path: root/Master/texmf-dist/metafont/feynmf/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/metafont/feynmf/')
1 files changed, 1981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/metafont/feynmf/ b/Master/texmf-dist/metafont/feynmf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef6ade4fe69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/metafont/feynmf/
@@ -0,0 +1,1981 @@
+%% This is file `',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% feynmf.dtx (with options: `base')
+%% Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1992-1995 by
+%% This file is NOT the source for feynmf, because almost all comments
+%% have been stripped from it. It is NOT the preferred form of feynmf
+%% for making modifications to it.
+%% Therefore you can NOT redistribute and/or modify THIS file. You can
+%% however redistribute the complete source (feynmf.dtx and feynmf.ins)
+%% and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+%% your option) any later version.
+%% As a special exception, you can redistribute parts of this file for
+%% the electronic distribution of scientific papers, provided that you
+%% include a short note pointing to the complete source.
+%% Feynmf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+%% \CheckSum{924}
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+def subgraph (expr x, y, wd, ht) =
+ begingroup
+ save c, ne, nw, sw, se;
+ pair c, ne, nw, sw, se;
+ sw = (x,y);
+ se = sw + (wd,0);
+ nw = sw + (0,ht);
+ ne = sw + (wd,ht);
+ c = .5[sw,ne];
+def endsubgraph =
+ endgroup
+if known cmbase:
+ errhelp
+ "feynmf will only work with plain Metafont, as described in the book.";
+ errmessage "feynmf: CMBASE detected. Please use the PLAIN base.";
+ forever:
+ errmessage "No use in trying! You'd better eXit now ...";
+ errorstopmode;
+ endfor
+vardef parse_RCS (suffix RCS) (expr s) =
+ save n, c;
+ numeric n, RCS[];
+ string c;
+ RCS[0] := 0;
+ for n = 1 upto length (s):
+ c := substring (n-1,n) of s;
+ exitif ((RCS[0] > 0) and (c = " "));
+ if ((c = "0") or (c = "1") or (c = "2")
+ or (c = "3") or (c = "4") or (c = "5")
+ or (c = "6") or (c = "7") or (c = "8")
+ or (c = "9")):
+ if RCS[0] = 0:
+ RCS[0] := 1;
+ RCS[RCS[0]] := 0;
+ fi
+ RCS[RCS[0]] := 10 * RCS[RCS[0]] + scantokens (c);
+ elseif c = ".":
+ RCS[0] := RCS[0] + 1;
+ RCS[RCS[0]] := 0;
+ else:
+ fi
+ endfor
+vardef require_RCS_revision expr s =
+ save n, TeX_rev, mf_rev;
+ numeric n;
+ parse_RCS (TeX_rev, s);
+ parse_RCS (mf_rev, "$Revision: 1.30 $");
+ for n = 1 upto min (2, TeX_rev[0], mf_rev[0]):
+ if TeX_rev[n] > mf_rev[n]:
+ errhelp
+ "Your version of `feynmf.sty' is higher that of your `'.";
+ errmessage "feynmf: Metafont macros out of date";
+ elseif TeX_rev[n] < mf_rev[n]:
+ errhelp
+ "Your version of `' is higher that of your `feynmf.sty'.";
+ errmessage "feynmf: LaTeX style out of date";
+ fi
+ exitif (TeX_rev[n] <> mf_rev[n]);
+ endfor
+boolean feynmfwizard;
+feynmfwizard := false;
+thin# := 1pt#; % dimension of the lines
+thick# := 2thin#;
+arrow_len# := 4mm#;
+arrow_ang := 15;
+curly_len# := 3mm#;
+dash_len# := 3mm#; % 'photon' lines
+dot_len# := 2mm#; % 'photon' lines
+wiggly_len# := 4mm#; % 'photon' lines
+wiggly_slope := 60;
+zigzag_len# := 2mm#;
+zigzag_width# := 2thick#;
+decor_size# := 5mm#;
+dot_size# := 2thick#;
+define_blacker_pixels (thick, thin,
+ dash_len, dot_len, wiggly_len, curly_len,
+ zigzag_len, zigzag_width, arrow_len, decor_size, dot_size);
+def shrink expr s =
+ begingroup
+ if shrinkables <> "":
+ save tmp_;
+ forsuffixes $ = scantokens shrinkables:
+ if known $.#:
+ tmp_ := $.#;
+ save $;
+ $.# := s * tmp_;
+ define_blacker_pixels ($);
+ else:
+ tmp_ := $;
+ save $;
+ $ := s * tmp_;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ fi
+def endshrink =
+ endgroup
+string shrinkables;
+shrinkables := "";
+vardef addto_shrinkables (text l) =
+ forsuffixes $ = l:
+ shrinkables := shrinkables & "," & str $;
+ endfor
+shrinkables := "thick,thin";
+addto_shrinkables (dash_len, dot_len);
+addto_shrinkables (wiggly_len, curly_len);
+addto_shrinkables (zigzag_len, zigzag_width);
+addto_shrinkables (arrow_len);
+addto_shrinkables (decor_size, dot_size);
+LaTeX_unitlength := mm;
+vardef count (text list) =
+ forsuffixes $ = list: + 1 endfor
+vardef getopt (suffix opt) (expr s) =
+ save n, argp, escape, anchor, skip;
+ numeric opt.first, opt.last, n, anchor;
+ string opt[], opt[]arg;
+ boolean opt[]tainted, argp, escape, skip;
+ opt.first := 0;
+ opt.last := 0;
+ opt[opt.last] := "";
+ argp := false;
+ escape := false;
+ anchor := 0;
+ skip := true;
+ for n = 1 upto length (s):
+ if skip and (substring (n-1, n) of s = " "):
+ anchor := anchor + 1;
+ else:
+ skip := false;
+ if not escape and (substring (n-1, n) of s = ","):
+ if substring (n, n+1) of s = ",":
+ escape := true;
+ opt[opt.last]tainted := true;
+ else:
+ if argp:
+ opt[opt.last]arg := substring (anchor, n-1) of s;
+ else:
+ opt[opt.last] := substring (anchor, n-1) of s;
+ fi
+ anchor := n;
+ argp := false;
+ skip := true;
+ opt.last := opt.last + 1;
+ fi
+ elseif not argp and (substring (n-1, n) of s = "="):
+ opt[opt.last] := substring (anchor, n-1) of s;
+ anchor := n;
+ argp := true;
+ skip := true;
+ elseif argp or (substring (n-1, n) of s <> " "):
+ escape := false;
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor
+ if argp:
+ opt[opt.last]arg := substring (anchor, length s) of s;
+ else:
+ opt[opt.last] := substring (anchor, length s) of s;
+ fi
+ for n = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ if known opt[n]tainted:
+ if opt[n]tainted:
+ opt[n]arg := untaint_string opt[n]arg;
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor
+vardef untaint_string suffix s =
+ save n, anchor;
+ numeric n, anchor;
+ anchor := 0;
+ for n = 1 upto length (s) - 1:
+ if substring (n-1,n+1) of s = ",,":
+ substring (anchor, n-1) of s &
+ hide (anchor := n)
+ fi
+ endfor
+ substring (anchor, length s) of s
+vardef split_string (suffix comp) (expr s) =
+ save n, anchor;
+ numeric comp.first, comp.last, n, anchor;
+ string comp[];
+ comp.first := 0;
+ comp.last := 0;
+ comp[comp.last] := "";
+ anchor := 0;
+ for n = 1 upto length (s):
+ if substring (n-1,n) of s = ".":
+ comp[comp.last] := substring (anchor, n-1) of s;
+ comp.last := comp.last + 1;
+ anchor := n;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ comp[comp.last] := substring (anchor, length s) of s;
+vardef match_prefix (expr prefix, s) =
+ (prefix = substring (0, length prefix) of s)
+vardef match_option (expr s, option) =
+ save sc, optionc, n, i;
+ numeric sc.first, sc.last, optionc.first, optionc.last;
+ string sc[], optionc[];
+ numeric n, i;
+ split_string (sc, s);
+ split_string (optionc, option);
+ n := sc.last - sc.first;
+ if n <> (optionc.last - optionc.first):
+ false
+ else:
+ true
+ for i = 0 upto n:
+ and match_prefix (sc[sc.first+i],
+ optionc[optionc.first+i])
+ endfor
+ fi
+def save_picture text t =
+ save t; picture t; forsuffixes p=t: p:=nullpicture; endfor
+def begin_sketch =
+ begingroup save_picture currentpicture;
+ sketchlevel := sketchlevel+1;
+def end_sketch =
+ sketchlevel := sketchlevel-1;
+ sketchpad[sketchlevel] := currentpicture;
+ endgroup
+picture sketchpad[];
+sketchlevel := 1;
+vardef use_sketch text t =
+ addto currentpicture also (sketchpad[sketchlevel] t)
+vardef cdraw expr p =
+ draw p
+vardef cfill expr p =
+ fill p
+vardef cfilldraw expr p =
+ filldraw p
+vardef ccutdraw expr p =
+ interim autorounding := 0;
+ cutdraw p
+vardef cdrawdot expr p =
+ drawdot p
+vardef isdigit expr s =
+ save n;
+ (s = "0")
+ for n = 1 upto 9:
+ or (s = decimal n)
+ endfor
+vardef digits_index (expr s, start) =
+ save n, m, from, to;
+ for n = start upto (length s)-1:
+ if isdigit (substring (n,n+1) of s):
+ from := n;
+ for m = n upto length s:
+ if not isdigit (substring (m,m+1) of s):
+ to := m;
+ fi
+ exitif known to;
+ endfor
+ fi
+ exitif known from;
+ endfor
+ (from, if known to: to else: infinity fi)
+vardef digits_to_brackets suffix suf =
+ save s, idx;
+ string s;
+ pair idx;
+ s = str suf;
+ idx = (0,0);
+ forever:
+ idx := digits_index (s, xpart idx);
+ exitif unknown xpart idx;
+ s := substring (0,xpart idx) of s
+ & "[]" & substring (ypart idx,infinity) of s;
+ endfor
+ s
+tile_grain := 1in/300;
+vardef def_tile (suffix t) (expr wd, ht) =
+ if not picture tlist.t:
+ picture tlist.scantokens (digits_to_brackets t);
+ fi
+ tlist.t := nullpicture;
+ tlist.t.dx := max (floor wd, 1);
+ tlist.t.dy := max (floor ht, 1);
+vardef use_tile (suffix t) (expr x, y, wd, ht) =
+ if (picture tlist.t):
+ for nx = 0 upto wd/tlist.t.dx:
+ for ny = 0 upto ht/tlist.t.dy:
+ addto currentpicture
+ also (tlist.t shifted
+ ((x,y) + (nx*tlist.t.dx, ny*tlist.t.dy)) t_);
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ else:
+ errhelp "feynmf: your tiling has not been defined, "
+ & "check spelling and reprocess!";
+ errmessage "feynmf: tiling `" & str t & "' not known, "
+ & "replaced by `shaded'";
+ use_tile (shaded, x, y, wd, ht);
+ fi
+vardef shade_rectangle (expr dd, x, y, wd, ht) =
+ save d, u, dx, dy, currentpen;
+ pen currentpen;
+ pickup pencircle scaled thin;
+ d := max (floor (abs dd), 1);
+ dx := max (wd, ht);
+ dy := max (wd, ht);
+ for u = 0 step d/dx until 1:
+ if dd > 0:
+ cdraw (x-d,y+u*dy-d)--(x+(1-u)*dx+d,y+dy+d);
+ cdraw (x+u*dx-d,y-d)--(x+dx+d,y+(1-u)*dy+d);
+ else:
+ cdraw (x-d,y+u*dy+d)--(x+u*dx+d,y-d);
+ cdraw (x+(1-u)*dx-d,y+dy+d)--(x+dx+d,y+(1-u)*dy-d);
+ fi
+ endfor
+def addto_tile (suffix t) =
+ addto tlist.t
+vardef tile_from_string (suffix t) (expr str) =
+ tile_grain := max (floor tile_grain, 1);
+ save grain, mx, x, y, n, c, pic;
+ string c;
+ picture pic;
+ pic := nullpicture;
+ grain := tile_grain;
+ mx := 0;
+ x := 0;
+ y := 0;
+ for n := 1 upto length str:
+ c := substring (n-1,n) of str;
+ if c = "/":
+ mx := max (mx, x);
+ y := y+1;
+ x := 0;
+ elseif c = "*":
+ addto pic also (unitpixel shifted (x,-y) t_);
+ x := x+1;
+ elseif c = ".":
+ x := x+1;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ def_tile (t, grain*mx, grain*(y+1));
+ addto_tile (t) also (pic shifted (0,y) scaled grain t_);
+ pic := nullpicture;
+tile_from_string (gray10,
+ " ... /"&
+ " .*. /"&
+ " ... ");
+tile_from_string (gray25,
+ " .. /"&
+ " *. ");
+tile_from_string (gray50,
+ " .* /"&
+ " *. ");
+tile_from_string (gray75,
+ " ** /"&
+ " .* ");
+tile_from_string (gray90,
+ " *** /"&
+ " *.* /"&
+ " *** ");
+def_tile (shaded, 4thin, 4thin);
+pickup pencircle scaled thin;
+ save dx, dy;
+ (dx,dy) = (tlist.shaded.dx,tlist.shaded.dy);
+ shade_rectangle (dx, 0, 0, dx, dy);
+ cullit;
+ fill unitsquare xscaled dx yscaled dy;
+ cull currentpicture keeping (2,infinity);
+ tlist.shaded := currentpicture;
+def_tile (hatched, 5thin, 5thin);
+ save dx, dy;
+ (dx,dy) = (tlist.hatched.dx,tlist.hatched.dy);
+ shade_rectangle (dx, 0, 0, dx, dy);
+ shade_rectangle (-dx, 0, 0, dx, dy);
+ cullit;
+ fill unitsquare xscaled dx yscaled dy;
+ cull currentpicture keeping (2,infinity);
+ tlist.hatched := currentpicture;
+vardef make_halftone (suffix t) (expr g, wd, ht) =
+ tile_grain := max (floor tile_grain, 1);
+ if (halftone_cache_g <> g)
+ or (halftone_cache_grain <> tile_grain)
+ or (halftone_cache_wd <> wd)
+ or (halftone_cache_ht <> ht):
+ halftone_cache_g := g;
+ halftone_cache_grain := tile_grain;
+ halftone_cache_wd := wd;
+ halftone_cache_ht := ht;
+ grain := tile_grain;
+ def_tile (t, grain*wd, grain*ht);
+ if g <= 0:
+ addto_tile (t) contour unitsquare xscaled wd yscaled ht scaled grain t_;
+ elseif g < 1:
+ save period, offset, b, w;
+ period := max (1/g, 1/(1-g));
+ offset := wd - (period * ceiling (wd/period)) mod wd;
+ b := 0;
+ w := 0;
+ randomseed := halftone_randomseed;
+ for y = 0 upto ht-1:
+ for x = 0 upto wd-1:
+ if w > g*(b+w):
+ addto_tile (t) also (unitpixel
+ shifted (floor (x + y*offset + 2*uniformdeviate period)
+ mod wd, y)
+ scaled grain t_);
+ b := b+1;
+ else:
+ w := w+1;
+ fi;
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ cull tlist.t keeping (1,infinity);
+ fi
+ fi
+halftone_cache_g := -1;
+halftone_cache_grain := -1;
+halftone_cache_wd := -1;
+halftone_cache_ht := -1;
+halftone_randomseed := 137;
+vardef tile (suffix t) (expr p) =
+ save u, x, y, max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y, xx, yy;
+ -max_x = -max_y = min_x = min_y = infinity;
+ for u = 0 step 0.1 until length p:
+ x := xpart (point u of p);
+ y := ypart (point u of p);
+ max_x := max(max_x, x);
+ max_y := max(max_y, y);
+ min_x := min(min_x, x);
+ min_y := min(min_y, y);
+ endfor
+ cullit withweight 2;
+ use_tile (t, min_x, min_y, max_x-min_x, max_y-min_y);
+ fill p;
+ cull currentpicture keeping (2,infinity)
+vardef drawtile (suffix t) (expr p) =
+ tile (t, p);
+ cdraw p
+vardef use_halftone (expr g, x, y, wd, ht) =
+ make_halftone (__tmp_tile__, g, 50, 50);
+ use_tile (__tmp_tile__, x, y, wd, ht)
+vardef halftone (expr g, p) =
+ make_halftone (__tmp_tile__, g, 50, 50);
+ tile (__tmp_tile__, p)
+vardef drawhalftone (expr g, p) =
+ halftone (g, p);
+ cdraw p
+vardef shade expr p =
+ tile (shaded, p)
+vardef hatch expr p =
+ tile (hatched, p)
+vardef emptydraw expr p =
+ cullit;
+ unfill p;
+ cullit;
+ cdraw p;
+vardef shadedraw expr p =
+ cullit;
+ unfill p;
+ cullit;
+ shade p;
+ cdraw p;
+vardef hatchdraw expr p =
+ cullit;
+ unfill p;
+ cullit;
+ hatch p;
+ cdraw p;
+vardef marrow (expr p, frac) =
+ save a, t, z;
+ pair z;
+ a = angle direction frac*length(p) of p;
+ z = point frac*length(p) of p;
+ (t1,whatever) = p intersectiontimes
+ (halfcircle scaled 2/3arrow_len rotated (a+90) shifted z);
+ (t2,whatever) = p intersectiontimes
+ (halfcircle scaled 4/3arrow_len rotated (a-90) shifted z);
+ arrow_head (p, t1, t2, arrow_ang)
+vardef tarrow (expr p, frac) =
+ save a, t, z;
+ pair z;
+ t1 = frac*length p;
+ a = angle direction t1 of p;
+ z = point t1 of p;
+ (t2,whatever) = p intersectiontimes
+ (halfcircle scaled 2arrow_len rotated (a-90) shifted z);
+ arrow_head (p, t1, t2, arrow_ang)
+vardef harrow (expr p, frac) =
+ save a, t, z;
+ pair z;
+ t2 = frac*length p;
+ a = angle direction t2 of p;
+ z = point t2 of p;
+ (t1,whatever) = p intersectiontimes
+ (halfcircle scaled 2arrow_len rotated (a+90) shifted z);
+ arrow_head (p, t1, t2, arrow_ang)
+vardef arrow_head (expr p, from, to, ang) =
+ save tip, ap, t;
+ pair tip;
+ path ap;
+ t1 := from;
+ t2 := to;
+ if t1 = -1: t1 := 0; fi
+ if t2 = -1: t2 := infinity; fi
+ tip = point t2 of p;
+ ap = subpath (t1,t2) of p shifted -tip;
+ (ap rotated ang
+ forced_join reverse ap rotated -ang
+ -- cycle) shifted tip
+vardef arrow expr p =
+ marrow (p, .5)
+tertiarydef p forced_join q =
+ subpath (0, length p - 1) of p
+ & point (length p - 1) of p
+ .. controls postcontrol (length p - 1) of p
+ and precontrol infinity of p
+ .. .5[point infinity of p, point 0 of q]
+ .. controls postcontrol 0 of q and precontrol 1 of q
+ .. point 1 of q
+ & subpath (1, infinity) of q
+vardef cut_decors (suffix from) (expr p) (suffix to) =
+ subpath (if known from.decor.shape:
+ xpart (p intersectiontimes
+ (from.decor.shape scaled from.decor.size
+ shifted from.loc))
+ else:
+ 0
+ fi,
+ if known to.decor.shape:
+ length p
+ - xpart (reverse p intersectiontimes
+ (to.decor.shape scaled to.decor.size
+ shifted to.loc))
+ else:
+ infinity
+ fi) of p
+vardef make_blob (expr z_arg, diameter) =
+ save p,currentpen; path p; pen currentpen;
+ pickup pencircle scaled thick;
+ p = fullcircle scaled diameter shifted z_arg;
+ shadedraw p;
+vardef draw_blob (expr z_arg, diameter) =
+ if sketched_blob_diameter <> diameter: % drawn lately?
+ begin_sketch make_blob (origin, diameter); end_sketch; % redo hard work!
+ sketched_blob_diameter:= diameter; % record it
+ fi
+ use_sketch shifted z_arg; % the easy way ...
+def force_new_blob = sketched_blob_diameter := -1; enddef;
+force_new_blob; % initialize it.
+vardef pixlen (expr p, n) =
+ for k=1 upto length(p): + segment_pixlen (subpath (k-1,k) of p, n) endfor
+vardef segment_pixlen (expr p, n) =
+ for k=1 upto n: + abs (point k/n of p - point (k-1)/n of p) endfor
+vardef wiggly expr p_arg =
+ save wpp;
+ numeric wpp;
+ wpp = ceiling (pixlen (p_arg, 10) / wiggly_len) / length p_arg;
+ for k=0 upto wpp*length(p_arg) - 1:
+ point k/wpp of p_arg
+ {direction k/wpp of p_arg rotated wiggly_slope} ..
+ point (k+.5)/wpp of p_arg
+ {direction (k+.5)/wpp of p_arg rotated - wiggly_slope} ..
+ endfor
+ if cycle p_arg: cycle else: point infinity of p_arg fi
+vardef curly expr p =
+ save cpp;
+ numeric cpp;
+ cpp := ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / curly_len) / length p;
+ if cycle p:
+ for k=0 upto cpp*length(p) - 1:
+ point (k+.33)/cpp of p
+ {direction (k+.33)/cpp of p rotated 90} ..
+ point (k-.33)/cpp of p
+ {direction (k-.33)/cpp of p rotated -90} ..
+ endfor
+ cycle
+ else:
+ point 0 of p
+ {direction 0 of p rotated -90} ..
+ for k=1 upto cpp*length(p) - 1:
+ point (k+.33)/cpp of p
+ {direction (k+.33)/cpp of p rotated 90} ..
+ point (k-.33)/cpp of p
+ {direction (k-.33)/cpp of p rotated -90} ..
+ endfor
+ point infinity of p
+ {direction infinity of p rotated 90}
+ fi
+vardef zigzag expr p =
+ save zpp;
+ numeric zpp;
+ zpp = ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / zigzag_len) / length p;
+ if not cycle p:
+ point 0 of p --
+ fi
+ for k = 0 upto zpp*length(p) - 1:
+ point (k+1/3)/zpp of p shifted
+ (zigzag_width
+ * dir angle (direction (k+1/3)/zpp of p rotated 90)) --
+ point (k+2/3)/zpp of p shifted
+ (zigzag_width
+ * dir angle (direction (k+2/3)/zpp of p rotated -90)) --
+ endfor
+ if cycle p:
+ cycle
+ else:
+ point infinity of p
+ fi
+save vsty_hash;
+def style_def suffix s =
+ vsty_hash.s := 1;
+ expandafter quote vardef scantokens ("draw_" & str s)
+vardef vsty_exists suffix s =
+ known vsty_hash.s
+vardef valid_style expr s =
+ expandafter vsty_exists scantokens (s)
+style_def phantom expr p =
+ \
+style_def phantom_arrow expr p =
+ cfill (arrow p);
+style_def plain expr p =
+ cdraw p;
+style_def plain_arrow expr p =
+ cdraw p;
+ cfill (arrow p);
+style_def dbl_plain expr p =
+ draw_double p;
+style_def dbl_plain_arrow expr p =
+ draw_double_arrow p;
+style_def wiggly expr p =
+ cdraw (wiggly p);
+style_def dbl_wiggly expr p =
+ draw_double (wiggly p);
+style_def curly expr p =
+ cdraw (curly p);
+style_def dbl_curly expr p =
+ draw_double (curly p);
+style_def zigzag expr p =
+ cdraw (zigzag p);
+style_def dbl_zigzag expr p =
+ draw_double (zigzag p);
+style_def dashes expr p =
+ save dpp;
+ numeric dpp;
+ dpp = ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / dash_len) / length p;
+ for k=0 upto dpp*length(p) - 1:
+ cdraw point k/dpp of p ..
+ point (k+.5)/dpp of p;
+ endfor
+style_def dbl_dashes expr p =
+ save dpp;
+ numeric dpp;
+ dpp = ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / dash_len) / length p;
+ for k=0 upto dpp*length(p) - 1:
+ draw_double point k/dpp of p ..
+ point (k+.5)/dpp of p;
+ endfor
+style_def dbl_dashes_arrow expr p =
+ draw_dbl_dashes p;
+ shrink (1.5);
+ cfill (arrow p);
+ endshrink;
+style_def dashes_arrow expr p =
+ draw_dashes p;
+ cfill (arrow p);
+style_def dots expr p =
+ save dpp;
+ numeric dpp;
+ dpp = ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / dot_len) / length p;
+ for k=0 upto dpp*length(p):
+ cdrawdot point k/dpp of p;
+ endfor
+style_def dbl_dots expr p =
+ save dpp;
+ numeric dpp;
+ dpp = ceiling (pixlen (p, 10) / dot_len) / length p;
+ begingroup
+ save oldpen;
+ pen oldpen;
+ oldpen := currentpen;
+ pickup oldpen scaled 3; % draw a thick linn
+ for k=0 upto dpp*length(p):
+ cdrawdot point k/dpp of p;
+ endfor
+ pickup oldpen;
+ cullit;
+ for k=0 upto dpp*length(p):
+ undrawdot point k/dpp of p;
+ endfor
+ cullit; % and remove the stuffing
+ endgroup;
+style_def dbl_dots_arrow expr p =
+ draw_dbl_dots p;
+ shrink (1.5);
+ cfill (arrow p);
+ endshrink;
+style_def dots_arrow expr p =
+ draw_dots p;
+ cfill (arrow p);
+style_def double expr p =
+ save oldpen;
+ pen oldpen;
+ oldpen := currentpen;
+ pickup oldpen scaled 3;
+ ccutdraw p;
+ pickup oldpen;
+ cullit; undraw p; cullit;
+style_def double_arrow expr p =
+ draw_double p;
+ shrink (1.5);
+ cfill (arrow p);
+ endshrink;
+style_def vanilla expr p = draw_plain p enddef;
+style_def fermion expr p = draw_plain_arrow p enddef;
+style_def quark expr p = draw_plain_arrow p enddef;
+style_def electron expr p = draw_plain_arrow p enddef;
+style_def photon expr p = draw_wiggly p enddef;
+style_def boson expr p = draw_wiggly p enddef;
+style_def gluon expr p = draw_curly p enddef;
+style_def heavy expr p = draw_dbl_plain_arrow p enddef;
+style_def ghost expr p = draw_dots_arrow p enddef;
+style_def scalar expr p = draw_dashes_arrow p enddef;
+vardef fermion expr path_arg =
+ cfill (arrow (path_arg));
+ path_arg
+vardef photon expr path_arg =
+ wiggly path_arg
+vardef gluon expr path_arg =
+ curly path_arg
+boolean vtracing;
+vtracing := false; % true
+def vinit =
+ save vhash;
+ numeric vlist.first, vlist.last;
+ vlist.first := 1;
+ vlist.last := 0;
+ pair vlist[]loc;
+ numeric vlist[]decor.size, vlist[]decor.ang,
+ vlist[]arc.first, vlist[]arc.last,
+ vlist[]arc[], vlist[]arc[]lsr,
+ vlist[]arc[]tns, vlist[]arc[]lbl.dist,
+ vlist[]arc[]tag, vlist[]arc[]wd, vlist[]arc[]rub,
+ vlist[]constr.first, vlist[]constr.last,
+ vlist[]constr[], lambdax[][], lambday[][];
+ string vlist[]name, vlist[]lbl, vlist[]decor.sty,
+ vlist[]arc[]sty, vlist[]arc[]lbl, vlist[]arc[]lbl.side;
+ numeric vlist[]lbl.ang;
+ path vlist[]decor.shape;
+ numeric plist.first, plist.last, plist[]cnt, plist[]vtx[],
+ plist[]pull, plist[]lbl.ang, plist[]lbl.dist;
+ string plist[]lbl, plist[]sty, plist[]cona, plist[]conb;
+ plist.first := 1;
+ plist.last := 0;
+ numeric vlist[]poly.first, vlist[]poly.last,
+ vlist[]poly[], vlist[]poly[]idx;
+ pair lambdap[][];
+def vertices =
+ vlist.first upto vlist.last
+def varcs (text i) =
+ vlist[i]arc.first upto vlist[i]arc.last
+def vconstr (text i) =
+ vlist[i]constr.first upto vlist[i]constr.last
+def polygons =
+ plist.first upto plist.last
+def vpoly (text i) =
+ vlist[i]poly.first upto vlist[i]poly.last
+vardef venter suffix v =
+ if not vexists v:
+ vlist.last := vlist.last + 1;
+ vhash.v := vlist.last;
+ vlist[vhash.v]name := str v;
+ vlist[vhash.v]loc := (whatever,whatever);
+ vlist[vhash.v]arc.first := 1;
+ vlist[vhash.v]arc.last := 0;
+ vlist[vhash.v]constr.first := 1;
+ vlist[vhash.v]constr.last := 0;
+ vlist[vhash.v]lbl := "";
+ vlist[vhash.v]lbl.ang := whatever;
+ vlist[vhash.v]lbl.dist := 3thick;
+ vlist[vhash.v]poly.first := 1;
+ vlist[vhash.v]poly.last := 0;
+ fi
+vardef vexists suffix v =
+ if known vhash.v: true else: false fi
+vardef vlookup suffix v =
+ if vexists v: vhash.v else: 0 fi
+vardef vloc suffix v =
+ vlist[vlookup v]loc
+vardef vconnect (expr linesty) (text vl) =
+ save from, nfrom, nto, nopt, sty;
+ numeric from, nfrom, nto, nopt;
+ string sty;
+ getopt (opt, linesty);
+ sty := opt[opt.first];
+ if known opt[opt.first]arg:
+ message "feynmf: line styles don't take arguments. "
+ & "Argument `" & opt[opt.first]arg & "' ignored.";
+ fi
+ opt.first := opt.first + 1;
+ forsuffixes to = vl:
+ venter to;
+ nto := vlookup to;
+ if known nfrom:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc.last := vlist[nfrom]arc.last + 1;
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last] := nto;
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]tns := 1;
+ if nfrom <> nto:
+ vlist[nto]arc.last := vlist[nto]arc.last + 1;
+ vlist[nto]arc[vlist[nto]arc.last] := nfrom;
+ vlist[nto]arc[vlist[nto]arc.last]tns := 1;
+ fi
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl := "";
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl.side := "";
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl.dist := 3thick;
+ for nopt = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ if match_option (opt[nopt], "tension"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]tns);
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ vlist[nto]arc[vlist[nto]arc.last]tns);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "left"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr
+ := - scantokens (opt[nopt]arg);
+ else:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr := -1;
+ fi
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "straight"):
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr := 0;
+ ignore_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "right"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr
+ := scantokens (opt[nopt]arg);
+ else:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr := 1;
+ fi
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg,
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.side"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg,
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl.side);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.dist"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lbl.dist);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "tag"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]tag
+ := scantokens (opt[nopt]arg);
+ else:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]tag := 0;
+ fi
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "width"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]wd);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "foreground")
+ or match_option (opt[nopt], "background"):
+ message "feynmf: color available with MetaPost only!";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "rubout"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]rub
+ := scantokens (opt[nopt]arg);
+ else:
+ vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]rub := 2;
+ fi
+ else:
+ ignore_option (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ fi
+ endfor
+ handle_line_style (vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]sty, sty);
+ vlist[nto]arc[vlist[nto]arc.last]lsr
+ := vlist[nfrom]arc[vlist[nfrom]arc.last]lsr;
+ fi
+ nfrom := nto;
+ endfor
+vardef handle_line_style (suffix sty) (expr name) =
+ if valid_style name:
+ sty := name;
+ else:
+ errhelp "feynmf: your linestyle is not recognizable, "
+ & "check spelling and reprocess!";
+ errmessage "feynmf: line style `" & name & "' not known, "
+ & "replaced by `vanilla'";
+ sty := "vanilla";
+ fi
+vardef get_argument (expr opt, arg) (suffix variable) =
+ if known arg:
+ variable := arg;
+ else:
+ message "feynmf: option `" & opt & "' needs an argument. Ignored.";
+ fi
+vardef ignore_argument (expr opt, arg) =
+ if known arg:
+ message "feynmf: option `" & opt & "' doesn't take an argument. "
+ & "Argument `" & arg & "' ignored.";
+ fi
+vardef ignore_option (expr opt, arg)=
+ if known arg:
+ message "feynmf: ignoring option " & opt & "=" & arg & ".";
+ else:
+ message "feynmf: ignoring option " & opt & ".";
+ fi
+vardef vconnectn (expr linesty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vconnect (linesty, vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vpath@# (suffix from, to) =
+ save nfrom, nto, origin, index, unknown_path;
+ numeric nfrom, nto, origin, index;
+ path unknown_path;
+ if (known vloc from) and (known vloc to):
+ nfrom := vlookup from;
+ nto := vlookup to;
+ vmatch_path (nfrom, nto, maybe_empty@#);
+ if (unknown origin) or (unknown index):
+ vmatch_path (nto, nfrom, maybe_empty@#);
+ fi
+ fi
+ if (known origin) and (known index):
+ vbuild_cut_arc (origin, index)
+ else:
+ unknown_path
+ fi
+vardef maybe_empty@# =
+ save _prefix;
+ _prefix=137;
+ if known _prefix@#:
+ whatever
+ else:
+ @#
+ fi
+vardef vmatch_path (expr nfrom, nto, t) =
+ save i;
+ for i = varcs (nfrom):
+ if (vlist[nfrom]arc[i] = nto) and (known vlist[nfrom]arc[i]sty):
+ if unknown t:
+ origin := nfrom;
+ index := i;
+ else:
+ if known vlist[nfrom]arc[i]tag:
+ if vlist[nfrom]arc[i]tag = t:
+ origin := nfrom;
+ index := i;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor
+vardef vcyclen (expr sty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ for $ = 1 upto n - 1:
+ vconnect (sty, v[$], v[$+1]);
+ endfor
+ vconnect (sty, v[n], v[1]);
+vardef vrcyclen (expr sty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vconnect (sty, v[1], v[n]);
+ for $ = n downto 2:
+ vconnect (sty, v[$], v[$-1]);
+ endfor
+vardef vforce (expr z) (suffix v) =
+ venter v;
+ vlist[vlookup v]loc := z;
+vardef vshift (expr z) (text vl) =
+ forsuffixes $=vl:
+ if vexists $:
+ vlist[vlookup $]loc := vlist[vlookup $]loc + z;
+ fi
+ endfor
+vardef vconstraint (expr z) (text vl) =
+ save nfrom, nto;
+ numeric nfrom, nto;
+ forsuffixes to = vl:
+ venter to;
+ nto := vlookup to;
+ if known nfrom:
+ vlist[nfrom]constr.last := vlist[nfrom]constr.last + 1;
+ vlist[nto]constr.last := vlist[nto]constr.last + 1;
+ vlist[nfrom]constr[vlist[nfrom]constr.last] := nto;
+ vlist[nto]constr[vlist[nto]constr.last] := nfrom;
+ vlist[nto]loc = vlist[nfrom]loc + z;
+ fi
+ nfrom := nto;
+ endfor
+vardef vpolygon (expr psty) (suffix v) (text vl) =
+ save nopt, csty, nfrom, nfrom_, nto, i, n, j;
+ numeric nopt, nfrom, nfrom_, nto, i, n, j;
+ string csty;
+ n := count (vl) + 1;
+ plist.last := plist.last + 1;
+ plist[plist.last]cnt := n;
+ plist[plist.last]lbl := "";
+ plist[plist.last]lbl.ang := whatever;
+ plist[plist.last]lbl.dist := 0;
+ csty := "phantom";
+ getopt (opt, psty);
+ for nopt = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ if match_option (opt[nopt], "filled"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, plist[plist.last]sty);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "tension"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ csty := csty & ",tension=" & opt[nopt]arg;
+ else:
+ message "feynmf: option `tension' needs an argument. Ignored.";
+ fi
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, plist[plist.last]lbl);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.angle"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ plist[plist.last]lbl.ang);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.dist"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ plist[plist.last]lbl.dist);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "pull"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg),
+ plist[plist.last]pull);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "cona"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, plist[plist.last]cona);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "conb"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, plist[plist.last]conb);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "smooth"):
+ plist[plist.last]cona := "..";
+ plist[plist.last]conb := "..";
+ ignore_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "foreground")
+ or match_option (opt[nopt], "background"):
+ message "feynmf: color available with MetaPost only!";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "phantom"):
+ plist[plist.last]sty := "phantom";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "empty"):
+ plist[plist.last]sty := "empty";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "full"):
+ plist[plist.last]sty := "full";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "hatched"):
+ plist[plist.last]sty := "hatched";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "shaded"):
+ plist[plist.last]sty := "shaded";
+ else:
+ ignore_option (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ fi
+ endfor
+ canonicalize_filling plist[plist.last]sty;
+ vconnect (csty, v, vl, v);
+ i := 1;
+ forsuffixes to = v, vl, v:
+ nto := vlookup to;
+ if known nfrom:
+ if known nfrom_:
+ vlist[nto]loc = vlist[nfrom]loc
+ + (vlist[nfrom]loc - vlist[nfrom_]loc) rotated (360/n);
+ fi
+ vlist[nto]poly.last := vlist[nto]poly.last + 1;
+ vlist[nto]poly[vlist[nto]poly.last] := plist.last;
+ vlist[nto]poly[vlist[nto]poly.last]idx := i;
+ plist[plist.last]vtx[i] := nto;
+ i := i + 1;
+ nfrom_ := nfrom;
+ fi
+ nfrom := nto;
+ endfor
+vardef canonicalize_filling suffix f =
+ if known f:
+ if is_a_number (f):
+ if scantokens f <= 1:
+ f :=
+ if scantokens f = 1:
+ "full"
+ elseif scantokens f > 0:
+ "shaded"
+ elseif scantokens f = 0:
+ "empty"
+ else:
+ "hatched"
+ fi;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+vardef vpolygonn (expr sty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vpolygon (sty, v[1], for $=2 upto n-1: v[$], endfor v[n]);
+vardef vrpolygonn (expr sty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vpolygon (sty, v[n], for $=n-1 downto 2: v[$], endfor v[1]);
+vardef vlabel (expr s) (suffix v) =
+ venter v;
+ vlist[vlookup v]lbl := s;
+vardef vvertex (expr vtxsty) (text vl) =
+ save nopt, sty, arg;
+ numeric nopt, arg;
+ string sty;
+ getopt (opt, vtxsty);
+ forsuffixes v = vl:
+ venter v;
+ n := vlookup v;
+ for nopt = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ handle_vertex_option (vlist[n], opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ endfor
+ endfor
+vardef handle_vertex_option (suffix v) (expr opt, arg) =
+ if match_option (opt, "label"):
+ get_argument (opt, arg, v.lbl);
+ elseif match_option (opt, "label.angle"):
+ get_argument (opt, scantokens (arg), v.lbl.ang);
+ elseif match_option (opt, "label.dist"):
+ get_argument (opt, scantokens (arg), v.lbl.dist);
+ elseif match_option (opt, "decoration.shape"):
+ if known arg:
+ make_decor_shape (v.decor.shape, arg);
+ else:
+ message "feynmf: option `decor.shape' needs an argument. Ignored.";
+ fi
+ elseif match_option (opt, "decoration.filled"):
+ get_argument (opt, arg, v.decor.sty);
+ canonicalize_filling v.decor.sty;
+ elseif match_option (opt, "decoration.size"):
+ get_argument (opt, scantokens (arg), v.decor.size);
+ elseif match_option (opt, "decoration.angle"):
+ get_argument (opt, scantokens (arg), v.decor.ang);
+ elseif match_option (opt, "foreground")
+ or match_option (opt, "background"):
+ message "feynmf: color available with MetaPost only!";
+ else:
+ ignore_option (opt, arg);
+ fi
+vardef make_decor_shape (suffix p) (expr n) =
+ if match_prefix (n, "circle"): p := fullcircle;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "square"):
+ p := unitsquare shifted -(.5,.5);
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "cross"): p := polycross 4;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "triangle"): p := polygon 3;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "triagon"): p := polygon 3;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "diamond"): p := polygon 4;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "tetragon"): p := polygon 4;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "pentagon"): p := polygon 5;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "hexagon"): p := polygon 6;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "triagram"): p := polygram 3;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "tetragram"): p := polygram 4;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "pentagram"): p := polygram 5;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "hexagram"): p := polygram 6;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "triacross"): p := polycross 3;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "tetracross"): p := polycross 4;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "pentacross"): p := polycross 5;
+ elseif match_prefix (n, "hexacross"): p := polycross 6;
+ else:
+ if feynmfwizard:
+ p := scantokens(n);
+ else:
+ message "feynmf: invalid argument `" & n
+ & "' to option `decor.shape'. Ignored.";
+ fi
+ fi
+vardef is_a_number expr s =
+ save n;
+ if known s:
+ (true
+ for n = 1 upto length s:
+ and ((substring (n-1,n) of s = ".")
+ or (substring (n-1,n) of s = "-")
+ or isdigit substring (n-1,n) of s)
+ endfor)
+ else:
+ false
+ fi
+vardef vvertexn (expr vtxsty) (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vvertex (vtxsty, vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vblob (expr bd) (text vl)=
+ forsuffixes $=vl:
+ if not vexists $: venter $; fi
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.shape := fullcircle;
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.size := bd;
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.sty := "shaded";
+ endfor
+vardef vdot (text vl)=
+ forsuffixes $=vl:
+ if not vexists $: venter $; fi
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.shape := fullcircle;
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.size := dot_size;
+ vlist[vlookup $]decor.sty := "full";
+ endfor
+vardef vdotn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vdot (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vblobn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vblob (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef curved_left_gallery = .9[se,sw] .. .5[sw,nw] .. .1[nw,ne] enddef;
+vardef curved_right_gallery = .9[sw,se] .. .5[se,ne] .. .1[ne,nw] enddef;
+vardef curved_bottom_gallery = .9[nw,sw] .. .5[sw,se] .. .1[se,ne] enddef;
+vardef curved_top_gallery = .9[sw,nw] .. .5[nw,ne] .. .1[ne,se] enddef;
+vardef curved_surround_gallery =
+ superellipse (.5[se,ne], .5[ne,nw], .5[nw,sw], .5[sw,se], .75)
+vardef straight_left_gallery = sw -- nw enddef;
+vardef straight_right_gallery = se -- ne enddef;
+vardef straight_bottom_gallery = sw -- se enddef;
+vardef straight_top_gallery = nw -- ne enddef;
+vardef straight_surround_gallery =
+ .5[se,ne] -- ne -- .5[ne,nw] -- nw
+ -- .5[nw,sw] -- sw -- .5[sw,se] -- se -- cycle
+vardef curved_galleries =
+ vardef left_gallery = curved_left_gallery enddef;
+ vardef right_gallery = curved_right_gallery enddef;
+ vardef bottom_gallery = curved_bottom_gallery enddef;
+ vardef top_gallery = curved_top_gallery enddef;
+ vardef surround_gallery = curved_surround_gallery enddef;
+vardef straight_galleries =
+ vardef left_gallery = straight_left_gallery enddef;
+ vardef right_gallery = straight_right_gallery enddef;
+ vardef bottom_gallery = straight_bottom_gallery enddef;
+ vardef top_gallery = straight_top_gallery enddef;
+ vardef surround_gallery = straight_surround_gallery enddef;
+vardef vleft (text vl) = vdistribute (left_gallery, vl) enddef;
+vardef vright (text vl) = vdistribute (right_gallery, vl) enddef;
+vardef vbottom (text vl) = vdistribute (bottom_gallery, vl) enddef;
+vardef vtop (text vl) = vdistribute (top_gallery, vl) enddef;
+vardef vsurround (text vl) = vdistribute (surround_gallery, vl) enddef;
+vardef vdistribute (expr p) (text vl) =
+ save numv, len, off;
+ numeric numv, len, off;
+ numv = count (vl);
+ if cycle p: numv := numv + 1; fi
+ len := length (p);
+ if numv = 1:
+ vforce (point len/2 of p, vl);
+ else:
+ off := 0;
+ forsuffixes $ = vl:
+ vforce (point off of p, $);
+ off := off + len/(numv-1);
+ endfor
+ fi
+def vmklist (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ for $ = 1 upto n-1: v[$], endfor v[n]
+vardef vleftn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vleft (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vrightn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vright (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vbottomn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vbottom (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vtopn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vtop (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vsurroundn (suffix v) (expr n) =
+ vsurround (vmklist (v, n));
+vardef vfreeze =
+ for i = vertices:
+ if unknown vlist[i]loc:
+ origin = origin
+ for j = varcs (i):
+ + vlist[i]arc[j]tns * (vlist[i]loc - vlist[vlist[i]arc[j]]loc)
+ endfor
+ for j = vconstr (i):
+ if i < vlist[i]constr[j]:
+ + lambda (i, vlist[i]constr[j])
+ elseif i > vlist[i]constr[j]:
+ - lambda (vlist[i]constr[j], i)
+ fi
+ endfor
+ for j = vpoly (i):
+ + lambdapoly (vlist[i]poly[j], plist[vlist[i]poly[j]]cnt,
+ vlist[i]poly[j]idx)
+ endfor;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ if vtracing: vdump; fi
+vardef lambda (expr i, j) =
+ (if known (xpart(vlist[i]loc - vlist[j]loc)):
+ lambdax[i][j]
+ else:
+ 0
+ fi,
+ if known (ypart(vlist[i]loc - vlist[j]loc)):
+ lambday[i][j]
+ else:
+ 0
+ fi)
+vardef lambdapoly (expr p, n, i) =
+ origin
+ if i = 1:
+ + lambdap[p][2] rotated (-360/n)
+ elseif i = 2:
+ - lambdap[p][1]
+ fi
+ if i = n - 1:
+ - lambdap[p][n] rotated (-360/n)
+ elseif i = n:
+ + lambdap[p][n-1]
+ fi
+ if (i > 1) and (i < n):
+ + lambdap[p][i-1] + lambdap[p][i+1] rotated (-360/n)
+ - lambdap[p][i] - lambdap[p][i] rotated (-360/n)
+ fi
+vardef idraw (expr linesty, p) =
+ save nopt, sty, lbl, wd, rub;
+ numeric nopt, lbl.dist, wd, rub;
+ string sty, lbl, lbl.side;
+ getopt (opt, linesty);
+ sty := opt[opt.first];
+ if known opt[opt.first]arg:
+ message "feynmf: line styles don't take arguments. "
+ & "Argument `" & opt[opt.first]arg & "' ignored.";
+ fi
+ opt.first := opt.first + 1;
+ lbl := "";
+ lbl.side := "";
+ lbl.dist := 3thick;
+ for nopt = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ if match_option (opt[nopt], "label"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, lbl);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.side"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg, lbl.side);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "label.dist"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg), lbl.dist);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "width"):
+ get_argument (opt[nopt], scantokens (opt[nopt]arg), wd);
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "foreground")
+ or match_option (opt[nopt], "background"):
+ message "feynmf: color available with MetaPost only!";
+ elseif match_option (opt[nopt], "rubout"):
+ if known opt[nopt]arg:
+ rub := scantokens (opt[nopt]arg);
+ else:
+ rub := 2;
+ fi
+ else:
+ ignore_option (opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ fi
+ endfor
+ handle_line_style (sty, sty);
+ begingroup
+ vdraw_arc_rubout (rub, sty, wd, p, lbl);
+ endgroup;
+vardef ivertex (expr vtxsty, pos) =
+ save nopt, v;
+ numeric nopt, v.lbl.ang, v.lbl.dist,
+ v.decor.size, v.decor.ang;
+ pair v.loc;
+ string v.lbl, v.decor.sty;
+ path v.decor.shape;
+ v.loc := pos;
+ v.lbl := "";
+ v.lbl.ang := whatever;
+ v.lbl.dist := 3thick;
+ v.decor.size := decor_size;
+ getopt (opt, vtxsty);
+ for nopt = opt.first upto opt.last:
+ handle_vertex_option (v, opt[nopt], opt[nopt]arg);
+ endfor
+ vdraw_label (v.loc, v.lbl);
+ vdraw_vertex v;
+vardef vdraw =
+ if not feynmfwizard:
+ vcheck_typos;
+ fi
+ for i = vertices:
+ if not known vlist[i]loc:
+ errhelp "Your graph specification was not complete (probably a "
+ & "lone vertex). Check logic and reprocess!";
+ errmessage "feynmf: vertex `" & vlist[i]name & "' not determined, "
+ & "replaced by `(0,0)'.";
+ vlist[i]loc := origin;
+ fi
+ if unknown vlist[i]decor.size:
+ vlist[i]decor.size = decor_size;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ for i = vertices:
+ for j = varcs (i):
+ if known vlist[i]arc[j]sty:
+ if vlist[i]arc[j]sty <> "":
+ if unknown vlist[i]arc[j]rub:
+ begingroup
+ vdraw_arc (vlist[i]arc[j]sty, vlist[i]arc[j]wd,
+ vbuild_cut_arc (i, j), vlist[i]arc[j]lbl);
+ vlist[i]arc[j]sty := "";
+ endgroup;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor;
+ endfor
+ for i = polygons:
+ vdraw_label (pcenter plist[i], plist[i]lbl);
+ vdraw_polygon plist[i];
+ endfor
+ for i = vertices:
+ vdraw_label (vlist[i]loc, vlist[i]lbl);
+ vdraw_vertex vlist[i];
+ endfor
+ for i = vertices:
+ for j = varcs (i):
+ if known vlist[i]arc[j]sty:
+ if vlist[i]arc[j]sty <> "":
+ if known vlist[i]arc[j]rub:
+ begingroup
+ vdraw_arc_rubout (vlist[i]arc[j]rub,
+ vlist[i]arc[j]sty,
+ vlist[i]arc[j]wd,
+ vbuild_cut_arc (i, j),
+ vlist[i]arc[j]lbl);
+ vlist[i]arc[j]sty := "";
+ endgroup;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor;
+ endfor
+vardef vcheck_typos =
+ save j, err;
+ boolean wrn;
+ wrn := false;
+ for i = vertices:
+ save connections;
+ connections = vlist[i]arc.last - vlist[i]arc.first + 1;
+ if connections < 1:
+ if unknown vlist[i]loc:
+ message "feynmf: warning: disconnected and unspecified vertex `"
+ & substring (2,infinity) of vlist[i]name
+ & "'.";
+ wrn := true;
+ fi
+ elseif connections = 1:
+ j := vlist[i]arc[vlist[i]arc.last];
+ if j < i:
+ if vlist[i]loc = vlist[j]loc:
+ message "feynmf: warning: dangling vertex `"
+ & substring (2,infinity) of vlist[i]name
+ & "' colliding with `"
+ & substring (2,infinity) of vlist[j]name
+ & "'.";
+ wrn := true;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ endfor
+ if wrn:
+ message "feynmf: Have you seen the warning messages above?";
+ message " They are usually caused by misspelling a vertex'";
+ message " name and can trigger errors further below!";
+ message " Fix the typos and run LaTeX and Metafont again.";
+ fi
+vardef vbuild_arc (expr lsr, from, to) =
+ if unknown lsr:
+ from -- to
+ else:
+ if lsr = 0:
+ from -- to
+ else:
+ from
+ .. (1-lsr)/2 *(to rotatedabout (.5[from,to], 90))
+ + (1+lsr)/2 * (to rotatedabout (.5[from,to], -90))
+ .. to
+ fi
+ fi
+vardef vbuild_cut_arc (expr origin, index) =
+ cut_decors (vlist[origin],
+ if vlist[origin]arc[index] <> origin:
+ vbuild_arc (vlist[origin]arc[index]lsr,
+ vlist[origin]loc,
+ vlist[vlist[origin]arc[index]]loc)
+ else:
+ vbuild_tadpole (origin, index)
+ fi,
+ vlist[vlist[origin]arc[index]])
+vardef vbuild_tadpole (expr origin, index) =
+ save j, n, nn, nnn, aidx, aang, agap, bgap, ngap, distsum;
+ n := 0;
+ distsum := 0;
+ for j = varcs (origin):
+ if vlist[origin]arc[j] <> origin:
+ ang := angle direction 0 of
+ vbuild_arc (vlist[origin]arc[j]lsr,
+ vlist[origin]loc,
+ vlist[vlist[origin]arc[j]]loc);
+ n := n + 1;
+ distsum := distsum
+ + abs (vlist[vlist[origin]arc[j]]loc - vlist[origin]loc);
+ aang[n] := 360;
+ for nn = 1 upto n:
+ if ang < aang[nn]:
+ for nnn = n - 1 downto nn:
+ aang[nnn+1] := aang[nnn];
+ aidx[nnn+1] := aidx[nnn];
+ endfor
+ aang[nn] := ang;
+ aidx[nn] := n;
+ fi
+ exitif known aidx[n];
+ endfor
+ fi
+ endfor
+ aidx[n+1] := aidx[1];
+ aang[n+1] := aang[1] + 360;
+ for nn = 1 upto n:
+ agap[nn] = aang[nn+1] - aang[nn];
+ endfor
+ if known vlist[origin]arc[index]lsr:
+ ngap := n;
+ for nn = 1 upto n:
+ if (aang[nn] < vlist[origin]arc[index]lsr)
+ and (vlist[origin]arc[index]lsr < aang[nn+1]):
+ ngap := nn;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ else:
+ bgap := 0;
+ for nn = 1 upto n:
+ if agap[nn] > bgap:
+ bgap := agap[nn];
+ ngap := nn;
+ fi
+ endfor
+ fi
+ if vtracing: adump (n + 1); fi
+ vlist[origin]loc{dir(aang[ngap]+agap[ngap]/4)}
+ ... vlist[origin]loc + 2/3 * distsum/n
+ / vlist[origin]arc[index]tns
+ * dir(aang[ngap]+agap[ngap]/2)
+ ... {-dir(aang[ngap+1]-agap[ngap]/4)}vlist[origin]loc
+vardef adump expr n =
+ save i;
+ for i = 1 upto n:
+ message "aidx[" & decimal_ (i) & "]=" & decimal_ (aidx[i])
+ & ", aang[" & decimal_ (i) & "]=" & decimal_ (aang[i])
+ & ", agap[" & decimal_ (i) & "]=" & decimal_ (agap[i]);
+ endfor
+vardef vdraw_arc (expr sty, wd, arc) (suffix lbl) =
+ if known wd:
+ save currentpen;
+ pen currentpen;
+ pickup pencircle scaled wd;
+ fi
+ scantokens ("draw_" & sty) (arc);
+ vdraw_arc_label (arc, lbl);
+let plain_draw = draw;
+vardef vdraw_arc_rubout (expr rub, sty, wd, arc) (suffix lbl) =
+ if known rub:
+ begingroup
+ def draw expr p =
+ save oldpen; pen oldpen;
+ oldpen := currentpen;
+ save currentpen; pen currentpen;
+ pickup oldpen scaled rub;
+ erase plain_draw (subpath (.1,.9)*length(p) of p)
+ enddef;
+ vdraw_arc (sty, wd, arc, lbl);
+ let draw = plain_draw;
+ endgroup;
+ fi
+ vdraw_arc (sty, wd, arc, lbl);
+vardef vbuild_polygon suffix p =
+ if known p.pull:
+ save c; pair c;
+ c := pcenter p;
+ for i = 1 upto (p.cnt - 1):
+ vbuild_polygon_section (p, i, i+1)
+ endfor
+ vbuild_polygon_section (p, p.cnt, 1)
+ else:
+ for i = 1 upto p.cnt:
+ vlist[p.vtx[i]]loc
+ if known p.cona: scantokens (p.cona) else: -- fi
+ endfor
+ fi
+ cycle
+def vbuild_polygon_section (suffix p) (expr from, to) =
+ vlist[p.vtx[from]]loc
+ if known p.cona: scantokens (p.cona) else: -- fi
+ p.pull[c,.5[vlist[p.vtx[from]]loc,vlist[p.vtx[to]]loc]]
+ if known p.conb: scantokens (p.conb) else: -- fi
+vardef pcenter suffix p =
+ (origin for i = 1 upto p.cnt:
+ + vlist[p.vtx[i]]loc
+ endfor) / p.cnt
+vardef vdraw_arc_label (expr arc) (suffix lbl) =
+ if lbl <> "":
+ save _a, _z, _zz, _r;
+ numeric _a;
+ pair _z, _zz, _r;
+ _z := point .5 length (arc) of arc;
+ if lbl.dist = 0:
+ LaTeX_text (_z, whatever, lbl);
+ else:
+ _r := direction .5 length (arc) of arc rotated - 90;
+ if lbl.side = "left":
+ _a := angle (-_r);
+ elseif lbl.side = "right":
+ _a := angle (_r);
+ else:
+ _zz = _z - .5[point 0 of arc, point infinity of arc];
+ if ((_zz if length (_zz) > 0: / length (_zz) fi)
+ dotprod _r) >= 0:
+ _a := angle (_r);
+ else:
+ _a := angle (-_r);
+ fi
+ fi
+ LaTeX_text (_z + lbl.dist * dir _a, _a, lbl);
+ fi
+ fi
+vardef vdraw_label (expr loc) (suffix lbl) =
+ if lbl <> "":
+ save a;
+ numeric a;
+ if lbl.dist = 0:
+ LaTeX_text (loc, whatever, lbl);
+ else:
+ if unknown lbl.ang:
+ if loc = (.5w,.5h):
+ a := 0;
+ else:
+ a := angle (loc - (.5w,.5h));
+ fi
+ else:
+ a := lbl.ang;
+ fi
+ LaTeX_text (loc + lbl.dist * dir a, a, lbl);
+ fi
+ fi
+vardef vdraw_vertex suffix v =
+ if known v.decor.shape:
+ if known v.decor.sty:
+ if v.decor.sty = "empty":
+ emptydraw (
+ elseif v.decor.sty = "full":
+ cfilldraw (
+ elseif is_a_number v.decor.sty:
+ drawhalftone (1 - scantokens v.decor.sty / 100,
+ else:
+ drawtile (scantokens v.decor.sty,
+ fi
+ else:
+ cfilldraw (
+ fi
+ v.decor.shape
+ if known v.decor.ang: rotated v.decor.ang fi
+ scaled v.decor.size shifted v.loc);
+ fi
+vardef polygon expr n =
+ if n > 2:
+ for i = 1 upto n:
+ (.5up rotated (360i/n)) --
+ endfor
+ cycle
+ else:
+ fullcircle
+ fi
+vardef polygram expr n =
+ if n > 2:
+ for i = 1 upto n:
+ (.5up rotated (360i/n)) --
+ (.2up rotated (360(i+.5)/n)) --
+ endfor
+ cycle
+ else:
+ fullcircle
+ fi
+vardef polycross expr n =
+ save i;
+ for i = 1 upto n:
+ origin -- .5 dir (360(i-.5)/n) --
+ endfor
+ cycle
+vardef vdraw_polygon suffix p =
+ if known p.sty:
+ if p.sty = "phantom":
+ elseif p.sty = "empty":
+ emptydraw (vbuild_polygon p);
+ elseif p.sty = "full":
+ cfilldraw (vbuild_polygon p);
+ elseif is_a_number p.sty:
+ drawhalftone (1 - scantokens p.sty / 100, vbuild_polygon p);
+ else:
+ drawtile (scantokens p.sty, vbuild_polygon p);
+ fi
+ else:
+ cdraw (vbuild_polygon p);
+ fi
+vardef LaTeX expr text =
+ message (":" & decimal charcode & ":" & text & "%")
+vardef LaTeX_text (expr z, a, txt) =
+ LaTeX "\fmfL(" & (decimal (xpart z/LaTeX_unitlength)) & ","
+ & (decimal (ypart z/LaTeX_unitlength)) & ","
+ & (voctant a) & "){" & txt & "}";
+vardef voctant expr a =
+ if known a:
+ voctant_list[floor (a/45 + .5)]
+ else:
+ "c"
+ fi
+string voctant_list[];
+voctant_list[-4] := "r";
+voctant_list[-3] := "rt";
+voctant_list[-2] := "t";
+voctant_list[-1] := "lt";
+voctant_list[0] := "l";
+voctant_list[1] := "lb";
+voctant_list[2] := "b";
+voctant_list[3] := "rb";
+voctant_list[4] := "r";
+vardef vdump =
+ message ">>>>> Vertices and arcs for diagram #" & decimal charcode
+ & " of " & jobname & ".mf:";
+ for i = vertices:
+ message "> " & vlist[i]name & "=" & decimal_pair (vlist[i]loc)
+ & ": #lines="
+ & decimal (vlist[i]arc.last - vlist[i]arc.first + 1)
+ if vlist[i]lbl <> "":
+ & ", lbl=" & vlist[i]lbl
+ & ", l.angle=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]lbl.ang)
+ & ", l.dist=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]lbl.dist)
+ fi
+ & ".";
+ endfor
+ for i = vertices:
+ for j = varcs (i):
+ if known vlist[i]arc[j]sty:
+ message "> " & vlist[i]name & "*" & vlist[vlist[i]arc[j]]name
+ & ": " & vlist[i]arc[j]sty
+ & ", tns=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]arc[j]tns)
+ & ", lsr=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]arc[j]lsr)
+ & ", wd=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]arc[j]wd)
+ & ", rub=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]arc[j]rub)
+ if vlist[i]arc[j]lbl <> "":
+ & ", lbl=" & vlist[i]arc[j]lbl
+ & ", l.side=" & vlist[i]arc[j]lbl.side
+ & ", l.dist=" & decimal_ (vlist[i]arc[j]lbl.dist)
+ fi
+ & ".";
+ fi
+ endfor
+ for j = vconstr (i):
+ if i < vlist[i]constr[j]:
+ save z;
+ pair z;
+ z = vlist[vlist[i]constr[j]]loc - vlist[i]loc;
+ message "> " & vlist[i]name & "&"
+ & vlist[vlist[i]constr[j]]name
+ & ": " & decimal_pair (z);
+ fi
+ endfor;
+ endfor
+vardef decimal_ (text n) =
+ if known n: decimal n else: "?" fi
+vardef decimal_pair (text z) =
+ "(" & decimal_ (xpart z) & "," & decimal_ (ypart z) & ")"
+def show_diagram_ expr frame =
+ if (screen_cols < w + 2 xpart frame) or (screen_rows < h + 2 ypart frame):
+ screen_cols := w + 2 xpart frame;
+ screen_rows := h + 2 ypart frame;
+ openwindow currentwindow
+ from origin to (screen_rows, screen_cols)
+ at (- xpart frame, h + ypart frame);
+ fi
+ showit_;
+ if showstopping > 0:
+ stop "This is diagram #" & decimal charcode
+ & ". Hit return to continue...";
+ fi
+def show_diagram =
+ def show_diagram =
+ display blankpicture inwindow currentwindow;
+ show_diagram_
+ enddef;
+ show_diagram_
+def show_all_diagrams expr frame =
+ def showit = show_diagram frame enddef;
+ displaying:=1;
+%% End of file `'.