ Gpp_(point t of p, tx, ty)
+ endfor
+ if cycle p: &cycle fi
+ fi;
+ exitunless Gdidsc_;
+ endfor
+ if pair p: point 0 of fi r_
+ fi
+vardef Gpp_(expr p)(suffix tx, ty) = (tx xpart p, ty ypart p) enddef;
+% Convert path p from Mlog(user graph coords) to internal graph coords.
+% Boolean flag f says whether to force the result to be polygonal.
+vardef GMcvi_(expr f) primary p =
+ Gscan_(p, f,
+ if abs X_.ctyp=linear: Gxcvlin_ fi,
+ if abs Y_.ctyp=linear: Gycvlin_ fi)
+ if X_.ctyp<0: xscaled -1 fi
+ if Y_.ctyp<0: yscaled -1 fi
+% Convert path p from user graph coords to internal graph coords.
+vardef Gucvi_ primary p =
+ if Gpaths=log:
+ GMcvi_((abs X_.ctyp<>log) or (abs Y_.ctyp<>log)) p
+ else:
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save t, u;
+ t=Mexp(; u=Mexp(;
+ Gscan_(p, (abs X_.ctyp<>linear) or (abs Y_.ctyp<>linear),
+ if abs X_.ctyp=log: Mlog fi,
+ if abs Y_.ctyp=log: Mlog fi)
+ transformed (identity
+ if abs X_.ctyp=linear: xscaled t fi
+ if abs Y_.ctyp=linear: yscaled u fi
+ if X_.ctyp<0: xscaled -1 fi
+ if Y_.ctyp<0: yscaled -1 fi)
+ fi
+% Convert label location t_ from user graph coords to internal graph coords.
+% The label location should be a pair, or two numbers/strings. If t_ is empty
+% or a single item of non-pair type, just return t_. Unknown coordinates
+% produce unknown components in the result.
+vardef Gtcvi_(text t_) =
+ save n_; n_=0;
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ if 0 for x_=t_: +1 if pair x_: +1 fi endfor <= 1:
+ t_
+ else:
+ n_0 = n_1 = 0;
+ point 0 of GMcvi_(true) (
+ for x_=
+ for y_=t_: if pair y_: xpart y_, ypart fi y_, endfor
+ 0, 0:
+ if known x_: Mlog_Str x_
+ else: hide(n_[n_]:=whatever) Mzero
+ fi
+ exitif incr n_=2;
+ ,endfor) + (n_0,n_1)
+ fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reading data files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Read a line from file f, extract whitespace-separated tokens ignoring any
+% initial "%", and return true if at least one token is found. The tokens
+% are stored in @#1, @#2, .. with "" in the last @#[] entry.
+vardef Grdln_@#(expr f) =
+ save n_, s_; string s_;
+ s_ = readfrom f;
+ string @#[];
+ if s_<>EOF:
+ @#1 := loptok s_;
+ n_ = if @#1="%": 0 else: 1 fi;
+ forever:
+ @#[incr n_] := loptok s_;
+ exitif @#[n_]="";
+ endfor
+ @#1<>""
+ else: false
+ fi
+% Execute c for each line of data read from file f, and stop at the first
+% line with no data. Commands c can use line number i and tokens $1, $2, ...
+def gdata(expr f)(suffix $)(text c) =
+ for i=1 upto infinity:
+ exitunless Grdln_$(f);
+ c
+ endfor
+% Read a path from file f and return it in Mlog form. The path is terminated
+% by blank line or EOF.
+vardef Mreadpath(expr f) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save s;
+ gdata(f, s, if i>1:--fi
+ if s2="": (Mlog i, Mlog_str s1)
+ else: (Mlog_str s1, Mlog_str s2) fi)
+% Append coordinates t to polygonal path @#. The coordinates can be numerics,
+% strings, or a single pair.
+vardef augment@#(text t) =
+ interim warningcheck := 0;
+ if not path begingroup @# endgroup:
+ Gerr(begingroup @# endgroup, "Cannot augment--not a path");
+ else:
+ def Gcma_= hide(def Gcma_=,enddef) enddef;
+ if known @#: @#:=@#-- else: @#= fi
+ (for p=t:
+ Gcma_ if string p: Mexp Mlog_str fi p
+ endfor);
+ fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Drawing and filling %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Unknown pair components are set to 0 because glabel and gdotlabel understand
+% unknown coordinates as `0 in absolute units'.
+vardef Gupbb_(expr p) =
+ if known p: addto Gcbb_ doublepath p;
+ else:
+ save x,y;
+ z = llcorner Gcbb_;
+ if unknown xpart p: xpart p= else: x:= fi 0;
+ if unknown ypart p: ypart p= else: y:= fi 0;
+ addto Gcbb_ doublepath (p+z);
+ fi
+ Gcbb_ := image(fill llcorner Gcbb_..urcorner Gcbb_--cycle);
+% Initiate a gdraw or gfill command. This must be done before scanning the
+% argument, because that could invoke the `if known Gppic_' test in a following
+% plot option .
+def Gaddto_ = Gdpic_:=Gppic_:=nullpicture; addto Gdpic_ enddef;
+% Handle the part of a Gdraw command that uses path or data file p.
+def Gdraw_ expr p =
+ if string p: GMcvi_(true) Mreadpath(p)
+ elseif path p or pair p: Gucvi_ p
+ else: Gerr_(p,"gdraw argument should be a data file or a path")
+ origin
+ fi
+ withpen currentpen Gwithlist_ _op_
+% Handle the part of a Gdraw command that uses path or data file p.
+def Gfill_ expr p =
+ if string p: GMcvi_(true) Mreadpath(p) --cycle
+ elseif cycle p: Gucvi_ p
+ else: Gerr_(p,"gfill argument should be a data file or a cyclic path")
+ origin..cycle
+ fi Gwithlist_ _op_
+def gdraw = Gaddto_ doublepath Gdraw_ enddef;
+def gfill = Gaddto_ contour Gfill_ enddef;
+% This is used in Gdraw_ and Gfill_ to allow postprocessing Gdpic_
+def Gwithlist_ text t_ = t_; Gpostdr_; enddef;
+% Set Gppic_ so the postprocessing step will plot picture p at each path knot.
+% Also select nullpen to supress stroking.
+def plot expr p =
+ if known Gppic_:
+ withpen nullpen
+ hide (Gppic_:=image(
+ if bounded p: for q within p: Gdrw_ q endfor % Save memory
+ else: Gdrw_ p
+ fi Gsetb_ origin..cycle))
+ fi
+% This hides a semicolon that could prematurely end Gwithlist_'s text argument
+def Gdrw_ primary p = addto currentpicture also p; enddef;
+def Gsetb_ = setbounds currentpicture to enddef;
+def gdrawarrow = Garw_:=1; gdraw enddef;
+def gdrawdblarrow = Garw_:=2; gdraw enddef;
+% Post-process the filled or stroked picture Gdpic_ as follows: (1) update
+% the bounding box information; (2) transfer it to Gcur_ unless the pen has
+% been set to nullpen to disable stroking; (3) plot Gppic at each knot.
+vardef Gpostdr_ =
+ save p;
+ path p; p=pathpart Gdpic_;
+ Gupbb_(p);
+ if filled Gdpic_ or not Gisnull_(penpart Gdpic_):
+ addto Gcur_ also Gdpic_;
+ fi
+ if length Gppic_>0:
+ for i=0 upto length p if cycle p: -1 fi:
+ addto Gcur_ also Gppic_ shifted point i of p;
+ endfor
+ picture Gppic_;
+ fi
+ if Garw_>0:
+ Garwhd_(p, Gwithpc_(Gdpic_));
+ if Garw_>1: Garwhd_(reverse p, Gwithpc_(Gdpic_)); fi
+ Garw_:=0;
+ fi
+vardef Gisnull_(expr p) = (urcorner p=origin) and (llcorner p=origin) enddef;
+vardef Garwhd_(expr p)(text w) = % Draw arrowhead for path p, with list w
+ addto Gcur_ also
+ image(filldraw arrowhead(
+ Garhwext_(precontrol infinity of p, point infinity of p)) w;
+ Gsetb_ point infinity of p..cycle);
+vardef Garhwext_(expr p, q) =
+ if p<>q: (q - 100pt*unitvector(q-p)) -- fi
+ q
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Drawing labels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Argument c is a drawing command that needs an additonal argument p that gives
+% a location in internal graph coords. Draw in Gcur_ enclosed in a setbounds
+% path. Unknown components of p cause the setbounds path to have width or
+% height 1 instead of 0. Then Gupbb_ sets these components to 0 and Gpconv_
+% supresses subsequent repositioning.
+def Glab_(expr p)(suffix $)(text c) =
+ save sdim_; pair sdim_;
+ sdim_ := (if unknown xpart p: 1+ fi 0, if unknown ypart p: 1+ fi 0);
+ Gupbb_(p);
+ addto Gcur_ also
+ image(c(p); Gsetb_ p--p+sdim_--cycle) _op_
+% Stash the result drawing command c in the Ggl_ table using with list w and
+% an index based on angle laboff$.
+vardef Gglab_(suffix $)(text c) text w =
+ Ggl_[1.5+angle laboff$ /90] = image(c(origin) w);
+def Glloc_ primary p =
+ if pair p: Glab_(p)
+ elseif numeric p: Glab_(point p of pathpart Gdpic_)
+ else: Gglab_
+ fi
+% Place label p at user graph coords t using with list w. (t is a time, a pair
+% or 2 numerics or strings).
+vardef glabel@#(expr p)(text t) text w =
+ Glloc_ Gtcvi_(t) (@#,label@#(p)) w; enddef;
+% Place label p at user graph coords t using with list w and draw a dot there.
+% (t is a time, a pair, or 2 numerics or strings).
+vardef gdotlabel@#(expr p)(text t) text w =
+ Glloc_ Gtcvi_(t) (@#,dotlabel@#(p)) w; enddef;
+def OUT = enddef; % location text for outside labels
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Grid lines, ticks, etc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Grid lines and tick marks are transformed versions of the templates below.
+% In the template paths, (0,0) is on the edge of the frame and inward is to
+% the right.
+path Gtemplate.itick, Gtemplate.otick, Gtemplate.grid;
+Gtemplate.itick = origin--(7bp,0);
+Gtemplate.otick = (-7bp,0)--origin;
+Gtemplate.grid = origin--(1,0);
+vardef itick@#(expr f,u) text w = Gtlab_(@#,@,false,f,u,w); enddef;
+vardef otick@#(expr f,u) text w = Gtlab_(@#,@,false,f,u,w); enddef;
+vardef grid@#(expr f,u) text w = Gtlab_(@#,@,true,f,u,w); enddef;
+% Produce a tick or grid mark for label suffix $, Gtemplate suffix $$,
+% coordinate value u, and with list w. Boolean c tells whether Gtemplate$$
+% needs scaling by X_.gdim or Y_.gdim, and f gives a format string or a label
+% picture.
+def Gtlab_(suffix $,$$)(expr c, f, u)(text w) =
+ Glab_(Gtcvi_(Ggpos_($,u)),,draw Ggpic_$($$,c,f,u,w) shifted)
+% Generate label positioning arguments appropriate for label suffix $ and
+% coordinate u.
+def Ggpos_(suffix $)(expr u) =
+ if xpart laboff.$=0: u,whatever else: whatever,u fi
+% Generate a picture of a grid line labeled with coordinate value u, picture
+% or format string f, and with list w. Suffix @# is bot, top, lft, or rt,
+% suffix $ identifies entries in the Gtemplate table, and boolean c tells
+% whether to scale Gtemplate$.
+vardef Ggpic_@#(suffix $)(expr c, f, u)(text w) =
+ if unknown u: Gerr_(u,"Label coordinate should be known"); nullpicture
+ else:
+ save p; path p;
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ Gneedgr_:=false;
+ p = Gtemplate$ zscaled -laboff@#
+ if c: Gxyscale fi
+ shifted (((.5 + laboff@# dotprod (.5,.5)) * laboff@#) Gxyscale);
+ image(draw p w;
+ label@#(if string f: format(f,u) else: f fi, point 0 of p))
+ fi
+def Gxyscale = xscaled X_.gdim yscaled Y_.gdim enddef;
+% Draw the frame or the part corresponding to label suffix @# using with list w.
+vardef frame@# text w =
+ Gneedfr_:=false;
+ picture p_;
+ p_ = image(draw
+ if str@#<>"": subpath round(angle laboff@#*Gfra_+Gfrb_) of fi
+ unitsquare Gxyscale w);
+ Glab_((whatever,whatever),,draw p_ shifted);
+pair Gfra_; Gfra_=(1,1)/90; % unitsquare subpath is linear in label angle
+pair Gfrb_; Gfrb_=(.75,2.25);
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Automatic grid selection %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+string Glmarks[]; % marking options per decade for logarithmic scales
+string Gumarks; % mark spacing options per decade for linear scales
+string Gemarks; % exponent spacing options for logarithmic scales
+newinternal Gmarks, Gminlog;
+Gmarks := 4; % minimum number marks generated by auto.x or auto.y
+Gminlog := 3.0; % revert to uniform marks when largest/smallest < this
+def Gfor(text t) = for i=t endfor enddef; % to shorten the mark templates below
+Gumarks="10,5,2"; % start with 10 and go down; a final `,1' is appended
+% Determine the X_ or Y_ bounds on the range to be covered by automatic grid
+% marks. Suffix @# is X_ or Y_. The result is log or linear to specify the
+% type of grid spacing to use. Bounds are returned in variables local to
+% begingraph..endgraph: pairs Gmll_ and Gmhh_ are upper and lower bounds in
+% `modified exponential form'. In modified exponential form, (x,y) means
+% (x/1000)*10^y, where 1000<=abs x<10000.
+vardef Gpick_@# =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save l, h;
+ Gsetp_;
+ if @#ctyp>0: (l,h) else: -(h,l) fi = (@#low, @#high);
+ if abs @#ctyp=log:
+ Gmll_ := Meform(Mabs l)+Gbias_;
+ Gmhh_ := Meform(Mabs h)+Gbias_;
+ if h-l >=mlog Gminlog: log else: linear fi
+ else:
+ Gmll_ := Meform(@#sc + Mlog l)+Gbias_;
+ Gmhh_ := Meform(@#sc + Mlog h)+Gbias_;
+ linear
+ fi
+pair Gbias_; Gbias_=(0,3);
+pair Gmll_, Gmhh_;
+% Scan Glmarks[k] and evaluate tokens t for each m where l<=m<=h.
+def Gmsc_(expr k, l, h)(text t) =
+ for m=scantokens Glmarks[k]:
+ exitif m>h;
+ if m>=l: t fi
+ endfor
+% Scan Gmark[k] and evaluate tokens t for each m and e where m*10^e belongs
+% between l and h (inclusive), where both l and h are in modified exponent form.
+def Gmscan_(expr k, l, h)(text t) =
+ for e=ypart l upto ypart h:
+ Gmsc_(k, if e>ypart l: 1 else: xpart l/1000 fi,
+ if e<ypart h: 10 else: xpart h/1000 fi, t)
+ endfor
+% Select a k for which Gmscan_(k,...) gives enough marks.
+vardef Gkpick_ =
+ save k;
+ k = 0;
+ forever:
+ exitif unknown Glmarks[k+1];
+ exitif 0 Gmscan_(incr k, Gmll_, Gmhh_, +1) >= Gmarks;
+ endfor
+ k
+% Try to select an exponent spacing from Gemarks. If successful, set @# and
+% return true
+vardef Gempick_@# =
+ numeric @#;
+ for e=scantokens Gemarks:
+ @# = e;
+ exitif floor(ypart Gmhh_/e)-floor(Gey_(Gmll_)/e) >= Gmarks;
+ numeric @#;
+ endfor
+ known @#
+vardef Gey_(expr p) = ypart p if xpart p=1000: -1 fi enddef;
+% Compute the mark spacing d between xpart Gmll_ and xpart Gmhh_.
+vardef Gipick_ =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ save m, n, d;
+ m = Gmarks;
+ n = 1 for i=1 upto mlog(xpart Gmhh_-xpart Gmll_)/Mten - mlog m/(Mten-epsilon):
+ *10 endfor;
+ if n<=1000:
+ for x=scantokens Gumarks:
+ d = n*x;
+ exitif 0 Gigen_(d,+1)>=m;
+ numeric d;
+ endfor
+ fi
+ if known d: d else: n fi
+def Gigen_(expr d)(text t) =
+ for m = d*ceiling(xpart Gmll_/d) step d until xpart Gmhh_:
+ t
+ endfor
+% Evaluate tokens t for exponents e in multiples of d in the range determined
+% by Gmll_ and Gmhh_.
+def Gemgen_(expr d)(text t) =
+ for e = d*floor(Gey_(Gmll_)/d+1)
+ step d until d*floor(ypart Gmhh_/d): t
+ endfor
+% Adjust Gmll_ and Gmhh_ so their exponent parts match and they are in true
+% exponent form ((x,y) means x*10^y). Return the new exponent.
+vardef Gesame_ =
+ interim warningcheck := 0;
+ save e;
+ e+3 = if Gmll_=Gbias_: ypart Gmhh_
+ elseif Gmhh_=Gbias_: ypart Gmll_
+ else: max(ypart Gmll_, ypart Gmhh_) fi;
+ forsuffixes $=Gmll_, Gmhh_:
+ $ := (xpart $ for i=ypart $ upto e+2: /(10) endfor, e);
+ endfor
+ e
+% Assume e is an integer and either m=0 or 1<=abs(m)<10000. Find m*(10^e)
+% and represent the result as a string if its absolute value would be at least
+% 4096 or less than .1. It is OK to return 0 as a string or a numeric.
+vardef Gpack_(expr m, e) =
+ if (e>3)or(e<-4):
+ decimal m & "e" & decimal e
+ elseif e>=0:
+ if abs m<infinity/Ten_to[e]:
+ m*Ten_to[e]
+ else: decimal m & "e" & decimal e
+ fi
+ else:
+ save x; x=m/Ten_to[-e];
+ if abs x>=.1: x else: decimal m & "e" & decimal e fi
+ fi
+def auto suffix $ =
+ hide(def Gcma_= hide(def Gcma_=,enddef) enddef)
+ if Gpick_.Gsuf_($)=log:
+ if Gempick_.Gme_: Gemgen_(Gme_, Gcma_ Gpack_(1,e))
+ else:
+ Gmscan_(Gkpick_, Gmll_, Gmhh_, Gcma_ Gpack_(m,e))
+ fi
+ else:
+ hide(Gme_:=Gesame_)
+ Gigen_(Gipick_, Gcma_ Gpack_(m,Gme_))
+ fi
+string Autoform; Autoform = "%g";
+vardef autogrid(suffix tx, ty) text w =
+ Gneedgr_:=false;
+ if str tx<>"": for x=auto.x: tx(Autoform,x) w; endfor fi
+ if str ty<>"": for y=auto.y: ty(Autoform,y) w; endfor fi
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% endgraph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+def endgraph =
+ if Gneedgr_: autogrid(, otick.lft); fi
+ if Gneedfr_: frame; fi
+ setcoords(linear,linear);
+ interim truecorners:=1;
+ for b=bbox Gfin_:
+ setbounds Gfin_ to b;
+ for i=0 step .5 until 3.5:
+ if known Ggl_[i]: addto Gfin_ also Ggl_[i] shifted point i of b; fi
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ Gfin_
+ endgroup
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e49a700bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+% Macros for dealing with very large and very small numbers in `Mlog form'.
+% A number x in Mlog form represents mexp(x) if x is an even multiple of
+% epsilon and -mexp(x) if x is an odd multiple of epsilon, where epsilon=1/65536
+% is the basic unit for MetaPost's fixpoint numbers. Such numbers can represent
+% values large as 3.8877e+55 or as small as 1.604e-28. (Anything less than that
+% is treated as zero.)
+% Mlog_str <string> convert a string like "6.02e23" to Mlog form
+% Mexp_str <M_numeric> convert from Mlog form to a string like "6.02e23"
+% Meform(q) find (x,y) such that q is the Mlog form of x*10^y
+% Mlog <numeric> convert a number to Mlog form
+% Mexp <M_numeric> convert from Mlog form into ordinary numeric form
+% Mabs <M_numeric> absolute value
+% Mlog_Str <string or numeric> convert to Mlog form; unknown results in unknown
+% <M_numeric> Madd <M_numeric> add
+% <M_numeric> Msub <M_numeric> subtract
+% <M_numeric> Mmul <M_numeric> multiply
+% <M_numeric> Mdiv <M_numeric> divide
+% <M_numeric> Mleq <M_numeric> the boolean operator <=
+% Mzero constant that represents zero
+% Mten constant that represents 10.0
+% All other externally visible names start with `M' and end with `_'.
+warningcheck := 0; % Need warningcheck:=0 anytime these macros are in use
+if unknown Mzero: % If we have not already seen this file
+newinternal Mzero;
+Mzero := -16384; % Anything at least this small is treated as zero
+% Ideal value of mlog(10) is 589.4617838 or 38630967.46/65536. To get an even
+% numerator, we round to 38630968/65536 or 589.4617920.
+newinternal Mten;
+Mten := 589.46179;
+% Convert x*10^y to Mlog form, assuming x is already in Mlog form.
+primarydef x M_e_ y = (x+Mten*y) enddef;
+def Mgobble_ text t = enddef;
+pair M_iv_; M_iv_=(0,4);
+% String s is a number in scientific notatation with no leading spaces.
+% Convert it to Mlog form.
+vardef Mlog_str primary s =
+ save k, t, e, r;
+ string t;
+ if substring(0,1) of s="-":
+ r=-epsilon; t=substring (1,infinity) of s;
+ else:
+ r=0; t=s;
+ fi
+ let e = Mgobble_;
+ if begingroup scantokens substring M_iv_ of t endgroup >= 1000:
+ k = cspan(t,isdigit);
+ t := substring M_iv_ of t & "." & substring(4,k) of t &
+ substring (k if substring(k,k+1) of t=".": +1 fi, infinity) of t;
+ r := r + (k-4)*Mten;
+ fi
+ let e = M_e_;
+ r + Mlog scantokens t
+% Convert x from Mlog form into a pair whose xpart gives a mantissa and whose
+% ypart gives a power of ten. The constant 1768.38985 is slightly more than
+% 3Mten as is required to ensure that 3Mten-epsilon<=q+e*Mten<4Mten-epsilon.
+% This forces the xpart of the result to be between 1000 and 10000.
+vardef Meform(expr q) =
+ if q<=Mzero: (0,0)
+ else:
+ save e; e=floor((q-1768.38985)/Mten);
+ (Mexp(q-e*Mten), e)
+ fi
+% Perform the inverse of Mlog_str, converting from Mlog form to a string.
+vardef Mexp_str primary x =
+ save p;
+ pair p; p=Meform(x);
+ decimal xpart p
+ if ypart p<>0: & "e" & decimal ypart p fi
+vardef Mabs primary x = x*.5*2 enddef;
+% Convert a number to Mlog form
+vardef Mlog primary x =
+ if x>0: Mabs mlog x
+ elseif x<0: epsilon + Mabs mlog(-x)
+ else: Mzero
+ fi
+% Convert a number from Mlog form
+vardef Mexp primary x =
+ if x=Mabs x: mexp x
+ else: -mexp x
+ fi
+primarydef a Mmul b =
+ if (a<=Mzero) or (b<=Mzero): Mzero
+ else: (a+b)
+ fi
+primarydef a Mdiv b =
+ if a<=Mzero: Mzero
+ else: (a-b)
+ fi
+% 256ln(1579)=123556596.0003/65536=1885.3240356445
+secondarydef a Madd b =
+ if a>=b: (Mlog(1579 + Mexp(b Mmul (1885.32404-a))) + a-1885.32404)
+ else: b Madd a
+ fi
+secondarydef a Msub b = a Madd (b-epsilon) enddef;
+tertiarydef a Mleq b =
+ (if a=Mabs a:
+ if b=Mabs b: a<=b else: false fi
+ elseif b=Mabs b: true else: b<=a fi
+ )
+vardef Mlog_Str primary x =
+ if unknown x: whatever
+ elseif string x: Mlog_str x
+ else: Mlog x
+ fi
+fi % end the that encloses this file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ef191f0c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+% This is the plain MetaPost base that's look like what's described
+% in The METAFONTbook.
+string base_name, base_version; base_name="mfplain"; base_version="0.62";
+message "Preloading the plain base, version "&base_version&": preliminaries,";
+delimiters (); % this makes parentheses behave like parentheses
+def upto = step 1 until enddef; % syntactic sugar
+def downto = step -1 until enddef;
+def exitunless expr c = exitif not c enddef;
+let relax = \; % ignore the word `relax', as in TeX
+let \\ = \; % double relaxation is like single
+def ]] = ] ] enddef; % right brackets should be loners
+def -- = {curl 1}..{curl 1} enddef;
+def --- = .. tension infinity .. enddef;
+def ... = .. tension atleast 1 .. enddef;
+newinternal smoothing, autorounding, turningcheck, granularity;
+smoothing:=1; autorounding:=2; % These are ignored by MetaPost
+turningcheck:=1; granularity:=1;
+def gobble primary g = enddef;
+primarydef g gobbled gg = enddef;
+def hide(text t) = exitif numeric begingroup t;endgroup; enddef;
+def ??? = hide(interim showstopping:=1; showdependencies) enddef;
+def stop expr s = message s; gobble readstring enddef;
+def interact = % sets up to make "show" commands stop
+ hide(showstopping:=1; tracingonline:=1) enddef;
+def loggingall = % puts tracing info into the log
+ tracingcommands:=3; tracingtitles:=1; tracingequations:=1;
+ tracingcapsules:=1; tracingspecs:=2; tracingchoices:=1; tracinglostchars:=1;
+ tracingstats:=1; tracingoutput:=1; tracingmacros:=1; tracingrestores:=1;
+ enddef;
+def tracingall = % turns on every form of tracing
+ tracingonline:=1; showstopping:=1; loggingall enddef;
+def tracingnone = % turns off every form of tracing
+ tracingcommands:=0; tracingtitles:=0; tracingequations:=0;
+ tracingcapsules:=0; tracingspecs:=0; tracingchoices:=0; tracinglostchars:=0;
+ tracingstats:=0; tracingoutput:=0; tracingmacros:=0; tracingrestores:=0;
+ enddef;
+message " basic constants and mathematical macros,";
+% numeric constants
+newinternal eps,epsilon,infinity,_;
+eps := .00049; % this is a pretty small positive number
+epsilon := 1/256/256; % but this is the smallest
+infinity := 4095.99998; % and this is the largest
+_ := -1; % internal constant to make macros unreadable but shorter
+newinternal mitered, rounded, beveled, butt, squared;
+mitered:=0; rounded:=1; beveled:=2; % linejoin types
+butt:=0; rounded:=1; squared:=2; % linecap types
+% pair constants
+pair right,left,up,down,origin;
+origin=(0,0); up=-down=(0,1); right=-left=(1,0);
+% path constants
+path quartercircle,halfcircle,fullcircle,unitsquare;
+fullcircle = makepath pencircle;
+halfcircle = subpath (0,4) of fullcircle;
+quartercircle = subpath (0,2) of fullcircle;
+% transform constants
+transform identity;
+for z=origin,right,up: z transformed identity = z; endfor
+% color constants
+color black, white, red, green, blue;
+black = (0,0,0);
+white = (1,1,1);
+red = (1,0,0);
+green = (0,1,0);
+blue = (0,0,1);
+% picture constants
+picture blankpicture,unitpixel;
+unitpixel=nullpicture; addto unitpixel contour unitsquare;
+% string constants
+string ditto; ditto = char 34; % ASCII double-quote mark
+% pen constants
+def capsule_def(suffix s) primary u = def s = u enddef enddef;
+pen pensquare,penrazor,penspeck;
+pensquare = makepen(unitsquare shifted -(.5,.5));
+penrazor = makepen((-.5,0)--(.5,0)--cycle);
+penspeck=pensquare scaled eps;
+% nullary operators
+vardef whatever = save ?; ? enddef;
+% unary operators
+let abs = length;
+vardef round primary u = u enddef;
+vardef hround primary x = x enddef;
+vardef vround primary y = y enddef;
+vardef ceiling primary x = -floor(-x) enddef;
+vardef byte primary s =
+ if string s: ASCII fi s enddef;
+vardef dir primary d = right rotated d enddef;
+vardef unitvector primary z = z/abs z enddef;
+vardef inverse primary T =
+ transform T_; T_ transformed T = identity; T_ enddef;
+vardef counterclockwise primary c =
+ if turningnumber c <= 0: reverse fi c enddef;
+vardef tensepath expr r =
+ for k=0 upto length r - 1: point k of r --- endfor
+ if cycle r: cycle else: point infinity of r fi enddef;
+% binary operators
+primarydef x mod y = (x-y*floor(x/y)) enddef;
+primarydef x div y = floor(x/y) enddef;
+primarydef w dotprod z = (xpart w * xpart z + ypart w * ypart z) enddef;
+primarydef x**y = if y=2: x*x else: takepower y of x fi enddef;
+def takepower expr y of x =
+ if x>0: mexp(y*mlog x)
+ elseif (x=0) and (y>0): 0
+ else: 1
+ if y=floor y:
+ if y>=0: for n=1 upto y: *x endfor
+ else: for n=_ downto y: /x endfor
+ fi
+ else: hide(errmessage "Undefined power: " & decimal x&"**"&decimal y)
+ fi fi enddef;
+vardef direction expr t of p =
+ postcontrol t of p - precontrol t of p enddef;
+vardef directionpoint expr z of p =
+ a_:=directiontime z of p;
+ if a_<0: errmessage("The direction doesn't occur"); fi
+ point a_ of p enddef;
+secondarydef p intersectionpoint q =
+ begingroup save x_,y_; (x_,y_)=p intersectiontimes q;
+ if x_<0: errmessage("The paths don't intersect"); origin
+ else: .5[point x_ of p, point y_ of q] fi endgroup
+tertiarydef p softjoin q =
+ begingroup c_:=fullcircle scaled 2join_radius shifted point 0 of q;
+ a_:=ypart(c_ intersectiontimes p); b_:=ypart(c_ intersectiontimes q);
+ if a_<0:point 0 of p{direction 0 of p} else: subpath(0,a_) of p fi
+ ... if b_<0:{direction infinity of q}point infinity of q
+ else: subpath(b_,infinity) of q fi endgroup enddef;
+newinternal join_radius,a_,b_; path c_;
+% special operators
+vardef incr suffix $ = $:=$+1; $ enddef;
+vardef decr suffix $ = $:=$-1; $ enddef;
+def reflectedabout(expr w,z) = % reflects about the line w..z
+ transformed
+ begingroup transform T_;
+ w transformed T_ = w; z transformed T_ = z;
+ xxpart T_ = -yypart T_; xypart T_ = yxpart T_; % T_ is a reflection
+ T_ endgroup enddef;
+def rotatedaround(expr z, d) = % rotates d degrees around z
+ shifted -z rotated d shifted z enddef;
+let rotatedabout = rotatedaround; % for roundabout people
+vardef min(expr u)(text t) = % t is a list of numerics, pairs, or strings
+ save u_; setu_ u; for uu = t: if uu<u_: u_:=uu; fi endfor
+ u_ enddef;
+vardef max(expr u)(text t) = % t is a list of numerics, pairs, or strings
+ save u_; setu_ u; for uu = t: if uu>u_: u_:=uu; fi endfor
+ u_ enddef;
+def setu_ primary u =
+ if pair u: pair u_ elseif string u: string u_ fi;
+ u_=u enddef;
+def flex(text t) = % t is a list of pairs
+ hide(n_:=0; for z=t: z_[incr n_]:=z; endfor
+ dz_:=z_[n_]-z_1)
+ z_1 for k=2 upto n_-1: ...z_[k]{dz_} endfor ...z_[n_] enddef;
+newinternal n_; pair z_[],dz_;
+def superellipse(expr r,t,l,b,s)=
+ r{up}...(s[xpart t,xpart r],s[ypart r,ypart t]){t-r}...
+ t{left}...(s[xpart t,xpart l],s[ypart l,ypart t]){l-t}...
+ l{down}...(s[xpart b,xpart l],s[ypart l,ypart b]){b-l}...
+ b{right}...(s[xpart b,xpart r],s[ypart r,ypart b]){r-b}...cycle enddef;
+vardef interpath(expr a,p,q) =
+ for t=0 upto length p-1: a[point t of p, point t of q]
+ ..controls a[postcontrol t of p, postcontrol t of q]
+ and a[precontrol t+1 of p, precontrol t+1 of q] .. endfor
+ if cycle p: cycle
+ else: a[point infinity of p, point infinity of q] fi enddef;
+vardef solve@#(expr true_x,false_x)= % @#(true_x)=true, @#(false_x)=false
+ tx_:=true_x; fx_:=false_x;
+ forever: x_:=.5[tx_,fx_]; exitif abs(tx_-fx_)<=tolerance;
+ if @#(x_): tx_ else: fx_ fi :=x_; endfor
+ x_ enddef; % now x_ is near where @# changes from true to false
+newinternal tolerance, tx_,fx_,x_; tolerance:=.1;
+message " macros for converting units,";
+newinternal bpppix_, bp_per_pixel; % drawing is done in `pixel' units
+mm*bpppix_=2.83464; pt*bpppix_=0.99626;
+dd*bpppix_=1.06601; bp*bpppix_=1;
+cm*bpppix_=28.34645; pc*bpppix_=11.95517;
+cc*bpppix_=12.79213; in*bpppix_=72;
+mm#=2.84528; pt#=1; dd#=1.07001; bp#=1.00375;
+cm#=28.45276; pc#=12; cc#=12.84010; in#=72.27;
+newinternal hppp, vppp;
+hppp:=pt; vppp:=pt;
+newinternal blacker, o_correction; % device-oriented corrections
+def define_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=$.#*pt; endfor enddef;
+def define_blacker_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=$.#*pt+blacker; endfor enddef;
+def define_corrected_pixels(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t: $:=$.#*pt*o_correction; endfor enddef;
+def define_whole_pixels = define_pixels enddef;
+def define_whole_vertical_pixels = define_pixels enddef;
+def define_good_x_pixels = define_pixels enddef;
+def define_good_y_pixels = define_pixels enddef;
+def define_whole_blacker_pixels = define_blacker_pixels enddef;
+def define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels = define_blacker_pixels enddef;
+def define_horizontal_corrected_pixels = define_corrected_pixels enddef;
+def lowres_fix(text t) expr ratio = enddef;
+message " macros and tables for various modes of operation,";
+transform currenttransform;
+def t_ = transformed currenttransform enddef;
+let o_=\; let _o_=\;
+def mode_setup =
+ if unknown mode: mode=proof; fi
+ numeric aspect_ratio; transform currenttransform;
+ scantokens if string mode:("input "&mode) else: mode_name[mode] fi;
+ if unknown mag: mag=1; fi
+ if unknown aspect_ratio: aspect_ratio=1; fi
+ bp_per_pixel:=bpppix_*mag;
+ scantokens extra_setup; % the user's special last-minute adjustments
+ if unknown currenttransform: currenttransform=identity; fi
+ clearit;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (.4pt+blacker);
+ enddef;
+def smode = string mode; mode enddef;
+string extra_setup, mode_name[];
+extra_setup=""; % usually there's nothing special to do
+vardef magstep primary m = mexp(46.67432m) enddef;
+def mode_def suffix $ =
+ $:=incr number_of_modes;
+ mode_name[$]:=str$ & "_";
+ expandafter quote def scantokens mode_name[$] enddef;
+newinternal number_of_modes;
+newinternal proofing; % <0 to supress output; >1 to do labels
+color proofcolor; % color for output when proofing>0
+proofcolor =.3[white,black];
+color background;
+background = white;
+% proof mode: for initial design of characters
+mode_def proof =
+ proofing:=2; % yes, we're making full proofs
+ fontmaking:=0; % no, we're not making a font
+ tracingtitles:=1; % yes, show titles online
+ blacker:=0; % no additional blackness
+ o_correction:=1; % no reduction in overshoot
+ if unknown mag: mag=36; else: mag:=36mag; fi
+ enddef;
+% smoke mode: for label-free proofs to mount on the wall
+mode_def smoke =
+ proof_; % same as proof mode, except:
+ proofing:=1; % yes, we're making unlabeled proofs
+ proofcolor:=black; % with solid black pixels
+ let makebox=maketicks; % make the boxes less obtrusive
+ if unknown mag: mag=36; else: mag:=36mag; fi
+ enddef;
+% lowres mode: for certain devices that print 200 pixels per inch
+mode_def lowres =
+ proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+ fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+ tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles at all
+ blacker:=0; % no extra blackness with PostScript
+ o_correction:=1; % no reduction in overshoot
+ enddef;
+localfont:=lowres; % the mode most commonly used to make fonts
+% It is not likely that additional modes are needed, but if they are,
+% additional mode_def commands should be in another input file that
+% gets loaded after the PLAIN base. The auxiliary file should set
+% base_version:=base_version&"/localname".
+message " macros for drawing and filling,";
+def pc_ =
+ hide(if proofing>0: def pc_=do_pc_ enddef; else: def pc_= enddef; fi) pc_
+def do_pc_ = withcolor proofcolor enddef;
+linejoin:=rounded; % parameters that effect drawing
+pen currentpen;
+picture currentpicture;
+def fill expr c = addto currentpicture contour c t_ pc_ enddef;
+def draw expr p =
+ addto currentpicture
+ if picture p:
+ also p
+ else:
+ doublepath p t_ withpen currentpen
+ fi
+ pc_
+def filldraw expr c =
+ addto currentpicture contour c t_ withpen currentpen
+ pc_ enddef;
+def drawdot expr z =
+ addto currentpicture contour makepath currentpen shifted z
+ t_ pc_ enddef;
+def unfill expr c = fill c withcolor background enddef;
+def undraw expr p = draw p withcolor background enddef;
+def unfilldraw expr c = filldraw c withcolor background enddef;
+def undrawdot expr z = drawdot z withcolor background enddef;
+def erase text t =
+ def _e_ = withcolor background hide(def _e_=enddef;) enddef;
+ t _e_
+def _e_= enddef;
+def cutdraw text t =
+ begingroup interim linecap:=butt; draw t _e_; endgroup enddef;
+def pickup secondary q =
+ if numeric q: numeric_pickup_ else: pen_pickup_ fi q enddef;
+def numeric_pickup_ primary q =
+ if unknown pen_[q]: errmessage "Unknown pen"; clearpen
+ else: currentpen:=pen_[q];
+ pen_lft:=pen_lft_[q];
+ pen_rt:=pen_rt_[q];
+ pen_top:=pen_top_[q];
+ pen_bot:=pen_bot_[q];
+ currentpen_path:=pen_path_[q] fi; enddef;
+def pen_pickup_ primary q =
+ currentpen:=q;
+ pen_lft:=xpart penoffset down of currentpen;
+ pen_rt:=xpart penoffset up of currentpen;
+ pen_top:=ypart penoffset left of currentpen;
+ pen_bot:=ypart penoffset right of currentpen;
+ path currentpen_path; enddef;
+newinternal pen_lft,pen_rt,pen_top,pen_bot,pen_count_;
+vardef savepen = pen_[incr pen_count_]=currentpen;
+ pen_lft_[pen_count_]=pen_lft;
+ pen_rt_[pen_count_]=pen_rt;
+ pen_top_[pen_count_]=pen_top;
+ pen_bot_[pen_count_]=pen_bot;
+ pen_path_[pen_count_]=currentpen_path;
+ pen_count_ enddef;
+def clearpen = currentpen:=nullpen;
+ pen_lft:=pen_rt:=pen_top:=pen_bot:=0;
+ path currentpen_path;
+ enddef;
+def clear_pen_memory =
+ pen_count_:=0;
+ numeric pen_lft_[],pen_rt_[],pen_top_[],pen_bot_[];
+ pen currentpen,pen_[];
+ path currentpen_path, pen_path_[];
+ enddef;
+vardef lft primary x = x + if pair x: (pen_lft,0) else: pen_lft fi enddef;
+vardef rt primary x = x + if pair x: (pen_rt,0) else: pen_rt fi enddef;
+vardef top primary y = y + if pair y: (0,pen_top) else: pen_top fi enddef;
+vardef bot primary y = y + if pair y: (0,pen_bot) else: pen_bot fi enddef;
+vardef good.x primary x = x enddef;
+vardef good.y primary y = y enddef;
+vardef good.lft primary z = z enddef;
+vardef good.rt primary z = z enddef;
+vardef primary z = z enddef;
+vardef primary z = z enddef;
+vardef penpos@#(expr b,d) =
+ (x@#r-x@#l,y@#r-y@#l)=(b,0) rotated d;
+ x@#=.5(x@#l+x@#r); y@#=.5(y@#l+y@#r) enddef;
+def penstroke text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ fill path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle enddef;
+path path_.l,path_.r;
+message " macros for proof labels and rules,";
+string defaultfont;
+newinternal defaultscale, labeloffset;
+defaultfont = "cmr10";
+defaultscale := 1;
+labeloffset := 3;
+vardef makelabel@#(expr s,z) = % puts string s near point z
+ picture p;
+ if known z:
+ p = s infont defaultfont scaled (defaultscale/bp_per_pixel);
+ draw p shifted (z t_ + labeloffset/bp_per_pixel*laboff@# -
+ (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p
+ + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p
+ )
+ ) withcolor black;
+ interim linecap:=rounded;
+ draw z withpen pencircle scaled (3/bp_per_pixel) withcolor black;
+ fi
+string lcode_; % just in case someone refers to this
+pair laboff, laboff.lft, laboff.rt,,;
+laboff.lft=(-1,0); labxf.lft=1; labyf.lft=.5;
+laboff.rt =(1,0); labxf.rt =0; labyf.rt =.5;,-1);;;,1);;;;;;
+% There could be fancy code to keep labels from overlapping!
+vardef labels@#(text t) =
+ if proofing>1: forsuffixes $=t:
+ makelabel@#(str$,z$); endfor
+ fi enddef;
+vardef penlabels@#(text t) =
+ if proofing>1: forsuffixes $$=l,,r: forsuffixes $=t:
+ makelabel@#(str$.$$,z$.$$); endfor endfor
+ fi enddef;
+def range expr x = numtok[x] enddef;
+def numtok suffix x=x enddef;
+tertiarydef m thru n =
+ m for x=m+1 step 1 until n: , numtok[x] endfor enddef;
+def proofrule(expr w,z) =
+ begingroup interim linecap:=squared;
+ draw w..z withpen pencircle scaled (.4/bp_per_pixel) withcolor black;
+ endgroup
+def screenrule(expr w,z) = enddef;
+pen rulepen;
+def makegrid(text xlist,ylist) =
+ xmin_ := min(xlist); xmax_ := max(xlist);
+ ymin_ := min(ylist); ymax_ := max(ylist);
+ for x=xlist: proofrule((x,ymin_), (x,ymax_)); endfor
+ for y=ylist: proofrule((xmin_,y), (xmax_,y)); endfor
+ enddef;
+vardef titlefont suffix $ = enddef;
+vardef labelfont suffix $ = defaultfont:=str$ enddef;
+vardef grayfont suffix $ = enddef;
+vardef slantfont suffix $ = enddef;
+def proofoffset primary z = enddef;
+vardef proofrulethickness expr x =
+ rulepen := pencircle scaled x enddef;
+message " macros for character and font administration,";
+def beginchar(expr c,w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp) =
+ begingroup
+ charcode:=if known c: byte c else: 0 fi;
+ charwd:=w_sharp; charht:=h_sharp; chardp:=d_sharp;
+ w:=charwd*pt; h:=charht*pt; d:=chardp*pt;
+ charic:=0; clearxy; clearit; clearpen; scantokens extra_beginchar;
+ enddef;
+def italcorr expr x_sharp = if x_sharp>0: charic:=x_sharp fi enddef;
+def change_width = enddef;
+def endchar =
+ scantokens extra_endchar;
+ if proofing>0: makebox(proofrule); fi
+ chardx:=w; % desired width of the character in pixels
+ shipit;
+ endgroup enddef;
+string extra_beginchar, extra_endchar;
+def makebox(text r) =
+ for y=0,h,-d: r((0,y),(w,y)); endfor % horizontals
+ for x=0,w: r((x,-d),(x,h)); endfor % verticals
+ if charic<>0: r((w+charic*pt,h),(w+charic*pt,.5h)); fi
+ enddef;
+def maketicks(text r) =
+ for y=0,h,-d: r((0,y),(10,y)); r((w-10,y),(w,y)); endfor
+ for x=0,w: r((x,10-d),(x,-d)); r((x,h-10),(x,h)); endfor
+ if charic<>0: r((w+charic*pt,h-10),(w+charic*pt,h)); fi
+ enddef;
+def font_size expr x = designsize:=x enddef;
+def font_slant expr x = fontdimen 1: x enddef;
+def font_normal_space expr x = fontdimen 2: x enddef;
+def font_normal_stretch expr x = fontdimen 3: x enddef;
+def font_normal_shrink expr x = fontdimen 4: x enddef;
+def font_x_height expr x = fontdimen 5: x enddef;
+def font_quad expr x = fontdimen 6: x enddef;
+def font_extra_space expr x = fontdimen 7: x enddef;
+def font_identifier expr x = font_identifier_:=x enddef;
+def font_coding_scheme expr x = font_coding_scheme_:=x enddef;
+string font_identifier_, font_coding_scheme_;
+message "and a few last-minute items.";
+vardef z@#=(x@#,y@#) enddef;
+def openit = enddef;
+def showit = enddef;
+def clearxy = save x,y enddef;
+def clearit = currentpicture:=nullpicture enddef;
+def shipit =
+ if proofing>=0:
+ shipout currentpicture transformed
+ (identity shifted (xoffset,yoffset) scaled bp_per_pixel)
+ fi
+def cullit = enddef;
+newinternal xoffset, yoffset;
+def screenchars = enddef;
+def screenstrokes = enddef;
+def imagerules = enddef;
+def gfcorners = enddef;
+def nodisplays = enddef;
+def notransforms = let t_ = \ enddef;
+let bye = end; outer end,bye;
+clear_pen_memory; % initialize the `savepen' mechanism
+mode_setup; % establish proof mode as the default
+numeric mode,mag; % but leave mode and mag undefined
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..949e5bd0540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\input plain
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc0db8a57c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+% This file gives the macros for plain MetaPost
+% It contains all the features of plain METAFONT except those specific to
+% font-making. (See The METAFONTbook by D.E. Knuth).
+% There are also a number of macros for labeling figures, etc.
+string base_name, base_version; base_name="plain"; base_version="0.64";
+message "Preloading the plain mem file, version "&base_version;
+delimiters (); % this makes parentheses behave like parentheses
+def upto = step 1 until enddef; % syntactic sugar
+def downto = step -1 until enddef;
+def exitunless expr c = exitif not c enddef;
+let relax = \; % ignore the word `relax', as in TeX
+let \\ = \; % double relaxation is like single
+def ]] = ] ] enddef; % right brackets should be loners
+def -- = {curl 1}..{curl 1} enddef;
+def --- = .. tension infinity .. enddef;
+def ... = .. tension atleast 1 .. enddef;
+def gobble primary g = enddef;
+primarydef g gobbled gg = enddef;
+def hide(text t) = exitif numeric begingroup t;endgroup; enddef;
+def ??? = hide(interim showstopping:=1; showdependencies) enddef;
+def stop expr s = message s; gobble readstring enddef;
+def interact = % sets up to make "show" commands stop
+ hide(showstopping:=1; tracingonline:=1) enddef;
+def loggingall = % puts tracing info into the log
+ tracingcommands:=3; tracingtitles:=1; tracingequations:=1;
+ tracingcapsules:=1; tracingspecs:=2; tracingchoices:=1; tracinglostchars:=1;
+ tracingstats:=1; tracingoutput:=1; tracingmacros:=1; tracingrestores:=1;
+ enddef;
+def tracingall = % turns on every form of tracing
+ tracingonline:=1; showstopping:=1; loggingall enddef;
+def tracingnone = % turns off every form of tracing
+ tracingcommands:=0; tracingtitles:=0; tracingequations:=0;
+ tracingcapsules:=0; tracingspecs:=0; tracingchoices:=0; tracinglostchars:=0;
+ tracingstats:=0; tracingoutput:=0; tracingmacros:=0; tracingrestores:=0;
+ enddef;
+%% dash patterns
+vardef dashpattern(text t) =
+ save on, off, w;
+ let on=_on_;
+ let off=_off_;
+ w = 0;
+ nullpicture t
+tertiarydef p _on_ d =
+ begingroup save pic;
+ picture pic; pic=p;
+ addto pic doublepath (w,w)..(w+d,w);
+ w := w+d;
+ pic shifted (0,d)
+ endgroup
+tertiarydef p _off_ d =
+ begingroup w:=w+d;
+ p shifted (0,d)
+ endgroup
+%% basic constants and mathematical macros
+% numeric constants
+newinternal eps,epsilon,infinity,_;
+eps := .00049; % this is a pretty small positive number
+epsilon := 1/256/256; % but this is the smallest
+infinity := 4095.99998; % and this is the largest
+_ := -1; % internal constant to make macros unreadable but shorter
+newinternal mitered, rounded, beveled, butt, squared;
+mitered:=0; rounded:=1; beveled:=2; % linejoin types
+butt:=0; rounded:=1; squared:=2; % linecap types
+% pair constants
+pair right,left,up,down,origin;
+origin=(0,0); up=-down=(0,1); right=-left=(1,0);
+% path constants
+path quartercircle,halfcircle,fullcircle,unitsquare;
+fullcircle = makepath pencircle;
+halfcircle = subpath (0,4) of fullcircle;
+quartercircle = subpath (0,2) of fullcircle;
+% transform constants
+transform identity;
+for z=origin,right,up: z transformed identity = z; endfor
+% color constants
+color black, white, red, green, blue, background;
+black = (0,0,0);
+white = (1,1,1);
+red = (1,0,0);
+green = (0,1,0);
+blue = (0,0,1);
+background = white; % The user can reset this
+% picture constants
+picture blankpicture,evenly,withdots;
+blankpicture=nullpicture; % `display blankpicture...'
+evenly=dashpattern(on 3 off 3); % `dashed evenly'
+withdots=dashpattern(off 2.5 on 0 off 2.5); % `dashed withdots'
+% string constants
+string ditto, EOF;
+ditto = char 34; % ASCII double-quote mark
+EOF = char 0; % end-of-file for readfrom and
+% pen constants
+pen pensquare,penrazor,penspeck;
+pensquare = makepen(unitsquare shifted -(.5,.5));
+penrazor = makepen((-.5,0)--(.5,0)--cycle);
+penspeck=pensquare scaled eps;
+% nullary operators
+vardef whatever = save ?; ? enddef;
+% unary operators
+let abs = length;
+vardef round primary u =
+ if numeric u: floor(u+.5)
+ elseif pair u: (round xpart u, round ypart u)
+ else: u fi enddef;
+vardef ceiling primary x = -floor(-x) enddef;
+vardef byte primary s =
+ if string s: ASCII fi s enddef;
+vardef dir primary d = right rotated d enddef;
+vardef unitvector primary z = z/abs z enddef;
+vardef inverse primary T =
+ transform T_; T_ transformed T = identity; T_ enddef;
+vardef counterclockwise primary c =
+ if turningnumber c <= 0: reverse fi c enddef;
+vardef tensepath expr r =
+ for k=0 upto length r - 1: point k of r --- endfor
+ if cycle r: cycle else: point infinity of r fi enddef;
+vardef center primary p = .5[llcorner p, urcorner p] enddef;
+% binary operators
+primarydef x mod y = (x-y*floor(x/y)) enddef;
+primarydef x div y = floor(x/y) enddef;
+primarydef w dotprod z = (xpart w * xpart z + ypart w * ypart z) enddef;
+primarydef x**y = if y=2: x*x else: takepower y of x fi enddef;
+def takepower expr y of x =
+ if x>0: mexp(y*mlog x)
+ elseif (x=0) and (y>0): 0
+ else: 1
+ if y=floor y:
+ if y>=0: for n=1 upto y: *x endfor
+ else: for n=_ downto y: /x endfor
+ fi
+ else: hide(errmessage "Undefined power: " & decimal x&"**"&decimal y)
+ fi fi enddef;
+vardef direction expr t of p =
+ postcontrol t of p - precontrol t of p enddef;
+vardef directionpoint expr z of p =
+ a_:=directiontime z of p;
+ if a_<0: errmessage("The direction doesn't occur"); fi
+ point a_ of p enddef;
+secondarydef p intersectionpoint q =
+ begingroup save x_,y_; (x_,y_)=p intersectiontimes q;
+ if x_<0: errmessage("The paths don't intersect"); origin
+ else: .5[point x_ of p, point y_ of q] fi endgroup
+tertiarydef p softjoin q =
+ begingroup c_:=fullcircle scaled 2join_radius shifted point 0 of q;
+ a_:=ypart(c_ intersectiontimes p); b_:=ypart(c_ intersectiontimes q);
+ if a_<0:point 0 of p{direction 0 of p} else: subpath(0,a_) of p fi
+ ... if b_<0:{direction infinity of q}point infinity of q
+ else: subpath(b_,infinity) of q fi endgroup enddef;
+newinternal join_radius,a_,b_; path c_;
+path cuttings; % what got cut off
+tertiarydef a cutbefore b = % tries to cut as little as possible
+ begingroup save t;
+ (t, whatever) = a intersectiontimes b;
+ if t<0:
+ cuttings:=point 0 of a;
+ a
+ else: cuttings:= subpath (0,t) of a;
+ subpath (t,length a) of a
+ fi
+ endgroup
+tertiarydef a cutafter b =
+ reverse (reverse a cutbefore b)
+ hide(cuttings:=reverse cuttings)
+% special operators
+vardef incr suffix $ = $:=$+1; $ enddef;
+vardef decr suffix $ = $:=$-1; $ enddef;
+def reflectedabout(expr w,z) = % reflects about the line w..z
+ transformed
+ begingroup transform T_;
+ w transformed T_ = w; z transformed T_ = z;
+ xxpart T_ = -yypart T_; xypart T_ = yxpart T_; % T_ is a reflection
+ T_ endgroup enddef;
+def rotatedaround(expr z, d) = % rotates d degrees around z
+ shifted -z rotated d shifted z enddef;
+let rotatedabout = rotatedaround; % for roundabout people
+vardef min(expr u)(text t) = % t is a list of numerics, pairs, or strings
+ save u_; setu_ u; for uu = t: if uu<u_: u_:=uu; fi endfor
+ u_ enddef;
+vardef max(expr u)(text t) = % t is a list of numerics, pairs, or strings
+ save u_; setu_ u; for uu = t: if uu>u_: u_:=uu; fi endfor
+ u_ enddef;
+def setu_ primary u =
+ if pair u: pair u_ elseif string u: string u_ fi;
+ u_=u enddef;
+def flex(text t) = % t is a list of pairs
+ hide(n_:=0; for z=t: z_[incr n_]:=z; endfor
+ dz_:=z_[n_]-z_1)
+ z_1 for k=2 upto n_-1: ...z_[k]{dz_} endfor ...z_[n_] enddef;
+newinternal n_; pair z_[],dz_;
+def superellipse(expr r,t,l,b,s)=
+ r{up}...(s[xpart t,xpart r],s[ypart r,ypart t]){t-r}...
+ t{left}...(s[xpart t,xpart l],s[ypart l,ypart t]){l-t}...
+ l{down}...(s[xpart b,xpart l],s[ypart l,ypart b]){b-l}...
+ b{right}...(s[xpart b,xpart r],s[ypart r,ypart b]){r-b}...cycle enddef;
+vardef interpath(expr a,p,q) =
+ for t=0 upto length p-1: a[point t of p, point t of q]
+ ..controls a[postcontrol t of p, postcontrol t of q]
+ and a[precontrol t+1 of p, precontrol t+1 of q] .. endfor
+ if cycle p: cycle
+ else: a[point infinity of p, point infinity of q] fi enddef;
+vardef solve@#(expr true_x,false_x)= % @#(true_x)=true, @#(false_x)=false
+ tx_:=true_x; fx_:=false_x;
+ forever: x_:=.5[tx_,fx_]; exitif abs(tx_-fx_)<=tolerance;
+ if @#(x_): tx_ else: fx_ fi :=x_; endfor
+ x_ enddef; % now x_ is near where @# changes from true to false
+newinternal tolerance, tx_,fx_,x_; tolerance:=.01;
+vardef buildcycle(text ll) =
+ save ta_, tb_, k_, i_, pp_; path pp_[];
+ k_=0;
+ for q=ll: pp_[incr k_]=q; endfor
+ i_=k_;
+ for i=1 upto k_:
+ (ta_[i], length pp_[i_]-tb_[i_]) =
+ pp_[i] intersectiontimes reverse pp_[i_];
+ if ta_[i]<0:
+ errmessage("Paths "& decimal i &" and "& decimal i_ &" don't intersect");
+ fi
+ i_ := i;
+ endfor
+ for i=1 upto k_: subpath (ta_[i],tb_[i]) of pp_[i] .. endfor
+ cycle
+%% units of measure
+mm=2.83464; pt=0.99626; dd=1.06601; bp:=1;
+cm=28.34645; pc=11.95517; cc=12.79213; in:=72;
+vardef magstep primary m = mexp(46.67432m) enddef;
+%% macros for drawing and filling
+def drawoptions(text t) =
+ def _op_ = t enddef
+linejoin:=rounded; % parameters that effect drawing
+pen currentpen;
+picture currentpicture;
+def fill expr c = addto currentpicture contour c _op_ enddef;
+def draw expr p =
+ addto currentpicture
+ if picture p:
+ also p
+ else:
+ doublepath p withpen currentpen
+ fi
+ _op_
+def filldraw expr c =
+ addto currentpicture contour c withpen currentpen
+ _op_ enddef;
+def drawdot expr z =
+ addto currentpicture contour makepath currentpen shifted z
+ _op_ enddef;
+def unfill expr c = fill c withcolor background enddef;
+def undraw expr p = draw p withcolor background enddef;
+def unfilldraw expr c = filldraw c withcolor background enddef;
+def undrawdot expr z = drawdot z withcolor background enddef;
+def erase text t =
+ def _e_ = withcolor background hide(def _e_=enddef;) enddef;
+ t _e_
+def _e_= enddef;
+def cutdraw text t =
+ begingroup interim linecap:=butt; draw t _e_; endgroup enddef;
+vardef image(text t) =
+ save currentpicture;
+ picture currentpicture;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture;
+ t;
+ currentpicture
+def pickup secondary q =
+ if numeric q: numeric_pickup_ else: pen_pickup_ fi q enddef;
+def numeric_pickup_ primary q =
+ if unknown pen_[q]: errmessage "Unknown pen"; clearpen
+ else: currentpen:=pen_[q];
+ pen_lft:=pen_lft_[q];
+ pen_rt:=pen_rt_[q];
+ pen_top:=pen_top_[q];
+ pen_bot:=pen_bot_[q];
+ currentpen_path:=pen_path_[q] fi; enddef;
+def pen_pickup_ primary q =
+ currentpen:=q;
+ pen_lft:=xpart penoffset down of currentpen;
+ pen_rt:=xpart penoffset up of currentpen;
+ pen_top:=ypart penoffset left of currentpen;
+ pen_bot:=ypart penoffset right of currentpen;
+ path currentpen_path; enddef;
+newinternal pen_lft,pen_rt,pen_top,pen_bot,pen_count_;
+vardef savepen = pen_[incr pen_count_]=currentpen;
+ pen_lft_[pen_count_]=pen_lft;
+ pen_rt_[pen_count_]=pen_rt;
+ pen_top_[pen_count_]=pen_top;
+ pen_bot_[pen_count_]=pen_bot;
+ pen_path_[pen_count_]=currentpen_path;
+ pen_count_ enddef;
+def clearpen = currentpen:=nullpen;
+ pen_lft:=pen_rt:=pen_top:=pen_bot:=0;
+ path currentpen_path;
+ enddef;
+def clear_pen_memory =
+ pen_count_:=0;
+ numeric pen_lft_[],pen_rt_[],pen_top_[],pen_bot_[];
+ pen currentpen,pen_[];
+ path currentpen_path, pen_path_[];
+ enddef;
+vardef lft primary x = x + if pair x: (pen_lft,0) else: pen_lft fi enddef;
+vardef rt primary x = x + if pair x: (pen_rt,0) else: pen_rt fi enddef;
+vardef top primary y = y + if pair y: (0,pen_top) else: pen_top fi enddef;
+vardef bot primary y = y + if pair y: (0,pen_bot) else: pen_bot fi enddef;
+vardef penpos@#(expr b,d) =
+ (x@#r-x@#l,y@#r-y@#l)=(b,0) rotated d;
+ x@#=.5(x@#l+x@#r); y@#=.5(y@#l+y@#r) enddef;
+def penstroke text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ fill path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle enddef;
+path path_.l,path_.r;
+%% High level drawing commands
+newinternal ahlength, ahangle;
+ahlength := 4; % default arrowhead length 4bp
+ahangle := 45; % default head angle 45 degrees
+vardef arrowhead expr p =
+ save q,e; path q; pair e;
+ e = point length p of p;
+ q = gobble(p shifted -e cutafter makepath(pencircle scaled 2ahlength))
+ cuttings;
+ (q rotated .5ahangle & reverse q rotated -.5ahangle -- cycle) shifted e
+path _apth;
+def drawarrow expr p = _apth:=p; _finarr enddef;
+def drawdblarrow expr p = _apth:=p; _findarr enddef;
+def _finarr text t =
+ draw _apth t;
+ filldraw arrowhead _apth t
+def _findarr text t =
+ draw _apth t;
+ filldraw arrowhead _apth withpen currentpen t;
+ filldraw arrowhead reverse _apth withpen currentpen t
+%% macros for labels
+newinternal bboxmargin; bboxmargin:=2bp;
+vardef bbox primary p =
+ llcorner p-(bboxmargin,bboxmargin) -- lrcorner p+(bboxmargin,-bboxmargin)
+ -- urcorner p+(bboxmargin,bboxmargin) -- ulcorner p+(-bboxmargin,bboxmargin)
+ -- cycle
+string defaultfont;
+newinternal defaultscale, labeloffset;
+defaultfont = "cmr10";
+defaultscale := 1;
+labeloffset := 3bp;
+vardef thelabel@#(expr s,z) = % Position s near z
+ save p; picture p;
+ if picture s: p=s
+ else: p = s infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale
+ fi;
+ p shifted (z + labeloffset*laboff@# -
+ (labxf@#*lrcorner p + labyf@#*ulcorner p
+ + (1-labxf@#-labyf@#)*llcorner p
+ )
+ )
+def label = draw thelabel enddef;
+newinternal dotlabeldiam; dotlabeldiam:=3bp;
+vardef dotlabel@#(expr s,z) =
+ label@#(s,z);
+ interim linecap:=rounded;
+ draw z withpen pencircle scaled dotlabeldiam;
+def makelabel = dotlabel enddef;
+pair laboff, laboff.lft, laboff.rt,,;
+pair laboff.ulft, laboff.llft, laboff.urt, laboff.lrt;
+laboff =(0,0); labxf =.5; labyf =.5;
+laboff.lft=(-1,0); labxf.lft=1; labyf.lft=.5;
+laboff.rt =(1,0); labxf.rt =0; labyf.rt =.5;,-1);;;,1);;;
+laboff.ulft=(-.7,.7);labxf.ulft=1; labyf.ulft=0;
+laboff.urt=(.7,.7); labxf.urt=0; labyf.urt=0;
+laboff.llft=-(.7,.7);labxf.llft=1; labyf.llft=1;
+laboff.lrt=(.7,-.7); labxf.lrt=0; labyf.lrt=1;
+vardef labels@#(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t:
+ label@#(str$,z$); endfor
+ enddef;
+vardef dotlabels@#(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $=t:
+ dotlabel@#(str$,z$); endfor
+ enddef;
+vardef penlabels@#(text t) =
+ forsuffixes $$=l,,r: forsuffixes $=t:
+ makelabel@#(str$.$$,z$.$$); endfor endfor
+ enddef;
+def range expr x = numtok[x] enddef;
+def numtok suffix x=x enddef;
+tertiarydef m thru n =
+ m for x=m+1 step 1 until n: , numtok[x] endfor enddef;
+%% Overall adminstration
+string extra_beginfig, extra_endfig;
+extra_beginfig = extra_endfig = "";
+def beginfig(expr c) =
+ begingroup
+ charcode:=c;
+ clearxy; clearit; clearpen;
+ pickup defaultpen;
+ drawoptions();
+ scantokens extra_beginfig;
+def endfig =
+ scantokens extra_endfig;
+ shipit;
+ endgroup
+%% last-minute items
+vardef z@#=(x@#,y@#) enddef;
+def clearxy = save x,y enddef;
+def clearit = currentpicture:=nullpicture enddef;
+def shipit = shipout currentpicture enddef;
+let bye = end; outer end,bye;
+clear_pen_memory; % initialize the `savepen' mechanism
+newinternal defaultpen;
+pickup pencircle scaled .5bp; % set default line width
+defaultpen := savepen;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b083ba30579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% This macro package is exactly like except that it defines
+% an additional macro rboxit<box name>(<string or picture>) that produces
+% rectangular boxes with rounded corners.
+\input boxes
+% Rectangular boxes with rounded corners
+newinternal rbox_radius;
+rbox_radius := 8bp;
+vardef rboxit@#(text tt) =
+ beginbox_("rboxpath_","sizebox_",@#,tt);
+ generic_declare(pair) _n.sw, _n.s,, _n.e,, _n.n, _n.nw, _n.w;
+ 0 = xpart (@#nw-@#sw) = ypart(@#se-@#sw);
+ 0 = xpart(@#ne-@#se) = ypart(@#ne-@#nw);
+ @#w = .5[@#nw,@#sw];
+ @#s = .5[@#sw,@#se];
+ @#e = .5[@#ne,@#se];
+ @#n = .5[@#ne,@#nw];
+ @#ne-@#c = @#c-@#sw = (@#dx,@#dy) + .5*(urcorner pic_@# - llcorner pic_@#);
+ endbox_(clearb_,@#);
+def rboxpath_(suffix $) =
+ save _r;
+ _r = min(rbox_radius, .5*ypart($.n-$.s), .5*xpart($.e-$.w));
+ $.sw+(_r,0) {right}..{right} $.se-(_r,0)
+ ..$.se+(0,_r) {up}..{up} $.ne-(0,_r)
+ ..$.ne-(_r,0) {left}..{left} $.nw+(_r,0)
+ ..$.nw-(0,_r) {down}..{down} $.sw+(0,_r) .. cycle
+% sizebox_ and clearb_ are defined in
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26f99c0fa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Macros for arithmetic on strings that represent big numbers
+% All the macros below except ordinary numeric values as well
+% Scvnum <number> % convert to an ordinary numeric
+% Sabs <number> % absolute value
+% <number> Sadd <number> % add
+% <number> Ssub <number> % subtract
+% <number> Smul <number> % multiply
+% <number> Sdiv <number> % divide
+% <number> Sleq <number> % compare <=
+% <number> Sneq <number> % numeric compare <>
+% All other externally visible names start with `S' and end with `_'
+if unknown Mzero:
+ begingroup interim % starts with `warningcheck:=0'
+ input marith
+ endgroup; % restore warningcheck; we zero it when necessary
+vardef Sunop_(expr x)(text o) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ o if numeric x: decimal fi x
+vardef Sbinop_@#(expr a, b)(text o) =
+ interim warningcheck:=0;
+ @# (Mlog_Str a o Mlog_Str b)
+def Ssbinop_ = Sbinop_.Mexp_str enddef;
+vardef Sabs primary x = Sunop_(x, Mexp_str Mabs Mlog_str) enddef;
+vardef Scvnum primary x = Sunop_(x, Mexp Mlog_str) enddef;
+% The inverse of Scvnum is the `decimal' primitive.
+primarydef a Smul b = Ssbinop_(a,b,Mmul) enddef;
+primarydef a Sdiv b = Ssbinop_(a,b,Mdiv) enddef;
+secondarydef a Sadd b = Ssbinop_(a,b,Madd) enddef;
+secondarydef a Ssub b = Ssbinop_(a,b,Msub) enddef;
+tertiarydef a Sleq b = Sbinop_(a,b,Mleq) enddef;
+tertiarydef a Sneq b = Sbinop_(a,b,<>) enddef;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2cf5a7ff4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% String manipulation routines for MetaPost
+% It is harmless to input this file more than once.
+vardef isdigit primary d =
+ ("0"<=d)and(d<="9") enddef;
+% Number of initial characters of string s where `c <character>' is true
+vardef cspan(expr s)(text c) =
+ 0
+ for i=1 upto length s:
+ exitunless c substring (i-1,i) of s;
+ + 1
+ endfor
+% String s is composed of items separated by white space. Lop off the first
+% item and the surrounding white space and return just the item.
+vardef loptok suffix s =
+ save t, k;
+ k = cspan(s," ">=);
+ if k>0: s:=substring(k,infinity) of s; fi
+ k := cspan(s," "<);
+ string t;
+ t = substring (0,k) of s;
+ s := substring (k,infinity) of s;
+ s := substring (cspan(s," ">=),infinity) of s;
+ t
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..afb311c3e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Default init_numbers for use with TeX
+% Don't input this uses this file
+ \ifx\documentstyle\undefined \else
+ \ifx\blackandwhite\undefined
+ \documentstyle{article}
+ \else \documentstyle{slides}
+ \fi
+ \begin{document}
+ \fi
+init_numbers(btex$-$etex, btex$1$etex, btex${\times}10$etex,
+ btex${}^-$etex, btex${}^2$etex);
+Fe_base := btex $10$ etex;
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28d6f0fe452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metapost/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+% Default init_numbers for use with troff
+% Don't input this uses this file
+init_numbers(btex$-$etex, btex$1$etex, btex$ times 10$etex,
+ btex$"" sup -$etex, btex$"" sup 2$etex);
+Fe_base := btex $10$ etex;